Characteristics of the main form of human labor activity. Brief description of the main forms of labor activity

From the standpoint of hazard analysis, it is advisable to consider human activity as a system consisting of two interconnected complex subsystems: “a person (organism-personality)” and “habitat (working environment)”. The dangers generated by the system "man (organism-personality)" are determined by the anthropometric, physiological, psychophysical and psychological capabilities of a person to perform production activities.

human activities is of the most diverse nature: work in various sectors of the economy, stay in an urban environment, use of means of transport, household activities, active and passive recreation.

According to the nature of the functions performed, human activity can be divided into three main groups: physical labor, mechanized forms of physical labor and mental labor.

Physical labor is characterized by a load on the musculoskeletal system and functional systems of the human body (cardiovascular, neuromuscular, respiratory, etc.), which ensure its activity.

physical labor (work) is the performance of energy functions by a person in the system “man-tool of labor”.

Energy costs for muscle work. The energy costs for muscle work in labor (above the level of rest and regardless of the influence of emotions associated with work, the influence of air temperature, etc.) can be calculated for the average worker as the sum of the costs of maintaining the working posture (Table 1) and the cost performed by the muscles mechanical work (Table 2.).

Table 1. Energy costs for maintaining a working posture

Table 2. Energy costs during the performance of mechanical work by muscles

Parts of the body involved in work

The amount of energy expended at conditional degrees of work intensity, kJ / min

Hands and fingers

Arms and torso, as well as the simultaneous work of three or four limbs

13,9 (10,5-16,8)

21,0 (16,8-25,2)

30,2 (25,5-35,7)

Brainwork combines works related to the reception and processing of information that requires the primary tension of attention, memory, as well as the activation of thought processes.

The volume of purely physical labor in modern human labor activity is insignificant. In accordance with the existing physiological classification of labor activity, there are:

    forms of work that require significant muscle activity - takes place in the absence of mechanized means for performing work and therefore is characterized by increased energy costs;

mechanized forms of labor - are characterized by a change in the nature of muscle loads and a complication of the action program. There is a decrease in the volume of muscle activity, small muscles of the limbs are involved in the work, which should provide greater speed and accuracy of movements necessary to control the mechanisms. The monotony of simple actions and the small amount of perceived information leads to the monotony of work and the rapid onset of fatigue;

Human activity occurs according to one of the processes: deterministic - according to previously known rules, instructions, algorithms of actions, a strict technological schedule and non-deterministic - when unexpected events are possible in the ongoing technological process, the unexpected appearance of signals, but at the same time, control actions are known when unexpected events occur (rules, instructions, etc. are described) in the ongoing process.

There are several types of operator activity in technical systems, classified depending on the main function performed by a person, and the proportion of mental and physical load included in operator work.

Operator-technologist is directly involved in the technological process, works in the main mode of immediate service, performs primarily executive actions, guided by instructions that clearly regulate actions, containing, as a rule, a complete set of situations and decisions. These are operators of technological processes, automatic lines, etc.

manipulator operator). The main role in its activity is played by the mechanisms of sensorimotor regulation (execution of actions) and, to a lesser extent, conceptual and figurative thinking. Among the functions performed by him is the management of individual machines and mechanisms.

Operator-observer , controller (for example, a dispatcher of a production line or a transport system). Its activities are dominated by the proportion of information and conceptual models. The operator works both in the mode of immediate and deferred maintenance in real (real) time. In his work, to a large extent, the apparatus of conceptual thinking and the experience embedded in figurative-conceptual models are used. Physical work plays an insignificant role here. These forms of work include:

    forms of labor associated with semi-automatic and automatic production at the same time, a person is excluded from the process of direct processing of the object of labor, which is entirely performed by the mechanism. The task of a person is to perform simple operations for servicing the mechanism: supplying material for processing, starting the mechanism, extracting finished products. The characteristic features of this type of work are monotony, increased pace and rhythm of work, loss of creativity;

    group forms of labor (conveyor) - characterized by the splitting of the technological process into separate operations, a given rhythm and a strict sequence of operations, automatic supply of parts to each workplace using a conveyor. With a reduction in the time of performing operations, the monotony of labor increases and its content is simplified, which leads to premature fatigue and rapid nervous exhaustion;

  • - forms of work related to remote control. - a person is included in the management systems as a necessary operational link, the load on which decreases with an increase in the degree of automation of the management process. There are forms of production process control that require frequent active actions of a person, and forms of control in which the operator’s actions are episodic, and his main task is to control instrument readings and maintain constant readiness to intervene, if necessary, in the process of managing an object;
  • - forms of intellectual (mental) labor. This work combines works related to the reception and processing of information, requiring a predominant tension of attention, sensory apparatus, memory, as well as the activation of thinking processes, the emotional sphere (management, creativity, teachers, science, study, etc.).

