Oblomov and Stolz: comparative characteristics or anatomy? Comparative characteristics of the images of the main characters of Ivan Goncharov's novel "Oblomov" Comparative characteristics of Oblomov and Stolz how he lives.

Goncharov's novel "Oblomov" was highly appreciated by critics of the second half of the 19th century. In particular, Belinsky noted that the work was timely and reflected the socio-political thought of the 50-60s of the nineteenth century. Two lifestyles - Oblomov and Stolz - are considered in this article in comparison.

Characteristics of Oblomov

Ilya Ilyich was distinguished by a desire for peace, inaction. Oblomov cannot be called interesting and varied: he used to spend most of the day in thought, lying on the couch. Plunging into these thoughts, he often throughout the day never got up from his bed, did not go out into the street, did not learn the latest news. He did not read newspapers as a matter of principle, so as not to bother himself with unnecessary, and most importantly, meaningless information. Oblomov can be called a philosopher, he is concerned about other issues: not everyday, not momentary, but eternal, spiritual. He looks for meaning in everything.

When looking at him, one gets the impression that he is a happy freethinker, not burdened by the hardships and problems of external life. But life "touches, gets everywhere" Ilya Ilyich, makes him suffer. Dreams remain only dreams, because he does not know how to translate them into real life. Even reading tires him: Oblomov has many books he has begun, but they all remain unread, misunderstood. The soul seems to be dormant in him: he avoids unnecessary anxieties, worries, anxieties. In addition, Oblomov often compares his calm, secluded existence with the lives of other people and finds that it’s not good to live the way others live: “When to live?”

This is what constitutes the ambiguous image of Oblomov. "Oblomov" (Goncharov I.A.) was created in order to describe the personality of this character - uncommon and extraordinary in his own way. He is not alien to impulses and deep emotional experiences. Oblomov is a true dreamer with a poetic, sensitive nature.

Stolz characteristic

Oblomov's way of life can in no way be compared with Stolz's worldview. The reader first meets this character in the second part of the work. Andrei Stoltz loves everything in order: his day is scheduled by the hour and minute, dozens of important things are planned that need to be urgently redone. Today he is in Russia, tomorrow, you see, he has already unexpectedly gone abroad. What Oblomov finds boring and meaningless is important and significant for him: trips to cities, villages, intentions to improve the quality of life of those around him.

He opens in his soul such treasures that Oblomov cannot even guess. Stolz's way of life consists entirely in activities that feed his whole being with the energy of cheerfulness. In addition, Stolz is a good friend: more than once he helped Ilya Ilyich in business matters. The way of life of Oblomov and Stolz is different from each other.

What is "Oblomovism"?

As a social phenomenon, the concept denotes a focus on an idle, monotonous, devoid of color and any kind of change in life. Andrei Stoltz called "Oblomovism" the very way of life of Oblomov, his desire for endless peace and the absence of any activity. Despite the fact that a friend constantly pushed Oblomov to the opportunity to change the way of existence, he did not budge at all, as if he did not have enough energy to do this. At the same time, we see that Oblomov admits his mistake, uttering the following words: "I have long been ashamed to live in the world." He feels useless, unnecessary and abandoned, and therefore he does not want to dust off the table, sort out books that have been lying there for a month, and once again leave the apartment.

Love in the understanding of Oblomov

Oblomov's way of life did not contribute in any way to the acquisition of real, and not fictitious, happiness. He dreamed and planned more than he actually lived. It is amazing, but in his life there was a place for a quiet rest, philosophical reflections on the essence of being, but there was a lack of strength for decisive action and the implementation of intentions. Love for Olga Ilyinskaya for a while pulls Oblomov out of his usual existence, makes him try new things, start taking care of himself. He even forgets his old habits and sleeps only at night, and goes about his business during the day. But still, love in Oblomov's worldview is directly related to dreams, thoughts and poetry.

Oblomov considers himself unworthy of love: he doubts whether Olga can love him, whether he suits her enough, whether he is capable of making her happiness. Such thoughts lead him to sad thoughts about his useless life.

Love in the understanding of Stolz

Stoltz approaches the issue of love more rationally. He does not indulge in ephemeral dreams in vain, as he soberly looks at life, without imagination, without the habit of analyzing. Stolz is a business man. He does not need romantic walks in the moonlight, loud declarations of love and sighs on the bench, because he is not Oblomov. Stolz's lifestyle is very dynamic and pragmatic: he proposes to Olga at the moment when he realizes that she is ready to accept him.

