Russian language appeal examples of sentences. Appeals of citizens: types, forms, concept, procedure for consideration

An appeal is a word or phrase that names the person to whom we are addressing the speech.

In the example: Moscow! How I love you! inversion is the word Moscow.

Features of using offers with appeals

The appeal is often expressed in the nominative case with a noun:

Are you very thoughtful, Alexander?

Less commonly, appeals are adjectives that are in the meaning of a noun:

Take me back, beautiful, to the wide expanse

The nominative case of address differs mainly from the nominative case of the subject in its intonation, where someone's name is used, or a rise or fall in tone or tempo.

Compare: Petya will bring me a toy. - Petya, bring me a toy.

The appeal may be accompanied by words of explanation:

Your work, my dear, I will not forget.

When we address a speech not to one person, but to several, then usually an exclamation point or a comma is placed between the names of these persons and they are connected by a coordinating union, for example:

Ivan and Peter, I will write letters to you.

Mother! Father! Run here quickly!

When speech has an intonation of excitement, then the appeal can be repeated:

Oh, Vasya, Vasya, I miss you

And also the interjection particle o can be used:

But I cannot, O enemies, I die.

The appeal is not part of the offer!

The address is never connected by any grammatical links with any of the members of the sentence and therefore will never be its members.

Let's compare examples, where in one of which the word mother is an address, and in the other - the subject:

I love you, mother! - My mother speaks to me in a whisper.

Addresses in our speech have a special role that is different from the role of the members of the sentence: all members of the sentence always serve to express a certain thought, the most common task of the appeal is often to make the interlocutor listen to the speech. That is why appeals are very often given names, nicknames, and so on:

Do you really want to leave us, Svetlana Nikolaevna?

Expression of feelings and emotions through appeals

The appeal is also sometimes accompanied by an expression of feelings of affection, rage, love, etc. This attitude of the speaker to the interlocutor is expressed mainly with the help of intonation, suffixes, definitions and applications, for example:

Ivanushka, dear, do not betray, dear!

Neighbor, my dear, please eat!

Sometimes the invocations can be expanded into often lengthy characteristics. In these cases, the call is repeated or modified and may have multiple definitions attached to it. For example:

Friend of my harsh days, my decrepit dove, alone in the wilderness of pine forests, you have been waiting for me for a long time.

The appeal is not always used only for certain persons, sometimes it can be used for inanimate objects in poetic speech: then it is one of the methods of impersonation.

Thank you, dear beauty, for your healing space! Idle thought's friend, my inkwell, I decorated my monotonous age with you.

Note. Often, we express rage, regret, love or indignation at the address of a person with an appropriate tone of nickname, name, name, and more. This is how sentences are called vocative. They should not be confused with appeals.

Let's take an example:

Voinitsky. He [Serebryakova] has nothing to do. He writes nonsense, grumbles, is jealous, nothing more.

S o n I (in a tone of rage). Uncle!

A little mindfulness test. In which of these sentences the word handsome will be used as an address.

In written speech, there are frequent cases of using elements such as appeals or interjections. They are necessary to create the desired color in the narrative, as well as to designate the subject being addressed. Punctuation when using these words has its own characteristics, which you need to know.

1. Spelling of commas when referring.

First, let's define the term "conversion".

Appeal is a word or phrase that names the participant in the action to whom the statement is addressed.

It may not necessarily be an animate person, but an inanimate object too. In the system of the Russian language, this unit is given a peripheral place, and the appeal is not a member of the sentence.

In the letter, the appeal is separated by commas. If the sentence contains words related to the appeal, then they, together with it, are separated by commas from the rest of the statement. For example:

  • Dear colleagues, a moment of attention.
  • Father Vasily, I came to you for help.

Note. Sometimes an appeal can be highlighted with another punctuation mark, such as an exclamation point. This is done in order to highlight the person to whom they are addressing:

  • Heavenly clouds, eternal wanderers!
    Steppe azure, pearl chain
    You rush as if like me, exiles
    From the sweet north to the south. (Lermontov)
  • Hey dove! deceive others with it; You will also receive from the assessor for not frightening people with devilry. (Gogol)

2. Spelling of commas in interjections.

Interjections are a separate class of unchangeable words that serve for grammatically unformed expression of emotions, feelings and wills..

