Which multivitamins are best? Making the right choice. Why are multivitamin complexes needed, and the features of their use Duovit for women

The medical industry of different countries produces:

1) multivitamin preparations– finished dosage forms (tablets, soluble tablets, chewable tablets, dragees, capsules, syrups, etc.), including a set of various vitamins (in doses close to the daily requirement) ;

2) vitamin and mineral complexes, including, along with vitamins, macroelements (potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus) and microelements (iron, copper, zinc, fluorine, iodine, manganese, molybdenum, selenium, cobalt, etc.);

3) “third generation” vitamin and mineral complexes, including, along with vitamins, macro- and microelements, other biologically active substances of natural origin, intended:

For different age and gender groups;

To maintain the functional activity of individual organs and systems of the human body.

Multivitamin preparations:

“Vitus”, “Hexavit”, “Gendevit”, “Antioxycaps”, “Aerovit”, “Krepysh”.

Vitamin and mineral complexes:

“Gravitus”, “Vitrum”, “Calcium-D 3 Nycomed”, “Magne V 6”, “Multi-tabs”, “Centrum”, “Pikovit”, “Unicap”.

Vitamin and mineral complexes with biologically active additives:

“Geriatrix”, “Alphabet”, “Doctor Theiss Gerovital”, “Complivit”, “Lyzivit-S”.


Antivitamins are substances that cause a decrease or complete loss of the biological activity of vitamins.

Antivitamins can be divided into two main groups:

1) antivitamins, which inactivate a vitamin by destroying it or binding its molecules into inactive forms;

2) antivitamins, replacing coenzymes (vitamin derivatives) in the active centers of enzymes.

Examples of the action of antivitamins of the first group:

a) egg white avidin binds to biotin and forms an avidin-biotin complex, in which biotin has no activity, is insoluble in water, is not absorbed from the intestine and cannot be used as a coenzyme;

b) enzyme ascorbate oxidase oxidizes ascorbic acid;

c) enzyme thiaminase destroys thiamine (B 1);

d) enzyme lipoxidase By oxidation it destroys provitamin A - carotene.

The second group includes substances that are structurally similar to vitamins. They interact with the apoenzyme and form an inactive enzyme complex according to the type of competitive inhibition. Structural analogs of vitamins can have a significant impact on metabolic processes in the body. Most of them are used:

a) as therapeutic agents that specifically act on certain biochemical and physiological processes;

b) to create experimental vitamin deficiencies in animals.

Table 15.3


Vitamin Antivitamin Mechanism of action of antivitamin Application of antivitamin
1. Para-amino-benzoic acid (PABA) Sulfanilamides (streptocide, norsulfazole, phthalazole) Sulfonamides are structural analogues of PABA. They inhibit the enzyme by displacing PABA from the complex with the enzyme that synthesizes folic acid, which leads to inhibition of bacterial growth. For the treatment of infectious diseases.
2. Folic acid Pteridines (aminopterin, methotrexate). They are integrated into the active center of folate-dependent enzymes and block the synthesis of nucleic acids (cytostatic effect), cell division is inhibited. For the treatment of acute leukemia, some forms of malignant tumors
3. Vitamin K Coumarins (dicoumarin, warfarin, tromexane). Coumarins block the formation of prothrombin, proconvertin and other blood coagulation factors in the liver (have an anticoagulant effect). For the prevention and treatment of thrombosis (angina pectoris, thrombophlebitis, cardiosclerosis, etc.).
4. Vitamin PP Isonicotinic acid hydrazide (isoniazid) and its derivatives (tubazide, phthivazid, methozide). Antivitamins are included in the structures of NAD and NADP, forming false coenzymes that are not able to participate in redox and other reactions. The biochemical systems of Mycobacterium tuberculosis are most sensitive to these antivitamins. For the treatment of tuberculosis.
5. Thiamine (B 1) Oxythiamine, pyrithiamine. Antivitamins replace thiamine coenzymes in enzymatic reactions. To create an experimental B 1 - vitamin deficiency.
6. Riboflavin (B 2) Isoriboflavin, dichlorribo-flavin, galactoflavin. Antivitamins replace riboflavin coenzymes in enzymatic reactions. To create hypo- and ariboflavinoses in experiments.
7. Pyridoxine (B 6) Deoxypyrydoxine, cycloserine The antivitamin replaces pyridoxal coenzymes in enzymatic reactions. To create experimental pyridoxine deficiency

Antivitamins have found widespread use in clinical practice as antibacterial and antitumor agents that inhibit the synthesis of proteins and nucleic acids in bacterial and tumor cells.


