Latvians who are they. Latvians - another parasitic nation? Collective image of the Balts


"Latvians are of medium height, sometimes tall, the face is long, in men it is rarely ruddy, the forehead is low, the nose is long and straight, the mouth is small, the cheeks are thick, the whole camp is rarely fat" - Gustav Theodor Pauli (1817-1867), Russian ethnographer of German origin.

Rita Gravere collected observations of various scientists and other respected people of Latvia and the Baltics at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries about how they imagined "real Latvians". Very different. Sometimes it's funny, sometimes it's tearful.

Especially ruthless to the Latvians was the famous Livonian publicist and educator of German origin Garlib Helwig Merkel (1769-1850), the author of the book "Latvians", which described the life of the Livonian peasantry in the blackest tones, denounced the atrocities of the German landowners and called on the Russian government to intervene in Livland affairs and make life easier for the working people.

Merkel described the Latvians as follows: “They (Latvians) are tall with a strong body structure, a crimson-red face, blue eyes and smooth brown hair. I had the opportunity to pity the mutilated humanity in the image of a Latvian. hunger, insensitivity and slave labor. Too early an exhausted organism can never reach its full flowering of strength ... "According to him," the most striking characteristic feature of the Livonian peasant is slavish fears and mistrust.


"Latvian women are beautiful, but young men do not have a beard" - Carl Philipp Michael Snell (1753-1806), publicist and rector of the Dome School.

"Latvians are larger and more proportionally built than Estonians, and they have a sharp nose," Professor of Anatomy at the University of Tartu Henrik Friedrich Isenflam (1771-1828).

"The appearance and size of the Latvians are different. In general, they are similar to the Finns, mostly gloomy, with an angular head, nevertheless gifted, the women are agile and beautiful." J Georgs (1776), physician.

"I did not find among the Latvians either Slavic rounded fullness, or Estonian and Finnish flat forms," ​​- Johann Karl Ulrich Bell (1801-1869), artist, history researcher.

"... a beautiful breed of people who are similar in appearance, clothing and lifestyle to the Germans. They are tall and chubby. Children's hair is yellow, but darkens with age," - Johan Ernest Christian von Trautvetter (1780-1859), German teacher and writer .

"Latvians are of medium height, rarely tall, strong and proportionately built. Fullness is rare. Skin color is white, body hair is underdeveloped, hair on the head is either smooth or more or less curly, more often yellowish, but there are also light brown, less often - dark brown. Eye color in most cases - grayish-blue, gray or green, less often - brown. Eyes - medium size, eyelids - horizontal. Beards grow moderately. Men are more common with short, not very dense hair on the cheeks, less often - with a full beard. No one wears a mustache. Most Latvians shave their beards completely. The head is more or less long and wide.

The face is more often oval, less often wide or angular, the cheekbones do not stick out, only in the rarest cases the face is too long and thin. The face, if not ruddy, then not pale. The forehead is high, its lateral bones do not stick out. The nose is straight and semi-long, but there are also short and wide forms. The mouth is of medium size, the teeth of most are good and straight. Lips are full but not thick. The same can be said about women, but their faces are often ruddy, some of them are beautiful, "- Otto Gustav Friedrich Weber (1852-1920), anthropologist.

"Their body structure is strong by nature and from lack of education (ar primitīvu audzināšanu) became even stronger. But gluttony and excessive drinking damaged their nerves and brought them a quick life and a quick death," - Riga doctor Otto Hun (1764-1832).

"Kurzeme peasants are relatively tall with a healthy and strong body structure", - Professor of Terbat (Tartus) University Daniel Georg Balk (1764-1826).


“Among Latvians, it is difficult not to recognize two types: one is Aryan, the other is Finnish. Latvians of the second type are none other than the Livs who adopted the Latvian language,” a description in the book “Peoples of Russia” (1910-12).

Latvians - another parasitic nation?

... a Latvian is an extremely stubborn, stupid sheep. This is the most striking example of bydloism at the national level. You can't be on an equal footing with a bully. You give him the opportunity to speak out and feel like a person, and in return they use this opportunity to behave like cattle.
(a generalized image of a Latvian through the eyes of Russians)

Coast of the Baltic Sea - the current Livonia, Estland and Courland. “Latvia” was inhabited by 4 peoples: Livs, Ests (Finnish tribe), Latgalians and Lats (Lithuanian tribes). Until the 13th century, one cannot speak of any common political organization of "Latvia". Separate tribes lived in it quite independently; their cultural level was low. Their religion was the worship of natural phenomena. Their main god was the god of thunder - Perkun, to whom old centuries-old oaks were dedicated. Sacrifices were customary; the horse was considered the most noble sacrifice. In the war, the inhabitants showed great ferocity and mercilessly quartered their prisoners. The dead were burned; the ashes from their corpses were preserved in urns. Many such urns have now been found. After the deceased, his beloved pets, horses and dogs were often burned; weapons, bread, honey, coins were placed in the grave. Remember, the ancient Egyptians did not know what to do with the prisoners (it is expensive to feed them) and, therefore, the prisoners were killed. And only then, they came up with the idea of ​​using them as free labor. They were even called “talking cattle”. This is how the slave system arose and civilization began. It turns out that in the 13th century, in the center of Europe, a people lived who, in terms of savagery, were still in the fifth millennium BC. For comparison - in Russia, by that time, The Tale of Bygone Years, The Tale of Igor's Campaign had already been written, thus, an independent Russian (non-Greek) literary tradition already existed.
The main role in the creation of a single people was played by a culture based on folk songs - understandable to everyone, they largely shaped both the language and common views and beliefs. After the collapse of the Livonian states, this unity suffered noticeably - in Latgale, for example, language and religion experienced a strong Polish-Catholic influence. In addition, since the real political power from the end of the 13th to the beginning of the 20th century was in the hands of the Germans (regardless of formal state power), what was happening among them also influenced what was happening in the country. The Germans in Latvia have done…. Well, how to put it more delicately, in general, everything. Just everything. They built cities. Churches. Universities. Established trade. Industry. Roads. Sewerage (they would just litter their entire territory). Electricity. Literature. Writing. Religion. The medicine. Education. Army. Well, in general, everything that is possible.

