How much water should a person drink per day? How much water should you drink per day

How many glasses of water should you drink per day? For years we have been constantly told that the body is dehydrated. And for optimal body function, you need to drink at least 8 glasses of water a day.

The birthplace of this myth is the USA. Answering the question of how much water to drink per day, back in 1945 the US National Research Council stated that an adult should consume 1 ml of water for every calorie of food. And this gave a total of up to 2.5 liters per day for men and up to 2 liters for women.

After so many years, few people are trying to dispel the myth. However, current experts missed an important detail: the National Research Council also said that most of the norm is already contained in food.

We get approximately 1.5 liters with any liquid and another liter as a component of any food, that is, it is not necessary to drink water in its pure form, it is in every product.

Insufficient water quickly leads to problems:

  • weakening of the immune system;
  • frequent headaches and migraines;
  • pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, heart, blood vessels, joints and dermis.

Thanks to a sufficient amount of fluid in the body, the following occurs:

  1. Cleansing of deposits and toxins. The work of the sweat glands and urinary system occurs with the direct participation of fluid.
  2. Regular nutrition of skin cells. There is a constant exchange and renewal that maintains the appearance of the skin.
  3. Strengthening the walls of the heart muscle and blood vessels. The risks of blood clots, heart attack and stroke are reduced.
  4. Normalization of the gastrointestinal tract. Drinking balance stimulates peristalsis, prevents constipation, and helps digestion and absorption of food.
  5. Decreases appetite, which helps prevent gaining extra pounds. Water promotes the burning of fat cells and the formation of muscle tissue.
  6. Reducing the likelihood of joint pathologies. Drinking a glass of liquid before and after exercise reduces the number of muscle and joint spasms.

How much fluid should you drink per day

There is an opinion that a person needs 8 glasses of water a day. The researcher came to the conclusion by measuring the amount of moisture lost through sweat and urine per day. But people have individual characteristics, and accordingly, it is impossible to determine standards based on one person.

The following assumption was put forward by the US National Academy of Sciences and is supported by the World Health Organization.

Institutions note approximate fluid amounts for people with moderate climates and physical activity. The estimated volume is 3.7 liters for men and 2.7 liters for women.

You can verify this by reading the facts about its positive properties:

  1. Water improves the condition of nails, hair, and skin.
  2. Drinking liquid reduces appetite, the amount of food eaten, and promotes weight loss.
  3. Lack of water in the body disrupts the functioning of the stomach, causing constipation.
  4. Drinking fluid helps the body's thermoregulation, preventing the body from overheating or getting too cold.
  5. Water prevents joint destruction.
  6. The brain cannot function normally if there is a lack of fluid.
  7. Water removes decay products, helps cope with many diseases, and cleanses the blood.
  8. Lack of fluid causes irritability and fatigue.
  9. Water relieves headaches and improves sleep.
  10. The liquid prevents the development of caries.

Be sure to read:

How to determine body types in women: what you need to know, methods, characteristics and features

The facts provided are not all; in fact, there are more positive properties.

The Institute of Nutrition advises adhering to the following consumption standards: an adult, healthy man is allowed up to 3 liters, a woman – 2.3 liters.

The concentration of substances in the body is important; excess salts and sugars lead to slow dehydration. If a person regularly drinks salted water, hypernatremia will occur; sweet liquid will provoke weight gain and diabetes.

Therefore, it is impossible to replace pure water with drinks, and some have a diuretic effect, as a result a person may lose more fluid than he drinks.

There is no need to quench your thirst with tea, coffee, juice, it is better to use clean water, other drinks are consumed for taste. Coffee is contraindicated for many people; it can be drunk in small quantities. Sweet tea and juice take water from the body to break down sugars, for this reason they do not quench thirst.

During intense physical activity and intense heat, it is additionally recommended to replenish the balance of salts and sugars; mineral water or slightly sweetened water is suitable. It is important to listen to the body: sensations will tell you what is needed in a certain situation.

You need to understand that when calculating the daily fluid intake, you cannot add up the consumption of all liquid foods and drinks. For the drinking regime, compotes, fruit drinks, and herbal teas do not matter. Only regular non-carbonated drinking water is considered. Boiled water is not recommended - it has a minimum of usefulness.

If possible, it is better to drink drinking water from natural sources - a spring, a well. A liquid that has been purified by filters or settled is suitable. The retail chain sells many types of bottled drinking water, but it is better not to drink it.

The table shows how much water you should drink depending on your weight. There is a dependence: for every ten kilograms of weight increase, the increase in fluid volume is 300 ml.

The average norm values ​​for women and men are different. Men of equal weight need to drink about 3 liters, and women less - 2.3 liters. Experts provide a formula for calculating consumption, depending on gender.

For women, the required volume of water = Mass x 31.

