Cheerful congratulations predictions happy new year. Comic predictions: short and funny, as well as options in verse

Do you want to look behind the veil of secrecy and find out what awaits you in the future? Then be sure to prepare a fortune cookie, a fortune-telling treat, or, alternatively, a bag of sweet wishes. These cute and delicious treats will be appropriate in a big noisy company, at a birthday party or on the eve of the New Year.

How to make fortune cookies

What to pay attention to first when preparing fortune cookies? Naturally, for the "stuffing" of the dish. It is advisable to think in advance what to write on small pieces of paper. Then you need to pre-type the text on the computer and print using laser printer. If you write the text by hand, be aware that the ink from the pen can be imprinted on the test and become completely unreadable.

Predictions are fun to come up with big company: in the event that your ideas run out, friends will always throw something fresh. Go through the simplest training in order, first learning the culinary tricks - how to make fortune cookies correctly:

  • To make circles with even edges from the dough, you can use a glass or a glass to cut it.
  • The dough must be folded in the form of dumplings hot. The cooled cookies will no longer take the desired shape, but will crumble in your hands.
  • For a beautiful center fold, use the rim of a glass. Place the cookies exactly in the middle on the rim of the glass and gently pull the edges down.
  • In order for the hot cookies to keep the look that you gave them, you need to fix them in a cupcake mold.

fortune cookie recipe

So, if you figured out the little secrets and culinary tricks, it's time for you to learn how to bake fortune cookies. There is nothing complicated in the process, as it might seem at first glance. The only thing that hostesses should take into account is that the eggs must be fresh and cold, so you do not need to get food from the refrigerator in advance.


  • flour - ½ tbsp.;
  • starch - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • oil - 1 glass;
  • egg white- 3 pcs.;
  • vanilla extract - 2 drops;
  • cinnamon - 1 pinch.

Cooking method:

  1. Prepare and cut into fortune cookie strips ahead of time.
  2. In a separate bowl, combine all dry ingredients together.
  3. Using a mixer, beat the squirrels with 50 grams of granulated sugar or powder until fluffy.
  4. Mix the proteins with the dry part, add a little vanilla extract, cinnamon and a spoonful of water.
  5. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper and spoon the batter onto it.
  6. Bake the cookies for 10 minutes at the middle rack of the oven, preheated to 150°C.
  7. Then proceed as quickly as possible. Remove one circle from the oven, cut into shape.
  8. Wrap the predictions in cookies and give the treat the desired shape.
  9. Fix the pastry by placing it in the bottom of a muffin pan until the dough has completely cooled.
  10. Spread the cooled fortune cookies on a wide dish and serve on the festive table.

Comic predictions

When you figure out how to make cookies with the question of how to make cookies, it's ripe new problem: what to write on a piece of paper with predictions. You will have to gather all your will into a fist, strain your imagination, come up with or choose something original, and perhaps understandable only to you and your loved ones. Funny wishes will do funny congratulations happy holiday, tender or romantic texts.

For a noisy party with friends, you can write funny predictions on paper and put them in ready-made cookies, for example:

  • You won’t be full of one cookie - eat more.
  • What are the predictions? I'm just a cookie.
  • Save!!! We are kept in a hot oven!
  • Want to know what the future holds for you? Send a free SMS to 8552673.
  • Sorry, the meat is in another dish.
  • What a country, they even talk about pastries here.
  • Something is not in the mood, ask about the wishes of another cookie.
  • Do It funny photo with me, I love taking pictures so much.
  • This is a fortune cookie fortune cookie.
  • Packed 11/27/2017.
  • Delicious? Ask the chef how to make the same cookies.
  • Call the police immediately! We are being held hostage.
  • And why is the neighbor on the right smiling so maliciously?
  • Oops, you ate the wrong cookie.

