How often should you visualize the desire. How to make the visualization of desires a method to achieve your goals

Have you heard a lot about visualization of desires, but never used it? Try it, you will be surprised by the result. Many people think that this is stupidity, it’s not even worth starting. But you definitely have at least one case in your memory when you made a wish and asked the universe to make it come true. And it came true. So try again, believe me, you will not regret it.

Write a list of goals

Before you start visualizing desires, you need to deal with them. You may be surprised, but many people do not know what they want. Yes, there may be some desires, but they are not clearly formed or generally abstract. Well, how will you look for the love of your life, if you even have no idea how it should look like? Or maybe you want to change jobs? What does your goal look like? Just change? But this is not a dream. You can dream of a boss's chair or a promotion with a good salary increase. A simple change of place will definitely not bring you joy.

So if you are serious about doing visualization, first you need to write down all your desires. What does everything mean? This means that you need to seriously approach this issue and rewrite everything that you would like to receive on a sheet. This should include something global, such as a house, and something small, such as new gloves. And be sure to include intangible values, such as a good figure or a warm relationship with your parents.

But remember: a person has two kinds of desires, one of his own, and the other - imposed. So, you need to learn to distinguish one from the other. For example, consider whether you need a car? Perhaps you want to own it, because all your friends have personal transport? But you never aspired to drive, and you never studied law. And such goals of visualization do not lend themselves. So after the goals are written out, they should be sorted for the presence of ideas and ideas about a beautiful life imposed by someone.

wish board

Do you have a list of what you would like to bring into your life. Now you need to make a collage visualization of desires. What it is? This is a collage that you will make personally. If you love needlework, then the wish board can be material. If cutting and gluing pieces of paper together is alien to you, then you can make a picture in Photoshop and then put it on the desktop screensaver of your computer.

How to make a wish visualization board? Find beautiful pictures that match your goals. If you want a car, download a photo of the model you want to own from the Internet. If you dream of a new job, then find a photo of a specialist who has achieved professional success in your chosen field of activity. Now these pictures need to be cut out. You may need to print them if you are making a material rather than a virtual collage.

How to place the visualization of desires on the board? First we place the pictures, and then add the captions. You can attach motivational phrases or sayings of people to your board that lift your spirits. Glitter stickers or stickers will help decorate the board. You can stick your cutouts to the board with funny faces or stars, or you can arrange the decor in a chaotic manner between the pictures. You can use any material at hand as decorations: shells, beads, beads, etc.


Visualization of desires begins with the purification of consciousness. You do not meditate and have a bad idea of ​​this process? It's okay, Visualization Meditation is not some complicated spiritual practice. You just need to sit down and relax. At the same time, you need to let go of your obsessive thoughts, which will appear every now and then. For example, you may suddenly remember that you didn't wash the dishes. No need to jump up and run to the sink. You can still do it.

Getting the right desires is not something complicated. After you have relaxed and let go of everyday problems, you need to imagine the desired object or object as clearly as possible. Feel it with your hand, feel the roughness or smoothness of the surface. Present it as if you already have it. If it's a car, try to imagine yourself driving down the road. You need to imagine the breeze that flies into the cabin from an open window, the smoothness of the steering wheel and the elasticity of the pedal.

magic notepad

Have you heard good things about wish visualization? Perhaps a neighbor told you that she imagined a new food processor, and on March 8 her husband presented it to her. And exactly the way she wanted. Although he used to say that now there is no money, and the purchase is not the most budgetary. After such inspiring words, I want to test the magical effect on myself.

Get a calendar of visualization of desires. What will it be? Take a notepad and write something simple in it. For example, today is December 30, and you want it to snow tomorrow, on New Year's Day. And then tomorrow comes, you look out the window, and there is white and white. You should open your notepad and write thank you. Who are you thanking at this moment? The universe, God, a mysterious power - it doesn't matter. Thank whoever you want, the main thing is to do it sincerely.

When the first wish is fulfilled, write the other two. Do not think of anything serious right away. You need to start with pleasant trifles. Thank you every time, and increase the number and complexity of your desires. There is no need to describe anything in detail here. Try to fit your idea into one, maximum two sentences.

