Zhilin and Kostylin have two different destinies. Zhilin and Kostylin - two different characters, two different destinies

In the center of the work of Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy “ Prisoner of the Caucasus"The two main characters are Zhilin and Kostylin. The plot of the story contains the relationships between the characters, a comparison of their characters and a comparison of the characters with each other.

The difference in the characters' characters led to the fact that their destinies turned out differently. Zhilin is a “dzhigit”, and Kostylin behaves quietly in the ransom agreement scene. This difference is already evident in the scene of the Tatar attack and the arrest of the heroes. And further, their behavior in captivity also shows Kostylin’s physical and spiritual weakness and concern for his comrade, Zhilin’s fortitude.

The best qualities of Zhilin, his love of life, and the worst qualities of Kostylin are described in the escape scene. Zhilin walks around looking out, thinking about how to escape, he dug a hole, got out, climbed the mountain, crawls towards the road and at the same time carries Kostylin on him. And how Kostylin behaves - he is indifferent, bored, asleep, and during his escape he caught a stone with his foot, lags behind, groans, fell out of fear. For Zhilin, the concept of mutual assistance is important, and Kostylin does not want to be a burden.

If we briefly describe the characters of the heroes, then Zhilin can be described as a decisive, resourceful hero who knows how to forgive, brave; Kostylin, on the contrary, is meek, weak, betrays, humbles himself, is a coward, and forcibly hobbled home. In a word, Zhilin is a daredevil, and Kostylin is a deck.

Zhilin overcomes the trials in captivity, he managed not only to survive and take root in a hostile environment, but even won over his enemies. He solved his problems himself, without throwing them onto the shoulders of others, and was strong. Kostylin does not withstand the tests sent to him in captivity because of his weakness and selfishness.

Their portraits also play an important role in comparing characters. Kostylin’s portrait is described with the words: “... the man is overweight, fat, all red, and sweat is pouring from him.” Contempt and hostility immediately appear from the description of appearance. The image of the pathetic is created, insignificant person, he is weak, ready for a vile act.

Zhilin: “short in stature, but he was brave.” Outwardly, the man is ordinary, but one can feel strength and courage in him.

Comparing the actions, motives of actions and the relationship of the characters, one can also notice the contrast in the characters.

Zhilin loves his old mother, takes care of her, does not bother her, does not demand anything beyond her strength, he relies only on his own strength, and is actively looking for a way out. He says this: “I was not afraid, and I will not be afraid of you dogs.” He knew that his letter would not arrive, but he did not write another.

Kostylin is an egoist, he is sure that his relatives are obliged to ransom him, but he himself does not want to do anything for this, does not fight, and passively submits to circumstances. He sits in the barn all day and counts the days until the letter arrives or sleeps.

I consider Zhilin a real hero who does not submit to circumstances and strives for liberation. What stands out in his character is strong will, courage, bravery, nobility and resourcefulness. But Kostylin cares only about himself, about his well-being, he does not know what duty, loyalty to friendship is. He is weak-willed, irresponsible, capable of meanness. He does not commit an act, does not escape from captivity. Kostylin is not a hero, he is not capable of great deeds.

But our heroes have something in common. Both characters served in the Caucasus. Zhilin and Kostylin are noblemen, both officers of the Russian army, both going on vacation and being captured. And how differently they manifest themselves!!! One is a hero, the other is a weak person in body and spirit. Two unlike people in the same situation.

I think that the author, by comparing the characters of the heroes, tried to convey to us the idea of ​​​​a person, what he should be. How much depends on the person himself. In the same circumstances, one turns out to be a hero, and the other does not deserve to be called a person.

I.Articulation warm-up

II. Zhilin and Kostylin - two different characters, two different destinies
Let's start the work by finding out the impressions of the story.
- Was it interesting for you to read the story? What episodes caused sadness, sympathy, joy? Which episodes would you like to re-read?
- Which of the heroes aroused respect, which - hostility?
- Why is the story called “Caucasian Prisoner” and not “Caucasian Prisoners”, because there were two prisoners?
The story is called “Caucasian Prisoner”, and not “Caucasian Prisoners”, because the writer pays main attention to the story about Zilina. Zhilin and Kostylin are the heroes of the story, but only Zhilin can be called a true hero.