In verse

If you're good at rhyming, have been writing poetry for years, or have a knack for folding lines on the go, use your skills when you make wishes for fortune cookies with humor. No need to write a complex quatrain, a simple and understandable syllable will do. The main thing is that the texts bring a smile to the faces of your friends. When there is no time left for cooking, you can choose from ready-made ideas for fortune cookies:

  • Expect replenishment to the budget in early-mid summer.
  • After a good feast, you won’t be able to go so as not to sleep on your face in a salad - call a taxi soon!
  • Oh, how boring it has become to live, to the Canary Islands to sail away!
  • From chewing gum, a kilogram out of nine, you make your own shoes and go somewhere.
  • You take a piece of paper, a pen, a pencil and glue. Gather a little courage and blind 100 rubles!

For kids

Fortune cookies will be appropriate even on children's holiday provided that your child is already an adult in order to independently read what is written. Tasting delicious pastries match with the game. Pin a piece of paper on each cookie to tell you where the little surprise gift is. Your child will certainly appreciate such entertainment. Short comic predictions for schoolchildren can be of the following plan:

  • This cookie adds +3 to Strength, Agility, and Intelligence.
  • Parents have conceived something wrong, you need to urgently feed them sweets and interrogate.
  • Next academic year you get 5 in math.
  • By spring, you will definitely grow by 2 centimeters.
  • Your school essays will be published in books.
  • Have another cookie, baby.

For birthday guests

It's always nice to receive gifts on your birthday, but it's even better to give them. Even if you are a birthday person, this does not mean that you cannot please your guests with small surprises. Treat everyone where they will be hidden cool predictions for a birthday:

  • Do not forget to take a photo with the hero of the occasion and cookies.
  • Quiet, you have a very important mission: in exactly 3 seconds, shout “Happy Birthday!” three times!
  • Wish the birthday man wealth - maybe he will share with you.
  • You are the most welcome guest, do not forget to shout "Hurrah!"
  • And you did not forget to pat the hero of the day by the ears?

On Halloween

Are you going to celebrate a spooky night on the eve of All Saints' Day? Then be sure to come up with some scary Halloween cookie predictions like:

  • Have fun until you drop, but do not try to fall asleep before dawn if you are afraid of vampires.
  • All year long you will be elusive for evil spirits.
  • It's All Saints' Eve! I wish you the most extraordinary night this year.
  • Bare your fangs, smile wide open and scare passers-by: woo.
  • Don't go alone, you never know...

New Year's

You can download a ready-made New Year's prediction for cookies or approach cooking thoroughly by preparing your own texts. For inspiration, use these examples:

  • In the New Year you will have a baby.
  • Hurry, next year you are waiting for happiness and good luck.
  • If you come across a foreign body in last year's salad, this is for the money.
  • Within a month after the New Year, be sure to buy lottery ticket ik.
  • All the wishes of this night will surely come true.


New Year... Even from the name of this holiday it breathes incredible freshness and magic, because with this holiday we connect new hopes, make new plans, wait for new gifts and unforgettable meetings. And therefore many new year entertainment are directly related to these expectations, with fortune-telling and endless wishes to each other all the best in the new year.

New Year games at the table, presented here help to plunge into this magical atmosphere.

1. Table game "Next year I..."

At the festive table, you can arrange an auction: who is the last of the guests to come up with a rhyme for the phrase: “Next year I promise ...” - receives a prize. At the same time, it is not truthfulness that is important, but the speed of inventing, the first thing that comes to mind. For example,

"Next year I promise-

I will give birth to many children!

Next year I promise

I'm flying to the Canary Islands, etc.

You can tighten the conditions of the game: let the guests sitting at the table come up with one by one (for “one, two, three”) did not have time, leaves the game, the winner is the one who has the richest imagination and the fastest reaction - he gets the prize.

If the conditions of the feast allow, then this game can be based on predictions. For example, everyone receives three pieces of paper on which he writes his wish or dream, then all the pieces of paper are collected in a hat, mixed, and what someone pulls out will come true.

2. Distribution of gifts at the New Year's table "Winless lottery"

Each guest draws (or receives for participation in games and contests) a lottery ticket with a certain number, each number is a certain prize.

