Journey through the Louvre. Virtual tour of the Louvre

Museums of fine arts, natural sciences, contemporary art, secular or religious. There are hundreds of museums that each of us would like to visit, but usually they are located in another city or, worse, in another country. But in modern world You don't have to travel far for this. Mel has compiled for you a list of 15 museums that you can visit in any weather and at any time for free, from the comfort of your couch.

The museum complex on the Capitoline Hill in Rome is not just a few buildings with paintings and statues, it is almost like a whole city in miniature. Three palazzos (Palazzo Nuovo, Palazza dei Conservatori and Central Montemartini) are located on Capitoline Square, in the creation of which Michelangelo took an active part. And it's easy to believe: almost every meter of the complex breathes art. The museum contains the original of the Roman She-Wolf, try to find it.

Perhaps the most famous museum and the palace complex of St. Petersburg after the Hermitage. The main exposition occupies five buildings: the Mikhailovsky Palace with an exhibition Benois Corps, Mikhailovsky Castle, Marble and Stroganov palaces and the Summer Palace of Peter I. In addition, the territory of the museum includes several gardens and parks - there is something to see. A virtual tour allows you to visit all parts of the Russian Museum, and this is not always possible to do even on a trip to St. Petersburg.

The second name of the museum is the Museum fine arts. Considered the largest museum in France after the Louvre, it contains about 2,000 paintings and 1,300 sculptures. All these works of art (from the 15th century to our time) are placed in 70 galleries, detailed panoramas of which are on the site.

The museum was built on the site of an old theater: Dali once noticed the ruins and turned them into a colorful and memorable complex. The basis of the museum's collection is, of course, the work of the artist himself. There are halls that are part of the exposition in themselves. The theatre-museum is best described by the words of Dali himself: “I want my museum to be a monolith, a labyrinth, a huge surrealistic object. It will be absolutely a theatrical museum. Those who come here will leave feeling as if they had a dream.”

There is probably no person in the world who has not heard anything about Madame Tussauds. This is museum wax figures(actors, politicians, directors, philosophers, athletes), which are made with incredible accuracy. The curiosity and feature of the London building is the Cabinet of Horrors. It contains copies of various revolutionaries, murderers, psychopaths and other dangerous criminals.

Louvre - citadel European art, the most popular and majestic place in Paris, always full of tourists. So complete that it is sometimes impossible to see the pictures themselves. The Louvre was originally built as the residence of the king, so everything in it breathes splendor. AT virtual excursions There are only three routes available in the museum so far: Egyptian exhibits, a tour of the former moat that surrounded the building, and the Apollo Gallery. But the routes are constantly updated, keep an eye on the site.

It was here that the residence of the king from the Louvre moved, this complex itself is a work of art. Since the end of the 17th century, Versailles has served as a model for the ceremonial country residences of European monarchs and aristocracy, and it is also included in the list of world cultural heritage UNESCO. Not stored in the palace famous paintings, but there are unique frescoes on the ceilings, and the interior of the castle itself with its huge corridors and spacious halls will make anyone gasp.

One of the largest museums in the world and the main historical and archaeological museum of the United Kingdom. It contains exhibits from all over the world: China, India, Africa, Oceania, South America. In addition, of course, the history of Britain itself is told. The length of the museum is four kilometers. British museum- it is also a national library, the funds of which include about seven million volumes of printed publications.

The gallery was founded by a merchant who owned one of the largest collections of domestic visual arts. There is probably no child in Moscow who would not go on an excursion to the old red building in Lavrushinsky Lane. But if you still don’t have time or opportunity to visit the museum, walk around it virtually: the tour is incredibly detailed.

A museum in Washington that is not to be missed: it is huge both outside and inside. By the set of exhibits, the museum resembles our Darwin Museum, but only the exposition is much more impressive. Such a set of butterflies and intoxicated marine reptiles (a gigantic squid, for example) is not found anywhere else in the world. Even in the museum, the department with huge dinosaurs and other fossils was closed for three years, but you can still stroll through these halls online!

Under the capacious sign "Vatican Museums" hides a galaxy of exhibition halls and galleries. The age of the most venerable expositions is five centuries old. During this time, museum curators managed to collect an amazing collection of sculptures, paintings, manuscripts, household items and religious art. And museums began with just one statue. Online you can walk around the Basilica of St. Peter, the Basilica of San Giovanni in Laterano, the Basilica of St. Paul outside the city walls, the Church of Santa Maria Maggiore and, as a bonus, walk through the Sistine Chapel.