Carbohydrates are part of living organisms and, together with proteins, lipids and nucleic acids, determine the specificity of their structure and functioning. Carbohydrates are involved in many metabolic processes, but above all they are the main suppliers of energy. Carbohydrates account for approximately 75% of the daily food intake and more than 50% of the daily required calories. Carbohydrates can be divided into 3 main groups depending on the number of their constituent monomers: monosaccharides; oligosaccharides; polysaccharides.

Based on their functions, carbohydrates can be divided into two groups:

1. Carbohydrates with a predominantly energy function. These include glucose, glycogen, starch.

2. Carbohydrates with a predominantly structural function. These include glycoproteins, glycolipids, glycosaminoglycans, and in plants – fiber.

Carbohydrates perform a number of important functions:

1. Energy.

2. Structural – they are part of membranes, glycosaminoglycans are found in connective tissue, pentoses are part of nucleic acids.

3. Metabolic - compounds of other classes - lipids, amino acids, etc. - can be synthesized from carbohydrates.

4. Protective – part of immunoglobulins.

5. Receptor – part of glycoproteins, glycolipids.

6. Specific – heparin, etc.

Table 16.1

Food carbohydrates (300 – 500 g per day)

Alimentary fiber(fiber) are components of plant cells that are not broken down by animal enzymes. The main component of dietary fiber is cellulose. The recommended daily fiber intake is at least 25 g.

Biological role of fiber

1. It is utilized by intestinal microflora and maintains its normal composition.

2. Adsorbs water and retains it in the intestinal cavity.

3. Increases the volume of feces.

4. Normalizes pressure on the intestinal walls.

5. Binds some toxic substances formed in the intestines, and also adsorbs radionuclides.

Digestion of carbohydrates

Saliva contains the enzyme α-amylase, which cleaves α-1,4-glycosidic bonds inside polysaccharide molecules.

Digestion of the bulk of carbohydrates occurs in the duodenum under the action of pancreatic juice enzymes - α-amylase, amylo-1,6-glycosidase and oligo-1,6-glycosidase (terminal dextrinase).

Enzymes that cleave glycosidic bonds in disaccharides (disaccharidases) form enzymatic complexes localized on the outer surface of the cytoplasmic membrane of enterocytes.

Sucrase-isomaltase complex– hydrolyzes sucrose and isomaltose, cleaving α-1,2 – and α-1,6-glycosidic bonds. In addition, it has maltase and maltotriase activity, hydrolyzing α-1,4-glycosidic bonds in maltose and maltotriose (a trisaccharide formed from starch).

Glycoamylase complex– catalyzes the hydrolysis of α-1,4 bonds between glucose residues in olisaccharides, acting from the reducing end. It also breaks down bonds in maltose, acting like maltase.

β-glycosidase complex (lactase)– cleaves β-1,4-glycosidic bonds in lactose.

Trehalase– also a glycosidase complex that hydrolyzes the bonds between monomers in trehalose, a disaccharide found in mushrooms. Trehalose consists of two glucose residues linked by a glycosidic bond between the first anomeric carbon atoms.

The pharmaceutical industry produces a large number of multivitamin preparations, the action of which is quite specific, and they are intended for the treatment and prevention of a certain range of diseases.

That is why the use of these drugs should be carried out under the supervision of medical personnel.

Most names of vitamin preparations emphasize the number of vitamins they contain. For example, Pentavit tablets containing five vitamins are used for complex therapy of diseases of the central and peripheral nervous system; Heptavit tablets contain a complex of seven vitamins and are intended for the treatment of skin diseases (burns, eczema) and eyes (hemeralopia). For the purpose of prevention, in case of high consumption of vitamins by the body, Tetravit tablets are prescribed for workers in hot shops, and the Revit vitamin complex is recommended as a general tonic for the prevention of colds.

The multivitamin preparation “Gendevit” is intended especially for pregnant and nursing mothers, the composition and dosage of the components in which are selected in such a way as to provide the mother and child with the necessary vitamins. Undevit dragees contain eleven vitamins and are recommended for improving metabolic processes in middle-aged and elderly people.

