Once upon a time there was Alexander Weinberg, or “Senator: The Return”. Biography

Alexander Vladelenovich Weinberg(born February 2, 1961, the village of Bolsheorlovskoye, Borsky district, Gorky region, RSFSR, USSR) - Russian statesman, politician, member of the Federation Council representing the Legislative Assembly Nizhny Novgorod region, Member of the Federation Council Committee on Agrarian and Food Policy and Environmental Management. Former deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Nizhny Novgorod Region of the fifth convocation, Deputy Chairman of the Legislative Assembly of the Nizhny Novgorod Region.

Former musician of the Lube group (1990-1992).


Alexander Vladelenovich Weinberg was born on February 2, 1961 in the village of Bolsheorlovskoye, Borsky District, Gorky Region. After graduating from school No. 17 in Gorky in 1978, he entered the Gorky Order of the Badge of Honor School of Music, from which he was drafted into the army for military service from 1980 to 1982. After serving, he continued his studies and graduated from a music school in guitar class in 1985. Worked as a music teacher in the evening music school in the city of Bor, Gorky region.

Creative vector in the biography of A.V. Weinberg has always crossed paths with sports. From the age of 11 - classes in sambo wrestling in the Dynamo society in Gorky, later - a passion for kettlebell lifting and power triathlon. Having titles and ranks in sambo, powerlifting, kettlebell lifting, parachuting and athletics, in 1988 he entered the faculty of physical education of the Gorky State Pedagogical Institute. Worked as a trainer martial arts in the section for students and schoolchildren at the institute.

Combination of qualities professional musician and the athlete was attracted by the attention of the production center Igor Matvienko and Alexander Weinberg, while still a student, was invited to the Lyube group, in which he worked from 1990 to 1992. athletic figure and acrobatic stunts musician-athlete have become to some extent a visiting image card popular group. Despite the saturated tour schedule, in 1992, Alexander Weinberg graduated from the institute, having received a second pedagogical education and a diploma of a teacher of physical education and a sports coach.

In 1995, in connection with the birth of his daughter, Alexander Weinberg completed an active tour activity and decides to engage in independent creativity, creates the Our Business group and releases two copyright discs, The Godfather and The Trickster.

Since 1999 A.V. Weinberg begins to actively participate in political life country, returns to his native Nizhny Novgorod and becomes a confidant of the Medved electoral bloc. In 2000, he represented the interests of the campaign headquarters of the President of Russia V.V. Putin in the region. In 2002 he became the founder of the Regional branch of the party " United Russia", was appointed head of the executive committee, which he headed until 2006.

In the same 2002, A.V. Weinberg got the second higher education in the specialty "Jurisprudence" at the Nizhny Novgorod Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia and a year later successfully defended his thesis on the topic "Legitimization and delegitimization of the electoral state power in modern Russia and received a PhD in Law.

In March 2006 A.V. Weinberg was elected to the Legislative Assembly of the Nizhny Novgorod Region. From March 2006 to March 2009, he led the United Russia faction in the Legislative Assembly of the Nizhny Novgorod Region. From November 2006 to June 2011, he served as Deputy Chairman of the Legislative Assembly of the Nizhny Novgorod Region. In 2011, he was re-elected as a Deputy and Deputy Chairman of the Legislative Assembly of the Nizhny Novgorod Region.

On June 23, 2011, by the Decree of the Legislative Assembly of the Nizhny Novgorod Region No. 100-V, Alexander Vainberg was elected a member of the Federation Council Federal Assembly Russian Federation- Representative of the Legislative Assembly of the Nizhny Novgorod region.

A.V. Weinberg is Vice-President of the European International Sports Federation "Unifight", President of the Regional Sports Federation of Unifight "Unifight".

For active participation in the political life of the country and party building A.V. Weinberg marked thank you letters The Supreme Council of the All-Russian Political Party "United Russia", the Presidium of the General Council of the All-Russian Political Party "United Russia", the Electoral Headquarters of V.V. Putin. Has departmental awards.