Sample list of prizes:

1. You got a piano in the bushes - a New Year's calendar.

2. You surprised the whole world - get a souvenir.

3. And you have a hangover miracle and a miracle - a bottle of cool beer.

4. And for you, what adults and children love, of course, sweet candies

5. And you got a prickly darling, but a fork useful in the household.

6. And with this prize you will definitely not be lost, carry it with you and always leave full (gives a spoon)

7. Get a place to stash and a useful item to boot. (stockings or socks).

8. Remember us more often, invite us to tea (pack of tea)

9. Will give thrills, and come in handy, no doubt (jar of mustard)

10. You will be more beautiful with this prize of ours (some cosmetics)

11. Sadness and despondency will go away, here's fun for you all night (pacifier)

12. Even if something does not go well and does not stick, you definitely have something to hope for. (tube of glue)

13. you got Grand Prize- receive and subscribe (any prize)

14. In any feast, useful and important, paper napkins.

15. Three, whatever you want, it's not a pity, because you have a new washcloth.

16. Help solve the problem with styling your hair (curlers or hairpins)

17. Montana will envy such a product for a slender camp (family shorts)

1 8. Brush your teeth often, your smile will be cool (toothpaste)

19. To keep you hair, we will give you a comb.

20. We, friends, will not hide - now the fashion for crystal, a chandelier today we give you production "Montreal" (bulb).

21. You got a rose flower, which does not fade from heat and frost (postcard with a flower)

22. The symbol of the year given today will help you in any weather. (magnetik or souvenir)

23. Of course, it's not bad to win a Persian carpet or a house. But fortune rewarded you with a self-writing pen (pen)

24. You got an ancient gadget, the amount of memory is immense (notebook or notebook)

3. Common toast "New Year's alphabet".

In order to introduce playful notes into the proclamation of toasts, the toastmaster, in the midst of the New Year's celebration, may, for example, doubt that the merry guests remember the alphabet. Then he invites everyone to fill their glasses and, in turn, make a toast for the New Year, the first with the letter “A”, such as: “ BUT x what fabulous night! I propose to drink so that it never ends! The second person begins his toast, respectively, with the letter "B" and so on.

The most interesting thing is when it comes to "Y" or "Y". Here the facilitator can suggest that you can start with the exclamation: “Yyy! How good!” or “Wow, what kind of ladies have gathered here!” etc.

Of course, letters that do not represent sounds are skipped. Comic medal receives a guest whose toast-congratulation was especially liked by the public.

4. Call for dancing "Both the boys and girls are all very good"

This board game can serve fun entertainment and the call to the Lead announces that there is a New Year's sign, that whoever celebrates the New Year cheerfully, dances a lot, can "get out" from all problems and leave them in the past, then suggests a little warm-up. As soon as the word “boys” is heard, all the young people quickly get up and spin around their axis and sit down again, and at the word “girls”, the girls spin, respectively. And so - for every heard word "boy" and "girl". Ready, start.

In the New Year in our country, everyone gives gifts, and everyone gets hot from fun and love. Boys often give girls flowers so that all their dreams come true. And the Girls kiss them back and say that they are the best in the world. The girls raise their glasses for the Young Man, they wish the Young Men good health. Young men, of course, do not lag behind them, for the Girls today they dance and sing. The gathered Girls are, well, very good. And Young men with such - will dance from the heart.

5. Activation of the hall "New Year's bells".

Leading. In Central America, as soon as the clock strikes midnight, all the sirens and bells begin to ring deafeningly. Before the final summing up, it is time to arrange a deafening New Year's bell ringing.

(The host goes to the 1st sector.)
You will play the part of a big bell, ringing preferably low, booming and slow: "Boo-um! Boo-o-um!". Rehearsing…

(The host goes to the 2nd sector.)
You have a middle bell part, your sound is higher and shorter: "Bim-bom! Beam-bom!". Trying...

(The host goes to the 3rd sector.)
Your part is the part of a small bell, the sound is even higher and more frequent: "Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam!". So…

(The host goes to the 4th sector.)
You also got a batch of bells, the sound is the highest and most frequent: "La-la! La-la! La-la! La-la!". Picture...

So, attention! The big bell begins to sound... The middle bell enters... The small bell connects... And ringing bells pour in...

Each sector performs its part - this is the bell ringing.

