Live and remember problems. "Live and remember" the main characters

“Andrey Guskov understood: fate turned him

into a dead end, from which there is no way out.

V. Rasputin. "Live and Remember"

One of best books V. Astafiev called the story “Live and Remember” by V. Rasputin about the war, noting its amazing deep tragedy. Published in 1974 in the journal Nash Sovremennik, it was awarded the USSR State Prize in 1977 and very soon received European recognition.

What explains such interest in this story? First of all, because it is about important events human existence.

War... How much has been written about it. Our literature says so much about those who were in the war, who experienced it in "their own skin", that it would seem difficult for a person who has touched this war only on the edge of his fate to say something new, interesting. But this non-participation of the author in the war turned out to be not a flaw in the story, but an advantage for the writer over those who were there, because Rasputin managed to rise above the “material”. Among the books about the war that “showed” the tragedy of time, about the fate of a person during the war, “Live and Remember” stands out for the depth of the problem, the national character, the philosophical comprehension of the price and meaning of an act that puts a person out of life, out of good human memory.

“Live and remember”... Thinking about the title of the story, you can easily correlate its meaning with the fate of Andrei Guskov, prepared by him. But what about Nastya? Is it possible to blame her for being silent about terrible secret husband, kept her until last minute and take it with you forever? The fate of a woman who was preparing to become a mother and was ruined by her husband is tragic.

Let's try to answer these questions.

The Siberian village of Atamanovka, described in the story, was far from the battlefields, but the echo of the war reached here too. Events unfold in recent months wars. An ax and part of the tobacco were lost in the Guskovs' bathhouse. Nastena's first reaction was surprise: “Why are you killing yourself over some kind of piece of iron,” she mentally reproached her father-in-law. But on the same night, a terrible guess came to her, and a few days later she received confirmation: her husband was a deserter. After the hospital, he deserted, afraid of death. And this is not a momentary weakness. Returning to his native place, Andrei behaves like a coward and an egoist. He is afraid to surrender to the authorities, although this could make life easier for his loved ones. What explains Guskov's behavior?

Andrei Guskov is a crippled soul, a victim of his character, his attitude to life, his "bad memory", his terrible experience, which the war "pushed" into his consciousness. He is especially haunted by memories of the last battle: “a short and terrible battle of iron with iron, where people seem to be of no use, ... a gunner looking into his open belly.” And this memory pushes Guskov not back to the war, but to the house, to the shelter. But Andrey Guskov pays the highest price for this evil memory: it will never continue in anyone; no one will remember him. From that moment on, it doesn't matter what happens to that person. In addition to savagery, decay and complete oblivion, nothing can expect him.

Now let's open the last page of the story: "Letting her knees on the side, she (Nastya) tilted it lower and lower ... and carefully rolled into the water" So tragically she died main character, a wonderful and bright woman Nastya Guskova. The heroine dies in the middle of the Angara - symbolic image the end of her throwing between two shores, two “truths” that destroy her. material from the site

So why does Nastya still die, although according to all our feelings, likes and dislikes, her husband should die? Selflessness is the main property of the soul of Nastya Guskova. From the very beginning, she dreamed of giving more than receiving - that's why she is a woman. And she could not betray her husband, although she suffers from the position in which he put her: “is it a shame to live when another in your place could live better? How can you look people in the eyes after that, ”Nastena reproaches herself.

People did not condemn Nastya. They buried her “among their own, only slightly from the edge, near the rickety hedge. After the funeral, the women gathered at Nadia's for a wake and wept: it was a pity for Nastya.

This short episode answers the question of whether Nastya Guskova remained in the memory of her fellow villagers. From myself I can add one thing: it is a pity that they will remember her as the wife of a deserter.

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On this page, material on the topics:

  • what problems are raised in the story of rasputin live and remember
  • the story of andrey guskov live and remember
  • the image of the wall in the story live and remember
  • characteristic of Andrey Guskov live and remember
  • live and remember nadenka analysis

In 1974, Rasputin wrote "Live and Remember". The heroes of this work, the events described in it, as well as the problems of the story are very interesting. We will talk about all this in this article.

