Compatibility: Male Horse and Female Horse. Should there be a union? Horse Man Compatibility with Other Signs

1906, 1918, 1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990,2002, 2014, 2026

Love and marriage Horses.

The horse pays a lot of attention to appearance and, like some other signs, goes through many hobbies before entering into marriage. In relation to the partner, she is caring and attentive, but prefers to maintain a certain independence.

Female Horse Compatibility

Horse Women . Usually very attractive. Easy, pleasant in communication and well-read. Those born in the year of the Horse are versed in literature and art and can be smart and pleasant conversationalists.

These women take care of their figure and appearance and love to travel.

Despite a lot of positive qualities, the Horse can be selfish and behave extremely unrestrainedly. Sometimes she can get tired of what interests her the most in a given period of time - whether it's work, romantic feelings, or something else. The horse cannot be called changeable and windy, just sometimes it needs to rest. After a while, she will continue what she started with the same zeal.

The Horse Woman seeks to choose such a life partner so that he is on the same level with her or higher. Passionate in love. For the sake of her chosen one, she can sacrifice her favorite work and career, and give her lover all her strength. Often such behavior turns out to be fatal for her: in passion she is defenseless, and a person who does not appreciate her loyalty and care will hurt her and make her distrust others.

Only by pacifying his passion, the Horse can become happy.

Male Horse Compatibility

Men-Horse . They are even more self-centered than women, at times quick-tempered and uncontrollable. Independent by nature, they do not listen to other people's advice and act as they please. However, there are also many positive qualities: hard work, honesty, sense of humor, grace and grace.

Who the Horse man will be in life directly depends on the family in which he grew up (more precisely, on the values ​​​​that were preached there). He will simply follow the example before him.

When this man creates a family, she begins to have a beneficial effect on the creator. At the same time, however, it is required that he become the center of attention in it, and this small universe revolves around him. In fairness, it must be said that such an attitude will be justified by the fact of his presence, which keeps this family.

Horse Compatibility Horoscope

Compatibility Horse with Goat

Successful and quite happy can be an alliance with the Goat. They are similar in many ways and together they can solve a lot of problems, supporting each other. The whims and changeable nature of the Goat will block the egoism of the Horse (the latter will not even notice them).

Compatibility Horse with Tiger

A good alliance will be created by the Horse with the Tiger, provided that the latter moderates his jealousy, and the first will reckon with him more.

Horse and Dog Compatibility

The Horse will also be lucky with the Dog, which will be too busy with global problems to attach importance to the independence of the Horse, and then, the Dog is not jealous.

Horse and Rabbit Compatibility

The Rabbit may also be a suitable candidate for the Horse: if she does not get tired of his caution, some conservatism and frequent absences from home (to friends!), He may well become her friend. The important thing is that he will be faithful to his partner - this means a lot to the Horse (especially for a woman who will give up everything for him). In addition, the Horse will be given the freedom of action that she needs so much.

Dragon Horse Compatibility

If the Horse is less selfish, she may try to connect her life with an active Dragon who loves to be admired. It will be especially good if this Dragon is a woman, and the Horse is a man. Then the parties will be able to reach an agreement.

Horse to Horse Compatibility

Horse with Horse - a passionate union, but probably too much. Relations will be uneven, but the selfishness of both can save the day.

Ox Horse Compatibility

You should not build a relationship with a conservative Ox, who is used to being the master in the house. They will not understand each other: the Horse is too independent and, moreover, a leader by nature. This union will not last long.

Rooster Horse Compatibility

Compatibility Horse with Snake

You should not connect your fate with the Snake - it is too fickle. When the Horse loves, she is faithful to her partner and will not understand adventures on the side. True, if the Snake is satisfied with the reliability and devotion of the Horse, perhaps she will have the prudence not to seek these adventures.

Horse and Monkey Compatibility

An unsuitable partner would be a Monkey. A horse for whom love is serious will despise cunning and dexterity in the field of intimate relationships. Partners will never understand each other. It seems strange that they can be interested in each other at all.

Compatibility Horse with Boar

For an alliance with the Boar, the Horse is too selfish, he cannot bear it, and the partners will part.