Recently, vitamin preparations, which contain various micro- and macroelements (iron, magnesium, selenium, cobalt), mineral salts and amino acids, have become widespread. A representative of a domestic drug of this type is “Complevit”, which contains eleven vitamins and about seven to eight salts of various chemical elements. No less well known is the Alphabet series of drugs, used for treatment and prevention for children and the elderly suffering from various diseases (diabetes, anemia, sleep disorders).

© After studying the topic “Vitamin preparations” you need to: know:

1) classification of vitamin preparations,

2) distinctive features and purpose of individual vitamin preparations,

3) preventive and therapeutic use of vitamin preparations,

4) routes of administration of vitamin preparations,

5) compatibility and incompatibility of vitamin preparations with each other,

6) prescription of multivitamin preparations;

1) discuss issues of the topic,

2) characterize vitamin preparations,

3) explain to patients the action and use of vitamins


4) prescribe vitamin preparations in prescriptions.

To consolidate knowledge on the topic “Vitamin preparations” and monitor the assimilation of the material studied, complete the following task.

Solve problems

1. To eliminate fear, insomnia and tachycardia, the patient is prescribed a course of treatment with a vitamin preparation that will be injected into the muscle. Injections of the drug are painful. In addition, the drug can be used to treat diseases accompanied by neuroses, neuritis, muscle weakness and spasms of peripheral vessels. Indicate the vitamin preparation, its classification group and write it down in the prescription.

2. To treat an open wound, the patient is prescribed an ointment that contains a vitamin preparation that has an anti-inflammatory effect and the ability to increase tissue regeneration. The vitamin actively affects eye function and can be used to treat peptic ulcers and dermatitis. What vitamin are we talking about? In what dosage forms is it used?

3. The drug is a synthetic substitute for a natural vitamin. Has a direct effect on the blood clotting process. It is used to prevent and stop various bleeding, for example, before surgery, childbirth, for the treatment of hemorrhoids, etc. The drug is prescribed orally or administered intramuscularly. Specify the vitamin preparation and write it out in the prescription in the form of injections.

4. The combined vitamin preparation is used for the treatment and prevention of hypertension, stroke, atherosclerosis and a number of other diseases of the cardiovascular system. It can be used to treat capillary toxicosis, infectious and inflammatory diseases. The components of the vitamin preparation are contained in sufficient quantities in the fruits of chokeberry. Identify the drug. Explain its effect on the walls of blood vessels. What other effects does it have? Write it down in your prescription.


  1. Choice of psychotropic drug Drug-related factors. Information about the drug
  3. Chapter 1.6. Nootropic drugs and stimulants. Principles of treatment with nootropic drugs. Rules for prescribing stimulants. Nootropic drugs

The need for certain types of food to prevent dangerous diseases has been known since ancient times. In ancient Egypt they knew that animal liver helps against night blindness. In the 14th century, the Chinese Hu Sihui authored the three-volume work “Important Principles of Food and Drinks.” In it, the healer systematized knowledge about the therapeutic role of nutrition and proved the need to diversify the diet to maintain health. It will still be a long time before such a concept as vitamins is discovered, but a start was made then.

How it works

How does the average modern person eat? His food is rich in carbohydrates and poor in vitamins. The latter are neither a source of energy for the body nor do they become structural components of tissues. But it is vitamins that are active participants in many metabolic processes. And without their help, the body is not able to produce the substances necessary for life. The vast majority of vitamins are not synthesized by the human body, but their presence is very important for proper functioning. Therefore, it is necessary to obtain a sufficient amount of vitamins from the outside - with food and drink. If this is not enough, then you should resort to using a drug such as multivitamins with microelements. And modern pharmacology offers a huge variety of similar medications!

Let's understand the composition

Multivitamins with microelements are pharmacological preparations containing several different vitamins, as well as minerals and organic substances. Moreover, the latter is not at all necessary. Even if only two or three vitamins are present in a tablet or drops, this will already be considered a full-fledged multivitamin preparation.

In modern pharmacology today, 13 vitamins are used and 10 of them have already been combined with a huge number of variants of drug compositions, and yet the vast majority of multivitamin complexes are quite similar. A, B, C, D, E and F are the most popular and widely used vitamins.