Drawing up a comparison table
Talking about Zilina and Kostylin, we begin teaching children comparative analysis. The development of the ability to conduct comparative characterizations of heroes in the future will depend on the quality of work in this lesson, so we will pay special attention to compiling a comparative table. First, let's discuss the meaning of the characters' surnames.
Progress: Students take turns reading the text of the story. Finding definitions or facts that characterize the heroes from one side or another, students, at the teacher’s suggestion, stop reading and write down a quote, character trait, or action of the hero in the table. Compilation of the table will be completed at home.

Table option

Quality Zhilin Kostylin
The meaning of the surname Veins - blood vessels, tendons. Wiry - lean, muscular, with prominent veins Crutch - a stick with a crossbar placed under the arm, serving as a support for lame people or those with sore legs when walking
Appearance “And although Zhilin was not very tall, he was brave” “And Kostylin is an overweight, fat man, all red, and the sweat just pours from him.”
Forethought “We need to go out to the mountain to have a look, otherwise they’ll probably jump out from behind the mountain and you won’t see it.” “Zhilin already fed her in advance” (the dog)
Attitude towards the horse “The horse near Zhilin was a hunting horse (he paid a hundred rubles for it in the herd as a foal and rode it out himself)...” “...Mother, take it out, don’t get your foot caught in it...” “The horse is fried with a whip, now from one side, now from the other.”
Bravery - cowardice “-...I won’t give in alive...” “-... It’s worse to be timid with them.” “And Kostylin, instead of waiting, as soon as he saw the Tatars, he ran as fast as he could towards the fortress.” “And Kostylin became afraid.” “Kostylin fell down in fear”
Behavior in captivity “Zhilin wrote a letter, but he wrote it wrong on the letter, so that it wouldn’t get through. He thinks: “I’ll leave.” “And he’s looking out for everything, trying to find out how he can escape. He walks around the village, whistling, or sits, doing some handicrafts - either sculpting dolls from clay, or weaving braids from twigs. And Zhilin was a master of all kinds of needlework.” “Kostylin wrote home again, he was still waiting for the money to be sent and was bored. He sits in the barn all day long and counts the days until the letter arrives; or sleeping"
Tatar opinion about captives "Dzhigit" "Smirny"
Observation, curiosity “Zhilin began to understand their language a little.” “Zhilin stood up, dug out a larger crack, and began to look.”
Endurance, courage “He jumps from pebble to pebble and looks at the stars” “Kostylin keeps falling behind and groaning”
Loyalty, devotion “...it’s not good to abandon a comrade” Kostylin left Zhilin in trouble and rode off on a horse

Finish compiling the table.
Prepare an oral essay on the topic “Zhilin and Kostylin.”

Zhilin and the Tatars. Zhilin and Dina. The writer's thoughts about friendship different nations like natural law human life. Pictures of nature in the story

I.Examination homework
After the articulation warm-up, students tell how they completed the table.
Let's listen oral essays one or two students.
Let’s summarize the results of the work by comparing the two heroes: the writer contrasts Kostylin’s weakness and passivity with Zhilin’s activity, stamina and humanity. Courage and endurance helped him run to his people, overcoming all obstacles.
main idea story - to show that you can not give up even in the most difficult circumstances, you need to persistently achieve your goal.