This is a unique group of words that is not included in the syntactic system of the Russian language. She only points out different reactions and emotions, but does not name them. It has its own spelling rules.

Usually in writing interjections ("eh", "oh", "hey-gay", "ah", "oh", "well", "hey", "op", "oh", "ay", "ay- ah-ah”, “oh-oh-oh”, etc.) are distinguished by commas (sometimes to enhance emotionality, exclamation marks):

  • Ay-ay-ay, it's not good! he scolded and shook his finger.
  • Oh, I'm tired of everything, I'll leave.
  • Oh, you were a playful child (Pushkin).
  • Oh, the board is ending, now I will fall! (A. Barto)
  • Oh, what a woman, what a woman! I would like this! (gr. "Freestyle")
  • - Ege-ge-ge! Yes, both birds are from the same nest! Knit them both together! (N.V. Gogol)

Note. The particles "o", used when addressing, as well as "well", "ah", "oh" are homonyms of the same interjections. However, in writing, these particles are not separated by commas:

  • O field, field, who dotted you with dead bones? (Pushkin)
  • But I do not want, oh my friend, to die. (Pushkin)
  • Oh, you are a goy, Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich! (Lermontov)
  • Well, Onegin? You are yawning? (Pushkin)
  • Oh what are you!

213. Read an excerpt from the Russian folk tale "Fox with a rolling pin." After the address, pause (Ι) and pronounce them with a convocative intonation. What is the purpose of making proposals with appeals?

Sentences with appeals for the purpose of the statement are interrogative.

214. Read, find an appeal. How do they stand out in speech and in writing in writing? Write, emphasizing the appeal.

The appeal is separated by commas in the letter. If the appeal is at the beginning of a sentence and is pronounced with an exclamatory intonation, then an exclamation mark is placed after it. In oral speech, appeals are distinguished by vocative intonation.

215. Rearrange the appeals in the middle or at the end of the sentence. Read your sentences aloud.

1. Mom, res e shi (words) me to go to the book fair today. - Allow me, mother, to go to the book fair today. - Let me go to the book fair today, mom.
2. Guys, do not forget to prepare for the Russian language Olympiad. - Do not forget, guys, to prepare for the Russian language Olympiad. - Do not forget to prepare for the Russian language Olympiad, guys.

216. Make sentences according to the schemes. (Ο stands for inversion).

1. Kolya, when will you wake up?
2. Mikhail Igorevich! Congratulations on your anniversary!
3. You, Anyuta, need to read more.
4. How comfortable it is with you, Marya Ivanovna!

217. Read a Russian folk song. In which sentences are the underlined words used as references, and in which are they subject?

Oh how I love my cow.
How can I give her some nettles.
Eat your heart out cow(appeal) my;
You eat to your heart's content brown cow (appeal) my!
How I love my cow!
I’ll pour a satisfying drink for a cow:
To be full cow (subject) my,
To cream brown cow (subject) gave.

218. Think of a situation when it is appropriate to address a young doctor Nikolai Ivanovich Rybakov, calling him:

Nikolay Ivanovich;
- Nikolay;
- son (son);
- Mr. Rybakov;
- colleague;
- young man;
- doctor.

Compose and write down 2-3 sentences with appeals. Make diagrams.

1. Nikolai Ivanovich, we are waiting for you in the ninth office. (appeal of colleagues at work).
2. Nikolai, do you think we will have time to drop into the stadium today? (friend's call) ?
3. Son, help me, please, bring the sofa into the living room. (mother's address to her son).
4. We are glad to see you, Mr. Rybakov, at our conference! (appeal at a business meeting)!
5. Well, colleague, let's start bypassing. (appeal of a colleague with whom he is on good terms).
6. Young man, let me pass. (appeal of a stranger).
7. When will you discharge us, doctor? (patient's request).

219. Make sentences with appeals to a stranger in the following situations:
- you want to know the way;
- you ask the seller to show the goods;
- You ask what time it is.

Please tell me how to get to the stop. Please, show me that crystal vase. Sorry, can't tell me what time it is.