For greater efficiency

Mineral components - calcium, zinc, magnesium, selenium, iron, phosphorus and others - are often included in multivitamin complexes in order to eliminate their deficiency in the body. Science has long established that it is in the presence of certain microelements that the process of absorption of various vitamins is accelerated. Moreover, some vitamins should only be consumed “in combination” with minerals. For example, it is much better absorbed in the presence of calcium. What could be the best way to prevent rickets and help strengthen bones in young children! Therefore, multivitamins with macro- and microelements “work” in the human body much more effectively!

Release form

The drugs widely presented on the pharmacological market amaze with the abundance of dosage forms. Today in any pharmacy you can buy multivitamins with microelements in the form of tablets, sachet packets, syrups, gels, spreads, drops. Very often, the tablets are painted in different colors, and each of them has a unique vitamin composition. The most popular multivitamins with microelements for children have convenient, attractive packaging and release form. These include drops, syrups, gels, lozenges, jelly-like tablets with fruit flavors. At the same time, manufacturers made sure that children could not use the drug without permission - the packages have a cap or lid protection.

Who should take multivitamins?

The specific needs of each person are highly individual. They depend on an abundance of factors, among which the main ones are age, gender, lifestyle and nutrition, and health status. Depending on this, multivitamins with minerals and trace elements are prescribed. You should think about the fact that the body lacks vitamins if the following conditions are observed:

Poor appetite;

General weakness;

Insomnia or poor sleep quality;

Increased fatigue of the body;

Decreased visual acuity;

Delayed physical and mental development;

Dry skin, brittle nails.

All the best for children

Most vitamins in a child’s body perform a mission that is not typical for them when entering the body of an adult. He is actively growing and developing, processes of separation of organ systems and tissues by function take place in his body. And, like all biological processes, this requires the presence of vitamins.

The most popular and widespread multivitamins with microelements for children are:

  • "Multi-Tabs". Today, several varieties of the drug are available, prescribed depending on the age of the child. The complex contains the main vitamins necessary for growth and development - A, C and D. Manufacturer - Ferrosan A/S, Denmark.
  • "Kinder Biovital" gel. Provides the body's need for vitamins, prevents fatigue, lack of concentration, loss of appetite, and increases resistance to colds and infectious diseases. Manufacturer - Bayer Consumer Care AG, Germany.
  • "Pikovit." Multivitamins with microelements for children are available in two dosage forms - in the form of syrup and in the form of chewable tablets. Contains vitamins A, B 1, B 2, B 5, B 6, B 9, B 12 and C. The chewable tablets additionally include calcium and phosphorus. Manufacturer - KRKA, Slovenia.
  • "Alphabet Teenager" - multivitamins with microelements for teenagers. They are used during the period of active growth of the child, puberty, and promote proper physical and mental development. Tablets of different colors contain different compositions. Manufacturer: Vneshtorg Pharma, Russia.

For female beauty

The best multivitamins with microelements for women help ensure excellent condition of the skin, hair, nails, strengthen skeletal bones, prevent vision loss, help balance hormonal levels, and delay the onset of menopause. The main vitamins for beautiful ladies are A, C, E, B 6, B 9 and D.

The most popular multivitamins with microelements for women:

  • "Duovit" for women. A balanced composition of vitamins B, A, biotin, zinc, iron for healthy skin, hair and nails. Manufacturer - KRKA, Slovenia.
  • "Alphabet Cosmetics". Enriched with bioflavonoids, contains coenzyme Q10, which has a rejuvenating effect. Manufacturer - Vneshtorg Pharma, LLC, Russia.
  • "Complivit." The drug is recommended for the prevention of hypovitaminosis in women during the period of hormonal changes. Contains 10 vitamins, selenium and magnesium. Manufacturer - "PHARMSTANDARD" (Russia).

During a special period

During pregnancy, women should pay close attention to the consumption of folic acid, calcium and iron. And in general, the need for all vitamins increases. But multivitamins with microelements should only be prescribed by a doctor who can competently assess the health status of the expectant mother, the duration of pregnancy, the woman’s age and other nuances. An example of such multivitamin complexes would be “Elevit Prenatal”, “Femibion”, “Vitrum Prenatal Forte”, however, such drugs should be purchased only after consultation with a specialist, so as not to cause harm to the mother and child.

