Pear jam with amber slices: cooking features, recipes and recommendations. Slices of amber pear jam - original recipes for a delicious treat

Many of us love ripe, juicy and fragrant pears. However, these fruits cannot be stored for too long, so many housewives prepare them for the winter in the form of compotes, jams and other canned sweets. In today's publication, several interesting recipes for amber pear jam with slices will be presented.

To prepare such a delicacy, it is advisable to use ripe, but not overripe fruits of any variety and size. However, experts advise giving preference to juicy and sweet fruits with a light honey aroma. To give the finished product a pleasant sourness, shortly before the end of the heat treatment, a little lemon zest is added to it.

Before starting the process, the selected fruits are washed, freed from everything superfluous and cut into the desired pieces. The duration of preparation of amber pear jam with slices depends on the variety and maturity of the fruit. But usually this time does not exceed one and a half hours. As a rule, the process is carried out in two stages, in between which the product is subjected to complete cooling.

To make jam, it is advisable to use an aluminum or copper wide container. Thanks to this, the product will retain all its valuable properties and will not burn to the bottom of the dishes.

Classic variant

We offer you to pay special attention to one of the simplest recipes for transparent pear jam slices. For the preparation of such a delicacy, it is recommended to use hard fruits. Otherwise, you will get a boiled product that looks more like gruel. Before starting the process, be sure to double-check whether you have at hand:

  • 2-2.5 kilograms of ripe pears.
  • 50-60 milliliters of lemon juice.
  • 500 grams of sugar.
  • A couple of tablespoons of natural honey.
  • A pinch of vanilla.

To prepare amber pear jam, washed and cut fruits are immersed in a soda solution for a quarter of an hour (a teaspoon per liter of water), and then rinsed and put in a suitable bowl. Vanilla, sugar and honey are added to it. All this is poured with lemon juice, covered with food polyethylene and left for several hours, or better - for the whole night.

Immediately after this, the future jam is placed on the stove, brought to a boil and simmered on the smallest fire for five minutes. the hot product is laid out in clean glass jars, sterilized for about a quarter of an hour, rolled up, cooled and sent for further storage.

Variant with almonds

This original recipe for amber pear jam with slices will surely interest many housewives who are trying to surprise their loved ones with unusual homemade preparations. This delicacy has a very pleasant taste and light almond aroma. To prepare it you will need:

  • 2 kilograms of pears.
  • 1.5 liters of drinking water.
  • 1.5 kilos of sugar.
  • ½ teaspoon vanilla.
  • 100 grams of almonds.

First of all, you need to deal with syrup. To obtain it, washed and peeled pear slices are lowered into boiling water and boiled for three minutes. Immediately after this, the liquid is poured into another bowl, sweetened and boiled until a syrup is formed. Then it is again combined with fruit and left for a couple of hours at room temperature.

After this time, the future jam is brought to a boil and kept on the smallest fire for ten minutes, not forgetting to add vanilla and chopped almonds. The finished product is laid out in sterilized jars, rolled up and sent for subsequent storage.

Variant with lemon

The delicacy obtained by the method described below has a beautiful color and a well-defined citrus aroma. And in its taste a pleasant sourness is well felt. Therefore, this recipe for pear jam with lemon, a step-by-step description of which can be found a little later, will surely appear on the pages of your personal cookbook. This time you will need:

  • A couple of kilos of pears.
  • Whole lemon.
  • A couple of kilos of sugar.

Step 1. Whole unpeeled lemon is poured with boiling water and left for five minutes. Then it is cooled and cut into cubes.

Step 2 Washed and peeled pear slices are put in a suitable bowl and covered with sugar. Chopped lemon is also added there and all this is left for six hours.

Step 3 After this time, the future jam is sent to the stove and boiled over the smallest fire for at least thirty minutes.

Step 4 After half an hour, the resulting mass is removed from the burner, cooled and boiled again. Hot jam is poured into sterilized jars, rolled up and put away for further storage.

Variant in syrup

This dessert is good because it retains almost all the valuable substances contained in ripe fruits. To make pear jam with slices of lemon in syrup, you need a little free time and a bit of patience. In addition, you should have on hand:

  • Kilo pears.
  • 800 grams of sugar.
  • 150 milliliters of drinking water.
  • Whole lemon.

