The story of a man with a strong will. Through hardships to the stars: stories of strong-willed people

"Jewish Warsaw - a story about the human spirit" - a new permanent exhibition at the memorial museum Beit Lohamei ha-getaot (house of ghetto fighters, Hebrew).

Why did the museum decide to open an exhibition about Warsaw? After all, this topic is sufficiently covered in many museums, so why another exhibition?
Not at all in the light of the new law adopted in Poland. The exhibition was planned and created much earlier than the adoption of the law - it just coincided so symbolically ...

The history of the Jews of Poland and the history of Jewish Warsaw is the history of the life of the founders of the kibbutz and the history of the founders of the museum. It is difficult to separate a person's life from what is happening around him, from what is happening with his place of residence, especially when there is a war and millions of human lives fall under the wheels of history.
The uniqueness of this exhibition is that it shows the Jewish perspective on life in Warsaw before the Holocaust and during the Holocaust. This is a story about the everyday life of the Jews, about their faith and about their survival.

The story of the exhibition begins long before the Nazis came to power and took over Poland.

With the help of a variety of documentary evidence, the exhibition tells about life, although usually such exhibitions are stories about dying ... Without understanding Jewish life before the war, its aspirations, hopes and expectations, we will not be able to understand the extent of the destruction of an entire culture from which there is no trace.
We return to the Jewish street in Warsaw 1935. , with its political and ideological currents. Who was not there: Hasidim and Mitnagdim; educated and assimilated; members of Zionist youth movements; members of non-Zionist youth movements... The exhibition aims to show the complexity and inconsistency of the Jewish life of those times.
Assimilated, orthodox, workers and socialists fought to raise their children, believing that in this way they would give the next generation the opportunity for a better life.

Mizrahi tablet of the Mizrahi movement ( Mizrachi - Religious Zionist organization and movement ), Warsaw 1920.

traditional Jewish education.

And at the same time...

... joint struggle for the betterment of the conditions of the workers.

Various aspects of Jewish life are presented by people's stories, which represent a spectrum of opinions and experiences.

The theme of repatriation to Eretz Israel is one of the important aspects of Jewish life in pre-war Warsaw.

Congratulations to Shana Tov (Happy New Year) to a repatriate sailing on a ship to Eretz Israel, Warsaw 1925.

Greeting card Shana Tova (Happy New Year), Warsaw 1930.
Repatriates are depicted on the road to Eretz Israel.

Preparation for agricultural activity on a training farm in Gorochowa, Warsaw 1937.

Repatriation certificate issued by the Hashomer HaTzair trade union in Poland, 1924.

The exhibition presents diaries, letters, photographs, films, various objects and documents from the archives of the Lohamei Ha-Getaot Museum. Including exhibits from the Korczak Collection, Zionist youth movements and the Oneg Shabat ghetto archive. Used a lot of documentaries and photographs of that time.

For the first time, materials from the museum's archive that have never been exhibited are presented. The "Korczak Collection" includes letters and other materials from the orphanage.

Technically, the exhibition is focused on the younger generation and tries to speak its language: many interactive showcases, where by touching the image of one of the displayed artifacts, you get information and a story about it. There are separate interactive stories about Jewish theater and cinema, Jewish newspapers, sports...

Illustrated newspaper for children and adolescents "Eaton katan" (small newspaper, Hebrew)" in Hebrew, 1929.

After the war, Jews emigrated to different countries, some came to Eretz Israel.
The seeds of Jewishness were sown in children's souls by the systems in which children were brought up before the war: in Jewish youth movements, in Jewish education, in prayers in synagogues for Yishuv in Eretz Israel, sports associations and newspapers in Hebrew, all this played a role in choosing a life way.

The war burst into the Jewish life of Poland, splitting it into two parts: before and on time.

This is how an artist unknown to me depicted it, in a painting not participating in the exhibition, but photographed by me in the museum.

The interactive section is dedicated to the capture of Warsaw. We not only see the siege, bombardment, shelling on the screens, we feel ourselves a part of what is happening.

I made some small videos from this section.

In the "Ghetto" section, with the help of video films, life is shown under the yoke of occupation and isolation for almost two years, between October 1940 and July 1942, when a wall was built separating the ghetto from the rest of the city and people did not know what was happening behind the walls of the ghetto didn't know what a new day would bring.

