Description of the painting big water. Description of the painting

This picture Levitan is one of his most famous and significant works. He depicted the river during the spring flood. The water flooded everything around, it overflowed its banks a lot. Was in the water Birch Grove, field, village. The water in the river is shown as still. It reflects, as if in a mirror, the sky and trees.

The artist depicted the sky light colors, blue tones, which also speaks of the arrival of spring. Reflections of branches and tree trunks are visible in the water. A boat is depicted in the foreground of the painting. In the distance, wooden huts are visible, which stand on a high bank, as well as flooded wooden buildings. local residents. Levitan showed the coast very beautifully. The artist painted it in yellow-red colors. He twists and draws attention behind him, deep into the flooded village.

You have to love nature very much, your native Russian land, sincerely admire its beauty in order to be able to show birch trees so accurately. Each tree is beautifully curved, graceful and touching. They also seem to be waiting for the arrival of spring, warmth. You involuntarily admire this landscape, thin aspens. The sky is shown high, the sun is shining brighter and warmer. From the picture it breathes spring air, still cool, but every day becoming warmer, truly spring.

The whole landscape is permeated with the sunny mood of the coming spring. The artist used only light colors, without adding bright colors. He showed that nature awakens from a long winter sleep and is filled with new life. The artist used the blue color both for the image of the sky and for the image of the river, but he did it different shades, turned out amazingly beautiful. Levitan also used green, yellow shades. The variety of shades is simply amazing: from milky to dark blue. When I look at this picture, I remember or musical works, or poems about spring.

Isaac Levitan is a Russian landscape painter who gave the world a large number of their wonderful works and they are all beautiful, without exception. Levitan's painting “Spring is big water” is also fascinating. Why the artist called his work that way, you begin to understand when you look at the picture. After all, the author captured the awakening of nature on it, exactly the moment when spring comes into its own, when the sun warms up and the snow begins to melt rapidly.

This causes the rivers to overflow their banks, which flood the adjacent territories with their waters, be it forests, meadows, villages. Just the spring flood, or as people say, the big river that comes, and depicted Levitan on the canvas “Spring is big water”.

Levitan big water description of the picture

Now in front of me is a reproduction of Levitan's painting " big water” and on it I have to make a description of the picture. What am I going to do now.
Most of the picture is occupied by water. Wherever you look, wherever you look, we see blue, still cold, mirror-like water, in which the sky with clouds is reflected, and this makes the water seem bottomless. The water flooded the entire district and even distant buildings, perhaps these are sheds, or maybe rural houses. This is not so important, the important thing is that they are also in the water. There is also a small young grove in the water. All thin trees were "knee-deep" in the water. They are still without leaves, because the heat has only recently returned to the earth, but a little more and they will all put on beautiful green dresses.

On the left we see a strip of land. It has a yellowish color, perhaps it is clay, or maybe bright sun flooded the earth with its light and from this it seems bright. This piece of land only further emphasizes the blueness of the water, its transparency.

Ahead we see a boat. She is on the coast. Perhaps it was carried away by the current, or maybe someone sailed from the villagers, but now it is empty, there is no one nearby who would break the silence.
Concluding my thoughts on Levitan's painting "Spring - Big Water", which I present in the essay, I note that the author of the picture did not miss the slightest detail, depicting a sunny spring day. Here you have the trees that are reflected in the water, and the shadows that have appeared due to the sun, and the thin branches of trees that strive upwards towards the spacious sky, towards the solar warmth.

The picture itself is juicy, bright, and blinds the audience with its sunshine. And, despite the fact that the water flooded everything around, the picture evokes only positive emotions, emotions of joy and anticipation of soon real warmth.

Painting by Isaac Levitan “Spring. Big Water" was written in 1897 and is one of the most significant works artist.

On the canvas, we see the river at the time of the flood, when the water flooded the coastal areas - and the birch grove, and the fields, and part of the village. In the river, calm and motionless, as in a mirror, the spring blue sky, and thin bare trunks and branches of trees, are reflected, oscillating.

In the foreground - a forgotten boat, and somewhere very far away - a high bank with modest wooden huts and several flooded village buildings. Levitan skillfully painted a narrow strip of yellow-red shore - beautifully curving, he takes the viewer's gaze deep into the picture.

Each tree, graceful, quiveringly curved, is painted by the artist with love and admiration. As if alive, touchingly and trustingly expect birch trees for something good that spring will bring them. Admiring the thin birches and aspens stretching upwards, the sonorous high sky with thin clouds, as if you are dissolving in the light of this bright sunny day.

The landscape is filled with light, pure colors, typical for spring Russian nature. The color of the canvas is formed by the subtlest transitions of shades: blue, green and yellow. The most diverse is the blue color - for the image of the sky and water, Levitan chooses a wide variety of shades: from milky white to dark blue. The yellow birch trunks and their slightly trembling reflections in the water give the picture a quivering, “airiness”.

Levitan's painting “Spring. Big Water" is imbued with subtle lyricism and poetry, it is unusually musical. The canvas tells about the spring resurrection of nature, and great bright joy comes from it, filling us with optimism, calmness and the desire to live.