Washed and peeled pears are cut into neat slices and transferred to a large dry bowl. The fruits prepared by this method are poured with syrup, boiled from water and granulated sugar, and then left for twelve hours.

At the end of this time, the future delicacy is sent to the fire, brought to a boil and after a couple of minutes removed from the burner. Almost ready jam is kept at room temperature for seven hours and again sent to the fire. Ten minutes after the syrup boils, lemon juice is squeezed into it. All this is once again left for seven hours, boiled, laid out in dry, clean jars, sterilized, rolled up and sent for further storage.

Option with spices

This fragrant amber jam made from pear slices has miraculous healing properties. It is recommended to use it to boost immunity and to fight colds. To prepare it you will need:

  • 6 multi-cups chopped pears.
  • A teaspoon of soft butter.
  • 3 cups of sugar.
  • A teaspoon of natural lemon juice.
  • ¾ cup brown sugar.
  • A teaspoon of nutmeg.
  • Star anise.
  • 3 tablespoons of grated ginger.
  • Cinnamon stick.
  • 50 grams of pectin.
  • A pinch of salt.

Pear slices are sprinkled with grated ginger and brown sugar. All this is left for half an hour, and then sent to the stove, combined with spices and boiled for seven minutes. Then butter, white sugar and a cinnamon stick are added there. All this is cooked for another three minutes, removed from the burner, laid out in sterilized jars, rolled up and sent for further storage.

Variant with cardamom

This simple recipe for pear jam with lemon for the winter is interesting in that it involves the use of a frying pan. To prepare such a treat, you will need:

  • 700 grams of ripe and juicy pears.
  • ½ lemon.
  • 250 grams of sugar.
  • Cardamom (2 pcs.).

To make amber pear jam with lemon slices, you need to select ripe but firm fruits. They are washed, freed from everything superfluous, cut into slices and sent to a heated frying pan, in which lemon juice with sugar and grated zest is already boiling. All this is stewed for five minutes, then cooled and the heating procedure is repeated three times. At the final stage, cardamom is added to the almost ready-made jam and all this is laid out in sterilized jars.

Variant with oranges

Using the technology described below, an incredibly fragrant jam is obtained, which is distinguished by a delicious sweet and sour taste. To prepare it you will need:

  • A couple of kilograms of ripe pears.
  • 3 oranges.
  • A couple of kilos of sugar.

Pre-sorted, washed and peeled pears are cut into equal slices and transferred to a suitable bowl. Sugar and slices of oranges are also added to it. All this is left until the fruit begins to give juice, and then placed on the stove and boiled over low heat for about two hours, not forgetting to stir occasionally. Hot jam is transferred to sterilized glass jars, rolled up, cooled and sent for storage in a cellar or pantry.


All of the above recipes allow you to quickly and profitably process a large amount of fruit. And this is especially important for those who have their own orchard. To diversify the taste of the finished jam, it is allowed to add spices, apples, lemons, oranges and other ripe juicy fruits to it.

So that the unpleasant smell of burning does not add to the delicious aroma of the fruit, during the heat treatment, you need to constantly stir the contents of the saucepan. And in order for the jam to turn out homogeneous, pears of the same degree of ripeness should be used for its preparation. So that the fruits do not darken, they can be briefly immersed in acidified water.

Good afternoon dear readers!

Summer is a wonderful time of the year when you can enjoy a variety of vegetables and fruits. But then autumn comes, followed by winter and the season of sweets closes, and so you want to feast on them all year round.

In order not to deny yourself such pleasure, you can make sweet preparations from juicy pears with various additions in the form of berries, vegetables and other fruits. This sweet is universal, goes well with pastries, cereals, tea and even yogurt. It also has tonic and bactericidal properties, removes toxins from the body and helps to cope with colds.

I will tell you amazing pear jam recipes that will simply drive you crazy and delight you with their variety. And yet, these variations of blanks are also suitable for harvesting apples. Speaking of apples. Recently I came across a cool collection of apple jam recipes. I recommend that you also read I am sure that you will find something new for yourself and treat your loved ones with a new creation on cold days.

Now let's get to work. Let's start creating with pleasure and good mood.