Option 2.Salute to Santa Claus.

The same game to activate the hall or you can organize before the arrival of Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden, offering to arrange a salute in their honor. To do this, the presenter divides the hall into three teams, the first, when Santa Claus appears, shouts in unison: “Hurrah!”, The second applauds loudly, and the third stomps his feet. Any game either in honor of Santa Claus or with him will be very useful.

6. Playing at the "B" table New Year no debt."

The lead to the game is something like this: “Everyone knows the sign that in order to live the whole next year without debt - you need to pay them off in the old year. I suggest for those who have not had time to do it yet to conduct a ritual. Here is my magic box (shows a piggy bank or box). Anyone who wants to part with his creditors once and for all can throw any amount into it, while internally you need to very strongly and sincerely wish yourself wealth and prosperity. And remember, the more generous you are in repaying debts, the more favorable the upcoming New Year will be to you!

Then the "casket" goes in a circle to the song "Money, Money". When everyone who wants to repay their debts “fills up the treasury” and the piggy bank returns to the host, you can arrange an auction, saying that one of the guests will become richer right now, it will be the one who most accurately guesses the amount collected. Have special people write down all the versions put forward along with the names of the "foretellers". Then, together, the people must choose a “banker” who will “break” the piggy bank and conscientiously calculate how much money is actually in it and hand it over to the winner (differences of five to ten rubles are allowed).

7. The game "Magic bag of predictions".

A list of inexpensive little things that you can take as gifts from Santa Claus: a box of matches, a balloon, chewing gum, a tennis ball, a lighter, a lollipop, a disc, a brush, a pencil, glasses, an adapter, a package, decals, paper clips, a tea bag, calendar, notepad, postcard, coffee bag, eraser, spinning top, sharpener, bow, magnet, pen, thimble, toy, bell, medal, etc.

Choice cards: What will I do with my gift?

I will kiss it

I will powder my nose with this

Eat immediately with pleasure

This will be my talisman

I hope and I will admire

I will share this with my friends

I will fight off the fans with this

I will brush my hair with this

For this gift I will pray

I will use it instead of a spoon

I'll be waving it like a flag

I will make beads out of this

I will lick it and smack it

I'll be sniffing it all evening

I'll share it with the one I love

I will write these letters

I'll stick it on my forehead, let everyone envy

I'll stick it in my ears and be the most - the most

I will stroke my neighbor's hands with this

I will ring it very loud

I'll put it on my hand instead of a watch

I'll sprinkle this on my hot

I will use this instead of cigarettes

I will beat my neighbor with this, he will like it

I'll put it in my pocket and keep it

I will draw a Christmas tree

I'll make a sandwich out of this

I'll make a snowflake out of it

Games at the table at the New Year's holiday help to entertain guests, cheer up, overcome the discomfort that many experience at the beginning of the party, activate them for dancing or become a good liner for presenting gifts.

What New Year's celebration can be imagined without happy wishes and toasts funny contests and games? Of course, you should think carefully in advance how to set up guests in a playful way. And comic predictions for the New Year, funny wishes for the New Year, which will become a real highlight of the entire festive feast, can help with this.

Each of us expects some kind of miracle from the celebration of the New Year. And it does not matter how old a person is - five or fifty. Every year, according to the already established tradition, raising our glasses to the chiming clock, we make our most cherished wishes. A wish for the New Year about "dream come true" sounds at every step. What more could you want to the best friend or a relative, and even making it original and funny?

Not only wishes for the New Year and making wishes are considered traditional, but also fortune telling. The latter, by the way, can generally turn out to be a very interesting activity. So why don't you and your company tell fortunes in new year's eve? You can choose which version of this game is more suitable for your guests: simple or comic predictions for the New Year. But just guessing, for sure, may not be interesting to everyone. It is necessary that your guests remember you for a long time as the most cheerful and original host. To do this, you can come up with a whole scenario of various funny fortune-telling containing comic predictions for the New Year, and such that even people who are completely devoid of a sense of humor will like it.