For men = Weight x 35.

If a woman weighs about 65 kg, then according to the formula we get: 65 x 31 = 2015 ml (2 liters per day). If a man weighs 85 kg, the calculation shows: 85 x 35 = 2975, which is almost 3 liters.

Scientists have calculated that the body of an adult man is 60% water, and the body of a woman is 50%. For an adult:

  • To maintain water balance, you need to drink 1.5 - 2 liters of clean water per day.
  • The physiological need per 1 kg of adult weight is 30 ml of water daily.

During pregnancy, water is involved not only in the metabolism of the mother’s body, but also of the unborn fetus. This is why doctors recommend:

  • Drink 2.5 liters of drinking water per day.
  • To prevent the occurrence of edema, you need to reduce not the amount of liquid you drink, but the salt, and this should be done throughout pregnancy.

Insufficient fluid intake can affect the quality of amniotic fluid and the mother’s body.

The amount of water consumed by a newborn baby depends on the type of feeding.

  • With artificial or mixed feeding, the norm is that the baby needs to be supplemented with water from the age of two weeks, while the norm of water he drinks during the day is 100 - 200 ml.
  • When breastfeeding, a baby needs supplemental feeding from 3-4 months of age, since the breast milk he drinks consists of 90% water. The baby will need 50-70 ml of drinking water per day.

Maintaining water balance in children's bodies is the key to their health. Drinking a sufficient amount of fluid of proper quality will help to avoid problems with growing teeth, gums, joints, and kidneys.

  • Children need to drink 1-1.5 liters of clean water per day
  • The physiological need for water in children is 50 ml per 1 kg of weight

The answer to the question of how much water you need to drink to lose weight depends on your ultimate goal. If you are just in the process of getting rid of extra pounds, you will need a little more liquid. Those already in the control stage need a different amount of water. The average person needs about 1.5-2.5 liters daily. It is still worth drinking water for weight loss after calculating its quantity, because it also depends on the initial weight.

The daily water intake is determined taking into account the characteristics of the body - a person’s weight and physical activity. For an adult, it is calculated based on the condition that 40 ml are required for every kilogram of body weight. This amount includes all incoming liquid, including food and other drinks. As weight decreases, fluid intake also decreases. In summer, in the heat and during heavy physical activity, the body needs more moisture.

There are several methods to help you calculate how much water to drink to lose weight. Some are presented in the form of a table depending on weight. Another option is a calculator that allows you to calculate your fluid intake online. You can use each and then decide which quantity you are more comfortable with.

  1. For every kilogram of weight, take 30-40 milliliters of liquid. For example, with a body weight of 70 kg, the norm would be 2.1-2.8 liters.
  2. Divide your weight by 20. For the same 70 kg, the norm will be 3.5 liters.
  3. For every 30 kg of weight, take 1 liter of water. So 70 kg will account for 2.3 liters.

The resulting value of the required amount of water can be divided by the standard volume of a glass - 200-250 ml. The calculation is very simple. On average, it turns out that you need to drink an amount of water equal to 6-8 glasses per day. One of them should be on an empty stomach immediately after waking up. This will help you wake up and start all metabolic processes in the morning. If a glass of water in the morning becomes a habit, then in the future you will feel more energetic throughout the day.

But if not 8 glasses, then how many? Individual hydration needs depend on personal parameters: age, weight, height, environmental factors, humidity, level of physical activity and so on.

Fortunately, a person does not need to constantly worry about carefully monitoring any of these parameters. The body already has built-in mechanisms to maintain optimal water balance.

For example, when the body detects that there is not enough fluid, it releases an antidiuretic hormone - vasopressin. It increases water absorption in the kidneys and returns to the bloodstream to restore balance.

But when this is not enough, the body turns attention to itself and makes you feel thirsty. Surely you will react and drink a glass of clean water.

There is no scientific evidence to support the false claim that 2.5 liters of water per day increases life expectancy. A study was conducted in the Netherlands for about 10 years, in which over 110,000 volunteers took part.

The results were published in the British Journal of Nutrition: scientists did not find any direct connection between fluid intake and causes of mortality. People who drank a lot of water and those who drank little died from the same diseases.

Some people think: you need to drink water according to your weight. This is partly true, but as we have already said, most of the norm is found in food. In this situation, the amount of liquid entering the body is difficult to calculate and you need to rely on thirst.

Drinking regime for weight loss

When changing your usual diet, digestion is disrupted; fluid helps prevent the consequences. Having studied numerous reviews, experts agreed that water really suppresses the feeling of hunger.

You should not exceed the daily fluid intake even when losing weight. The meaning of the drinking regime when dieting is to exclude caffeine-containing and sweet drinks.

Be sure to read:

Ideal proportions of the male body: how to measure correctly, tables, ideal figure through the eyes of women

To avoid edema, especially with kidney problems, do not drink liquid at night to avoid additional stress.