Pear jam "amber" slices - lick your fingers

Boiled pear slices in sugar syrup have a bright sunny hue and just melt in your mouth. Such a dessert is eaten with pleasure by children, and adults even more so. The method of preparation is outrageously simple, but the result will pleasantly surprise you.

Required Ingredients:

  • Ripe pears of a dense consistency - one kilogram;
  • Sugar - one kilogram;
  • Water - 180-200 ml.

Cooking method:

1. We clean the fruits from seeds and peel. Then cut into not thick slices, approximately the same size.

2. Dissolve granulated sugar in water and bring the syrup to a boil over low heat. When it becomes translucent with an amber tint, then it should be removed from the fire.

3. Let the sweet solution cool down a little and fill our slices with it. Then we need to actively mix and put on a slow fire.

4. Cook the mixture for five to six minutes and then let it cool. After cooling, put it back on a slow fire and boil for the same time. Readiness is determined by the transparency of the slices.

When boiled again, the dessert has a sufficient amount of syrup. But if you want it to be thicker, then the cooking procedure should be repeated again.

5. Once the sugaring process has completely cooled, it will take on a thicker structure and can be packed in a prepared container and sealed for long-term storage.

Keep treats in a cool dark place.

Pear jam for the winter with lemon

As you know, pears have a lot of vitamins and minerals that the body needs. To make our dessert even healthier, I suggest adding lemon to it. This will give the jam a touch of freshness, make it very healthy and even more fragrant.

Required Ingredients:

  • Fresh pears - 1 kg;
  • Lemon - one;
  • Water - 1 glass;
  • Sugar - 1 kg.

Cooking technology:

1. Cut the lemon into circles or quarters, remove all the seeds from it and transfer it to a container of boiling water. Boil the citrus for three to four minutes.

2. After the time has elapsed, we take out the slices (mugs) of lemon from the broth, pour sugar into it and stir occasionally, let the sugar dissolve. If foam forms on the surface, then it must be removed with a spoon or scoop. The syrup should be amber in color and smooth.

4. In a deep container with a thick bottom, lay out the pieces of pear, cover them with our lemons on top and pour boiling solution. Let our sweets brew for an hour and a half.

5. Then we put our jam on the stove and bring it to a boil. Cooking time is one hour over medium heat. In this case, it should be constantly mixed and remove the foam. After the work done, it is necessary to cool the brew for 30 minutes.

6. Then we again bring the pear-lemon mixture to a boil and continue to cook for another hour.
At this time, wash and sterilize the container. Pour the preparation into jars and twist the lids.

How delicious it is, and the aroma is just dizzy!

How to cook thick jam slices for the winter?

The pear is a loose and fleshy fruit, so making thick jam is easy enough. But there is not a big nuance. The syrup needs to be boiled down to reach the desired density, which will resemble viscous honey. There is a little secret, you need to add quite a bit of water to the composition or do without it at all.


  • 1.3 kg of sugar;
  • 1 kg of pears;
  • some water.

Cooking process:

1. Fresh and dense fruits should be washed, dried, peeled and removed from the core with seeds. Then we cut the fruit in any convenient way and the desired shape. For example, like this:

2. We put the fruit in a large bowl, sprinkle each new layer with sugar and leave them for a couple of hours so that the juice stands out.

Then fill the jam with water so that it covers the pears by about one finger. You can add a little lemon juice if you like.
Cook covered for ten to fifteen minutes.

3. As soon as bubbles appear on the surface of the syrup, we filter it. We put the pears in another container, and pour the vitamin liquid back into the pan, add sugar and boil for another 20-30 minutes, stirring constantly.

4. We put the pears into the syrup we prepared and leave to boil for another 7 minutes. Then let the jam cool down and repeat the process 3 times.

We sterilize our jars and pack our delicacy on them. We tightly screw the lids and wait for winter to enjoy the gourmet.

By the way, it’s great to bake pies and pies with this sweetness, it is thick and does not flow out. Baking just scatters at lightning speed, try to cook, you will like it!

Pear jam with cinnamon slices

This recipe touched me to the core, I found it on YouTube. I was touched by the fact that this gourmet is being prepared with the addition of cinnamon and butter. I have never cooked such a jam in my life, and now I will definitely try to create this miracle. And how do you like this idea? Look at the recipe and write in the comments how you like this sweet idea?