II. Zhilin and the Tatars. Zhilin and Dina. The writer’s thought about friendship of different peoples as a natural law of human life
- How is the life of the village shown: through the eyes of Kostylin or through the eyes of Zhilin? Why?
We invite students to find descriptions of the life of the village in the text, read and retell these descriptions close to the text.
The Tatar village seemed peaceful and calm to Zhilin in the morning. People wake up, everyone is busy with their own business, women bring water, boys play around. Zhilin counted ten houses and a Tatar church with a turret (that is, a mosque with a minaret).
When Zhilin entered the house, he saw that the walls were smoothly smeared with clay, and the room was good. Expensive carpets hang on the walls, and weapons in silver hang on the carpets. The stove is small, and the floor is earthen and clean. The front corner is covered with felts, there are carpets on them, and down pillows on the carpets. Here the Tatars sit and treat themselves.
Zhilin observed how the Tatars dressed, both men and women, and noticed that they were very fond of silver. In the house I noticed that they were the first to leave the large shoes at the threshold, and in the other, inner shoes they sat on the carpets. Zhilin also noticed how they wash their hands and pray after eating. Servants are not allowed on carpets with pillows. Women only serve food, but do not sit with men.
Let us draw the children's attention to the description of the Tatar's funeral, to the details telling about the services and the life of women in the village.
- Why did the old woman break Dina’s first doll?
Muslim tradition prohibits depicting people. In addition, the old woman was probably angry with the Russian.
- How did the Tatars treat Zhilin? Why did Abdul-Murat fall in love with Zhilin?
The Tatars respected Zhilin because he did not allow himself to be intimidated when they demanded a ransom from him, and because he knew how to do a lot. Abdul the owner said that he fell in love with Zhilin. The Red Tatar and the old man who lived under the mountain hated all Russians, and Zilina too.
- Tell us about the relationship between Dina and Zhilin. Why did Dina help Zhilin?
Zhilin was grateful to Dina for her help. Dina helped Zhilin, brought him food, because Zhilin showed kindness to her, made her a doll, then a second one. After the thunderstorm, he made a toy for children - a wheel with dolls. Describing the friendship of a girl and a captured Russian officer, Tolstoy wants to say that the feeling of enmity is not innate. Chechen children treat Russians with simple-minded curiosity, not hostility. And Zhilin is fighting with the adult Chechens who attacked him, but not with the children. He treats Dina's courage and kindness with respect and gratitude. If her father had found out that Dina was helping Zhilin, he would have punished her severely.
The author wants to say that enmity between peoples is meaningless, that friendship between people is the norm of human communication, and confirms this with the example of the friendship of Zhilin and Dina.

III. Pictures of nature in the story
Expressive reading
Note that the story does not large descriptions: pictures of nature are short and succinct.
Let's read the description of the mountains that Zhilin saw while sitting on the top of the mountain (chapter four), from the words: “I persuaded the little one, let’s go” - to the words: “And so he thinks that this is the Russian fortress.”
- What is special about this description?
Note that there are very few adjectives. The landscape is shown as if in action.
- Where else in the story do we see an image of nature, as if actively accompanying human actions?
We expressively read the episode from chapter six, from the words: “Zhilin crossed himself, grabbed the lock on the block with his hand...” - to the words: “You can only hear the river gurgling below.”
We will strive to ensure that the text of the story is heard in the lesson in the reading of students. The story about Zhilin's second escape must be read in its entirety.

Write out rare ones, outdated words and expressions, explain them. (Divide the class into four to five groups and invite each group to work with the text of one of the chapters.)

Brevity and expressiveness of the language of the story. Story, plot, composition, idea of ​​the work

Speech development lesson

I. Brevity and expressiveness of the language of the story
This work has already been started in the previous lesson. Let us draw students' attention to short sentences with which the story was written. Brevity and at the same time depth are the main advantages of the story.

Vocabulary work (in groups)
Each group of schoolchildren who worked with rare, obscure words and expressions from the chapters of the story discusses with each other the words that the students wrote down at home. The work of explaining the meaning of words by selecting synonyms and referring to explanatory dictionaries. The group identifies one or two representatives who prepare to respond on its behalf. Then we listen to the students’ answer about the meaning of rare words.
A significant number of words and expressions require attention. Let us remember that what seems natural and understandable to us adults can cause significant difficulties for children. At the same time, ignorance of the meaning of even one word in a sentence (especially if it is key) often makes the entire sentence incomprehensible to children.

Chapter first
Straightened out my vacation- booked a vacation.
Seeing off soldiers- soldiers who accompanied a group of people; security.
The sun has already set for half a day- noon has passed.
I'll attack the Tatars- I’ll suddenly meet the Tatars.
Hunting horse- a horse that does not need to be pushed, which easily understands what needs to be done.
Carried him up the hill- the horse and its rider easily climbed the steep mountain.
The whip fry- hits him hard with the whip.
He began to shorten- began to pull the reins to stop the horse.
The horse ran wild- The horse is racing and cannot stop.
Trembling- shuddered.
Nogai - Nogais- people in Russia, they speak the language of the Turkic group.