Ghetto borders 11/15/1940.

Many testimonies and diaries written at that time illustrate what was happening. The story about the events of those days is conducted on behalf of real people who lived in the ghetto. This is also a story about daily life in the ghetto and the problems of this life: a colossal gap between the rich and the poor in the ghetto, issues related to the observance of religious rites and the Sabbath, Jewish holidays.

Old films and photographs speak of something that cannot be described in words. Some of these people remained only in photographs, they have neither graves nor names ...

Summer 1942, deportation of 300,000 Jews, two-thirds of the ghetto's population, to death camps.

The exhibition does not end with the Catastrophe. It's still in the making.

The exhibition will end with the founding of the kibbutz and the birth of the first child. The circle closed when the children, who grew up in rich European bourgeois houses that were destroyed in the Holocaust, built new houses in Eretz Israel, in kibbutzim and began a new life..

"We must fight for our future" is the message of the exhibition, which applies to both Jews and non-Jews.

I already talked about the ongoing exhibition at the Memorial Museum of Beit Lohamei ha-gettaot

In the history of every nation there are individuals from whom it is worth taking an example. These are historical heroes, legendary commanders, successful businessmen, Saints, politicians and many others. Russian history, probably like no other, is rich in the names of such people, if you list them all, the list will be huge. The life of such people is an example of true love, strong friendship, iron fortitude, real and sincere kindness. Let's talk about some of them, personalities of historical significance.

Prince Alexander Nevsky. Everyone who carefully studied history at school (and not even very carefully) knows this man. Alexander was born in 1220, he was the son of Yaroslav Vsevolodovich. Alexander began to reign at a very young age, even then he was distinguished by his tall stature, clear mind and loud voice. Alexander took the throne of Kyiv in 1236. Then the Livonian knights went to Russia with the aim of conquering and introducing Catholicism. The legendary Battle of the Neva took place on the famous Lake Ladoga, where the Russians defeated the Livonians. Everyone knows this battle as the Battle of the Ice. At this time, Russia was under the yoke of the Mongol-Tatars. , but Alexander managed to get a label for a great reign from the then Batu Khan. Even he bowed before the courage of Alexander. Now Alexander Nevsky has been canonized and recognized as a Saint for his strong faith and wise government of the country.

There were also among wealthy Russian entrepreneurs. One of these is Innokenty Sibiryakov, who became an orphan at the age of 14 and at the same time the heir to a truly huge fortune (he got four gold mines, which gave more than three tons of gold in 1894). The strength of the spirit of this man lies in the fact that he did not succumb to the influence of wealth. Innokenty graduated from a private gymnasium and devoted his whole life to charity. These were sacrifices to educational institutions, hospitals, the creation of charitable societies, and so on. Being already in adulthood, Innocent took monastic tonsure with the name John.

Elisaveta Fedorovna Romanovna is considered a real standard of mercy, purity and true and sincere love among Russian women who lived in past times. Elizabeth was very beautiful - almost everyone noted this. She was born in England, in a wealthy family, and already in her childhood she suffers terrible hardships - first her little brother, then her sister and mother. As a result, Ella (as she was called before baptism) takes a vow of chastity. In 1884, Ella married Prince Sergei Alexandrovich, but even here the tragic events did not leave her family. Even then, dissatisfied with the authorities began to appear in Russia, who staged riots. A bomb was planted in the carriage of the Grand Duke, as a result of its explosion, the body of Sergei Alexandrovich was torn to pieces. After this terrible event, Elizabeth became a monk and took up charity work, leading an immaculate life in prayer and helping the suffering and destitute.

December 3 marks the International Day of Persons with Disabilities, proclaimed by the UN General Assembly in 1992 at the suggestion of Russia. In 1981, the World Program of Action for Persons with Disabilities was adopted - the first document that formulated the principles for treating this category of citizens.

According to the UN, there are approximately 1 billion people with disabilities in the world (about 15% of the population), 80% of whom live in developing countries. Most of them face physical, socioeconomic and behavioral barriers that exclude them from equal participation in society. .

UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, in his message on the occasion of the Day of Persons with Disabilities, called for the effective integration of people with disabilities into society. “We must remove all barriers that prevent the inclusion and involvement of persons with disabilities in society, including by changing attitudes towards them that lead to stigmatization and perpetuate discrimination,” the UN Secretary General said.

On the eve of the Paralympic Games in Sochi in 2014, Russian President Vladimir Putin said that the state should do more for the disabled and people with disabilities, should create conditions for a barrier-free environment. “It is important for us that people see this - the unlimited possibilities of our athletes with disabilities. It educates society in the right way. This pushes administrative structures at all levels to create a barrier-free environment. Not only in sports, but everywhere,” Putin said.

There are also people with disabilities among Russian politicians. So the deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation from the LDPR party Valery Seleznev lost his right hand at a young age. Seleznev created an inter-factional deputy association of the State Duma for the disabled. Deputy of the State Duma of the VI convocation from United Russia Mikhail Terentyev is a Paralympic champion, world champion among wheelchair athletes, winner of three bronze medals at the European Championships in athletics among athletes with a lesion of the musculoskeletal system and Secretary General of the Russian Paralympic Committee. A Just Russia deputy Alexander Lomakin-Rumyantsev is a group I disabled person and chairman of the All-Russian Society of Disabled People. The first deputy chairman of the State Duma Education Committee, communist Oleg Smolin, is blind from birth. He is the first vice-president of the Russian Paralympic Committee, vice-president of the All-Russian Society of the Blind, an honorary member of the All-Russian Society of the Disabled.

Stephen Hawking is an English theoretical physicist, founder and director of the Center for Theoretical Cosmology at the University of Cambridge. For most of his life, the scientist suffers from multiple sclerosis, which led to paralysis. Hawking communicates using a speech synthesizer
AP Photo/Science Museum, Sarah Lee

Alessandro Zanardi is an Italian racing driver and cyclist who lost both of his legs in an accident in 2001. He is a two-time champion of the 2012 Paralympic Games.
© AP Photo/Alastair Grant

The Russian sledge hockey team won silver at the XI Paralympic Games. In the final, the Russians lost to the Americans, having conceded the only goal. One of the best scorers of the sledge hockey tournament was Evgeny Petrov

Esther Vergeer is a Dutch tennis player. Considered one of the greatest wheelchair tennis players in history. At the age of nine, her legs were paralyzed. Esther Vergeer - multiple Grand Slam winner, seven-time world champion, four-time Olympic champion
© AP Photo/Alastair Grant

Skier Mikhalina Lysova and her track leader Alexei Ivanov achieved success at the Sochi Paralympics, winning gold medals in the 6 and 10 km distances in the visually impaired category

Jim Armstrong is a member of the Canadian wheelchair curling team. In 2009, his wife died and he was left alone with three children. But he is not going to give up and end his career, because he believes that all life's difficulties did not affect him in any way.
© ITAR-TASS/ Vladimir Smirnov

Italy's Francesca Porcellato has competed in six Summer and three Winter Paralympic Games, including competitions in Sochi. Three-time winner of the Games: twice won in 1988 in Seoul (in the 100 m and in the relay) and in 2010 in the cross-country skiing in the classic sprint
© ITAR-TASS/ Artem Korotaev

Adopted in the United States, a native of Ukraine Oksana Masters, having lost both legs, began to row. In rowing, she won bronze at the 2012 Paralympics, and at the Winter Games in Sochi, she won silver and bronze in cross-country skiing.
© AP Photo/Emilio Morenatti

Alexandra Frantseva from Russia wins silver in super-G (visually impaired) in alpine skiing at the XI Paralympic Winter Games
© ITAR-TASS/ Artem Korotaev

Jessica Long is an American Paralympic swimmer of Russian origin. Multiple champion of the Paralympics, world championships, world record holder among athletes without legs

Eric Weichenmeier is the first climber in the world to reach the summit of Everest while blind. He conquered many mountain peaks, including Kilimanjaro and Elbrus. Lost his sight at the age of 13, but managed to become a high school teacher, then a wrestling coach and a world-class athlete

Despite his blindness, Italian opera singer Andrea Bocelli has become one of the most memorable voices of modern opera and pop music.
©AP Photo/Arnulfo Franco

"Jewish Warsaw - a story about the human spirit" - a new permanent exhibition at the memorial museum Beit Lohamei ha-getaot (house of ghetto fighters, Hebrew).
Why did the museum decide to open an exhibition about Warsaw? After all, this topic is sufficiently covered in many museums, so why another exhibition?
Not at all in the light of the new law adopted in Poland. The exhibition was planned and created much earlier than the adoption of the law - it just coincided so symbolically ...