With reasonable planning of the water regime, water stimulates the process of reducing body weight. Really lose extra pounds without compromising your health. Drinking balance helps speed up metabolic processes, and the burning of the fat layer begins. Here are some rules that will help you lose weight:

  1. It will be more beneficial to start the diet in the summer. The body constantly requires increased amounts of water. The release of excess moisture through sweat and excretory organs will not complicate the functioning of the organs.
  2. The norm of consumption at the beginning of a weight loss program is no more than one and a half liters of liquid. Then gradually increase the volume of water drunk, but not faster than 200 ml after 2-3 days. You cannot sharply increase the norm so as not to provoke health problems.
  3. It is recommended to drink up to 2 glasses 30 minutes before each meal. It is better to swallow the liquid in small sips. The expected effect is a decrease in appetite.
  4. The amount of water depends on the nature of the food. After eating protein foods, break until the next drink for 3.5 to 4 hours. After carbohydrates, the pause is shorter - 2 hours after eating.
  5. There is no need to abuse liquids with a diuretic effect (coffee, tea, carbonated water). Dehydration should not be allowed.
  6. If you feel very hungry, experts advise slowly drinking 200 ml of water. If after a 30-minute pause the desire to eat has not disappeared, you can start eating.
  7. The effect of the water regime on the body will be more noticeable if the course lasts up to 3 weeks. Then for 21 days you need to drink according to the body’s usual regimen.

If the body has tolerated the water schedule normally and there is a desire to continue losing weight, you can resume the diet for 14 days. Usually, in 30 days the weight goes down up to 4 kg, the functioning of the intestines and stomach improves, and headaches decrease.

Losing weight by additionally increasing the daily volume of water drunk is not possible for all categories of people. You can't choose a diet:

  • with pathologies of the kidneys and urinary system;
  • diagnosed with hypertension (pressure will rise and cause swelling);
  • pregnant women and during lactation.

Judging by the reviews of those who have already lost weight, the weight loss process will be more effective if you add 250 ml for each extra kilogram. This amount will have to be increased even more by those who have bad habits - caffeine, nicotine, alcohol. More fluid should be consumed in the following cases:

  1. During physical activity. To do this, add the following value to the value calculated using the formula “40 ml * weight (kg)” - 600 grams for men and 400 for women, multiplied by the duration of the workout. This drinking regimen will be more effective when losing weight.
  2. More fluid will be needed when you start to sweat more and lose moisture - in a stuffy room, at elevated temperatures during illness, in winter during the heating season, and even on an airplane.

How to track dehydration: signs

Prolonged dehydration is dangerous; it affects the brain, immunity, and blood cells.

The condition leads to:

  • obesity;
  • deterioration of skin condition;
  • rapid wear and tear of the heart;
  • disorders of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • organ failure;
  • coma and death.

To eliminate the possibility of consequences, you should not bring the body to dehydration. It is easy to recognize and take timely action.

A person can live without food for more than a month, but without water only 3-4 days. A decrease in fluid levels in the body is extremely dangerous for all body systems. You suffer from mild to moderate water deficiency if:

  1. You have dry skin. This manifests itself in peeling, a tendency to chapping, the appearance of deep wrinkles and other signs of premature aging.
  2. There are digestive problems - heartburn, indigestion, frequent constipation.
  3. You feel thirsty and dry in the mouth and eyes, as the mucous membranes dry out.
  4. You get sick longer because viscous blood does not have time to transport toxins formed during illness to the organs for their elimination.
  5. You experience joint pain due to the fact that the amount of fluid in the joint capsule decreases and the bones begin to rub against each other.
  6. You often have headaches, especially at the end of the day. This is how the brain reacts to a decrease in the level of water in its composition.
  7. Feeling hungry more often than usual. The body sends hunger signals to replenish fluid reserves with food.

Severe dehydration requires prompt medical attention and has the following symptoms:

  • rapid breathing and heart rate
  • elevated body temperature
  • retraction of the fontanelle in infants
  • confusion and absent-mindedness in children and adults
  • no sweat or tears
  • dark urine in small quantities
  • strong feeling of thirst
  • low blood pressure

Such dehydration is rare, but requires close treatment in a hospital setting.

If you're really concerned about hydration and want to track it, there's a home method. It may not be the most pleasant: check the color of your urine. Light yellow - everything is fine. Dark yellow or sandy - dehydration.

Of course, dark color can also signal more serious problems. Therefore, balance testing should only be done if there are no other diseases.

Possible symptoms of dehydration:

  1. My eyes itch.
  2. Lips are rough and cracked.
  3. Headaches or dizziness.
  4. Fast fatiguability.
  5. Rare urination.
  6. Well, it’s trivial - my mouth is dry.