Any Nizhny Novgorod media is in danger of getting bogged down in a political swamp between three pines. You boil in this cauldron day and night, and you no longer want to stick your nose to the surface, but you have to, because there are familiar faces at the federal level ... more precisely, surnames.

We ask you to love and favor if you were born yesterday, Alexander Vladelenovich Weinberg. Have you heard about this? There you go, he's the one!

The most curious thing about this is that it is not our first “source of insider information” that mentions the name “Weinberg” in the context of “the main characters Nizhny Novgorod political movement”, but the official Nizhny Novgorod media write almost nothing about Alexander Vladilenovich. If in the case of Shantsev, Sorokin, Kondrashov and others like them the information flow is downright seething, then there is silence about Weinberg.

Who are you, Mr. Weinberg? "White" official or gray cardinal? Let's remember all the most interesting things that are connected with this surname in our area, and try to understand its role in our lives.

Who is Mister Weinberg?

Gentlemen erudite immediately remember Steven Weinberg, who took away from the Swedes Nobel Prize in physics. Our bird's flight is not so high. Young Weinberg in the mid and late 80s bent his spines in sambo classes, pulled weights and skydive. Then, for two years, Alexander Vladelenovitch tormented the bass guitar and performed acrobatic somersaults in the Lyube group. Then he muddied the side project “Our business”, in which everything that the musicians used to call the sonorous word “chanson” “blatnyak” was preached.

He sang, of course, not about “prison” and “garbage”, but about organized crime and “godfathers” (“Our business” is translated into Russian “Cosa Nostra”). In general, he knew his three-chord business. In 1999, he wandered into politics, immediately stepping on the winning path that Vladimir Putin trampled down. Established the Nizhny Novgorod branch of the United Russia party, was elected to the Legislative Assembly many times, until in 2011 he became a senator in the Federation Council. Here is a biography. Well, well, well, here's another photo of "loving" times:

Alexander Vladelenovich is hot

Samba de Janeiro Kstovo

One of the most famous milestones in the biography of our hero was loud scandal with the Kstovo Sambo Academy. The now unemployed Dmitry Yuryevich and our hero, Alexander Weinberg, figured there. The founder of the academy accused them of practically raider capture of the “International Olympic Academy of Sports” (popularly “Kstovo School of Sambo”).

The chairman of the board of directors of this organization, the most famous coach and founding father M. G. Burdikov, published in 2012 open letter, in which he tore off the covers, not sparing the stomach. We present with abbreviations:

“Guitarist-senator, member of the Council of the Russian Federation Weinberg Alexander Vladelenovich together with the Minister domestic policy The governments of the Nizhny Novgorod region, Shurov Dmitry Yuryevich, came up with a fantastic idea, but how to put the International Olympic Academy of Sports in Kstovo, which dozens of invaders stupidly tried to capture for 20 years, into their immense pocket ...
... The first brilliant move to promote the idea was their insistent invitation to urgently come to me with a passport at the Nizhny Novgorod Bank, where they swore they promised to open my personal account in the amount of 25 (twenty-five) million rubles, allegedly from the authorities of Nizhny Novgorod, in the form of a merciful gift for my prosperous and a secure existence. There was not the slightest doubt that this was a bribe ...
(Further, according to Burdikov, several meetings were held at which the Academy was promised all kinds of support and mountains of gold, NA note)

…After all the fabulous promises, suddenly came official news from official sources that the Academy had already been sold.

And soon a contract for the sale of real estate dated July 31, 2012 came into my hands, according to which it turned out that D.A. Sychaev, the seller, sold our Academy (five of its largest and most valuable objects worth 3 billion rubles) to an unknown limited liability company PolimerStroy for 20 million rubles in the form of a bill, payment for which does not recognize installment payment, i.e. without payment - free of charge.