The history of the Jews of Poland and the history of Jewish Warsaw is the history of the life of the founders of the kibbutz and the history of the founders of the museum. It is difficult to separate a person's life from what is happening around him, from what is happening with his place of residence, especially when there is a war and millions of human lives fall under the wheels of history.
The uniqueness of this exhibition is that it shows the Jewish perspective on life in Warsaw before the Holocaust and during the Holocaust. This is a story about the everyday life of the Jews, about their faith and about their survival.

The story of the exhibition begins long before the Nazis came to power and took over Poland.

With the help of a variety of documentary evidence, the exhibition tells about life, although usually such exhibitions are stories about dying ... Without understanding Jewish life before the war, its aspirations, hopes and expectations, we will not be able to understand the extent of the destruction of an entire culture from which there is no trace.
We return to the Jewish street in Warsaw 1935. , with its political and ideological currents. Who was not there: Hasidim and Mitnagdim; educated and assimilated; members of Zionist youth movements; members of non-Zionist youth movements... The exhibition aims to show the complexity and inconsistency of the Jewish life of those times.
Assimilated, orthodox, workers and socialists fought to raise their children, believing that in this way they would give the next generation the opportunity for a better life.

Tablet "Mizrach" of the Mizrachi movement (Mizrachi is a religious Zionist organization and movement), Warsaw, 1920.

traditional Jewish education.

And at the same time...

... joint struggle for the betterment of the conditions of the workers.

Various aspects of Jewish life are presented by people's stories, which represent a spectrum of opinions and experiences.

The theme of repatriation to Eretz Israel is one of the important aspects of Jewish life in pre-war Warsaw.

Congratulations to Shana Tov (Happy New Year) to a repatriate sailing on a ship to Eretz Israel, Warsaw 1925.

Greeting card Shana Tova (Happy New Year), Warsaw 1930.
Repatriates are depicted on the road to Eretz Israel.

Preparation for agricultural activity on a training farm in Gorochowa, Warsaw 1937.

Repatriation certificate issued by the Hashomer HaTzair trade union in Poland, 1924.

The exhibition presents diaries, letters, photographs, films, various objects and documents from the archives of the Lohamei Ha-Getaot Museum. Including exhibits from the Korczak Collection, Zionist youth movements and the Oneg Shabat ghetto archive. Used a lot of documentaries and photographs of that time.

For the first time, materials from the museum's archive that have never been exhibited are presented. The "Korczak Collection" includes letters and other materials from the orphanage.

Technically, the exhibition is focused on the younger generation and tries to speak its language: many interactive showcases, where by touching the image of one of the displayed artifacts, you get information and a story about it. There are separate interactive stories about Jewish theater and cinema, Jewish newspapers, sports...

Illustrated newspaper for children and adolescents "Eaton katan" (small newspaper, Hebrew)" in Hebrew, 1929.

After the war, Jews emigrated to different countries, some came to Eretz Israel.
The seeds of Jewishness were sown in children's souls by the systems in which children were brought up before the war: in Jewish youth movements, in Jewish education, in prayers in synagogues for Yishuv in Eretz Israel, sports associations and newspapers in Hebrew, all this played a role in choosing a life way.

The war burst into the Jewish life of Poland, splitting it into two parts: before and on time.

This is how an artist unknown to me depicted it, in a painting not participating in the exhibition, but photographed by me in the museum.

The interactive section is dedicated to the capture of Warsaw. We not only see the siege, bombardment, shelling on the screens, we feel ourselves a part of what is happening.

I made some small videos from this section.

In the "Ghetto" section, with the help of video films, life is shown under the yoke of occupation and isolation for almost two years, between October 1940 and July 1942, when a wall was built separating the ghetto from the rest of the city and people did not know what was happening behind the walls of the ghetto didn't know what a new day would bring.