In general, competitions for the New Year for adults are good because they can be held without leaving because of holiday table. Before the start of more mobile competitions, it is comic predictions for the New Year that will be able to set the audience in the right mood. And there are a lot of ideas (which we will definitely share) on how to present comic predictions and wishes for the New Year.

Option number 1. You have probably heard about fortune cookies or fortune cookies, as they call them. These cookies are baked by placing inside a prediction or a wish for the New Year, written on a piece of paper. Why don't you make similar cookies by serving them with dessert, for example. You can similarly bake, more familiar to us, small nuts with filling and predictions inside.

Option number 2. It is not necessary to hide comic predictions for the New Year in cookies. It is much easier, and maybe more fun, to use ordinary air balloons. Prepare the required number of balloons (better if there are more of them than guests). Before you inflate them, write New Year's predictions on small notes and, folded into a tube, place one prediction inside the ball. Don't forget to prepare a pin for new year party so that the guests burst, the selected balls.

Think carefully about what New Year's predictions to offer guests. If you doubt that all guests will positively perceive comic predictions for the New Year, it is better to get by with simple ones. For simple predictions, there are just a lot of ideas: a car, an apartment, a trip to Italy, the birth of a child .... For both options, there is only one required condition: wishes should be extremely positive, because everyone wants to have fun in the New Year. Choosing different new year jokes, You need to be sure that all guests will perceive them well.

Option number 3. Don't forget about our long tradition of baking a birthday cake with surprises. Various items are laid in the dough of the pie: a coin, a candy, a pod of hot pepper, etc. The special charm of such a pie lies in the excitement, because not everyone will get New Year's predictions and, on the contrary, some may come across several at once. You need to eat such a pie carefully so as not to damage a tooth on a coin, for example.

Option number 4. There is a simplified version of the New Year's fortune pie. Putting objects in the dough is not necessary at all. Instead, you can cut a thick sheet of paper into squares, and after drawing a funny drawing on each square with a wish for the next year, put them in a pie.

Option number 5. It is also not necessary for you to make New Year's predictions. Weave fortune-telling into contests for the New Year for adults by offering guests a game similar to forfeits. Have each guest give you something. You choose an "oracle" - a player with good feeling humor, which will be engaged in fortune telling for the next year. Show the oracle items in turn, without naming the owner. If the oracle is endowed with a healthy sense of humor, then the company is guaranteed to have a lot of fun.

Option number 6. You can arrange, for example, an old Russian fortune-telling, only in a comic style. Let's say, arrange around a few bottles with "prophecies" inside. Blindfold the one who wants to know his future, and, spinning him, let him choose the first bottle that comes across to the touch.

In general, comic predictions for the New Year and contests for the New Year for adults can be in the most various options. The only thing that can limit you is your own imagination.

And in conclusion, we offer you some examples of New Year's predictions and comic wishes that you can use on your holiday.

Funny wishes for the New Year and comic predictions for the New Year


In the New Year you will be fabulously lucky - you will win a million dollars!!! And then you give every penny to charity.


You should not scold a black cat that ran your way in the New Year. Better take him home: the cat will be a great company for your 33 parrots.


In the New Year, you will be able to get rid of bad habit, but in return you will get a couple of new ones.


Next year, always go to the boss’s office with your left foot: then you will definitely be promoted.

New Year's jokes:


Do not twist a button when you expect a bad event, otherwise it will surely fall off.


In the New Year, you will be pleased by giving the most desired gift for you - goldfish! True, this fish will be stuffed with rice and herbs.


In the third decade of the coming year, fireworks of bright events await you. Start preparing immediately!



Smile a lot in the New Year and sign a contract with Blend-a-Med.


Giving your beloved a bouquet of daisies, count all the petals. Remember: must be - loves!


You are lucky! Therefore, in the New Year, be modest and stop eating. lucky tickets on the trolley!


When crossing the road, look around carefully - there is a chance to meet your destiny.


If you wear your clothes inside out on June 1 of the coming year, many representatives of the opposite sex will pay attention to you. There is a chance to meet your love!


If you come across a foreign body in bread, know that it is for good luck!


Beware of the bald!


Your life is an endless road, so choose a reliable means of transportation - a car.