The museum complex includes six buildings, but online you can walk through only one, the main one. It has an impressive Greek hall with a statue of Apollo, copies of the tombstones of the Borgia brothers and exhibits from the excavations of Troy. Looks especially mysterious egyptian hall with a copy of the sarcophagi of the pharaohs.

Without a doubt, the largest palace in St. Petersburg, which absorbed not so much painting and sculpture as history itself: the Hermitage has been the royal residence since the time of Peter I. The museum is huge, in some places you can even get lost inside, but, like in the Louvre, size does not always mean space. There are so many visitors in the Hermitage that you have to stand in a long queue before entering, and it is not always possible to approach the necessary exhibits. Nobody will disturb you in the virtual tour. There is also an overview of selected collections and exhibits on the museum's website.

Space is a mysterious and alluring space, with which the Planetarium introduces visitors in an interesting and beautiful way. The museum is located on four floors and consists of several expositions: the Urania Museum, the Lunarium, the small and large Star Halls. By the way, the Star Halls deserve special attention: on huge screens they show educational programs that will be of interest to both children and adults. Unfortunately, you can’t watch them online, but you can walk through the halls of museums and even go to a cafe!

You can also visit the website at your leisure. Google: ArtProject. There are millions of exhibits from thousands of museums: Google was the first to decide to start digitizing the exhibits. And there you can walk in many places. Here, for example, St Paul's Cathedral in London.

There is the famous Louvre (Musee du Louvre). Almost 700 meters stretches the ancient palace of the French kings along the banks of the Seine. The Louvre is today one of the oldest museums in the world. The collections of world masterpieces stored here are universal and are a relic not only of France, but of the whole world.

Louvre on the map, view from space:

Sorry, the map is temporarily unavailable Sorry, the map is temporarily unavailable

The building or Pavilion Sully is the oldest part of the building. It was built on the site of a fortress erected here in 1190. Inside the case is one of architectural gems The Louvre is a square courtyard.

Square yard.

The palace as such was built during the Renaissance, when King Francis I and his architect Pierre Lescaut decided to turn the medieval fortress into a royal residence.

Since the time of Francis I, the French kings continued to complete the construction of the palace. Denon and Richelieu buildings were attached to the building. It offers a unique view of the Tuileries Park and Carousel Square. Very close is Triumphal Arch, built in honor of the victories of Napoleon in 1805. The palace houses the Apollo Gallery, decorated with paintings and statues. This gallery was built in 1661 by order of Louis XIV. According to her model, the mirror gallery of Versailles was built. In 1793 large gallery The Louvre was open to visitors. So the palace became national museum. At the time of its foundation, the collection of masterpieces belonging to the French kings consisted of about two and a half thousand paintings. Here you can see the most famous painting Leonardo Da Vinci, Monna Lisa. The famous Marly horses by Guillaume Coustout are also located here.

Photo, Louvre - Apollo Gallery.

Horse Marley by Guillaume Coustout.

The Louvre is not only one of the most magnificent European palaces, it is the largest museum in the world. The Louvre has been on the UNESCO World Heritage List since 1991.

Movie about the Louvre

Video: "The Louvre Museum in

Description of the tour

Louvre is the most big museum in the world, its collection has more than four hundred thousand exhibits, visitors can see only part of it, the rest of the art is in storage. It is impossible to learn everything about the Louvre in one visit, but sightseeing tour will give general idea about this amazing treasure trove and introduce you to the most significant works art kept in the museum. First of all, these are the three main masterpieces of the Louvre, which traditionally include the Mona Lisa, the Nike of Samothrace and the Venus de Milo. After the tour, you will have the opportunity to wander through the halls of the museum on your own. On your next visit, you will be able to choose in advance the halls, artists, sculptors that you would like to see.

The Louvre building includes three wings - "Richelieu", "Sully" and "Denon".

