Magic ball. Magic ball - divination

You gotta take the hard but important decision or to answer a question, but it is quite difficult to do it? Do you believe in signs and doubt your choice? Do you want to have fun and interesting time with your friends? Then rather hurry up to buy a ball of predictions 8, which will cope with each of the tasks listed. This magic ball will tell you the answer to your questions, and whether or not to believe in such predictions is up to you. Such a funny thing will undoubtedly remain in the memory of every guest at the party, especially if the magic 8 ball answers are really true.

What is the magic?

Magic ball number 8 is a unique invention that, without a doubt, is of interest to adherents of the signs of fate and eternally doubting individuals. Predictions may well come true if you truly believe in them. The 8 Decision Ball is a real ball that contains a reservoir of liquid and multiple choice cards. Buy this incredible interesting thing worth it for those who sincerely believe in miracles and those who love interesting and unusual finds. To please yourself, your friend or the whole company is very simple and inexpensive.

Ball Features

The peculiarity of magic 8 ball is that all the answers are inside the ball from the well-known movie "Route 60". It was this film that brought such popularity to the invention. It is worth noting that the magic ball appeared in other fairly well-known bestsellers. There really is magic! After all, who would have thought that a small ball can help people answer important questions, and at the same time, in most cases, the answers come true. Now it is very easy and cheap to fight your own insecurity, it is enough to buy a ball in an online store, the price of which will really please every customer.

Benefits of the magic 8 ball

  • An unusual way to get an answer to a question;
  • An interesting option gift;
  • Funny entertainment among friends;
  • Stylish design;
  • Quality material;
  • Low price;
  • Positive reviews many buyers.

How to use the magic ball

  1. It is necessary to clearly formulate the question, the answer to which should be simple.
  2. Shake the ball, turn it over with the number 8 down.
  3. Wait until the answer appears on the screen.

Don't doubt your decisions, don't be afraid to make a mistake and ask magic 8 ball. Buy a magic ball with complete confidence, the reviews of the happy owners of the miracle ball leave no room for doubt.

I am glad to welcome you, my dear readers of the site "Note to the Family"! Today I have not a serious, but an entertaining post. I made a magic ball of predictions online for you. I formatted it so that it can be sent to others. After all, April 1 will soon be the Day of Jokes, and such an online magic ball is quite suitable as a gift for this holiday.

In creative gift shops, you can now find magic balls of predictions. An original gift! The ball gives an answer whether the wish will come true or not.

But since I am engaged in the manufacture of electronic musical cards, I decided that such a magic ball of predictions would work just fine on a computer online. And it even has its advantages!

Firstly, I decided to make the magic ball not only give an answer whether the wish will come true, but itself predict what awaits you in the future.

Second, it's completely free! That is, you can send such magic balls as gifts to anyone you want in unlimited quantities. Since the predictions in the ball are different, and with a share of humor too, this can be a wonderful good joke gift.

Thirdly, with the help of animation, I tried to create a magical, mysterious atmosphere.

Fourthly, all the action will take place to the music. Under the magic ball there is a flash player. With it, you can change the volume level by dragging the slider, or turn off the music completely by clicking on the speaker.

And, fifthly, as I always do in my postcards, I also added gifts. They are also humorous and will surely entertain you.

Therefore, I believe that my magic ball of predictions online is no worse, and in some ways even better than that, which you can buy in the store.

After you click on the picture, you will open a separate tab with a magic ball of predictions. Here you will find out what awaits you in the future! You can try your luck more than once!

Magic ball of predictions online

We click on the picture:

And don't forget that there are social media buttons inside the postcard itself. Share your health!

And I'd love to hear your comments!

In addition to electronic postcards, I have a lot of useful tips and ideas, as well as delicious culinary recipes.

Magic 8 ball - a ball that looks like a billiard ball number 8, but bigger size- usually with a diameter of 10-11 cm, inside which there is a container with a dark liquid, for example, ink. A figure floats in a liquid with 20 surfaces - an icosahedron, each of which has one answer.

The answers are in the format "yes", "no", "absolutely", "poor chances", "question not clear", etc. There are 20 possible answers in total.

Design features: The figure with the answers is not a monolithic structure, but consists of two interconnected parts. There are rigid joints (gaps) at the junctions. They have a certain significance in the design and are deliberately created so that when the ball is shaken, air bubbles do not form in it, which in turn can float up and prevent reading the answer.