Brainwork is represented both by professions related to the sphere of material production (designers, engineers, technicians, dispatchers (operators), and outside it (doctors, teachers, writers, etc.). Intellectual work is characterized, as a rule, by the need to process a large amount of heterogeneous information with mobilization of memory, attention, is characterized by a high frequency of stressful situations.

Operator labor - characterized by great responsibility and high neuro-emotional stress.

managerial labor - is determined by an excessive increase in the volume of information, an increase in the lack of time for its processing, an increase in personal responsibility for decision-making, and the periodic occurrence of conflict situations.

creative work -requires a significant amount of memory, tension of attention, neuro-emotional stress.

Teacher's work -constant contact with people, increased responsibility, lack of time and information for decision-making - this causes a high degree of neuro-emotional stress.

Student Labor - memory, attention, perception, the presence of stressful situations.

At intensive intellectual activity the brain's need for energy increases, amounting to 15-20 % of the total volume in the body. At the same time, oxygen consumption is 100 g of the cerebral cortex. the brain turns out to be 5 times more than the skeletal muscle of the same weight consumes at maximum load. Daily energy consumption during mental work ranges from 10.5 to 12.5 mJ. So, when reading aloud, energy consumption increases by 48%. , when speaking with a public lecture - by 94%, for computer operators - by 60-100%. At the end of mental work, fatigue remains longer than during physical work.

When operating technical systems in any area of ​​the environment head man manages not the technical components of the system or a single machine, but other people. Management is carried out both directly and indirectly through technical means and communication channels. This category of personnel includes organizers, managers of various levels, responsible decision makers who have the appropriate knowledge, experience, decision-making skills, intuition and take into account in their activities not only the capabilities and limitations of technical systems and their components, but also the full features subordinates - their capabilities and limitations, states and moods.

Manual, physical labor develops the muscular system, stimulates metabolic processes in the human body. At the same time, during manual labor, there is an increase in the tension of physical forces and an increase in the energy costs of the worker's body. This form of labor is characterized by low productivity, as well as long rest up to 50% of the working time. It includes the work of a loader, a bricklayer, a blacksmith, etc.

At mechanized labor the program of actions becomes more complicated, the volume of muscle activity decreases. When performing this work, special knowledge and motor skills are required, since the worker maintains various machines and machines. At the same time, a large number of simple, monotonous movements leads to the monotony of labor.

Partially automated labor more progressive than the previous types. The main operations for the manufacture of products are performed on machine tools. A person submits material for processing, sets in motion the mechanism of the machine, removes the processed part. Negative moments - monotony, the rhythm of work set by the machine, the loss of creativity.

Automated labor associated with machine control. Control panels are used, which in some cases require a person to take frequent active actions, in others - to be constantly in a state of readiness for action.

At group, assembly line work Parts are transported to work stations using a conveyor. The technological process is divided into separate operations that are performed in strict sequence and at a given rhythm by a team of workers who carry out their activities synchronously and spend the same amount of time doing the work. The less time spent on the performance of a particular work, the more monotonous and easier it is. In addition, the assembler is imposed a rhythm of work, relatively simple, and sometimes very simplified, a long stay in a certain position (often sitting). Often, work on the conveyor requires eye strain, and is performed in the conditions of a large number of workers in the same room. Monotony, forced posture, eye strain, etc. are the negative properties of conveyor labor, leading to fatigue and rapid nervous exhaustion of a person.

Mental labor is divided into operator, managerial, creative, work of medical workers, teachers, students. With it, there is a tension of the sensory apparatus, attention, memory, activation of thinking processes, the emotional sphere of a person.

Mental labor includes specialties related to the field material production(engineers, operators, dispatchers, etc.), as well as the professions of a doctor, teacher, artist, whose work is not accompanied by the production of wealth.

Operator labor is characterized by great responsibility and high neuro-emotional stress, as the employee controls the operation of machines.

Managerial work - work of leaders. It is characterized by a large amount of information, lack of time for its processing, increased personal responsibility for making decisions and resolving conflict situations.

creative work writers, composers, artists, artists, etc. - the most complex form of labor, requiring a large amount of memory, attention, neuro-emotional stress.

The work of teachers and health workers characterized by a high degree of neuro-emotional stress. Due to constant contact with people, they have a shortage of time to make the right decision.

For student labor and With students processing of a large amount of heterogeneous information with the mobilization of memory and attention, stressful situations are characteristic. Negative moment of mental labor - hypokinesia, which is one of the conditions for the formation of cardiovascular pathology in humans.

End of work -

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Physiological and hygienic assessment of working conditions

Belarusian State Medical University.. Department of Occupational Health.. m.

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All topics in this section:

Motivational characteristic of the topic
The introduction of new technological processes, the implementation of complex mechanization and automation of production will transform working conditions, the nature and content of labor activity. In modern software

Educational material
Occupational physiology is a section of occupational hygiene that studies changes in the functional state of the body and develops means of organizing the labor process, preventing

Principles of the central nervous regulation of work activity
Regardless of the nature of production activity, a mandatory external manifestation of the labor process is a person's physical activity, during which interaction takes place.

