Where can I cross the road

Simple rules for children in the form of rollers, simple rules, cartoons

Tatyana (Malkiya)  Problem of security traffic on this moment is one of the most important city problems.

The population is growing, and the number of cars owned by private individuals is also increasing. All this would be good if it were not associated with an increase in the number of traffic accidents. Unfortunately, they also happen with the participation of children. school age. Often a child underestimates the real danger that threatens him on the road, which is why he treats the Rules of the Road without due reverence.

Respect for traffic rules, the habit of strictly observing them should be instilled in their children by parents. Other mothers and fathers hope that such behavior will be instilled in them at school. It often happens that it is the parents who set a bad example for their children: carriageway roads in places where it is prohibited put children under the age of 12 in the front seats of their cars. All this leads to an increase in child road traffic injuries. It is enough at least once a week for 10-15 minutes to have a conversation-game on the Rules of the Road with your child so that he looks at the situation with different eyes. In the future, such a child will independently be able to navigate in a difficult environment on city highways.

In the midst summer holidays many children go on vacation outside the city and find themselves in a completely different, unusual environment for them. And if the child is well versed in the Rules of the Road, parents can be calm for him.

A common mistake made in such cases is the wrong approach to starting a conversation. Talking to children about the dangers of the road in an overly strict tone is ineffective. In this case, the child will not be interested in the conversation and as a result will learn only a small part of the information. It is much more effective to talk to the child calmly, choosing a moment when he is not busy with anything and his attention is at your disposal. Before explaining, indicate the importance and seriousness of the conversation, let the baby feel its importance. His attention near the road should be a request, not a demand. He must understand that they are worried about him and that he is in danger. This motivation is much stronger than the fear of punishment or reproaches.

Another common mistake parents make is acting on the principle “you can be with me”. If you show your child own example how to run to red, rest assured, left alone, he will try to repeat this trick.

Tatyana (Malkiya)  Causes of children's road traffic injuries.

Failure to observe.
Insufficient supervision of adults over the behavior of children.

When leaving home.

If traffic is possible at the entrance of the house, immediately pay attention to the child if there is any approaching transport. If there are vehicles or trees growing at the entrance, stop your movement and look around for danger.

When driving on the sidewalk.

Stick to the right side.
An adult must be on the side of the roadway.
If the sidewalk is next to the road, parents should hold the child's hand.
Teach your child, walking along the sidewalk, to carefully observe the departure of cars from the yard.
Do not teach children to go out onto the roadway, carry strollers and sleds only along the sidewalk.

Getting ready to cross the road

Stop, look around the road.
Develop your child's observation of the road.
Emphasize your movements: turn your head to look at the road. Stop for inspection of the road, stop for passing cars.
Teach your child to peer into the distance, to distinguish between approaching cars.
Don't stand with your child on the edge of the sidewalk.
Draw the attention of the child to the vehicle preparing to turn, talk about the signals of the direction indicators for cars.
Show how the vehicle stops at the crossing, how it moves by inertia.

When crossing the road

Cross the road only at a pedestrian crossing or at an intersection.
Go only to the green traffic light, even if there are no cars.
Stop talking when you get out on the road.
Do not rush, do not run, cross the road measuredly.
Do not cross the street at an angle, explain to the child that the way to see the road is worse.
Do not go out onto the road with a child because of traffic or bushes without first inspecting the street.
Do not rush to cross the road, if on the other side you see friends, the right bus, teach your child that it is dangerous.
When crossing an unregulated intersection, teach your child to carefully monitor the start of traffic.
Explain to the child that even on the road where there are few cars, one must cross carefully, as the car can leave the yard, from the alley.

When boarding and disembarking from a vehicle

Get out first, ahead of the child, otherwise the child may fall, run out onto the roadway.
Approach for landing to a door only after a full stop.
Do not get into transport last moment(may squash doors).
Teach your child to be careful in the stop zone - this is a dangerous place (poor visibility of the road, passengers can push the child onto the road).

While waiting for transport

Stand only on landing pads, on the sidewalk, or on the side of the road.

Street Switching Skill: When approaching a road, stop, look around the street in both directions.
The skill of calm, confident behavior on the street: when leaving home, do not be late, leave early so that you have a margin of time when walking calmly.
The skill of switching to self-control: the ability to monitor one's behavior is formed daily under the guidance of parents.
Danger Foresight Skill: The child must see with his own eyes that danger often hides behind various objects on the street.

It is important that parents be an example for children in observing the rules of the road.

Do not rush, cross the road at a measured pace.
When you go out onto the roadway, stop talking - the child should get used to the fact that when crossing the road you need to concentrate.
Do not cross the road at a red or yellow traffic light.
Cross the road only in places marked with a road sign "Pedestrian crossing".
Get out of the bus, trolleybus, tram, taxi first. Otherwise, the child may fall or run into the roadway.
Involve your child in your observations of the environment

At preschool age, the child should learn:

Who is a road user?
Elements of the road (road, carriageway, sidewalk, roadside, pedestrian crossing, intersection);
Vehicles (tram, bus, trolleybus, passenger car, truck, motorcycle, bicycle);

Red, yellow and green traffic lights;
Rules for driving on roadsides and sidewalks;
Rules for crossing the carriageway;
You can’t go out on the road without adults;
Rules for boarding, behavior and disembarkation in public transport;

Methodical methods of teaching skills safe behavior child on the road

In your own words, systematically and unobtrusively introduce the rules only to the extent necessary for assimilation;
For familiarization, use traffic situations when walking in the yard, on the road;
Explain what is happening on the road, what vehicles he sees;
When and where it is possible to cross the carriageway, when and where it is impossible;
Point out violators of the rules, both pedestrians and drivers;
To consolidate visual memory (where is the vehicle, road elements, shops, schools, kindergartens, pharmacies, pedestrian crossings, traffic lights, ways of safe and dangerous traffic to kindergarten);
Develop spatial representation (close, far, left, right, in the direction of travel, behind);
Develop an idea of ​​the speed of movement of vehicles of pedestrians (drives fast, slowly, turns);
Do not intimidate the child with the street: fear of transport is no less harmful than carelessness and inattention;
Read to the child poems, riddles, children's books on the topic of traffic safety.


The child learns the laws of the road, taking an example from family members and other adults. Especially the example of dad and mom teaches disciplined behavior on the road not only to your child, but to other parents.

Take care of the child!

Tatyana (Malkiya) Dear parents!