Dehydration begins to occur when a person loses more than 5% of normal fluid levels.

How do you know how much water to drink?

To find out the exact amount of the daily requirement, you can use an online calculator. It is necessary to take into account weight, physical activity, air temperature. During pregnancy, lactation, and illness, calculations are made differently. The sedentary, physical work of a person is taken into account.

An approximate calculation of moisture loss during moderate physical activity is 0.5 -1 liters per workout lasting 1.5–2 hours.

The amount of fluid required for fever is 500 ml more than the daily norm for adults and 150–300 ml for children. For diarrhea, it is recommended to drink 200-300 ml of a water-salt solution after defecation. If the liquid is not absorbed and there is repeated vomiting, you should consult a doctor.

The volume of fluid during pregnancy, in addition to the main features (weight, load, climate), may depend on the period and the presence of edema.

Many experts agree that the norm for a healthy, pregnant woman is:

  • 2.5-2.8 l/day in the first trimester;
  • 1.2-1.5 l/day in the third trimester.

The average volume of milk produced during lactation is 1-1.5 liters. To replenish water reserves, a woman needs approximately 2.5-3 l/day, half of which can be replaced by drinks.

What can't quench your thirst?

There are drinks with the opposite effect. That is, they seem to quench your thirst, but later they take in double the amount of water, again increasing the desire to drink and dehydration. These include: coffee, soda, tea.

Read more about the harm caused by coffee, in what quantity and when to drink it in a separate article.

Tea and coffee contain caffeine (of course, coffee has more). First we drank one of these drinks and seemed to quench our thirst. Caffeine dilates blood vessels and constricts the vessels of the kidneys, and after half an hour everything turns on exactly the opposite and a diuretic effect appears. In proportions 1 to 2, that is, I drank 1 cup of strong coffee or tea, and it turned out 2.

What about soda?

With soda, things are different. You've probably often heard that lemonade or soda cannot quench your thirst. So, they quench thirst, but because of sugar, the human body cannot understand whether it has enough water or not, so it becomes thirsty. How does it all happen?

Sugar penetrates the body very quickly and is absorbed, literally in 5-10 minutes. After this, the concentration of sugar around the cells increases and water begins to leave them.

As a result, a signal is sent to the brain that there is not enough water in the body and it is necessary to restore the water balance. Therefore, although sweet drinks are drunk more readily, it is impossible to quench thirst with them.

The tradition of drinking food during meals makes digestion difficult, since the incoming water dilutes the gastric juice and carries the necessary enzymes out of the stomach. For the same reasons, you should not drink water immediately after eating.

It would be correct to drink a glass of clean water half an hour before a meal and 0.5 to 4 hours after a meal.

  • 30 minutes after eating fruit
  • 1 hour after vegetables
  • 2 hours after carbohydrate food
  • 4 hours after meat products.

It is worth refraining from drinking water during training, so as not to create a feeling of fullness in the stomach and to avoid discomfort during active exercise. In addition, an athlete who uncontrollably drinks water during exercise to quench increased thirst is at risk of water poisoning.

  • You can drink water after physical activity, 150-200 ml every 15 minutes. The total volume of liquid drunk should not exceed 1 liter.
  • Drink 1-2 glasses of pure water half an hour before exercise to replenish your body's fluid reserves and avoid feeling thirsty during exercise.

Drinking water in one gulp puts a sharp strain on the kidneys and digestive tract. Without having time to be absorbed, it is largely excreted from the body without being absorbed.

On the contrary, water, drunk in sips, is completely absorbed and perfectly quenches thirst.

To avoid unpleasant effects on the gastrointestinal tract, do not drink melon and corn with water. This will lead to increased flatulence, colic and even diarrhea. For the same reasons, it is not recommended to eat them on an empty stomach.

The postoperative state is accompanied by severe thirst, but doctors do not allow drinking water after surgery and anesthesia.

  • Ingested water against a background of general weakness provokes nausea and vomiting, and vomit can enter the respiratory tract and cause pneumonia.
  • In the case of abdominal surgery, the drunk liquid puts pressure on the walls of the gastrointestinal tract and sutures.

Drinking water is allowed only 2 hours after anesthesia.

How to force yourself to drink water?

There are some interesting tips you can use:

  1. You don’t need to drink a whole glass, it’s better to pour a little, but often.
  2. You can add fresh fruit to the liquid to add flavor.
  3. It is better to keep water nearby; a plastic bottle with a volume of 0.5 is suitable, which you can take with you.

Find out how much water you can and should drink per day to avoid dehydration and harm yourself, and what is the optimal drinking regimen during training.

Everyone knows that water is good for health. Moreover, we are usually convinced that we do not drink enough. But is it? Recent studies have shown that many of our ideas about how much water we can and should drink per day may well be a myth.