Such a brazen fraudulent scam in Russia could only have been committed by a former “balalaika player” - the guitarist of the Lyube group, who suddenly turned out to be a senator of the Russian Federation, and together with him the former mayor of Vorsma, now the Minister of Internal Policy of the Nizhny Novgorod Region, Shurov Dmitry Yuryevich participated in the scam. (With) M. Burdikov

They searched for the guilty for a long time, dug up the truth and scandalized, when suddenly they began to drag the old Mikhail Gennadievich in three criminal cases, which, according to his close circle, led him to the grave. This disgusting story continues to this day. Rare news from the administrative battlefields can inspire optimism:

The First Arbitration Court of Appeal confirmed the illegality of the transaction for the sale of several buildings of the sambo school in Kstovo, Nizhny Novgorod Region. The court concluded that PolymerStroy purchased sports facilities at a price that was 90 times lower. The court ordered PolimerStroy to return to MOAS all the property sold ( main building sambo schools, a tennis court, a gym building, a hotel and a sports and recreation complex with a swimming pool) and receive 20.3 million rubles back on the principle of restitution.

Love all positions are submissive

Being unexpectedly elected vice-speaker of the Legislative Assembly (already then our hero declared his ability to be a “dark horse”) Alexander Vladelenovych, as the yellow media immediately began to write, began to whip for the then deputy governor Irina Zhivikhina. No, but what? Why not, actually? So Zhivikhina herself stated that the media "married her not to the worst person." So it is, Weinberg is definitely not the best bad person. Their romance developed rapidly and rapidly, and on the Kremlin sidelines the impression was created that it had always been like this. ardent love stories- a rarity in the Nizhny Novgorod land, so the journalists clung to this shmat with a special appetite. Let's skim the cream off this vulgar brew:

First, the couple went to the concert of the “Turetsky Choir”, without hesitating holding on to the arm and whispering sweetly. Then the collective farm voyeurs saw Weinberg meeting Zhivikhina from the Moscow train. Say, he carried suitcases with a fire of passion in his eyes. Then they began to talk about the fact that Alexander Vladelenovich was divorcing his wife Zinaida in order to quickly reunite with new passion. Well, the wedding arrived in time - they bought rings, a dress, a toastmaster and drove off on vacation.

This whole soap opera has not received much development. Judging by the gossip, Irina Borisovna left, having fallen under the governor's anti-crisis reduction, taking with her some incredible bunch of budget money. Then for embezzlement of 300 million rubles from the budget of the state enterprise Nizhtechinventarization, its director and immediate subordinate Zhivikhina, First Deputy Minister of State Property Alexander Korolyov, were convicted (the duties of the minister were performed by the vice-governor herself, so to speak, in the form additional load). These peppers rode around the Americas and Europe, buying everything that is bad, until the investigators sent them a couple of sobering subpoenas. Again, according to rumors, Mrs. Zhivikhina was referred to in the case as an “unidentified person”. What would you do after all this? So Irina Borisovna disappeared from the information fields, leaving Nizhny Novgorod and Weinberg personally only a train from her perfume.

“Hello, Galochka? You are going to die right now! Weinberg dropped…”

Fence Stories

Well, the most famous story from the Nizhny Novgorod life of Alexander Vladelenovich - this is a saga about the alienation of the territory by a fence in the area of ​​​​Sennaya Square, so that all the mob there would not trample the Weinberg lawns, would not look into the windows, would not breathe someone else's air, and in general.

One fine day, on the embankment behind the Matrix club (now Milo Concert Hall), a construction fence adored by everyone grew up, which blocked the way for everyone who wanted to take a walk along those beautiful places. The residents of the neighboring houses were not happy with this news, and they went to the city defenders to write slanders against the current senator, who had been seen there for an idle walk many times. Having received a couple of appeals, our controlling and supervisory authorities began to think about how tough it would be to resolve this issue. Weinberg, what is your Ostap, built the “famous Spanish defense”: they say, “this is all landscaping, guys! Temporary inconvenience guys! I'll fix everything there! Will be cool!" No one believed the member of the Legislative Assembly (well, except for the regulatory bodies and authorities). Moreover - WOW! - the bathhouse grew right next to the guest house and blocked off a few more meters of the public walking area. The builders turned out to be laconic people, and only managed to promise a technological hole for ladies with strollers (the hole was supposed to be just the size of a lady with a stroller).