In middle preschool age, the child should learn:

Who is a road user (pedestrian, driver, passenger, traffic controller);
Elements of the road (road, carriageway, roadside, sidewalk, intersection, line of sidewalks and roadsides, road fencing, median strip, pedestrian crossing);
Vehicles (car, motorcycle, bicycle, moped, tractor, horse-drawn cart, bus, tram, trolleybus, special vehicle);
Means of regulation of traffic;
The main signals of the transport traffic light (red, red simultaneously with yellow, green, green flashing, yellow flashing);
Five places where it is allowed to walk on the road;
Six places where it is allowed to cross the carriageway;
Rules for the movement of pedestrians in designated places;
Boarding rules, movement when disembarking in public transport;
It is impossible to cross the carriageway and walk along the road without adults;
It is necessary to bypass any transport from the side of approaching other vehicles in places with good visibility so that the pedestrian sees the transport and the driver of the transport sees the pedestrian;

In your own words, systematically and unobtrusively introduce the rules only to the extent necessary for assimilation;
Use the traffic situation to explain the need to be attentive and vigilant on the road;
Explain when and where you can cross the roadway, and when and where you can’t;


The child learns the laws of the road, taking an example from family members and other adults. Take care of the child!

Protect him from accidents.

Tatyana (Malkiya) Dear parents!

At the senior preschool age, the child should learn:

Who is a road user and what are their responsibilities?
Basic terms and concepts of the rules (bicycle, road, road traffic, railway crossing, fixed-route vehicle, moped, motorcycle, intersection, pedestrian crossing), sidewalk line, carriageway, median strip, traffic controller, vehicle, give way);
Responsibilities of pedestrians
Obligations of passengers;
Traffic regulation;
Traffic lights and traffic controller;
warning signals;
Movement through railroad tracks;
Movement in residential areas;
transportation of people;
Features of cycling.
In your own words, systematically and unobtrusively introduce the rules that the child should know.

Methodical methods for teaching a child the skills of safe behavior on the road:

In a traffic situation, teach to navigate and assess the traffic situation;
Explain the need to be attentive, careful and prudent on the road;
Instill in your child the need to be disciplined, develop positive habits for safe behavior on the road;
Clarify the need to be constantly vigilant on the road, but do not intimidate the traffic situation;
Point out the mistakes of pedestrians and drivers;
Explain what a road traffic accident (RTA) is and their causes;
Consolidate knowledge of safe behavior with the help of games, filmstrips, read books, poems, riddles using traffic situations;
Use walks to reinforce and explain the rules of traffic lights, show road signs and road markings, and if the traffic controller will regulate the movement, then explain his signals, contact the child more often with questions about the traffic situation.

The child learns the laws of the road, taking an example from family members and other adults.

Take the time to teach your children how to behave on the road.

Take care of the child!

Try to do everything possible to protect him from accidents on the road!

Tags: How, correctly, to cross the road, for, children

Novouralsk, April 25, 2013 Parents, teach your children to cross the road CORRECTLY. This is for their own safety...

OBZH (life safety) for children | Topic author: Elena

Personal Safety Basics for Preschoolers
Children between the ages of three and five live in the present; they focus on the here and now. They are not interested in the vague formulations of adults like "we'll see" or "maybe later" because they are part of an abstract world of events that do not necessarily come. Because of this, preschoolers are often impatient and unable to wait. This does not mean that they did not listen when you told them about "later". It simply means that they are not yet capable of patiently waiting for future events.

Preschoolers this age have a hard time with exceptions and are often confused by general rules like, "Don't talk to strangers." Penelope Leach, specialist in child development, argues that the first problem with this rule is what do we mean by ordering: "Don't talk!"? The second problem is who do we mean by "strangers"? Leach says babies this age don't learn meaning general rule, forbidding them to speak to people they don't know, while requiring them to "speak politely to the bus driver, say thank you to the shopkeeper, and obey the new nanny." And one more thing: we tell them not to talk to strangers, but they see how we do it every day! Leach believes that children will be protected by positive attitudes that describe "what they should always do, not what they are usually forbidden to do." That's why, instead of telling strangers not to "talk," they should be taught clear rules like, "Always approach your guardian adult before you go anywhere with anyone."

Elena (Hemolele)  Because young children are so easily deceived, our efforts to educate them must include a rule requiring children to be in full view of adults at all times. At this stage, the burden of responsibility lies entirely with us. In my family, this rule was firmly established when my daughter was three years old. We asked her to always let us know where she is, even when she goes to the bathroom. We made it clear to her that we always want to know where she is or where she is going to go. This seemed reasonable to her, since children of this age are extremely interested in where you are. Soon her "travel plan" announced by her became a natural part of our conversations. Later, she transferred this rule to her teachers and nannies.

Another feature of the development of babies is that it is difficult for them to understand how an adult they trust can offend them with something. They are sure that all the adults who take care of them care about them and wish them only the best. "They just don't realize that people who they and their parents take for friends can act like enemies," Leach says. Therefore, we do not try to teach preschoolers to assess the boundaries of worthy adult behavior. And we do not believe that they are prepared to prevent attack or violence. But we can teach them to say "no" to behaviors they can easily understand - like saying "no" to "bad touches" or people who want to take them somewhere without their parents' permission. We give them simple rules and we limit their choice, because it is accessible to their understanding and corresponds to the peculiarities of their thinking.

The most important benefit of toddlers and preschoolers in teaching personal safety is that they love rules. In fact, they rely on rules. Have you noticed that when you forget or slightly deviate from the rule set for the child, he reminds you of him and forces him to follow? Most children love to play by the rules; they especially like to rule their playmates with royal commands like, "My mom said..." I've often seen preschoolers remind adult relatives, nurses, and teachers about the rules. You can be sure that if the rules of personal safety, along with other rules, are set out by you in clear, simple and calm, without disturbing words, phrases, your children will definitely follow these rules.

Elena (Hemolele)  Take advantage of your child's desire for logic. A preschooler quickly notices when something breaks the established order of things. You need to strengthen this desire of his. A friend of mine's preschool son often comes home with a report of "out of the ordinary" events. school day. The boy talks about who was absent or replaced the teacher, or about the fact that the class had a snack on playground but not where it usually is. At the same time, the father often remarks: “You are very savvy!” It is easy to imagine what this little boy will immediately tell his father if any adult behaves differently than usual. Good observational skills are great at helping children notice unusual or suspicious behavior and should be encouraged to do so.

Boundaries of obedience

It seems that we always set some kind of obedience boundaries for our children, ensuring that they do not leave them, and insisting that children are always in sight. There is a reason for this: toddlers and preschool children do not understand what is safe for them and what is not. Therefore, our task is to tell them about it and show them. By setting boundaries, we guarantee our child's physical health. This is the beginning of personal security.