Rat Horse Compatibility

The Horse, especially the Fiery Horse, should never associate its life with the Rat - the connection of two madmen will strike sparks and can lead to drama.

Despite criticism from pragmatists, the Eastern interpretation of character traits is becoming more and more popular. A horoscope, that is, a description of certain directions in the characters of people depending on the date of birth, has gained popularity with its coincidences with the realities of life.

Business Compatibility: Horse Man and Horse Woman

Perhaps this is the only area in which representatives of this stubborn sign can not only get along, but also be very useful to each other. What can the Horse-Horse compatibility horoscope tell us? A man born in the year of the Horse is a true leader. He stubbornly leads his team to success. His industriousness knows no bounds when the goal is set, and the plan for achieving it is developed. He will work tirelessly himself and will be able to infect others with his enthusiasm. The Horse Woman, due to her focus on creating a new one, will be the most valuable employee in his team. She can safely compete with him in hard work. She is a real workaholic. Together they are able to reach any heights, however, not requiring the manifestation of special intelligence.

Both representatives of this sign perform their tasks perfectly, but they do not achieve much success in building complex intellectual combinations. Their souls are too open, the brain resists falsehood and intrigue - in this they will find and support each other.

Love Compatibility: Horse Man and Horse Woman

In this perspective, the whole brilliance of their relationship runs into the selfishness and stubbornness of both. The Horse man in love is set up for narcissism. The problems of a woman do not interest him. He loves not a girlfriend, but his feeling for her. Such a position creates excellent ground in the soul of the Horse woman for the development of her natural resentment. Moreover, she herself does not really understand why she needs marriage. It seems to be needed, but being creative is much more interesting than creating a home.

The feeling that flared up in such a pair will be hot, but short-lived. It is especially dangerous to meet on the love front for representatives of the Fire Horse - a scandal is inevitable here. The only option for the long coexistence of such a union will be the timely wisdom that the Horse woman is capable of. Compatibility is possible provided that all the energy of a man will be directed to the material well-being of the family.


Almost perfect. These two people will always find common interests. How to build a cleaning company or organize a camping trip, how to deal with social networks and their proper use - all this will be discussed with the same interest and fervor. He can always rely on her practicality and kindness in life. She will feel a strong shoulder next to her (if she needs it, which is unlikely). They will maintain friendships throughout their lives, without crossing the boundaries that they have set for themselves. And only after forty or fifty years can they suddenly realize that they were created for each other!


If you are involved in the described relationship, then - should not bother you much. Analyze your own shortcomings and try to smooth them out, then any union will be strong and mutually pleasant!

The person who was born under the auspices of the Horse has a bright appearance and no less bright personality. This is a beautiful person, endowed with a huge supply of energy. Everything artificial is alien to him, whether it concerns feigned behavior, unnatural appearance and other things. The horse always strives for harmony in everything and for constant improvement.

Monkey Compatibility

A wonderful combination of characters to create strong family relationships. That the Monkey, that the Horse strive to live more while being in society, to lead a secular and eventful life. These are two adventurers, so together they are always fun and interesting. This couple really has a lot in common: they can realize their ideas, do business with pleasure and build the most ambitious plans. If you look superficially, then they have no reason to worry at all, but this is far from the case. Like other couples, this one also has its problems.

The main problem is genuine mutual respect, mutual understanding and mutual assistance. This is explained by the fact that both are more likely to deal only with themselves and improve only their lives. The massive influx of egoism cannot but affect the love sphere of both. For everyone, marriage is more like another game, so it doesn’t cost them anything to just take it and sign it, and only then realize what they have done. But the fact that later they will have to give in and sacrifice something - they don’t think about it.

Ingenuity, cunning and sophistication of the mind will allow the Monkey Horse in their selfish intentions. At the same time, she does it so subtly that the latter may not be aware of the current state of affairs for a long time. If it is easier for the Horse to respect and put up with the Monkey, then it will be more difficult for the latter to do this, but still it is possible, you just need to try quite a bit.

