Doctor treats like like 8 letters. Treat like like

Few of us are not familiar with a situation (from our own personal example or from the example of our loved ones and friends) when traditional medicine was powerless. We know of numerous cases where, during an examination, a person was diagnosed with a disease that was difficult to treat. Despite the fact that the patient followed all medical recommendations, he was unable to achieve the desired recovery. And in this absolutely dead-end situation, a certain doctor, prescribing another mountain of pills and throwing up his hands in helplessness, carefully advised him to try the method of homeopathy. Out of despair, the patient turns to homeopaths. Suddenly - lo and behold! The pain recedes, the skeptical mind of the patient himself refuses to believe in it, and everyone around, wrinkling their nose, categorically declares that only the placebo effect worked.

Despite the fact that homeopathy has been talked about everywhere lately (written about in magazines, broadcast on TV screens, whispered in offices and discussed on forums), many still do not understand how this method works. Some people believe that homeopathy is herbal medicine. Others are confident that homeopathic medicines do not have any healing properties at all, and the cure that occurs in the process of taking them, according to skeptics, is just the power of thought of the patients themselves. Still others do not believe in this method of treatment at all, and consider small sweet balls to be harmless candies. In this article we will try to tell you which of this is a myth and which is the truth.

From the history

The word “homeopathy” literally means “disease-like.” This name for the new treatment method was invented at the end of the 18th - beginning of the 19th century by the German doctor, professor at the University of Leibzig, Christian Friedrich Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843). Based on his own observations, he came to the conclusion that drugs can be curative if their effects are similar to the symptoms of the disease.

Thus, while studying the properties of the effect of cinchona on the human body, a pharmacist discovered that ingestion of cinchona peel causes symptoms in humans similar to those. After conducting experiments with various other medicinal plants and minerals, S. Hahnemann found that the medicine that helps a disease is the one that causes symptoms similar to that disease in a healthy person. This gave him the idea that like can be treated with like. This is how the first and basic principle of homeopathy was formulated.

During further research, S. Hahnemann encountered exacerbations of the disease during the treatment of his patients. However, he was able to find a solution to this problem by simply reducing the dose of the original medicinal substance in the finished medicine. It turned out that the therapeutic effect of the drugs is preserved even at low concentrations of the original substance. This is how the second basic principle of homeopathy arose - the principle of small doses.

Despite the fact that homeopathy has existed for more than two hundred years, in Russia this method was officially recognized quite recently - only at the end of the last century.

What is homeopathy?

Homeopathy is a whole system of treating diseases, which consists in the use of minimal doses of substances that, in large doses, cause phenomena similar to the symptoms of the disease. To date, this treatment method has proven itself to be one of the safest and cheapest. It does not treat symptoms, it helps the body cope with the disease itself.

As we have already found out above, one of the main principles of homeopathy is “Similia similibus curentur” (“like is cured by like”). Based on it, at the beginning of treatment, the homeopath selects for each patient a homeopathic remedy similar to his painful condition. At the same time, the doses of substances that cause symptoms similar to the symptoms of this disease in homeopathic preparations should be negligibly small.

Another important principle of homeopathy is an individual approach to each patient. Homeopaths must take into account that the same disease is experienced differently by different patients and can cause a lot of individual symptoms.

The difference between homeopathy and conventional allopathic (classical) medicine is that homeopathy

adheres to the basic principle of medicine - to treat the patient, not the disease;

considers a person as a single indivisible system;

heals a person in the unity of his spirit and body;

treats the causes of the disease, not its consequences;

activates the body's own defenses in the fight against disease.

One of the misconceptions about homeopathy is that it is classified as herbal medicine. In response to this, we say that homeopathy uses medicines borrowed not only from the plant world, but also from the animal and mineral world. However, the use of all substances follows the principles that we listed above.

Homeopathic medicines

Today, the medicinal properties of all major homeopathic drugs have long been studied and described.