What did Oblomov come to?

As a result of protective and cautious behavior, Oblomov misses the opportunity to build a close relationship with Olga Ilyinskaya. His marriage was upset shortly before the wedding - he gathered for too long, explained himself, asked himself, compared, estimated, analyzed Oblomov. The characterization of the image of Oblomov Ilya Ilyich teaches not to repeat the mistakes of an idle, aimless existence, raises the question of what love really is? Is she the object of lofty, poetic aspirations, or is it the calm joy, peace that Oblomov finds in the house of the widow Agafya Pshenitsyna?

Why did Oblomov's physical death occur?

The result of Ilya Ilyich's philosophical reflections is this: he preferred to bury his former aspirations and even lofty dreams in himself. with Olga, his life focused on everyday existence. He knew no greater joy than to eat well and sleep after dinner. Gradually, the engine of his life began to stop, subside: ailments and cases became more frequent. Even his previous thoughts left him: there was no longer any place for them in a quiet room that looked like a coffin, in all this sluggish life that lulled Oblomov, more and more away from reality. Mentally, this man was long dead. Physical death was only a confirmation of the falsity of his ideals.

Achievements of Stolz

Stolz, unlike Oblomov, did not miss his chance to become happy: he built family well-being with Olga Ilyinskaya. This marriage was made out of love, in which Stolz did not fly into the clouds, did not stay in destructive illusions, but acted more than reasonably and responsibly.

The way of life of Oblomov and Stolz are diametrically opposed and opposed to each other. Both characters are unique, inimitable and significant in their own way. This may explain the strength of their friendship over the years.

Each of us is close to either the type of Stolz or Oblomov. There is nothing wrong with that, and the coincidences are likely to be only partial. Deep, loving to reflect on the essence of life, most likely, Oblomov's experiences, his restless mental throwing and searching will be understandable. Business pragmatists, who have left romance and poetry far behind, will embody themselves with Stolz.

The novel "Oblomov" is one of the landmark works of the 19th century, covering many social and philosophical topics. An important role in revealing the ideological meaning of the work is played by the analysis of the relationship between the two main male characters in the book. In the novel "Oblomov", the characterization of Oblomov and Stolz reflects their completely different nature, opposed by the author.
According to the plot of the work, the characters are best friends from an early age, helping each other as much as possible even in adulthood: Stolz Oblomov - the solution to many of his pressing problems, and Ilya Ilyich to Andrei Ivanovich - pleasant conversations that allow Stolz to restore peace of mind.

Portrait characteristics of heroes

A comparative description of Oblomov and Stolz in Goncharov's novel "Oblomov" is given by the author himself and is most remarkable when comparing their portrait characteristics, as well as characters. Ilya Ilyich is a soft, quiet, kind, dreamy, reflective bumpkin who makes any decision at the behest of his heart, even if the mind leads the hero to the opposite conclusions. The appearance of the introverted Oblomov fully corresponds to his character - his movements are soft, lazy, rounded, and the image is characterized by excessive effeminacy, which is not typical for a man.

Stolz, both internally and externally, is completely different from Oblomov. The main thing in the life of Andrei Ivanovich is the rational grain, in all matters he relies only on the mind, while the dictates of the heart, intuition and the sphere of feelings for the hero are not only something secondary, but also inaccessible, incomprehensible to his rational thoughts. Unlike the “flabby beyond his years” Oblomov, Stolz seemed to consist of “bones, muscles and nerves.” His life is a rapid race forward, an important attribute of which is the constant self-development of the individual and continuous work. The images of Oblomov and Stolz seem to be a mirror image of each other: active, extroverted, successful in society and in the career field, Stolz is opposed to the lazy, apathetic, unwilling to communicate with anyone, and even more so to return to the service, Oblomov.

Differences in the upbringing of heroes

When comparing Ilya Oblomov and Andrei Stolz, as well as for a better understanding of the images of the characters, it is important to briefly describe the atmosphere in which each of the characters grew up. Despite the “addictive”, as if covering with a veil of half-asleep and laziness, Oblomovka’s environment, little Ilya was a cheerful, active and curious child, which at first was very similar to Stolz. He wanted to learn as much as possible about the world around him, but the excessive care of his parents, the "hothouse" upbringing, the inculcation of obsolete, obsolete and aimed at the ideals of the past values, made the child a worthy successor to the traditions of "Oblomovism", the bearer of the "Oblomov" worldview - lazy, introvert, living in his own illusory world.

