Sound signals when turning on the PC. Decoding BIOS Signals

It is quite familiar to many users to hear a beep from the system unit when the computer is turned on. A single short signal indicates that "everything is in order." And if, for example, 1 long signal or a series of sounds sounds instead of it, then it immediately becomes clear that there is a problem. This emits signals to the BIOS, the same program that runs first and tests all components of the computer (from the CPU to the monitor).

The BIOS emits signals during the initial testing of the components of the system unit, while the video card has not yet been initialized, which can display certain text and tabular data on the monitor. With the help of them, you can determine the faulty unit inside the system unit or identify poor contact of external connections.

BIOS errors are encoded into a specific combination of long and short beeps. Moreover, all of them are the same for motherboards of different years of production from almost all manufacturers (from the most famous to "noname"). BIOS audio error codes have a detailed description in the instructions for the motherboard, however, often in English.

The BIOS can make sounds on a mandatory condition: a small, as it is called, system speaker must be connected to the motherboard. Otherwise, BIOS errors will go unnoticed and the user will see only a dark monitor screen.

Sound signals: what is needed to decipher them?

If a single BIOS signal indicates a normal computer startup, then a series of the same short or long sounds (combinations of them) indicates the detection of problems, moreover, of a hardware nature. Then you have to open the cover of the system unit. And even if the user does not interfere with the PC device himself, for example, due to the presence of factory seals on the screws of the cover, decoding these signals will help determine the source of the problem.

Different computer manufacturers may have different beep sounds due to the fact that they use different BIOS versions. Nevertheless, among them you can find those that are typical and most commonly used.

Diagnostics using BIOS sound signals is one of the most effective methods, without the use of special test boards (such as POST-card), therefore, despite the systematic development of production technologies, all motherboards come with a small speaker or, at least, with a connector for its connections.

Sound signals are emitted in the presence of a working power supply and speaker. If they are faulty, then no diagnostics will work. A speaker malfunction can only be determined by replacing it with a known-good copy, which is not always available.

When everything works as intended, then in order to decrypt error codes, you should use a special list that indicates the typical signals for this BIOS version.

Award BIOS beep codes

The most common among the numerous BIOS versions are the versions from the Award developer, who has been making his programs for motherboards since the days when the Pentium trademark did not even exist.

The list of typical signals that are the same for all versions of the Award BIOS is as follows:

  1. Continuous signal. Breakdown in the power supply. The easiest way to check if this is the case is by replacing the power supply with a known-good copy.
  2. 2 short. The BIOS pays attention to minor errors, which, nevertheless, require the correct parameters to be entered, for example, by loading the standard factory settings.
  3. 3 long. The problem is in the keyboard block on the motherboard. The cause can be either a short circuit in the keyboard or connecting cable, or in the motherboard (connector, electronics, electrically conductive dust, etc.).
  4. 1 long, 1 short. BIOS errors cause RAM modules. The easiest way to fix the problem is to pull out the modules, blow out the accumulated dust from the connector, clean the contacts on the modules themselves and insert them back into the connector. You can leave only one module for the test period and, if necessary, change them, determining which one causes sound signals.
  5. 1 long, 2 short. . For some models of video cards, such codes are issued when there is poor contact in the monitor connector, when at the moment the BIOS is turned on it cannot determine whether there is a connection with it. To fix the problem, you can do with the video card in the same way as with the RAM in the previous paragraph.
  6. 1 long, 3 short. The BIOS was unable to initialize the keyboard, which may indicate a malfunction of the keyboard itself, as well as the connector or electronics of the motherboard. The easiest way is to temporarily disable the keyboard, then it will immediately become clear whether it is the source of the problem.
  7. 1 long, 9 short. Malfunction of the BIOS chip itself. You should just turn off the computer for a while and try turning it on again. If the situation persists and the BIOS error codes do not change, then you should replace the motherboard or try to flash the chip using a special programmer.
  8. 1 long, constantly repeating. Error initializing memory. It is necessary to replace the modules or at least clean the contacts in the connector and try again.
  9. 1 short, constantly repeating. Incorrect operation of the power supply. In any case, only a replacement with a serviceable unit or repair of an existing unit will help. Bad contacts are almost never found here due to the large connectors compared to other components of the system unit.

AMI BIOS beep codes

The AMI developer is found in motherboard BIOS less often than its competitor Award, but, nevertheless, he has firmly occupied his own, albeit small, niche in this market, so you should be ready to meet with his audio signal encoding system.