Rasputin begins "Live and Remember" as follows. Heroes of the work (main) - Andrey Guskov and his wife, Nastena. AT Last year war, Andrei Guskov secretly returns to the village located on the Angara, local. He does not think that he will be met in his home with open arms, but he believes in the support of his wife. Indeed, Nastena, although she does not want to admit it to herself, understands by instinct that her husband has returned. She didn't marry him for love. 4 years of marriage were not particularly happy, but the heroine was devoted to her husband and for the first time in her life found his reliability and protection in the house (Nastena grew up an orphan).

Nastya's life in her husband's house

Without much thought, the girl married Andrey: she still has to go out, so why delay? She had little idea of ​​what awaited her in a strange village and new family. It turned out that from the workers (Nastena lived and worked with her aunt), she again ended up as workers, only the yard is different, the demand is stricter and the farm is larger. Perhaps in a new family, the attitude towards her would be better if the girl gave birth to a child. However, she had no children.

News about Andrey

She heard from childhood that a woman without children is no longer a woman. Nastena considers herself guilty. Only once, when, reproaching her, Andrei said something unbearable, the woman answered out of resentment that it was not known who the reason was - in him or in her. Then her husband beat her half to death. Nastena, when Andrey is taken to the war, is even a little glad that she is left without children. Letters regularly come from the front, then from the hospital. After that, there is no news for a long time, only once a policeman and the chairman of the village council come into the hut and ask Nastya to show the correspondence.

Meeting with husband

Rasputin's story "Live and Remember" continues as follows. When the ax disappears in the Guskovs' family bath, Nastena thinks that perhaps her husband has returned. Just in case, she leaves bread in the bathhouse, once she even drowns her and meets Andrei here. His return becomes their secret and is perceived by Nastena as her cross.

Help Andrey

She comes willingly to help her husband, ready to steal and lie for him. We have to accept everything in marriage: both good and bad. Courage and enthusiasm settle in the soul of Nastena. She selflessly helps her husband, especially when she realizes that she is expecting a child. Nastena is ready for anything: for meetings with her husband across the river in a winter hut, for long conversations about the hopelessness of this situation, for hard work at home, for insincerity in relations with other villagers. Nastena pulls his strap with remarkable male strength. You will learn more about her relationship with her husband by reading the analysis at the end of the article. Rasputin wrote "Live and Remember" not only to show the difficult relationship of the characters. You can also learn about other issues raised in the story by reading the article to the end.

Andrei is not a traitor, not a murderer, but just a deserter who escaped from the hospital, from where they wanted to send him to the front, without really healing. He has already set himself up for a vacation and cannot refuse to return. Realizing that in his village, in the world, in the country there will be no forgiveness for him, he wants to drag it out to the last, not thinking about his wife, parents and unborn child.

unsolvable question

The personal connection with Andrey Nastena conflicts with their way of life, as the analysis shows. Rasputin ("Live and Remember") notes that Nastena cannot raise her eyes to the wives who receive funerals, unable to rejoice, as before, when the neighbor's peasants return from the war. She recalls at the village holiday in honor of the victory with unexpected anger about Andrei, because because of him she cannot rejoice at her, like everyone else. An insoluble question was put by the husband before Nastena: with whom should she be? Andrei's girlfriend condemns, especially now that the war is ending and it seems that he would have remained intact. However, judging, she retreats: after all, she is his wife.

Nastya's suicide

Nastena's former friends, noticing her pregnancy, begin to laugh at her, and her mother-in-law drives her out of the house. The girl, forced to restrain her feelings, to hide them, is exhausted more and more. Her fearlessness turns into a risk, into wasted feelings. They push her to commit suicide. Nastena finds rest in the waters of the Angara.

Analysis of the work

So, you got acquainted with the content of the work written by Rasputin ("Live and Remember"). The issues raised in the text deserve separate consideration. Philosophical questions about honor and conscience, about the meaning of life, about the responsibility of people for their own actions usually come to the fore. The author talks about betrayal and selfishness, about the relationship between public and personal in human soul about life and death. In the work "Live and Remember" (Rasputin) is also revealed.