Chapter two
Raspoyaskaya- without a belt.
Beshmet- men's and women's swinging clothing, worn under a caftan, chekmen, cherkeska among peoples Central Asia, Caucasus, Siberia.
Snoring wet- the muzzle is wet.
Trimmed with galloon. Galloon- a thick ribbon or braid, often with silver or gold thread.
Morocco shoes. Morocco- thin, soft, usually brightly colored leather, made from the skins of goats or sheep.
Sleeves trimmed in red- the sleeves are trimmed with red (galloon, braid, ribbon).
Monisto from Russian fifty dollars- a necklace made of Russian coins of 50 kopecks (at that time fifty kopecks were silver).
Their church, with a turret- a mosque with a minaret.
Pure as current. Current- platform for threshing; The threshing floor is always clean, because grain is collected here and the chaff is swept aside.
Felt- dense thick material made of felted wool.
Cow butter dissolved in a cup- cow's butter (butter) lies, melted, in a cup.
Pelvis- wooden round or oblong dishes, here - for washing hands.
The gun stopped short- the gun misfired, that is, it did not fire due to a malfunction of the weapon or cartridge.

Chapter Three
Three arshins. Arshin- a measure of length equal to 71.12 cm; three arshins - 2.13 m.
Approved them- firmly, steadily placed, attached.
Snores and turns away (old man)- will begin to breathe indignantly, so that a sound similar to snoring appears, and will turn away so as not to look at a person of a different faith.
Huddle behind a stone- hide behind a stone, clinging to it.

Chapter Four
Under the arms and under the bald heads- under the arms and behind the legs under the bends of the knees.
Zarobel- I felt timid and scared.

Chapter Five
Sheep farts in the corner- the sheep coughs convulsively in the nook, that is, in the barn for small livestock.
The high altitudes began to descend. Vysozhary, or Stozhary, or Pleiades - an open star cluster in the constellation Taurus; V summer time Stozhars stand high in the sky in the first half of the night, and in the second half of the night they gradually descend to the horizon.
Pickled. Malt- a product that is prepared from grain sprouted in moisture and heat, then dried and coarsely ground; Here pickled- became wet (sweaty), as if loose (weak muscles), lethargic.

Chapter Six
Sharp stone- the stone is sharp.
I'll lie down in the forest, front- I’ll hide in the forest, wait out the day, wait for darkness.

Let's summarize: the brevity of the story's language makes it understandable and fascinating, the use of ancient folk words makes the story expressive and memorable.

II. Story, plot, composition, story idea
In the textbook (p. 278) definitions are given: idea, plot, story, episode. Definition composition you can look it up in the dictionary, us. 309 textbook. We will work with them based on what children know about storytelling from Russian language lessons. Let's write down the definitions in a notebook.

The plot is the chain of events occurring in the work.

What is the plot of the story “Prisoner of the Caucasus”?

A story is a small narrative work that is united by one plot and consists of several episodes.

Which of the works read in 5th grade can we call stories?
Composition is a phenomenon that is familiar to children at the level of representation.
Composition is the construction of a work, the arrangement of parts, episodes and images in a significant time sequence.
Let's say that such a sequence is never random.
The composition of the story “Prisoner of the Caucasus” is based on its plot. Let's highlight in the work exposition, plot, development of action, climax, denouement And epilogue.
Exposition And epilogue Tolstoy’s words are swift and fit into one or two phrases.
The beginning- receiving a letter from your mother. The action develops quickly and leads to climax- Zilina's second escape.
Denouement- Zhilin manages to reach his own people.
(Often the concept of composition narrative work is given in Russian language lessons, so we do not write here in detail about the structural elements of the composition of a narrative work.)
Let's talk about question 7 (p. 278 of the textbook):
- What did the writer take from the memoirs of officer F. F. Tornau, what is the author’s fiction? What ideas, thoughts, feelings does the author of the story want to convey to the reader?
Tolstoy took from his memoirs the idea of ​​​​the friendship of a captured officer with Tatar girl, who came running to check on him and brought him food. F. F. Tornau says that he fed the dog that guarded him. He painted figures and carved wood so that even the Circassians asked him to carve sticks for them. Tolstoy used these facts, slightly changing them. From his life, he took memories of how the Chechens were chasing him and almost took him prisoner.
The writer used the author's fiction. He came up with the idea that there were two prisoners, and invented the story of the first and second escapes. The author wants to instill in readers a feeling of pride in the Russian officer who was captured while fighting enemies, behaved with dignity in captivity and managed to escape.