Ghetto borders 11/15/1940.

Many testimonies and diaries written at that time illustrate what was happening. The story about the events of those days is conducted on behalf of real people who lived in the ghetto. This is also a story about daily life in the ghetto and the problems of this life: a colossal gap between the rich and the poor in the ghetto, issues related to the observance of religious rites and the Sabbath, Jewish holidays.

Old films and photographs speak of something that cannot be described in words. Some of these people remained only in photographs, they have neither graves nor names ...

Summer 1942, deportation of 300,000 Jews, two-thirds of the ghetto's population, to death camps.

The exhibition does not end with the Catastrophe. It's still in the making.

The exhibition will end with the founding of the kibbutz and the birth of the first child. The circle closed when the children, who grew up in rich European bourgeois houses that were destroyed in the Holocaust, built new houses in Eretz Israel, in kibbutzim and began a new life..

"We must fight for our future" is the message of the exhibition, which applies to both Jews and non-Jews.

I already talked about the ongoing exhibition at the Memorial Museum of Beit Lohamei ha-gettaot

The strength of the spirit of the Russian people

“Russia is the depth, the measure of which
no one has yet been able to determine
hence the legend of the mysterious Russian
soul, to simulate the movements of which
no one can."

Hard times have come again for our country. America, Great Britain and the "highly civilized" countries of Europe, accustomed to living comfortably and stably at the expense of the resources of dependent states of donors, are currently facing a large-scale economic crisis. Their leaders began to look for new victims in order to continue their comfortable existence in the future. In this regard, the vast natural wealth of Russia has always been a tasty morsel for conquerors at all times.

Russia survived many wars, but it never attacked first, but only adequately fought back. Hidden enemies tried to decompose it from the inside. In all sorts of ways, Western countries tried to impose a consumer consciousness and instill in the minds of Russian people uncharacteristic thoughts about worthlessness and self-abasement. All this was done so that we would forget about the soul and God, and thus break the Russian spirit. But this scenario failed. And now again an aggressive attempt is being made by countries with colonial thinking to unleash another war and subjugate Russia. All unthinkable methods are used. A stream of outright lies, falsifications and dirty accusations from all media has hit our country, and no explanations or even evidence can stop it. Russia and its president have been slandered and crucified with obvious pleasure, blaming them for all the sins and troubles of the whole world. Until quite recently, it was hard to believe, but now this is our reality, and it's time to unite in spirit and protect our Motherland, as our ancestors did in the days of hard times.

From history we know many amazing examples of the manifestation of the fortitude and stamina of Russian people at the limit of human capabilities.

The catchphrase "Russians do not surrender" appeared during the First World War. In the Book of S.A. Khmelkov "The Struggle for Osovets" is described as"in In 1915, the Russian garrison defended the small fortress of Osovets, located on the territory of present-day Belarus. As a last resort to break the Russians, the enemy decided to use a gas attack. For this, the Germans deployed 30 gas batteries. A dark green mist of a mixture of chlorine and bromine flowed onto the fortress. The defenders of the fortress did not have gas masks. All life around was poisoned. About seven thousand infantrymen moved to storm the Russian fortress. But when the German chains approached the trenches, counterattacking Russian infantry fell upon them from a thick green chlorine fog. The sight was terrifying: the soldiers walked into the bayonet with their faces wrapped in rags, shaking from a terrible cough, literally spitting out pieces of the lungs on the bloodied tunics. These were the remnants of the 13th company of the 226th infantry Zemlyansky regiment, a little more than 60 people. But they plunged the enemy into such horror that the German infantry, not accepting the battle, rushed back, trampling each other and hanging on their own barbed wire. The world military art did not know anything like this. This battle will go down in history as the "attack of the dead."

The glory of Russian weapons knows no bounds. The Russian soldier endured what the soldiers of the armies of other countries have never endured and will not endure. This is evidenced by letters from the front of soldiers and officers of the Wehrmacht, in which they admired the courage of Russian soldiers during the Second World War. Andfrom a letter from a soldier of the Third Reich, Erich Ott, senthome from Stalingrad on October 14, 1942:« Russians are not like people, they are made of iron, they do not know fatigue, they do not know fear. Sailors, in the bitter cold, go on the attack in vests. Physically and spiritually, one Russian soldier is stronger than our entire company.”