Amber pear jam with orange - a simple recipe

Here's another recipe that kids go crazy for. This wonderful delicacy is reminiscent of DYUSHES sweets, and the orange adds a kind of zest in the form of freshness and citrus aftertaste. Be sure to stock up on such a treat.

Required Ingredients:

  • Pears - 1 kg.
  • Sugar sand - 600 gr.
  • Orange - 1 pc.

Cooking process:

1. We wash the fruit under water. Scald the orange with boiling water, cut into slices and remove the seeds. Pears cut into cubes or slices, at your discretion.

2. We take a pan with a thick bottom and add our fruits. Pour in sugar, mix gently and wait 20 minutes.

Important! The pan should be made of stainless steel with a thick bottom or non-stick.

3. After the time has elapsed, put the dishes with jam on the stove and wait for the boiling point. Cook it for 10 minutes over low heat. Then let it cool down (4-8 hours) and repeat the steps again.

When boiling, the fruit will let out enough juice for cooking.

4. We spread the jam in a container, seal it tightly with lids and wrap it in a thick blanket. The next day, we put the blanks in a cool and dark place.

Enjoy your meal!

Recipe for lemon pear jam with milk

In my opinion, this recipe is superior to all others. It resembles condensed milk and has a caramel flavor. I make it in large quantities, as my loved ones simply adore it and that's what we call pear condensed milk.


  • A bucket of pears with a volume of 5 kg;
  • Fresh milk - 3 liters;
  • Sugar - 3 kilograms;
  • Soda - one teaspoon.

Cooking steps:

1. Put small slices of pears in a metal bowl, cover with sugar and wait for the fruit to release juice. Then boil the contents of the basin for 1 hour, stirring occasionally.

2. After the time has elapsed, add milk with soda and cook for another 4 hours on minimum heat.

It is very important to constantly stir the mixture so that it does not stick to the walls of the dish.

3. Let the jam cool and beat until smooth.

4. After that, bring it to a boil again and cook for another 4 hours, put it in prepared jars and close it with metal lids using a seaming key.

The jam should decrease by about four times.

Enjoy extraordinary taste!

We cook transparent jam from apples and pears for the winter

There is another exclusive recipe in which you need to add apples. It can be made in various textures and types.

Required Ingredients:

  • Juicy apples - 1 kg. (peeled and cut into slices)
  • Ripe pears - 1kg. (peeled and cut into slices)
  • Sugar - 1.5 kg
  • Lemon juice
  • Water - 1.5 cups
  • Apple juice -45 ml
  • Cinnamon - to taste

Cooking process:

1. We remove the seeds from the fruit and cut them into any shape, if you wish, you can peel the fruit fruits.

2. Add sugar, lemon and apple juice to boiling water. Boil this solution until the sugar is completely dissolved. This will be our syrup. 5-10 minutes before the end of the preparation of the solution, add cinnamon.

Do not be afraid that water will not dissolve in such a small amount of water, everything will dissolve and there will be a wonderful syrup

3. Fill them with our fruits and wait until the future jam has completely cooled down. Let it cool and if you want a thicker consistency, then cook the yummy a couple more times, each time letting it cool for at least 7 hours.

Pour the mixture into sterilized jars, roll up the lids and put in a dark, cool place.

I wish you success in your preparation!

Recipe for making jam in a slow cooker

Cooking sweets in a slow cooker is the easiest and easiest way. The technique will do everything by itself, the main thing is to throw in all the ingredients and wait for the time. Let's get down to business...


  • Favorite pears - kilogram;
  • Granulated sugar - up to 800 g;
  • Citric acid - 10 gr.
  • Water - 200 ml.

Cooking technology:

1. Cut the fruit into slices, remove the skin and remove the seeds.

2. Put the pears in a bowl, add a small amount of sugar and pour in water. We simmer for 15 minutes, as you already understood in the “Extinguishing” mode. When the multicooker turns off, remove the resulting foam.

3. We leave our future treat for 4 hours. Pear slices will become transparent and delicate in taste, like honey. Then we bring it to a boil again and leave the jam to cool for 4 hours.

4. The third time when our fruits are stewed, after the beep sounds, open the bowl and pour in a bag of citric acid and mix gently.

Pour the delicacy into sterile jars and screw with sterile lids.