Motor apparatus and basic muscular actions
The mechanical energy required to perform labor operations is obtained as a result of the exothermic reaction of ATP splitting into adenosine diphosphoric and phosphoric acids. x transformation process

Physiological changes in the body during physical work
The production activity of a person is associated with the transition of the body to a new, working level of the functional state of systems and organs, which ensures the possibility of performing labor. At the same time, the basis

Physiological regulation of labor activity
The need to regulate the stress of physiological functions is due to the fact that both the overstrain of individual organs and systems and their insufficient load adversely affect the state of the body.

Hygienic criteria for assessing working conditions depending on the severity and intensity of the labor process
The load on the body during labor that requires muscle effort and appropriate energy supply is classified as the severity of labor - a characteristic of labor.

Human performance
Labor efficiency depends on two main factors: workload and performance. The total load consists of the following components: the subject and tools of labor, the organization of the workplace

Physiological methods for studying the state of the body
Study of the functional state of the central nervous system Specific methods for assessing the functional state of the higher nervous system include studies of the mobility of the nervous

Study of the functional state of the cardiovascular system
The degree of increased heart rate characterizes the reactivity of the body and allows you to judge the intensity of the load: the harder the work, the greater the heart rate. To characterize muscle work,

Examination of external respiration
The functional state of the respiratory apparatus is assessed using quantitative (frequency, depth of breathing, minute volume of breathing, vital capacity of the lungs), and qualitative (rhythm) indicators

Muscle performance study
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Timing studies
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Methodology for conducting physiological research in production
At the initial stage, the objectives of the research are determined: - study of the impact of new forms of labor activity on the human body; - determination of the severity and intensity of labor;

Indicators of the severity of labor
Item No. Indicators Actual values ​​Class 1. 1.1. 1.2. Physical dynamic load

Terms and Definitions
Types (forms) of labor - a set of physiological systems involved in the labor process that affect health and performance. Leading production factor


Tver branch


by academic discipline

Life safety

Man and environment

L. V. Pyanova

Tver 2014

The stock lecture "Man and the Environment" was discussed and recommended for publication at a meeting of the Department of General Humanitarian Disciplines of the TF MGEI. Minutes No. 2 dated October 15, 2014.


Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Associate Professor

Mukhometzyanov A. G.

Pyanova L. V. Man and habitat: Stock lecture. - Tver: Publishing house of TF MGEI, 2014. 45 p.

The stock lecture "Man and the Environment" is intended for full-time and part-time students of the direction 0300300.62 "Psychology",

080100.62 "Economics", 080200.62 "Management", 030900.62 "Jurisprudence" to qualification (degrees) of a graduate bachelor of the Tver branch of the Moscow State Institute of Power Engineering and may be useful in independent study of the problems of labor protection, life safety, behavior in emergency situations,

L. V. Pyanova

Moscow Institute of Humanities and Economics

Introduction ................................................ ................................................. ....................four

1. Classification of the main forms of human labor activity ............... 6

2. The impact of negative factors on humans and the environment .............................. 14

3. Systems of perception and compensation of the human body .............................30

Conclusion................................................. ................................................. ..............41


Human activity is manifested in various spheres of society, its direction, content and means of the infinite are diverse, which is due to the complexity of the system of motivating sources. Therefore, when classifying a set of activities characteristic of a person, they proceed from different signs: types and parameters of needs, objects of transformation, means and methods, results, and a number of others. Considering that any classification is to a certain extent conditional, we will consider only those types of activity that most researchers recognize as the main ones. These include: communication, play, learning and work, united on the basis of their participation in the formation and improvement of the personality. All these types of activity are included in the process of individual development of a person, and each of them acquires greater or lesser significance depending on the stage of ontogenesis. Starting from the moment of birth of an individual, the first type of his activity is communication, then follows the game, teaching and work. Of course, in real life, such a strict phased division of these types of human social activity does not exist, but their close interweaving and interaction is observed.

It should be noted that different types of activities have their own subject - the object of the activity application. So, the subject of communication are people, animals; the subject of the game is the process itself and a certain result in a conditional field of activity; the subject of study is a system of specific knowledge; labor - created material or creative result.

Communication belongs to the basic categories of psychological science, which are of great theoretical and applied importance. Communication is a form of activity carried out between people as equal partners and leading to the emergence of mental contact, which manifests itself in the exchange of information, mutual experience and understanding.

The game accompanies humanity throughout its history,

intertwined with religious worship, art, sports, military affairs. The game is studied by ethnography, pedagogy, psychology, management theory and a number of other sciences, each of which gives it its own definition. A game is a form of activity aimed at assimilating and recreating social experience by an individual.

Teaching as a kind of activity is the process of acquiring knowledge, skills and abilities.