Rooster Compatibility

Such a union, to put it mildly, can be called strange, and in general it is difficult to imagine that it can form at all. But at the same time, it happens that relationships are very rapidly established and developed, and then fall apart at the same speed. In any case, everything goes awry and disharmonious. And it is sometimes impossible to dream of achieving balance.

At the very beginning, everything may look quite familiar. The Horse can make a good impression on the Rooster, she will be attracted to her energy and activity, because he is used to thinking globally and can plan many goals that he wants to achieve with such a partner. A carried away Horse can pay attention to the Rooster, but more often does this only when he is attracted to his plans. If this unites them, and the plans themselves are long-term, then this can serve as at least some kind of basis on which the relationship will hold. Behind the general desire, many problems simply will not be noticed. With favorable development, the Rooster will turn a blind eye to some of the Horse’s slovenliness and its selfishness, and the latter will not take the partner’s nit-picking to heart. In the worst case, which happens more often, they cannot overcome themselves and the intransigence of both will ruin everything. These are two explosive people, so scandals happen often and are often destructive.

And if there is no close interaction here, then there is no need to think about something more, alas.

Dog Compatibility

This is a good zodiac combination to create a harmonious union. Moreover, for the Horse, the Dog is one of the most suitable partners, because she is able to restrain the impulses of her half, to be honest, intelligent and faithful, able to provide quality support even in the most difficult life situations. They are comfortable together, here both act as a safety net for each other. In simple words, one can say that the failures and flaws of one are successfully masked by the positive aspects of the other. Here everything positively develops, as it were, by itself, and this is an indisputable plus.

It is easier to come to compromises in a pair where a man is under the sign of the Horse. Here the woman will smooth out sharp corners and negotiate with her partner "in a good way." It will be easier for her to support her man and accompany him to events. It is easier for a lady to influence a man by using her wisdom, and besides, she does not seek to take a leading position.

But if the Horse is a woman in a pair, then it is somewhat more complicated. Here the man obviously falls into not the most advantageous psychological position. A woman will strive to solve problems, earn more and provide for her family. What kind of man would like this position? Few.

Rat Compatibility

It is difficult to say whether these two personalities are compatible, there is no consensus on this topic. According to the classics, it is generally accepted that these are two opposite signs that can either complement each other, or, conversely, act destructively on each other, constantly arguing and swearing. Here everything will depend on the partners themselves and their desire to be together. They may not bother at all, dispersing at the first difficulties, or continue the struggle for joint happiness.

The rat is rational, cautious and never does anything thoughtlessly, it is not typical for her to obey the momentary impulse and emotions. But the Horse is more reckless, indefatigable and used to follow only his desires and act impulsively. By such actions, she often knocks her partner off balance.

Each of them is used to believing that only he is right, so it is difficult for them to agree. In this confrontation, the Rat can use the worst and basest qualities: pettiness, stubbornness, cunning. The horse does not act better, but does it openly.

Each of them is busy with himself, so it is difficult for them to concentrate on a partner and understand his desires and motives. In general, the rat is very rarely attached to a partner spiritually; rather, it pursues a purely mercantile interest in everything. And the Horse is hindered by its exorbitant egoism. It is difficult for them to cope with each other.

You can save such an alliance if you agree in advance on the division of duties, divide the territory and strive at least sometimes to take into account the interests of your partner when planning your affairs. This applies to both. Only a system of mutual concessions can somehow smooth out sharp corners in relations.

In fairness, it is worth mentioning the points of contact, which also exist. Both have a very lively mind, good intellect, they like to travel and get new emotions and impressions. Despite their complex compatibility, they fall in love with each other very quickly and their romance at the beginning is bright and rich. It is better for them to focus on the positive aspects and on the sides that bring them together, then there will be fewer complaints and, accordingly, fewer problems. They can bring things together in the creative field, this is a great way to develop relationships.

A difficult union for a Rat man and a Horse woman. Here, a woman will have to work on relationships. She should not infringe on the interests of her partner, argue less and show concern. An alliance is more favorable on the contrary, since there is more balance and less effort is required on both sides.