If tomorrow morning the neighbors knock on the battery, then a fun and unforgettable year lies ahead.


Expect new additions to the family next year. Probably, neighbor cockroaches will come to you for permanent residence.


If, when fortune-telling on ice in a saucer, you did not see the treasured dimples, foreshadowing the birth of daughters, dig them yourself! Business something.


If the log you chose to predict the material condition of your future husband turned out to be smooth, immediately throw it away and find a suitable one. You don't need a poor husband!


If you see the reflection of your betrothed in the mirror, look back. Maybe your husband is behind you.


After this New Year, a very pleasant surprise awaits you - the Old New Year will come! Great excuse to drink!

New Year is a holiday for everyone, filled with magic, joy, good mood and jokes. That is why they are in high demand comic fortune-telling for the New Year. Thanks to them, you can diversify the holiday and leave an unforgettable impression after it.

Divination by notes with predictions

Certainly the most in a simple way to cheer up guests is fortune-telling using fortune-telling notes. They need to be prepared great amount, ensure that they do not repeat, and fold, for example, into a New Year's cap. During the evening, each of the guests should take out a note and voice their prediction for the next year.

Variants of notes-predictions can be as follows:

  • Remember, in order to become successful, you need to look externally and internally as if you are already successful.
  • You don't need to please everyone, because you are not a dollar.
  • Remember that the more happiness you give to others, the more it comes back to you.
  • Be afraid of your excessive desires.
  • The winner is the one who got up one more time than he fell down. So do not be afraid of falling and strive to rise.
  • Do not waste your energy on trifles and all sorts of nonsense.
  • Strive to desire in life what you need and be as it will be.
  • Know how to single out the primary and secondary in life, and everything will fall into place.
  • Any crisis heralds new opportunities and new growth, do not be afraid of it.
  • Divide people into friends and teachers and become either a friend or a teacher yourself.
  • Love your home and pay attention to it.
  • Relax, life is not just hard work.
  • Rejoice in old friends, without them the past becomes faceless.
  • Positive is the engine of success. Smile and luck will follow you relentlessly.
  • Don't look back at the past, live in the future.
  • Life without authorities is easier, do not strive to become one.
  • Live and breathe fully in the place and time where you are now.

Fortune-telling for small items

Similarly, you can prepare a lot of unpretentious gizmos that you can put in a large colorful box.

For example, some of them may mean the following:

  • Children's car - purchase vehicle in the new year.
  • A box of matches is a quick trip.
  • Toy fish - a trip to the sea.
  • Part of the building designer is the solution of the housing issue.
  • The seal is a new acquaintance.
  • Ring - fast wedding.
  • A button is a huge amount of pleasant household chores.
  • Coin - the receipt of unexpected profits.
  • A pen with a red cap - a meeting with a vampire.
  • Toy rocket - a trip to Mars.

Comic divination by salad

Very often, the New Year celebration turns into a stormy fun. And there is some truth in the fact that there is some probability after the New Year's Eve to fall asleep with your face in a salad. But such funny case can be turned into a joke.

If you fell asleep in one of the following salads, then this can be associated with such predictions:

  • "Russian salad". In the coming year, one should hardly expect any changes.
  • "Mimosa". Can be expected to start romantic relationship soon.
  • "Herring under a Fur Coat". You will have to please your soulmate all year long and maybe even for this you will have to give her a mink coat.
  • "With crab sticks." In the coming year, you will have a great vacation in one of the exotic places on the planet.
  • Caesar with chicken. Soon you will be offered a promotion with a simultaneous increase in salary.
  • "Caesar salad with shrimps". The whole year will be associated with long business trips.
  • "Pickled mushrooms or cucumbers." A not very successful year awaits, in which bad luck and failure will become a new phenomenon.

Divination at the festive table

Comic fortune-telling for the New Year is often held directly at the table. So, you can use champagne and a piece of chocolate for this.

Put chocolate in a glass and monitor its condition:

  • If he sank to the bottom, then today you will have fun and dance until you drop.
  • If it surfaced, then the night will turn into a fairy tale for you and unforgettable adventures await you.
  • If he stuck to the right wall, then you will have a wonderful romantic evening with your soulmate.
  • If it sticks to the left wall, then naturally you will be pulled to the left.