Knowledge is the objects and phenomena of the surrounding reality reflected by human consciousness in the form of facts, figurative representations and scientific concepts.

Skills - brought to perfection by repeated repetition of the components of the activity (practical and theoretical actions).

Skills - mastered by the subject ways of performing certain actions that he can independently apply in various situations. Knowledge, skills and abilities are the main products of the individual's assimilation of the experience of previous generations. And in this regard, teaching as a process of mastering them acts as a means of contributing to the natural harmonious (physical and spiritual) development of a person, his formation as a social being.

Labor activity or labor is a purposeful human activity aimed at modifying and adapting natural objects to meet the many and varied needs of people. Labor is always aimed at achieving programmed, pre-expected results - its products that are useful not only for a particular subject of activity, but also for society as a whole. Even in those cases when a person does something for himself personally, he uses the experience of other people in his activities, applying the knowledge received from them. In other words, labor activity is social in nature, which is expressed in the joint production of a socially significant product by people. Thanks to

labor created all the objects of the material and spiritual culture of mankind, built a modern society.

Classification of the main forms of human labor activity.

Labor is a purposeful human activity to satisfy one's cultural and socio-economic needs. The nature and organization of human labor activity have a significant impact on the change in the functional state of the human body.

Diverse forms of labor activity are divided into physical and mental labor.

Physical labor (work) is called the performance of a person

energy functions in the system "man - a tool". Physical work requires significant muscle activity. It is divided into two types: dynamic and static.

Dynamic work is associated with the movement of the human body, his hands, feet, fingers in space; static - with the impact of the load on the upper limbs, muscles of the body and legs while holding the load, while performing work while standing or sitting. Dynamic physical work, in which more than 2/3 of the human muscles are involved in the process of labor activity, is called general, with the participation of 2/3 to 1/3 of the human muscles (muscles of the body, legs, arms only) - regional, with local less than 1/3 of the muscles are involved in dynamic physical work (for example, typing on a computer).

The physical severity of work is determined by energy costs in the process of labor activity and is divided into the following categories: light, moderate and heavy physical work.

I b at which energy consumption is 140-174 J / s, the work carried out

sitting, standing or associated with walking and accompanied by some physical effort.

Physical work of moderate severity (category II) is also divided into two subcategories: II a, in which energy costs are 175-232 J / s, work associated with constant walking, moving small (up to 1 kg) products or objects in a standing or sitting position and requiring certain physical effort; II b, at which energy consumption is 233-290 J / s, work associated with walking, moving and carrying loads weighing up to 10 kg and accompanied by moderate physical effort.

Heavy physical work (category III) is characterized by energy consumption of more than 290 J/s. This category includes work associated with constant movement, movement and transfer of significant (over 10 kg) weights and requiring great physical effort.

Manual labor is labor, which is based mainly on the expenditure of physical effort using the simplest hand tools.

Manual labor is due to the low mechanical and energy intensity of labor of workers, the lack of effective means of small-scale mechanization, the use of outdated technologies for the production of work, as well as the specifics of the industry associated with the peculiarities of the technology of various works (for example, manual labor when assembling structures from a large number of different elements that have complex connections). Significantly increases the level of manual labor such a feature as the need to move large masses of goods and related to this various kinds of loading and unloading, transport, dismantling and assembly and assembly work. Manual labor is characterized by a heavy load on the musculoskeletal system and functional systems (cardiovascular, neuromuscular, respiratory, etc.). It develops the muscular system, stimulates metabolic processes, but due to low productivity it is not socially effective. Related

conditions that worsen the negative aspects of manual labor is that all these processes usually take place in the open air, in adverse climatic conditions and without a sufficient set of social services.

Manual labor takes place in the absence of mechanized means for work (the labor of a steelworker, loader, vegetable grower, etc.) and requires increased energy costs from 17 to 25 MJ (4000-6000 kcal) and more per day. It develops the muscular system, stimulates metabolic processes in the body, but at the same time it is not socially effective, has low productivity, and the need for a long rest.

Mechanized labor is a type of labor activity, which is characterized by a decrease in muscle loads, compared with hard physical labor, and a complication of the action program. Mechanized labor changes the nature of muscle loads and complicates action programs. The load on small muscle groups increases, the requirements for accuracy and speed of movements increase. Under the conditions of mechanized production, there is a decrease in the volume of muscle activity, small muscles of the distal extremities are involved in the work, which should provide greater speed and accuracy of movements necessary for controlling mechanisms. A typical example of mechanized labor is the work of a metalworking machine operator (turner, miller, planer). With these forms of labor, the energy costs of workers range from 12.5-17 MJ (3000-4000 kcal) per day. Professions of mechanized labor often require special knowledge and skills. The monotony of simple and mostly local actions, the monotony and the small amount of information perceived in labor lead to the monotony of labor. Programming (mental) labor activity is reduced to a minimum.