Idea - the main idea works.

The idea of ​​the story is that perseverance and courage always win. The writer condemns enmity between peoples and considers it meaningless.

Prepare a written answer to the question: what, in your opinion, is the idea of ​​L. N. Tolstoy’s story “Prisoner of the Caucasus”?

The most striking are those works in which the main characters are completely different. It is these characters that are the basis of Leo Tolstoy’s story “Prisoner of the Caucasus.” Characters- Zhilin and Kostylin. These men have different destinies and characters. The story tells about their life in captivity of the Tatars and their attempt to escape. But the path to freedom is thorny, and in particular because these two officers are the complete opposite of each other.

First meeting of comrades

The events take place during the war. Officer Zhilin received a letter from his mother. She asks her son to return. Ivan, that’s the man’s name, considers the offer and agrees. It was dangerous to travel alone, so the soldiers walked in a column. The group moved slowly, and the thought that it was better to go alone came to his mind. As if hearing his thoughts, another officer, Kostylin, invites him to continue the journey together.

First Zilina and Kostylina are very important for further development events. The author does not talk about what he looks like main character, but gives a description of Kostylin. He is rough with sweat dripping off him due to the heat. After making sure that he has a loaded weapon and vowing to stick together, Zhilin agrees to the invitation.

Ambush and unexpected betrayal of a friend

The comrades are leaving. The entire path lies through the steppe, where the enemy is clearly visible. But then the road runs between two mountains. At this point a conflict of views arises. In the scene, there is a comparison between Zhilin and Kostylin in terms of their sense of danger.

Two excellent warriors perceive the mountain gorge differently. Zhilin sees a potential threat and is sure that the Turks can ambush behind the rock. Kostylin is ready to move forward, despite the possible risk. Leaving his friend below, Ivan climbs the mountain and sees a group of horsemen. The enemies notice the officer and gallop towards him. Zhilin shouts at Kostylin to pull out his gun. But he, seeing the Tatars, rushes into the fortress.

Comparative characteristics Zhilin and Kostylin will be incomplete without considering this situation in more detail. The first cared about the safety of both, while the second, under difficult circumstances, thought only about own life. Kostylin left his comrade without a weapon. Ivan fought back for a long time, but the forces were unequal. He was taken prisoner. But already at the Tatars he learns that his unfortunate friend was also ambushed.

Second and unexpected meeting of former friends

The man spent some time in a closed barn. Then he was taken to the house of the Tatars. There they explained to him that the man who captured the soldier sold him to another Tatar. And he, in turn, wants to receive a ransom of 3,000 rubles for Ivan. The officer, without hesitation for a long time, refused and said that he could not afford such an amount. The most he can offer is 500 gold. The last word it was firm and unshakable. His comrade is brought into the room.

And the appearance of Zhilin and Kostylin is very different. The second officer is fat, barefoot, exhausted, ragged, with stocks on his feet. Zilina is no better, but the thirst for fight has not yet died out in him. New owner sets Kostylin as an example and says that he will be accepted for a ransom of 5,000 rubles.

The author shows how humbly he accepts an offer of such a high price. Ivan achieved that the price for his soul would be But still he understands that his mother, who lives on the money that he himself sends to her, would have to sell everything in order to free her son. Therefore, the officer writes the wrong address so that the letter does not arrive. The comparative characteristics of Zhilin and Kostylin when establishing the ransom amount indicate that the first officer takes care of his mother, even if he is threatened with death. Kostylin is not worried about how money is raised for his release.

Attempting to escape from the enemy

Time passes. Leo Tolstoy vividly describes the everyday life of Zhilin. A man wins the heart of his owner's daughter when he makes clay dolls for her. He gains respect in the village as a master, and even through cunning - as a doctor. But every night, when the shackles are removed, he digs a passage under the wall. He works during the day, thinking about which direction he should run. The characteristics of Zhilin and Kostylin in captivity are completely opposite. Zhilin does not sit still, unlike his comrade. And he sleeps or is sick all the time, waiting for the storm associated with the death of one of the Tatar warriors to pass.

One night Zhilin decides to run away. He also offers this to his cellmate. Kostylin is skeptical about this. He states that they do not know the way and will get lost at night. But the argument that because of the death of a Tatar, they, like Russians, can take revenge, finally convinces him.