The notorious hole did not appear for a long time, and the anger among the inhabitants of the city accumulated rapidly. They even began to gather muscular citizens to break all this indecency. Alexander Vladelenovych, too, don't be a fool, took the time for the valiant lawyers to come up with a magical answer to all the questions that arose. Winning, of course, jurisprudence. It turns out that Mr. Weinberg was engaged in strengthening the slopes so that ladies with strollers would not unexpectedly slide down to the river, and it was for this that he put up a temporary fence. People didn’t like it all, especially since the fence didn’t go anywhere, they went to the mayor. The mayor (and the action took place in 2011) Sorokin did not want to become an enemy to our senator, but he wanted, as some believe, a strong friendship with far-reaching plans. So now the hut of the “Trickster” stands with its back to everyone, and in front of the gorgeous landscape.

Grandmother in two

Political forecasts in our city are a delicate thing. You won’t understand whether a high-ranking “insider”, who just yesterday met with the first persons of the city, shares real information out of friendship, whether he solves his problems, or even fantasizes about the topic.

So we will present a fresh “insider” about the castling of Weinberg and Sorokin as follows:

... And now we invite you to a seance from the "Lower Now". Let's join hands, friends, and tell fortunes on drooping buttercups, primrose roots and a business center under construction.

…I see! The friendship between Sorokin and Weinberg may move to a new stage, when friends change jobs. In our glass magic ball we see how Oleg Valentinovich longs to get into the Federation Council to replace Weinberg in order to continue his career as a senator. In return, our mayor offers Alexander Vladelenovich an n-th amount of money and everything that was acquired by overwork during the years of work in Nizhny Novgorod (and maybe even a warm place of the mayor, it is not clearly visible here). Even the business center, which is being built by whom, clearly, contrary to all the rules (and thus destroys the neighboring lyceum No. 38), is unequivocally - in the style of a “Freudian typo” - is called “Senator”. By the way, there is nothing to go from the above-described mansion to the “Senator” - you can walk along Belinka on foot.

Of course, you may not believe in our psychic abilities but they haven't us yet.

Project photo. There will also be an exit from the subway.


In general, all these theories about "gray cardinals", shadow puppets and "authorities hide" always have the right to exist, because every time you are surprised to find them - at least in part - veracity. And now: acquaintance with the biography of Alexander Vladelenovitch Weinberg quite hints at the remarkable ability of this artist to sit where and with whom he wants. And he always gets what he wants (like, for example, his dissertation with unobtrusive inclusions from three different sources).

In general, Mr. Weinberg, we are waiting with open arms for you back to our two rivers, because it is fun and extremely exciting with you. You can still do so much for the city, Alexander Vladelenovich! Even as mayor.

With love, Lower Now.

Any Nizhny Novgorod media is in danger of getting bogged down in a political swamp between three pines. You boil in this cauldron day and night, and you no longer want to stick your nose to the surface, but you have to, because there are familiar faces at the federal level ... more precisely, surnames.

We ask you to love and favor if you were born yesterday, Alexander Vladelenovich Weinberg. Have you heard about this? There you go, he's the one!

The most curious thing about this is that our first “source of insider information” mentions the name “Weinberg” in the context of “the main characters of the Nizhny Novgorod political movement”, but the official Nizhny Novgorod media write almost nothing about Alexander Vladilenovich. If in the case of Shantsev, Sorokin, Kondrashov and others like them the information flow is downright seething, then there is silence about Weinberg.

Who are you, Mr. Weinberg? "White" official or gray cardinal? Let's remember all the most interesting things that are connected with this surname in our area, and try to understand its role in our lives.

Who is Mister Weinberg?

Gentlemen erudite immediately remember Steven Weinberg, who took away the Nobel Prize in physics from the Swedes. Our bird's flight is not so high. Young Weinberg in the mid and late 80s bent his spines in sambo classes, pulled weights and skydive. Then, for two years, Alexander Vladelenovitch tormented the bass guitar and performed acrobatic somersaults in the Lyube group. Then he muddied the side project “Our business”, in which everything that the musicians used to call the sonorous word “chanson” “blatnyak” was preached.