Ox Compatibility

Obvious differences in the nature of these two signs can create an unusual combination. But it will take some time to get used to such a surprise. Even if such relationships do not lead to any “happy end”, they will help everyone to understand themselves and gain communication skills that could not be obtained anywhere else. If it comes to marriage, then the Ox will be the hardest of all, but the whole prospect of this relationship will depend on him.

But for a light and short romance, these two are perfect for each other. Despite the fact that the Ox tends to show slowness and solidity, somewhere in the depths of his soul he still longs for new and vivid impressions. All this can be given to him by the Horse, because she is an original, creative person, easy-going and inclined to lead a cheerful lifestyle. At the same time, the latter will immediately throw herself into the arms of the Ox, since she is always open to everything new, including relationships. The Ox gives the impression of such a person who can always be relied upon in everything, and these qualities are very valuable for the often frivolous Horse. The latter, on a subconscious level, is in search of a reliable life partner.

But the marriage relationship of this couple is not as rosy as it might seem to them at the very beginning of communication. The marriage union requires certain skills, which, alas, are poorly developed in the Horse. She prefers rest and fun to the family hearth, she likes travel and an easy life, while the practical Ox does not accept this approach. In the beginning, he is likely to be happy about such fun, deciding to take a break from the routine. But realizing that the partner is not interested in anything else, he will quickly change his mind. The impulsive antics of the Horse unsettle the solid Ox, which cannot but unnerve him. And the Horse does not accept the rules that the Ox is used to.

On this basis, it is very difficult for them to find a common language and come to a common opinion, despite the fact that their merits are perfectly combined. If the barrier of misunderstanding is passed, then everything will be fine, but it is almost impossible. One thing can be said with certainty, by itself, nothing will fit here.

Tiger Compatibility

The union of this couple is considered not only favorable, but also reliable, despite the fact that neither one nor the other is ready to lead a home and live with one partner all his life. These are two versatile, mobile and psychologically labile personalities and equally love and value freedom.

It cannot be said that the relationship will be based solely on lust and sex, but the spiritual side is of little interest to them either. Even living together, they will still protect their independence and exist autonomously. Such a strange at first glance feature can make successful not just a relationship, but also a marriage union. They will never be bored together, because they have many similar interests, they are constantly trying to satisfy their intellectual hunger, which means that they will always have something to talk about. At the same time, they can unite and act together when it is really necessary, and solve the most complex problems.

It is also worth mentioning the healthy sexual attraction between partners. They are ready for experiments and can even take risks from the very beginning and give birth to children, run a joint household and move in together. Needless to say, outsiders assess this as not the most reasonable step.

Nevertheless, the Tiger is considered not the most open sign and is not accustomed to letting others close to him. But at the same time, this is not a problem for the Horse at all, she will never require a partner to fully open up, especially since she herself does not like intimate conversations. She will have enough strength for everything, and to support the family, and to earn money, and for children, and for recreation. Sometimes the Tiger will need to retire, and at these moments the enthusiasm of the Horse will annoy him, so the latter, in order not to fall under a hot hand, needs to understand this and not climb into a partner when it is unnecessary.

Cat Compatibility

This union is not the most difficult, but it is not the easiest either. If we talk about love, then there should not be any obstacles and troubles at all. Moreover, at the superficial stage, these people do not make special demands on each other at all and accept the partner as he is. This will create a comfortable environment for building relationships. But with marriage, it is better for them to wait, so as they say, not to be left with nothing.

If you look at them more closely, you will immediately notice the difference in temperaments and general perception of each other, as well as in the concept of success. But if they decide to remain friends or buddies, then they will succeed best.

Problems begin with closer relationships. It is not clear which of them will be harder, it all depends on the strength of each and the initial status. It is within the norm for the Horse to act according to his own convictions and in his own interests, and those who do not enter into her plans are quickly left behind. There is always a lot in the life of the Cat Horse, this alignment leads him to confusion. The cat is used to solving things diplomatically and by conversations, he takes into account the interests of others, therefore such a "blank" and "by all means" of a partner perplexes and even repels. It is very difficult for him to adapt to the temperament of the Horse.