As we have found out, homeopathic medicines contain microscopic doses of substances of natural origin. The drugs are based on water molecules that can carry information about the substance dissolved in it.

In this case, doses of homeopathic medicines can be in decimals or hundreds. Thus, decimal dilutions are prepared as follows: 10 parts of water are added to one part of the medicine, mixed and shaken to evenly distribute the active substance in the solution. The first decimal dilution is obtained. Then one part of this solution is combined with 9 parts of water, mixed and shaken - this is the second decimal dilution.

The minimum dilution used is 3X - the third decimal dilution, the maximum - thousandths-hundredths dilutions.

Sometimes a homeopathic medicine does not contain a single molecule of a substance, but only water that carries the memory of it. Thus, there are no molecules of the active substance in dilutions greater than 12C - only energy works in them, the so-called “memory” of water.

Meanwhile, the higher the dilution, the stronger the effect of the medicine. A special method of preparing drugs also involves repeated shaking and stirring. Homeopaths believe that in this way the hidden energy of the medicine is released.

Homeopathic medicines are available in the form of tinctures, granules, powders, tablets or grains. So-called homeopathic “balls” are made from milk sugar, which is then soaked in a medicinal substance. When preparing homeopathic tinctures, as a rule, extracts of the original medicinal substance prepared in alcohol are used.

Homeopathic remedies are also widely used in the form of ointments, suppositories, rubs, creams for external use and oils. In addition, there are homeopathic cosmetics and homeopathic toothpastes.

Diseases curable with homeopathy

In practice, homeopathy can cure many diseases. In general, this is a fairly safe treatment method that restores the body’s individual ability to heal. Its strength, in addition to the gentleness of action and the regulating nature of the effect, is its effectiveness in the treatment of both acute and chronic diseases.

Due to the fact that homeopathy treats the patient himself, and not the disease, the body is considered as an inextricable whole with all its medical and psychological characteristics. A true homeopath will never prescribe a medicine based solely on the name of the disease. The medicine is selected based on the symptoms, complaints and even the constitution of the patient. In addition, the homeopathic doctor pays special attention to the character and mental reactions of the patient when choosing a medicine.

Homeopathy turns out to be effective both for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, female and male genitalia, and for various allergic, acute infectious, skin and other diseases.

In general, the effect of homeopathy can appear in almost any disease. With the exception of those that require urgent surgical intervention, such as heart attack or appendicitis.

At the same time, pregnant and breastfeeding women, as well as infants and allergy sufferers can be treated with homeopathy.

However, you should be patient during treatment. Homeopathic medicines do not help immediately, but gradually, but do not cause absolutely any dependence.

In addition, it is worth considering that at the beginning of treatment, homeopathic exacerbation very often occurs. But, as experts say, this is a completely predictable reaction. In some cases, coping with a chronic illness without this is quite difficult.

At an appointment with a homeopath

Remember once and for all: homeopathic treatment can only be carried out by a homeopathic doctor who has the appropriate education, many years of experience and practice. In addition to deep knowledge, he must be able to understand the patient’s psyche, and also take personal responsibility for his results.

Once you have an appointment with a homeopath, you should pay attention to how exactly the consultation takes place. A good specialist begins the appointment with a careful study of the patient’s complaints and medical history, and then proceeds to study the patient’s concomitant diseases and their treatment. He is also interested in the illnesses of relatives, as well as in what ways and with what they were treated previously.

The doctor should pay great attention not only to the physical, but also to the psychological well-being of his patient, as well as the individual reactions of his body. All these little things, in your opinion, are important details in the process of clarifying the diagnosis and selecting a homeopathic remedy.

Based on the information collected, the homeopath selects homeopathic remedies that are appropriate for a particular patient and his condition. Only this way of working with a patient will help the doctor obtain positive results in treating even the most advanced cases of the disease. The work of a classical homeopath is akin to fine jewelry work, during which no small details or nuances can be missed.