Thoughts are realized

After the goals are written, they need to be released. You need to scroll through them in your head, but not every second. Imagine that you have bought boots. Yes, today it makes you happy, and tomorrow too, but the day after tomorrow putting on boots will become a routine that you will stop noticing. It should be the same with desires. You remember them, you have them, but you do not need to keep them in your head all the time. Release them so you can come up with new ones. Here it is necessary to say in general about the thoughts that a person scrolls in his head. You can't think in a negative way. Don't wish harm on anyone. It is better to engage in the establishment of positive thoughts. Think positive, imagine good and try to look at any situation in a positive way. Has your wallet been stolen? But there was no money there, they are all stored on the card that you blocked. There will be a reason to get a new thing.

Feedback on the visualization of desires people leave only positive. They learn to look positively at this world and not despair. After all, there is always someone to rely on. If you run out of your own strength, you can hope for the universe. She will always solve all problems in the best way.

Trust paper

And desires are possible when your desires are formed. You wrote them in a list and pasted the pictures on the board. And now you should paint each dream in detail. Do you want shoes? Describe them. Should they be wearing high heels or not? Perhaps they should be decorated with a clasp. Be sure to indicate whether you want the model in leather or suede.

The same must be done with all, even great desires. For example, you want a house. You should visually imagine it and write everything on paper. Fantasize as if you are entering your dream home. What will be the door? What will you see in the hallway? Be sure to write down what color the chest of drawers should be, what material the floor will be made of, how many floors should be in the house, how many rooms. Then think about the patio. Will he be big? Or maybe there will be a garden or a garden? You will have a garage or shed to store all the necessary things.

The more you describe the dream, the more you will believe that you already have it. And this will help the desired object or object to become a part of your life.


There are quite a few techniques for visualizing desires. One of them is script writing. Do you like to watch movies? But more than one screenwriter is working on its creation. So our life is created by someone from above. But you can take the writing of your script into your own hands. Is there something you don't like in life? Correct it.

You should start by describing your ideal morning. Again, everything needs to be detailed here. Write where you want to wake up, in what bed, who should lie next to you, what kind of view will be from the window. The more details the better. Now write down what you will do after you get up, like drink water and go to the gym. In the same way, the evening should be described, and then the whole day. Then describe your ideal week. Next, work on the scenario of the month, and then the year. It remains only to take a step-by-step look at your next 5 and 10 years of life. Write what you want to achieve by retirement. Many people do not understand what they spent their lives on because they did not go anywhere.

Write your script and don't show it to anyone. Let him lie somewhere in a secret place. For example, next to a magic notebook Believe me, after a while it will come true. First in parts, and then the whole. Be sure to reread your script from time to time, just to refresh your memory or edit it a little to suit changing living conditions.

Daily practices

Are you wondering how to materialize thoughts correctly? Visualization of desires requires daily practice. You don't have to sit all day long and meditate on your dreams. 15 minutes in the morning and the same amount of time in the evening are enough. But daily. Training must be regular in order to achieve solid results. After all, to sit on the twine, you need to stretch your muscles. So here. The more often you tune in to the right wave, the better. But this should be a conscious attitude, and not time allocated in fits and starts in the middle of the working day. This is the main secret of visualizing desires.


How to materialize desires? Visualization is a good thing. She has several techniques. One of them is affirmations. What it is? These are short positive statements with which a person can set himself up in the right way. How can they sound? For example, if you lack self-confidence, and you want to become the soul of the company or the leader among your friends, you can repeat the phrase: “I am brave and strong. I always succeed and things go uphill. People love me and are ready to follow me".

Note that you need to pronounce the phrase in such a way as if the necessary qualities are already inherent in you. Talking about the visualization of desires, it is impossible not to mention that they work only when you read them clearly and deliberately. If you run your eyes over the leaf and hide it in the table, you will not succeed. Remember, even the strongest and most successful individuals need the right attitude, because it is half the battle.

be careful

How to make the visualization of desires in the form of a board, notebooks and positive statements, we have analyzed. Now you need to open up to this life and accept the fruits of your activity. Remember the hackneyed phrase about the fact that when one door closes, another one is sure to open? It always happens. But people often do not want to notice the door being opened. They want to close it, because everything new is scary.

For example, a person works in a bank, he is not expected to receive promotions in the near future. And at lunchtime, he meets a school friend who says that they need a young specialist to work. But the bank employee will doubt that his candidacy is suitable. Therefore, he will refuse this opportunity to change jobs.