Deciphering the encoding of audio signals:

  1. 2 short. The error is caused by incorrect operation of the RAM. In any case, you should start by cleaning the connectors from dust, even if you plan to immediately install new modules to replace the "suspicious" ones.
  2. 3 short. Like the previous paragraph, indicates a malfunction of the RAM module.
  3. 4 short. The system timer, which is the basis for the operation of all other components of the motherboard, is faulty. The only thing that can be done without replacing it is to turn off the system unit for a while.
  4. 5 short. An error occurred while initializing the CPU. You can either turn off the system unit for a while, or remove the cooling system from the processor, pull it out of the socket, and then insert it back. If nothing helps, then you have to change the processor.
  5. 6 short. The keyboard or its processing unit on the motherboard is faulty. To clarify the source, you can temporarily disable the keyboard, replace it with a known-good copy.
  6. 7 short. Fault in the motherboard. In such a situation, a careful external examination of the board for the presence of contact-closing debris can help.
  7. 8 short. Bad video card. You should replace it or, in extreme cases, clean the contacts in the connector. You can temporarily enable the built-in video card and check the operation of the computer with it (if, of course, it is available).
  8. 1 long, 2 short. Error while initializing video card. The elimination methods are the same as in the previous paragraph.
  9. 1 long, 3 short. Fault in the video card.
  10. 1 long, 8 short. The problem is either in the video card or in the monitor.

The following lists of BIOS signals are the basis for diagnosing a computer when there are no other options. In most cases, they allow you to determine the source of the problem, which can simply be replaced with a known-good unit.

Compared to the beeps of other BIOS manufacturers, AMI BIOS beeps are very diverse. In most cases, these beeps allow you to identify a malfunction even at the stage of booting the computer and the POST hardware test procedure. As a rule, to determine the component that causes the problem, you only need to count the number of signals emitted by the system speaker.

Below are the beeps emitted by the BIOS AMI. In all cases, the number of signals and their type (long/short) are indicated.

  • No signals

This situation is perhaps the most unpleasant of those that a user may encounter. As a rule, it means that the power is not supplied to the motherboard or the BIOS is completely faulty. No power to the motherboard usually means either a faulty/broken power cable or a faulty computer power supply.

  • one short

A single short beep is the same beep that all users are used to hearing every time they start their PC. It means that no errors or problems were found during the hardware check, and the computer can boot further.

  • long continuous

Such a signal means that the PC power supply is faulty. However, unlike the situation with the complete absence of signals, in this case, power is supplied to the motherboard, but its parameters do not correspond to the nominal value.

  • Two short

This signal indicates an error in the RAM. This error may indicate a malfunction of the memory modules themselves, or simply that one of the modules is poorly inserted into the slot.

  • Three short

This type of signal also indicates an error in the RAM. But this error is quite specific and rarely encountered - this is an error in the first 64 KB of RAM.

  • Four short

This signal indicates a malfunction of the system timer. Fortunately, this type of malfunction is rare, but often the only way to fix it is to replace the entire motherboard.

  • five short

In a similar way, the BIOS informs the user about a malfunction of the heart of a personal computer - the central processor. However, not always this malfunction can be associated with a defect in the processor chip itself. Often, to fix the problem, it is enough to check the reliability of the processor installation in the socket.

  • six short

This message indicates a malfunction of the keyboard controller, as well as the absence of the keyboard itself. Very often, to correct this situation, it is enough to check the contact in the keyboard connector on the system unit.

  • seven short

A similar set of sounds indicates a rather serious malfunction - namely, a motherboard failure. However, sometimes the error may disappear after checking the power cable pins on the system board.

  • eight short

BIOS message indicating video memory failure. But here, as with many other errors, sometimes the problem can be just a bad connection - in this case, between the motherboard slot and the video card.

  • Nine short

In this case, the BIOS signals a BIOS memory checksum error. The reasons for this phenomenon can be different - a bug in the new version of the BIOS or an accidental failure in the CMOS memory. Often the problem can be fixed by flashing the BIOS.

  • ten short

With this set of signals, the BIOS reports a write error to the CMOS memory. As a rule, this error is more serious than the previous one and often requires the intervention of a specialist from the service workshop.

  • Eleven short
  • One long, then two, three or eight short

This type of informational message tells the user that there are video card errors. Typically, these beeps only occur when using older graphics cards (Mono/CGA/EGA), so the chance of encountering them is currently extremely small. In most cases, this malfunction is eliminated by carefully installing the video card in the slot.