Traditional meals for New Year's table are nuts, in which notes with short predictions are inserted instead of stuffing. What to write there depends entirely on your imagination in relation to the contingent of guests that you plan to gather at the festive table.

Thoughtful comic fortune-telling for the New Year will be a real highlight of a fun holiday. Show your imagination and come up with your own original entertainment, which, subsequently, will be passed on from holiday to holiday. In a large company, you can expect a lot of impromptu when conducting comic fortune-telling, so the predictions will be very interesting, and who knows if they will soon turn into reality, because the New Year is filled with an atmosphere of real magic.

Comic fortune-telling for the New Year
Comic fortune-telling for the New Year will be a real highlight of a fun holiday. And who knows if they will soon become a reality, because the New Year is filled with an atmosphere of magic.


Fortune Cookies

Fortune Cookie Predictions

There are the following ready-made lists of predictions - standard, New Year's, romantic, table and children's.

Examples of standard predictions in Russian, all positive and cheerful, only about 3500 options

Usually our clients use this list of texts as the most versatile and suitable for all occasions.

  • If you take the initiative, success will not keep you waiting.
  • Get ready for a romantic adventure.
  • This month night life For you.
  • It's time for you to rest.
  • You are offered the dream of a lifetime. Say yes!
  • A pleasant surprise awaits you.
  • Your hopes and plans will come true beyond all expectations.
  • Time is your ally, it's better to delay the adoption important decision at least for a day.
  • Time and patience, many surprises are waiting for you!
  • Time will dry all tears and heal all wounds.

Comic predictions for the New Year 2016: we invent and believe

Comic predictions for New Year 2016 colleagues | funny predictions for New Year 2016 short | Funny predictions for the Year of the Monkey 2015. Making wishes with the last chimes, everyone believes that they will certainly come true in the coming 2016. Comic predictions allow you to check which of the envisioned will come true. Comic predictions on New Year's Eve have become an integral part of the celebration in any company. If you turn them into a game, guests can have a great time and remember your fun and incendiary party for a long time.

Comic New Year's predictions: scenario options You can think of original script conducting New Year's fortune-telling with comic predictions. The predictions themselves must be extremely friendly and positive, so that even people with an underdeveloped sense of humor will like them.

Comic predictions written on pieces of paper and placed in cookies are very popular. This tradition came to us from abroad, but has firmly taken a leading place in various New Year fortune-telling.

If you don't have the time or desire to make cookies or cakes, you can choose regular balls. Before inflating the balloons, place the prepared folded papers with prophecies inside. Try to have more balloons than invited guests. The option with balls is good because guests can play with them before extracting their predictions.

You can place notes in the bottles laid out in a circle, and the guests take turns spinning the empty bottle and choosing the prediction it points to. Alternatively, the bottles can be placed in a row, and blindfolded, who wants to know the future, spins in a circle and then chooses a bottle by touch.
Phantoms and a blindfolded seer are a great option for comic predictions. Each of the guests gives away some little thing, and then the presenter randomly pulls out items from the New Year's cap in turn. At the same time, your oracle pronounces what awaits the owner of the thing in the new 2016 - an apartment in Monaco, a trip around the world on your own yacht, a trip to the North Pole, or just a new Bentley.

Comic predictions for the New Year 2016 to colleagues, Funny predictions for the New Year 2016 are short, Funny predictions for the Year of the Monkey 2015
Comic predictions for the New Year 2016: we invent and believe Comic predictions for the New Year 2016 to colleagues | Funny predictions for the New Year 2016 short | Funny predictions for the year


Comic fortune-telling for the new year

In the process of preparing for the New Year and holidays, and for the New Year's feast, it is very important not to forget, but it is better to take care of how to entertain the guests. After all, you must admit that drinking, eating all the time, and watching TV will be boring, but the New Year is the most fun holiday, and you need to spend it fun.