Try to understand that visualization works whether you like it or not. If you dream of a new car today, you may wreck your old one tomorrow. And then, willy-nilly, it will turn out to buy a new car. How to visualize desires correctly is described above. Therefore, do not allow negative thoughts so that troubles do not happen to you on the way to your dream.


You learned how to make a wish visualization, now think about how to say thank you. Gratitude is very important, even if you say it to the universe, God or karma. It doesn't matter to whom. Did you get what you want? Thank you sincerely. It doesn't have to be something like a prayer. It should be more like a clearing of consciousness. The universe heard you and gave a signal, send it feedback that you accepted the gift and the transaction was successful.

But it is rather problematic to immediately notice all the presents of fate. Therefore, you can start doing a simple exercise in the evenings. It's called "candle". If you have been to children's camps, then you know what it means. You need to light a candle and start remembering what good things happened to you that day. What desires of yours have been fulfilled, and to what progress have you been? Think of all the surprises the day has brought you. Perhaps they were not even very pleasant. But remember, nothing happens by chance. Therefore, if some event knocked you out of the routine, think about what it could mean. Simple observation combined with gratitude strengthens your faith in visualization, and therefore helps your desires to come true.

Who would not want to fulfill their desires? Each person has things that he could not achieve for a long time or that he had been carrying for a long period, now he wants to start implementing them. Psychologists emphasize the importance of correctly visualizing desires in order to take effective actions towards their realization. There are several techniques on how to visualize correctly in order to move faster towards your goals.

Who doesn't have goals they've already tried to achieve but failed? In order not to give up and not doubt the possibility of achieving what you want, you need to clearly understand what needs to be done. It is necessary not only to want, but also to correctly imagine what you want. This is called by the specialists of the online magazine website the visualization of desires, when you correctly imagine and scroll through it in your head at the stage of forming and nurturing a goal.

Recently, there have been many ways to clearly formulate and present your desire. We focus on what really helps in achieving the goal. And we will start with the fact that at first you need to clearly present and understand your goal in order to know what needs to be done to achieve it.

What is wish visualization?

Desire visualization is a popular goal-achieving technique that many successful people offer. Its meaning lies in the fact that a person scrolls through a short film, where he already lives the life he dreams of.

A distinctive feature of visualization is that:

  1. The person presents his wish as having already come true. He does not dream about what he wants, but already lives in what he used to want and now has achieved.
  2. Man presents himself in his desire. He already lives in what he has achieved, clearly sees his goal and feels all the fruits of it.

Visualization not only allows you to clearly imagine what you want, but also to live in it. Psychologists note that a person achieves what he wants only when he consciously and subconsciously feels that he will live comfortably in new circumstances. If the consciousness can want something, then the subconscious can resist if it feels some kind of discomfort, unfamiliarity and forced tension, if suddenly a person reaches the conditions that he dreams of.

Both consciousness and subconsciousness must want to achieve a certain goal. This can only be done through visualization - when a person closes his eyes and imagines how he already lives in that life where his desires are achieved. The more and more often a person scrolls his desire in his head and presents it brighter, the more the subconscious gets used to it. Now, if a person really achieves what he wants, his subconscious will feel comfortable, because the new environment will be familiar to him.

Thus, with your visualization, you force your own subconscious mind to get used to the conditions that will arise when you achieve what you want. Another plus is added to this: by clearly and colorfully presenting your desire, you allow yourself to correct it.

Often people first start dreaming about something, forgetting about the accompanying circumstances that may arise. For example, a woman may dream of marriage, forgetting that her husband needs to eat, cook and constantly sexually please. A man can dream of owning his own business, forgetting that business needs to be done overtime and even at night. Each desire has its negative sides, which a person usually forgets about while dreaming about something.

Since the subconscious mind is aware of the negative factors that a person will face if he achieves what he wants, it will force him not to achieve the goal. In order to negotiate with your own subconscious, you need to see in your plans not only good, but also bad, and you need to get used to the bad, consider options for how to eliminate it, or correct your own desire and even abandon it.

If a person clearly imagines himself in a realized desire with all its advantages and disadvantages, then he will be able to understand what needs to be changed in his goal or what to refuse. Scrolling in the head only what is really desirable and comfortable, over time the subconscious mind will get used to the new life and will not resist achievements.