From the book by Robert Kershaw “1941 through the eyes of the Germans. Birch crosses instead of iron ones":“During the attack, we stumbled upon a light Russian T-26 tank, we immediately clicked it right from the 37-graph paper. When we began to approach, a Russian leaned out of the hatch of the tower to the waist and opened fire on us with a pistol. It soon became clear that he was without legs, they were torn off when the tank was hit. And despite this, he fired at us with a pistol!

The strength of the spirit was manifested not only in battles. During the blockade of Leningrad in severe frosts up to 50 degrees, our heroic compatriots laid the "Road of Life" through Lake Ladoga, which became a salvation for thousands of Leningraders dying of hunger. After visiting the Museum "Road of Life" in the memory there was a photograph of a man walking knee-deep in water, with a bag over his shoulders. This was the first spring of the siege of Leningrad. The ice on Ladoga began to melt, the cars stalled, the horses refused to go into the icy water. But it was vital to deliver 4.5 tons of onions to the besieged city. What horses could not do, people did. Thirty volunteers 44 km dragged a precious load. In total, 65 tons of food was transported on foot across Ladoga.

And this is only a tiny part of the feat of the Russian people, who, not sparing their lives in the name of victory, defended their Motherland from foreign invaders.What is the secret of the unbending will, steadfastness and courage of Russians?

The ancestral home of Russia is Hyperborea, a highly spiritual legendary civilization that, according to scientists, existed several tens of thousands of years ago in the Arctic. Artifacts of this ancient country were discovered by archaeologists on the Kola Peninsula. The very name of the Kola Peninsula and the Kola River contains the rootnamed after the ancient Slavic god Kolo-Kolyada. When the poles of the Earth changed, escaping from the cold, our ancestors dews or Russ, as they were also called, moved to the territory of today's Russia from ancient Hyperborea. Confirmation can be found in predictionsNostradamus, whocalled the Russians "the Hyperborean people."Having moved to Russia, the dews were saturated with its codes, and a sprout of the strength of the spirit of the Russian land broke through in their souls. Russia is a special country, it is a stronghold of the forces of Light, the Spirit of the Earth is concentrated here. According to the Slavic-Aryan Vedas, the word"Russia" stands for "increasing light"."Ros" - growth, increase;"siya" - shine, light. That is, Russia was originally a source of spiritual light, hence the name Holy Russia. Our earth is luminiferous in its essence, it carries maternal feminine energies. It is no coincidence that only we have the concept of "Motherland". Therefore, it is a great sin to find fault with Russia, no matter how decadent the country is. This is the same as insulting your exhausted, sick mother, who gave all her strength to savechildren. It is difficult for foreigners to understand why Russians are always so desperate to defend their land from invaders. And the answer is simple - they protect the most sacred - their mother, and this is inherent in the Russians at the gene level.

Even in fairy tales, any evil spirits cannot stand the Russian spirit and can smell it from a distance. Our land is famous for the feats of arms of Russian heroes. Their names and deeds for the glory of the Fatherland were passed from mouth to mouth of their ancestors, and have come down to our days in epics and legends. You need to study and remember the history of your country. The connection of generations strengthens the roots of the spirit and gives stability and inflexibility in any of the most difficult trials. A man without clan and tribe, like a "tumbleweed", is pliable even to a weak pressure of the wind and is an easy prey for any enemy.

Image of Russia - This is the Phoenix bird, reborn from the ashes, a symbol of immortality. From our rich history, we know many facts when it seemed to the enemies that Russia was completely destroyed and fell at the feet of the conquerors. Here are just a few examples: the surrender of Moscow to Napoleon during the Patriotic War of 1812; the blockade of Leningrad, the battles for Moscow during the Second World War; naxithe flattening of atheism in Soviet times; restructuring of the 90s and a focus on Western consumer values. But every time, contrary to all the forecasts of analysts, Russiareborn from devastation and poverty, like a Phoenix bird, and regained strength and power, causing bewilderment of observers from the side. What is happening now. Recall the recent events in the month of March, whenRussia's position at the UN meeting on the issue of a referendum in Crimea caused an inadequate reaction from the US Permanent Representative Samantha Power. She spoke hystericallyenvoyRF VitalyChurkineverything she thinks about our country: “Russia has nothe right to forget that she is not a winner, butdefeated". Almighty America cannot believe and accept that Russia is back on the horse again.