Treatment with homeopathic medicines is prescribed, as a rule, for 1.5 - 2 months. In this case, medications must be taken strictly according to a certain schedule. This is the main rule when treating with homeopathy. The dosage of the drug, frequency of administration and combination with other medications are prescribed in each specific case individually. After the prescribed period has expired, a repeat appointment is necessary in order to track the dynamics of changes in the condition.

Attention! If during homeopathic treatment you are forced to continue taking your usual medications, you must inform your homeopathic doctor about this.

Important: If during the process of homeopathic treatment you have any questions or notice any changes in your condition, including its worsening, be sure to call or come to an appointment with your homeopathic doctor.

How much does homeopathy treatment cost?

On average, an initial consultation with a homeopath at a specialized homeopathic center in Moscow costs from 2,200 rubles. up to 5,000 rub. The price range, as you can see, is quite large.

However, a repeat consultation is usually cheaper - 1,700 rubles. - 3,600 rub.

In general, homeopathic treatment itself, despite the rather high cost of seeing a homeopathic doctor, can be significantly cheaper than traditional treatment with tablets. This is because homeopathic medicines themselves are much cheaper than many pharmaceutical drugs.

You may or may not believe in homeopathy. It doesn't matter. Be that as it may, this method works, and homeopathic remedies really cure. And this is clearly not about faith. Homeopathy is used to treat not only adults, but also newborn babies and even (!) animals. Homeopaths doubt that the latter cure with the help of faith. It is unlikely that children and animals in general can be subject to any psychotherapeutic influence. However, as the extensive practice of many homeopaths shows, almost all patients have an effect from taking correctly selected homeopathic medicines.

In homeopathy there is a rule: “like must be treated with like,” that is, in case of illness, the medicine that causes symptoms similar to it in a healthy person helps.

In homeopathy there is a rule: “like must be treated with like,” that is, in case of illness, the medicine that causes symptoms similar to it in a healthy person helps. Well, if you look at this statement quite literally?

Walnut - for the brain

The folds and wrinkles of a walnut make its shape incredibly similar to the convolutions of the brain with its left and right hemispheres. But the matter does not end with the external similarity: these nuts contain a high concentration of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, vitamins B1 and B2 and various microelements. These substances improve blood circulation in the brain, prevent aging and help improve memory. It’s not for nothing that this delicacy is considered “food for gray matter”!

Tomatoes - for the heart

Cut a tomato in half and you will see numerous chambers that resemble the structure of a heart. Studies have shown that tomatoes reduce the risk of heart disease due to their lycopene content. If you add a little fat - olive oil or avocado - to a juicy berry, the digestibility of the healing substance will increase almost tenfold. In addition, tomatoes contain a large amount of potassium, which is necessary for the normal functioning of the heart muscle.

Red wine - for blood

The fermentation product of grapes is rich in antioxidants and polyphenols, so a small amount of red wine can provide protection against clogging of blood vessels with “bad” cholesterol. Wine also has a blood thinning effect, which means it prevents the formation of blood clots. For anemia (anemia), as well as general blood loss, it is useful to drink red wine, especially Cahors wine due to its high content of organic iron, which increases hemoglobin levels.

Celery - for bones

The long, thin stalks of celery look like bones - and are very good for them! Celery is a source of silicon, which regulates bone mineralization, as well as harmless organic sodium, which can replace the contents of a salt shaker. Celery salt, made from celery roots, increases the body's absorption of nutrients and does not accumulate in the joints.

Orange – for the chest

The resemblance of round citrus fruits to female breasts is more than just an accident. They contain limonoids - these substances block the proliferation of malignant cells more powerfully than the drug tamoxifen, used in the treatment of breast cancer. Oranges also contain a lot of folic acid, the “main women’s vitamin,” especially useful for expectant mothers.