For men's health

When selecting representatives of the stronger half of humanity, you also need to take into account some nuances. For example, for men, a microelement such as iron is not only not needed in heavy doses, but can also do a disservice - its excess will negatively affect the cardiovascular system, cause tremors and can even cause a heart attack. Fe is absorbed in sufficient quantities by men from food. Therefore, it is better to choose multivitamins with micronutrients with the lowest iron content. But for normal testosterone production, men need vitamin E and selenium. Their presence helps prevent problems with the functioning of the prostate, increases reproductive properties and improves sperm quality.

The most popular multivitamins with microelements for men:

  • "Duovit" for men. Created for people leading an active lifestyle. Contains 12 vitamins and 6 minerals aimed at maintaining the body's activity and endurance. Manufacturer - KRKA, Slovenia.
  • "Velmen" multivitamins with microelements for men. Contains 9 vitamins and 10 minerals. Recommended for men leading a sedentary lifestyle. Able to stabilize the functioning of the nervous system, reduce the level of irritability, and improve the quality of memory. Manufacturer - VITABIOTICS Ltd., UK.
  • "Alphabet" for men. The complex contains 12 vitamins and 8 minerals. Supplemented with eleutherococcus extract and organic acids that help remove toxins from the body. Stimulates the activity of the male reproductive system. Manufacturer: Vneshtorg Pharma, Russia.

Multivitamins with microelements for the elderly

People over 50 years of age need to choose a drug taking into account age-related characteristics. Special vitamin complexes have been developed for them, which help strengthen the cardiovascular system (balance of vitamins A, D, E), normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract (vitamin B 1, B 6, B 12), preserve vision (vitamins B 2, A ), strengthening the spine and bones (vitamin D, calcium). On the pharmacological market, drugs that meet the needs of the body of an elderly person are presented in a huge range, but the most popular of them are:

When there is a lack of vitamins in the body, health problems begin. To make up for the deficiency of essential substances, and prevent the failure of organ functions and the development of diseases, you need to drink vitamin complexes, which are sold in pharmacies.

The best way to make up for the deficiency is to get tested and find out which vitamins and minerals you are missing and take only those whose readings are below normal. But in winter and spring, you can buy mineral and vitamin complexes to maintain immunity and healthy functioning of the body. Especially if you feel unwell, general weakness, or increased fatigue. In this article we will tell you how to choose them correctly and which vitamin complexes are the best for adults and children.

If you think that buying vitamins you are wasting a lot of money, then don’t be so critical. In contrast to the number of chemical medicines, which are expensive and not always effective, complexes can help avoid a number of seasonal diseases, such as colds and others, which are caused by a lack of a certain element and do not appear immediately, more often with age.

For the body to function properly, in addition to proteins, fats and carbohydrates, vitamins are also needed. When there are not enough of them, a person begins to get sick, vision deteriorates, depression and physical fatigue appear.

For example, a deficiency of ordinary ascorbic acid can cause death. Vitamin C affects metabolic processes in the body, and protects blood vessels from fragility and penetration through their walls, which prevents gum bleeding and internal bleeding. Be sure to add it to your diet in large quantities.

Vitamin A is responsible for skin condition. If it is not enough, peeling occurs, cracks on the heels, cracked lips, and jams appear in the corners. List of products that contain it.

A lack of vitamin B1 negatively affects the brain, which is accompanied by headaches and memory deterioration.

These are just two vital vitamins. There are more than 10 types of them. And besides them, life also requires minerals. The most famous of them is iron, which is involved in hematopoiesis and is responsible for transporting oxygen throughout the body.

Magnesium is responsible for the state of the central nervous system, when it is low, irritability appears, which can develop into depression. Calcium strengthens bones, and potassium and sodium control the cardiovascular system. This list may not be exhaustive; it can be continued, which we will do in a separate article.

Important: Vitamins and minerals can be purchased as a complex at a pharmacy kiosk.

To get a daily dose of vitamins and microelements, for the normal functioning of all body systems, a person needs to eat several apples, oranges, lemons, pears, and other fruits a day, a couple of bunches of greens, and plus a couple of kilograms of meat and liver. Firstly, it becomes clear that you can’t eat that much, and secondly, with the quality of modern products, they are unlikely to be that useful with their additives.

Advice: It is better to buy the entire required amount of vitamins and minerals at the pharmacy, in the form of complex preparations.

The main thing when using it is to adhere to the dosage specified in the instructions. An excess of vitamins is just as bad as a lack of them.