However, Stolz also did not grow up the way he could have grown up. At first glance, the combination in his upbringing of the strict approach of a German father and the tenderness of a noble mother of Russian origin would allow Andrei to become a harmonious, comprehensively developed personality. Nevertheless, as the author points out, Stolz grew up "like a cactus accustomed to drought." The young man lacked love, warmth and gentleness, since he was mainly raised by his father, who did not think that sensitivity should be instilled in a man. However, the Russian roots of Stolz until the end of their lives were looking for this spiritual warmth, finding it in Oblomov, and then in the idea of ​​​​Oblomovka, which he denied.

Education and career of heroes

The inconsistency of the characters of Stolz and Oblomov manifests itself already in his youth, when Andrei Ivanovich, trying to learn as much as possible about the world around him, tried to instill in Ilya Ilyich a love of books, to ignite a flame in him that would make him strive forward. And Stoltz succeeded, but for a very short time - as soon as Oblomov remained on his own, the book became less important for him than, for example, a dream. Somehow, rather, for his parents, Ilya Ilyich graduated from school, and then the university, where he was absolutely not interested, since the hero did not understand how mathematics and other sciences could be useful to him in life. Even the only failure in the service was the end of his career for him - it was too hard for the sensitive, soft Oblomov to adapt to the strict rules of the capital world, far from the norms of life in Oblomovka.

Stolz, with his rational, active view of the world, is much easier to move up the career ladder, because any failure was more like another incentive for him than a defeat. Andrey Ivanovich's continuous activity, high efficiency, ability to please others made him a useful person in any workplace and a pleasant guest in any society, and all thanks to the determination laid down by his father and the continuous thirst for knowledge that his parents developed in Stolz in childhood.

Characteristics of Oblomov and Stolz as carriers of two opposite principles

In critical literature, when comparing Oblomov and Stolz, it is widely believed that the characters are two opposites, two types of “superfluous” heroes who cannot be found in real life in their “pure” form, even though Oblomov is a realistic novel. , and, consequently, the described images must be typical images. However, when analyzing the upbringing and formation of each of the characters, the reasons for Oblomov's apathy, laziness and daydreaming become clear, as well as excessive dryness, rationality, even similarity with a certain Stolz mechanism.

A comparison of Stolz and Oblomov makes it possible to understand that both heroes are not only personalities typical of their time, but are also images that are tendentious for any time. Oblomov is a typical son of wealthy parents, brought up in an atmosphere of love and increased care, protected by his family from the need to work, decide something and act actively, because there will always be “Zakhar” who will do everything for him. Stolz, on the other hand, is a person who is taught from an early age to the need to work and work, while being deprived of love and care, which leads to a certain internal callousness of such a person, to a misunderstanding of the nature of feelings and emotional deprivation.

Artwork test

Goncharov Ivan Alexandrovich is a wonderful Russian realist writer. His work has firmly entered the classical literature of our country. The originality of his artistic world is, according to N.A. Dobrolyubov, in that he was able to capture in his work the full image of the subject, sculpt, mint it.

The main idea of ​​​​Goncharov in the novel "Oblomov"

In his novel, Ivan Alexandrovich condemns the inactivity of the nobility. The characterization of Oblomov in the novel "Oblomov" proves this, and you will soon see this. The author welcomes the efficiency of the entrepreneurial class that was emerging at that time. For Goncharov, in the character of Oblomov, his lordly pampering is essential, as well as the inactivity that follows from it, the impotence of will and mind. The image of this hero at the hand of such an eminent master resulted in a broad picture in which the reader is presented with the pre-reform life of the country's local nobility. More than 100 years ago, the work was written, but it still attracts attention. This novel is certainly a classic work created by the beautiful Russian language.

Ilya Ilyich Oblomov

What is the characteristic of Oblomov in the novel "Oblomov"? After reading it, everyone probably wants to understand who is closer to him in spirit: Stolz or Ilya Ilyich. Oblomov's characterization, at first glance, is devoid of attractiveness. In the novel, this hero appears as a man of not his first youth. He tried in the past to serve, but he withdrew from all activity and became unable to return to it. He does not want not only to do something, but even to be in society, go for a walk, get dressed, just get up from the couch. The serene state of this hero is violated only by visitors who come only with selfish goals to Oblomov. For example, Tarantiev simply robs him, borrowing money and not returning it. Oblomov, on the other hand, turns out to be a victim of his visitors in the work, since he cannot understand the true purpose of their visits. The only exception is Stolz, a friend of his youth, who comes to visit him in Oblomovka.