Ginger - for the stomach

Ginger doesn't just remind you of your stomach - it's your stomach's best friend! The spicy root stimulates the formation of gastric juice, improves digestion, helps cope with nausea, digestive disorders, and flatulence. However, this applies only to those who do not have stomach problems: ginger is contraindicated for gastritis, peptic ulcers, and tumor processes in the gastrointestinal tract.

Beans - for the kidneys

Green beans have a diuretic effect, so traditional Chinese medicine recommends using them for lower back pain as a result of kidney disease - edema of renal origin, urolithiasis, bladder problems, etc. In addition, green beans have a beneficial effect on the adrenal glands.

Carrots - for the eyes

If you cut a carrot into circles, you can see an almost exact image of the human eye - down to the smallest lines that imitate the iris. And, as we well remember from childhood, carrots are especially good for vision.

For thousands of years, people believed that the similarity between a walnut and the human brain was just an absurd coincidence. But there are no accidents in nature! Even ancient scientists noticed that many products are very similar to some human organs. And if you eat something delicious, then the organ that looks like it will feel noticeably better.

It turns out that nature itself gives us clues on how to cure this or that disease. Modern experts were able to confirm this hypothesis. So, what foods are similar to human internal organs?

1) Walnut = brain

Walnuts contain healthy omega-3 fatty acids, which are very important for the functioning of nerve fibers. Thanks to the love of nuts, mental activity and reaction speed are improved, premature aging of the brain is prevented, memory is improved and nervous tension is sharply reduced.

2) Carrots = eyes

It is enough to cut it into circles and you can see something resembling a human eye with a pupil. And this is no coincidence, because carrots contain beta-carotene, which is so beneficial for vision. Its deficiency leads to rapid deterioration of vision. In addition, vitamin A prevents the formation of cataracts.

3) Champignons = ears

If you cut the champignon lengthwise, then a certain intricate figure appears that is painfully reminiscent of the auricle. By pickling mushrooms, you can get a decent dose of vitamin D, which helps maintain hearing and renew the auditory ossicles.

4) Grapes = light

A bunch of grapes is very similar to the respiratory bubbles in the lungs. And this is not in vain, because it contains a rare combination of antioxidants that prevents the development of lung cancer.

5) Tomato = heart

The tomato has similarities with the heart muscle both externally and in cross-section. In the ripe fruits of this vegetable you can find a huge amount of the trace element potassium and the antioxidant lycopene - a substance that is vital for normalizing the functioning of the cardiovascular system. According to research by Finnish scientists, tomato lovers have a much lower risk of stroke, as well as increased mood and cheerfulness. Such people look much younger than their years.

6) Beans = kidneys

Beans, which resemble a kidney, have a whole complex of substances that restore health to this organ. Beans prevent the appearance of renal hypertension and also have unique diuretic properties, which is so important for normalizing kidney function. In addition, eating bean dishes helps dissolve kidney stones.

7) Ginger root = stomach

8) Fig = male reproductive gland

Even in appearance, figs are very similar to the seminal glands of men. Scientists have proven that its ripe fruits improve potency and reduce the risk of infertility. By the way, mollusks can boast of approximately the same characteristics.

9) Avocado = female uterus

The unique composition of this fruit helps the reproductive function of women, restores slimness after childbirth and prevents the appearance of malignant tumors of the uterus. For the health of the female body, experts recommend consuming avocados at least once a week.

10) Celery = bones

Celery stalks, which are so similar to bones, have huge reserves of vitamin K, the main task of which is to help calcium integrate into bone tissue. Celery makes the skeleton much stronger and is also able to withstand various injuries and bruises.

11) Red wine = blood

Real red wine contains antioxidants, vitamins and minerals that help cleanse and thin the blood, lower blood pressure, improve blood flow and noticeably rejuvenate the body. This drink also protects against cholesterol.

12) Citrus = breast

The similarity of round citrus fruits (lemon, orange, grapefruit) with female breasts is also not an accident. It contains substances that prevent the formation of cancer cells in the breast.