  • It is in the Denon building that the lion's share of all visitors to the Louvre strives to get. And this is not surprising. Here is perhaps the most famous painting in the world - "La Gioconda" by Leonardo da Vinci. You will have the opportunity to look at this masterpiece and make your own personal opinion. Once this painting “stayed” in Moscow, but the museum management decided not to take it out anymore, so you can see Mona Lisa only in the Louvre. In addition, this wing houses a gallery of Italian, french painting and sculptures.
  • Wing "Richelieu" will attract the attention of those who are interested in the painting of the Northern and Western Europe. Here you can see paintings by Durer, Vermeer and others famous artists. In the body of Sully lies the path of those who are carried away rich story oldest museum. Through the basement you can get to the walls of the fortifications of the old Louvre.
  • The armless beauty Venus de Milo (Aphrodite) is also extraordinarily popular. It is located in the same wing as the Gioconda, in the hall of antique values. And finally, the winged goddess of victory, Nike of Samothrace, who is located on the stairs at the entrance to the hall Italian painting. Scientists and archaeologists have been trying to find the head of the sculpture for a long time, but so far this has not been possible.

The work of the masters will also not be left without attention. Italian Renaissance, whose works for many years became models for artists of subsequent generations: Leonardo da Vinci, Titian, Botticelli, Raphael

The Louvre is the owner of a magnificent collection of sculptures from antiquity to modern times. The most famous of them include the famous "slaves" by Michelangelo - "The Resurrected Slave" and "The Dying Slave", as well as the beautiful embodiment of sensuality in marble - "Cupid and Psyche" by Canova. In the most famous of the museum's courtyards, Marly, you can admire the wonderful equestrian statues of Guillaume Coustout.

  • A sightseeing tour of the Louvre ends in the halls where the paintings are located French artists: Delacroix, Géricault, David, Ingres. You will learn about the irreconcilable, lasting decades, struggle between representatives of the academic school, which was represented by Ingres, and the romantics (Géricault), who opposed the established canons and rules in painting.

The Louvre Museum is one of the largest and most popular museums in the world. For example, in 2013 it was visited by 9,334,435 people. And these are only those tourists who purchased a ticket inside. But many were content only with an external inspection of the luxurious royal palace.

By the way, it was the Louvre that became the first museum to open its doors to the general public.

The Louvre covers an area of ​​about 160,106 square meters, slightly more than a third of it is occupied by museum expositions. In reality, you can walk there for years. Someone calculated that if each exhibit (and there are about 35,000 of them on display, over 300,000 exhibits are stored in the museum's funds) stops for just a second, then it will take a whole year. And this is without taking into account the movement from exhibit to exhibit.

The evening Louvre is especially beautiful, when the building is unobtrusively illuminated, and the pyramid shimmers in different colors:

Let's get a little closer:

The collection at the Louvre is also unique because it contains a wide variety of exhibits. Here you can see examples of ancient Greek, Roman and Egyptian art (sculptures are especially well preserved). And literally in the next building there are medieval paintings or completely modern exhibits.

Where is the Louvre located?

I think that most readers know that the Louvre is located in Paris, France. The Palace Museum is located almost in the very center - once the Louvre was the residence of the French kings, and since 1792 it has turned into a luxurious museum.

For tourists who find it difficult to navigate, we have added a map at the end of the article.

Must see at the Louvre

Most tourists want to see three things:

  1. Statue "Venus de Milo"
  2. Statue "Nika of Samothrace"
  3. And the famous painting "La Gioconda" (Mona Lisa) by Leonardo da Vinci

In fact, there are much more world-famous paintings and sculptures here. During our virtual walk, we will try to recall some of them.

Virtual tour of the Louvre in Paris

Now that you have at least a little idea of ​​how huge the Louvre Museum is, let's try to walk through the luxurious halls. Let's start with the Egyptian part of the collection. As far as I remember, it was located near the entrance.

Egyptian Hall in the Louvre

The Egyptian Hall in the Louvre was created on May 15, 1826. AT this moment The collection includes the following groups of exhibits:

  • Roman Egypt;
  • Coptic Egypt;
  • Thematic exposition;
  • Chronological display.

Roman and Greek rooms of the Louvre

The Roman and Greek rooms in the Louvre are very extensive. The collection consists mainly of sculptures and occupies almost the entire southern wing of the palace. There are separate halls dedicated to Greek ceramics, jewelry and bronze items.

The Louvre collection includes exhibits from the following eras:

  • Archaic Greece
  • classical greece
  • Hellenistic Greece
  • Etruria
  • Ancient Rome

Passage Richelieu

Many tourists remember the Richelieu Passage especially strongly. The view really deserves special attention:

There are several rooms like this. They are located on both sides of a small gallery from which the previous panorama was taken. Let's try to go down below and take a closer look:

Collection of paintings in the Louvre

The collection of paintings kept in the Louvre deserves special attention. Here you can see the best samples Italian, French painting and painting of other countries. In total, the Louvre houses over 6,000 paintings. All of them are from the Middle Ages - before 1848. More modern paintings were transferred to the Musée d'Orsay.
For inspection, we will choose exactly the hall where the famous Mona Lisa is exhibited. During the shooting of this panorama, there were surprisingly few tourists. Usually you can’t crowd to the Mona Lisa.