Sweetness was a success! And our kitchen assistant coped with her task!

Pear jam slices "five minutes"

Another one of my favorite options is a sweet pear preparation with honey, lemon and vanilla. Cook very quickly, and it comes out incredibly delicious sweetness. Incredible taste and aroma.

For this gourmet, it is better to choose not overripe fruits, but it is best to pay attention to autumn varieties, it will be just CHIC.


  • Pears - 1 kg.
  • Sugar - 2 tbsp.
  • Honey - 1 tbsp. lies.
  • Lemon juice - 25 ml
  • Vanilla to taste

Cooking steps:

1. Cut the peeled fruits into slices about 2 cm wide so that they are not transparent, but also not too thick.

2. Place the chopped slices in a container, add sugar, honey, vanilla and water, mix the ingredients. Cover with cling film and leave for 6 hours so that the pears release their juice.

4. As soon as the contents begin to boil, boil for 5 minutes and pack the jam in sterilized jars, roll up the lid. Wrap with a blanket and leave to cool!

Store in a cool place!

Until new posts!

Pear jam - amber and transparent - is recognized as one of the most delicious and beautiful. In recipes, it is allowed to use both whole pears with a tail and cut into slices, but the main thing is that the fruits belong to the summer-autumn varieties. Such fruits are distinguished by a honey aroma, which is absent from greenhouse counterparts. You should choose hard pears, and soft types are suitable for making marmalade or jam. This healthy delicacy is recommended for people suffering from many diseases, and it is important for healthy family members to strengthen the immune system. So, consider simple pear jam recipes for the winter.

Pear jam for the winter

How to cook delicious pear jam? Components for pear harvesting for the winter:

  • pears - 1,500-2,000 g;
  • sugar - 1 500 g.

How to make pear jam? Just follow the recipe:

  1. Wash and cut the pears in half, remove the cores. Remove the skin if you wish, but if you want the most tender treat, it's still worth doing. Cut the pulp into small pieces. Sprinkle the pears with sugar and leave them like this for 6 hours until the juice is released.

  1. Put the pears with sugar in a thick-bottomed saucepan and send to a low heat, where the jam needs to be boiled twice for 35 minutes. Before the second run, you need to completely cool the mass. During the cooking process, the syrup will become very tasty and thick, and the pieces of fruit will become sweet and transparent. Even if you used fruits with green skin, it will turn yellowish during the cooking process.

  1. Prepare jars and lids in advance by sterilizing them - they should be usable five minutes before the end of the second cooking of pears. Pour boiling pear jam into jars and roll up.

Wrap the jars in a blanket for a day until completely cooled. Store in a cool place. It's important to note that pears go great with apples, so add them to your jam if you feel like it and increase the amount of sugar according to weight.
Enjoy your meal!

Pear jam with lemon

Ingredients for Pear Jam:

  • pears - 1,000 g;
  • sugar - 1,000 g;
  • water - 3/4 cup;
  • zest of 1 lemon.

How to cook pear jam with lemon:

  1. First of all, wash the pears, peel them from the cores and cut off the tails. Cut the fruits into slices. It is recommended to prepare the delicacy in this way, because the result will be a wonderful fragrant pear jam with slices.

  1. Pour sugar into a thick-bottomed saucepan, pour in water and send to the stove. Bring the syrup to a boil and cook until the sugar is completely dissolved. It is important to stir the syrup all the time and remove the foam from it.

  1. After the syrup is ready, dip the fruit slices into it and cook until tender in one step. If the pears become transparent, the jam is ready, remove it from the heat.

  1. At the end of cooking, add the grated lemon zest.

  1. Sterilize jars and lids. Put pear jam with lemon in jars and twist. Wrap the jars in a blanket until completely cool, then put them in a cold place.

Fragrant and tasty delicacy for the whole family is ready! Pear jam with lemon goes well with tea. A pleasant aroma and taste will remind you of sunny summer days!

Pear jam slices

Ingredients for delicious pear jam slices:

  • pears - 1,000 g;
  • sugar - 1,000 g;
  • orange - 0.5 pcs.

