History calendar presentation. GCD "Calendars are different" using the technology "River of Time

History of the development of the calendar The main purpose of the work is to highlight the history of the origin of the calendar and its development to the present day. The peoples who lived on the territory of Western Europe left behind giant structures of stone blocks standing in a circle - cromlechs. The most famous cromlech, Stonehenge in southwest England, is 4,000 years old. In this observatory, the movement of the Sun, Moon and planets was observed. Next Primitive people counted the days on a bone plate. The marks on this bone record the movement of the Moon across the sky. Lines connecting various stone blocks indicate the most important points of sunrise and sunset of the Sun and Moon. The main circle of stones, some of which are still preserved, had 29 large gates and a small arch, i.e. 29 and a half entrances. This corresponded to 29 and a half days of the synodic month from one full moon to another. Every day a stone was placed on one portal further .For one month, he goes around the entire structure. The pits represented the lunar calendar. Every day the stone was transferred to the next hole. The ancient inhabitants of Mesopotamia already knew how to distinguish individual constellations located along the visible annual path of the Sun among the stars. Later they became known as the zodiac belt. Babylonian astronomers divided the day into 24 hours and dedicated each of them to one of the seven planets known to them, including the Sun. They started counting hours from Saturday, the first hour of which is “ruled” by Saturn, the second by Jupiter, etc. round. It turned out that the first hour of Sunday was “ruled” by the Sun, the first hour of Monday by the Moon ... According to the luminary of the first hour of each day, the days of the week, preserved in many languages, got their names. Further, the High Priest, commander, writer Gaius Julius Caesar, before starting a calendar reform, visited Egypt, where he got acquainted with the Egyptian solar calendar. In honor of this great Roman, the month of July was named. And the calendar itself, transformed at the behest of Caesar by Sosigen, is called Julian. Pope Gregory XIII went down in history as a reformer of the calendar. On the occasion of the introduction of the Gregorian calendar, a commemorative medal with the profile of Gregory XIII was minted in Rome. The Latin signature below it read: "The best high priest." On the reverse side is the sign of the constellation Aries. From heavenly bodies, the Sumerians believed, not only the change of seasons, but also the fate of a person depends. With such plows, the ancient Sumerians plowed the land. And the time of the start of work was “indicated” by the calendar, which was compiled by the priests. In Babylon, astronomers observed the movement of the luminaries from the upper platforms of the ziggurats of the stepped 5 or 7-story pyramids. This engraving depicts the construction of the Tower of Babel described in the Bible, the prototype of which was one of the ziggurats. This iconic stone is the Babylonian calendar. It marks all the full moons for 104 BC. The ancient Chinese believed that five elements dominate the Universe - Fire, Water, Metal, Wood and Earth, which constantly interact: water extinguishes fire, fire melts metal, metal cuts wood, wood grows in the earth, earth gives birth to water. Representations of the five elements easily form the basis of the 60-year calendar. The Maya followed the movement of heavenly bodies from structures similar to the towers of modern observatories. And their observations they stated in manuscripts. This page from a miraculously surviving manuscript describes the motion of Venus. The Maya created special calendar systems. They were so complex that only dedicated astronomer priests could figure them out. Calendar This relief depicts Pharaoh Akhenaten with his wife Nefertiti and three daughters. Akhenaten introduced the cult of the god of the solar disk Aton, so the Sun with outstretched arms - rays - the symbol of Aten, shines above the royal couple. The priests divided the year into 12 months of 30 days, and each month - into three weeks of 10 days, or rather, two five days each. Thus, the solar calendar appeared in Egypt. Egyptian priests determined the dates of religious holidays and according to the lunar calendar. The gods crowned with red discs are symbols of the days of the week, large circles are the months of the year. The Hellenes revered the physical perfection of man so much that even the reckoning began from the first Olympic Games. This bas-relief depicts the god Dionysus, the patron of viticulture among the ancient Hellenes, and the seasons following him - Spring, Summer, Autumn - in the form of young girls (at first, the Greeks singled out only three seasons). Their duty was to open the doors to the sun god when he rode out in his chariot. Roman parapegma. At the very top are depicted seven gods, patrons of the days of the week, and the day of the week is marked with a wand under them. The stick on the right indicates the number, and on the left - one of the months enclosed in the circle of the zodiac. By the end of the 8th century BC. some Roman months already have names. The first month of the year was named Martius, after Mars, the god of war. The second is Aprilus. This word comes from the verb aperire - to open, because it was then that the buds on the trees pecked. The third month Maius was dedicated to the goddess of fertility Maya, and the fourth Junius was dedicated to the wife of Jupiter, the goddess Juno. All other months had only serial numbers: quintilis, sextilis, octavus, novem, desimus. When painting the Vladimir Cathedral in Kyiv, V. M. Vasnetsov dedicated one of the frescoes to the baptism of Russia by Prince Vladimir. Along with Christianity, the Julian calendar also came to Ancient Russia from Byzantium. For many centuries, our ancestors traditionally celebrated the New Year not on January 1, as was established in the Julian calendar, but on March 1. But when the 7000th year “from the Creation of the world” began in Russia, the beginning was officially postponed to September 1. So it was celebrated for more than two centuries. On December 19, 7208, "from the Creation of the world", Tsar Peter I signed a decree that ordered the Russians to consider the next, 7209th year, the year 1700 from the birth of Christ, and celebrate the New Year on January 1. However, having postponed the New Year holiday and started a new countdown, Russia still lived according to the Julian calendar, diverging more and more in dating events from countries that already lived according to the Gregorian calendar. This continued until 1918.