It is essential that you play an active role in setting boundaries for your child. In the future, he will be able to install them for himself. But now you have to intervene and say "yes" or "no". And don't forget to teach your child clear, understandable information, such as: this is safe and this is not.

Elena (Hemolele)  Let's name all parts of the body

At the age of three, children can begin to name their body parts and learn which ones are intimate. This is an important skill. WITH preschool age we begin to teach them "unconscious" language, including words like the names of the genitals. We want them to be able to identify and name all parts of their body without embarrassment. This means that we must teach to pronounce the words "penis", "vagina" as calmly as they would say the words "elbow", "nose". We pass on the comfort level to them, and babies act to match us, learning to feel embarrassed or shameless on their own.

All toddlers should be able to identify their body parts as they build their vocabulary and general development. In addition, there is another reason for investing your energy in teaching toddlers to build a “body vocabulary”: in the event of harassment, your child will be able to determine exactly which parts of his body have been abused. The child should not hesitate to be able to tell the parents that "there is a man with a penis hanging out" or that "someone tried to touch my vagina."

If the child has not been taught the appropriate words or has been taught that certain parts of the body cannot be mentioned, then he may hide what happened, and the parents will not be able to help him.

Elena (Hemolele)  What is the difference between "good" and "bad"?

To help children better understand who is allowed to touch their private parts, it is necessary to teach them the difference between "good" and "bad" touching and tell them what to do when they do not want to be touched. Remember, you are building the foundation for preschoolers to be able to say NO to unworthy touching.

T. Berry Brazelton, MD, believes that three or four year olds need to be taught that their genitals are an intimate part of their bodies. Help them realize that if they don't want to be touched by adults, they should tell them so, and even yell out loud on occasion. You can probably teach your child to say: "This is not good. Let me go!" or "Do not touch here - these are my intimate places!"

"Good" touches

Hug when the child wants it
- hold hands
- Gently hug the child by the shoulders
- Gently kiss on the cheek before going to bed
- Rock or hold small children

"Bad" touches

The hug is too tight and too long
- Unsolicited kiss
- Tickle the child after his request "stop!"
- Adult touch intimate places
- When an adult forces a child to touch or kiss him

Elena (Hemolele)  How to identify a stranger

Here best definition a stranger you can teach a toddler under the age of five: a stranger is someone we don't know. Can you hear how calm and untroubling that sounds? Your goal, starting in kindergarten, is to teach your child to notice strangers. Much of the learning at this stage concerns the distinction between family, relatives, friends, and strangers. Later, you will teach your child to distinguish acquaintances from friends. Every child needs to learn how to do this, but only when he grows up. At this stage, the most important thing is to convey to your preschooler the knowledge of "who is who" in his children's world, and teach observation in relation to other people.

Elena (Hemolele)  The child must know information about himself

It is clear how important it is to teach a preschooler to remember their full name, address, and phone number. Once he learns this information, help him to memorize it properly. For what? Because cramming will help him remember information in the event that he is in trouble. If someone asks a child for his last name, address, or phone number, even when he is upset or frightened, he will still be able to remember them. Be sure to teach your child not to be afraid to give their name, age, address, and phone number to a police officer, fireman, or switchboard operator.

By the way, if your child has learned his identifying information, but is too shy to tell it to anyone other than you, this means that he cannot yet help people who want to help him out of trouble. From this you must conclude that he is at great risk if he gets lost, and therefore it is necessary to keep a close eye on him, as well as children who are unable to remember information about themselves.

Call 911 and 0

I remember being told about a parent teaching small child call nine-eleven instead of nine-one-one. When a fire broke out in their house, the boy could not call for help, because he was looking for the number 11 on the telephone dial for a long time. Ask your preschooler to show you how they can dial 911. Then talk to them about what might be considered a call to the emergency services. Of course, there is no guarantee that your preschooler will be able to call for help in case of real trouble, but you can increase the chances of success by exercising regularly with him.

Note: emergency phone number Russian Federation - 01.

Elena (Hemolele)   Intervene to protect

IN given age children are very trusting. That is why you need to actively intervene and protect them from outsiders if necessary. For toddlers under five years of age, the best protection from an adult is to be close to the child and actively set boundaries that he may not yet be able to determine himself.

Cheerful and affectionate preschoolers, many of whom are looking for hugs and kisses no matter who they are, are at greater risk. For these children, physical contact may be the main mode of communication.
Affectionate children need to be encouraged to use words as well. Teach them that words are better than hugs and kisses. Also teach them that adults they don't know, such as waiters, shop assistants, or bellboys, should also use words instead of hugging and kissing them. At this stage, you can establish a simple rule: only a few key people in his life can physically caress your child.

Elena (Hemolele)  Ask for permission first

Have you told your little ones that they should ask your permission before accepting candy from someone? This is a common parenting rule, partly because they are trying to limit the amount of candy their children eat. But in any case, this rule is useful, because it is a step towards the rules of personal safety.

If you are from the very early age teach your kids to ask permission before accepting candy or a gift from someone, they will be less vulnerable to harassers or abusers who actively use this trick. Tell your child not to accept treats or gifts from people outside your family circle without your permission. Of course, you can optionally make a few exceptions to the rule, for example, for family friends.

I am glad that some parents in their letters inform me that now their preschoolers are resorting to them to ask permission to accept a candy from a "nice uncle" or a "pretty lady." This simple rule is adequately protective for most preschoolers and should be constantly reinforced with verbal reminders.

Elena (Hemolele)  No secrets from parents

Tell your child: "Adults should not ask children to keep things secret" and "Adults are not allowed to tell a child that something bad will happen to them or their family if he does not agree to keep something secret." In some cases known in the press, harassers used threats such as "to kill their favorite rabbits or kittens in front of their eyes" in order to silence their young victims; then they told the children that it would be their turn next if they did not keep the secret. Tell your children that no one dares to threaten them, and add: "If any adult tries to intimidate you into keeping a secret, come to me immediately."

Main conclusions

You can teach preschoolers:

Identify and name all parts of the body;
- learn the difference between "good" and "bad" touches;
- identify strangers and friendly people;
- memorize identifying information - name, address, phone number;
- call 01 in an emergency;
- allow physical affection only to family members;
- ask permission before accepting gifts from people outside your family circle;
- to tell you if someone is trying to intimidate them into keeping something secret.

Elena (Hemolele)  OBZH HYMN
To the music I. Dunayevsky, words by V. Korostyshevsky ■

There are no things in the whole world dearer than life,
Dearer than life, dearer than life!
We are all the hope and stronghold of our Fatherland,
But if only we know OBZH.