For this recipe, you will need ripe, but not overripe, pears of autumn varieties. The fruits must be firm.
How to make pear jam with slices:

  1. Wash the pears, cut them in half and remove the cores. You can also cut off the peel if it is too dense. Cut the fruits into slices.
  2. Wash half of the orange thoroughly. Cut it into thin slices. Add orange to pears.
  3. Sprinkle the fruit slices with sugar and leave them overnight to release the juice. In the morning, cook for about 6 minutes over low heat. Cover the pear jam with slices with a clean cloth or gauze and leave for 7-10 hours. After this time, bring the jam to a boil, boil for about 6 minutes and leave again for 7-10 hours. Repeat this procedure three times.
  4. At the end, cook pear jam over low heat for half an hour, stirring it occasionally. The finished syrup has a rich and beautiful color. It is thick in texture. To test readiness, drop a little clear syrup from a spoon onto a cold plate. It shouldn't spread.
  5. Sterilize jars and lids. Pour the pear jam into jars and roll it up. Wrap in a blanket and leave for a day until it cools completely, then take it to a cold place.

Amazing pear jam with slices, which the whole family will enjoy with pleasure in the winter, is ready!

Amber pear jam

To prepare amber pear jam, you need to use the following ingredients:

  • pears - 650 g;
  • sugar −500 g;
  • citric acid - 1 tsp;
  • vanilla - 0.5 tsp

How to make amber pear jam:

  1. First prepare the pears. To do this, rinse them thoroughly and place in a colander to glass the liquid. Then remove the peel from the pears, remove the seeds. Chop fruit into slices.

  1. Place the sliced ​​pears in a deep bowl and sprinkle with sugar. They need to stand for at least 7 hours to release the juice. It is desirable that they float directly in the syrup, so it is recommended to choose juicy pears. You can fill them with sugar in the evening, and in the morning start cooking pear jam.

  1. Before you put the dishes with jam on the fire, add citric acid. It is she who will give the product a beautiful color. Also add vanilla to the jam to improve the taste. Place the container with jam on the stove and bring it to a boil over low heat. Then boil for another 5 minutes. Then the fire can be turned off, the jam should cool. After that, it must be brought to a boil again and cooled again. This procedure is repeated three times. Then put the jam on a slow fire for the fourth time and cook for about an hour until the syrup thickens. You can check the readiness by placing a drop on a saucer. The syrup should not spread.

  1. Pour the pear jam into sterilized jars and roll up.

Amber pear jam is best stored in a cool, dark place. In winter, it will be nice to eat it with tea.

Video recipes: pear jam

How to cook pear jam with slices? More about this is described in the video recipes.

  • Pears (chopped slices) - 4 kg.
  • Sugar - 4 kg.
  • Water - 1 glass (faceted)
  • Cooking process:

    We cut ripe beautiful pears into a deep container. Then we weigh the resulting number of slices. I got exactly 4 kg.

    In a large aluminum basin (in which I subsequently boiled jam) I prepared syrup

    Pour all the sugar into a basin or pan and add water from above, trying to get on the entire surface of the sugar. We put the sugar on a slow fire and bring to a syrup. The sugar should dissolve.

    When the sugar syrup becomes homogeneous, add chopped pear slices to it. Gently mix the pears with a spatula.

    All slices at this time are enveloped in this sweet syrup and caramelized a little.

    When the pear jam boils, you need to make the fire medium so that our slices do not fall apart. Cook pears after boiling for 1 hour, turn off the fire. Then let the jam cool in the same container.

    The next day, we again put pear jam to boil for 30-40 minutes.

    At this time, we will prepare the jars and lids by sterilizing them.

    When the jam is cooked, carefully begin to lay it out hot in jars.

    We roll up the lids, screw or turnkey and let cool, wrapped in a blanket. Such pear jam is very well stored in an apartment in a kitchen cabinet, in a cellar or garage.

    On a cold winter evening, pear dessert will be a great addition to a cup of hot tea. Also, pear jam can be used to make open and closed pies with filling, pies.

    Bon appetit wishes you our delicious Recipe Notebook.

    The recipe takes part in home preparations and is waiting for your vote!