They say you should drink at least 8 glasses of water a day. And that it is very important to drink water before and during training. That coffee and tea don't count because caffeine dehydrates the body. And that we should not rely on thirst in this matter, because thirst means that the body is already dehydrated. It might be worth discussing this again. Let's see what modern science says about these seemingly immutable truths.

Scientists honestly looked for evidence that you need to drink 8 glasses of water a day, but... in the end they were unable to substantiate this statement. The big words about the benefits of drinking so much water daily for weight loss, intestinal health, relieving fatigue, preventing arthritis, increasing mental alertness and relieving headaches were also not confirmed.

Debunking myths about water

  • Myth #1: By the time a person begins to feel thirsty, their body is already dehydrated. It is not true. Thirst is the best indicator of how much water we should drink.
  • Myth #2: Dark urine means you are dehydrated. This statement is also not entirely true, since there are many other factors that affect the color of urine.
  • Myth #3: Drinks containing caffeine dehydrate the body. And again, not entirely true. Contrary to popular belief, studies have shown that coffee, tea and soda do not cause dehydration in a caffeine addict. Therefore, they also need to be included in the total amount of fluid per day.

No one disputes that drinking enough water is vitally important. However, the fear of dehydration and constant talk that we drink little water have led to the mistaken belief that the safest way out is to drink as often and as much as possible. But drinking too much water can also be dangerous to your health.

Too much water

During exercise, our body accumulates a significant amount of water. The volume of plasma (the liquid part of the blood) increases, but the concentration of sodium ions in body fluids, on the contrary, decreases - both as a result of dilution with water and during sweating.

Hyponatremia, or low levels of sodium in the blood, often occurs due to drinking too much plain water. This can disrupt the functioning of brain, heart and muscle cells, and also lead to unpleasant consequences in the form of damage to body tissues.

Hydrogen, alkaline, coconut, with collagen - new types of water appear on supermarket shelves every day. Some promise eternal youth, others promise freedom from all diseases, others simply modestly offer to quench their thirst. Is it worth overpaying for beautiful bottles, how many liters of water do we need per day, and how to recognize real mineral water from the label, we asked experts.

How much and when should you drink water per day?

Nutritionist at the European Medical Center Ksenia Selezneva states: “In Russia there are still no uniform standards, but there are recommendations - on average 30 ml per 1 kg of body weight.”

According to leading world organizations, a recommended daily intake of water has been developed, including dishes containing liquid - juice, tea, coffee, watermelon, soup.

Do you need to drink even if you don’t feel like it?

“Many people believe that you only need to drink water when you are thirsty, but this is not entirely true. Thirst, as a rule, is a signal of dehydration,” explains Selezneva. The numbers speak for themselves: with a loss of 2% of fluid from body weight, a person suddenly becomes thirsty, and with a loss of up to 10%, he becomes dizzy and hallucinates. If a person loses 12% of fluid, he urgently needs medical attention. At a dehydration rate of 20%, death occurs.

Can you get poisoned by drinking too much water?

“Yes, you can. It’s definitely not recommended to absorb several liters of water at once, especially at night,” says Selezneva. This is an overload on the kidneys, which already clear about 1,700 liters of blood from toxins per day. Firstly, the kidneys still cannot cope with the additional load, and secondly, swelling will appear. Excessive water intake reduces the concentration of electrolytes in the blood, particularly sodium, which maintains the balance between fluid inside and outside cells.

When exactly should you drink more?

In training. During exercise, you use water much faster than usual. Due to sweating and overheating, it is worth adding another 500-600 ml to the drinking norm. When fluid is lost, the blood becomes thicker, and it is more difficult for the heart to “drive” it through the arteries and veins. At the same time, the brain and muscles require more oxygen and nutrients. By the way, joint pain can be a consequence of a lack of fluid in the body, since cartilage tissue is an elastic material, consisting of 60-85% water.

Dr. Leonid Elkin, author of a patented method for modeling the figure and face, gynecologist-surgeon of the highest category, advises: “During sports, the body requires more water. Before training, take a few large sips or half a glass of water; during exercise, you can take a small sip of water every 15-20 minutes; after finishing your workout, drink a full glass of water to restore the water-salt balance in the body.”

If it's hot outside, especially if the humidity is off the charts, you need to replenish the moisture lost through sweat.

When breastfeeding you need to drink more than usual, on average 600-700 ml per day, since milk is 87% water.

During pregnancy you need to drink 300 ml more per day, since the child is surrounded by water and needs enough fluid for 9 months.

In case of poisoning. “If a person is sick, it is necessary to establish the correct drinking regime. Drink more to remove waste products from your body. Water with lemon and sparkling water work much more effectively for these purposes,” explains Elkin.

How do I know if I'm not drinking enough?