The teacher will tell us about courage,
How to defeat trouble and yourself.
We would very much like
So that intelligence and skill
They could work miracles.

Deal skillfully with failure
OBZH will always help us.
Above the bold banner curls,
He won't bend in fear
And stay on the edge.

We will not be afraid in the taiga, in the steppes, in any desert,
In any desert, in any desert!
And the will to live in our heart will not cool down,
But if only we know OBZH.

We will go through fire, darkness and water,
We will not freeze in ice captivity.
And rejoicing in the sunrise
happy end,
Let's not hide one truth:

Deal skillfully with failure
OBZH will always help us.
Above the bold banner curls,
He won't bend in fear
And stay on the edge.

Source: http://zanimatika.narod.ru/OBJ11.htm

Elena (Hemolele)  ROAD POEMS

(Rules of the road in verse)


In the forest where everything is without rules
Walked so far
Once appeared
Road traffic light.
Somewhere off the road
The bear brought it.
And the animals came running
Look at the technique.

And the Hedgehog was the first to start:
- What nonsense!
needed for traffic lights
Both current and wires.
And if he won't
How to burn
Then us on this thing
Not worth looking at!

I agree with the Hedgehog! -
Wolf said yawning.-
- And if he worked,
What would be the point in it?
When I chase a hare
I just don't make sense
Run towards the green light
Stop at a red light!

And I, - said the Bunny, -
When I'm already running
Follow the traffic lights
I'm sorry, I can't!

We, - the Fox said, -
The orders are here
And we are at the crossroads
Do not need a traffic police post!

I don't need it either! -
Mole said from the mink, -
I'll dig myself
Underground crossing!

Hearing underneath
smart words,
- I actually fly! -
Owl croaked.-
And I don't need at all
Look at the red light
When I cross
I can fly.

Everything remains as it was.
Noisy dense forest.
Swinging on the tree
Traffic light loafer...

But you and I are not hares,
Not wolves and moles -
I go to work
And you go to school.
And cars rush past
Steel ants.
And us at the crossroads
We need traffic police!
They help us
We are taught from an early age
Step into the green light
Stand at a red light.

We have a good friend
Similar to a good giant!
Know: he has three eyes -
Don't be afraid of anyone.
In the morning, in the afternoon, in the darkness of the night
Everyone burns one by one.
And each has its own color
To give us advice along the way.
If the yellow light is on
Tell me to get ready
On the green we - go
Happy journey everyone!
And it will light up red, suddenly
Wait a bit, friend!
It's bad to be a jerk
We must value life!
A friend is called "traffic light"
wordless conversation
He has been with people for a long time,
Will never let you down.
We must obey him
And we are not afraid of the road!


At the transition strip
On the side of the road
Beast three-eyed, one-legged,
An unknown breed
With multicolored eyes
Talks to us.

Red eye
Looks at us.
- STOP! -
Says his order.

Looking at us:

A GREEN eye -
For us:
- CAN!
This is how he talks
Silent traffic light.


It's easy, stress-free
(Just winks his eye)
Regulates movement
Those who go and go!

The traffic light turned red
And the flow of cars went
So, the path will become dangerous!
Don't rush to the road!

On cars, on the road
Take a closer look!
And stay a little longer:
It will be yellow in front.

Well, after it lights up,
Like grass, green, light!
Need to make sure again
That there are no cars around.

Check the road on the left
Look to the right next.
And, walking on the "zebra" boldly,
Thank you traffic light!


The traffic light told us sternly:

Watch out, there's a road here!
Don't play, don't be naughty
Just stand and watch!
The top is red:
Red light is always dangerous!
Tractor and tram ride
Hey driver don't yawn!
White zebra - transitions:
Pedestrians are waiting.
The traffic light told us clearly -
Red light - it's dangerous to go!
The traffic light winked at us
He blinked his yellow eye.
Yellow light and red light:
Still no way!
The traffic light is on guard
He doesn't even sleep at night.


Green color -
Come on!
Yellow -
Wait a little.
Well, what if it's red?
The passage is dangerous!


To help you
The path is dangerous
We burn day and night
Green, yellow, red.

Our house is a traffic light.
We are three brothers
We shine with long time ago
On the road to all the guys.

We are three wonderful lights
You often see us
But our advice
You don't listen sometimes.

The most severe is the red light.
If it's on fire
Stop! There is no further road
The way is closed for everyone!

So that you calmly pass
Heed our advice:
- Wait! See you soon yellow
Light in the middle!

And behind it is a green light
Flashes ahead.
He will say:
- There are no obstacles
Feel free to go on your way!

You will obey without question
traffic light indications,
Go home and go to school
Of course, very soon.


Stop, car!
Stop, engine!
Brake quickly

Red eye:
Looking straight ahead -
This is a strict traffic light.
He looks menacing
Lets in
drive on
Doesn't let.
Waiting for the chauffeur
a little bit
Looked out again
Into the window
Traffic light
This time
showed green eye,
And says:
“You can go
The path is open! ”


By the road in the house
No garden or porch
The gnomes live
Two nice people
Don't play dominoes
In tag or hide and seek,
And all day long they look out the window:
Is everything all right there?

Gnome green says:
- Everything is quiet. The path is open!
If red came out -
So the path is dangerous!
Day and night dark
The windows in it do not go out:
Here comes the green gnome,
Here comes the red one.
Humans have an important
And hard work
To careless citizens
Blink at the transition!


Red, yellow and green
He is staring at everyone.
The intersection is busy
Troubled traffic light.

Old people go and children
- Do not run and do not hurry.
Traffic light for everyone
A true friend and brother.

By traffic light
We go across the street.
And the drivers nod to us:
"Come on, let's wait."

At the red light - there is no way,
On yellow - wait.
When the green light is on
Bon Voyage!


Three pedestrian friends at any time of the year.

Red light is your first friend -
Busily strict.
If he suddenly ignited -
There is no road way.

Yellow light is your second friend
Gives good advice:
Stop! Attention morning!
Wait for new signals!

The third friend blinked at you
With your green light
Come on! There is no threat!
I'm the guarantor of this!

When crossing areas
Avenues and roads
Tips from these three friends
Do everything on time.


It is known that the wizard
It's not easy to meet us.
And I met him
At our crossroads.

He's a striped stick
Swings deftly.
And the drivers slow down
Everyone knows - stop!

He waved his wand again
And the tires screeched.
Set in motion again
Various cars.

Trams and trolleybuses
Vans, dump trucks
They will go in that direction,
Where did he show them?

And immediately stop
to skip instantly
To someone "ambulance help"
With an alarm siren.