An attentive user may notice that the computer makes sounds when it is turned on. Usually this is one short beep of the speaker (device on the motherboard). But other signals may be emitted during operation. Read about what they mean and how to find out what to do with them in this article.

The first step is to find out which one you have. You can find out about this when you turn on the computer, when letters appear on a black background. Search above or below for abbreviations AMI or AWARD BIOS.

Learned? Then let's go!


  • Two short beeps from the speaker mean some kind of malfunction in the computer's RAM.
    How to solve a problem: remove the memory module from the slot, wipe it with a dry brush and insert it into place. If, after starting the PC, the signals are repeated, then further testing of the memory or its complete replacement may be required;
  • Three short beeps of the speaker in a row mean an error in reading the first 64 KB of the main memory of the PC.
    How to solve a problem: remove the memory module from the slot, if there is dust, wipe the bar with a dry brush and insert it into place, if the signals repeat, further testing of the memory or its complete replacement may be required;
  • Four consecutive short beeps from the speaker indicate a malfunction of the system timer.
    How to solve a problem: restart the PC, and if the signals are repeated, then repair or replace the motherboard;
  • Five consecutive short beeps from the speaker indicate a malfunction of the central processor.
    How to solve a problem: reboot the PC again, if the signals repeat - replace the processor;
  • Six consecutive short beeps from the speaker indicate a malfunction of the keyboard controller.
    How to solve a problem: check the cable and keyboard connection to the system unit, check the keyboard on another computer. If after checking it turns out that the keyboard is working, then the option remains to repair the motherboard, or replace it;
  • Seven consecutive short beeps from the speaker indicate a malfunction of the motherboard.
    How to solve a problem: we reboot again and if the signals are repeated, then repair or purchase of a new motherboard will be required;
  • Eight consecutive short beeps from the speaker indicate a problem with the graphics card's memory.
    How to solve a problem: reboot. If the signals are repeated after a reboot, either the repair of the old one or the purchase of a new video card will be required;
  • Nine short beeps in a row indicate a malfunction of the BIOS chip itself.
    How to solve a problem
  • Ten consecutive short beeps of the speaker indicate the impossibility of writing to the CMOS memory.
    How to solve a problem: Clear CMOS memory. If the signals persist after setting the BIOS defaults, the CMOS memory module needs to be replaced;
  • Eleven consecutive short speaker signals indicate a malfunction of the RAM.
    How to solve a problem

  • How to solve a problem: we check the cable going from the video card to the monitor, if the cable is in order, you need to remove the video card from the slot, wipe it, if necessary, from dust and insert it back. If these actions did not work, then it may be necessary to repair or purchase a new video card;
  • One long and three short beeps from the speaker, as well as one long and eight short beeps, again indicate a malfunction of the video card.
    Correct in the same way as in the previous case.

  • How to solve a problem: we check the fastening of the power supply plugs to the connectors on the motherboard, we clean the power supply from dust. If these actions did not work, if possible, we try to test the PSU on another computer. With such symptoms, you will either need to repair it or purchase a new power supply.


  • One short speaker signal means that there are no errors in the system and the computer is in full working order;
  • Two short beeps in a row from the speaker indicate the detection of “insignificant” errors.
    How to fix the problem: check the reliability of fastening components and cables to the PC motherboard, then set the default BIOS values;
  • A short, repeating speaker beep indicates a PSU failure.
    How to fix the problem: check the plugs of the power supply to the connectors on the motherboard, clean the PSU from dust. If these actions did not work, if possible, we test the PSU on another computer. With such symptoms, either its repair or the purchase of a new power supply will be required;
  • A long repeating speaker signal indicates a malfunction of the RAM.
    How to fix the problem: remove the memory module from the slot, if there is dust, wipe the bar with a dry brush and insert it into place, if the signals repeat, further testing of the memory or its complete replacement may be required;
  • Three long beeps from the speaker indicate a malfunction of the keyboard controller.
    How to fix the problem
  • One long and one short speaker beeps indicate a RAM failure.
    How to fix the problem: remove the memory module from the slot, if there is dust, wipe the bar with a dry brush and insert it into place, if the signals repeat, further testing of the memory or its complete replacement may be required;
  • One long and two short speaker beeps indicate a video card malfunction.
    How to fix the problem: check the cable going from the video card to the monitor, if the cable is in order, remove the video card from the slot, wipe, if necessary, from dust and insert it back. If these actions did not work, then it may be necessary to repair or purchase a new video card;
  • One long and three short speaker beeps indicate a keyboard controller failure.
    How to fix the problem: check the cable and connect the keyboard to the system unit, check the keyboard on another computer. If after checking it turns out that the keyboard is working, then the option remains to repair the motherboard, or replace it;
  • One long and nine consecutive short speaker beeps indicate a malfunction of the BIOS chip itself.
    How to fix the problem: flashing the microcircuit or its complete replacement;
  • The absence of speaker signals may indicate a malfunction of the power supply.
    How to fix the problem: we check the fastening of the power supply plugs to the connectors on the motherboard, we clean the power supply from dust. If as a result of the actions taken, when you try to turn on the computer again, there are no signals, the power supply needs to be repaired.