Therefore, for a Latvian, it doesn’t give a damn who ruled his country five hundred years ago - it’s still the country of only his and his ancestors, and strangers have always remained nothing, albeit a dangerous nothing that has to submit, but which does not acquire any rights from this. For an ordinary Latvian, both Livonia and the Russian Empire in Latvia are just governance structures, not states. This is how the Latvians looked at them 300 and 600 years ago, and this is how they look now.
Modern historians of "Latvia" such as E. Jekabsons, V Shcherbinskis are trying to present the history of Latvians in a different light, namely as active participants in the white movement in Russia after the October Revolution of 1917, however, these are precisely the units of representatives of Latvians who adequately thought and were genetically representatives of the Nordic race.
But let's consider the activity of this locust in the period of the 20th century, which is most understandable for modern man. Latvian shooters are degenerates on Russian soil. The starting point for the Latvians in the destruction of the Russian Empire was

The second congress of delegates of the Latvian rifle regiments, held in Riga in mid-May 1917. 226 delegates almost unanimously adopted a resolution in which it was stated that the Provisional Government was the result of an attempt by the petty bourgeoisie and one section of the workers to enter into an agreement with the imperialist bourgeoisie and landowners. The resolution described the war as imperialist, so the revolutionary forces must fight for peace without annexations and indemnities, they must drive out their imperialist governments. On the most important question for the revolution - about power - the congress declared: "Our slogan is the call of revolutionary democracy: all power to the Soviets of Workers', Soldiers' and Peasants' Deputies!" Here is what A. Koch writes about that situation: “...Even the leaders of the Bolsheviks did not expect such convincing support for their aspirations. So P. Stuchka wrote, recalling that day: “I saw only an enthusiastic almost unanimous vote. I must confess that I was greatly impressed by this determination. A day later, speaking at a separate meeting of one of the regiments, I was convinced that these were the thoughts and inspiration of the masses, and not just the elected elite.
The resolution of May 17 meant the transition of the Latvian riflemen to the side of the Bolsheviks, and 40 thousand Latvian riflemen became the core of the Bolshevik military forces in the revolution. The following fact speaks of the political views of the Latvian riflemen: in the elections to the Constituent Assembly held in November 17, 95 percent of the votes were cast for the Bolshevik candidates.
Two months later, in February 1918, German troops, including the 12th Baltic Infantry Division under Major General Rüdiger von der Goltz, broke through the front and occupied the entire territory of Latvia. 40,000 well-trained and armed Latvians did not defend their homeland, but set off "to fight for freedom and the consolidation of Soviet power" in the vast Russian expanses. On their bayonets they carried revolutionary terror, and simply - the death of millions of Russian people.
Here's how L.D. Trotsky (go find a better expert on the Civil War in Russia, after all, the People's Commissariat of Defense, - there is no more important thing!) Described the role of Latvian riflemen in the outcome of the civil war: "Latvian rifle units, distinguished by their unparalleled dedication during the civil war , were created by the tsarist government in 1915, the predominantly proletarian composition of the units was the reason that shortly after the February Revolution, in May 1917, the Latvian riflemen declared themselves supporters of the Bolsheviks.