Napoleon's chambers in the Louvre

Of the royal luxury in the Louvre, it was the chambers of Napoleon that were best preserved. Let's take a closer look at them.

Personally, I remember two halls the most. They are similar, but the first one is decorated with taste, and in the second everything literally screams about wealth and luxury. Take a look and try to form your own opinion:

And the second room:

End of our tour

Finally, let's look under the famous Louvre pyramid (there are shops):

And we will rest in one of the hidden corners of the nearby Tuileries Garden, where Parisians love to sit on the soft green grass and relax admiring the surrounding beauty:

How much are tickets to the Louvre?

When buying tickets to the Louvre, you need to decide how much time you have to visit it. If it is several days, we recommend buying a ticket to visit the permanent collections and a ticket to visit temporary exhibitions in the Napoleon Hall separately. If you have only one day (as we had), then you will have to hurry to see all the sights.

The Louvre is free for the following categories of people:

  • for visitors under 18
  • for French unemployed duly registered
  • for French teachers with special permission and French teachers of art history
  • for artists of French nationality duly registered with the relevant administrative authorities
  • for disabled people and their companions
  • for visitors aged 18 - 25 living in one of the countries of the European Economic Area
  • for everyone on every first Sunday of the month and on the revolutionary holiday of July 14

Ticket price:

  • Ticket to visit the permanent collections - €12.
  • Ticket to visit temporary exhibitions in the Napoleon Hall - €13.
  • Double ticket (Louvre Museum + all temporary exhibitions, both in the Louvre and in the Delacroix Museum) - €16.
  • Tickets purchased in advance give the right to skip the line and have an unlimited validity period.

The Louvre on the map of Paris

Interactive map with the Louvre marked on it.

  • The Louvre was originally conceived as a fortification tower. The first buildings were built by King Philip Augustus in the 12th century. The amazing finds of these medieval buildings were discovered only during the reconstruction of the Louvre in the XX century. It is from the medieval part that our tour will begin. You will see the helmet of Charles VI, Saint Louis Hall, ancient wells and secret signs left by the builders.
  • Next, we will move to that part of the Louvre, which was rebuilt in the Renaissance, we will visit the halls, which, in addition to amazing stories, keep rare collections of ancient Greek and Roman sculpture. You will see Venus de Milo, Hermaphrodite, the three Graces, the huntress Diana and many others.
  • Further, our path will follow the Apollo Gallery - one of the most impressive halls that store luxury items: imperial crowns, goblets from precious metals and stones.
  • We will also visit the halls with paintings by great masters - Cimabue, Leonardo da Vinci, Raphael, David, Delacroix, Ingres. You will see the legendary Mona Lisa and St. John.
  • Our tour will end in the modern wing, which until recently was occupied by the Ministry of Finance, and now here is a collection of furniture and dishes from Napoleon III.

During the tour, you will hear many amazing stories: for example, about the secret of Leonardo da Vinci and the nightmares of his childhood, about mysterious disappearance Mona Lisa, about the terrible illness of Charles VI, about the oddities of Botticelli and the ambitions of Napoleon III. You will be able to solve the mystery of the painting that can hear and see the secret signs on the canvases Flemish masters. You will also learn much about the life of Marie de' Medici through the paintings of Rubens, and learn how to read secret meaning his works.

My tour, unlike most similar offers, takes 3 hours, during which you will have time to see much more than when visiting on your own. And even more so, you are not in danger of getting lost or going astray.

Organizational details

  • The cost of the tour does not include the price of a ticket to the museum - 15 euros. Children under 18 years of age enter the Louvre free of charge.
Skip-the-line tickets can only be purchased online. Therefore, I ask you to purchase tickets in advance using this link:
  • The tour starts near equestrian statue Louis XIV (opposite the entrance - the Pyramids of the Louvre).


Book an excursion on any of the available days in the calendar

  • This is a private tour. in Russian, the guide will conduct it for you and your company.
  • Start of the tour Statue of Louis XIV on horseback in front of the Louvre Pyramid. We will send you the exact meeting point and guide's contact details immediately after booking.
  • On the site you pay 20% of the cost, and the rest of the money - to the guide on the spot. You can
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