Day of the Air Defense Forces. Russian air defense day

One of the most important holidays among the professional military is the Day of the Air Defense Forces. It is celebrated by everyone who is related to the protection of the country's territory from air threats. About what date Air Defense Day is in 2019, about the history of the emergence of this holiday date - in our article.

Days and numbers

Initially, Air Defense Day belonged to the category of professional holidays - it was celebrated by military personnel who were related to the issue of "cleanliness" of the air spaces. In addition, it was celebrated by those who guarded military installations outside the country.

Today this holiday is included in the list of memorable days in the armed forces of the Russian Federation. This status was assigned to him by the Decree of the President in 2006.

Air Defense Day does not have a fixed date. That is, every year it falls on a new number. The same Decree determined the second Sunday of April as the day of celebration.

History of appearance

Air Defense Day is a holiday with a rich, heroic history, because the entire path of the air defense troops is a feat. Despite the fact that the first air defense units appeared more than a hundred years ago, a memorial day in honor of this formation was established only in 1975. By decree of the Presidium of the USSR, in memory of the merits of the troops during the Great Patriotic War, a special holiday was allocated - April 11. The date was chosen in memory of the most important decisions taken during the Second World War in April. It was these decrees that largely determined the future path of development of the army.

Five years later, in 1980, the date is postponed. Now it is celebrated in April, on the second Sunday of the month. In fact, with the collapse of the Soviet Union, the decrees on holidays also ceased to operate, however, until 2006, Air Defense Day was annually celebrated on this day - the second April Sunday. Well, in 2006, as mentioned above, the presidential decree officially assigned the specified date to the professional troops.

military history

The issue of air defense was first raised after the use of balloons and airships during the First World War. The first aircraft were used first for reconnaissance - detecting enemy units, and then during the conduct of hostilities - they dropped bombs on enemy clusters. Of course, as a type of armed equipment, airships were ineffective, but there was still some damage from them. And then the engineers thought about protecting their own units from air attacks. With the advent of aircraft, the problem of air defense has become very relevant.

In the first decade of the 20th century, air defense was carried out according to the residual principle, that is, there was no systematic defense. But already in 1914, the first air defense complex appeared - a battery of guns, whose task was to shoot down aircraft. A year later, the first "anti-aircraft guns" appeared, with them the defense became more effective. Of course, due to the poor development of air defense technology and weapons, it was never formed as an independent branch of the military in the First World War. But the foundations, the principles that are still used today, were laid and formed precisely at that distant time.

The next stage in the formation of the armed units was the Second World War, more precisely, the Great Patriotic War. The rapid development of aviation and the increased threat that it carried with it simply forced the Soviet command to pay special attention to air defense. Although it would be more correct to say - at first only protection, and then a full-fledged defense. During the war years, a large-scale idea of ​​\u200b\u200bair defense was formed, which is still valid today. This concept included not only anti-aircraft weapons, but also a whole range of measures designed to protect against air raids.

With the cessation of hostilities, the development and improvement of air units did not stop. Aircraft and artillery, missile systems and radar equipment - all the best was allocated to equip the units.

In 2015, there was a significant change in the structure of air defense. On the basis of the existing units, unified troops were created - the Aerospace Forces. Currently, it is these military formations that carry out the air defense of the country, both on the territory of the Russian Federation and abroad. Today, the total length of the airspace protected by the Aerospace Forces is 4,500 km, of which about 1,500 are on the state border.

See video about Air Defense Day in Russia:

Russia has many reasons to be proud, one of which is the air defense forces. Thanks to such defenders of the Fatherland, all citizens of the country can live in peace, but fearing any threats from the air. However, people are so accustomed to the good work of such fighters and the security provided that they practically ceased to appreciate their hard work, taking it for granted. Therefore, it was decided to introduce an important holiday - the Day of the Air Defense Forces, celebrated on the second Sunday of April. In 2016, a similar holiday falls on the 10th day of the second month of spring.

The history of the holiday

The date of the celebration of the Day of the Air Defense Forces was not chosen by chance. It was in mid-April that the most important decisions were adopted regarding the creation of such troops, the organization of an air defense system, as well as the development of such activities necessary to protect the country. The decision on the introduction of a new holiday was adopted at the end of the second month of 1975, and its most influential body was the Supreme Soviet of the Soviet Union. The holiday was supposed to draw public attention to the merits of such units, as well as their invaluable contribution to the defense of the country in wartime and peacetime. Initially, the holiday was celebrated on April 11, but since 1980, the same influential body decided to move the date of celebration to the second Sunday in April.