Since then, they have linked their fate with the fate of the revolutionary proletariat of the Soviet republics, each time appearing on the most dangerous sectors of the front and inflicting heavy defeats on the enemy. Created on December 14, 1917, the Latvian corps was subject, according to the Brest Treaty, to demobilization. In order to preserve the Latvian units, it was decided to rename the corps into the Latvian Soviet Rifle Division (April 13, 1918). I.I.Vatsetis was appointed head of the division. Even before bringing them into the corps, the Latvian regiments took part in the fight against the Polish corps of Dovbor-Musnitsky, and in the south - with Kornilov.
In 1918, the Latvian units took an active part in the defeat of the anarchists and the suppression of the Left SR rebellion. During the period of the Czechoslovak uprising, 7 Latvian regiments were transferred to the Eastern Front. For the valiant two-day defense of Kazan (August 5 and 6), the 5th Latvian regiment is awarded the red banner of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee. At the end of 1918 and the beginning of 1919, the Latvian units cleared Latvia of German barons and Russian White Guards: (Here they are, here they are - the Latvian units! These are the very units of the Red Army that first captured Riga, and then von der Goltz kicked them back to Russia! That's how they saw their native Latvia - Bolshevik! Well, where, well, where is the thanks to the Germans for saving Latvia from the brutal Latvians?)
In the autumn of 1919, we see the entire Latvian rifle division with its cavalry (hell, they had cavalry, add at least 10 thousand to 40 thousand riflemen) near Orel, where it was transferred by Commander-in-Chief Vatsetis in order to cover the path to Moscow . Here it had to be placed in the center of the shock group against the Volunteer Army of General Denikin. The Latvian division was given Primakov's brigade and Pavlov's red brigade. The collision occurred near the city of Kromy. Here one of the bloodiest battles is played out between the Latvian division with its attached units, on the one hand, and the 1st Corps of the Volunteer Army, on the other. The forces were equal. The battle lasted about two weeks, from 11 to 27 October 1919. Both sides strained all their forces. The last and decisive effort was made by the 1st Latvian brigade and the 7th Latvian regiment on the night of October 27, defeating the rear of the enemy and capturing the city of Kromy, where the headquarters were located. The Kromskaya victory was the first step towards victory over Denikin's army, which, retreating, turned into shreds of separate military units. At the same time, the 5th Latvian regiment was fighting against General Yudenich, who was advancing on Petrograd. Together with the 87th and 88th regiments, he forms a strike group, which, near Pavlovsk, inflicts a decisive defeat on General Yudenich.
The front of General Yudenich was torn into two parts; this was the beginning of the total flight of Yudenich's army to Estonia, where it was liquidated. For valiant actions near Petrograd, the 5th Latvian regiment received the 2nd red regimental banner.
In the spring of 1920, the Latvian rifle division operates near Perekop, which it takes by storm, but, not being supported in a timely manner, is forced to withdraw. In summer and autumn we see the Latvian division in the front ranks of the troops fighting against Gen. Wrangel" (L.D. Trotsky "The Soviet Republic and the capitalist world. Part One").

Thus, we can safely say that the victory of the Reds in the civil war was largely due to the participation of Latvian units on their side. Everyone knows that the turning point in the civil war began after the defeat of the Volunteer Army near Orel. Now we know who provided it.
If we add to this the enthusiasm with which the Latvians went to the Cheka, with what pleasure they participated in the executions, how energetically and in a businesslike manner they later built the Gulag. All these Vatsetis, Peters, Stuchki, Latsis, Berzins. Probably, it is time for us to present the bill to Latvia, and not vice versa.
Here is how the well-known Latvian professor Aivars Stranga (Vestnik Evropy, 2001, No. 2) assesses the quantitative participation of Latvians in the formation and retention of Soviet power in Russia: “184 thousand Latvians, more than 10% of our nation (to be precise, 20%. Where do they come from How much did they take? But these are not my figures. Although with family members, perhaps.), remained in Soviet Russia after the revolution, did not return to Latvia, did not take advantage of the conditions of the Riga Peace, did not participate in the construction of an independent, free Latvia. 70 thousand of them signed a sentence for themselves, which was carried out in 1937 (for dogs - dog death). This figure - 184 thousand who remained here in leadership work, including in the GRU, in the NKVD - is evidence of how socially and ideologically our nation was split. This is where the robbery, maniacal hardness of the Latvian ball-bearers becomes clear. I will not dwell on the atrocities of the Latvian bastards on the territory of my country during the formation of the Jewish-Bolshevik government, but will immediately be transported to the conditions of the liberation war of 1939-1945. And so, after the NSDAP came to power in Germany, the government actively transgressed to organize the consolidation of the Volksdeutsche in the original German lands. Including the territory of “Latvia”, which has been actively developed over the centuries. At that time, the population of the territory of “Latvia” was about 2 million people of various nationalities and approximately 60 percent were actually Latvians. That is, by and large, there is nothing to compare with Russia or Germany, so the area in Berlin or Moscow. But how many dirty tricks from them… Pro-German sentiments were traditionally strong in Latvia. Although before the war the German population was only about 3 percent, its society called the "Latvian Brotherhood" after Hitler came to power officially declared its goal the entry of "Latvia" into the Third Reich. After the signing of the "Versailles Peace Treaty" and the "Brest Peace Treaty" (the Brest Treaty remained in force for 3 months. After the revolution in Germany 1918–1919, the Soviet government unilaterally annulled it on November 13, 1918.) The Entente countries decided to equip their outpost on the territory " Latvia” and that is why they decided to grant “independence” to the Latvians. And apparently not in vain. It should be noted that the Latvian army of that time was perhaps the most combat-ready part of the "Baltic Entente". The Ulmanis government spared no expense for its armed forces. So, in 1936, aircraft for the Air Force were ordered in Great Britain, in 1939, anti-aircraft guns were ordered in Sweden. In Valga in early December 1934, the Estonian and Latvian command held joint command and staff exercises, which developed plans for military operations against the USSR. In May-June 1938, similar field exercises took place. In addition to the mobile, well-armed army, there were a number of national paramilitary organizations in the republic. The youth was involved in the analogue of the "Hitler Youth" - "Mazpulka". The adult part of the population, including women, united in the organization "Aizsargi" ("Guards"). Existing since 1919, this militarized structure took an active part in the coup d'état in May 1934, as a result of which its former leader, Karl Ulmanis, became the head of state. The organization was built according to the territorial principle, covering all counties of Latvia, and by 1940 had up to 40,000 people (21 regiments) in its ranks. Members of the organization united in platoons, companies, battalions and regiments. Aizsargami was led by a headquarters headed by the former Minister of Public Affairs of Latvia, Alfreds Berzins. Each member of the organization had a rifle, a pistol and a supply of ammunition. In addition to small arms, there was also artillery. Each "guard" enjoyed a number of privileges, at the same time being a reservist of the national armed forces. Helping the police, "guards" during the days of revolutionary holidays gathered at certain points to suppress possible speeches. They studied the tactics of street fighting, guarded striking enterprises and strikebreakers. "Aizsargi", living in the border zone, guarded the border. Aizsarg could also become a Russian resident of Latvia. So, I. Selivanov was the head of the group for the fight against partisans at one of the volost administrations. His group consisted mainly of Russian agents. (S. Chuev Damned soldiers. Traitors on the side of the III Reich. Moscow. Publishing houses "YAUZA", "EKSMO", 2004). After the signing of the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact in 1939 and the annexation of the territory of "Latvia" to the USSR, the organization was formally dissolved, but a number of its members went underground and joined a number of underground armed formations - "Guardian of the Fatherland" ("Tevijas Sargs"), "Latvian National Legion", "Military Organization for the Liberation of Latvia".
In 1931, the national organization "Thunder Cross" ("Perkonkrust") was created. By the autumn of 1934, it numbered about 5 thousand people in its ranks. In 1940, after the Red Army entered Latvia, the Perkonkrusta activist group recommended that its members join the Latvian Communist Party in order to retain valuable personnel.