220. How can different people address your parents (acquaintances, neighbors) in different ways (by last name, first name and patronymic, in a word with a diminutive - caressing coloring)? Make 5 sentences with different appeals addressed to one person.

Marinochka, let me help you cook dinner. Marina Petrovna, today at ten o'clock in the morning we will have a meeting. Dear Marina! Happy Birthday! Well, tell Kolka, aunt Marina, not to fight. Where's our salt, Marin?

221. Read fragments from M. Gorky's letter to his son. Write out sentences with appeals, put the necessary punctuation marks. What can be said, judged only by this appeal, about the attitude of M. Gorky to his son?

Offers with appeals: I am sending you, my friend, the book "The Living Word", it contains the best (words) samples (sample c) of the Russian (words) language ...
Goodbye! I hug you, my child!
Judging by the appeals, we can say that M. Gorky loved his son very much.


The concept of circulation

A word or combination of words that names the addressee of the speech, is an inversion. Most often, proper names act as addresses; less often - nicknames of animals or names of inanimate objects.

The appeal can stand outside the sentence or be part of it, located anywhere - at the beginning of the sentence, in the middle, at the end. Even being included in the composition of the proposal, the appeal does not become its member, i.e. does not have a coordinating or subordinating connection with other words and retains the isolation of its position and grammatical independence. For example: - Children, go to the rooms! - Anna Afanasyevna (Kupr.) shouted from the dining room; I don't feel well, Christia, I don't know what to do! (M. G.); Give me a paw, Jim, for good luck (Ec.); My end! Beloved Russia and Mordva! By the parable of the darkness, you, as before, are alive (Es.).

The appeal is accompanied special vocative intonation. She especially highlights the appeal that stands outside the sentence: Father! Father! Leave threats, do not scold your Tamara (L.).

Such appeals are easy turn into special independent sentences - vocative.For example: - Grandma! - Olesya (Kupr.) said reproachfully, with an arrangement. The handling here is complicated functionally; it not only names a person, but conveys various shades of meaning accompanying this name: reproach, fear, joy, reproachfully condescending attitude, etc., i.e. conveys subjective modality. Offers-addresses are especially rich in intonation shades.

    The vocative intonation of a standing address at the beginning offers, somewhat weakened Fair-haired wind, how happy you are! (Pinch.).

    Appeal worthwhile inside sentences, may have an intonation of introductory (quick tempo of pronunciation, lowering of the voice) or an exclamation intonation (in this case, the addition of a particle o conveys special poetry and pathos), for example: Crush, crush, night wave, and irrigate the banks with foam ... (L.); Let me be covered with cold earth, oh friend! always, everywhere my soul is with you (L.).

    Appeal located in the end sentences can be weakly highlighted intonationally if it does not have special semantic or expressive functions, for example: - What's your name, beauty? - asked the student affectionately (Kupr.). However, the general exclamatory intonation of the sentence can contribute to the emphasis of the appeal: Hello, people of peaceful labor, noble workers! (Pan.)

Handling, except main function - to attract the attention of the interlocutor, may have more evaluation function when the called person (or object) is characterized from one side or another, such appeals are often expressive words- But, mother, you are my dove! You are in your seventh decade (Pan.); - Shut up, worm! - Slavyanov (Kupr) threw him with a tragic gesture. Such appeals rich in intonation shades of pronunciation:Wait, honey! Sing! (Cupr.); Yes, what did you do, you stupid head? (Cupr.); Ah, my dear, life is so beautiful (Kupr.); Hang around here, Labardians! (Kupr.).

Ways of expressing appeals

To express addresses in the Old Russian language, there was a special form of the vocative case. Remains of it can be found in the literature of the 19th century, for example: What do you want, old man? (P.). Such forms partially preserved in modern Russian as interjections and interjectional expressions:Lord, my God, my God, my fathers, my lights and some others.

In modern Russian language of address expressed in the nominative case of a noun or a substantiated part of speech. For example: What, boy, got you through? (Cupr.); We, comrades, are great patriots of the plant (Pan.); You, Nastasya Ilyinichna, are lucky in life (Pan.); - Hello, sixth! - I heard the thick, calm voice of the colonel (Kupr.); Use life, living (Beetle).