War is a tragic and terrible event that has become a test for people. A person in shows the true features of his nature. Central image in the work - the image of Nastena. This is important to note when doing the analysis. Rasputin ("Live and Remember") portrayed this girl as combining in her character the features of a village righteous woman: faith in man, mercy, responsibility for the fate of others, kindness. The problem of forgiveness and humanism is closely connected with her bright image.

She found the strength in herself to help Andrei, to take pity on him. It was a difficult step for her: the girl had to cheat, lie, live in fear, dodge. She already felt that she was becoming a stranger, moving away from her fellow villagers. However, she chose this path for the sake of her husband, because she loved him.

The war changed the main characters a lot, as you can see by doing the analysis yourself. Rasputin ("Live and Remember") notes that they realized that in worldly life their remoteness from each other and quarrels were absurd. In difficult times, the spouses were warmed by the hope for new life. Nastena hopes that her husband will be able to repent and go out to people. However, he hesitates to do so.

The main idea of ​​the work is moral responsibility person for their actions. Using the example of Andrey Guskov's life, the author shows how easy it is to make an irreparable mistake, to show weakness, to stumble. Rasputin told us about all this. "Live and remember" after reading many reviews is positive. The writer managed to raise important issues and skillfully reveal them in this story. Rasputin's story "Live and Remember" was filmed. It was made into a film of the same name in 2008. Producer -

The writing

The concepts of "tradition" and "innovation" are inextricably linked. In art, any innovation is possible only with a deep understanding of what has already been discovered, created by predecessors. Only strong roots allow the tree to grow and bear fruit. The work of Rasputin, as it were, grows out of the work of Dostoevsky and Gorky; our contemporary continues to reflect on the problems that tormented his great teachers. But in his works he seeks to understand how these eternal problems. The story "Live and Remember" is consonant, first of all, with Dostoevsky's "Crime and Punishment".

Dostoevsky's passionate refutation of that in Raskolnikov that is inhumane and contrary to the human nature of the hero himself is carried out in Crime and Punishment not only through a dispute of "ideas", which corresponds to the socio-philosophical essence of the novel, but also in the clash of the hero's "ideas" with his in kind, when the latter "does not stand up." And it reflects the originality psychological basis novel.

The path of Rasputin's heroes to death is historically determined and logical, but there is already another literary tradition, discovered by Gorky, who considered the world not only from the point of view of solving moral and philosophical problems, but, above all, from the point of view of the prospects for socio-historical development. And this not only does not remove, but quite often turns on tragic beginning in Soviet novel and a story of the 20th century.

Guskov himself would like to shift the blame to fate, before which the will is powerless. It is no coincidence, therefore, that the word “fate” runs like a red thread through the whole story, to which Guskov clings so. The unwillingness to recognize the need for personal responsibility for one's actions is one of those touches to the portrait that open a wormhole in Guskov's soul and cause his desertion. The writer revealed to us the cause of Guskov's crime, showing this feature of his character. However, Rasputin elevates a concrete historical fact to the rank of socio-philosophical generalizations, which brings him closer to such predecessors as Dostoevsky and Gorky. Rasputin could rely on artistic experience Dostoevsky. Showing the destruction of the personality of a person who betrayed the interests and ideals of the people, as an irreversible process, without a moral resurrection, Raskolnikov follows the path laid by Gorky.

Here we have come to the most powerful manifestation of the destruction of the personality of a person who has transgressed moral (social) and natural laws, to the destruction by him of nature, its main incentive - the continuation of life on earth.

First of all, this is the killing of a calf in front of a mother cow: the cow “screamed” when Guskov raised an ax over her child. The fall of the hero and the impossibility of moral resurrection for him become obvious precisely after this highly artistic, amazing plot situation - the murder of a calf.

The idea of ​​the story is impossible to comprehend without the fate of Nastya, who also "transgressed", but in a completely different way. In criticism, the fact of Nastya's suicide has already been interpreted, firstly, as " supreme court over the deserter Andrey Guskov" and, secondly, as "the trial of oneself, one's woman's, female, human weakness". Nastya has reason to consider herself guilty: she really opposed herself to people.