Visualizing desires requires imagination. Here it is difficult to use this technique for those who have it poorly developed. After all, the main rules of visualization are:

  • Clearly and vividly imagine yourself in a life where goals are realized.
  • Feel the life in which the goals are achieved with all the senses.

In order for the visualization technique to be successful, you should know all the rules for its implementation:

  1. Delete the "not" particle. You should only represent what you want to have. Don't think about what you don't want or want to get rid of. Imagine only what you want.
  2. If you don't want to, then live. Visualizing your desires, you do not want to live the life you want, but already live the way you want. In your imagination, you are already living the way you dream about.
  3. Present yourself in the main person. You are not an outsider in your ideas, but are the main participant in all events. When visualizing, imagine the pictures as if you are already living the life you want, and not from the side watching what you would like to have.
  4. Use all senses. Visualization includes all your senses: you must see with your own eyes, hear with your own ears, taste and smell, feel with your skin that life where your goals are realized.
  5. Present a short film of your desire. Your rendering should include a specific frame of your goal that you need to achieve. No need to think about your goal, present it clearly and clearly in a realized form.
  6. Think about ways to achieve what you want. While you are visualizing, that is, already living the life you want, look back into the past and answer the question: how did you achieve what you wanted? Of all the options for achieving that will pop up in your head, choose the one that is most comfortable and least expensive.
  7. Experience the positive. As you visualize, positive emotions should naturally arise within you. If they arise, then you represent what you desire. Otherwise, your subconscious mind will resist any achievements for now. Your desire should inspire, not frighten or disturb unpleasantly.

Wish visualization board

A good option for visualizing desires for those who have a poorly developed imagination is a desire board (or map). This is a visual representation of what you want to achieve. A large plane is taken with clean paper in size A3 or more, after which they are glued onto it:

  1. Your own photo is in the middle.
  2. Around the photo are placed pictures of those items that symbolize your desire: if you want to buy a car, then paste a photo of the model and color that you dream of; if you dream of love, then paste a photo of a couple in love.

On the board you can place several pictures of what you dream about. These may include areas of life such as love, work/business, finances, friends, leisure/leisure, health/sports, etc. Place pictures from newspapers, magazines, or online printouts of the things you dream about around your photo. .

If you do not want anyone to see your wish board, then you can create an electronic view of it. The main condition is that you must periodically stumble upon your wish board, in whatever form you create it.

When fulfilling desires, the following principles also apply:

  1. Your board should be bright and memorable.
  2. Your desires should cause only positive emotions.
  3. Create associations. For example, choose music for each desire, so that every time you listen to it, pictures that are important to you pop up in your head.

Each desire that you have pinned on the board needs a few minutes of attention. Create a calm environment, turn on the appropriate music and begin to visualize first one, then another desire. It is good if your desires are combined with each other, echo and do not mutually exclude each other. In such a situation, you can dream about everything at the same time in one big picture of your future.

Simoron fulfillment of desires

There is a separate school "Simoron", which teaches people techniques for fulfilling desires. The very word "Simoron" does not mean anything. Therefore, one should pay attention to the postulates that she offers to everyone who wants to achieve their goals:

  • Imagine that you are swimming not in water, but in money. Wealth Technique.
  • Imagine that you and your partner are boiling in the same way as a kettle that is on the stove. Love Technique.
  • Write on the tape the past you want to forget. Tie the tape into a knot, and after a day throw it into the garbage chute.
  • Speak short or compose quatrains where you pronounce your desire as if it has already been fulfilled. The technique of self-tuning yourself to the life where the goal is realized.
  • Get rid of all the things that occupy the place where your desire should be located. The so-called getting rid of the cabinet from trash. If you want to get new clothes, then you have to throw away the old ones. If you want to meet a new loved one, then you need to say goodbye to your ex.
  • Get a "magic notebook". Write down what you want to achieve in it, and when you achieve what you want, be sure to express your gratitude to the notebook for helping you achieve what you want.

How to achieve the desired goal in the end?

The visualization technique allows a person to perform many actions at the same time: check his desire for importance and necessity, correct it before it is achieved, feel all the charms and disadvantages of a new life, and also agree with his subconscious that the desire really needs to be realized. . As a result, it becomes much easier to achieve the desired goal with the help of visualization.