Fighting your own abilities

The prisoners act. Trying to get out, the clumsy Kostylin makes a noise. The dogs growled. But the prudent Ivan fed the dogs for a long time. Therefore, they quickly calmed down their commotion. They get out of the village, but the fat man is out of breath and falls behind. He gives up very quickly and asks to leave him.

The comparative characteristics of Zhilin and Kostylin are a competition between cowardice and strength. Both are tired. The night is impenetrable, they are forced to go almost by touch. Bad boots rub your feet until they bleed. Kostylin stops and rests over and over again. Subsequently, he becomes exhausted and says that he is unable to continue his journey.

Then his friend pulls him on his back. Because Kostylin screams in pain, they are noticed and tracked down. Before dawn, the comrades were caught and this time thrown into a hole. And there the portrait of Zhilin and Kostylin is opposite. An officer thirsty for freedom is trying to dig a hole, but there is nowhere to put the earth and stones.

More and more often we hear talk from enemies that Russians need to be killed.

Finale and will

The owner's daughter comes to the rescue. She lowers a pole into the hole, along which, with the help of a friend, Zhilin climbs up the mountain. The weak Kostylin remains with the Tatars. He runs away with his legs shackled, but nevertheless gets to his army.

After some time, money is paid for Kostylin. He returns barely alive. This is where the work ends. The author does not say what awaits the characters with the names Zhilin and Kostylin next. The heroes had different destinies, the first relied only on their own capabilities, the second was waiting for manna from heaven. They are two poles that are guided by different principles and rules. If Zhilin is stubborn, courageous and freedom-loving, then his partner in misfortune is weak, lazy and cowardly.

A wonderful-hearted officer

The main characters of Leo Tolstoy are Zhilin and Kostylin. This story is about two officers. The first fought bravely, the second humbly accepted everything that life had in store for him. Zhilin is characterized by such a trait as care. He thinks about the old mother when they asked for a ransom, worries about the fate of his friend, so he does not leave him in the village of enemies, for the girl who helped him get out of the hole.

She is ordered to hide the pole that she brought so that Zhilin can rise. His heart is full of kindness and love. The officer fell in love with the simple, peaceful people of the Tatars. Therefore, it makes their life easier in every possible way. He is a symbol of everything bright and sincere in the work.

Kostylin - hero or anti-hero?

Kostylin is often considered a negative hero. He abandoned his comrade in trouble, distinguished himself by laziness and weakness, and brought danger to both of them. There is nothing to say about the cowardice of a man, because every now and then helplessness is manifested in his actions.

But is Kostylin really as weak in his soul as he is on the outside? Somewhere deep in his heart he is brave and strong. Although some of this borders on unreasonableness. It was he who suggested that his comrade separate from the group and gallop first. He was also ready to walk between the mountains without even making sure whether it was safe there. No less courage was needed to decide to escape, which he had not planned and for which he was not prepared either physically or mentally.

The characterization of Zhilin and Kostylin is an analysis of two opposing types of courage. But Kostylin showed more courage when he refused to repeat the escape attempt. Moreover, as best I could, I helped my friend get out of the hole. He understood all his weakness and did not dare to set his comrade up again. It is in such actions that the secret of his essence lies.

Zhilin and Kostylin different destinies essay grade 5


1. Briefly about the work.

2.1. Life in captivity.

2.2. The escape.

3. My favorite hero.

He wrote his story “Prisoner of the Caucasus” in 1872 and dedicated it to the events Caucasian War. In the work, using the example of two people, he described the difficult life in Tatar captivity and the military valor of a Russian prisoner.

Zhilin and Kostylin are different characters both in character and in their way of thinking. But one day they found themselves on the same road. During his captivity, Zhilin behaved like a hero, fought back and tried to escape. But Kostylin, on the contrary, chickened out and, having a loaded gun and a war horse, not only did he not protect his comrade, he even failed to escape himself!

It is remarkable how both of these officers, being in the same circumstances, behaved differently. Zhilin invariably relied only on himself, constantly looked for opportunities to escape, and always behaved correctly. For example, he took up good deed- made dolls from clay and distributed them to local children, repaired things and treated the sick. In this way he won the respect and sympathy of the Tatars.