What do air defense forces do?

Among the people, the fighters of such troops are often called air border guards, because they tirelessly ensure the security of the country and all citizens from the air, and also serve in any weather or season. Each fighter of such a system undergoes serious training in order to take on the important duty of monitoring the country's airspace and ensuring maximum security in times of war or peace. The anti-aircraft troops must timely detect and promptly destroy all enemy missiles that cross the borders of the state and are a potential danger to Russia and its citizens.

Air defense fighters practically do not know peace or a sense of carelessness. During exercises and duty, they are prepared for the possible need to accept a challenge within a few seconds and use all combat skills. Therefore, the citizens of Russia are quite calm about various warnings or threats of terrorists from other countries, knowing that the domestic air defense forces will always give a worthy rebuff and will be able to prevent any attack.

How did the air defense forces appear?

For the first time, the need for air defense troops arose during the Great Patriotic War. At that time, it was necessary to prevent not only tank and rifle attacks, but also air attacks. Compared to that time, air defense has undergone a significant development process. Single anti-aircraft aircraft and special guns for attacking enemy aircraft have been replaced by units equipped with anti-aircraft missiles, aircraft equipped with missiles, as well as high-tech systems for detecting the enemy in the air long before the strike. Thus, the primitive system of airspace protection has grown into a specialized system, equipped with missiles, detection systems, and also provided with specially trained fighters who skillfully manage such equipment.

With the development of aviation, other troops also improved. Efficient means of influencing the enemy's rear appeared, as well as ways to protect their own rear, previously in the shadow of the battle command. Thus, the anti-aircraft forces have become as automated as possible, excluding gross errors due to the human factor.

What to give for Air Defense Forces Day

Since air defense waxes are closely associated with security, combat and aircraft, there are many gift options. Almost all men are happy with miniature models of retro cars, from which incredible and rather original collections are often collected. However, it is much better for air defense fighters to present a miniature aircraft, more typical for a similar field of activity. A similar aircraft model can be purchased at a souvenir shop or assembled to order by one of the modern craftsmen. An excellent option could be a mini-plane on an original stand made of wood or metal with engraved initials of the person receiving congratulations.

You can also give a kind of souvenir award. If you want to show originality, you can order the printing of a newspaper for 1942-1945 from the publishing house with a congratulatory article with a photo on the first page. Such a newspaper will be a real gift after artificial aging, as it will resemble antiques. You can also give a letter with a list of the main merits of a fighter. Such a diploma can be framed in a stylish frame, as well as a thin metal plate with silver or gilding. Small metal figurines depicting combat models of aircraft with engraved words of congratulations can also be an excellent option. The most budget option is a T-shirt or cup with an inscription related to the air defense forces, as well as key chains with miniature planes, helicopters, missiles, soldiers or weapons.

Every year, the day of the Air Defense Forces is celebrated in mid-April. The second Sunday of this month is marked by a spirit of celebration for the Air Defense Forces. This day is filled with solemnity and importance. Every military and many civilians celebrate this celebration with their families, go to museums, attend concerts and performances on relevant topics. On this day, everything is done for the air defense forces, which emphasizes their importance in our lives, which many people forget about.

Anti-aircraft troops - troops that are needed to protect against an enemy attack by air. Now they protect political centers, important objects, industrial areas. This is closely related to naval, land and border defense. The goals and objectives that the command sets for them are, on the whole, very close.

Components of air defense

Air Defense Day marks a significant one. These include fighters, communications and radio engineering troops, missile and anti-aircraft units, and military training units.

The guys from the anti-aircraft troops daily carry out radar escort on airplanes, guard the airspace on the border of our country in order to exclude the possibility of the appearance of a sudden enemy. Very often, anti-aircraft troops are called "guards of the sky."

When was Air Defense Day celebrated for the first time?

For the first time, it was decided to introduce an air defense day back in the USSR. The government in February issued a decree that the day of the air defense forces would be celebrated in mid-spring. Interestingly, the USSR collapsed long ago, but the holiday is still celebrated in mid-April.

On this holiday, it will be optimal to purchase a gift of the corresponding theme. Attributes of the air defense forces, souvenirs or any other military items can be purchased at any military store, both in ordinary stores and on online resources.

Air defense history

The first anti-aircraft troops were formed back in the days of the Russian Empire. They favorably showed their necessity in the First World War. Then they served to fight attacking airplanes, and now the range of their work is much wider.

It is interesting that in those days there were almost no weapons of the anti-aircraft troops, the exceptions were light guns and machine guns, which was clearly not enough.