However, Oblomov's characterization is not so unambiguously negative. We will return to her.

Andrei Ivanovich Stolz

Stolz is the antipode of this hero in the novel. Goncharov portrayed him as a "new man". Stolz was brought up in harsh conditions from childhood, gradually getting used to the difficulties and hardships of life. This is a businessman alien to official careerism and noble laziness, who is distinguished by such a level of culture and such activity that at that time were not characteristic of Russian merchants. Apparently, not knowing where to find such a person among business Russian people, Goncharov decided to make his hero the offspring of a half-German family. Stolz, however, was raised by a Russian mother, who was a noblewoman, and also studied at the capital's university. This hero believes that through the construction of highways, fairs, marinas, schools, patriarchal "fragments" will turn into well-maintained estates that bring income.

Views on Oblomov's life

Not only apathy marked Oblomov's characterization. This character is trying to "philosophize". Ilya Ilyich contrasts the sincerity and kindness of the patriarchal life with the moral depravity of the representatives of the bureaucratic-noble society of the capital. He condemns him for striving for careerism, lack of serious interests, mutual hostility covered up by ostentatious courtesy. In this regard, the author of the novel agrees with Ilya Ilyich. Oblomov's characterization is complemented by the fact that he is a romantic. This hero dreams mainly of quiet family happiness.

Stolz's attitude to life

On the contrary, Stolz is the enemy of the "dream", of everything mysterious and enigmatic. However, by "dream" he means not only rosy romance, but all kinds of idealism. The author, explaining the convictions of this hero, writes that in his eyes, what is not subjected to the analysis of practical truth, experience, is an optical illusion or a fact, to which the turn of experience has not yet reached.

The value of a love conflict in revealing the characters of the main characters

A comparative description of Oblomov and Stolz would be incomplete if we did not reveal the topic of the relationship of these heroes with Olga Ilyinskaya. Goncharov introduces his characters into a love conflict in order to test them with life itself, which will show what each of them is worth. Therefore, the heroine of Oblomov was supposed to be an outstanding personality. In Olga Ilyinskaya, we will not find any secular coquetry, or aristocratic whims, nothing mannered, deliberately made for success in life. This girl is distinguished by her beauty, as well as the natural freedom of action, word and look.

Both main characters created by Goncharov fail in their love relationship with this woman, each in their own way. And this reveals the failure of the author's illusions in assessing both. Oblomov's "honest and true", "golden" heart is suddenly in doubt along with his decency. Note that this hero, who has a "heart as deep as a well," is shamefully disingenuous in front of the girl, referring to the fact that he "warned" her about his character. Olga understands that Ilya Ilyich "has died a long time ago."

The consistent characterization of Oblomov and Stolz reveals more and more interesting details. Andrey Ivanovich appears again in the novel. He reappears in the work in order to take the place that Oblomov previously occupied. The characterization of the hero Stolz in his relationship with Olga reveals some important features in his image. Goncharov, showing his life in Paris with Ilyinskaya, wants to show the reader the breadth of his hero's views. In fact, he lowers it, since being interested in everything means not systematically, deeply, seriously not getting involved in anything. It means to learn everything from other people's words, to take it from the wrong hands. Stolz could hardly keep up with Olga in her languid haste of will and thought. Against the will of the author, the story of the joint life of these two heroes, which was supposed to be the praise of Stoltz, in the end turned out to be a means of exposing him. Stolz at the end of the novel appears only as a self-confident reasoner. The reader no longer believes this hero, who could not save his friend, give happiness to his beloved woman. Only the tendentiousness of the author saves Stolz from a complete collapse. After all, Goncharov ("Oblomov") was on his side. Oblomov's characterization, created by the writer, as well as the author's voice in the novel, allow us to judge this.

Weakness of both heroes and the classes they represent

In addition to his own desire, Goncharov was able to show that not only the Russian nobility is degenerating. Weak not only Oblomov. The characterization of the hero Stolz is also not without this feature. Respectable entrepreneurs cannot historically become the successors of the nobility, since they are weak, limited and unable to take responsibility for solving the fundamental issues of the country's life.

The meaning of the image of Olga Ilyinskaya in Russian literature

So, a comparative description of Oblomov and Stolz shows that neither one nor the other can, each in their own way, arouse sympathy. But the heroine of the work, Olga Ilyinskaya, will become the prototype of an enlightened Russian woman. This prototype will later be found in the works of many classics of the 19th century.