AT colloquial speech special forms of nouns are common for expressing appeals - truncated, for example: Tanya, Tanya ... (M. G.); Mom, what about you? (Fed.). Spoken language is characterized reception of repetition of references with a particle(reinforced call to attention): grandmother? What about grandma? You are alive? (Paust.); - Ivan, and Ivan, - Listar pestered him ... (M.-Sib.).

AT folklore works there are special types of calls, which are tautological repetitions: path-path, friends-comrades, sadness-longing.

For works of art- especially poetic and oratorical - are characteristic common appeals. Usually these are nouns, equipped with agreed and inconsistent definitions, applications, and even attributive clauses. These appeals characterize an object or person, convey an attitude towards it. For example: - Dear Nadia, my dear girl, - says my mother, - do you want something? (Kupr.): Farewell, dear forest, forgive me, golden spring (Es.); A young mare, an honor of the Caucasian brand, why are you rushing, daring? (P.); Black, then reeking howl! How can I not caress you, not love you? (Ec.); The stars are clear, the stars are high! What do you keep in yourself, what do you hide? Stars that conceal deep thoughts, with what power do you captivate the soul? (Ec.); Come, chained to the canvas by the power of my power, look from it at these tailcoats ... (Garsh.).

The appeal is often expressed pronoun with particle o. This appeal is usually accompanied by attributive clauses, for example:O you, whose letters are many, many in my portfolio! Sometimes I look at them sternly, but I can’t throw them into the stove (K).

Common Treatments can be quite lengthy, their characteristic quality then becomes the content of the proposal:You, gray from the ashes of the burnt villages, hanging the shadow of your wings over life, you, who were waiting for us to crawl on our knees, are not horror, but you awakened rage in us (Tvard.); The son of a soldier who grew up without a father and matured noticeably ahead of time, you are not excommunicated from the joys of the earth by the memory of a hero and father (Tward).

Common calls can be broken down. This is characteristic of colloquial speech or speech that reproduces colloquial: Stronger, horse, beat, hoof, minting a step (Bagr.); Where, smart, are you wandering, head? (Cr.).

Appeals can line up in a homogeneous row, for example: Sing, people, cities and rivers, sing, mountains, steppes and seas (Surk.); Hear me, good one, hear me, beautiful one, my evening dawn, unquenchable love! (Isak.).

Homogeneous Treatments may formally coincide with a combination of an appeal and an application with it, for example: To you, the Caucasus, the harsh king of the earth, I again dedicate a careless verse ... (L.). The inversion here is the word Caucasus, it is propagated by the application harsh king of the earth.

In colloquial speech, as addresses can be used unmanaged prepositional case forms. Such forms are contextually or situationally determined. They call the addressee of the speech according to a single, situationally identified feature. For example: With higher education, step forward! (Kar.); Hey on the boat! Release the left side (B. Paul.); Hey, there, in the boats, don't get under the wheels! (B. Paul.).

The scope of applications is very wide. They are a characteristic accessory of colloquial speech, especially dialogic. main function such appeals name of the addressee of the speech. In speech, poetic and oratorical appeals perform special stylistic functions: are carriers of expressive-evaluative meanings; as a rule, they are metaphorical: You are my abandoned land, you are my land, a wasteland, unmowed hayfield, a forest and a monastery (Es.); Flash, last needle, in the snow! Arise, fire-breathing mist! Throw up your snowy ashes! (Bl.); Recede, like an ebb, all daytime, empty excitement, loneliness, stand, like a month, above my hour! (Bruce); Wandering spirit! You stir the flame of your mouth less and less. Oh, my lost freshness, riot of eyes and flood of feelings! (Ec.); Sorry homestay. What has served you, and I am already pleased with that (Es.); O wisdom of the most generous Indian summer, I accept you with joy (Berg.); “Forgive me, goodbye, my dryness!” - he said with the words of the song (Shol.).

The term "conversion" first appeared in "Historical Grammar" (1863) by F.I. Buslaev. In the Old Russian language, the vocative case form was used in the function of address, which in the modern language is sometimes used for stylistic purposes, for example: What do you need, old man? (P.), god, lord.