    Pear jam is considered one of the most fragrant homemade preparations, ideal for preparing a variety of pastries and long evenings at the samovar. Moreover, you can cook delicious pear jam for the winter (recipe with photo below) not only from soft, but also hard green, including wild, varieties. As for the “wild fish”, depending on the recipe, the pear delicacy can be a transparent and thick jam, or it can be prepared from whole fruits or slices. A pear is also great for experimenting with various additives in jam. For example, you can emphasize the taste of fruits and add unusual notes with lemon (citric acid), orange, cinnamon, vanilla, poppy, ginger. This article has collected the best recipes and recommendations on how to cook delicious pear jam for the winter, including five-minute and non-sterilization options. We hope that simple step-by-step recipes with photos and videos will help you take a fresh look at this delicacy and fall in love with pear blanks even more.

    Simple pear jam with lemon - step by step recipe with pictures

    Lemon and pear are the simplest and at the same time the most successful flavor combination for making original jam. There is no water in this recipe, so a minimum of 12 hours of pre-preparation is required to form fruit syrup. But in general, the simple pear and lemon jam from the step-by-step recipe with pictures below is quite quick and easy to prepare.

    Essential Ingredients for Easy Pear Lemon Jam Recipe with Pictures

    • pears - 2 kg
    • lemon - 1 pc.
    • sugar - 1.5 kg

    Step-by-step instructions for a simple recipe for pear and lemon jam for the winter

    Thick pear jam with cinnamon and vanilla - a simple recipe for the winter, step by step

    What makes a pear especially good for jam is that the structure of the fruit is very fleshy and loose. Therefore, cooking thick and fragrant pear jam for the winter, for example, with cinnamon and vanilla, is as easy as shelling pears. By the way, it is these two spices that perfectly emphasize the unique taste of pears, especially juicy varieties. Learn more about how to make a thick pear jam with cinnamon and vanilla in a simple step-by-step recipe for the winter below.

    Necessary ingredients for a thick jam with pear, cinnamon and vanilla for the winter

    • pear - 2-3 kg
    • sugar - 1.5 kg
    • vanilla - 1 pod
    • cinnamon - 0.5 tsp
    • water - 1 glass

    Step-by-step instructions for a simple recipe for thick pear, cinnamon and vanilla jam for winter

    1. To make the jam according to this recipe thick, you need to take fruits that are fleshy and juicy with a thin peel. Wash and cut the pears in half, remove the core and cut into small cubes.
    2. Cook syrup from a glass of water and all the sugar. When the grains of granulated sugar are completely dissolved and the syrup thickens, pour the pears over them and leave for 3-4 hours at room temperature. We also add cinnamon and the contents of one vanilla pod (you can replace it with a bag of vanilla).
    3. After the specified time, put the pan with the fruit and sugar mass on the fire and bring to a boil. Remove the foam and reduce the heat, boiling the mass until it thickens.
    4. Constantly stir the jam with a wooden spoon so that it does not burn.
    5. Pear jam is considered ready when the pieces of fruit are completely boiled, and the mass darkens and thickens. Depending on the pear variety, the cooking process after boiling can take from 1.5 to 3.5 hours. During this time, you need to sterilize the jars and lids.
    6. Pour the finished jam into a convenient glass container and cork with lids

    Transparent pear jam with slices - step by step recipe with citric acid

    A special transparent delicacy, which is not very similar to jam, is prepared from pear slices with the addition of citric acid. Since outwardly such pear jam is very beautiful, it is most often served on the table for tea on its own or used to decorate cakes. Learn how to cook transparent pear jam with citric acid slices from the following recipe.

    Necessary ingredients for clear pear jam with citric acid slices

    • pears - 1 kg
    • sugar - 1.4 kg
    • citric acid - 1/4 tsp
    • vanillin - 1 sachet
    • water - 250 ml.

    Step-by-step instructions for a clear jam recipe with pears and citric acid slices

    1. Wash the pears and remove the stalks, remove the seeds. Then cut the fruit into thin slices and dip in boiling water for 5 minutes.
    2. Remove the pieces of pear and cool in cold water, drain in a colander.
    3. Make a thick syrup of water and sugar. Pour the pear with syrup and leave for 3-4 hours under the lid.
    4. Put the mass on the fire and bring to a boil, boil for 20 minutes and cool completely.
    5. Repeat the last procedure twice. After bringing the jam to a boil for the third time, add citric acid and cook for 10 minutes.
    6. Pour the finished jam into sterile jars, roll up, turn over until the jam has cooled.