It should be noted that mechanization, regardless of the three features, makes it possible to improve technology, improve quality and

labor productivity. At the same time, the maintenance of mechanisms requires knowledge of their design, a certain mental load. This significantly distinguishes mechanized labor from simple physical labor.

It should be borne in mind that the transition to mechanized labor may be accompanied by a simplification of labor functions and a decrease in the qualifications of workers. This is especially true for manual mechanized and mechanized labor, which has an auxiliary character.

Assembly line labor is a conveyor-based production flow system in which production is divided into the simplest short operations, and the movement of parts is carried out automatically. This is such an organization of performing operations on objects, in which the entire process of influence is divided into a sequence of stages in order to increase productivity by simultaneously performing operations independently on several objects passing through different stages. The pipeline is also called a means of moving objects between stages with such an organization.

Such a division of the production process into simple operations allows one worker to perform any one operation without wasting time changing tools and transferring parts to another worker, such a parallelism of the production process reduces the number of working hours required to produce one product. The disadvantage of this system of production is the increased monotony of labor.

Work on the assembly line is notable for even greater uniformity and great speed. An individual working on an assembly line performs one or a couple of actions. Since he is a link in a chain consisting of other workers, his every movement must be made at a strictly defined time. It is not difficult to understand that this is very exhausting. Monotony and the enormous speed of work can also cause rapid


The conveyor form of labor requires the participants to work synchronously in accordance with a given rhythm and pace. At the same time, the less time an employee spends on an operation, the more monotonous the work and the simpler its content. Monotony is one of the negative consequences of assembly line work, which is expressed in premature fatigue and nervous exhaustion. This phenomenon is based on the predominance of the process of inhibition in cortical activity, which develops under the action of monotonous repeated stimuli, which reduces the excitability of the analyzers, scatters attention, reduces the reaction rate, and as a result, fatigue quickly sets in.

Labor in semi-automatic and automatic production expends less energy in connection with this, and the intensity of labor is less than in conveyor production. The work consists in the periodic maintenance of the mechanisms or the performance of simple operations - the supply of the processed material, turning the mechanisms on or off. Semi-automatic production excludes a person from the process of direct processing of the object of labor, which is entirely performed by mechanisms.

The physiological feature of automated forms of labor is the constant readiness of the employee for action and the speed of reaction to eliminate emerging problems. Such a functional state of “operational expectation” is different in terms of the degree of fatigue and depends on the attitude to work, the urgency of the necessary action, the responsibility of the work ahead, etc.

Mental labor combines work related to the reception and transmission of information, requiring activation of the processes of thinking, attention, memory. Mental work consists in the processing and analysis of a large amount of various information, and as a result of this - the mobilization of memory and attention, the frequency of stressful situations. However, muscle loads are usually insignificant, daily energy consumption is 10-11.7 MJ.

(2000-2400 kcal) per day. This type of labor is characterized by a significant decrease in motor activity (hypokinesia), which leads to cardiovascular pathology; prolonged mental stress depresses the psyche, impairs the functions of attention, memory. The main indicator of mental labor is tension, which reflects the load on the central nervous system. Forms of mental labor are divided into operator, managerial, creative labor, the labor of medical workers, the labor of teachers, students and students. They differ in the organization of the labor process, the uniformity of the load, the degree of emotional stress. Mental labor is expressed in the following forms.

Operator work. In the conditions of modern multifactorial production, the functions of management and control over the operation of technological lines, the processes of product distribution and customer service, come to the fore. For example, the work of a dispatcher of a wholesale base or the chief administrator of a supermarket is associated with the processing of a large amount of information in a short time and increased neuro-emotional tension. Operator work is associated with the management of machines, equipment, technological processes. An operator is considered to be any person working in the "man-machine" system, in contrast to the "man-man" system. Operator professions are characterized by a high load on the visual analyzer associated with the perception of small sizes of objects of distinction, work with optical devices, video display terminals: reading and editing alphabetic, digital and graphic information on the screen. The load on the auditory analyzer depends on the intelligibility of words in the presence of auditory interference. The load on the voice apparatus is typical for such operator professions as telephonists, air traffic controllers.

Managerial work is a type of labor activity, operations and work on the performance of functions by administrative and managerial employees.

management in the organization. The professional characteristics of the work activity of executives indicate that this group is dominated by factors caused by an excessive increase in the volume of information, a lack of time for its processing, an increase in material significance and personal responsibility for making decisions. A modern businessman and manager needs a large set of different qualities (organizational, business, personal), a wide range of knowledge of economics, management, technology, and psychology. This work is characterized by non-standard solutions, irregular workload, complex interpersonal relationships, and the periodic occurrence of conflict situations.

Managerial work is extremely diverse, and therefore the operations and procedures that characterize the content of this work are difficult to clearly classify and typify. In addition, the range of management operations is constantly expanding, and the operations themselves are changing due, on the one hand, to the transformation of management methods and areas of their application, and, on the other hand, in connection with the increasing use of new technical means of storing, transmitting, accumulating, processing information. Revolutionary changes in the content of operations, procedures of managerial work are introduced by computer technology, which makes it possible to introduce fundamentally new information technologies.