It is also impossible to change the Horse, so either the Cat will have to put up with it, or start a relationship. It is difficult for them to find a common language, and having decided to continue the relationship, they have every chance of going to hell. But it is worth mentioning that the percentage of the success of this union is directly proportional to the desire of the partners themselves. The fact that the work here is a wagon and a small cart is for sure.

Dragon Compatibility

This combination of signs is curious from all sides, because their relationship can develop as you like. Paradoxical as it may seem, but it is their unpredictability and emotionality that will become an excellent basis for the development of vibrant relationships. They definitely won't be bored. It is difficult to say who will be in charge of them, since both strive for equality.

The Dragon is a bright personality who craves novelty and loves an active lifestyle, so the Horse quickly impresses him. They are ready to fall in love with each other at first sight and immediately decide on rapprochement. In this regard, they are very similar, so there is no doubt that there is a common language.

The horse is quickly fascinated by the Dragon and is almost never deceived about him. Yes, in some places he can be impudent or too fast, and this is unpleasant for the Horse, but against the general background, this can be ignored. But living together brings monotony and then boredom sets in. In no case should they sit at home, it is important to diversify their leisure time as much as possible so that everything is in it. Travel is needed more often, this will add color.

The most negative version of the development of relations is as follows. The Dragon tries to control the partner and reproaches him for selfishness and inconstancy, and the Horse, instead of correcting his behavior, will continue to ruin everything, angry at the Dragon's remarks. And here everything is according to the hackneyed scenario of "intrigues, scandals, reproaches."

Snake Compatibility

Horse and Snake are very different natures. They have seriously different views on life and it is very problematic to reach a compromise. Despite the fact that they make good friends, and even love relationships are quite harmonious, as soon as it comes to marriage, everything changes immediately, because marriage is a serious matter and requires full dedication from partners.

The snake is a supporter of stability and adheres to the fact that everything in life should be planned out, it also tends to strive to bind a partner. The horse is the complete opposite of these qualities, so the Serpent's plans often fail.

A horse can live one day, not trying to look into the future, and for her the restriction of freedom is like a nightmare. Moreover, even if there is no restriction, but it just seems to her, then anger cannot be avoided. To make their relationship harmonious, they will have to try very hard and do a lot of work on themselves. The horse will be easy to relate to the desires of a partner and she, in turn, will not want to adapt. But still, the overall success will depend on the Serpent and her wisdom. The horse, unlike its partner, is dynamic and contact, while the Snake is more of an ascetic. She will have to overcome the possessive aspects in herself, and then the union can turn out to be very promising. And the Horse should learn to competently support his partner and give the right advice in time.

Horse Compatibility

This is a great combination for simple love and strong marriage. They have a lot of vital energy, these are two groovy and cheerful personalities who like to take a lot from life. They easily relate to problems and endure life's difficulties and troubles without taking them to heart. Living together, they will not control their partner, on the contrary, they value their freedom and do not encroach on the freedom of another. They strive to help each other and provide all possible support in everything, both in career and at home.

These are two wonderful interlocutors, they can discuss one thing for hours on end and not get tired of it at all. Despite the fact that Horses have a quick temper, in practice they very rarely swear, they tend to stop in time. Knowing themselves well, it is much easier for them to forgive their partner's sins.

In terms of intimacy, too, no special problems are foreseen. They like carnal pleasures and they definitely won’t be bored. But they won't focus on just that either.

They will always find something to do, their communication is easy and relaxed, and most importantly, in this pair, everyone can express themselves fully. The only thing you need to keep an eye on is your financial condition. They both try to make good money so as not to need anything, but very often they still live beyond their means. If you do not establish control, then one day there will be debts that are very difficult to take lightly.

Goat Compatibility

Of course, it is problematic for them to find mutual understanding, but no one said that serious relationships are built easily and naturally. Rumor has it that between the Goat and the Horse there are such disagreements that are almost impossible to resolve. But personal characteristics can give a chance for successful coexistence.

Unlike other signs of the zodiac, the Horse is touched by the whims and inconstancy of the Goat, and she, in turn, misses the selfishness of her partner past her gaze. This union cannot be called typical, but despite all the joint oddities, they often get a financially secure family with warm relations.