He sang, of course, not about “prison” and “garbage”, but about organized crime and “godfathers” (“Our business” is translated into Russian “Cosa Nostra”). In general, he knew his three-chord business. In 1999, he wandered into politics, immediately stepping on the winning path that Vladimir Putin trampled down. Established the Nizhny Novgorod branch of the United Russia party, was elected to the Legislative Assembly many times, until in 2011 he became a senator in the Federation Council. Here is a biography. Well, well, well, here's another photo of "loving" times:

Alexander Vladelenovich is hot

Samba de Janeiro Kstovo

One of the most famous milestones in the biography of our hero was the high-profile scandal with the Kstovo Sambo Academy. The now unemployed Dmitry Yuryevich and our hero, Alexander Weinberg, figured there. The founder of the academy accused them of practically raider capture of the “International Olympic Academy of Sports” (popularly “Kstovo School of Sambo”).

The chairman of the board of directors of this organization, the famous coach and founding father M. G. Burdikov, published an open letter in 2012, in which he tore off the covers, not sparing his stomach. We present with abbreviations:

“Guitarist-senator, member of the Council of the Russian Federation Weinberg Alexander Vladelenovich, together with the Minister of Internal Policy of the Government of the Nizhny Novgorod Region Dmitry Yuryevich Shurov, came up with a fantastic idea, but how to put the International Olympic Academy of Sports in Kstovo in their boundless pocket, which they stupidly tried for 20 years capture dozens of invaders...
... The first brilliant move to promote the idea was their insistent invitation to urgently come to me with a passport at the Nizhny Novgorod Bank, where they swore they promised to open my personal account in the amount of 25 (twenty-five) million rubles, allegedly from the authorities of Nizhny Novgorod, in the form of a merciful gift for my prosperous and a secure existence. There was not the slightest doubt that this was a bribe ...
(Further, according to Burdikov, several meetings were held at which the Academy was promised all kinds of support and mountains of gold, NA note)

…After all the fabulous promises, suddenly came official news from official sources that the Academy had already been sold.

And soon a contract for the sale of real estate dated July 31, 2012 came into my hands, according to which it turned out that D.A. Sychaev, the seller, sold our Academy (five of its largest and most valuable objects worth 3 billion rubles) to an unknown limited liability company PolimerStroy for 20 million rubles in the form of a bill, payment for which does not recognize installment payment, i.e. without payment - free of charge.

Such a brazen fraudulent scam in Russia could only have been committed by a former “balalaika player” - the guitarist of the Lyube group, who suddenly turned out to be a senator of the Russian Federation, and together with him the former mayor of Vorsma, now the Minister of Internal Policy of the Nizhny Novgorod Region, Shurov Dmitry Yuryevich participated in the scam. (With) M. Burdikov

They searched for the guilty for a long time, dug up the truth and scandalized, when suddenly they began to drag the old Mikhail Gennadievich in three criminal cases, which, according to his close circle, led him to the grave. This disgusting story continues to this day. Rare news from the administrative battlefields can inspire optimism:

The First Arbitration Court of Appeal confirmed the illegality of the transaction for the sale of several buildings of the sambo school in Kstovo, Nizhny Novgorod Region. The court concluded that PolymerStroy purchased sports facilities at a price that was 90 times lower. The court ordered PolimerStroy to return to MOAS all sold property (the main building of the sambo school, a tennis court, a gym building, hotels and a sports and recreation center with a swimming pool) and receive 20.3 million rubles back on the principle of restitution.

Love all positions are submissive

Being unexpectedly elected vice-speaker of the Legislative Assembly (already then our hero declared his ability to be a “dark horse”) Alexander Vladelenovych, as the yellow media immediately began to write, began to whip for the then deputy governor Irina Zhivikhina. No, but what? Why not, actually? So Zhivikhina herself stated that the media "married her not to the worst person." So it is, Weinberg is definitely not the worst person. Their romance developed rapidly and rapidly, and on the Kremlin sidelines the impression was created that it had always been like this. Passionate love stories are a rarity in Nizhny Novgorod, so the journalists clung to this piece with a special appetite. Let's skim the cream off this vulgar brew:

First, the couple went to the concert of the “Turetsky Choir”, without hesitating holding on to the arm and whispering sweetly. Then the collective farm voyeurs saw Weinberg meeting Zhivikhina from the Moscow train. Say, he carried suitcases with a fire of passion in his eyes. Then they began to talk about the fact that Alexander Vladelenovich was divorcing his wife Zinaida in order to quickly reunite with a new passion. Well, the wedding arrived in time - they bought rings, a dress, a toastmaster and drove off on vacation.