Often a comparison of Ilya Ilyich and Andrei Ivanovich is presented as a table. The characteristic of Oblomov and Stolz, presented visually, helps to better remember information. Therefore, a comparative table in literature lessons as a type of work is often used at school. When deep analysis is required, it is better to refuse it. Namely, such a task was set when creating this article.

The novel "Oblomov" is one of the landmark works of the 19th century, covering many social and philosophical topics. An important role in revealing the ideological meaning of the work is played by the analysis of the relationship between the two main male characters in the book. In the novel "Oblomov", the characterization of Oblomov and Stolz reflects their completely different nature, opposed by the author.
According to the plot of the work, the characters are best friends from an early age, helping each other as much as possible even in adulthood: Stolz Oblomov - the solution to many of his pressing problems, and Ilya Ilyich to Andrei Ivanovich - pleasant conversations that allow Stolz to restore peace of mind.

Portrait characteristics of heroes

A comparative description of Oblomov and Stolz in Goncharov's novel "Oblomov" is given by the author himself and is most remarkable when comparing their portrait characteristics, as well as characters. Ilya Ilyich is a soft, quiet, kind, dreamy, reflective bumpkin who makes any decision at the behest of his heart, even if the mind leads the hero to the opposite conclusions. The appearance of the introverted Oblomov fully corresponds to his character - his movements are soft, lazy, rounded, and the image is characterized by excessive effeminacy, which is not typical for a man.

Stolz, both internally and externally, is completely different from Oblomov. The main thing in the life of Andrei Ivanovich is the rational grain, in all matters he relies only on the mind, while the dictates of the heart, intuition and the sphere of feelings for the hero are not only something secondary, but also inaccessible, incomprehensible to his rational thoughts. Unlike the “flabby beyond his years” Oblomov, Stolz seemed to consist of “bones, muscles and nerves.” His life is a rapid race forward, an important attribute of which is the constant self-development of the individual and continuous work. The images of Oblomov and Stolz seem to be a mirror image of each other: active, extroverted, successful in society and in the career field, Stolz is opposed to the lazy, apathetic, unwilling to communicate with anyone, and even more so to return to the service, Oblomov.

Differences in the upbringing of heroes

When comparing Ilya Oblomov and Andrei Stolz, as well as for a better understanding of the images of the characters, it is important to briefly describe the atmosphere in which each of the characters grew up. Despite the “addictive”, as if covering with a veil of half-asleep and laziness, Oblomovka’s environment, little Ilya was a cheerful, active and curious child, which at first was very similar to Stolz. He wanted to learn as much as possible about the world around him, but the excessive care of his parents, the "hothouse" upbringing, the inculcation of obsolete, obsolete and aimed at the ideals of the past values, made the child a worthy successor to the traditions of "Oblomovism", the bearer of the "Oblomov" worldview - lazy, introvert, living in his own illusory world.

However, Stolz also did not grow up the way he could have grown up. At first glance, the combination in his upbringing of the strict approach of a German father and the tenderness of a noble mother of Russian origin would allow Andrei to become a harmonious, comprehensively developed personality. Nevertheless, as the author points out, Stolz grew up "like a cactus accustomed to drought." The young man lacked love, warmth and gentleness, since he was mainly raised by his father, who did not think that sensitivity should be instilled in a man. However, the Russian roots of Stolz until the end of their lives were looking for this spiritual warmth, finding it in Oblomov, and then in the idea of ​​​​Oblomovka, which he denied.

Education and career of heroes

The inconsistency of the characters of Stolz and Oblomov manifests itself already in his youth, when Andrei Ivanovich, trying to learn as much as possible about the world around him, tried to instill in Ilya Ilyich a love of books, to ignite a flame in him that would make him strive forward. And Stoltz succeeded, but for a very short time - as soon as Oblomov remained on his own, the book became less important for him than, for example, a dream. Somehow, rather, for his parents, Ilya Ilyich graduated from school, and then the university, where he was absolutely not interested, since the hero did not understand how mathematics and other sciences could be useful to him in life. Even the only failure in the service was the end of his career for him - it was too hard for the sensitive, soft Oblomov to adapt to the strict rules of the capital world, far from the norms of life in Oblomovka.