As one of the options, you can hold New Year's contests or make comic fortune-telling by a gypsy for the new year. Dressing up options are always win-win, so it will be interesting for all guests to look at a brightly dressed and decorated gypsy woman. In order for the comic fortune-telling of the gypsy for the new year to be a success, you should come up with and buy an outfit in advance. Now, by the way, a gypsy costume can even be rented. Also, you should learn a few speech turns from the gypsy vocabulary.

I will give a few examples of what a gypsy woman's comic fortune-telling for the new year can be. If you yourself can’t memorize, write on the leaves, and put, for example, in a hat, or a bright beautiful box, so that people themselves pull out and read out their predictions.

This month you will be unexpectedly visited by guests

Everything seems to have agreed - they will eat the refrigerator,

They will drink all the stocks of vodka, break the TV,

They will break all the dishes for you and leave traces in the kitchen.

This month, rather you play the lottery

The prediction is - you will certainly be lucky

You just need to buy tickets, partially load into the tanker,

And partly in two carriages, the rest - in the plane.

This month they will lure you to the cottage to have some fun

Swim, drink beer and eat barbecue

You do not believe in these stories - you will be forced to work there

sit down better at home Have a beer at home!

This month they predict that you will have twins

Or maybe even triplets, or maybe quadruplets

And then the state will give you a huge apartment

An honorary flag in both hands and a buckskin horse.

This month the computer will not work as it should,

you by motherboard hit your fist hard.

It won’t help - hit with a sledgehammer, kick the monitor ...

You will explain later to the authorities: “She was the first to start!”

This month the boss will get angry for no reason,

You tell him calmly, looking straight: "SAM GOAT!"

On top of the arguments, quickly, without sudden movements,

Pull him like a hat you paper basket.

And relief will come: A long-tormented question

Predictions for the new year 2019: short, funny, cool

New Year's Eve is a great occasion to get together with friends, have fun, talk and celebrate the long-awaited holiday - the year of the pig. Usually guests gather all together at six o'clock in the evening. They begin to taste the food on the table, start conversations and ... get bored little by little. How to cheer them up and make the evening especially “delicious”? There is an option and these are funny and cool predictions for the new year 2019. Short predictions will diversify the evening and your game program. It will be interesting for guests to find out what awaits them in the coming year and then check whether all this will come true. But remember - this is all a joke, though ....

What's special about this game

There is no person in the world who would not want to know his future and his destiny. Many say - no, I do not believe and I do not need it - but in fact it is not so.
Therefore, the game of predictions will be interesting to everyone. And since everything that will be said is just a joke, then the game will be fun and easy.

Preparing for the game

For everything to be interesting, you need to prepare. First decide who will predict. For example, it can be a pig, as a symbol of the coming year, or a real magician and sorcerer. Either way, you'll need the right suit.
Next select best time for this game. For example, somewhere between 21 and 22 hours, when there is little time left before the new year, and the guests are already more cheerful.
Well, the rest will orient on the spot. The better your actor play the better for everyone. Get the music to go out, you can learn the dance. And then play and have fun.

Comic prediction options

There are many different options such predictions. We have collected the best and offer them to you. And you choose the ones that suit you and have fun.

Option 1.

Option 2.

All year you will wake up at six in the morning - you will not be late for the office
meet you big love... a kilogram is about 140-160
Each chocolate bar eaten in winter plus one hundred grams of weight in summer
Your dream will come true: a deli meat store will open near your house
If you buy dictionary, then in a year you will become smart
You will stop eating meat - you will feel sorry for the pigs
If you don't cry all year, you'll be rich
If you save money before the summer, then go to the sea
Live the whole year without worries ... if you quit your job
Something in the new year you will lose weight significantly. This is a wallet - you will become a fashionista and will buy many new things
You will eat well for the next year... if you give your wife a diamond ring
Save up 30 thousand rubles - you will have a rest in Turkey. Save up 30 thousand dollars - relax in the Maldives. Accumulate 30 thousand debts - rest in prison
All year you will be in the spotlight - you will be appointed at work responsible for awards

Option 3.

There is another option in the form of a video. Just turn on the monitor and show it to guests.

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