"Latvijas Sargi" ("Defenders of Latvia") was created in May 1941. The organization set itself the task of restoring the former Latvia with the help of Germany. After the occupation of Latvia by the Germans, the "Defenders" were disbanded, but most of them went to serve the new owners. In 1944, at the initiative of German intelligence, the organization was restored and its personnel were used to carry out subversive work in the Soviet rear.
At the end of June 1941, Wehrmacht soldiers entered the territory of the Baltic republics, a significant part of the local population welcomed them as liberators. The Germans entered Riga in early July. Not wanting the return of Soviet power to the Baltic states, many residents of "Latvia" were not opposed to joining the German army in its "crusade against Bolshevism." The Baltic republics and Belarus were united by the Reich Commissariat for the Occupied Eastern Territories (headed by Alfred Rosenberg) into a single administrative territory under the name "Ostland". Heinrich Lohse, Gauleiter of Schleswig-Holstein, was appointed Reichskommissar for Ostland.
In turn, the RSHA, within the boundaries of this territory, formed the main district of the SS under the leadership of SS Obergruppenführer and Police General Friedrich Jeckeln with headquarters in Riga.

On the territory of “Latvia”, the security service was headed by SS Brigadeführer and Police Major General Walter Schroeder. Schroeder arrived in the Latvian capital in August 1941 and headed the command of the Latvian urban and rural police, which by this time had been formed by SS Brigadeführer Franz Walter Stahlecker.

Schroeder needed reliable national police units that could free the German military units from the need to maintain public order in Latvia.

He gave the order to proceed with the formation of the so-called security battalions, which received the name of noise-battalions. The Germans intended to use these battalions exclusively for the performance of police functions as part of the SS. Reference: “Hitler was extremely unfriendly towards the population of Ostland. At first, he was resolutely against the conscription of the population of these regions into the army and their use at the front. This manifested itself especially sharply ... in his response to the proposal of the “Latvian self-government” to create 1-2 army corps, which was transmitted to me through the imperial head of the SS: “The Führer does not want any military formations from the Baltic states to be used at the front, since after the war, this would lead to political demands on their part. In addition, there are no weapons for these purposes. However, perhaps a larger number of security battalions should be formed to serve in the occupied Russian territory. However, the heavy losses suffered by the German army during the winter (1941-1942) counter-offensive of the Red Army near Moscow forced Heinrich Himmler to transfer the noise battalions to the German military command as "cannon fodder" - reserve units. Subsequently, the Germans used the Latvians as tampons - plugs, i.e. they plugged gaps on the front line, where the use of regular SS units was inappropriate. And since the plans of the leadership of the Third Reich did not include the formation of independent Baltic states, Alfred Rosenberg sent instructions to the Reich Commissioner of Ostland, Heinrich Lohse, on how to treat the population of the occupied regions. In particular, it said: “... The purpose of the activities of the Reichskommissariat of Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania is to form a Reichsprotectorate here, and then to turn this territory into part of the Greater German Reich by attracting racially valuable elements and resettlement measures to cooperation. The Baltic Sea must become an inland northern sea under German dominion... The Reichskommissariat of Ostland must prevent any encroachment on the creation of Estonian, Latvian and Lithuanian states independent of Germany. It is also necessary to constantly make it clear that all these areas are subordinate to the German administration, which deals with peoples, not with states ... As for cultural life, it is necessary to stop attempts to create our own Estonian, Latvian, Lithuanian universities and universities from the very beginning. There is no need to object to the opening of vocational schools and small technical schools.” A. Rozenberg from the very beginning and quite clearly ordered to stop any inclinations to obtain any kind of independence for the Baltic states. However, the instructions specifically emphasized that the inadmissibility of the creation of independent states "should not be declared publicly." Unsuspecting local nationalists, after the arrival of German troops, enthusiastically set about forming various governments. Rosenberg, as a former subject of the Russian Empire, knew firsthand about the mentality of the Latvians, and other Balts, and that is why he was categorically against the existence of such peoples. Here, pay attention to the difference in the approaches of the Third Reich to the development of statehood and the people of Russia and the Baltic territories. On the liberated territory of Russia, Orthodox churches were restored, universities and theaters, a museum and libraries resumed work ... the self-government structure was actively restored without the presence of Wehrmacht military units, entire divisions were formed as part of the SS and Wehrmacht troops. However, some will object to me and remember the 15th and 19th SS divisions at the end of 1943, reduced to the VIth SS Volunteer Army Corps (Latvian). And this is true, but initially the divisions were formed from the Volksdeutsche. Subsequently, when in 1943 - 1944 the divisions were split up into separate parts and betrayed to other SS military formations, because. by this time, due to a lack of human resources, the divisions began to accept Latvians, and this led to serious defeats in the defense sectors of the divisions and the death of their German commanders. Not knowing what to do with the Latvians, the Germans from the personnel of the 15th division formed three construction regiments, well, what could they do because the soldiers from the Latvians are useless. As a result, the 15th division generally ceased to obey the leadership of the SS and, long before the end of the Berlin operation, surrendered to the Americans, and the 19th division fled through the forests, ending up in the Courland cauldron. Realizing the chain nature and pathological reckless cruelty of the Latvians, the leadership of the RSHA decided not to interfere with the self-cleansing of the territories from the Bolsheviks and Jews. On June 29, 1941, the head of the RSHA (General Directorate of Imperial Security) G. Heydrich sent a directive to all commanders of the Einsatzgruppen, which ordered "not to interfere with the aspirations for self-purification on the part of anti-communist and anti-Jewish circles in the occupied territories." The flywheel of murders and robberies was already spinning, and the direct executors would hardly have paid attention to this directive. It should be noted that the addressing and wording of the directive changes greatly with the use of the word “self-cleansing”, emphasizing that the actions of robberies and executions were pure amateur activity on the part of unbelted scumbags, and Heydrich asked his governors - “just don’t interfere with them” ... They killed everyone, their own and others. Cruel and no less cynical.

