Audiobooks children's stories. Children's audio fairy tales for the development of memory and imagination

A wonderful collection of audio tales to introduce young children to magical world fairy tales. Each story comes to life, is memorable and suitable for the youngest children. The collection includes classic Russian fairy tales, fairy tales of Russian and foreign authors.

You can listen to a large selection of the best children's audio tales for free .. The best children's tales, about animals, legends, folklore, and folk tales! Children from three years of age kindergarten or at home, small stories about nature are very suitable, or simple short stories, for example "Sweet porridge". Children over the age of three are often ready to hear "sequential" tales, such as the tale of the turnip. The turnip has grown so big that the grandfather cannot pull it out by himself, so one by one the grandmothers, the grandson, the dogs, the cats, and finally the mouse come. All together then were able to pull out the turnip. Such sequential stories have the added benefit of being relatively easy to get started with. The advantage of audio fairy tales is the fact that you can always listen to them even if you don’t have a book on hand to read it to your child, turn on the fairy tale and the child will listen to it with interest.

7 reasons why listening to audio stories for young children is very useful.

Fairy tales help my children learn to do right choice is one of the biggest challenges I have experienced as a parent. Heroes in fairy tales are faced with a constant choice. Sometimes they make the right choice and sometimes they don't. The beauty of the tale is that almost always the heroes should reap the fruits of what they have sown. good choice will be rewarded bad choice No

Along with the above theme, fairy tales for young children provide a fantastic opportunity for adults to discuss the right decision from the wrong, the consequences of the choice. The choice discussed by the character is the most safe way for children to talk about good and bad, as it is not directly related to the child.

Fairy tales is fantastic way increase vocabulary. Even more, they introduce words and terms for children that are not usually used and this gives them rich ground for enriching the language.

Fairies, talking animals, flying children - everything is possible in a fairy tale! I really believe that the world needs little kids with more inventive and creative minds. When our minds are open to all sorts of ideas and possibilities, we begin to think outside of the accepted standards. When children are faced with a problem or problems, a child with a vivid imagination will come up with surprisingly unique ways to overcome these difficulties.

This audio tale is incredible beautiful place, complete incredible people. But bad things happen too. Fairy tales give children hope and courage to face difficult situations and keep in their hearts the main thing that in the end, good will prevail. This is very important for young children.

Some of the stories are downright terrifying. So scary in fact that I didn't read them to my little kids. But many people do not agree with this. But they were not talking about those fairy tales that turn into children's nightmares at night! However, there are several scary tales that I read to my kids and they love them. Fairy tales present great emotions such as fear and sadness in a safe and comfortable environment. This is a very powerful thing.

Above all, fairy tales open up a world of fantasy, adventure and magic for our children. The excitement and concern on the face of a child while listening to a fairy tale really says it all.

Collections of children's audio stories for middle-aged children up to the age of 13. Tales of friendship, emotions, fantasies, short stories about animals or just funny stories who accompany them from the first years. Choose from a large selection of children's writers and listen to their stories and play them with your kids in mp3 format.

Audio stories for children are a good and only growing element of life. I often hear: "it's impossible to listen, isn't it better to just read the story?" . Listening to stories is certainly different from reading, but is it wrong or harmful? No one disputes the importance of decoding in the learning process of reading and writing, but understanding the text, critically thinking through the content, using the imagination, and grasping the connections in the heart of whoever reads or listens, and why children learn to love books.

What gives an audio story for children?

  • It allows you to listen to books that the student could not read on his own due to his small age.
  • Creates good motivation for reading.
  • Emphasizes humor in books with intonation.
  • Introduces new genres that students may not see differently.
  • Introduces new terminology or complex names or words..
  • Provides a basis for reading aloud.
  • Provides a bridge to important discussion topics for parents and children who can listen together while on the road (in the car).
  • Develops the ability to listen to others.

In addition, many audio stories are read by the author or contain comments by the author. This information can be provided to children to connect with the author as well as understanding the author's thoughts as they write.

I still prefer to read books for learning, but I have found that audio stories are also good for this purpose and much more. If you're not sure if audio storytelling is for you, here are seven reasons why you should start incorporating audio storytelling into your life.


Some people prefer audio over text for learning, and you might be one of them. If you don't like to read, experiment with audio stories and see if it helps you learn.

Better retention of the essence of the story.

I haven't found any conclusive evidence that reading is better than listening (I know that reading is an inefficient way of processing information), but I do know that if you combine the two, you'll only get the best of both. Audio stories perfectly complement previous knowledge to consolidate information.