Here is the red car
And the stairs above it -
Rush to the fire
Drive faster.

The wizard will help again -
She will open the way
To save the house
Firefighters are heroes.

Let the traffic light flash
Our wizard is more important
Machine directs
With my wand.

So who is he? - answer.
There's no secret here at all
After all, even children know:
Regulator it!

Elena (Hemolele)  CAR INSPECTOR

He is in charge of the road.
He is important as a director.
And look with a strict look
At all traffic inspectors.

So that the traffic rules
The drivers observed
It stands day and night
At the edge of the highway.

Cars are naughty
He will build in an even row,
And the perpetrators know
It's not worth arguing with him.

He keeps order
Overtaking, turning.
Traffic signals
Don't miss someone?

He will punish the scorcher
To drive it quieter
Didn't endanger
Girls and boys.

And if suddenly on the radio
Receive a message
Then right behind the bandits
Rush without delay.

And them, risking their lives,
He will help you stop.
Inspector's responsibility
The chase is included too.

Belt not fastened?
And he is already on guard:
Will issue a receipt
And the fine will be taken immediately.

Won't make mistakes
Never on the record.
Do you want to work like this?
Learn better at school.

Guess who's coming?
Well, of course, a pedestrian!
Everyone becomes a pedestrian
Who will go hiking.
Save him from cars
After all, walking along that path
Maybe just a pedestrian!
I'm walking on the sidewalk
There are no cars here!
Well, the signs will tell me
Where to cross the road.


The city is full of movement
Cars run in a row
Colored traffic lights
Both day and night are burning.

Walking carefully
Follow the street
And only where possible
Cross her!

And where there are trams during the day
Hurry from all sides

Walking carefully
Follow the street
And only where possible
Cross her!


Pedestrian, pedestrian

Remember about the transition!
deep underground,

Like a zebra, ground.

Know that only the transition

Will save you from cars!

Elena (Hemolele)  FAMILIAR STRIPS

Everyone knows stripes
Children know, adults know.
Leads to the other side


The road is not a path
The road is not a ditch
Look to the left first
Then look to the right:
Look to the left
And look to the right
And if you don't see cars,


I cross the road like this:
First look to the left
And if there is no car,
I go to the middle.
Then I look closely
Right necessarily
And if there is no movement
I walk without a doubt!


When I get to the road
I'm holding my mother's hand.


Everywhere and everywhere the rules
They must always be known.
They won't sail without them.
From the harbor of court.
Go on a flight according to the rules
Polar explorer and pilot.
They have their own rules
Driver and pedestrian.

Through the city, down the street
They don't just walk.
When you don't know the rules
It's easy to get into trouble.
Be careful all the time
And remember ahead:
They have their own rules
Driver and pedestrian.

Every citizen knows

That at any time of the year
Pavement - for cars,

The sidewalk is for pedestrians!

You can't play on the pavement!

After all, you risk your head!

On the pavement - do not play, do not ride,
If you want to stay healthy!


There are many rules of the road in the world,
All of them would not hurt you to learn.
But the main of the rules of motion
Know how the multiplication table should!

If you want to stay alive and healthy, -
Do not play on the pavement, do not ride!

Football - good game
At the stadium, kids.
Hockey is a game played on ice in winter.
But don't play on the pavement!

Hooking a car board with a hook -
Dangerous and unnecessary sport.
Spare health, spare life
And follow the movement.

And avenues, and boulevards,
Everywhere the streets are noisy.
Walk on the sidewalk
Only on the right side.
Here to play pranks, interfere with the people
Be a good pedestrian

Exam important
Follow the rules of the road.

Young citizens Tanya and Petya,
Keep these rules in mind.
Where do you need to cross the street?
Remember the simple rule:
With attention to the left, first look
Look to the right later.

Elena (Hemolele)   YOUNG PEDESTRIAN

You don't want to know about anxiety -
Because it is very young.
Remember, dying on the roads
Every year the whole city...


Nice Guy Traffic Light

Helps children.

If you can go

Blinks green.

Today we are pedestrians

Tomorrow we are drivers.

Let's be careful, kids.

Let's be super vigilant.

It would be good in the heads

Carry out a correction

And leave you jobless

State traffic inspectorate.


A spider hung from the ceiling:
Why - not a stone down?
- He has a web!

If you jump from a springboard -
Do you have a web?
- No!

And when the car rushes -
Can you stop right now?
Who will give the correct answer?
- No!
Because the cars
No spider webs!

For them to stop
It is necessary to roll seven meters!
Even though they slow down
Like elephants on ice - they glide!

And they will knock down anyone on the way:
Even a child, even a big one!

Elena (Hemolele)  THE ABC OF MOVEMENT

Before bills and letters
drawing, reading,
All the boys need to know
Traffic rules!

Transport is different on the road:
Passenger and cargo,
public and private,
Passenger urban.

They drive on the road
All on the right side
This is the traffic rule
In our country operates.

People on the sidelines
Must move
Transport towards
From the left side.

Crossing the road
You and I will always find:
striped track
Drawn on it.

A road sign is placed next to:
Here the road crosses
All conscious people.

If under an intersection
There is an underground passage
On it across the road
Every pedestrian walks.

Crossroads move
And cross the road
You can't all at the same time
Not bumped into on the way.

Regulates movement
electrical appliance
Under the name of the traffic light.

It shines brightly for you and me
colorful lights,
And we are talking about them.

The red light came on
This means there is no move.
The traffic light signals strictly:
"Don't go to the road! »

If the yellow light is on,
He tells us to wait.

And when the green is on

It's clear to everyone, definitely
The traffic light says:
“The passage is open for you! »

If a traffic light
Not at the crossing
look to the left
Before you go

in the middle of the road
Look to the right
Skip the transport
And then go.

Where is the barrier along the street
There is no transition.
The traffic follows him
Without slowing down.

Behind the barrier you can immediately
Under the wheels to please:
After all, a heavy car
It's not easy to stop.

Rushing down the road
fast cars,
There you will get
Directly to them under the tires.

If traffic is on the road
Standing by the curb
He usually walks
Closes the general view.

Truck or bus
Getting around is dangerous
It's every pedestrian
Should know very well.

To see the road on the left
And skip cars
Truck or bus
You have to go around the back.

The tram is bypassed in front
Pedestrians knowing
What danger threatens them
From an oncoming tram.

Children play in the yard
Transport is on the way.
It didn’t happen that trouble
Don't go play there.

And always in any game
Stay in the yard.
On the road
Maybe bad luck.