  • What is a "calendar" and its necessity, tasks and basis?
  • Calendar systems
  • Sumerian calendar
  • Babylonian calendar
  • Ancient Persian calendar
  • ancient roman calendar
  • Used sources

New Year's Eve

he came to the house Such a ruddy fat man, But every day he lost weight, And, finally, completely disappeared.


What is a "calendar"?

Calendar - this is a printed edition in the form of a table(sheet calendar) or books, which contains list of numbers, days of the week, months(less than years). Holidays and astronomical information (lunar phase, eclipses, etc.) are also indicated.

Meaning of the word

Word " calendar"had in its history different meanings

Then came the word calendarium.

So called debt book, in which creditors recorded the interest paid on debts on the first day of each month.

From lat. calendae, is the name the first day of every month in ancient Rome .

Printed edition in the form of a table


List of months

List of days of the week

List of numbers

Need for a calendar

The need for calendars arose in such extreme antiquity, when people could not yet read and write. .

Need for a calendar

The calendars determined the onset of spring, summer, autumn and winter, the periods of flowering plants, fruit ripening, the collection of medicinal herbs, changes in the behavior and life of animals, weather changes, the time of agricultural work, and much more.

Calendar tasks

Measurement of time intervals

Fixing dates

Calendar basis

Change of lunar phases and the change of seasons



Calendar systems

Different peoples at different times created and used three types of calendars:


They tried to harmonize the length of the year with the frequency of processes occurring in nature.


Wanted to coordinate the calendar month with the phases of the moon

lunisolar Wanted to agree on both

Sumerian calendar

One of the first creators of calendars were inhabitants of ancient Sumer . They enjoyed lunar calendar, based on the observation of the movement of the moon. In the ancient Sumerian year there were 354 days, and it consisted of 12 months of 29 and 30 days.

Babylonian calendar

Later, when the Babylonian priest-astronomers determined that a year consists of 365.6 days , the old calendar was reworked, it became lunisolar.

Ancient Persian calendar

ancient farmers had their own calendar and knew: there is a day in the year the day of the longest night and the shortest day , which is called winter solstice day . On this day, the ancient farmers celebrated the birth of the sun god Mitra.

ancient roman calendar

In the Roman Empire the months were of different lengths, but New Year invariably belonged to 1st of January - date of change of consuls. December 25 - celebrations winter solstice was a convenient time for New Year's festivities.

  • Julius Caesar introduced the Julian calendar in 46 BC. . This calendar was based on the annual movement of the Sun in the 12 zodiac constellations . According to the imperial reform The year starts on January 1st. The first month of the year was named after the god Janus. The average length of the year in the interval of four years was equal to 365.25 days.