Creative work (scientists, writers, designers, actors, artists). The most difficult form, as it requires a large amount of memory, stress, attention. It leads to an increase in neuro-emotional stress, tachycardia, an increase in blood pressure, an ECG change and other shifts in autonomic functions.

The work of teachers, trade and medical workers, workers in all spheres of service, the work of students and students - constant contact with people, increased responsibility, frequent lack of time and information to make the right decision, which leads to high nervous

emotional stress. Daily energy consumption during mental work increases by 48% when reading aloud while sitting; 90% when lecturing; by 90-100% for computer operators. In addition, the brain is prone to inertia, because. after the cessation of work, the thought process continues, mental work does not stop, which leads to greater fatigue and exhaustion of the central nervous system than during physical labor.

In the conditions of the modern world, with the advent of devices that facilitate labor activity (computer, technical equipment), the motor activity of people has sharply decreased compared to previous decades. This, ultimately, leads to a decrease in the functional capabilities of a person, as well as to various kinds of diseases. Today, purely physical labor does not play a significant role, it is replaced by mental labor. But physical labor, characterized by increased physical activity, can in some cases be considered from the negative side. In general, the lack of energy consumption necessary for a person leads to a mismatch between the activity of individual systems (muscular, bone, respiratory, cardiovascular) and the body as a whole with the environment, as well as a decrease in immunity and a deterioration in metabolism. At the same time, overload is also harmful. Therefore, both with mental and physical labor, it is necessary to engage in health-improving physical culture, to strengthen the body. In the process of physical and mental labor, a certain complex of emotions arises in a person. Emotions are a person's reaction to certain conditions. And the working environment is a complex of factors that positively or negatively affect the well-being and performance of a normal person.

The safety of human activity is determined by the nature of labor, its organization, the relationship in labor collectives, the organization of workplaces, the presence of dangerous and harmful factors in the environment. The nature and organization of labor activity have a significant impact on the functional state of the human body and are determined by: static and dynamic physical overload (lifting and carrying weights, uncomfortable body position, prolonged pressure on the skin, joints, muscles); physiologically insufficient motor activity and neuropsychological overloads (mental overstrain, emotional overloads, overstrain of analyzers). Diverse forms of labor activity are divided into physical and mental labor.

Physical work characterized by an increased load on the musculoskeletal system and its functional systems (cardiovascular, neuromuscular, respiratory. Physical labor, developing the muscular system and stimulating metabolic processes, has a number of negative consequences. First of all, it is its social inefficiency associated with low productivity , the need for high stress of physical strength and the need for a long (up to 50% of working time) rest.

Brainwork combines work related to the reception and processing of information, requiring the tension of the sensory apparatus, attention, memory, activation of thinking processes. This type of labor is characterized by hypokinesia, i.e. decrease in motor activity, which is one of the conditions for the formation of cardiovascular pathology. Prolonged mental stress has a depressing effect on mental activity: the functions of attention, memory, and perception deteriorate.

In accordance with the existing physiological classification of labor activity, there are forms of labor that require significant muscle activity; mechanized forms of labor; forms of labor associated with semi-automatic and automatic production; conveyor forms of labor; forms of labor associated with remote control and forms of intellectual labor.

Forms of work that require significant muscle activity, take place in the absence of mechanization. Features mechanized forms of labor are changes in the nature of muscle loads and the complication of the action program. At the same time, the volume of muscular activity decreases, small muscles of the limbs are involved in the work, which should provide greater speed and accuracy of movements necessary to control the mechanisms. The monotony of simple actions, the small amount of perceived information leads to the monotony of work, a decrease in the reaction rate and rapid fatigue. Conveyor form of labor is determined by the fragmentation of the labor process into operations, the strict sequence of their implementation, a given rhythm, the automatic supply of parts to the workplace. This leads to premature fatigue and rapid nervous exhaustion. With semi-automatic production a person is excluded from the process of direct processing of the object of labor. The human task is limited to machine maintenance. These works are characterized by monotony, increased pace, loss of creativity. With forms of work associated with remote control processes and mechanisms, a person is included in the management system as a necessary operational link. Forms of intellectual (mental) labor are divided into operator, managerial, creative, work of medical workers, work of teachers, students, students. These types of labor differ in the organization of the labor process, the uniformity of the load, the degree of emotional stress. The most complex form of labor activity, which requires a significant amount of memory, tension, attention, is creative work. It leads to a significant increase in the degree of neuro-emotional stress, which can cause tachycardia, an increase in blood pressure, an ECG change, an increase in pulmonary ventilation and oxygen consumption, an increase in body temperature, and other changes in the autonomic functions of the body.

Human energy consumption in the process of life depends on the intensity of muscle work, information saturation, the degree of emotional stress and other conditions (temperature, humidity, air movement, etc.).