This whole soap opera has not received much development. Judging by the gossip, Irina Borisovna left, having fallen under the governor's anti-crisis reduction, taking with her some incredible bunch of budget money. Then, for embezzlement of 300 million rubles from the budget of the state enterprise Nizhtechinventarization, its director and direct subordinate Zhivikhina, First Deputy Minister of State Property Alexander Korolyov, were convicted (the duties of the minister were performed by the vice-governor herself, so to speak, in the form of an additional burden). These peppers rode around the Americas and Europe, buying everything that is bad, until the investigators sent them a couple of sobering subpoenas. Again, according to rumors, Mrs. Zhivikhina was referred to in the case as an “unidentified person”. What would you do after all this? So Irina Borisovna disappeared from the information fields, leaving Nizhny Novgorod and Weinberg personally only a train from her perfume.

“Hello, Galochka? You are going to die right now! Weinberg dropped…”

Fence Stories

Well, the most famous story from the Nizhny Novgorod life of Alexander Vladelenovich is the saga about the alienation of the territory by a fence in the area of ​​​​Sennaya Square, so that all the mob there would not trample the Weinberg lawns, would not look into the windows, would not breathe someone else's air and in general.

One fine day, on the embankment behind the Matrix club (now Milo Concert Hall), a construction fence adored by everyone grew up, which blocked the way for everyone who wanted to take a walk in those beautiful places. The residents of the neighboring houses were not happy with this news, and they went to the city defenders to write slanders against the current senator, who had been seen there for an idle walk many times. Having received a couple of appeals, our controlling and supervisory authorities began to think about how tough it would be to resolve this issue. Weinberg, what is your Ostap, built the “famous Spanish defense”: they say, “this is all landscaping, guys! Temporary inconvenience guys! I'll fix everything there! Will be cool!" No one believed the member of the Legislative Assembly (well, except for the regulatory bodies and authorities). Moreover - WOW! - the bathhouse grew right next to the guest house and blocked off a few more meters of the public walking area. The builders turned out to be laconic people, and only managed to promise a technological hole for ladies with strollers (the hole was supposed to be just the size of a lady with a stroller).

The notorious hole did not appear for a long time, and the anger among the inhabitants of the city accumulated rapidly. They even began to gather muscular citizens to break all this indecency. Alexander Vladelenovych, too, don't be a fool, took the time for the valiant lawyers to come up with a magical answer to all the questions that arose. Winning, of course, jurisprudence. It turns out that Mr. Weinberg was engaged in strengthening the slopes so that ladies with strollers would not unexpectedly slide down to the river, and it was for this that he put up a temporary fence. People didn’t like it all, especially since the fence didn’t go anywhere, they went to the mayor. The mayor (and the action took place in 2011) Sorokin did not want to become an enemy to our senator, but he wanted, as some believe, a strong friendship with far-reaching plans. So now the hut of the “Trickster” stands with its back to everyone, and in front of the gorgeous landscape.

Grandmother in two

Political forecasts in our city are a delicate thing. You won’t understand whether a high-ranking “insider”, who just yesterday met with the first persons of the city, shares real information out of friendship, whether he solves his problems, or even fantasizes about the topic.

So we will present a fresh “insider” about the castling of Weinberg and Sorokin as follows:

... And now we invite you to a seance from the "Lower Now". Let's join hands, friends, and tell fortunes on drooping buttercups, primrose roots and a business center under construction.