In addition to describing the painting by I. I. Levitan “Spring. Big Water”, our website contains many other descriptions of paintings by various artists, which can be used both in preparation for writing an essay on a painting, and simply for a more complete acquaintance with the work of famous masters of the past.


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In this article we will talk about the life and work famous artist Isaac Levitan, who was a master of landscapes, the beauty of which is striking to the core. Talent, skill of the artist cause admiration and admiration. Your attention will be given one of the many works of genius, namely Levitan's painting “Spring. Big water.

Artist biography

Isaac Levitan was born in 1860 in an impoverished Jewish family. Quite recently, evidence was discovered that Levitan was not a natural child, he was adopted in infancy, his father was his own uncle. This fact further explains the secrecy of the two brothers and the absence of a record of the artist's birth.

The boy's father worked as a translator at the construction site, being fluent in German and French, in this regard, he was offered a job in Moscow. The family moved to the capital in the 1870s, this period is associated with the arrival of Levitan in the Moscow art school. The boy learns easily, everything was given to him without difficulty, but at the same time he shows incredible effort in his work. The family could not fully pay for their studies young man. Soon the trouble came: the family lost their only breadwinner-father, being on the verge of poverty.

In view of this fact, the school takes on the payment, since the talent of the young artist should not have been wasted in vain. The gifted Jewish boy irritated Russian teachers, Levitan did not receive an artist's diploma, he was given a document with the entry "handwriting teacher."

In those years, an attempt was made on the life of Tsar Alexander II by a man of Jewish nationality. In this regard, all Jews were expelled from the territory of the city of Moscow and other large cities as well.

Throughout his life, Levitan has worked hard and fruitfully. The artist left behind a number of landscape paintings, the skill of which impresses the viewer to this day. Acquaintance with A.P. Chekhov left a big mark on the life of each of them. Friendship and rivalry united these two men. Chekhov in his work of art"The Jumper" described the situation that arose in the life of Levitan. Love triangle The artist was put on display to the public, thereby causing dissatisfaction with the artist. Due to a troubled life, a poor childhood, hard work, the artist's health deteriorates sharply. He dies in 1900, leaving behind many unfinished works, one of them is the famous "Lake".

In 1897, Levitan's famous work “Spring. Big water. The picture of the awakening of nature is gentle and at the same time piercingly realistic, full of freshness, light lyrics.

Spring awakening. Detailed description of the painting

After a long snowy winter the snows begin to melt, the approaching spring turns them into water. Every year in middle lane In Russia, we are witnessing a phenomenon - a flood. AT school essay based on the painting by Levitan “Spring. Big Water” should definitely describe this moment. Cold water, flooding all coastal areas, fills the territory of the plains. Quiet joy, peaceful calmness fill all nature.

In the description of Levitan's painting “Spring. Big Water ”it should be noted that the artist shows the viewer the awakening after the winter sleep of Russian nature. At this time, we can see the first spring colors, with which spring covers nature with tenderness and care. Cold, clean and clear water like a mirror sheet. The trees look tender and defenseless against the backdrop of spilled water. The already thin and slender birch trees, illuminated by the spring sun, seem pink, which makes them even more touching. Levitan's painting “Spring. Big Water” is filled with light and breathes the beginning of spring. It was the transmission of light that Levitan succeeded for sure. It seems that the fresh breath of spring has touched your face. A dilapidated old boat is washed up on the edge of the shore, in the distance one can see small peasant houses, some of which are surrounded by melted spring water.

In an essay based on the painting by Levitan “Spring. Big Water ”it is necessary to show the connecting thread between the viewer and the artist’s work, it becomes possible to become a co-author of the picture, delving into its description, studying the details and features of the transmission of the play of light. A boat, houses visible in the distance: all this suggests the life of people of that era. Tall green spruce creates a contrast with thin and still bare birches.

Canvas color palette

In his painting “Spring. Big water "Levitan used delicate shades of blue, green, yellow flowers. The blue gamma prevails, which dissolves the yellowish-gray tree trunks in the reflection of the water. The sky is bare, light airy clouds fill the sky. The piercing shades of the sky and the melted water are noticeably different, we can see the transitions from dark- blue color pale, almost white shade. Levitan's painting “Spring. Big Water” is written in soft and transparent colors. The colors are as soft as Russian nature itself in early spring.

Lyrical mood from the picture

Description of the painting by Levitan “Spring. Big Water ”makes a positive impression, which fills with optimism and inspires hope associated with the spring awakening of nature, for new changes for the better. This creates the impression of incredible fragility and such naturalness of Russian nature. The lyrical mood fills the whole space. The water that filled everything around will water the earth and give rise to new life. Such simple and at the same time priceless fragments of life are captured in Levitan's painting “Spring. Big water.

Conclusion. Outcome

In conclusion, summing up what has been said, I would like to note once again that the description of Levitan's painting “Spring. Big Water” is given easily, the canvas brings pleasure to perception. There is no sadness that is early work artist. All this indicates that the 90s in the artist's work passed under the motto of lyricism.