Elena (Hemolele)  IF OUT ON THE ROAD

If you went out on the road
You do not yawn from boredom:
They can enter your mouth
Truck or tram.

It's just worth slacking off -
Instantly will be in the mouth
Crane twenty meters
Or thirty high.

And the strict doctor will rush
Crane with a tram to help out ...
So it's better on the road
Do not yawn and do not be bored.


If you are in a car
Go straight on the road
And towards - a lamppost
In a hat, jeans and a coat
turn right
In a roadside ditch:
This pillar is your way
Won't give up for anything!


I do not believe myself: animals roam the road:
Not elephants, not rhinoceroses walk, roam all year round.
You will meet a zebra on the road - you don’t need to take your legs away:
Because this zebra is a crosswalk.

Well, if on the threshold, or right on the road,
On the road, not in the wilds, you will meet a tiger on the way,
You need to run away faster: the beast escaped from the zoo,
And the road, like a zebra, you can’t cross it.


If you bought a car -
Here's what I recommend:
Don't feed her gasoline
Eat candy.
I promise it will be great!
And besides, it's safe...


This is the rule without looking
Every pedestrian will remember:
Get behind the bus.
He is not a horse. Will not lie!

It's better to wait with the tram:
He doesn't kick either.
Yes, just go around the back
He is not supposed to.
Believe, don't believe
Walk around in front.
May bite.
If very


We are on the highway
We played a hockey game.
We lost the match with a friend,
And now we need a doctor.

My friend and I are in the hospital
Like on the penalty box,
We dream of the puck at night
Sticks and skates are removed.

Instead of clubs, we, in the end,
They prescribed crutches.
Would not play on the road -
The match could be won...


whole hour the teacher is strict
He proved to us yesterday:
Do not play on the road!
And we know: for the road
(True, very few)
There is also one game.
Catch-ups. Or rally.
Too bad they didn't invite us...

The city in which we live with you
You can rightly compare with the primer.
The alphabet of streets, avenues, roads
The city gives us a lesson all the time.

Here it is, the alphabet, - above the head:
Signs are posted along the pavement.
Always remember the alphabet of the city
So that trouble does not happen to you.

Give way sign

If you see this sign
Know that he is not just like that.
To avoid problems
Make way for everyone!

No traffic sign

This sign is very strict
Kohl stands on the road.
He tells us: "Friends,
You can't drive here! "

No entry sign

The sign of the drivers is intimidating,
No cars allowed!
Don't try rashly
Drive past the brick!

U-turn sign

In this place all year round
They're making a turnaround!

No overtaking sign

Overtaking sign
In this place, it's immediately clear
Overtaking others is dangerous!

Sign "Pedestrian crossing"

There's a ground crossing here
People walk all day long.
You, the driver, do not be sad,
Pass the pedestrian!

Sign "Movement without stopping


You, driver, take your time
You see the sign, stop!
Before we continue on our way,
Don't forget to take a look.

No Pedestrians Sign

Rain and clear weather
There are no pedestrians here.
One sign tells them:
"You're not allowed to go!"

Sign "Parking place"

If the driver got out all
He parks his car here
So that he does not need
Didn't bother anyone.

Crossing the road with a child

Today, on the roads of the capital, there are so many traffic violations on the part of the drivers that it is necessary to teach children to cross the road with ...

Of course, the majority of the population of our country still knows the basic traffic rules, and even those who do not have their own car can sometimes show off a deeper knowledge of the rules and laws than those who drive daily. And at the same time, all of us (drivers and pedestrians) are road users and sometimes we cross the road in the wrong place or in vain confidently cross it along a zebra or a green light. Let's look at this situation from a life point of view.

Myth 1: A green light means that you can cross the road with complete confidence in your own safety.
Fact 1:
In fact, the green light only means that you need to stop and look around for cars. Before you get off the sidewalk, look left, right and then left again, and only then, making sure that nothing threatens your life, you can cross to the opposite side of the street. In addition, you need to be careful about vehicles that make a right turn at a red light.

Myth 2: Zebra is a guarantee of safety.
Fact 2:
You can cross the zebra, but before that, be sure to look around, as in the previous case. At a pedestrian crossing, you can not stop, be distracted, lift something, and even more so play.

Myth 3: If you see the driver, the driver sees you.
Fact 3:
The driver may not see you. Make sure before you cross the road that the driver sees and lets you pass.

Myth 4: The driver will stop if you are standing at a crosswalk or crossing the street on a green light.
Fact 4:
As in the previous fact, the driver may not notice you. May break the rules and try to pass a stop signal or may turn without looking back for pedestrians. Therefore, before crossing the roadway, it is necessary, as in the previous case, to make sure of your own safety.

Myth 5: Wearing light-colored clothes at night is enough to be visible on the road.
Fact 5:
Light does not make you visible at night. It is necessary to have with you an object with retroreflective elements in order to "light up" on the road. Another important advice for traffic on night streets: always go towards the traffic.

With the onset of the summer holidays, there is a surge in accidents on the roads involving children and adolescents. Since the beginning of the year, according to the traffic police of the Lipetsk region, more than 70 accidents involving children have occurred in the region, 78 children were injured, and three died. Moreover, 21 traffic accidents happened at a pedestrian crossing, where 20 children were injured, two died. The reason is non-observance of elementary traffic rules.

Even the most little kid must know that the road can only be crossed in designated places: at a pedestrian crossing and at an intersection along the line of sidewalks or roadsides. But even if this rule is observed, there is no guarantee of safety. Therefore, before entering the road, the child should stop at a distance of 50 cm - 1 meter from the edge of the carriageway, look left and right, and only after making sure that there are no approaching cars, go out onto the carriageway. It is necessary to cross the road with a calm, measured step and in no case run.

Unregulated pedestrian crossings pose a great danger to children. Here it is important to make sure that the distance to cars on both sides will allow the child to cross the road without stopping in the middle of the roadway. Also, the child must know the traffic lights. He needs to explain that the red and yellow traffic lights are forbidding. It is especially dangerous to enter the road at a yellow signal, as some cars complete the intersection and increase their speed in the process. The green signal is permissive, but even in this case you need to look left and right and make sure that all the cars have stopped, there is no danger.

Often children are under the wheels when they try to cross the road after getting off public transport. Parents should explain to the child that it is dangerous to go around the vehicle both in front and behind. The thing is, it's big and you can't see anything because of it. You have to wait until the bus or trolleybus leaves.

Of particular concern are minor road users who operate bicycles and motorcycles. In this regard, drivers of scooters (mopeds) must remember that, in accordance with the provisions of the Traffic Rules of the Russian Federation, persons under the age of 16 are allowed to drive a vehicle of the category in question when driving on roads. In addition, paragraph 24.8 of the Rules of the Road is prohibited from driving on the road without a fastened motorcycle helmet.