The most common way - holding the ball in his hands (window down), the user asks him a question, shakes it, turns it over and reads the answer that appears.

Answer options

Traditionally, the ball has 20 answers, which can be divided into four groups.


● It is certain ● It is decidedly so ● Without a doubt ● Yes - definitely ● You may rely on it

Hesitantly positive

● As I see it, yes ● Most likely ● Outlook good ● Signs point to yes ● Yes


● Reply hazy, try again ● Ask again later ● Better not tell you now ● Cannot predict now ● Concentrate and ask again ask again)


● Don't count on it ● My reply is no ● My sources say no ● Outlook not so good ● Very doubtful (Very doubtful)

Impact on culture

  • The most famous appearance of the ball is the film "Route 60". And first the ball appears in computer version and then real.
  • The ball can be seen in films (cartoons)"

How often in films on TV we meet fortune-tellers with magic balls, they look into them and seem to predict the future. Such people are found in real life, but not every person wants to contact them, everyone absolutely different reasons, someone just does not believe in them magical abilities, someone just treats with caution, and someone is afraid ...

Decision Ball

Today there is an opportunity to do without any fortune tellers, their magic ball now has a worthy replacement - a gadget called or a predictor ball.

Although this ball is not endowed with special effects from films with fortune tellers, it is still quite an unusual toy.

What can ball making

Everyone in life has situations when it is quite difficult to make any decision, some in such cases toss a coin, some pull matches, and more advanced ones use balloon predictor. As planned by the developers, the ball should predict the future. But to believe in such predictions or not, each person decides for himself.

To ball predictor 8 began to predict the future, you need to ask some question (you can ask it not out loud, but to yourself), then shake the ball and see what he answers. Of course, the ball will not be able to enter into a discussion with you, but will give out one of 20 answers. That is, although the dialogue with the ball will not work, it can not only say “Yes” or “No”, but it is likely that it will give a completely unexpected answer. Here full list answers that can magic ball 8:

-positive responses

  • very likely
  • undoubtedly
  • without a doubt
  • it should be like this
  • absolutely exactly
  • I think so
  • spirits say yes
  • looks like yes

- negative answers

  • everyone says no
  • the answer is no
  • do not hope

- answers with doubt

  • ask again
  • I can not say
  • answer is not clear
  • hardly
  • ask later
  • little chance
  • does not look like it

But depending on the model, the answer options may differ, for example, there is a decision ball with the following answers:

What to ask this magic ball?

You can ask any questions you like, but it is advisable not to count on a long conversation :) the ball will be able to answer you with just one phrase. You can ask him for example:

Why don't I go for a walk outside?

Will ours win today?

Go running today?

Black or red?

Am I the cutest in the world?

Time to get up? (when the alarm rings), if the ball answers “Yes”, then be sure to ask again “can you still lie down?”

and as many other questions as your imagination can come up with.

Movie Decision Ball

Although this predictor ball was invented a long time ago, it gained popularity relatively recently thanks to the film Route 60.

Later, the predictor ball appeared in the famous TV series "Friends"

Another magical eight lit up in the TV series House M.D.

Also, the predictor ball is found in famous cartoons The Simpsons and Toy Story. After the frequent mention of the predictor's ball in the set famous films, serials and cartoons, it is no longer surprising that many TV shows used this gadget in their programs.

How the ball works

Unfortunately, or perhaps fortunately, there is no magic in this ball, of course, and the principle of its operation is quite simple. Inside the ball is a figure with 20 faces, on which pre-prepared answers are written. But everything is done quite effectively and beautifully, when you shake the ball, ink will begin to overflow in it, in which the figure with the answers floats. By the way, the ball works without any batteries, which is a definite plus, because. it can be used at any time of the day or night and there will be no need to look for a replacement for the batteries that have once again sat down at the wrong time.

Ball predictor 8 different types

Certainly a cult balloon predictor- This is a billiard ball, black with an eight on the back.

But today there are multi-colored balls, for example, yellow.

And another modification of this is made in the form of a small keychain.

Summing up

Decision ball will become great gift for people who often doubt their decisions, perhaps this bead will help them to increase their self-confidence. But, of course, you should not blindly trust this unusual toy to make any serious decisions.

In addition to the "magic" properties, the ball also has a purely aesthetic benefit, because. can be a great decoration for any interior.

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