The story ends with the author’s message that they don’t talk about Guskov, “they don’t remember” - for him “the connection of times has broken up”, he has no future. The author narrates about Nastya as if she were alive (nowhere replacing the name with "body" or "deceased"). “And Nastya was washed ashore on the fourth day ... A farm laborer was sent for Nastya. He brought Nastya back on a boat ... And they betrayed Nastya to the ground among their own ... After the funeral, the women gathered at Nadya for a simple wake and wept: it was a pity for Nastya.

With these words, which signify the “connection of times” restored for Nastya (the traditional ending for folklore about the hero’s memory through the ages), V. Rasputin’s work ends, which is a synthesis of a socio-philosophical and socio-psychological story, an original story that inherits best features Russian literature, traditions of Dostoevsky and Gorky.

Everything is fine. Everything is quiet. Myth about complete appeasement collapses as soon as my eyes involuntarily stop on the second shelf of my grandmother's rack. Undoubtedly, the red book, recently found among the old, read volumes of Pushkin, Lermontov, Tolstoy, prevents me from falling asleep. The strange thing is that I'm not at all interested in where it came from. On the contrary, my tired mind is disturbed by a completely different question: why did Rasputin call the book “Live and Remember”? This title grabs my attention. “Live and remember” - some secret, vital meaning is hidden here. To whom and why were these words intended? Don't know. That's why I sit down near the window, pick up Rasputin's book and forget myself for long hours, leafing through the pages of this story.

Its main character, Andrei Guskov, before the war was a nice, hard-working guy, an obedient son, and a reliable husband. He was sent to the front in the forty-first year. “I didn’t climb across others, but I didn’t hide behind other people’s backs,” the author says about him. Andrey was not one of the timid - he fought for three years regularly.

In fact, he didn't want to die. And there was also a great desire to see relatives, to meet with his beloved wife Nastena. And it turned out that after a serious wound in the chest, he ends up in a Novosibirsk hospital, from which it is "within a stone's throw" to the house. But the commission does not even give him a short vacation - he immediately sends him to the front. It was then that the soldier makes a rash decision - he tries to "rush" without the permission of his superiors to go home without permission.

Only when he got bogged down in slow military trains did Andrei realize that the case did not smell like a guardhouse for AWOL, but a tribunal for desertion. If the train had been faster, it would have returned on time. And after all, he didn’t shake for “the skin,” but he wanted to see his relatives - maybe in last time. What turned out his act, which became the choice of a lifetime? And in general, did he have the right to fulfill such, even the most modest, desire - to see his wife? No. And Andrei forgot that it is impossible to arrange happiness for yourself separately from the common fate of the people. All the same heavy mental burden fell on Nasteka.

The author notes: "... in the custom of a Russian woman, arrange her life only once and endure everything that falls out in it." And she endures. When a fugitive is announced, she even assumes the guilt of her husband. “Without guilt, but guilty,” says Rasputin. Nastena "took" the cross of Andrei, who still vaguely understands what his decision to return home will turn into. But for this offense he will be maliciously punished by fate. And soon the terrible consequences of apostasy begin to be traced, especially for the person himself. There is an inevitable disintegration, loss of personality. And the punishment of man is in himself. Andrei learned to howl like a wolf from a beast wandering near the hut and thought with malicious vindictiveness: “It will come in handy good people frighten". He adapted to steal fish from other people's holes - and not out of extreme need, but out of a desire to annoy those who, unlike him, live openly, without hiding, without fear. Then he comes to a strange village and kills a calf, never realizing that he did it not only for the sake of meat, but also for the sake of some whim of his own, which settled in him firmly and powerfully.