The role of leader will go, of course, to the Horse. She will earn and provide for her family on all fronts, all responsibility will lie on her shoulders, and the Goat will not mind. Everything suits the latter in such a relationship, moreover, the further this union goes, the more the Goat will fall in love with the Horse, and that will be flattered.

If the Horse is a man, then such a union will be more successful, unlike a female Horse. It will be such a traditional family in the understanding of society. After all, it is quite natural when all the material burdens are on the shoulders of a man and he also makes all the serious decisions. In the opposite case, everything is very difficult, and if the Goat man tries to become the main one, then nothing good will come of it.

Representatives of the Horse sign are hardworking and stubborn, enterprising, always take an active life position. These people are quite pragmatic, but at the same time they are not selfish, they are honest and noble.

Characteristics of a male Horse

A real hard worker, that's what you can say about such a man. If he suddenly loses his job, he will soon find himself another place of work - a representative of this sign simply cannot sit idly by for a long time. The Horse man often becomes a good leader, for this he has all the makings.

Thanks to the strong vital energy and bright personality, it is not difficult for such a man to overcome many obstacles.

In family life, this guy also needs to be in the first place; as a companion, he usually chooses a woman who agrees to make concessions to her chosen one. At the same time, he is faithful and decent, and often indulges the whims of his wife.

Characteristics of a woman Horse

The Horse woman is distinguished by diligence and determination, often she reaches career heights. She is very stubborn, it is almost impossible to argue with her, she will defend her point of view to the last.

This lady always tells the truth in person, does not cheat or dodge, but at the same time, due to her pressure and too strong character, she often spoils both friendships and love relationships. If she wants to create a harmonious union, then she should add tenderness and a little softness to her character. But what is the compatibility of the Horse with other signs, we will find out a little lower.

Horse Compatibility with Other Signs

Horse Compatibility with Rat

Such relationships, most likely, will not last long, especially the poor compatibility of the Horse with Aries, born in the year of the Rat. These partners do not understand and will never be able to understand each other.

Conflicts, quarrels and rivalry - all this will be constantly present in such a family. A horse, especially if according to the horoscope it is Scorpio, Sagittarius or Leo always rushes into the pool with his head, falling in love with his partner, and the Rat will never understand or appreciate this.

Horse Compatibility with Ox

Not a very good union, both partners in the family will pull the blanket over themselves, not particularly considering anyone. The Ox will decide that his chosen one is too selfish, and she, in turn, will try to get rid of the Bull's full power.

In addition, they have a different pace of life: if one partner is used to rushing through life, sweeping away all obstacles on the way, then the second likes to trudge along the trodden road, not in a hurry anywhere.

Compatibility Horse and Tiger

There are many things that bring such partners together: a similar pace of life, and common goals and dreams. Together they are able to demolish mountains and overcome all obstacles, they have almost the best horoscope compatibility.

The only thing that can bring discord into such a family is the strong egoism of the Horse and its stubbornness. If she very often demonstrates her difficult character, then the Tiger will simply go berserk and leave such a partner.

Horse and Rabbit Compatibility

In such an alliance, partners will perfectly complement each other: one will bring emotionality and confidence, and the other - romance and tranquility.

It’s great if in such an alliance the Rabbit will sit at home and go about his business, and his partner will be responsible for the material well-being of the family, working for general comfort.

Dragon Horse Compatibility

The constant struggle for leadership is how this union can be characterized. Such partners are united by fortitude and enthusiasm for achieving goals, but very often they use their energy against each other.

Representatives of these signs are real egoists and it is difficult for them to yield to a partner in some way. In addition, they are very fond of remaking their chosen one for themselves, which is also unlikely to please a partner.

Horse and Snake Compatibility

A fairly good alliance in which the cunning Snake can provide its partner with the illusion of freedom, with dexterity manipulating and hypnotizing him like a hare.

The snake can easily overcome all the emotional outbursts of his chosen one. The only thing that can push them away is the different pace of life: the Snake thinks for a long time before doing something, and her partner is used to deciding everything in the course of action, without much hesitation.