Stolz, with his rational, active view of the world, is much easier to move up the career ladder, because any failure was more like another incentive for him than a defeat. Andrey Ivanovich's continuous activity, high efficiency, ability to please others made him a useful person in any workplace and a pleasant guest in any society, and all thanks to the determination laid down by his father and the continuous thirst for knowledge that his parents developed in Stolz in childhood.

Characteristics of Oblomov and Stolz as carriers of two opposite principles

In critical literature, when comparing Oblomov and Stolz, it is widely believed that the characters are two opposites, two types of “superfluous” heroes who cannot be found in real life in their “pure” form, even though Oblomov is a realistic novel. , and, consequently, the described images must be typical images. However, when analyzing the upbringing and formation of each of the characters, the reasons for Oblomov's apathy, laziness and daydreaming become clear, as well as excessive dryness, rationality, even similarity with a certain Stolz mechanism.

A comparison of Stolz and Oblomov makes it possible to understand that both heroes are not only personalities typical of their time, but are also images that are tendentious for any time. Oblomov is a typical son of wealthy parents, brought up in an atmosphere of love and increased care, protected by his family from the need to work, decide something and act actively, because there will always be “Zakhar” who will do everything for him. Stolz, on the other hand, is a person who is taught from an early age to the need to work and work, while being deprived of love and care, which leads to a certain internal callousness of such a person, to a misunderstanding of the nature of feelings and emotional deprivation.

Artwork test

In the novel Oblomov, Alexander Goncharov touches on the theme of friendship between people who are completely different in character and views.

A comparative description of the image of Oblomov and Stolz will help the reader figure out whether she is able to change a person for the better.

Childhood and upbringing

Ilya Ilyich Oblomov grew up as a spoiled child. Parents took care of their son too much, did not give him the opportunity to prove himself. Didn't like to study. He believed that science was sent to people as a punishment for sins. As a thirteen-year-old boy, he was placed in a boarding school. He often asked his mother for permission to stay at home, not to go to school. I did not get enough knowledge at the university because of my own laziness.

Andrei Ivanovich Stolz was a smart boy. Knowledge absorbed like a sponge. His father raised him strictly. Mother did not encourage "labor education". When the father sent his son to the university, he did not lead him to the city. I said goodbye at the gate without unnecessary emotions, put on his cap, and pushed him so hard that he knocked him down.


Ilya is overweight. His "chubby arms and soft shoulders" gave the appearance of a certain effeminacy. "His complexion was not ruddy or swarthy, he seemed positively pale." There were always some thoughts in gray eyes that quickly disappeared before they could settle in my head.

Andrew thin, he has no cheeks at all, his skin is swarthy. "He was made of bones, nerves and muscles, reminiscent of an English horse." His face had expressive green eyes. From him comes masculinity and health.

Aspirations and prosperity

Ilya Oblomov at thirty-two, he had made absolutely nothing on his own. He left the service because of a stupid mistake he made, sending important documents to the wrong address. He was unable to complete a simple task. Lives in rented apartments. An estate inherited from parents suffers losses and does not bring proper prosperity. Ilya Ilyich knows nothing about financial matters.

He does not try to keep pace and create something in life. Lying on the couch, constantly being in a sleepy state.

Stolz“Served, retired, went about his own business and made a house and money. He is involved in some company that sends goods abroad.” Does not allow mistakes in work. He achieved respect in society and material wealth, thanks to his own efforts. “Constantly on the move: if a society needs to send an agent to England or Belgium, they send him. It is necessary to create a new project or analyze a new idea - they choose Stolz.

Love for a woman

Andrew respectful of the opposite sex. In relations with Olga Ilyinskaya, he shows himself to be a true gentleman, able to solve all the worries of his beloved, to please her. He achieved his goal - he married the one he loves.

Ilya always tactful in dealing with women. He loved Olga Ilyinskaya, but could not overcome his laziness, unwillingness to change. I was afraid of the routine of marriage. He brought his beloved a lot of trouble, she often cried because of his caustic speeches. He married the widow Pshenitsyna, from whom he rented a room. She demanded absolutely nothing from him. Such relationships suited Oblomov.

Attitude to life

Andrey Stolz, full of health, wishes to live for many more years. Although he is a realist, phrases are often heard from his lips that he wants to "live for two hundred, three hundred years." Adheres to the goal that everything should be carried out on the basis of clearly defined tasks. The dream had no place in his soul.

Ilya Oblomov calls himself "the old caftan". Sometimes he voices thoughts that he would lie down and fall asleep forever. Likes to dream. His imagination often draws fictitious pictures. Especially clearly highlights the images of the future wife and children.

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