Lawrence Armstrong, director of UCONN’s Human Performance Lab: “First of all, if you’re thirsty, it means your body is already 1-2% dehydrated. Many people confuse hunger with thirst and overeat. To avoid this, simply drink water before you eat lunch or dinner. Secondly, monitor your weight changes. I advise you to weigh yourself every day after waking up for a week. If the arrow on the scale shows 500 grams less than your average weight, you need to replenish the fluid balance by 400 ml. Thirdly, it’s a good idea to monitor the color of your urine: if it’s light yellow or straw-colored, everything is fine, if it’s dark, your body is retaining water, drink more. If your urine is completely colorless several times a week, you are drinking too much. By the way, migraines and a constant feeling of fatigue are the first signal that the body is experiencing a lack of fluid. Recent studies have shown that when dehydrated, problems with mood, decision-making, and performing normal tasks begin. This also affects the effectiveness of training: if the body is dehydrated by 1.5%, endurance indicators decrease.”

A constant lack of fluid in the body increases the risk of developing diabetes, heart disease and metabolic syndrome, chronic kidney disease, and genitourinary tract infections.

When is the right time to drink water and is it possible to drink food?

Nutritionist Ksenia Selezneva: “It is recommended to start the day with one or two glasses of water after waking up; it is better to have breakfast after 30 minutes. There is a hypothesis that by drinking liquid during meals, we dilute gastric juice with digestive enzymes, thereby slowing down the process of food absorption. Water does not have time to be absorbed into the walls of the stomach, and the fermentation process begins. I recommend drinking some water during meals if you feel the need for it (for example, you are eating rice) or when you need to take your vitamins. It is better to consume the bulk of the liquid 30 minutes or an hour after meals.”

Water activates digestive juices and enzymes, speeding up metabolic processes and the absorption of breakfast. In addition, the blood becomes less thick, each cell of the body receives a charge of energy and nutrients on time, and the load on the heart is reduced. According to the latest data published in the American Journal of Epidemiology, those who drink at least six glasses of water a day are 41% less likely to have a heart attack than those who drink just two.

Should you drink lemon water in the morning?

Dr. Leonid Elkin: “Water with lemon in the morning is an excellent recipe for starting the stomach, energizing and cleansing of toxins. However, people with gastrointestinal diseases (gastritis, ulcers), dental problems (sensitive enamel, stomatitis), or allergies to citrus fruits should not drink water with lemon. It is also important to drink water with lemon correctly: squeeze a third of a lemon into a glass of warm water, drink on an empty stomach, 20-30 minutes before breakfast. During this time, do exercises or morning exercise and only then start breakfast. If you don’t like lemon water, don’t force your body. Just drink boiled water at room temperature. You should not drink cold water on an empty stomach, as the body will need to spend energy to warm it in the stomach, and only then will it begin to be absorbed.”

Is it possible to replace water with other drinks?

Leonid Elkin: “City residents often drink coffee, freshly squeezed juices and other drinks. I do not recommend drinking more than two cups of coffee per day - it contributes to dehydration. Freshly squeezed juices retain their vitamin properties only for two to three hours after pressing.”

“For one cup of coffee you need to drink in addition to your norm plus one glass of water,” adds Ksenia Selezneva.

What kind of water to drink?

“It is not recommended to drink carbonated water regularly and in large quantities, as this can negatively affect the condition of the mucous membrane of the esophagus and stomach. If you don’t like the taste of regular water, you can add lime juice, lemon juice, or fresh cucumber, cut into slices,” says Selezneva. She leans in favor of purified, alkaline water, since it is known that many pathological processes occur in the body against the background of acidification. And he adds: “According to UNESCO, the cleanest water is in Finland, where you can drink tap water, as in Switzerland and some other countries. In Russia this is definitely not worth doing; use filters to purify the water.”

Leonid Elkin: “I advise you to drink sparkling water for detoxification and additional mineralization. It contains dissolved oxygen, which has a detrimental effect on bacteria in the intestines. Carbonated water is also a preventative antibacterial agent.”

What about mineral water?

An expert from the Union of Bottled Water Manufacturers, Dmitry Korobkov, explains how to read the label on bottles: “It should indicate mineralization (g/l), main ion composition (mg/l), source of origin, well number or name of the source (spring, deposit) , manufacturer, its legal address and actual production address, date of bottling of products, expiration dates and storage conditions. The conditions for storing water after opening the bottle must be indicated. The words: “pure”, “live” are just marketing. By pouring a glass of water that says “natural mineral” on the bottle, you can be sure that you are drinking water from underground sources (artesian wells or pressure springs), where groundwater does not flow. Its composition is not subject to chemical treatment, and it reaches the shelves in its original form, with a whirlpool of microelements that was provided by nature.”

Do I get water from food?