Creativity Levitan, painting "Spring. Big Water, by the way, belongs to Tretyakov Gallery, today relevant and interesting to the viewer, strikes with beauty, accuracy of the transfer of real life.

Spring big water

The first version of the essay.

After a difficult, cold winter, nature gradually, as if reluctantly, wakes up. Drops rang out, and higher and higher above the horizon at lunchtime the sun rises. And then it becomes noticeable how clean the air is, how transparent it is. And the soul is also clean and everything is clear. And think only of the good.

But… Big water came. For nature, it is a real boon, flood meadows will receive their portion of nutrient silt, springs feeding the river will be cleaned, new pools will appear in the channel where fish will settle. Yes, that's bad luck, a man who throughout his history settles closer to the water, from big water can be very hurt. It happens that some villages in the spring flood fall into isolation for a while. In this case, communication with the mainland is carried out using a boat. It was her that Levitan depicted in the foreground of his famous work"Spring. Big water. By this he shows us that there are cases in life when even such a nondescript thing as this small boat acquires significance. Each viewer viewing the picture, involuntarily becomes a co-author of the plot.

In the distance you can see a village, of which there are many in Russia, flooded, gray, and this makes you a little sad.
The main part of the landscape is occupied by water, it is a river overflowing its banks. She flooded huge spaces, and froze in quiet expectation. The trees also stand silent, they are still bare, without foliage, and as if in a mirror are reflected in calm water in anticipation of spring warmth. And yet, the picture is filled with light,

To convey all the charm of spring, the author uses bright colors, uses a lot of yellow tones, from which the mood of the viewer improves. Depicting water and sky Isaac Levitan great job spent creating great amount shades of blue, from light white to deep blue. The yellowish birch trunks, reflected in the water, give the viewer the impression of light airiness.

With great skill, a narrow strip of the coast is depicted, which, beautifully curving, takes the viewer's gaze into the distance.

Lyricism and poetry, slight sadness and faith in the good, all this is present in the works of the great landscape painter. Canvas "Spring. Big Water" conveys to us the beauty of the arrival of spring. It instills in us optimism, a desire to strive for the best, and rightfully occupies a prominent place in the work of Isaac Levitan.

Short essay description Grade 4.

Looking at the painting "Spring. Big water." I. Levitan involuntarily think about the strength and beauty of Russian nature. The artist depicted on the canvas the moment of the flood, the water flooded everything around.

In the foreground is an old, fragile boat. Apparently, it is no coincidence that she is depicted in the picture. This boat is a symbol of man's powerlessness in front of nature. But at the same time, there is nothing evil in the picture. Everything is very calm, quiet, peaceful. The birches, flooded with water, seem to have frozen. The smooth surface of the flooded river is clean and transparent, like a mirror. In the background we see a valley with houses where people live, perhaps a small village or farm. The water did not touch the houses, which, according to the artist, reflects the unity of man and nature.

The picture evokes the viewer a sense of patriarchy, tranquility. Notes of tenderness are present everywhere - colors, composition, plot. With this work of art, the author wanted to express his love for his native nature.

The third option for writing a description of the picture

Before me is a picture of the great Russian painter I. Levitan “Spring. Big water. Full of charm and attraction, it leads to lyrical reflections on the approaching warmth, inconstancy and indomitability of the elements.

The canvas depicts spring landscape. Nature seems to be breathing the first truly warm days, as if it had just woken up from the winter that bound it for long days of sound sleep. A wide-spread seasonal flood flooded a small forest thicket, not yet dressed in bright green outfits.

In the foreground, near the formed bank, a boat nestled alone - the only means of transportation for the village people.

From the earth, prescribed in brown and orange tones, it breathes coolness. The spring sun has not yet warmed its surface with its rays.

The water is crystal clear, as if the surface of a mirror reflects the endless blue sky, slightly covered with a veil of clouds, foreshadowing bad weather. But, despite this, the timid rays of the sun, breaking through the dense clouds, still play with discordant highlights on the water surface. The discordant outlines of young birches and aspens in the water visually make them taller, playing with their reflections in the magical game of the looking glass. Their wavering shadows seem to dance shyly. Trees are like prisoners in the middle of the water, they look ridiculous, but nonetheless beautiful in their own way.

The mighty maple trunk has spread its branches like a hero, it towers over the weak, twisted birch trees, it is probably not the first time it has experienced a spring flood.

In the background, in the distance, you can see a couple of houses caught in the flood. They are completely alone, left until the water leaves, only their black sad roofs are visible. To the right of them, a sharp eye will find a couple more houses that misfortune bypassed. They are located on a hillock and saved themselves from the willful spring antics of nature.
Silence stands around, no person is visible. It seems that only a light breeze disturbs the calmness, playing with its gentle breath with the branches of trees.

On this canvas, Russian nature - all its power, beauty and grandeur looms in a simple but bright landscape. Shimmering with dozens of shades of different colors, the spring sorceress, having awakened all living things from sleep, seeks to open her warm embrace.

One feels great tremulous love, devotion and empathy of the artist to the Russian nature of his creation.

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