Horse Compatibility with Horse

They will never be bored together, they complement each other perfectly, especially if according to the horoscope it is Taurus, Libra and Gemini. But, perhaps, soon they will begin to suppress their chosen one, trying to subdue their will.

Representatives of this sign are rather selfish natures, and in order to create a strong and harmonious union, they will have to work a lot on their difficult character, learn to respect and take into account the opinion of their chosen one.

Horse Compatibility with Goat

Representatives of these signs are very interested in each other, both partners have a lively mind and a vivid imagination, especially if according to the horoscope it is Cancer, Pisces, Aquarius or Virgo.

A horse can quickly fall in love with a creative and extraordinary Goat, especially a metal one, and she, in turn, will admire the strength of mind and confidence of her chosen one. Well, if the Horse takes over all the cares for the material support of the family, and the Sheep becomes a creative assistant in business, it is not created for daily and painstaking work.

Horse Compatibility with Monkey

It will be extremely difficult for partners to reach mutual understanding in the family: the horse is used to honesty and openness, and the Monkey is not at all averse to being cunning or cheating when the opportunity arises.

The monkey considers his partner to be overly trusting and naive, the sympathy that initially arises between them quickly fades away. These partners make excessive demands on each other, which are very difficult to justify.

Horse Compatibility with Rooster

In these relations there is always competition, the atmosphere between partners is very often tense. The thing is that the Rooster, like his partner, loves to command and be stubborn, he is selfish and quick-tempered, rarely restrains his emotions during fits of anger.

The horse will be pretty angry with the excessive boasting of the Rooster, his such close attention to his appearance and love for shocking. Very soon they will begin to spend their leisure time separately, in other companies - and then their paths will finally diverge.

Horse and Dog Compatibility

A good union, where strong and harmonious relationships are possible. The dog will be able to give his companion the freedom and independence he needs.

Both partners love to spend time with their friends, attend social events, so they will not limit each other in this. The main thing is that they should not question the partner's feelings, and then everything will turn out very well for such a couple.

Pig Horse Compatibility

These partners have both common and completely different views on life, which is why their union is very contradictory. So, both of them are honest, sensual and inventive, but at the same time the Pig may find his partner too superficial and fickle.

The horse, in turn, may begin to reproach the Pig for laziness and sluggishness. Disagreements can also begin when the Pig wants to completely control his partner, and he simply needs at least some freedom and independence.

Representatives of this sign love to be in love. In fact, Horse people can be more consumed by the very idea of ​​what they love than by actually having true feelings for their partner. Horses belong to the type of people who fall in love at first sight. Once falling in love, they will direct all their energy to seducing their chosen one. As a partner, the Horse looks like an exciting, but rather difficult person. As a rule, they are capricious people who love freedom and need moral support from the outside. They are extremely romantic and love to be at the mercy of their emotions. For the sake of love, Horses will change a lot: they will change jobs, move, or even migrate to another country. But despite this, the Horse in love is often superficial and fickle: sometimes, she stops loving as quickly as she falls in love. To keep the Horse man next to him, the partner must ignore him: in this case, the Horse's interest in the object of his love will be more stable. Any long-term relationship with the Horse is often associated with numerous crises and incidents. Strangely enough, in order to continue a relationship with her, she must be interested - she really blossoms only in dramatic situations.

Compatibility Horses in love and relationships with other signs

Horse and Rat Compatibility

It is certainly better for these two zodiacal egoists not to enter into any contacts with each other. Together the Horse and the Rat will go in the wrong direction. Sudden emotional outbursts of the Horse will greatly annoy the naturally patient Rat. The excessive materialism of the Rat can cause dissatisfaction with the Horse, which has broader views.

Horse and Bull Compatibility

In the relationship between these signs, there is no proper mutual understanding. Therefore, this union is likely to be unhappy and short-lived. The cheerful Horse will not receive from the Ox the emotional excitement she needs; The Ox is not able to give the Horse that portion of flattery that it is so full of. Among other things, the Horse loves freedom too much and cannot stand dependence on someone, she simply cannot endure the Bull's authoritarianism for a long time.