Here the principle becomes the main thing - what a person focuses on, he gets. It is important not only to clearly understand what you want to achieve, but also to constantly pay attention only to what corresponds to your desire, contributes to its implementation. If you think about what you don't like or what you don't want, then you get the opposite of your goals. You should always think only about what you want and pay attention to what contributes to the achievement of goals.

“If something should happen, then it will definitely happen”, “If you are afraid of something, then it will definitely happen”, “Predictions always come true, especially if they predict bad things.” Why do people believe that bad things will happen, but if they are told about a good future, then they doubt it? As it turns out, this is the program of modern society: people believe that bad things will come true, but they no longer expect good things from life, and therefore they doubt it. And they always find evidence of this in real life. And indeed: there are many cases of how the bad often came true, and the good - only sometimes. Why is this happening?

In fact, a person sets himself up for the fact that the bad will definitely come true, and the good is not necessary. What you believe in will be. And if you believe that the good will not come true, then it can happen, just like your belief in the inevitable realization of the bad. You set yourself up in a certain way, when the bad must come true, but the good is not necessary.

Conclusion: you will achieve what your attention is focused on. If, having heard about an upcoming bad event, you believe that it will happen, then you will get the corresponding result, since all the forces and actions taken will be directed to ensure that everything happens. And if you doubt the realization of something good, then again you will direct all your strength to the accomplishment of another event. According to your faith, you act, and after your actions you already get the result that you believed in. Therefore, believe in the good, even if you are told otherwise. It is up to you to decide what happens, because a lot depends on what actions you take in a given situation.

Greetings, dear readers! Reading this post will most likely help you change your life. You will see the visualization of desires on how to make the dream a reality. This is an ambiguous, sometimes dangerous practice. But at the same time, it is fully worth the time, effort and risk that the mind takes to achieve its goals, leaving the “comfort zone”.

What is visualization and where does it come from

Surely in your life sparks of memories of phrases from childhood flicker periodically:

  • "I want - I want to";
  • “If you really want to, but you can’t, then you can”;
  • “If you really want something, then it will definitely come true.”

These phrases were spoken by your parents, brothers, sisters, uncles, aunts, who were also once children and heard similar expressions in their childhood.

These expressions are folk wisdom, the essence of which is true, but there is no clear methodology for their application. In other words, how exactly do you need to want or over-want for something to really happen or cease to exist?!

History is silent on this. But when the source of ancient wisdom is not generous with the coverage of details, the theory and practice of scientific research come to the rescue.

Visualization is the process of achieving the set goal by changing the state of consciousness without the use of drugs. More succinctly, it is a change of mindset. Man is capable of the "impossible".

Mental visualization depends on the power of our imagination. The human brain interprets image words by reading them as images. Each of them involves subconscious emotional interpretation and behavioral responses.

Theories about the types of visualization of desires

Currently, there are two main types of visualization of desires:

  1. Internationalization.
  2. Open to the outside.

Internationalization is the creation of images within the mind. Man cooks pictures on the mental screen. In this case, the eyes can be either open or closed.

Open to the external environment - visualization of drawings, photographs that are physically outside of us. The eyes must be kept open.

Where and how to visualize?

Creating a kind of treasure map will make dreams come true. This is the power, by releasing which a person materializes images, getting what he wants to have. It is possible to use photographs, drawings and paintings that are placed on the board and are used daily for subject visualization. We'll talk about this later.

There is a good and convenient way to visualize while walking in the fresh air or while doing your daily activities, taking a bath, brushing your teeth, drinking tea or coffee. Attention needs to be paid to how to turn on the setting or arrange the dream board in the mind.

There is also receptive visualization, which turns on while watching a play inside the mind, and we act as its director. The process is controlled by us and can be used to solve various problems.

Student research

A statistical study of groups of future 3rd year artists showed that those who actively used visualization showed the best results in intermediate exams.

Visualization has a beneficial effect on the disclosure of potential not only in art, but also in other areas of human activity, such as:

  • sport,
  • personnel Management,
  • management of organizations of different levels,
  • teaching,
  • software development and many others.

Goal setting techniques

The ability to set a clear goal is one of the most important steps on the way to mastering the method of creating events by visualizing a dream. Let's consider some of them:

  • SMART-technology by D.Dourden.

The peculiarity of this approach is that the goals are set concretely, realistically, with deadlines for achievement. For example, if we are working with the dream of “becoming a millionaire”, then the SMART goal will be positioned as follows: “Have a million dollars in open access (liquid funds) by N - day, N - month, N - year."