Thus, ties with what is dear and sacred to everyone are broken: with people, with nature, with respect for other people's work and property. Andrei did not pass the test for humanity, his soul disintegrates, and Nastena turns into a driven creature. Shame, not passing and stinging, withers her conscientious nature. Double life step by step selects the simplest and most necessary joys. There is no longer cordiality, simplicity and trust in communicating with her friends, she can now neither speak, nor cry, nor sing along with people. Out of habit, they take her for their own, and she is already a stranger to them, an outsider. There is no joy from love, from motherhood, which she was waiting for, from Victory. It has nothing to do with the great Victory Day. Most last man has, but she does not. The child also turned into a tragedy. What fate awaits him? How to explain to people its appearance? And not get rid of it? It turns out that Nastya also had stolen love, stolen motherhood, stolen life.

“It is sweet to live, it is terrible to live, it is a shame to live,” Rasputin notes. Tired despair drags Nastena into a swift whirlpool.

And on one of the nights, when she did not manage to swim across to Andrey, because the fellow villagers, alerted by her pregnancy, began to look after her, she, having heard a chase not far away, tired, tormented, rushes into the water, not saving Andrey, but putting an end to her share. Pure before the world and people Nastena, leaving in the waters of the Angara. With her ability to sacrifice; - by taking upon herself, innocent, the guilt of her husband, she embodies true values. Even the terrible civilized world did not break her, did not embitter her at all. But Andrei did not stand the test of life. His moral principles are crumbling. And now there is no justification for his flight, which he saw in the unborn child. He thought that the born life would replace the ruined one, save him from the painful pricks of conscience for a uselessly burnt existence. The death of his wife and unborn child, those who were dear to Andrei, as he explained, justified his desertion, the author of the hero punishes: “Live and remember. Live and remember!

Sometimes the punishment is death, sometimes it's life. And so Andrey is compelled to live. But to live empty, driven, brutalized. Any death is better than such a life. And Andrey's fault is that he hard times strayed from the people, the people. And Rasputin severely punishes him for this. “Live and remember. Live and remember! - the writer addresses his reader, so that we remember that it is impossible to live apart from the fate of the people.

Other writings on this work

Mastery of depicting folk life in one of the works of Russian literature of the XX century. (V.G. Rasputin. “Live and remember.”)

The work “Live and Remember” by Rasputin covers the years 1944-1945, the action mainly takes place during the war in a remote Siberian village. The author does not depict battles, the hardships of front-line life, he shows how the war affected the life and life of the village. But at the center of the story Rasputin puts the eternal question of moral choice person. After we analyze the story “Live and Remember” by Rasputin, this idea will become even more obvious.

The protagonist of the story "Live and remember"

Andrei Guskov deserts from the front. This act determines not only his future life, but also the fate of his wife Nastya and parents. The reasons for this act are explored by the writer.

The analysis of the story "Live and Remember" would be incomplete if we did not consider the line of behavior of the protagonist. At first, Andrei was a good soldier: the scouts considered him a reliable comrade, he went on the attack more than once, saw many battles and experienced the hardships of the war on an equal basis with everyone. After being wounded, the hero was treated in the hospital, and when he was driving back to the front, he decided to turn back to his native village for a while. But in winter it was not easy to make a long journey in three days. Having reached Irkutsk, Andrei realized that he would not have time to return to the front in time. He remembered seeing the execution of a deserter, and realized that he had only two options: go to the front and, possibly, be punished for delay or hide. He chooses the second one.

In the future, we see, and the analysis of the story "Live and Remember" confirms that the hero is often led by a momentary desire, he does not always calculate the consequences of his actions. So, he stays with the mute woman Tatyana and lives with her for several months, although he initially did not intend to do this. When he was tired of such a life, he decides to go to the village and simply runs away from Tatyana.

Returning to the village, Andrey cannot come to native home, to see his mother and father, as the investigators had already come looking for him. He is doomed to a lonely life in a cold temporary house in the forest, where Nastya brings him food, tools, comes to visit and comfort. Andrei hates himself for his act, hates his life. He wants to return to the past, enjoy the harvest, enjoy the freshness of the forest, he wanders alone for a long time and thinks about his fate, finding no way out. Only Nastya brightens up his existence. For the first time in long years they became really close to each other, even a kind of romance, care and tenderness appeared in their relationship. What else becomes clear to us thanks to the analysis of the story “Live and Remember”?