Estonia is one of the most successful countries in the post-Soviet space. Our neighbors and residents of this country differ from Russians not only in mentality, but also in appearance. Estonians live calmly and measuredly, they are not in a hurry, because they are not late anywhere. The country is commensurate in area with the Rostov region, there are cities with a population of 100 people. Phlegmatic Estonians, whose appearance is very different from a typical Russian, are the heroes of many funny stories, they are discussed in this article.

History reference

References to the "people of the earth" (maarahvas) are found in the writings of Tacitus (1st century AD). They mention a people (aestii), who are engaged in agriculture in the lands near the Baltic Sea, living east of the Germans and differing from them in language and appearance. Estonians (photo in national costumes below) had their own traditions and customs, led a sedentary lifestyle.

The modern inhabitants of Estonia, of which there are about 925 thousand, belong to the eastern or Atlanto-Baltic anthropological group, they speak the Estonian language of the Finno-Ugric language family.

Estonian tribe

By the end of the Middle Ages, in the 8th century, on the territory of modern Estonia there already exists an original ethnic group with an established language and traditions. Among the latter, the most important are residential riga and rye bread. Wedding and Christmas traditions appear in folk culture. In addition, a very important element of the ethnic group are the traditions associated with the remembrance of the dead.

And also a kind of runic song, which is characterized by the presence of a short, but with variations of the motive.

It was during this period that the national costume of the Estonians was formed. For women, this is a white-bleached linen shirt, a woolen frock coat and a skirt that is wrapped around a belt.

The main deity was Uku (grandfather), religious rites were not complicated, there were no priests. Oak forests, streams, and springs were sacred places.

Anthropological data

As already mentioned, anthropologically modern Estonians are a transitional type between two races of the Caucasoid type: East Baltic and Atlanto-Baltic. In the appearance of an Estonian, signs of these races are found in pure and mixed form.

Representatives of the East Baltic race, which is also called East European, are considered descendants of the Ladoga type, which is found in eastern Germany, the Baltic countries, and Finland. Their hair color is light, their eyes are gray or light, they have a straight nose (often with a concave back) and a narrow face, very fair skin, tall stature and a mesocephalic head. Such Estonian men (photo of appearance above) have dense vegetation on the face and chest.

The Atlanto-Baltic race is a northern European local race, which differs from the previous one in higher stature, a narrower face, a nose with a high nose bridge, and slightly darker skin pigmentation. In addition, Estonian men (photo below) of this type have an average beard growth. Tertiary body hair is medium-weak.

Appearance of an Estonian: features

Anthropologically, Ests are very different from representatives of the Finno-Ugric race. Their skull is mesocephalic. A long and narrow nose, quadrangular superciliary arches and prominent zygomatic bones are pronounced in Estonian men. The appearance of women is characterized by a smaller skull and a wider facial part.

Most Estonians are over 170 centimeters tall and have a strong, stocky build. Their skin color is white, their hair is light blond or light brown. Eye color is light, gray or blue.

Character features

Stubborn and vindictive, but patient and mentally soft - such are the controversial Estonians. Appearances are often deceiving, and behind the pretty appearance of a soft blond, a jealous and suspicious Othello can hide.

An angry est will become a tough and vindictive opponent. Especially when you consider that Estonians are resolute, brave, honest and resourceful in danger.

But at the same time, for the most part, they are phlegmatic, slow (or rather not hasty), not averse to being lazy and showing carelessness.