If you have read the book before and then listened to the audiobook version, you will retain and consolidate much more information.

For example, I read several times children's story Nikolai Nosov "Merry Family", but I remembered some details of the story when I finished listening to the audio version of the story. I noticed this with other stories the same story.

Accelerated learning.

One of the main advantages of audiobooks is that you can change the speed of the information you listen to. Some listen to stories at 1.5x or 2x without affecting their comprehension of the text. If you want to get a lot of information, this is a great way.

Saves time

As much as we encourage multitasking, it can sometimes be useful and effective. Audio stories are great for this. You can listen while you clean the house, fold your clothes, go to school, or anything else that doesn't require much attention.

This is especially effective when you are driving to work. On the way to work I have a lot of multifaceted stories.

Correct perception.

Some stories are better listened to than read. Why? Sometimes we read stories because we were asked to read them at school. The goal is to read, not to understand. When you listen to a story that is read by a professional reader, who correctly emphasizes, correctly highlights important passages, conveys the atmosphere of what is happening, with voice intonation.

From time to time they ask difficult stories, it is sometimes boring to read them. Sometimes it's hard to get through a dry section of a story, but if you try to listen to it, you'll find it interesting. If you ever find yourself in a situation where you know the content of a book is great but it's hard to read, pick up the audio version of the story and listen with pleasure.


The audio stories are really handy. You can download them on your phone, iPod, computer and listen in your car. This makes the content accessible and you can easily pick up where you left off last time.

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  • Story The Snow Queen listen
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  • Fairy tale Nutcracker and mouse king listen
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  • Fairy tale Hen Ryaba listen
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  • Audio fairy tales for children
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  • Fairy tale Flower-Semitsvetik listen
  • Valentin Kataev
  • audio/images/p6.jpg
  • Audio fairy tales for children
  • /upload/medialibrary/228/228bc108edd06a9fc21f53e3ad2ac88f.mp3
  • Tale Thumbelina listen
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  • Children's fairy tales
  • audio/images/p7.jpg
  • Audio fairy tales for children
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  • Children's fairy tales
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  • Audio fairy tales for children
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  • Audio fairy tales for children
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  • Children's fairy tales
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  • Audio fairy tales for children
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  • Audio fairy tales for children
  • /upload/audioskazki/malenkii-muk.mp3
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  • Children's fairy tales
  • audio/images/p10.jpg
  • Audio fairy tales for children
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  • audio/images/p10.jpg
  • Audio fairy tales for children
  • /upload/audioskazki/skazka-o-rybake-i-rybke.mp3

Audio tales for children. In this section of our site, we have collected by category and placed audio fairy tales for children.
Mom about fairy tales.
My baby got sick. For the first time. Today is the second week of his illness. At first it was scary, scary not only from the situation, but also from not knowing what to do next. But he seems to be on the mend now. The next day I got sick. After the husband, but he really recovered faster than my son and I. But let's not talk about sad things, but in continuation of the "children's theme" let's talk about fairy tales today.

Children have very vivid impressions from audio fairy tales - from what fairy tales were read to them in childhood, from how adults did it, and to what extent. Audio fairy tales are an important psychological platform that is embedded in the minds of every child. I have already collected a bunch of books for my Lyalka. True, their reading with us is still limited only by the efforts to tear or lick them, and it passes at the level of “this is a duck, and this is a dog”. The most important thing is to teach your child to read, to books. It will be easier to study at school. I am grateful to my mother and sister, who made us read from cards, books, and so on. Apart from huge amount fairy tales that were read to me, I remember no less number of pictures that my sister painted (she is an artist).

  • Fairy tale Scarlet flower
  • The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Bogatyrs
  • Fairy tale snow queen
  • Fairy tale The Nutcracker and the Mouse King
  • Fairy tale Hen Ryaba
  • Fairy tale Flower-semitsvetik
  • Tale Thumbelina
  • Fairy tale dwarf nose
  • Fairy tale Masha and the Bear
  • Fairy tale Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
  • Fairy tale Living water
  • Fairy tale Aibolit
  • Fairy tale Vasilisa the Beautiful
  • Fairy tale wolf and seven kids
  • Fairy tale twelve months
  • fairy tale little mermaid
  • Morozko's fairy tale
  • The Tale of Tsar Saltan
  • Tale Teremok
  • Fairy tale Wizard of the Emerald City
  • Fairy tale Ilya Muromets and the Nightingale the Robber
  • Fairy tale Porridge from an ax
  • Fairy tale ugly duckling
  • Tale Little Muk
  • Fairy tale cockerel and beanstalk
  • The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish

“A fairy tale is a lie and there is a hint in it ...” - it was not in vain that they said so in Russia. All sayings, proverbs, and fairy tales, including those have a meaning that has been invested in them for centuries. Fairy tales carry not just information, they carry hidden meaning sometimes even sacred knowledge somewhere. There are fairy tales not only for kids, some of them are not averse to reading and adults. In fairy tales, not only the little ones can learn something new for themselves, but also adults. For example, I love Carlson very much. who lives on the roof. This audio tale is just a hymn to optimism. This guide is how easy it is to relate to many things. And his "Calm, only calm!" can be applied to many situations when it is really needed. By the way, this book was the first one I read on my own. I remember how proud and happy I was. Let me tell you a little secret: I still love and sometimes re-read the Kazakh "Tales of Aldar Kos", the tales of the peoples of Burma (they smell of mysticism and are more like parables), the tales of Andersen, the aforementioned Carlson and still love Mumiy Troll. Of my childhood impressions, bookcases are still one of the brightest - a lot of books, at first I just looked at them, on some I even left my art, then I started to reread them. I hope that I can instill in my child the same love of books that I have. That's the end of the fairy tale, and whoever listened - well done!

And who knows, maybe once upon a time there were fire-breathing dragons and beautiful princesses in the towers, a magical golden-maned horse beat the ground with a golden hoof, lived - there were grandfather and grandmother, and the most cherished desires came true!

Audio fairy tales for children are what help out modern dads and moms. Agree, in the frantic rhythm of everyday bustle, fatigue makes itself felt already with the onset of twilight. And closer to the night, you don’t want to think about anything other than a good night’s sleep. At the same time, our children are not used to falling asleep without a bedtime story. Today, audio fairy tales help parents out.

It should be noted that the benefit of listening to audio fairy tales will be not only for children, but also for those parents who still want to tell fairy tales to their kids themselves. After all, recordings of audio fairy tales are made with the involvement of professionals with the correct diction. This is a great practice before reading a fairy tale to children. Listening to audio fairy tales, dads and moms will be able to tell no worse than those very announcers on the recordings.
Audio tales are divided into Russian folk and author's. Modern parents have the opportunity to choose for their children best fairy tales domestic and foreign writers. Annotations are also attached to each of them, which greatly facilitates the choice of a work of art.

How convenient is the use of audio fairy tales from the Internet:

  1. There are no restrictions on the number of downloaded files;
  2. Works for children are downloaded in a matter of seconds;
  3. For the process of downloading audio fairy tales, one click on the selected files is enough;
  4. Although audio fairy tales are usually read for children, their performances are so professionally voiced that any adult can hear them.

Particular emphasis should be placed on the choice of a bedtime story. The fact is that children should not read any fairy tale before going to bed. It is recommended to choose for such cases short works. It is desirable that the reading time does not exceed 20 minutes.

What are the advantages of audio fairy tales over book counterparts:

  1. The child listens to a fairy tale from a person with a well-delivered speech and a correct voice corresponding to the spirit and characters of the fairy tale (do not forget that professional announcers and actors participate in the recording of audio works);
  2. Audioskazski must be accompanied musical compositions reflecting the mood of the characters in these works. And sound effects, also used when recording audio fairy tales, are able to display those moments that cannot be expressed by a human voice (for example, the sound of the sea or the whistle of the wind). All this together gives the baby a clear idea of ​​​​the plot of the work;
  3. Listening to audio fairy tales contributes to the development of the child's imagination;
  4. With regular listening to audio fairy tales, children actively replenish their vocabulary and improve speech intonation. The kid intuitively begins to imitate the narrator from the recording in speech turns and tone of conversation;
  5. Audio tales are a kind of lesson for concentration. This is a great preschool for a child. Having learned to focus on the plot of a fairy tale, it will be easier for the kid to focus his attention on the topic of any lesson in the near future;
  6. Listening to audio fairy tales is also good because after them children are not excited and tuned in to noisy games, as, for example, after watching cartoons;
  7. Unlike watching cartoons, when listening to audio stories, the child's eyesight does not suffer. And this is an important aspect from the point of view of pediatric medicine;
  8. Listening to audio fairy tales allows you to develop in your baby ear for music and a love of language and literature.

Thus, including audio fairy tales for their children, parents contribute huge contribution in their intellectual development. Moreover, you can make this contribution to their education, even doing your own business at this time. Important: to listen to audio fairy tales, it is not at all necessary to have a personal computer or Internet access at home. It is enough to download these works to a smartphone or tablet and then turn them on at any convenient time.

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