If the body is unwell for a long time, what should be prescribed by a doctor, after an examination has been carried out and the cause has been established.

Choosing the right vitamins

To purchase the best complex of vitamins at the pharmacy, you need to know what it should include.

Mandatory requirements:

  1. A minimum of starch, sugar, lactose, and talc. The permissible dose is from 5 to 10 mg. These substances are added to increase the weight of the tablet.
  2. Drink vitamins and minerals separately. The absorption of some reduces the absorption of others. Take after 5 hours. If one tablet has everything at once, it is not suitable. Vitamins and minerals alone bring much more benefit.
  3. Must contain:
  • B vitamins;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • tocopherol (vitamin E);
  • retinol (vitamin A);
  • vitamin D.
  1. Required minerals:
  • zinc;
  • magnesium;
  • calcium;
  • potassium;
  • iron;
  • chromium;
  • manganese;
  • cobalt;
  • nitrogen.
  1. Presence of brewer's yeast. Not mandatory, but recommended by experts. They are rich in protein, which helps build all the structures of the body. They contain many B vitamins.
  2. The presence of amino acids: tryptophan, leucine, alanine, valine, tyrosine, asparagine. Although they do not enter into synthesis with body substances, they are indispensable for other functions. They influence protein synthesis, transform into other amino acids, and promote the functioning of digestion enzymes.

The dosage of the drug is indicated in the instructions, according to the age category and weight, it must be followed.

Everyone decides for themselves what form of release to choose. Usually good quality vitamins come in several forms to suit the choice of each consumer, they can be in the form of:

  • tablets;
  • chewing “sweets”;
  • dragee;
  • capsules;
  • powder;
  • coffee;
  • syrup;
  • gel.

When purchasing, you need to pay attention to the information provided by the manufacturer on the packaging.

Before buying the complex, you must read the label on which the manufacturer writes the following information necessary for the buyer:

  • name of the elements in the composition of the drug; give preference to the one that contains all the components the body needs;
  • the source from which it was obtained must be indicated along with the component;
  • serving size, which means the dosage taken;
  • the number of elements in one portion.

Advice: Give preference in choosing products that contain calcium, magnesium, zinc, and iron.

Top 10 best vitamin complexes

According to reviews from consumers, specialists, and pharmacists, a rating was formed based on the effectiveness of their use. The top 10 included the following vitamin complexes:

Consists of 11 vitamins and 8 minerals, plus lipoic acid. Suitable for any age. It is recommended to take it to replenish the necessary elements, and in case of increased physical and mental activity. After completing a course of 1 month, 1 tablet per day, the risk of colds is reduced by 30%.

A complex created on the basis of scientific recommendations for the separate and joint intake of useful elements. This approach is the key to better absorption of substances and the prevention of allergic manifestations. Three tablets, determined to be taken by time of day, contain various components:

  • in the morning portion vitamin B1, for normal hematopoiesis;
  • in a lunch dose, antioxidants that protect against the effects of harmful radicals;
  • The evening tablet contains vitamin D3, which, together with retinol, biotin, and calcium, really strengthens the body.

An effective vitamin and mineral complex, which is confirmed by positive reviews about it. Contains vitamins A, group B, vitamin D3, E, H, PP, in combination with the most beneficial microelements. Indicated for use to replenish elements in the body, during heavy physical and mental stress, to improve the condition of hair, skin and nails. It is recommended to take after illnesses, to restore immune defense, while taking antibiotics or hormonal drugs, for preventive purposes.

4. "Daily Formula"

Contains 25 vitamins and minerals, such as A, group B, C, D, E, they will strengthen the immune system, and colds and flu will not be scary. Minerals in the form of magnesium, potassium, calcium and phosphorus will improve the functioning of the nervous system, make bones and muscle tissue healthy. The complex also contains selenium, chromium, and several enzymes that normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Recommended as a biological food additive.

The complex for adults, it consists of 14 vitamins and 17 minerals, which completely compensate for the deficiency of essential substances. Increases the body's defenses against colds. Effective in dietary menus, promotes weight loss in combination with physical exercise.

6. "Multitabs"

A complex with a large number of antioxidants that help improve metabolism, skin condition, and improve immunity.

The best vitamin and mineral complex for children. Contains 9 essential vitamins. Available in the form of syrup and tablets. Recommended for use for medicinal purposes and for the prevention of hypovitaminosis.