Thanks to the efficiency and effectiveness of the air defense forces in combat and the defense of the country, it was possible to resolve many issues. However, at that time these were not yet formed battalions. Officially, they took shape in Soviet Russia.

The anti-aircraft troops had to show the maximum of their strength and effectiveness rather quickly - during the Great Patriotic War. They zealously defended Moscow and ensured its protection from the Luftwaffe, which greatly outnumbered them in armament and numbers. Of course, the troops did not work alone, but with a whole group of other units and branches of service. However, hardly anyone can forget about their contribution to the victory.

The Presidium of the USSR after many years decided to encourage military air defense. In 1975, he appointed them an official holiday - the day of the USSR air defense forces. This date has become significant for every military man, because their work was not only noticed, but also noted.

Then the holiday was appointed on April 11. Five years later, the question of what date the air defense day is celebrated has become relevant. This was due to the fact that they amended the decree and ordered to celebrate the celebration on the second Sunday of April. It is on this day that the military is honored even now.

Education Day

Air Defense Day is not only a holiday of this type of troops in a professional sense, which is celebrated by the military in the spring, it is also the anniversary of the formation of this type of troops.

Air defense troops first appeared in 1958. The initiator was the Chief appointed Hero of the Soviet Union Kazakov V.I.

In 2007, the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation issued a decree that December 26 should be considered the date of formation of the anti-aircraft troops. This date was not chosen by chance. It was on December 13, and according to the new style on December 26, that the formation of military air defense began. The initiator was the Commander-in-Chief. It was then that the creation of separate light-type battalions began, which specialized in the defense of the air fleet.

air defense now

The anti-aircraft troops have gone through a long history. They, as they say, have been both in fire and in water, experienced many changes, ups and downs. Despite everything, Air Defense Day still remains a relevant and popular holiday.

The only thing that has changed is Air Defense Day, when it is celebrated in Russia. Since 2006, a decree has been issued that the holiday is scheduled for the second Sunday in April.

How the holiday is celebrated

The celebration takes place in a cheerful atmosphere, honoring the servicemen who give their duty to their homeland. Most often, the day of the air defense forces is accompanied by the presentation of letters and diplomas, which celebrate

When the day of air defense in Russia comes, the population usually walks around the clock. Military units organize parades and solemn processions that emphasize the importance of this holiday. Many fighters go to their hometowns to meet their loved ones and relatives. However, even in this festive atmosphere - the day of military air defense, the soldiers are on guard. Many of them keep watch, guarding the border and airspace.

Many people still ask the question about the day of air defense, what date the holiday is celebrated. In fact, there is no exact date. It changes from year to year. The second Sunday in April may fall on different dates, but the solemnity of such a holiday will not change from this.

Holiday for veterans

Veterans of the air defense forces deserve special attention on this day. In their honor, concerts and performances are held, which are often presented by military ensembles and dance groups. Exhibitions are held in museums and other cultural institutions, where you can clearly see the importance of the air defense forces, get acquainted with the heroes of their time.

Honoring the dead is also important on such a day. Each of them did a great job. Someone died during the Great Patriotic War, and someone during the assignment already in our years. Military and civilians on such a day bring flowers to the monuments and graves of the dead, thereby perpetuating the memory of them.


Air Defense Day is a special holiday. It should be marked by mass character and scale. Perhaps many should take care that young people learn about the heroes of our time and follow in their footsteps.

The government needs to encourage the troops with commendations, certificates, diplomas and prizes, emphasizing their necessity for the country. In schools and universities, it is worth at least occasionally talking about these troops, showing memorable videos so that every schoolchild and student knows those who protect our peace.

Air Defense Day, when celebrated, helps to understand the importance of the army and military units in the life of each of the citizens of the country. Air defense troops serve on the borders and in the airspace, giving their lives, strength and time for the peace of civilians.

Our great country has many reasons to be proud, one of which is the air defense forces. It is thanks to these defenders of the Fatherland that Russians can live in peace, love, grow up without fear of threats from the air.

However, people are so accustomed to the impeccable work of the fighters of the air defense forces that they no longer appreciate the security provided, the hard work of the defenders, taking it for granted. Therefore, the government of the Russian Federation decided to introduce a good and important holiday - the Day of the Air Defense Forces, which is celebrated annually on the second Sunday of April. Air Defense Day in 2017 falls on April 9th.