Andrey's crime entails a series of consequences. Pregnant Nastya, reproached by her fellow villagers, dies, Andrei's father dies without seeing his son.

The fate of a Russian woman in the story "Live and Remember"

Rasputin, heir to the classical literature XIX century, shows the plight of a Russian woman, whose loyalty and devotion do not save her from suffering.

Nastya has been accustomed to hard work, reproaches and poverty since childhood. Only sister Katya supported in her the need to live, to look for work. Having married Andrei, Nastya could not find happiness. Her husband did not show much love for her, and sometimes he beat her, reproached her for childlessness. Mother-in-law always grumbled and loaded with work. Only father-in-law Mikheich regretted it. But Nastya dutifully did everything she was supposed to do, did not shy away from any work, tried to please her family. If you are analyzing the story "Live and Remember", do not miss this thought.

Guskov's desertion is a heavy burden on the fate of his wife. She does not turn away from her husband after his act, helps him in every possible way, changes products, finds money, more than once secretly crosses the Angara to take Andrei everything he needs. Rasputin highlights such traits in Nastya as dedication, loyalty, willingness to sacrifice everything for the sake of a loved one. The author shows how everything becomes unbearable for a woman. Andrei accuses her, saying in a fit of despair that he left the front because of her, wanting to see him. The villagers condemn Nastya, noticing the pregnancy and thinking that she betrayed Andrei. Then they guess the truth and begin to hunt down, in the hope that it will lead them to the deserter. The hopelessness of the situation pushes the woman to commit suicide.

Thus, the crime entails a series of consequences, dooms to loneliness and alienation from people. Andrei's punishment is the loss of his wife and the hope of procreation.

We hope that the article where it was presented brief analysis the story “Live and Remember” turned out to be useful for you. Visit our literary blog more often, where hundreds of articles will help you understand the essence of a particular work.

The writing

War... The word itself speaks of misfortune and grief, misfortune and tears. How many people died during this terrible Great Patriotic War!.. But, dying, they knew that they were fighting for their land, for their relatives and friends. Death is scary, but the spiritual death of a person is much more terrible. This is what V. Rasputin's story "Live and Remember" tells about.

The author reveals the soul of the deserter Andrei Guskov. This man was in the war, was wounded and shell-shocked more than once. But, having been discharged from the hospital, Andrei did not go to his unit, but thievishly made his way to his native village, becoming a deserter.

Not in the story detective story, few heroes, but all this only reinforces the growing psychologism. V. Rasputin specially depicts in the image of Andrei ordinary person with average mental and spiritual abilities. He was not a coward, at the front he conscientiously performed all the soldier's duties.

“He was afraid to go to the front,” says the author. - He prepared all of himself, to the last drop and to the last thought, for a meeting with his relatives - with his father, mother, Nastena - he lived with this, he recovered and breathed with this, he only knew this ... How back, again under bullets, under death, when near, in his own side, in Siberia? Is it right, fair? He would only have one single day to be at home, to calm his soul - then he is again ready for anything. Yes, that's exactly what Andrew wanted to do. But something broke in him, something changed. The road turned out to be long, he got used to the idea of ​​the impossibility of returning.

In the end, he burns all the bridges and becomes a deserter, which means a criminal. When Andrei was near his home, he realized the vileness of his act, realized that something terrible had happened and now he had to hide from people all his life. It is in this vein that the image of the protagonist is most often interpreted. But it should be borne in mind that Andrei is still too young to become a heroic person. He was not going to desert, but the longing for his relatives, family, native village turned out to be the strongest, and the very day that he was not given to leave becomes fatal.

This story is not only about how a soldier becomes a deserter. It is also about cruelty, the destructive power of war, which kills feelings and desires in a person. If this happens, the person is completely free to become a hero. If not, then the longing will usually be stronger. Therefore, Andrei Guskov is not just a traitor, he is a person doomed to death from the very beginning. He is weak, but can he be blamed for being weak?

The tragedy of the story is enhanced by the fact that not only Andrei dies in it. Following him, he takes away both his young wife and the unborn child. Nastena is a woman who is able to sacrifice everything, if only the loved one remains alive. But despite her love for him, she still considers her husband to be guilty. Her pain is intensified by the possible condemnation of her fellow villagers.