  • Mark Allen's Goal Setting Technique.

The first step is to create a description of an ideal happy life on one page. Re-read, update this script until your thoughts on paper match your idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe ideal life 100%. Then choose up to ten goals that you need to achieve in order for the dream to materialize. Before you is a simple setting for achieving goals, brilliant in its simplicity and high efficiency. Read this installation every day - and the result will not keep you waiting.

Risks and Consequences of Improper Application of Imaging Techniques

First of all, the visualization of desires is dangerous because dreams come true.

At first glance, this is exactly what you would like. But your thoughts are a potentially dangerous force, the use of which is likely to take you out of your “comfort zone”.

Moreover, the series of events will line up independently. And when a mysterious event has formed on the subtle plane, in most cases the process is irreversible until you get what you wanted.

How can a dream come true be dangerous? This can happen in the most unexpected way.

Consider examples

  • The desire to receive a large amount of money with an uncontrolled sweep (if the method is used incorrectly) will come true in the form of the death of a relative and the receipt of an inheritance.
  • The dream of a woman to become more desirable for her man can materialize in a break in relations with her husband, divorce, loss of property, depression. Then comes the stage of awareness and acceptance, spiritual growth and finding new relationships in which a woman will feel most desirable.

The application of this technique to improve the quality of life should be carried out in a controlled environment after careful theoretical preparation and, if possible, with an experienced specialist.

To know how to use wish visualization to achieve your goals, you need to be aware of the risks. Aware means armed.

List of possible problems

Mistrust. It is sometimes difficult to believe that the impossible is possible, even if the difference between the first and the second is in the strength of desire or faith.

  • Insufficient detail of desire. It is possible to improve this skill if you gain practical experience.
  • Diffusion of attention. Working on concentration will help solve this problem.
  • Substitution of concepts. The goals you set earlier are now out of date. Visualization of thought, which takes place only at the level of consciousness, but not at the subconscious level of desires, is doomed to failure.


Thank you for taking the time to read our overview article on wish visualization. If the information turned out to be interesting for you, share it with your friends on social media. networks (buttons for adding an article to yourself in social networks are at the bottom). This article can help change their lives for the better.

I wish you all the very best! Bye bye.

An effective wish fulfillment system is simple. Manifesto - Visualization - Reincarnation - Gratitude. It is suitable for all types of desires. Regardless of what you dream about.

Correct visualization of desires


It's time to decide on your desires, and not rush to everything that causes wild delight in you! Simply saying, imagining yourself a fairy princess: “I want” is critically little. Most likely, you will hear the obvious answer, which will be an echo of the words of your mother in childhood: “You want it.” In order for your desires to begin to come true, you need to specifically understand what you want. Agree, it is impossible to equally want to have a huge dog in your country house and at the same time go to live in Phuket. You have to choose. To do this, choose a free minute and write down all your desires on a piece of paper, sort them and prioritize them. Desire must be expressed in the present tense. For example, not "I want to get married", but "I'm married."

Visualization of desires

Once you have decided on a desire, visualize it. How? Lots of ways. This can be drawing with pencils or paints on paper, working with a graphic editor, embroidery, clay modeling, writing poetry and texts, singing. Think about what type of creativity suits you, and use it to visualize your own desires.

Visualization rules:

  • identify yourself with the result of your creativity, you should be depicted in the drawing and embroidery, in poems and texts it should be about you
  • be creative in a good mood
  • try to completely immerse yourself in your own desire, do not think about your work issues and household chores while creating
  • the finished visualization object should always be at your fingertips


How to make a visualization of desires? Don't be afraid to get creative. Even if you last held a colored pencil in your hand in elementary school in drawing classes, you never wrote poetry at all, and embroidery seems to be some kind of magic. Buy some inspirational magazines and books, take a drawing class, or watch tutorial videos on YouTube. We are sure you will like it.

Ideas for visualizing desires:

  • meeting a loved one

A picture with the image of two people in love is suitable. Always draw a man in the company of a girl, that is, with yourself. Otherwise, it will just pass you by.

  • marriage

How to visualize correctly? Draw a picture of a married couple with children. It can be a drawing in the style of a family portrait, a family walk in the park, dinner at the table. The main thing is that the depicted characters look happy and united. Drawing a wedding is not worth it, because it does not guarantee a further happy family life. Many couples file for divorce in the first year of marriage.