Daily energy costs for mental workers (engineers, doctors, teachers) are 10.5 ... 11.7 MJ; for workers in mechanized labor and the service sector (nurses, salespeople) - 11.3 ... 12.5 MJ; for workers performing medium-heavy work (machine operators, surgeons, agricultural workers) - 12.5 ... 15.5 MJ; for workers performing hard physical work (metal workers, loaders) - 16.3 ... 18 MJ.

Energy costs vary depending on the working posture. The nature of the working posture (free, uncomfortable, fixed, forced) is determined visually. To free postures include comfortable sitting postures, which make it possible to change the working position of the body or its parts (lean back in a chair, change the position of the legs, arms). fixed working posture - the impossibility of changing the relative position of various parts of the body relative to each other. Similar postures are encountered when performing work related to the need to distinguish small objects in the process of activity. The most rigidly fixed working postures are for representatives of those professions who have to perform their main production operations using optical magnifying devices - magnifiers and microscopes. To uncomfortable working postures include postures with a large inclination or rotation of the torso, with arms raised above shoulder level, with uncomfortable placement of the lower extremities. To forced postures include working postures lying down, kneeling, squatting, etc. If by the nature of the work the working postures are different, then the assessment should be carried out according to the most typical posture for this work.

In a working posture sitting, energy costs are 5 ... 10% higher than the level of basal metabolism; in a standing working position - by 10 ... 25%; with a forced uncomfortable posture - by 40 ... 50%. With intensive intellectual work, the brain's need for energy is 15 ... 20% of the total metabolism in the body, while the weight of the brain is 2% of the body weight. The increase in energy costs during mental work is determined by the degree of neuro-emotional tension. So, when reading aloud while sitting, energy consumption increases by 48%, when delivering a public lecture by 94%, for PC operators - by 60 ... 100%.

The level of energy consumption can serve as a criterion for the severity and intensity of the work performed. The severity of labor- this is a characteristic of the labor process, reflecting the predominant load on the musculoskeletal system and functional systems of the body (cardiovascular, respiratory, etc.) that ensure its activity. The severity of labor is characterized by physical dynamic load, the mass of the load being lifted and moved, the total number of stereotypical working movements, the magnitude of the static load, the nature of the working posture, the depth and frequency of the body tilt, and movements in space.

Labor intensity- this is a characteristic of the labor process, reflecting the load mainly on the central nervous system, sensory organs, and the emotional sphere of the employee. The factors characterizing the intensity of work include: intellectual, sensory, emotional loads, the degree of monotony of loads, the mode of work.

Summary of life safety

All types of labor can be divided into two groups: physical, where muscular activity predominates, and mental, where mental activity dominates. There is the following classification of labor activity:

1. Forms of labor that require significant muscle activity. These forms are gradually disappearing because they are associated with heavy physical activity (diggers, lumberjacks, etc.). Representatives of these professions completely or partially lack the mechanization of the production process, which requires significant energy costs. Although such physical labor develops the human muscular system, it causes a number of negative consequences. The main one is the social inefficiency of physical labor. To achieve a certain performance, it is extremely important to exert a significant amount of physical effort on a person.

2. Mechanized forms of labor - numerous professions in all branches of production. The characteristic features of the forms of mechanized labor are associated with a decrease in the muscle component in the work and the complication of the action program, the role of large muscles decreases in favor of small ones. The task is to develop precise and fast movements. The complication of the action program for mechanized forms of labor is associated with the acquisition of special knowledge and motor skills.

3. Group forms of labor (conveyor line). The basis of high labor productivity on the assembly line is the automation of motor skills, the simplification of a number of additional operations, and the synchronization of the work of all its participants. The time interval between operations is a measure of monotonicity. In this regard, a high load on the nervous system, the emotional sphere is growing. Since people with individual characteristics of the nervous system work on the conveyor, additional loads are created on it.

4. Forms of labor associated with semi-automatic or automatic production. In these forms, the mechanization of production is expressed to a greater extent. A person does not supplement the mechanism, but manages it, ensuring its continuous operation. The main feature of activity is readiness for action and is associated with the speed of reaction (operational calm). Its level can be different, based on the responsibility of the work, the attitude towards it, the speed of action, the individual characteristics of the worker. Maintaining a state of operational peace is a lot of nervous work.

5. Forms of work associated with remote control. They share two basic working rhythms. In some cases, control panels require frequent human actions. The uninterrupted attention of the worker receives a discharge in numerical movements or conditional-motor acts. In others, rare ones, the worker is mostly in a state of readiness for action. The most complex forms are the activities of dispatchers in production or transport.

6. Forms of intellectual activity. From a physiological point of view, this form is based on the complex work of the central nervous system, in which an appropriate program of action is formed. Knowledge work is diverse, and programs vary in quality and complexity. On the one hand, there is a simple program of actions, which creates a monotonous stereotype (telegraphers, accountants), and on the other hand, a changing, complex program of actions (creative work).