Horse and Tiger Compatibility

The compatibility of the Tiger and the Horse is ideal in many ways. Between these signs, a strong feeling of love can flare up. A patient Horse will enjoy the company of an energetic Tiger. Admiring his resolute "tiger" disposition, she will see in him a partner worthy of his person, with whom you can conquer any social heights together. This couple can compete with each other, argue and even quarrel, but in the end, they will always find consensus and admire each other's achievements. Together they are ready to sweep away and overcome any obstacles on the way to their happiness.

Horse and Rabbit Compatibility

Problematic relationships. The horse may be distrustful of the Rabbit, expect deception from him, and the latter, having his ears between his legs, will be afraid of outbursts of "horse" anger. The capricious Horse often becomes the quick-tempered partner of the Rabbit, which he is unable to endure for a long time. If passionate and strong love is not involved in their relationship, then nothing will hold the integrity of this union anymore and it will fall apart.

Horse and Dragon Compatibility

In this combination, harmonious relationships are not visible. The enormous pride and ambition inherent in the representatives of these signs will give rise to a constant struggle for supremacy in relationships and will not allow them to coexist peacefully. The Horse and the Dragon can get along together if they show flexibility and exceptional tolerance for each other, while the first one can pay enough attention to the Dragon, and he will not climb into her life. Another factor that unites these people may be a common idea or goal.

Horse and Snake Compatibility

The prospect of a reliable alliance between them is negligible. At first, in the relationship between the outgoing, then the incoming Horse and the restrained Snake, there will be a mutual attraction to each other. However, soon the Horse will get tired of the thoughtful Snake. The Smart Snake, in turn, sensing the mood of his partner, will try to extract some benefit from the situation in their relationship for himself or simply quietly leave the Horse, while minimizing his possible moral and material damage.

Horse and Horse Compatibility

The Horse Man is full of ambition and very selfish. Therefore, it is not easy for two people of this sign to get along together: the struggle and resistance between them will occur until one of the Horses subjugates a weaker partner. Potentially, the union of two Horses can be positive, but it is unlikely to be lasting. The reason for the short duration of their connection is the mutual commonality according to various criteria (they are more attracted to those who differ from them) and the inconstancy of feelings inherent in both.

Horse and Goat Compatibility

An unpredictable combination. The relationship between the Horse and the Goat is ambiguous. Representatives of these signs are irresponsible and fickle people who have similar social attitudes and hate routine, regulations, which to some extent brings them together. At the same time, the Goat will feel safe with the Horse. However, despite the factors that unite the Goat and the Horse, they are too different people in temperament, which is why a harmonious relationship in this union is unlikely.

Horse and Monkey Compatibility

For any relationship, the combination of Horse and Monkey is unfavorable. On the part of the Horse, there will be no necessary trust in the cunning Monkey, and the latter will consider her partner a fool and show extreme dissatisfaction with dictatorial horse manners. The lack of proper understanding between them will not lead to good. At some point in their relationship, they can cross the line of acceptable confrontation and unleash a real war without rules.

Horse and Rooster Compatibility

Rooster and Horse are a very compatible couple. The union of representatives of these signs is very positive and fruitful. The situation in business relations can be especially favorable, in which the Horse will be the initiator and manager in joint projects, and the Rooster will be assigned the function of an executor, to which he will not object. The Horse and the Rooster are very sensitive to the opinions of other people, and they themselves, as a rule, behave completely tactlessly, which can cause problems in their relationship.

Horse and Dog Compatibility

Despite the fact that two opposites are connected in this union, the Horse and the Dog are a wonderful couple. Each of them will find in his partner the missing qualities in himself. The Horse will be fascinated by the loyalty and loyalty of the Dog, her ability to determine the true value of things. In turn, the Dog will receive from the life-loving Horse the necessary charge of vivacity and positive energy, which that one has more than enough.

Horse and Boar Compatibility

Let's start from the beginning: representatives of these signs can live alone anyway. The Boar will be charmed by the cheerfulness of the Horse, and she, in turn, will enjoy his kind and loving nature. Ultimately, the selfish Horse will constantly test the patience of the Boar or simply die of boredom in his company. Both signs see each other as a partner far from ideal, and therefore, their union is unlikely.

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