…I see! The friendship between Sorokin and Weinberg may move to a new stage, when friends change jobs. In our glass magic ball, we see how Oleg Valentinovich longs to get into the Federation Council to replace Weinberg in order to continue his career as a senator. In return, our mayor offers Alexander Vladelenovich an n-th amount of money and everything that was acquired by overwork during the years of work in Nizhny Novgorod (and maybe even a warm place of the mayor, it is not clearly visible here). Even the business center, which is being built by whom, clearly, contrary to all the rules (and thus destroys the neighboring lyceum No. 38), is unequivocally - in the style of a “Freudian typo” - is called “Senator”. By the way, there is nothing to go from the above-described mansion to the “Senator” - you can walk along Belinka on foot.

Of course, you may not believe in our psychic abilities, but they do not us yet.

Project photo. There will also be an exit from the subway.


In general, all these theories about "gray cardinals", shadow puppets and "authorities hide" always have the right to exist, because every time you are surprised to find them - at least in part - veracity. And now: acquaintance with the biography of Alexander Vladelenovitch Weinberg quite hints at the remarkable ability of this artist to sit where and with whom he wants. And he always gets what he wants (like, for example, his dissertation with unobtrusive inclusions from three different sources).

In general, Mr. Weinberg, we are waiting with open arms for you back to our two rivers, because it is fun and extremely exciting with you. You can still do so much for the city, Alexander Vladelenovich! Even as mayor.

With love, Lower Now.

Alexander Vladelenovich Weinberg(Born 1961) - former musician Lyube group (from 1990 to 1992), Russian statesman, politician, member of the Federation Council, representing the Legislative Assembly of the Nizhny Novgorod Region, Member of the Federation Council Committee on Agrarian Food Policy and Nature Management. Former deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Nizhny Novgorod Region of the fifth convocation, Deputy Chairman of the Legislative Assembly of the Nizhny Novgorod Region.


Alexander Vladelenovich Weinberg was born on February 2, 1961 in the village of Bolsheorlovskoye, Borsky District, Gorky Region. After graduating from school No. 17 in Gorky in 1978, he entered the Gorky Order of the Badge of Honor Music School, from which he was drafted into the army for military service from 1980 to 1982. After serving, he continued his studies and graduated from a music school in guitar class in 1985. He worked as a music teacher at an evening music school in the town of Bor, Gorky region.

Creative vector in the biography of A.V. Weinberg has always crossed paths with sports. From the age of 11 - classes in sambo wrestling in the Dynamo society in Gorky, later - a passion for kettlebell lifting and power triathlon. Having titles and ranks in sambo, powerlifting, kettlebell lifting, parachuting and athletics, in 1988 he entered the faculty of physical education of the Gorky State Pedagogical Institute. He worked as a martial arts coach in the section for students and schoolchildren at the institute.

The combination of the qualities of a professional musician and an athlete attracted the attention of the production center Igor Matvienko and Alexander Weinberg, while still a student, was invited to the Lyube group, in which he worked from 1990 to 1994. The athletic figure and acrobatic stunts of the musician-athlete have become, to some extent, the visiting image card of the popular group. Despite a busy touring schedule, in 1992 Alexander Weinberg graduated from the institute, having received a second pedagogical education and a diploma in physical education and sports coach.

In 1995, in connection with the birth of his daughter, Alexander Weinberg completed his active touring activity and decided to engage in independent creativity, created the Our Business group and released two author's discs, The Godfather and The Trickster.

Since 1999 A.V. Weinberg begins to actively participate in the political life of the country, returns to his native Nizhny Novgorod and becomes a confidant of the Medved electoral bloc. In 2000, he represented the interests of the campaign headquarters of the President of Russia V.V. Putin in the region. In 2002, he became the founder of the Regional branch of the United Russia party, was appointed head of the executive committee, which he headed until 2006.

In the same 2002, A.V. Weinberg received his second higher education with a degree in jurisprudence at the Nizhny Novgorod Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia and a year later successfully defended his Ph.D.

In March 2006 A.V. Weinberg was elected to the Legislative Assembly of the Nizhny Novgorod Region. From March 2006 to March 2009, he led the United Russia faction in the Legislative Assembly of the Nizhny Novgorod Region. From November 2006 to June 2011, he served as Deputy Chairman of the Legislative Assembly of the Nizhny Novgorod Region. In 2011, he was re-elected as a Deputy and Deputy Chairman of the Legislative Assembly of the Nizhny Novgorod Region.