According to The USDA National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference, these foods have the following water content:

Does water really affect the condition of the skin?

Nutritionist Robin Jephtha says: "Water produces up to 60% of collagen protein on its own, so drinking enough water is the first step to improving your skin." Dr. Elkin agrees with him: “If the cell is filled with water, collagen is constantly produced, and skin aging does not occur.”

Leonid Elkin: “Many experts believe that alkaline water is good for health. It prevents the occurrence of diseases, inhibits the aging process, prevents the formation of free radicals, and removes toxins. Hydrogen is a powerful weapon in the fight against free radicals and helps launch the synthesis of collagen and elastin. I would recommend introducing this water into your diet. Aloe water quickly penetrates cells, improving calcium metabolism. The body's defenses and immune system are strengthened. Watermelon water is mostly just a refreshing drink. It contains vitamin C, E and B vitamins. Chlorella algae in water rejuvenates the body, has an anti-inflammatory effect, strengthens the immune system, and also normalizes blood glucose levels. Collagen water is water with collagen dissolved in it, but scientists are still debating whether it penetrates cells. At the moment, this is rather in the marketing category, as with hyaluronic acid in pill form. But water with probiotics is a super thing. A very effective story for improving the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, normalizing metabolic processes and detoxifying the body. And yet, I would not recommend completely switching to any such water, if only because we do not have a genetic predisposition to drink, for example, only coconut water.”

What are the benefits of the popular coconut water?

Coconut water contains natural electrolytes, potassium and sodium, which are key ingredients for rehydrating our body. “It is good for strengthening blood vessels, improving the functions of the gastrointestinal tract, and normalizing the water-salt balance in the body,” notes Elkin. Electrolytes are important for normal nervous and muscular system function, which is why athletes often drink fortified drinks or sports drinks. The advantage of coconut water compared to them is that it is natural and free of dyes and sugar.

The body is 70% water, which ensures its normal functioning. The result of insufficient fluid intake is dehydration. To maintain good health, it is important to know how much, how and when to drink water. It is necessary to take into account the quality of the fluid consumed and determine in which cases it is necessary to increase or reduce the daily volume of fluid consumed.


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    What kind of water should you drink and when?

    It is important to pay attention to the quality of the liquid consumed. First of all, it must be clean.

    Boiled water loses many beneficial properties.

    Bottled water is often “lifeless”. It goes through the processes of distillation and mineralization. It is better to consume life-giving moisture from clean springs or use high-quality water filters.

    How to create a calorie deficit for weight loss - calculation formulas

    Norms of daily fluid intake

    To ensure normal water regime for adults, there is a special formula through which calculations can be made.

    Body weight is multiplied by 31 to determine the amount of fluid consumed per day for a woman and by 35 for a man.

    The daily consumption of life-giving moisture varies depending on a person’s weight. For example, if your body weight is 81 kilograms, then it is recommended to consume 2.25 liters per day.

    Principles of healing according to Neumyvakin:

    1. 1. Drinks such as coffee, compote, tea and mineral water are sources of slagging in the body’s cells. To improve your well-being, you should drink only clean water, at least 2 liters per day. The professor views water as a pure electrolyte, the energy through which mitochondria actively work.
    2. 2. Even the most serious illnesses, such as cancer or AIDS, can be overcome if you adhere to a half-starved existence and drink plenty of clean water.
    3. 3. A quarter of an hour before meals you should drink one or two glasses of life-giving moisture. This will help make the blood thinner and reduce the load on the cardiovascular system.
    4. 4. Drinking liquid after eating is strictly not recommended. You can only rinse your mouth with water. Gastric juice should not be diluted with other liquids.
    5. 5. An important condition for preserving all the healing properties of water is its use in a settled form. To do this, you need to leave tap water to settle in the evening and heat it up in the morning until light bubbles form. This liquid will help get rid of many ailments.

    How much fluid does a baby need?

    A child's water intake depends on his weight, age, mobility and physical activity. Table of daily water consumption for children depending on age:

    Child's age

    Fluid intake rate

    • Until 6 months, pediatricians do not recommend giving the baby water, since he receives all the beneficial substances and a sufficient amount of liquid from mother’s milk.
    • At this time, the formation of intestinal flora occurs, and water will interfere with this process.
    • Water, filling the child’s stomach, gives a false feeling of fullness. As a result, the baby may become malnourished.
    • If the baby is hot, he will often attach himself to the mother’s breast, receiving sufficient amounts of “foremilk”, which consists of 90% water.
    • Some experts say that sometimes, in case of constipation, diarrhea, hiccups, high fever, you can give your child water on a spoon. This must be done without coercion.
    • If a child is bottle-fed, he should be given water from the first days of life.
    • It is important to consider that a child can drink no more than 150–200 ml per day.
    • Children under 1 year of age need 50 ml of clean water per 1 kg of weight.
    • It should be remembered that they get 75% of their fluid from milk and food.