  • money

Of course, you immediately want to portray a suitcase with money, a huge house on the coast and a luxury car. But no. The best image would be a sketch of an ideal workplace, a stack of lucrative contracts signed, and a dozen satisfied customers. Remember, the wish fulfillment system cannot bring prosperity for no reason. It can inspire you to work hard and start your own business, help you come up with and implement successful ideas.

  • abundance in the family

Take an example from the artists who paint luxurious still lifes with food on the table. Just draw not black bread and herring, but expensive products. Jamon and smoked meats from Italy, cheeses from Switzerland, confectionery from Belgium, fresh fruits and vegetables from the local market. Everything should be beautiful and appetizing.

  • weight loss

Everything is simple. Draw yourself slim. The one you dream of being. And get ready for the fulfillment of desires after visualization!


Compared with the first and second stages, the third is considered quite difficult: you have to behave as if the wish has already come true.

Dreaming of improving your well-being? Heard the saying “Do you want to be rich? Act like a rich man!” How do the rich behave? No, they don't waste money on trifles. They know how to plan a budget, calculate income and expenses. They buy expensive, but high-quality and really necessary things. They enjoy all the privileges of wealthy clients - discount and bonus systems, special offers. Do you dream of becoming slim? Be sure to prepare a healthy breakfast in the morning, take healthy snacks and lunch with you to work, and have dinner with vegetable salads. Are you dreaming about your loved one? Do not be sad, write cute notes and messages to your virtual lover, mentally confess your love and cook breakfast for two on the weekend.

Don't be afraid to look ridiculous in your own eyes. Leave a serious attitude for business negotiations and meetings. The wish fulfillment system works on a subconscious level. How much you believe in it depends on whether it will work or not.


Be grateful. There is a simple and understandable law of acceptance in the world. According to his interpretation, we must accept everything that happens to us. However, most people are in denial in the pursuit of another life. It seems to us that somewhere is better than here. My friend has a good figure, but I have a bad one. But we do not take into account how much time and money she spent on fitness visits and regular workouts, mud wraps and massages, dietary restrictions. The neighbors have a good family, but I don't. But you don't know what's really going on behind the walls of your neighbor's apartment, do you?

Everything that you have is a reflection of your inner state of mind and attitude to the world around you. To get something good, you need to change your approach. Get better and better. Our desires are not just “pink” dreams. This is the transformation of yourself and your thoughts into reality.

The material was prepared with the help of experts at
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“Visualization” is a well-known technique for attracting what you want into your life, in other words, materializing thoughts. It is given in the film "Secret", in the Simoron and Transurfing systems, all authors write about it in one form or another on the topic of positive thinking.

You may not suspect how many of these authors there are. Thousands. Thousands of people write books, articles, mailing lists and trainings in different languages ​​of the world in different countries. And hundreds of thousands of people read it all, study it, apply it, leave feedback, fulfill their desires. In my opinion, the conclusion suggests itself as follows: no matter how it works, it works, because. if wishes did not come true, people would quickly dispel this myth.

But what exactly is "visualization"?

This word, although it has already taken root, does not quite correctly reflect the essence of the process. Perhaps that is why many consider ordinary dreams to be visualizations.

You can test the effectiveness of the method on your own. Do not read this just like that, do not take it for granted and. Try to check. There is certainly nothing harmful in this, just an exercise, training for the mind.

For starters (if you are a beginner), it is better to choose a simple, clear desire that does not seem to you beyond impossible and should not (according to your beliefs) take a lot of time. It may just be getting some specific thing that you really want, but for some reason you can’t buy it yourself (perhaps not yet).

The fact is that in order to fulfill long-term, major desires, in principle, you need confidence that your method is effective, this greatly helps the process. Therefore, it is very handy to first check on something more calm.

A few words about what to think

I keep repeating that what you think should evoke emotions in you, should be desired by every fiber of your soul, by every calculation of your mind, by every cell of your body A. What does it mean? This means that the desire should concern you personally, and not your mother or a man or Americans or someone else.

If you really want your mother to be healthy or Petya to return to the family, then be sure reformulate these desires: “I am calm and happy for my mother, my mother and I chat and laugh, we go to rest in the countryside, dig in the garden” or “I am happy in my family, full of love and joy, I thank you every day for such great happiness!”