The Russian soul is a depth, and there is a lot of unknown and unpredictable in it, its patience is great, which misleads many and gives rise to thoughts about the impunity of criminals. In fact, they are given a chance to change their minds and not commit sin. Russia endures to the limit, and waits for repentance, the spring is compressed more and more and the moment comes when it shoots with great force. And the enemy will be able to fully feel the full power of the Russian spirit in his own skin. As said"Iron Chancellor" Otto von Bismarck: "I know many ways to drive a Russian bear out of its lair, but not a single one how to drive it back."The lessons of history are quickly forgotten, the long-suffering of Russia is again taken for weakness, and again self-confident conquerors are found, eager to get the riches of the Russian land.

EXODUS books say that Russian people do not even suspect what strength of spirit is inherent in them, these roots of strength and spirituality originally laid by the Lord himself. And still, the final decision remains with the people themselves.Faced with death, he makes a choice either to preserve honor and conscience, having lost his life, or to continue to live without honor and conscience. The Russian land gave birth to a large number of Saints. They raised the spirit of the people in the most difficult times by the example of their lives and true faith in God. The blessing of the Great Saint Sergius of Radonezh for the Battle of Kulikovo was an unconditional guarantee of victory over Mamai. The feat of selfless service to the God of the Saints of the Russian land erected pillars of the spirit that kept and keep the souls of people from the final fall in the most difficult years of unbelief and atheism.

Western consumer civilization throughout the history of mankind felt the "otherness" of Russia. The sacrifice and breadth of the Russian soul is still a mystery to her. The spiritual potential of Russia, the desire for unification is not understood and not accepted in Western countries, and alien and incomprehensible always causes fear and suspicion.German philosopher Walter Schubart tried to find an answer to this question:“Russia does not seek to conquer the West, nor to enrich itself at its expense - it wants to save it. The Russian soul feels itself happiest in a state of self-giving and sacrifice. It strives for universal integrity, for the living embodiment of the idea of ​​universal humanity. It pours over the edge - to the West. Because she wants integrity. She does not look for additions to herself in him, but squanders herself, she intends not to take, but to give. She's in a messianic mood." . Russia has always been self-sufficient and did not claim foreign territories.In this idea of ​​Russia Western countries do not believe and do not want to believe. But there comes such a critical moment in their destinies that they will be forced to overcome their arrogance. And there will be a turning point in the "enlightened" minds when they begin to see clearly and see in Russia a spiritual leader, Mother Savior and protector of the whole world.

Now, during the Transition of humanity to a new level of consciousness, when the struggle between the forces of Light and darkness has reached its maximum, the Lord is betting on the revival of the Russian spirit. To the above, we can add the words of Lord El Morya from book 5.3 of the series EXODUS : “Russian people are amazing in their desire for knowledge, for service, when they want it with all their hearts, with all their souls. Therefore, indeed, Russia will be the first. The Russian spirit is strong. You really can't kill him. But if everyone united, everyone showed the spirit, what strength would be, what a breakthrough, what progress. Then, in one fell swoop, it would be possible to do away with all the negatives, with all the darkness that surrounds you ... How long, how painfully the Russians have suffered and are suffering! But why? For the sake of the future, or maybe as a payment for the past? No and no again. For the sake of the future, they accept flour. To do what needs to happen. Then Russia will rise and lead other countries and peoples, in whom the spirit is not so strong and patient, in whom there is little holiness, in whom faith in God is not enough.