Regularly remind your child of the basics of road safety, do not leave children unattended on the street and do not allow them to play near the roadway.

The number of vehicles is growing. Their speed data is increasing. Children from an early age must be taught to behave correctly and carefully on the road. Compliance with the rules of the road, combined with an attentive attitude to the traffic situation, will help the child safely cross even difficult sections of the road.

First, you need to remember that it is necessary to cross the roadway only in specially designated places. Under no circumstances should you cross the road outside pedestrian crossing. The child will be a surprise to the driver, which will cause an accident. Do not cross the road in front of a moving vehicle. Even on a zebra with the green traffic light on, it is better to wait for the car to stop. The driver may be unlawful or inattentive, the car may have faulty brakes. All these factors will lead to an emergency situation in which the child will suffer. So it's better to play it safe.

Learn the colors of traffic lights with your child. Tell him more often that the red signal is a traffic stop. When the yellow light comes on, you need to get ready to move. And only on the green signal of the traffic light can you cross the roadway, provided that all cars have stopped.

Pedestrian crossings There are three types: underground, in the form of tunnels, above ground and ground. Ground crossings are marked with markings zebra. They may or may not be regulated by traffic lights. If there are no traffic lights at the crossing, you need to cross it carefully. Unconscious drivers may not notice or ignore the crosswalk sign. Explain to the child that if he sees that the car does not slow down, let him let it go. It's better to wait than to have an accident.

Secondly, you need teach a child that in front we go around only the tram. This is done so that bypassing one does not fall under another, going along a parallel path. All other vehicles pass from behind. Thus, the child will not fall under the wheels of a vehicle going to overtake a stopped bus, fixed-route taxi or trolleybus.

Children draw in school map of your itinerary from educational institution home. It is better to go with the child along the path of his following and explain everything problem situations and places. If the child's path has poorly visible turns in the road, it is better to choose a longer, but safer route. Or teach the baby to listen to the sound of approaching transport.

Explain to the child the need to stop at the edge of the roadway and look around. You should not cross the road without looking at the situation on it. Look to the left first. When you reach the middle of the road, look to the right. After making sure that there are no obstacles to traffic, cross the road to the end.

In the dark, especially carefully you need to follow the road. It is better to put on clothes that reflect light on a small pedestrian. Now there are many jackets, sneakers and even backpacks with luminescent inserts. So the child will be better seen in the dark. And his path will be safer.

From what I see, most pedestrians have no idea where or how they should cross the street. It's not about how to cross the street so that you don't get hit by some horned creature, but about how you should do it in accordance with the rules of the road. Frankly, in the process of writing a post, I found that my knowledge on this issue was wrong. So we read and remember.

Three components of the right transition

There are three aspects of proper street crossing: where you can cross the street, when you can cross the street, and who lets go at the crossing. If the first two aspects are more or less familiar to people, then many do not even suspect the existence of the third. And very in vain, because even if you cross a pedestrian crossing on a green light, but do not let cars pass that you should miss (and there are some!), Then you break the rules, and you can be fairly fined.

I have devoted a separate section to each aspect. Under the cuts there will be excerpts from traffic rules.

Where can you cross the road?

Let's start with the simplest - what is a pedestrian crossing. A pedestrian crossing is a place that is indicated either by signs
or markup
or both. I want to note right away that only the section of the road where the markings are drawn (or, if there is none, the space between the signs) is considered a pedestrian crossing. If you walk a step away from the markings, then you are not walking along a pedestrian crossing, i.e. break the rules.
Pedestrian crossing is yours best friend, here you have maximum rights.

1.2 "Pedestrian crossing" - a section of the roadway, marked with signs 5.19.1, 5.19.2 and (or) markings 1.14.1 and 1.14.2 and allocated for pedestrian traffic across the road. In the absence of markings, the width of the pedestrian crossing is determined by the distance between the signs 5.19.1 and 5.19.2

However, a pedestrian crossing is not the only place where you can cross the street. Traffic rules give us two more options:
1. We can cross the road in any place across (not at an angle), if from the place where you are standing, you can not see a pedestrian crossing or (attention!) Crossroads. At the same time, it is also required that you be clearly visible (i.e. you cannot cross where the road, conventionally, turns a corner). And the last required condition- there is no divider in the middle of the road. Please note that not only the lawn and the fence are considered a separator, but also a solid marking line in the middle of the road.
All of the above conditions must be met at the same time, so this case is more applicable to country roads than to city streets.
2. At intersections along the sidewalks (i.e. along the street / road, not diagonally). The rules allow us to cross the road at any intersection, even if there is no pedestrian crossing. True, there are two controversial situations that I could not figure out. Firstly, what to do if there is no pedestrian crossing at the intersection, but there is one in the visibility zone? Secondly, what should you do if there is no pedestrian crossing in the direction of your movement, but you can also get there through pedestrian crossings if you go around the intersection in a circle? In the rules, such situations are not clearly spelled out, therefore, in order not to violate anything, I advise you to go along the pedestrian crossing wherever it is in all such cases.

4.3 Pedestrians must cross the carriageway at pedestrian crossings, including underground and elevated ones, and in their absence - at intersections along the line of sidewalks or roadsides.

If there is no crossing or intersection in the visibility zone, it is allowed to cross the road at a right angle to the edge of the carriageway in areas without a dividing strip and fences where it is clearly visible in both directions.

When to cross the road
So, where the street can be crossed in principle, we figured it out. Now let's understand when we can use this opportunity.

What an intersection, what a pedestrian crossing are of two types: regulated and unregulated. Regulated - this is when there is a traffic light or a traffic controller. If neither one nor the other is present, and also if the traffic light does not work or flashes yellow, then the transition is considered unregulated.

If the crossing is unregulated, then you can cross the road at any time. If adjustable, then only to the enabling signal. What are these signals?

Most often you will encounter a traffic light. If there is a traffic light with a silhouette of a pedestrian in your direction, then we are guided by it. If there is no such traffic light in your direction, then we look at the traffic light for cars.

4.4 In places where traffic is regulated, pedestrians should be guided by the signals of the traffic controller or pedestrian traffic light, and in its absence - a traffic light.

6.5 If the traffic light signal is made in the form of a silhouette of a pedestrian (bicycle), then its effect applies only to pedestrians (cyclists). At the same time, the green signal allows, and the red one prohibits the movement of pedestrians (cyclists).