On June 23, 2011, by resolution of the Legislative Assembly of the Nizhny Novgorod Region No. 100-V, Vainberg Alexander Vladelenovich was elected a member of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation - a representative from the Legislative Assembly of the Nizhny Novgorod Region.

A.V. Weinberg is Vice-President of the European International Sports Federation "Unifight", President of the Regional Sports Federation of Unifight "Unifight".

For active participation in the political life of the country and party building A.V. Weinberg was noted with letters of thanks from the Supreme Council of the All-Russian political party "United Russia", the Presidium of the General Council of the All-Russian political party "United Russia", the Electoral headquarters of V.V. Putin. Has departmental awards.

Alexander Vladelenovich Weinberg was born on February 2, 1961 in the village of Bolsheorlovskoye, Borsky District, Gorky Region. After graduating from school No. 17 in Gorky in 1978, he entered the Gorky Order of the Badge of Honor Music School, from which he was drafted into the army for military service from 1980 to 1982. After serving, he continued his studies and graduated from a music school in guitar class in 1985. He worked as a music teacher at an evening music school in Bor, Gorky region.

Creative vector in the biography of A.V. Weinberg has always crossed paths with sports. From the age of 11 - classes in sambo wrestling in the Dynamo society in Gorky, later - a passion for kettlebell lifting and power triathlon. Having titles and ranks in sambo, powerlifting, kettlebell lifting, parachuting and athletics, in 1988 he entered the faculty of physical education of the Gorky State Pedagogical Institute. He worked as a martial arts coach in the section for students and schoolchildren at the institute.

The combination of the qualities of a professional musician and an athlete attracted the attention of the production center Igor Matvienko and Alexander Weinberg, while still a student, was invited to the Lyube group, in which he worked from 1990 to 1992. The athletic figure and acrobatic stunts of the musician-athlete have become, to some extent, the visiting image card of the popular group. Despite a busy touring schedule, in 1992 Alexander Weinberg graduated from the institute, having received a second pedagogical education and a diploma in physical education and sports coach.

In 1992, he left the Lyube group and, together with Oleg Zenin, created the Nashe Delo group, in which he recorded two albums - The Godfather (1994) and Trickster (1997). In 1995, in connection with the birth of his daughter, Alexander Weinberg completes active touring.

Since 1999 A.V. Weinberg begins to actively participate in the political life of the country, returns to his native Nizhny Novgorod and becomes a confidant of the Medved electoral bloc. In 2000, he represented the interests of the campaign headquarters of the President of Russia V.V. Putin in the region. In 2002, he became the founder of the Regional branch of the United Russia party, was appointed head of the executive committee, which he headed until 2006.

In the same 2002, A.V. Weinberg received his second higher education with a degree in jurisprudence at the Nizhny Novgorod Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia and a year later successfully defended his Ph.D.

In March 2006 A.V. Weinberg was elected to the Legislative Assembly of the Nizhny Novgorod Region. From March 2006 to March 2009, he led the United Russia faction in the Legislative Assembly of the Nizhny Novgorod Region. From November 2006 to June 2011, he served as Deputy Chairman of the Legislative Assembly of the Nizhny Novgorod Region. In 2011, he was re-elected as a Deputy and Deputy Chairman of the Legislative Assembly of the Nizhny Novgorod Region.

On June 23, 2011, by the Decree of the Legislative Assembly of the Nizhny Novgorod Region No. 100-V, Vainberg Alexander Vladelenovich was elected a member of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation - a representative from the Legislative Assembly of the Nizhny Novgorod Region. At the end of the first term, he was again vested with the powers of a member of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation on October 12, 2016.

A.V. Weinberg is Vice-President of the European International Sports Federation "Unifight", President of the Regional Sports Federation of Unifight "Unifight".

For active participation in the political life of the country and party building A.V. Weinberg was noted with letters of thanks from the Supreme Council of the All-Russian political party "United Russia", the Presidium of the General Council of the All-Russian political party "United Russia", the Electoral headquarters of V.V. Putin. Has departmental awards.

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