  • In Ancient Greece early summer had the longest day of the year 22nd of June.
  • BUT chronology the Greeks led from the famous Olympic Games.

  • Gregory XIII introduced the Gregorian calendar in 1582. (new style). The need for changes was determined by the fact that the Julian calendar lagged behind the natural one.
  • The date of the vernal equinox is March 21 , from the calendar leap years removed falling on the last years of centuries: 1600, 1700, 1800, etc.

  • Acted in Russia Julian calendar. Until the decree of Peter I (1700), Russians led their calendar "from the creation of the world", which took place 5506 BC.
  • Beginning of the New Year celebrated where in September, after harvesting, and where - in March, on the day of the spring solstice.

  • brought our reckoning in line with the European and commanded celebrate the New Year in winter - January 1.

  • Until October 1917, Russia lived according to the Julian calendar, "lagging behind" European countries by 13 days.
  • On February 1, 1918, a decree was issued , who declared this day the 14th. This year was the shortest, consisting of 352 days

  • In a number Muslim countries are still using lunar calendar , in which the beginning of the calendar months corresponds to the moments of the new moons.
  • In a number of countries Southeast Asia, Iran, Israel, there are varieties of the lunisolar calendar , in which the change in the phases of the moon is consistent with the beginning of the astronomical year. The lunisolar calendar is used by Jews professing Judaism, to calculate the timing of religious holidays.

Riddles about time, about the calendar

There is an oak, there are twelve nests on the oak,

And in each nest there are four tits.

Where is all this stored?

Without legs, but running -

Doesn't end

Never back

Not returned.


( Calendar)

The bar fell in all Russia,

On that beam

twelve trees,

Each has four branches.

The fat man is losing weight every day

And it won't get better.

(Year, months, weeks)

(Tear-off calendar)

Used sources







for your attention!

The peoples who lived in Western Europe, left after themselves, giant structures of stone blocks standing in a circle - cromlechs. The most famous cromlech, Stonehenge in the southwest of England, already 4000 years. In this observatory, the movement of the Sun, Moon and planets was observed.



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History of the calendar Completed by Afaunova Valeria Student of the 10th grade

The peoples who lived on the territory of Western Europe left behind giant structures of stone blocks standing in a circle - cromlechs. The most famous cromlech, Stonehenge in the southwest of England, is already 4,000 years old. In this observatory, the movement of the Sun, Moon and planets was observed.

Lines connecting various stone blocks indicate the most important points of sunrise and sunset of the Sun and Moon. The main circle of stones, some of which are still preserved, had 29 large gates and a small arch, i.e. 29 and a half entrances. This corresponded to 29 and a half days of the synodic month - the time from one full moon to another. Every day a stone was placed on one portal further. In one month, he walks around the entire structure. The pits represented the lunar calendar. Every day the stone was transferred to the next hole.

The ancient inhabitants of Mesopotamia already knew how to distinguish individual constellations located along the apparent annual path of the Sun among the stars. Later they became known as the zodiac belt.

Babylonian astronomers divided the day into 24 hours and dedicated each of them to one of the seven planets known to them, including the Sun. They started counting hours from Saturday, the first hour of which is “ruled” by Saturn, the second by Jupiter, etc. round. It turned out that the first hour of Sunday was “ruled” by the Sun, the first hour of Monday by the Moon ... According to the luminary of the first hour of each day, the days of the week, preserved in many languages, got their names.

The high priest, commander, writer Gaius Julius Caesar, before starting a calendar reform, visited Egypt, where he got acquainted with the Egyptian solar calendar. In honor of this great Roman, the month of July was named. And the calendar itself, transformed at the behest of Caesar by Sosigen, is called Julian.

The ancient Chinese believed that five elements dominate the Universe - Fire, Water, Metal, Wood and Earth, which constantly interact: water extinguishes fire, fire melts metal, metal cuts wood, wood grows in the earth, earth gives birth to water. Representations of the five elements easily form the basis of the 60-year calendar.

The Maya followed the movement of heavenly bodies from structures similar to the towers of modern observatories. And their observations they stated in manuscripts. This page from a miraculously surviving manuscript describes the motion of Venus. The Maya created special calendar systems. They were so complex that only dedicated priest-astronomers could understand them.