F.I. Buslaev was the first to single out the appeal from the composition of the sentence and defined it as a grammatical means for expressing mutual relations between persons.

In modern Russian, an address is a word or a combination of words that names the person (or object) to whom the speech is addressed. The appeal extends the sentence, but is not a member of it (that is, it does not perform the function of a subject, predicate or minor member).

An appeal can take place at the beginning, in the middle and at the end of a sentence, for example: Sergey Sergeyevich, is that you! (Gr.); Do not sing, mower, about the wide steppe! (Kolts.); Forward someone else's misfortune do not laugh, dove! (Cr.).

Depending on the place occupied in the sentence, the appeal is more or less intonation stands out.

Appeal at the beginning of a sentence, pronounced with a weakened vocative intonation, for example: Neighbor, stop being ashamed! (Cr.).

For phrases in the middle of a sentence, a double intonation is possible: either an intonation of introductory (lowering of the voice, an accelerated pronunciation rate), or an exclamatory intonation, if the appeal is distinguished, for example, by adding a particle o to it. For example: a) Why, field, did you become silent and overgrown with the grass of oblivion? (P.); b) But I don't want to die!(P.).

We observe a double intonation in references at the end of a sentence; usually such addresses are poorly distinguished in pronunciation, but can have increased stress if they are at the end of an exclamatory or interrogative sentence. For example: a) And you should change your life, my dear (Ch.); b) What are you working on now, Garth? (Paust); Greetings to you, people of peaceful labor, noble workers! (Pan.).

The role of appeals is most often played by proper names, names of persons by kinship, by social status, by profession, less often this function is performed by the names of animals or the names of inanimate objects.

Usually, appeals are used in oral dialogic speech, as well as in the language of fiction when transmitting direct speech. In addition, appeals are widely used in oratory and business speech.

There are non-common appeals (expressed in one word) and common ones (there are explanatory words with the word-address).

The composition of common appeals is very diverse: in it, with the leading word, there may be agreed and inconsistent definitions, applications, additions, circumstances and subordinate parts of the sentence, for example: I love you, my damask dagger, comrade light and cold (L.); Hello, city of ancient Russian glory, hello, city of my youth! (Isak.); Hey, Slavs, from the Kuban, from the Don, from the Volga, from the Irtysh, take the heights in the bathhouse, gain a foothold slowly! (Tward.).

A common call can be broken, i.e. inside the phrase that forms it are the members of the sentence, for example: Where, smart, are you wandering, head? (Cr.).

Appeal can be expressed:

1. A proper noun in the nominative case that performs a nominative function, for example: Farewell, Onegin, I have to go. (P.).

2. A common noun that names a profession, a related sign, a position, a rank, etc., for example: Where are you going, brother? Oh you, violent winds.

3. Words in the form of indirect cases, if they name a sign of the person to whom the speech is addressed, for example: Hey, in a white scarf, where can I find the chairman of the cooperative? Such constructions arise as a result of skipping the call you(cf .: Hey, you, in a white scarf ...).

4. Substantiated parts of speech: participles and adjectives, for example: Mourners, get out of the car. Hey black-haired, come here.

5. Numerals and pronouns, for example: Hello, sixth! - I heard the thick calm voice of the colonel (Kupr.); Well, you, move, otherwise I'll hit you with your butt! (N. Ostr.). Personal pronouns of the 2nd person are more often part of a special turnover, acting as an address and containing a qualitative assessment of a person; pronouns you and you are in this turnover between the defined word and the definition, for example: Why are you looking at such a duchess, are you my beauty? (A. Ostr.).

Appeal functions:

1) contact-setting;

2) fictitious-vocative - with the help of an appeal, the writer can make inanimate objects a participant in the speech of the context, express his attitude towards them (personification);

3) conditionally vocative - the appeal serves to express the attitude towards the images created by the author himself, addressed to the lyrical heroes: Terem, terem, what's wrong with you;

4) coordinating-vocal - establishing contact between the poet and the reader: My reader, here we come to the denouement.

All these functions can be complicated by the appraisal function, which can be expressed in the form of subjective evaluation ( darling) or the semantics of the word itself: Argue, do you have so much mind, scarecrow.

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