8. “Centrum from A to Zinc”

Multivitamin complex of 13 vitamins and 17 microelements. Can be taken from 12 years of age. Prescribed as a food supplement to compensate for the deficiency of all elements.

They are the best multivitamins for children over 3 years old and teenagers. Taken when there is an insufficient amount of vitamins in the body, for the purpose of prevention, and during the period of active growth.

10. "Undevit"

Multivitamins come from the USSR. Can be taken by children, adults, during pregnancy. Affordable. The downside is the small dose of elements in one tablet.

During the recovery period, in old age to improve metabolism, with increased physical and mental stress: it is recommended to consume 2-3 tablets per day.

Course 20-30 days. Breaks between courses are 1-3 months. Repeated courses on the recommendation of a doctor.

Combination features

In order to reduce side effects to zero when using vitamin complexes, you need to know that scientists do not recommend combining the following elements:

  • manganese with zinc;
  • manganese with nickel;
  • iron with zinc;
  • vitamins B1 and PP;
  • manganese with copper;
  • copper with zinc;
  • copper with iron.

In order for vitamins to bring more benefits, you need to know that:

  • Vitamin C, copper and cobalt work together to improve iron absorption. And the presence of calcium and manganese worsens the problem.
  • Fluoride in tandem with sodium and magnesium has a good effect on the functioning of the nervous system and muscle tissue.
  • Vitamins B2 and B6 enhance each other's actions.
  • A large dose of zinc negatively affects the absorption of iron and copper.
  • An insufficient amount of zinc leads to failures in the absorption of tocopherol.

Taking into account the above information, you can easily select good vitamins and give the body the substances it needs.

How often to take vitamin-mineral complexes during the year

Vitamin-mineral complexes contain the necessary amount of substances for the prevention of hypovitaminosis. Take all medications as directed to avoid hypervitaminosis, which can be even more dangerous.

Considering the current standard of living of the population, the regime and quality of food, it is worth taking vitamin preparations periodically.

If your diet is varied, and you are sure that you get all the necessary elements from food, and you feel good, multivitamins should be taken only for the purpose of prevention.

For preventive purposes, medical specialists recommend taking vitamin and mineral complexes twice a year in winter and spring. The duration of treatment should not exceed 2 months, the course should be repeated no more than 3 times a year. Longer use is possible for people who engage in sports, heavy physical labor, or hazardous work conditions, or live in areas with a harsh climate.

Supplements must be taken to prevent hypovitaminosis, both for children and adults. It is better to consult your doctor about which type of multivitamin to choose. The form of release of the drug for use can be selected when purchased at the pharmacy.

Important: Liquid drugs are absorbed by the body faster.

When choosing a vitamin product, in addition to its effectiveness rating, you also need to pay attention to the composition, because not always what has helped others can help you personally.

B vitamins are essential for the human body. They support the functioning of the nervous system and brain, improve thinking abilities, participate in hematopoiesis, and regulate metabolism. A deficiency of these substances in the body causes the development of various serious diseases. Fortunately, hypovitaminosis today is easy to overcome with the help of pharmaceuticals. People of all ages are advised to periodically take B vitamin tablets.

How do B vitamins benefit the body?

Group B includes the following beneficial compounds:

  • B 1 or thiamine;
  • B 2 or riboflavin;
  • B 3 or nicotinic acid;
  • B 4 or choline;
  • B 5 or pantothenic acid;
  • B 6 or pyridoxine;
  • B 7 or biotin;
  • B 8 or inositol;
  • B 9 or folic acid;
  • B 10 or para-aminobenzoic acid;
  • B 12 or cyanocobalamin.

Of the above vitamins, the most necessary for the body are B 1, B 2, B 6 and B 12. They should be taken periodically in tablets. A person needs other substances in small quantities, so they enter the body in abundance along with food. The main symptom of a lack of B vitamins is chronic fatigue syndrome. In this regard, multivitamins based on group B are recommended to be used in the following cases:

  • under high intellectual and mental stress;
  • with constant stress;
  • for diseases of the nervous system;
  • for disorders of the functioning of the heart and circulatory system;
  • for any chronic pathologies;
  • for skin diseases;
  • for disorders of the digestive tract.