Ostrer Elena and Romanova Ludmila

Love for Motherland

My eyes look with anger at people,
On those who sow lies, cynicism, poison and cowardice
Insidious enemies came to the Russian land,
To cultivate debauchery and indifference in the hearts

They managed to inspire us with vicious words
And they taught not to love their native people,
Having managed to cover and desecrate with shame
The once sacred word "patriot"

But a Russian cannot not love
Without beauty and kindness, there is emptiness in the heart
Desecrated honor and justice gnaw at the soul
She needs love and purity like air

Love for the native land is sung in Russian songs,
It is in our blood and in our souls and in our hearts.
And we have a lot to return in battles,
And make clear what was only in dreams

I believe that the long-awaited hour will come,
When love for the Fatherland awakens again
And the Russian Spirit will fill us with power,
And mother - holy Russia will forever be reborn!

Marat Nasybulin. October, 2014

A word to those who personify our essence - the elite of the Spirit

(These words are their true essence, and left a bright mark in the history of mankind)

Prince Alexander Nevskysaid before the battle with the Swedes:"God is not in power, but in truth!"

In all Ages, Russians believed in the same thing - above all istruth, truth, god , and only by this measure can one measure both one's own life and the life of one's people. No material force - be it the force of weapons, money or an unjust law - is higher than truth for Russians: and this is the most important difference between Russian civilization and modern Western civilization. All our troubles were due to deviation from truth and justice - and then Russia fell apart from within or lost to an external enemy. But in the Ukrainian crisis, everyone understands that our cause is just, which is why V. Putin speaks of our strength:

“It's just that we are stronger ... Everyone. Because we are right. Power is in the truth. When a Russian person feels right, he is invincible" .

“The simpler and closer to the earth a person is, the more responsibility he has for his Motherland. I'll even tell you why. He has no other homeland, he will not get on a plane, on a train or on a horse and leave, he will not roll away from here. He knows that he will stay here, on this earth, where his children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren will be. He must take care of them. If he doesn't do it, no one else will. This is the basis of statehood and patriotism of an ordinary Russian person. Yes, and a person of any nationality living here ... "There is strength in unity!" this inner patriotism of an ordinary Russian citizen is very strong...”

“Look at our thousand-year history. As soon as we rise, we immediately need to move Russia a little, put it in its place, slow it down. Containment theory, how many years has it been around? It seems that it originated in Soviet times, although it is hundreds of years old. But we must not escalate, dramatize. You have to understand that this is how the world works. - « The Truth and Love of Vladimir Putin

Many Rulers often recite great words with pathos: “God is with us!”

But people know - not by words, but by deeds, the cosmic Themis will judge them.

Did GOD direct the actions of American presidents from Truman to the present day, who left an obvious bloody planetary trail in history for the GLORY of America (“American interests”) and the so-called “American democracy”? Atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, carpet bombings of Dresden, Vietnam, the dismemberment of Yugoslavia, plunging into the chaos of the fratricidal war of Afghanistan Iraq, ... Orange revolutions in Libya, Egypt, Syria, Georgia and Ukraine ... And everywhere - chaos, genocide of civilians, destruction of life support infrastructure and economic potential! And everywhere - bringing to power the most fanatical radical forces up to the Nazis. Now, under American control, the Kyiv Junta for the GLORY of Ukraine is conducting a punitive operation, genocide against the people of their country, who dared to claim the right to their own point of view on life. But GOD is their judge!

The spiritual leader of Russia, V. Putin, never utters such lofty words from the podium, but the constant presence of God is felt in his soul and heart. Therefore, he speaks very frankly, directly and openly, without lies and falsehood. And you feel his responsibility for every word and decision.

And the Higher GODS highlighted his most important facet, as a servant of Russia, the planet and GOD, giving us the words of a prayer in which all dots are placed over i :

Prayer is heard in the blue sky


She calls the stars that have fallen down,

Let the heart of the presidents tremble with love,

Calling them to unite around Russia,

Having united in thought with Avatar Thoth,

Who teamed up with Putin

As with your own material body.

The President of Russia will show the rest the way

To Truth and Light.

In his prayer, Heaven praises the earthly son, -

The embodiment of loyalty, love and wisdom.

To unite everyone is his task,

Connecting the links of the entire planet

And become a star of the Cosmos and the Sky.

And she turns to him:

“Hallowed be, My son, your name.

You are the main warrior carrying the cross

For the entire planet and for all people.

May everything that I have said come true.


Now every person, in his right mind and reason, can unambiguously determine who to follow and how, in other words, what God he serves.

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