    Separately, it should be noted the continuous sound signals of the BIOS that change in tone. This can be caused by either a faulty power supply or an overheating PC.

    Now you know about BIOS sounds and how to decipher them.

  • It often happens that even an experienced system administrator forgets BIOS codes and signals (especially since new motherboards are already fully equipped with UEFI), to say nothing about a non-professional. Yes, and knowledge of the signals will help you quickly, and in everyday cases, also often free of charge to solve the problem with a non-starting computer or laptop.

    This is what BIOS chips from AWARD AMI and Phoenix look like.

    By the way, for reference: BIOS is a Basic Input-Output system or in Russian speaking, the basic input-output system. In other words, this is a low-level program that is hardwired into the chip of your computer's motherboard. The BIOS is loaded when the computer is turned on and is responsible for initializing its hardware components, checking their performance and correct startup. Then, the bootloader program is launched, which launches the Windows, Linux operating system, or whatever you have installed there ...

    Here we need to make a small digression and tell you that the signals of this very BIOS may differ depending on the manufacturer. Consider the most popular options, there will be three of them - AMI BIOS, AWARD BIOS, Phoenix BIOS.

    Under the cat is a table describing BIOS errors.

    AMI BIOS beeps

    In all AMI BIOS versions, the successful completion of the self-test is one short beep, after which the installed OC is loaded. I indicated other AMI BIOS beeps in the table:

    Sound signal


    2 short

    RAM parity error

    3 short

    Protected sector error 64 KB RAM

    4 short

    Motherboard system timer failure

    5 short

    CPU failure

    6 short

    Keyboard error

    7 short

    General motherboard failure

    8 short

    Video card memory failure

    9 short

    BIOS checksum error

    10 short

    Unable to write to CMOS

    11 short

    RAM error

    1 long and 1 short

    Power supply failure

    1 long and 2 short

    Video card error

    1 long and 3 short

    Video card error

    1 long and 4 short

    Missing video card, video card not found

    1 long and 8 short

    3 long

    5 short and 1 long

    No RAM

    constant signal

    AWARD BIOS beeps

    With the correct post-test signal, everything is the same as in the previous version - one short AWARD BIOS beep means that everything is OK.

    The rest of the signals are somewhat different - look at the table:

    Sound signal


    1 short, repeated

    Power supply failure

    1 recurring, long

    3 long

    Keyboard error

    1 long and 1 short

    RAM failure

    1 long and 2 short

    Video card error

    1 long and 3 short

    Keyboard error

    1 long and 9 short

    ROM read error

    1 long and 8 short

    Monitor not connected, video card problems

    3 long

    RAM problems, memory test failed

    constant signal

    Problems with the power supply, PC overheating

    Phoenix BIOS beeps

    The third version of signals from Phoenix. BIOS from this manufacturer is becoming less and less common, but nonetheless.

    Here I must say that everything is not the same with him as with the previous two. Yes, yes, the guys decided to show off, and not like everyone else, their signals are not double, but triple. In practice, this only means that, for example, a signal about problems with the power supply to the video card will look like three short beeps, a pause, three short beeps, a pause, then 4 short beeps. In the table, I will write them down as 3-3-4. So let's go...