The main function of B vitamins is to provide the body with energy. It is these substances that play a major role in the formation of glucose from carbohydrates and the metabolism of proteins and lipids. Group B is quite unstable, the compounds are not able to accumulate in tissues, quickly leave the body, and in the current realities it is not always possible to eat a nutritious and varied diet. Therefore, both adults and children are periodically recommended to take vitamin complexes.

Typically, doctors prescribe B vitamins to patients either in injection solutions or tablets. Tablets are more convenient to use than injections. In addition, many people do not like to take vitamin injections because they are quite painful.

List of the best vitamin preparations containing B vitamins

Pharmacies today sell a huge number of good and effective vitamin complexes for adults and children. Below are the names and characteristics of the best B vitamin tablets.

  1. . A complex preparation based on B vitamins. The tablets also contain retinol, tocopherol, ascorbic acid, mineral elements, and ginseng extract. The medication is recommended for the prevention and treatment of nervous disorders, improving physical and intellectual performance, and eliminating the effects of stress. One tablet is taken at breakfast with water. Admission lasts from 30 to 40 days. Contraindications: hypertension, epilepsy, hypercalcemia, increased nervous excitability, iron deficiency anemia. The drug should not be taken by children under 16 years of age. Price: from 489 to 700 rub.
  2. . The drug contains vitamins B 6, B 9 and B 12. The complex is intended for the prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis, ischemia, angiopathy, and deterioration of blood circulation in the brain. You should take one tablet per day. The reception lasts from 20 to 30 days. If the dosage is exceeded, side effects may occur: allergic reaction, dizziness, headaches, sleep disturbance, nausea, excess gas formation. Price: around 218 rub.
  3. Neurobex. Dragees containing vitamins B 1, B 6, B 12. Indications for use: disorders of the nervous system and digestive tract, poor circulation, dermatitis and acne caused by a deficiency of B vitamins. Adults take 1 - 2 tablets three times a day, children - one tablet once or twice a day. The drug should not be used by children under 2 years of age, as well as by people suffering from erythrocytosis, polycythemia, or thromboembolism. The medication may have side effects: nausea and an allergic reaction, accompanied by redness and irritation of the skin. The cost of the drug varies from 300 to 350 rubles.
  4. Neurovitan. A complex of vitamins including thiamine, riboflavin, pyridoxine and cyanocobalamin. Prescribed for pathologies of the nervous system, liver, heart, blood vessels. You can also use the drug to treat anemia, dermatitis, baldness, alcoholism, and addiction to cigarettes. The daily dose for adults is 1 – 4 tablets, for children – up to 3 tablets, depending on age. The course of treatment is from 2 to 4 weeks. It is prohibited to combine the drug with alcoholic beverages. Price: 400-900 rub.
  5. Blagomax Vitamin B complex. Dietary supplement containing riboflavin, pyridoxine, cyanocobalamin, inositol, nicotinic, folic and pantothenic acids. Indications for use: constant stress, intellectual and physical overload. Take one capsule per day with meals. Reception is carried out over a long period of time, at least 6 weeks. The drug is contraindicated for people prone to allergies, pregnant and breastfeeding women. Price: about 160 rub.
  6. B-complex 50. Vitamin complex, including all B vitamins, as well as medicinal plant components: parsley, rice bran, watercress, alfalfa. It is recommended when disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system and digestive organs occur, vision weakens, and the condition of hair, skin, and nail plates worsens. You should take one tablet per day after meals. The drug is contraindicated during pregnancy, breastfeeding, and a tendency to allergies. Cost: about 1500 rub.
  7. Doppelhertz active Magnesium + B vitamins. The drug contains thiamine, pyridoxine, cyanocobalamin, folic acid, magnesium. The complex is recommended for cardiac dysfunction, physical and mental fatigue. You need to take one tablet per day. The appointment lasts a month. The drug is contraindicated for children, people prone to allergies, pregnant and breastfeeding women. Price: 244-282 rub.

Which vitamin complexes for children contain B vitamins?

For children, B vitamins can be purchased not only in tablets, but also in syrup. The best children's vitamin preparations: Pikovit, Multi-tabs Malysh, Adivit.

B vitamins should be taken correctly so that they are absorbed well in the digestive tract. The medications should be taken at the same time of day. You need to take the tablets with water; you should not drink anything too hot or cold. Vitamins can cause an allergic reaction, so you should carefully look at the instructions to see how many tablets make up the daily dose and how long the intake should last.

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