Collective image of the Balts

For Russians, at the mention of their northern neighbors, the image of a Finn immediately pops up from cult films about national characteristics (“Peculiarities of National Hunting”, “Peculiarities of National Fishing”). And yet this collective image does not quite illustrate the appearance of an Estonian.

Latvians, Lithuanians, Estonians, in the understanding of the Russians, all the Balts. Unfortunately, there are not so many representatives of Estonian nationality in the cinema.

Nevertheless, here are a few names of Estonians whose appearance is familiar to everyone: TV presenter Urmas Ott, pop representatives Jaak Jolla and Anne Veski (below in the photo). There are not so many Estonians whose appearance is recognizable. But there are not so many representatives of this nationality themselves.

You can't fool genetics

Recent studies of the genome of the inhabitants of the Baltic states show a close relationship between Lithuanians, Latvians and Estonians. Appearance (phenotype) confirms this.

These data indicate that during the formation of these ethnic groups, the same anthropological races (East European and North European) participated in this process, however, at different times. And the appearance of Estonians (photo of children above), Latvians and Latvians leaves no doubt about this.

How to distinguish an Estonian

Despite the commonality of appearance, the Estonians among the Balts can be distinguished.

So, among the ethnic groups under consideration, Estonians are the tallest, Latvians and Lithuanians are on average 3 centimeters lower. Estonian men (photo main), like women, are practically depigmented. This means that their hair, eyebrows, eyes are light.

An Estonian-brunette is a very big rarity, while there are only 2% of them outright blonds. Most have blond hair and gray eyes. A third of Estonians have mixed colored irises. The hair is straight, and if curly, then soft curls. Eyebrows are weakly expressed.

Unlike other Baltic peoples, Estonians have a straight forehead, but with a pronounced slope. Pronounced jaws, a wide mouth, a relatively average thickness of the lips and a protruding chin are typical features of the appearance of an Estonian.

Estonian brand

Estonian beauty is Kristina Heinments and Yana Kuvaitseva. These are the winners of the Miss Estonia contest of different years. Although beauty standards largely depend on world fashion, but the Nordic beauty with long blond hair, large and bright eyes, rounded shapes has always been liked and will be liked by men. And not only Estonians. The culture and rules of such competitions are changing, but just a blond Barbie is no longer the standard of a successful man.

70 signs that you are Estonian

Do not be surprised, there is such a list on the net. Of course, we will not list all of them in this article, but we will quote the top ten. So, you are definitely est if:

  • As a gift to a friend from another country, you take a box of Kalev sweets.
  • At song festivals (which you've been to almost all of them), you even recognize the audience.
  • Are you sure that strategically Estonia is optimally located.
  • Before going outside, you return to the thermometer several times to check the temperature.
  • When asked about the national dish, you only smile mysteriously.
  • When people ask you what to see in Estonia, you answer: “It’s interesting everywhere here!”.
  • You are absolutely sure that 14 cases in a language is quite normal.
  • If a car number of 4 characters turns off the brain - you are an Estonian.
  • When the bus is delayed by 2 minutes, you are sure that something bad happened to the driver.
  • For you, silence is fun.

Russian Estonians

On the territory of Russia, the Setu Ests have lived in the Pskov region since the 10th century.

Estonians appeared on the territory of the Leningrad region after the Great Northern War (1700-1721) between Sweden and Russia, as a result of which the Baltic states became part of our Fatherland.

After August 1940, when Estonia became one of the republics of the USSR, many indigenous people were exiled to Kazakhstan, the Komi ASSR and Siberia. During World War II, thousands of people were evacuated deep into Russia. During the period of repression, in 1949, about 20.5 thousand Estonians were deported.

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, many Estonians returned to their historical homeland.

Today, up to 20,000 Estonians live in Russia, the majority in the Krasnoyarsk Territory.

Estonians who changed the world

This country has given many outstanding people who have played their part in various fields. We list only some of the famous Estonians.

Arvo Pärt is a contemporary composer who has confidently occupied the top lines in the list of those whose works are performed most often for the last six years.

A street original artist who is known all over Europe - Edward von Lyngus. His graffiti adorn the streets of Berlin, Rome, Amsterdam and Paris, but no one has seen his face. His works can be seen in Tallinn and Tartu.

But clothing designer Roberta Einer dresses Madonna, Lady Gaga, Rihanna. This talented Estonian was talked about after her triumphant Who's Next show in Paris.

The singer who collects millions of fans on YouTube is Kerli Kõiv (pictured). This young vocalist is predicted to shine with Madonna, in whose troupe another talented Estonian Jaan Roose danced (known for his unique skills in walking on a sling - slackline).

It is impossible not to mention another singer who was known throughout the Soviet Union along with Alla Pugacheva and Laima Vaikule. This is Anna Tynisovna Veski. By the way, she received the Order of Mikhail Lomonosov for her contribution to the development of culture from the all-Russian public organization "Academy of Security, Defense and Law and Order" (2007) and the Order of Friendship for her contribution to the development of Russian-Estonian partnership in the field of culture and the promotion of Russian cultural heritage in the Estonian Republic (2011).

In conclusion

Finishing the characterization of the Estonians, I would like to give some interesting facts about this country and its indigenous people.

Everyone knows the liqueur "Old Tallinn" (Vana Tallinn). So, it is known that this drink was invented by the Estonians for the invaders. They don't drink it themselves. But in the Soviet Union, this sweet and strong drink was very popular. At different times, he had a different fortress, but the same herbal taste. It is added to champagne or hot coffee.