    Delicious wild hard pear jam for the winter - a simple step-by-step recipe

    Tasty and fragrant jam for the winter can be prepared even from hard wild pears. The main thing is to withstand the recipe and cooking time. Then a delicious jam from hard or wild pear varieties for the winter from a simple step-by-step recipe below will surely delight you with its original relish and summer aroma.

    Essential Ingredients for Delicious Winter Hard Wild Pear Jam

    • wild pears - 1 kg
    • sugar - 1.5 kg
    • pear broth - 1.5-2 cups

    Step-by-step instructions for a recipe for delicious jam with wild pears for the winter

    1. My pears and clean from partitions with seeds. Cut into thin slices and immediately dip into cold water. Boil the pears after boiling for 10 minutes and recline in a colander.
    2. We measure out two glasses of pear broth and add sugar. Bring the syrup to a boil and cook for 5 minutes.
    3. Pour the pear slices with hot syrup and leave overnight at room temperature.
    4. In the morning, bring the fruit in syrup to a boil and, reducing the heat, cook for about half an hour.
    5. Remove from stove and let cool completely. We repeat the procedure 2 more times.
    6. Pour the hot jam into sterile jars, twist the lids with a seaming key and wrap them in a warm cloth until cool.

    Quick five-minute jam from a whole pear without sterilization - step by step recipes for winter

    Whole pear jam without sterilization is one of the fastest and easiest types of preparations for the winter. In order for the delicacy to turn out to be the right consistency, you need to take small dense fruits with hard pulp. How to cook a quick five-minute jam with whole pears without sterilization further.

    The necessary ingredients for a five-minute jam from a whole pear without sterilization

    • pears -1, 5 kg
    • sugar - 1 kg
    • lemon - 1 pc.
    • honey - 1 tbsp. l.

    Step-by-step instructions for five-minute jam with whole pears without sterilization for the winter

    1. Wash small pears and remove stems. Cut off the skin thinly.
    2. Cover the pears with sugar, add a spoonful of honey and the juice of one lemon.
    3. Mix everything thoroughly and leave overnight in the refrigerator under the lid.
    4. In the morning, bring the mass to a boil, boil for 15 minutes and immediately remove from the stove.
    5. Pack pear jam in sterile jars and roll up.

    Delicious green pear jam with lemon, orange and poppy seeds - a quick recipe step by step

    At first glance, poppy seeds in the recipe for delicious green pear, lemon and orange jam may seem superfluous. But it is this simple ingredient that makes a simple pear preparation an original dessert that can surprise even a gourmet. All the details of making delicious green pear, lemon, orange and poppy jam in a quick step-by-step recipe below.

    Essential Ingredients for Delicious Green Pear, Lemon, Orange and Poppy Seed Jam

    • pear - 1 kg
    • granulated sugar - 1, 3 kg
    • orange - 1 pc.
    • lemon -1 pc.
    • poppy -3-4 tbsp. l.

    Step-by-step instructions for a quick recipe for pear, lemon, orange and poppy jam

    1. My pears and clean from seeds and partitions. Together with the peel, cut into thin slices and sprinkle with sugar.
    2. Remove the zest from the lemon and orange, add to the pears. Squeeze out the lemon juice and cut the orange into small cubes.
    3. Add the orange to the pear and mix well. Leave the mass for 4-5 hours.
    4. Rinse poppy seeds under running water and dry on a towel. Then lightly fry the poppy seeds in a dry frying pan.
    5. We put the fruit mass on the fire and wait until it boils. Boil for 15 minutes and remove until completely cooled.
    6. We boil again in the same way.
    7. The third time after boiling, add poppy seeds and cook for 10 minutes.
    8. Pour the original jam into a sterile container, cork.

    Amber pear jam for the winter with slices - a step by step recipe with video

    Thick amber pear jam (recipe in slices) for the winter is not inferior in taste to more original options with poppy seeds, orange or cinnamon. Not every variety is suitable for making this pear delicacy. For example, green hard pears, as well as wild varieties, the so-called wild game, will not be able to give the correct consistency and color to such a five-minute jam. To cook amber pear jam for the winter in slices or as a whole, you will also need lemon or citric acid. All the details of making this delicious jam without sterilization in the video below.

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