No need to formulate in the spirit of "I want get rid of from cellulite", think like this: “I am slim and beautiful, I have beautiful skin”.

Formulation is important for visualization, because you will have to become the director of a movie about how your wish came true. How, for example, will you shoot a film about getting rid of cellulite? You will imagine gymnastics and procedures, diets and operations, I don't know what else. But is this what you want? Constant torment? No! You want a slim, beautiful figure, right?

Rule number one: do not imagine the picture, create a complete illusion of what is happening.

If you are interested in the topic of fulfillment of desires, be sure to subscribe to my free course!

  • Your film should be in the first person, you do not see yourself from the outside, you are not an actor. You see, as usual, only the world around. If you need to look at yourself (for example,) - go to the mirror and enjoy. If you visualize a Hollywood movie, looking at all this as if from the outside, then this is exactly what will happen - you will see your wish fulfilled from the outside (it will be fulfilled by a friend or colleague, or simply will be described in a magazine).

    Rule number two: don't look away, it's you in your world, not someone else you admire.

  • Why did I say that the word "visualization" does not fully reflect the essence of the process? Because visual practice is not enough. Be sure to connect all 5 senses (maybe more?) :). Smell, what aromas are heard? Listen: is there music playing? Hear what people say, say something yourself. Touch everything around you, if you wished to get some thing: explore it all: what texture, weight, what's inside, etc. If this is something intangible, then there may still be some attributes: for example, a marriage certificate, vouchers and tickets, etc. Touch them. Turn on the taste, drink water or some drink. In general, make your imagination work to the fullest. It's not as easy as it might seem, especially at first.

    Rule number three: connect all the senses.

  • Freeze the frame. One frame of this film that you especially like or simply remember needs to be fixed, this will be the anchor frame. You can even briefly describe it in words and carry this description with you. The frame can be in the form of a photograph or simply a smell or sound (for example, you are announced and called to be awarded the Nobel Prize). Those. frame is not necessarily visual. Although it is more convenient for most people to capture frames-pictures.

    The frame is needed in order to easily recall the film when it is required. A frame is an easy way to take your mind off dark thoughts or bring back a positive attitude when negativity or sadness grips you. For example, a frame is great for fighting jealousy and fear for marriage or children. Scroll through the happy movie of your family life in 20 years, freeze the frame, and catch yourself in moments of jealousy or fear, immediately return to the frame, and after it - to the film, and switch your mental vibrations from negative to desired ones.

    Rule number four: Use a frame freeze to return to rendering.

  • Many sources say: make a wish and forget about it, let it go, it will come true. Here, some lazy people rejoice and believe that nothing needs to be done, everything is somehow on its own. Everything happens by itself somehow, remember, two from the casket?

    Letting go of desire means only one thing: not to worry that it may not come true; don't be afraid, don't doubt. It is imperative to work on its implementation, and constantly and in various directions. First, you need to act: do you want to fly to the moon? - learn everything about space suits and moon rovers, this is at least; and as a maximum - start training the body.

    Visualization is an adjustment to the line of your future, in which the desire will come true in the way you imagine. This line of the future exists because there is any future that we can believe in. This is how the law of attraction works, we don’t know the theory why exactly, but practice shows that visualization must be repeated, and the more often, the more effective. Every day. Maybe several times a day. Some say that it is more powerful - at the same time of day, although I have not tested this. You can add some details to your film, and some will be forgotten by themselves, it doesn’t matter. Constancy of wording and frame is important.

    But! You need to visualize in full force, with the whole range of emotions, with unquenchable desire.

    Therefore, visualization before going to bed in bed is good, but not very effective: you are tired, you pass out, and you no longer really want something. It is better to spend it in the morning, in the morning: for example, on the road, or in bed, just waking up.

    Rule number five: visualization, like drinking water and brushing your teeth, should become part of your habits, but you need to keep the anticipation fresh; for this it is better to carry it out in the morning.

  • Remember that if you lock yourself up at home and lie on the couch for months. You need to do something, look around, learn about the possibilities, and try something new. Give yourself a chance to make your wish come true.

    P.S. visualization board- this is where you place your frames, it is the pictures that most closely reflect your rendering frame - they work best and fastest.

    P.P.S. For those who for some reason have not yet watched film "The Secret", here he is. Although, if you have already watched it, but for a long time, it is worth revisiting.

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