Estonia is the country with the smallest population (1.3 million) among the EU countries. Nevertheless, it is this country that is in 8th place in the ranking of countries in terms of the share of Olympic medals per million inhabitants (25.5 medals).

In this country, women live longer than men by an average of 10 years. Most likely, this is what makes the skew in the number of women and men in the ratio of 100 to 84.

Estonia is a green country. 52% of its territory is occupied by forests, and the third part is swamps. The hero of the national epic (Kalevipoeg) is a forest giant who talks with hedgehogs.

The entire territory of the country is covered by the Internet, and 4G. There is a network even in the deepest forest, where online cameras are located. The country was the first to introduce online voting (2005), taxes are paid via the Internet, any foreigner can receive virtual citizenship. By the way, 44% of employees of Skype, a program that was invented and launched by three Estonians - Jaan Tallinn, Ahti Heinla and Priit Kasesalu, live and work in this country.

The Estonian language impresses with its originality. It has 14 cases, there is no future tense, but there are 3 variants of the past tense.

During the year, more tourists come to this country than the entire population - up to 1.5 million.

Hello, dear readers (and readers :)) of the site site! I want to tell you my story of marriage with a foreigner.

My husband is from the Baltics [region of Northern Europe, which includes Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia. Note. site editors].

Once upon a time, I, a student at the Dnepropetrovsk Institute, could not even think about marriage with a Latvian.

First meeting with Dainis

Our meeting was not romantic, but rather amusing. Winter, wind and twenty-five degrees below zero. I go down the avenue and, having decided to shorten the path, I turn into the yards. Putting my heel on the ice hidden under the snow, I first slipped, then rode and finally fell. A tall guy with a pleasant boyish voice sternly stated the fact: "Girl, you fell," but extended his hand and helped him up.

He was very serious, he was reluctant to maintain a dialogue with an unfamiliar girl, and he spoke with a bright accent, sometimes putting stresses in the wrong place.

strange date

The next weekend, Dainis and I met again. When I approached my new acquaintance, the first thing he said was: "You're late." I was surprised: I was only 10 minutes late! The mood did not spoil, but I put the first “tick” for myself - very punctual.

And then the "ticks" began to grow exponentially: instead of seven minutes by tram and six kopecks for two - half an hour on foot in a cafe. The order was made for a very long time - everything was calculated to the smallest detail. After escorting to the entrance (thank you very much!), He said dryly goodbye and left. I decided to put an end to these checkboxes and forever forget a terrible acquaintance.

Dear ring

Latvians are not greedy, but simply economical. I met, of course, a careless attitude to money, but this is an exception rather than a rule. In Russia, this is called a “broad soul”, and Latvians are motivated by the fact that they live once.

The beautiful city of Jelgava

In the summer we went to meet Dainis' parents: first, it was 17:00 to Riga, then we transferred to another train to Jelgava.

When we got off to the platform, I was immediately struck by the extraordinary amount of greenery in the city. It seemed that everything around was planted with trees, bushes and flowers. In Latvia, they love their land very much, they take great care of the environment and nature.

Probably, the location on the Lielupe River makes Jelgava so fresh, with clean air and a lot of greenery. I was immediately struck by the streets and houses. The streets were not smooth, but winding, reminiscent of a river, houses - like dolls, with red and brown roofs.

Jelgava is a rather big city - the 4th in number in Latvia, but very measured, with a leisurely and moderate life.

On the threshold of the apartment we were met by Dainis's mother - and from the first glance in her eyes I realized that this is now my home too. Dainis' mother did everything very slowly, sometimes it seemed that she was just standing in one place. But in the end, she managed to do everything on time: everyone was fed, the linen was washed and ironed, the house was cleaned.

Having got acquainted with several more families, I realized that the head of the family in Latvia is a woman, the family rests on her. Men are earners. They just do work and men's duties, while all family affairs are entrusted to the wife.

In general, Latvians have a more matriarchal society: as evidence, one can even refer to Latvian mythology (they had goddesses, not gods - Mara, Laima, Zemesmate, Jurasmate) and the unusually bright coming to power of the female president Vaira Vike-Freiberga.

And their mentality has clearly expressed female characteristics, among which, in my opinion, emotionality stands out (rare outbursts against the background of general calmness and restraint), which they put under control in every possible way and the need for protection. Roughly speaking, they need someone who will manage and protect them. Latvians themselves do not strive for leadership, they are complaisant, tolerant and loyal. Do not confuse, by the way, Latvians and Latvians. Latvians are the titular nation in the country, and Latvians are all subjects of the Republic of Latvia.

My first Sklandrausis and a lot of fish on the Latvian table

The main part of the dishes on the Latvian table is fish. I really liked the pie with a pile of vegetables and legumes - this is Sklandrausis - the national dish of Latvia. I have never eaten such fishy yummy as here in my life. I didn’t think that something like this could be cooked from herring, herring and sprat. And my friends from the “country that sings” are very fond of caraway cheese, pork and potatoes with cottage cheese.

In Latvia, they are not satisfied with potatoes with herring and Russian salad on the festive table. The choice of dishes here is very large: it is not even clear what Latvians love the most. One thing is clear - there is always cheese, fish and legumes in the refrigerator.