Kostylin, on the contrary, behaved passively and cowardly. He, complaining about his fate, constantly lay in the barn, relaxing physically and mentally. He did not strive for anything, did not want to fight, was afraid of everything and was lazy. Both comrades reacted differently to the possibility of ransom. Zhilin did not want his elderly mother to pay an exorbitant fee for him, so he bargained up to five hundred rubles for his freedom, and even then he deliberately sent the letter to the wrong address. Kostylin, on the contrary, was glad that he could shift the responsibility for his release onto someone else and inactively began to wait for the ransom from the house.

During his first escape, Zhilin showed himself to be a persistent and courageous man. Overcoming the pain in his legs from the hard pads, he patiently endured all obstacles, purposefully walked forward, hoping for the best. His comrade in misfortune, on the contrary, whined all the way, complained and wanted to go back into captivity, and subsequently he became so weak that Zhilin was forced to drag his comrade on himself. This act showed all the most beautiful traits of a man - kindness, self-sacrifice, readiness to help.

After returning to the Tatars, Zhilin did not stop losing hope of escape. Despite the terrible conditions in which the captives found themselves, Ivan continued to act, take initiative, and fight. His optimistic spirit and cheerful attitude, his unquenchable energy and determination greatly influenced the result. Zhilin's warmth and pleasant manners prompted the owner's daughter Dina to help him escape. Taking risks, the girl helped the prisoner escape and even escorted him outside the village.

Zhilin happily reached his own, and Kostylin, refusing to escape again, spent another month in captivity. He, half dead and weak, was released as soon as the ransom arrived. Of course, I am delighted with the main character Zhilin. He is a fearless and courageous person, confident in himself and his abilities, positive and cheerful. He was able to change his circumstances, he was able to cope with a seemingly incredibly difficult problem, he was able to get out of a difficult situation with dignity. You can learn a lot from this man, for example, how to be an optimist in difficult circumstances, how to become good friend how to behave correctly in an unusual environment.

In literature lessons we got acquainted with the story of L.N. Tolstoy "Prisoner of the Caucasus". The main character of this work is the Russian officer Zhilin, who was accidentally captured by the Tatars.

There is another hero in the story, also an officer of the Russian army, Kostylin. Tolstoy talks about the captivity of these people in his work. Zhilin and Kostylin are completely different in character. Their destinies are different. They also differ in appearance. Kostylin is overweight and fat. He was sweating as the convoy moved towards the fortress. And I imagine Zhilin as slender, very active.

From the very first events, Tolstoy shows how different his heroes are from each other. When they drove ahead of the convoy, Kostylin had a loaded gun. But as soon as he saw the Tatars, he immediately forgot about him. He rushed to his heels and did not think at all that Zhilin was in great danger and that he and the gun could help him in any way. Zhilin, on the contrary, when he realized that he could not escape the pursuit, decided to kill at least one Tatar with a saber.

Heroes behave differently even in captivity. Kostylin immediately writes a letter home asking for a ransom to be sent. Zhilin is bargaining. He thinks about his mother, who will not be able to find not only three thousand, but also five hundred rubles. Therefore, he writes the address on the letter incorrectly. He relies only on himself. Zhilin immediately decided to escape from captivity.

He is very active. Always making something or walking around the village. But for a reason. Zhilin is looking for a way to escape. He makes a hole in the barn. At the same time, Kostylit only sleeps or “sits in the barn all day long and counts the days until the letter arrives.” He does not try to do anything on his own to save himself. He just hopes for others.

During his escape, Kostylin let down both himself and his comrade. He didn't think about being careful. When his legs began to hurt, Kostylin screamed, although he knew that a Tatar had recently passed by them, and with his scream he could attract his attention. And so it happened. And Zhilin again thinks not only about himself but also about his comrade. He does not escape from captivity alone, but calls Kostylin with him. When Kostylin can no longer walk from the pain in his legs, Zhilin carries him on himself, because “it’s not good to abandon a comrade.”

Despite any difficulties, Zhilin still escapes from captivity. He knows that he has no one to rely on. Therefore, he must save himself. He is a strong character person. He succeeds in everything. And Kostylin is weak-willed. He relies on others. Therefore, he almost dies in captivity. They ransomed him alive. This is how different characters influence the fate of each of the heroes.

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