The peoples who lived on the territory of Western Europe left behind giant structures of stone blocks standing in a circle - cromlechs. The most famous cromlech, Stonehenge in southwest England, is 4,000 years old. In this observatory, the movement of the Sun, Moon and planets was observed. Further

Lines connecting various stone blocks indicate the most important points of sunrise and sunset of the Sun and Moon. The main circle of stones, some of which are still preserved, had 29 large gates and a small arch, i.e. 29 and a half entrances. This corresponded to 29 and a half days of the synodic month - the time from one full moon to another. Every day a stone was placed on one portal further. In one month, he walks around the entire structure. The pits represented the lunar calendar. Every day the stone was transferred to the next hole.

Babylonian astronomers divided the day into 24 hours and dedicated each of them to one of the seven planets known to them, including the Sun. They started counting hours from Saturday, the first hour of which is “ruled” by Saturn, the second by Jupiter, etc. round. It turned out that the first hour of Sunday was “ruled” by the Sun, the first hour of Monday by the Moon ... According to the luminary of the first hour of each day, the days of the week, preserved in many languages, got their names. Further

The high priest, commander, writer Gaius Julius Caesar, before starting a calendar reform, visited Egypt, where he got acquainted with the Egyptian solar calendar. In honor of this great Roman, the month of July was named. And the calendar itself, transformed at the behest of Caesar by Sosigen, is called Julian.

Pope Gregory XIII went down in history as a reformer of the calendar. On the occasion of the introduction of the Gregorian calendar, a commemorative medal with the profile of Gregory XIII was minted in Rome. The Latin signature below it read: "The best high priest." On the reverse side is the sign of the constellation Aries.

The ancient Chinese believed that five elements dominate the Universe - Fire, Water, Metal, Wood and Earth, which constantly interact: water extinguishes fire, fire melts metal, metal cuts wood, wood grows in the earth, earth gives birth to water. Representations of the five elements easily form the basis of the 60-year calendar.

The priests divided the year into 12 months of 30 days, and each month - into three weeks of 10 days, or rather, two five days each. Thus, the solar calendar appeared in Egypt. This relief depicts Pharaoh Akhenaten with his wife Nefertiti and three daughters. Akhenaten introduced the cult of the god of the solar disk Aten, therefore the Sun with outstretched arms - rays - the symbol of Aten shines above the royal couple.

This bas-relief depicts the god Dionysus, the patron of viticulture among the ancient Hellenes, and the seasons following him - Spring, Summer, Autumn - in the form of young girls (at first, the Greeks singled out only three seasons). Their duty was to open the doors to the sun god when he rode out in his chariot.

Roman parapegma. At the very top are depicted seven gods, patrons of the days of the week, and the day of the week is marked with a wand under them. The stick on the right indicates the number, and on the left - one of the months enclosed in the circle of the zodiac. By the end of the 8th century BC. some Roman months already have names. The first month of the year was named Martius, after Mars, the god of war. The second is Aprilus. This word comes from the verb aperire - to open, because it was then that the buds on the trees pecked. The third month Maius was dedicated to the goddess of fertility Maya, and the fourth Junius was dedicated to the wife of Jupiter, the goddess Juno. All other months had only serial numbers: quintilis, sextilis, octavus, novem, desimus.

When painting the Vladimir Cathedral in Kyiv, V. M. Vasnetsov dedicated one of the frescoes to the baptism of Russia by Prince Vladimir. Along with Christianity, the Julian calendar also came to Ancient Russia from Byzantium. For many centuries, our ancestors traditionally celebrated the New Year not on January 1, as was established in the Julian calendar, but on March 1. But when the 7000th year “from the Creation of the world” began in Russia, the beginning was officially postponed to September 1. So it was celebrated for more than two centuries.

On December 19, 7208, "from the Creation of the world", Tsar Peter I signed a decree that ordered the Russians to consider the next, 7209th year, the year 1700 from the birth of Christ, and celebrate the New Year on January 1. However, having postponed the New Year holiday and started a new countdown, Russia still lived according to the Julian calendar, diverging more and more in dating events from countries that already lived according to the Gregorian calendar. This continued until 1918.

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