Latvian wedding

A year later, we celebrated our wedding with Dainis. Latvians, who do not like wastefulness, threw a “feast in a mountain” so that the young would live in abundance. In the center of the table, an obligatory dish is a fragrant broth and small pies with meat.

For me, what was happening was unusual, I don’t remember much of the excitement at all. At first I sat in a wreath, and at midnight two girlfriends tied me a beautiful openwork scarf and put on an apron - now I am the mistress of the house and my wife.

Everything related to family, country, culture and traditions is sacred and categorical for Latvians. They know and appreciate their history, remember and respect their ancestors. Despite the regularity, the inhabitants of Latvia are very cheerful: they know a lot of songs, jokes, folk dances.

The best husband and dad

After the wedding, Dainis has changed a lot - now he is a husband, a breadwinner in the family. We didn't need money. It happened that Dainis left with the fishermen at night and worked as a loader in the shops. After the birth of the baby, part of the worries passed to her husband: he bathed her, put her to bed and sang lullabies.

In Latvia, it is not customary to borrow money or go around asking your neighbors for an onion or salt. The family should have everything. Men devote a lot of time to children, but they do not pamper, do not praise in the presence of strangers and do not show their love for them openly. Babies are taught from the cradle to control their emotions. .

Thirty years together

For thirty years, Dainis and I have been living in Dnepropetrovsk. We have two daughters and two grandchildren. All the shortcomings that I did not like in Dainis became huge pluses for family life.

My conclusions: punctuality and seriousness helped to become an assistant professor and teacher at the Academy, excessive frugality grew into the construction of a two-story house and the purchase of an apartment for my youngest daughter. And silence and prudence over the years have ceased to irritate me and have become very important for family life.

Elena, specially for the site site

October 20, 2014

Beautiful Latvians proudly represent their people. For a typical appearance girls from Latvia characterized by a light blond shade of hair. Natural blondes look especially luxurious. With such hair, blue or light gray eyes are perfectly combined. Thanks to such an exquisite combination, Latvians look aristocratic and stylish. The skin also has a light, delicate color, slightly tinted with a tan. Life on the coast of the Baltic Sea, surrounded by majestic pines, could not but affect the appearance of the girls. Latvians always personify health, freshness, which is inspired by the sea breeze.

It is worth noting that Latvians can boast not only a beautiful face, but also a slender figure. Like most, they are happy to play sports, lead an active lifestyle, carefully monitor themselves.

Harmony of inner and outer beauty

Exquisite appearance is not the only advantage that distinguishes beautiful Latvians. The attractiveness of girls is greatly enhanced due to their friendly character, good breeding, and high level of culture. Nice smile Baltic blondes works even more effectively than the beauty of the hair or eyes.

Beautiful Latvians often participate in the most famous and significant beauty contests, they look special on them. After all, nature itself gives them radiant skin and snow-white curls, and natural attractiveness is highly valued.

AT Top 15 most beautiful Latvians included famous Latvian models, winners of beauty contests and actresses.

15. Dace Burkevica / Dace Burkevica(born January 13, 1989 Riga, Latvia) is a Latvian model.

14. Luize Salmgriese / Luize Salmgrieze(born January 10, 1992, Riga, Lavtia) is a Latvian model.

13.Ksenia Solo / Ksenia Solo(born October 8, 1987, Latvia) - an actress originally from Latvia. Her family moved to Canada. She made her film debut in 2000. In 2011 she received an award Gemini Awards in category "Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Drama Series" for the series "Call of Blood". Her other films: "Black Swan", "Life is unpredictable", "Nikita", "Factory".

12. Madara Malmane / Madara Malmane(born 1989 Riga, Latvia) - Latvian model.

11. Karlina Caune(born 1994, Jelgava, Latvia) - Latvian model, winner of the international competition "Ford Supermodel of the World-2010".

10. Ilze Bajare / Ilze Bajare(born September 17, 1988 Riga, Latvia) is a Latvian model.

9. Lasma Zemene / Lasma Zemene(b. 1990, Latvia) - Miss Latvia 2015. Represented her country at the Miss World 2015 contest. She is a police officer.

8. Lilita Ozolina / Lilita Ozoliņa(born November 19, 1947) - Soviet and Latvian theater and film actress. Films with her participation: "Long road in the dunes", "Double trap", "He, she and children", "Hero".

7. Vija Artmane(born August 21, 1929 - October 11, 2008) - Soviet and Latvian theater and film actress. Has Polish-Latvian roots. Her films: "Native Blood", "Nobody Wanted to Die", "Theater", "Strong in Spirit", "Andromeda Nebula", "The Ballad of Bering and His Friends" and many others.

6. Ginta Lapina (Lapinya) / Ginta Lapina(born June 30, 1989) is a world-class Latvian top model.

4. Sveta Nemkova (born 1985, Riga, Latvia)- Latvian top model of the world level. She has Latvian roots on her mother's side.

3. Ieva Kokorevica(born in 1985, Riga, Latvia) - Miss Latvia Universe 2005, who became the first delegate in the history of Latvian beauty contests at the international level. At Miss Universe 2005, she entered the Top 10, finishing 7th.

2. Agata Muceniece / Agata Muceniece(after marriage Priluchnaya; born March 1, 1989, Riga) - Latvian actress and model.

1. Ieva Laguna / Ieva Laguna (born June 6, 1990, Saldus, Latvia) is a world-class Latvian top model.

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