The history of the air defense forces and the holiday "Air Defense Day"

In the modern world, military conflicts are usually not complete without the participation of aviation. The use of air power provides a number of advantages when compared with other means. With the help of aviation, reconnaissance is carried out, provisions are being landed, weapons, manpower, and precision strikes are delivered, if necessary. Opposition to enemy aircraft is carried out by special units. The holiday is dedicated to them.

The history of the Air Defense Forces dates back to the dawn of the 20th century, during the First World War. With the advent of airships and balloons used for military purposes, the need arose for an opposing force.

In order to protect our troops from the destructive actions of the enemy from a height, our military began to use portable rapid-fire cannons and machine guns, with which they shot down enemy aircraft when they approached the location of a military unit.

In 1914, the first battery of guns was created, which performed the tasks of monitoring and eliminating enemy aircraft. A year later, the first anti-aircraft guns appeared, and with the help of airships and balloons, a full-fledged air surveillance system was created.

The real "baptism of fire" of the air defense forces was the Second World War. The rapid development of aviation completely destroyed the security of the rear areas - the forces of tank units and infantry could not deter air raids. To ensure the security of the rear, special military units were allocated, the task of which was to protect and preserve the "purity of the sky."

Over time, from a rather uncomplicated security system, air defense has turned into a high-tech segment of the Russian defense forces.

On February 20, 1975, the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR “On the Establishment of the Annual Holiday of the Day of the Air Defense Forces of the Country” was adopted. The celebration should certainly draw public attention to the underestimated merits of the units of these troops, as well as the invaluable contribution of these "knights of heaven" to the defense of the Motherland, both in wartime and in peacetime.

Already in 2006, the commander-in-chief of our country, Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, signed a document that included the holiday in honor of the guards of peace and security from the sky to the list of memorable days and professional holidays in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

The date of the Air Defense Day was not chosen by chance and is symbolic. Just in mid-April, the adoption of the most important resolutions relating to the organization and adjustment of the air defense system, as well as the creation of such troops, took place.

Initially, this significant day was celebrated on April 11, and in 1980 the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR decided to move the date of celebration to the second Sunday of April each year.

Air Defense Day Traditions

The custom, formed over the years, gathers veterans, officers and cadets at festive tables. Toasts are made in honor of colleagues, congratulations, wishes of peace and health are heard. The military show each other albums with memorable photographs, tell interesting stories from everyday work, share experiences and plans for the future.

Of course, the celebration continues with family, loved ones, friends and comrades. Both at home and at work, employees of the department receive gifts. These can be souvenirs or useful thematic presentations: from atlases to books about the history of military units. Under the leadership of the command, a solemn ceremony of awarding distinguished employees with orders, medals, certificates of honor is held. Appreciation notes are also included in personal files.

The best employees of the power state body are promoted in positions and ranks for outstanding achievements in the professional field. Also, Air Defense Day is marked by a certain rite of the so-called "washing" of new stars that appear on shoulder straps. This interesting tradition involves lowering the new insignia into a vessel of liquor to be drained.

To protect the airspace of the state and other combat missions, the country has a powerful air defense. Military air defense is a special profession that deserves respect and recognition.


The creation of air defense was the appearance in other countries of aviation, which carried a threat to Russia. In 1914, in St. Petersburg, Russian instructor Lender F.F. created the first cannon designed to shoot down aircraft. However, air defense was almost unprepared for the First World War, everything was worked out and done in the course of battles. Since that time, they began to form special forces, arm them with guns and artillery. Artillery field guns could shoot down airships and airplanes. For a clearer hit, sights are developed.

It is interesting:

  1. The creation of a special aviation detachment, which included 200 aircraft, is considered to be the origin of the air defense forces in Russia. Such a formation was intended for the defense of Petrograd in 1914-1917.
  2. During the existence of the Soviet Union, the air defense forces were actively developed and strengthened. By the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, there were 13 districts of air defense troops in the country. Military operations showed that the air defense forces needed fighters, which were in the department of the Air Force. During the war, the military began to receive more and more fighter and interceptor aircraft.
  3. In the post-war period, there was an active development of the troops. New equipment was developed, training centers were created to train highly qualified specialists. All this work on this moment has positive results.

Russian technology is a huge competitor to foreign counterparts. Exhibitions of military equipment are held annually so that everyone understands that Russia will be able to defend its expanses at any moment.


On a holiday, the top leadership gathers the military for solemn congratulations, presentation of diplomas and awards. Dates of orders for promotion are timed to this day, records are made in work books about the presentation of commendations and medals.

Cadets, officers and veterans gather at festive tables. Everyone exchanges congratulations, show their photos and take pictures together for a long memory.

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