Features of mental labor. Mental is considered work, which is associated with the reception and processing of information. It requires the participation of sensory systems, attention, memory, activation of thinking, and the emotional sphere. Mental labor is characterized by great stress on the activity of the central nervous system, but does not exclude the possibility of physical stress, even significant.

The main types of mental labor:

1. The work of an operator is a group of professions associated with the management of machines, equipment, technological processes (operators - observers, operators - performers, operators - technologists, etc.). To study these professions, which are found everywhere in production, a science has been created - engineering psychology, which studies human functions in automated systems.

2. Managerial work - heads of enterprises, institutions, teachers. This group is dominated by factors due to the growth in the volume of information, the lack of time for its processing, the increase in social status and personal responsibility for decision-making. A modern leader needs various qualities (political, organizational, business, professional, personal), erudition in various fields of knowledge (economics, management, engineering, technology, psychology), the presence of certain skills (teacher, educator). This form of labor is characterized by non-standard solutions, irregular loads, and the possibility of conflict situations.

3. Creative work is one of the most complex forms of human activity, since it requires many years of preparation and high qualifications. These are scientists, writers, composers, actors, painters, designers, architects. Their work is characterized by the creation of new algorithms of activity (more often than representatives of other professions), a significant amount of memory, close selective attention, which increases the level of neuro-emotional stress. At the same time, an unregulated schedule of activities.

4. The work of medical workers. With all the variety of specialties of a doctor and a paramedical worker, they have common features - constant contact with sick people, increased responsibility, often - a lack of information to make the right decision.

5. The work of pupils and students. The educational process requires the tension of basic mental functions - memory, attention (especially concentration and stability), perception. Training is often accompanied by stressful situations (exams, tests).

Both specific (analyzer) and non-specific structures of the brain take part in the mental process. During mental activity, the processes cover various cortical-subcortical interactions in both hemispheres of the large brain. Any work is accompanied by a certain neuro-emotional stress. At the same time, perception, attention, memory are aggravated, vegetative changes appear. For each type of activity, a certain optimum of emotional tension is necessary, at which the reaction of the body becomes effective and perfect. Emotional stress largely depends on complex socio-psychological motivations.

During the performance of mental work, mental processes change significantly. At the beginning, attention, the ability to memorize, the speed of solving ʼʼtestʼʼ problems gradually improve (working out). Excessive work can inhibit mental activity. It is important to note that vegetative functions, which provide energy costs, are of great importance for maintaining mental performance. An important mechanism for ensuring the effectiveness of mental work is an increase in blood flow in the nerve centers that are actively working. This is carried out mainly due to the redistribution of blood flow in the vessels of the brain. With frequent (daily) repetition, these changes can lead to pathological changes not only in the vegetative, but also in the mental sphere. It happens especially often when there is no full recovery after work, and fatigue becomes chronic (overwork).

The problems of overwork and performance are closely related to age-related changes and human biorhythms. It is important that with mental fatigue, physical performance also decreases.

Signs of fatigue during mental activity: feeling of weakness, decreased attention, deterioration of memory and thinking, weakening of the will, impaired motor skills (impaired coordination of movements, decreased strength), drowsiness. The development of fatigue depends on the state of the body, external factors. With mental overwork, work continues due to an increase in emotional stress.

The main regularities of the processes of fatigue and recovery (according to G.V. Folbort).

1. The level of performance depends on the ratio of the processes of fatigue and recovery. These processes develop simultaneously, but one of them prevails: if fatigue dominates, performance decreases, if recovery, performance increases.

2. There is a close relationship between fatigue and recovery. Recovery is stimulated by those changes that are realized in the process of fatigue. During work and after it, the relationship between the processes of fatigue and recovery changes: during the process, fatigue processes predominate, but recovery processes are also pronounced.

3. The rate of development of fatigue affects the intensity of recovery processes. If fatigue develops faster (with intensive work), then recovery after work is faster.

4. Recovery processes do not develop in a straight line, but in waves. The general upward trend continues. The recovery process is divided into two phases - the achievement of initial performance and sustainable, permanent performance.

5. By changing the duration of work and rest after it, two states can be achieved - chronic fatigue (overwork) and a gradual increase in working capacity (training). If a person begins to re-work to a state of stable performance, then the processes of drowning are aggravated and overwork develops.

6. The development of fatigue is affected by inhibition in the nerve centers: inhibition stops work, preventing the development of chronic overwork and stimulating the development of recovery processes.

By itself, mental work, not complicated by negative emotions, does not significantly affect the body, but among people engaged in this form of activity, there is a rather high percentage of people with diseases of the cardiovascular and nervous systems. An important method of maintaining high performance is the alternation of mental and physical labor.

The main forms of labor activity. - concept and types. Classification and features of the category "Basic forms of labor activity." 2017, 2018.

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