We can cross the street at green and green flashing traffic lights. You cannot switch to yellow and red. Here we are talking only about the beginning of the transition. About what to do if the red light lights up when you are already crossing, we will talk further.

6.2 Round traffic lights have the following meanings:

GREEN SIGNAL allows movement;
A GREEN FLASHING SIGNAL allows traffic and informs that its time is running out and a prohibition signal will soon be turned on (digital displays can be used to inform drivers about the time in seconds remaining until the end of the green signal);
YELLOW SIGNAL prohibits movement, except for the cases provided for in paragraph 6.14 of the Rules, and warns of the upcoming change of signals;
FLASHING YELLOW SIGNAL permits movement and informs about the presence unregulated intersection or pedestrian crossing, warns of danger;
RED SIGNAL, including flashing, prohibits movement.

The combination of red and yellow signals prohibits movement and informs about the upcoming green signal.

Now to the controller. The traffic controller has several different postures and gestures:
- The traffic controller stretched out his hands or just stands. In this case, you can only cross the road in the direction of the line of his arms / shoulders. At the same time, the cars go in the same direction, so you can focus on them.
- The controller pulled right hand forward. In this case, you can only cross the road from the side of the intersection to which the traffic controller has his back. Crossing from all other sides is prohibited.
- The traffic controller raised the stick up. You can't go, you have to stand and wait.
- The traffic controller waves his hands "not according to Feng Shui." You have to figure out what he wants and do it. Seriously, that's what the rules say.

6.10 Traffic controller signals have the following meanings:

pedestrians are allowed to cross the carriageway from the left and right sides;
from the side of the chest and back the movement of pedestrians is prohibited.
Pedestrians are allowed to cross the carriageway behind the back of the traffic controller.
Pedestrian traffic is prohibited in all directions.
The traffic controller can give hand gestures and other signals understandable to drivers and pedestrians.

You also need to remember that the traffic controller has priority over signs and traffic lights. Those. if the traffic light is working, but then the traffic controller came out, in order, for example, to let the cortege through, you need to forget about the traffic light and look at the traffic controller.

6.15 Drivers and pedestrians must comply with the requirements of the signals and orders of the traffic controller, even if they contradict traffic signals, traffic signs or markings.

Now the promised: what to do if the red light is on / the traffic controller raised his stick up, and you are still crossing the street. In this case:
- If you have not reached the middle of the road, go to the middle and stop there, waiting for a new green signal. Here, by the way, it is worth paying attention that you will have to stop in the middle of the road even if there is no safety island there. It will not be very pleasant to stand there, so consider whether to start moving on a flashing green.
- If you have crossed the middle of the road, calmly complete the transition.

4.6 Having entered the carriageway, pedestrians should not linger or stop, if this is not related to ensuring traffic safety. Pedestrians who do not have time to complete the transition must stop on the line separating the traffic flows of opposite directions. You can continue the transition only after making sure that the further movement is safe and taking into account the traffic light signal (traffic controller).

The good news is that in both cases, drivers are required to wait until you reach the middle/end.

14.3 At regulated pedestrian crossings, when the traffic signal is turned on, the driver must allow pedestrians to complete the crossing of the carriageway in this direction.

Who should skip whom
So, we already know where we can cross the road, and when we have the right to start crossing. It remains to understand who we should skip at this transition. Only after we let everyone through that we can actually start crossing the street.

Firstly, (you probably guessed it) you need to let cars with flashing lights (ambulance, fire department, deputies) pass.

4.7 When approaching vehicles with flashing lights on of blue color(blue and red) and special sound signal Pedestrians must refrain from crossing the carriageway, and pedestrians on it must immediately clear the carriageway.

Secondly, and 99.9% do not know this, you need to let the cars that have not left the intersection yet. Here the situation is exactly the same as with pedestrians who were caught in the middle of the road by a red light - it is necessary to give them the opportunity to clear the intersection. The fact that you are already lit green, and they are already red, does not matter. Remember: if there are cars left at the intersection, then until they leave, you cannot cross the road!
This is not done out of hatred for pedestrians, but because cars standing at the intersection significantly reduce its throughput, i.e. create bottlenecks. And in a traffic jam there can be a bus with a hundred passengers, and five seconds of your time is worth it so that this hundred people can safely pass. You ride buses too, don't you?

13.7 A driver who enters an intersection with an enabling traffic signal must leave in the intended direction, regardless of the traffic signals at the exit from the intersection. However, if there are stop lines (signs 6.16) at the intersection in front of the traffic lights located on the driver's route, the driver must follow the signals of each traffic light.

Thirdly, if we do not cross at a pedestrian crossing, i.e. not on a zebra, then we have to give way to cars that are already on the road we are crossing. However, cars that are just entering this road (i.e. turning at the intersection) are required to let us through. If we walk along a pedestrian crossing, then we are let in by those who are just entering the road we cross, and those who are already driving along it.
There is truth here interesting point: the rules do not spell out what to do if you are walking along a regulated pedestrian crossing, and cars are driving along the road you are crossing, and everyone is green. In practice, I have not seen this, but the rules do not prohibit such a traffic light setting. So everything is possible, and if you come across such a miracle, it’s better not to cross at this place at all (or skip all the cars without going to the crossing if the flow is small).

13.1 When turning right or left, the driver must give way to pedestrians and cyclists crossing the carriageway onto which he is turning.

14.1 Driver vehicle approaching an unregulated pedestrian crossing, is obliged to slow down or stop before the crossing in order to let pass pedestrians crossing the carriageway or stepping onto it to make the crossing.

4.5 At unregulated pedestrian crossings, pedestrians may enter the carriageway after assessing the distance to approaching vehicles, their speed and making sure that the crossing will be safe for them. When crossing the carriageway outside the pedestrian crossing, pedestrians, in addition, should not interfere with the movement of vehicles and exit from behind a standing vehicle or other obstacle that limits visibility without making sure that there are no approaching vehicles.

Summing up
So, the street crossing algorithm is as follows:
1. We find a place where the street can be crossed.
2. If the place is regulated, we are waiting for the permission signal.
3. We pass everyone we need.
4. We cross the street. If you have not reached the middle, and the red light is on, we reach the middle, stop and go to step 2 of the algorithm.

As you can see, everything is not so difficult. We just need to figure it out. I hope this post has helped you.

The text of traffic rules is taken

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The course "English for the little ones" is aimed at acquiring conversational skills, listening comprehension skills, reading and ...
Parents are constantly choosing which board games to buy for their children. This is an important question, because board games for children and youth ...
20 Feb 2014 14:56 Viewed: 6595 times In society, there is an opinion that the vast majority of girls are not able to...