Knowing about these simple truths of nature, you can easily remember how to deal with a particular disease. Be healthy!

Similar to similar

Similar to similar
From Latin: Similia similibus curantur (Similia similibus curantur). Literally: Like is cured by like.
A medical principle formulated in ancient Rome on which all homeopathic treatment is based.
An analogue of the Russian proverb “They knock out a wedge with a wedge.”

Encyclopedic Dictionary of winged words and expressions. - M.: “Locked-Press”. Vadim Serov. 2003.

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Homeopathy is healing that focuses on the person, and not on the disease from which he suffers.

The list of homeopathic medicines used by doctors includes several thousand items, but several hundred are most often used.

Principles of homeopathy

The first principle is that like cures like.

The second is the effect of small doses. During the dilution stages, the potency of the medicine increases.

The third principle is that the strength of the drug increases during dilution by rubbing or shaking the substance at each stage of dilution.

The fourth is the mandatory determination of the constitutional type of a person.

Two similarities of homeopathy, on the basis of which treatment tactics are formed

The first is the similarity between the disease and the medicine. Wherein good treatment results are achieved by prescribing appropriate medications in the presence of certain symptoms of the disease.

The second is between the patient and the medicine. In this case, a specific medicine is prescribed to a patient with the corresponding constitutional type.

Treatment is especially effective when two similarities coincide.

Homeopathic constitution

The concept of a homeopathic constitution differs from the general ideas about the constitution of people. Classic constitutional types include:

  • normosthenic;
  • hypersthenic;
  • asthenic.

In homeopathy they are supplemented with important details:

  • color differences of skin, hair, eyes;
  • wet or dry skin;
  • warmth or coolness of the extremities;
  • two- or one-sided blush of the cheeks.

This individualization and detailing of physical features characterizes the homeopathic constitution.

The behavior and psychological characteristics of the patient are also taken into account:

  1. The patient belongs to one of the psychotypes: sanguine, choleric, phlegmatic, melancholic.
  2. Type of person: artistic or thinking.
  3. It is necessary to clarify the details: favorite position in sleep, etc. The patient’s attitude to the moon, sun and various natural phenomena.

How to release

Without a prescription - complex and single-component homeopathic medicines according to the order approved by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.

By prescription - single-component drugs from list A, as well as drugs that are prepared according to prescriptions.


Storage in a dark, dry, cool place is recommended. Medicines must be protected from foreign odors and influences.Strong-smelling and volatile products (camphor, creosote) are stored separately.The shelf life of the drugs is 2-3 years.It is advisable to touch the medications as little as possible. The required dose must be poured into the palm of your hand and immediately sent into the mouth.Medicines that fall on the floor should be thrown away.

List of homeopathic medicines for your home medicine cabinet

It is useful to have a small set of medicines at home for the most common diseases and syndromes:Aconite, Arnica, Arsalb, ​​Beladonna, Bryonia, Chamomilla, Hepar sulph., Mercurius, Nat. mur., Pulsatilla, Phosphorus, Rhus tox, Nux Vomica, Sulfur.There is a list of homeopathic remedies for people who already have treatment experience. It is represented by 25 substances.

Medicines needed while on holiday

Homeopathic remedies can be very effective in treating disorders that can disrupt rest days.

Below is a list of homeopathic remedies useful for various complications:

Below are some homeopathic medicines (list) and a description of their main indications. They are used to provide emergency care and for acute conditions:

The homeopathic medicines presented above (list of medicines) are not a complete list of remedies with unusual effects. There are many more of them.

Also in reference books you can find a list of homeopathic medicines in alphabetical order, on average consisting of 50-100 substances with a description of a brief description of the active substance and main indications.

The use of homeopathic remedies allows in many cases to reduce or eliminate pharmacotherapy and prevent the onset of its side effects and drug illness.

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