    During this period, you should carefully monitor compliance with the water regime, as the child’s motor activity increases and solid food is introduced into the diet.

    The baby needs 50 ml of water per kilogram of weight.

    Dehydration in a child can be determined by the following signs:

    • Dryness of the mucous membranes of the mouth and lips.
    • Dryness and pallor of the skin.
    • Dry diaper after 6–8 hours of sleep.
    • Moodiness, crying without tears.
    • Dark color of urine and its pungent odor.
    • Baby greedily drinks liquid

    By the beginning of school age, the daily consumption of life-giving moisture should be from 1.2 to 1.7 liters per day.

    From the age of 4, the child begins the active formation of the nervous and skeletal systems, so it is important that the liquid contains a sufficient amount of magnesium and fluoride.

    At this time, you should teach your child to regularly drink clean water, but not teas or sweet drinks.

    At this age, the child's need for sufficient water continues to increase.

    The norm is from 1.7 to 2.5 liters per day.

    It is important to remember that during sports, illness and summer heat, fluid consumption increases, so it is necessary to ensure its timely replenishment.

    A boy needs to drink 10% more water per day than a girl.

    12 years and older

    The norm is the same as for adults - 2.2 liters per 70 kg of weight.

    If the child is very active or intensely involved in sports, then the volume of fluid should be increased by 0.7–1.2 l

    In what cases should the amount of fluid be increased?

    There are a number of situations when you should increase the amount of water you drink:


    Amount of additional liquid (in ml)

    Intense sports training.

    Increased sweating must be compensated for by drinking additional fluids.

    It is important to consider that professional athletes can experience fluid losses of up to 6–10 liters per day

    Hot in summer.

    High air temperatures pose a particular danger to people with cardiovascular diseases.

    It is dangerous to stay indoors for a long time dressed in winter

    Staying at an altitude above 2500 m above sea level

    State of fever with diarrhea, vomiting, infectious diseases


    Breastfeeding period

    Drinking large amounts of coffee regularly, as caffeine has a diuretic effect

    Up to 500 ml per cup

    Abuse of sugary carbonated drinks and salty foods

    Volume of drink consumed

    How to drink fluids to lose weight

    If a person drinks water correctly, his metabolic processes accelerate, natural fat burning occurs, and excess weight is lost. In a month you can lose 4 kilograms of weight without harm to your body. To do this, you should follow simple recommendations:

    • You should start drinking fluid correctly for figure correction gradually, from 1–1.5 liters per day. A sharp increase in water regime contributes to the exacerbation of chronic ailments.
    • It is very important in the morning, 15 minutes before meals, to drink a glass of life-giving moisture in small sips. If the acidity of the stomach allows, then add the juice of half a lemon or a teaspoon of honey. You can use melted water, boiled water, medicinal mineral water without gas, water with the addition of lemon, mint, and cinnamon. The temperature of the liquid should be at room temperature, since drinking cold liquid increases the feeling of hunger and it is not absorbed in the stomach.
    • It is important to drink a glass of life-giving moisture half an hour before meals. This will help dull the feeling of hunger. Drinking after meals is strictly not recommended. This will contribute to disruption of digestive processes. You can drink liquid 2 hours after a carbohydrate meal, and 3-4 hours after a protein meal.
    • You should not drink large quantities of drinks such as tea, coffee, Coca-Cola, as they have a diuretic effect and only contribute to dehydration of the body. It is important to consider that the body perceives compotes, juices, and fruit drinks as liquid food, and not as drinking water.
    • It is not recommended to drink liquid from plastic containers. Glassware should be preferred.

    The body often confuses the feeling of hunger and thirst, so every time the desire to eat arises, you should drink a glass of water.

    And a little about secrets...

    The story of one of our readers Alina R.:

    I was especially depressed about my weight. I gained a lot, after pregnancy I weighed as much as 3 sumo wrestlers together, namely 92 kg with a height of 165. I thought the belly would go away after giving birth, but no, on the contrary, I began to gain weight. How to cope with hormonal changes and obesity? But nothing disfigures or makes a person look younger than his figure. At the age of 20, I first learned that plump girls are called “WOMAN” and that “they don’t make clothes that size.” Then at the age of 29, divorce from my husband and depression...

    But what can you do to lose weight? Laser liposuction surgery? I found out - no less than 5 thousand dollars. Hardware procedures - LPG massage, cavitation, RF lifting, myostimulation? A little more affordable - the course costs from 80 thousand rubles with a nutritionist consultant. You can, of course, try to run on a treadmill until you go crazy.

    And when will you find time for all this? And it's still very expensive. Especially now. That's why I chose a different method for myself...

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