Like her husband, Nastena is a victim of an all-destroying war. But if Andrei can be blamed, then Nastena is an innocent victim. She is ready to take the blow, the suspicions of loved ones, the condemnation of her neighbors, even punishment - all this causes undeniable sympathy in the reader. “The war delayed Nastenino's happiness, but Nastena believed in the war that it would be. Peace will come, Andrei will return, and everything that has stopped over the years will start moving again. Otherwise, Nastena could not imagine her life. But Andrey came ahead of time, before the victory, and confused everything, mixed it up, knocked it out of its order - Nastena could not help but guess about this. Now I had to think not about happiness - about something else. And it, frightened, moved away somewhere, eclipsed, obscured - there was no way for it, it seemed, from there, no hope. The idea of ​​life is destroyed, and with them, life itself. Having lost support in this whirlpool, Nastena chooses another whirlpool: the river takes the woman to her, freeing her from any other choice.

Valentin Rasputin, a humanist in fact, in the story "Live and Remember" draws the inhumane nature of war, which kills even at a great distance.

Main character books - Andrey Guskov, "an efficient and brave guy who married Nastya early and lived with her not well, not badly for four years before the war." But in the peaceful life of the Russian people the Great Patriotic War. Together with the entire male part of the population, Andrei also went to war. Nothing foreshadowed such a strange and incomprehensible alignment, and now, like an unexpected blow for Nastya, the news that her husband Andrei Guskov is a traitor. Not every person is given to experience such grief and shame. This incident abruptly turns and changes the life of Nastya Guskova. “...Where were you, man, what toys did you play with when you were assigned a fate? Why did you agree with her? Why, without thinking, did you cut off your wings, just when they are most needed, when you need to run away from trouble, not crawling, but in the summer? Now she is under the power of her feelings and love. Lost in the deep village life, female drama extracted and shown as living picture, which is increasingly common against the background of the war.

The author claims that Nastena is a victim of the war and its laws. She could not act differently, not obeying her feelings and the will of fate. Nastya loves and pities Andrei, but when shame for the human judgment of herself and her unborn child defeats the power of love for her husband and life, she stepped overboard in the middle of the Angara, dying between two shores - the shore of her husband and the shore of all Russian people. Rasputin gives readers the right to judge the actions of Andrei and Nastena, to reveal for themselves all the good and realize all the bad.

The author himself good writer, inclined rather to forgive a person than to condemn, all the more to condemn mercilessly. He tries to give his heroes a chance to make amends. But there are such phenomena and events that are unbearable for the people around the heroes, for the understanding of which the author does not have the mental strength, but there is only one rejection. Valentin Rasputin, with inexhaustible purity of heart for a Russian writer, shows a resident of our village in the most unexpected situations.

The nobility of Nastya is compared by the author with the wild mind of Guskov. On the example of how Andrei pounces on the calf and bullies him, it is clear that he has lost human image completely withdrawn from people. Nastya is trying to reason and show her husband's mistake, but she does it lovingly, does not insist. The author introduces many thoughts about life into his story. We see this especially well when Andrei and Nastya meet. Heroes languish in their reflections not from melancholy or idleness, but wanting to understand the purpose human life.

The images described by Rasputin are great and multifaceted. Here and typical of village life collective image grandfather Mikheich and his wife, the conservatively strict Semyonovna. And the image of the soldier Maxim Volozhin, courageous and heroic, who spared no effort, fought for the Fatherland. The many-sided and contradictory image of a truly Russian woman - Nadya, left alone with three children. It is she who confirms the words of N. A. Nekrasov: ".. Russian share, female share." Both life during the war and its happy ending were reflected in the fate of the village of Atamanovka.

Valentin Rasputin convinces us with everything that he wrote that there is light in a person and it is difficult to extinguish it, no matter what the circumstances. In the heroes of V.G. Rasputin and in himself there is a certain poetic feeling, opposed to the established perception of life. Follow the words of Valentin Grigorievich Rasputin: "Live for a century - love a century."

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