    Error codes from Phoenix:



    1 – 1 – 2

    CPU error

    1 – 1 – 3

    CMOS write error, motherboard failure

    1 – 1 – 4

    BIOS ROM checksum error

    1 – 2 – 1

    Faulty interrupt timer

    1 – 2 – 2

    DMA controller error

    1–2 – 3

    DMA controller read or write error

    1 – 3 – 2

    RAM error

    1 – 3 – 3

    1 – 3 – 4

    RAM controller error

    1 – 4 – 1

    Address RAM error

    1 – 4 – 2

    RAM parity error

    3 – 2 – 4


    3 – 3 – 1

    Battery failure CMOS on the motherboard

    3 – 3 – 4

    Video card failure

    3 – 4 – 1

    Video card failure

    4 – 2 – 1

    System timer failure

    4 – 2 – 2

    CMOS error

    4 – 2 – 3

    Keyboard malfunction

    4 – 2 – 4

    CPU operation error

    4 – 3 – 1

    Error in RAM test

    4 – 3 – 3

    Timer error

    4 – 3 – 4

    RTC error

    4 – 4 – 1

    Serial port failure

    4 – 4 – 2

    Parallel port failure

    4 – 4 – 3

    Coprocessor problems

    I just want to add that in the case of self-repair of a PC or laptop always unplug it from the mains and only then you can safely climb inside armed with a screwdriver and other necessary tools.

    In the next article I will talk about UEFI. What is it, why did she come to us and other interesting points.

    P.S. In some cases with memory errors, it helps to pull the memory sticks out of the slots, wipe the contacts of the RAM cards with an ordinary soft eraser and the memory is back in service! If the memory does not burn out, but simply fails, then you can also try to swap the boards with RAM in places by banks, provided that the memory itself that you change in places is the same.

    P.P.S. At the end of this article, I simply post tables of three BIOS codes in the form of pictures. They can be used as a cheat sheet by saving to your phone, tablet or computer.

    Cheat sheets describing BIOS signals for printing

    It seems to be everything that I wanted to write - I wrote it. Tried clearly and without water, as always. If there are any questions, I answer in the comments.

    In contact with

    Many people know that when you start a computer, the BIOS is loaded first, which immediately scans and checks all devices for serviceability and ability to function normally. BIOSes when booting Windows are the result of some kind of error detected in the system.

    Of course, remembering all of them is almost impossible, so you always need to have instructions in front of your eyes. Or, for example, print this article and use it in the future.

    It is worth noting that BIOSes from different manufacturers differ, and, accordingly, also.

    For reference I would like to say, how can you determine the BIOS firm so that you know, just in case something happens, and can correctly determine the initialization error. The name is visible when the PC boots up, or with the help of some programs, for example, Everest (Aida).

    Let's start with the old ones. I don’t think it’s worth describing all kinds of signal options, but it’s worth mentioning only the most basic and common ones.

    1 short:

    Blank screen and 1 beep: the video system is faulty, and therefore no information is displayed on the screen.

    2 short: monitor is not connected.

    found a problem with the motherboard.


    A short signal that either repeats periodically or is simply continuous: some failures or defects in the motherboard or PSU.

    If there is no signal at all, then this means that you have a motherboard or a power supply.

    SignalsAMI BIOS:

    1 short: POST completed successfully. That is, no errors were found.

    1 long and then 1 short: found some problems with the PSU.

    1 long and then 4 short: video card not found.

    2 short: the printer or scanner is turned on.

    3 long beeps: RAM problems. Try reinstalling it or replacing the rulers.

    4 short: the system timer has failed.

    5 short: found some problems with the processor.

    7 short: at mat. boards are found to be defective.

    8 short: The video card memory has failed.

    1 long and then 2 short: video card has some problem (Mono / CGA)

    If 1 long and then 3 short: the video card has some kind of problem (EGA / VGA)

    1 long and then 8 short: the monitor is missing or the video card is defective.

    Blank screen and no signal: the processor is out of order, or poor contact at its legs.

    The signal is continuous: The power supply is defective or the computer is overheating

    Award BIOS Signals:

    1 short: POST completed successfully. No flaws found.

    2 short sounds: only minor interference was found. You will need to check the contacts and various fastenings of cables, hard drives, and the like.

    3 long: an error caused by the controller to work with the keyboard.

    1 short and then 1 long: error reading or writing information from RAM.

    1 long and then 2 short: video card errors detected.

    1 long and then 3 short: an error in reading or writing information from the video memory.

    1 long and then 3 short: error reading or writing data from ROM.

    A short beep that repeats periodically: There are some defects in the power supply.

    Long signal that repeats periodically: Problems with RAM.

    Repeating sound signal, then at high, then at low frequencies: Processor problems.

    Continuous signal: Malfunctions in the power supply.

    And lastly... If you have some other BIOS version, or if you want to know all the sound ones, then go to the manufacturer's website and look at the instructions. If you do not find detailed instructions on such sites, then try to look for more detailed information on the links provided in the Everest program.

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