Planning a child according to the lunar calendar. Lunar calendar of conception: auspicious days

Couples who decide to have a baby should refer to the lunar calendar of conception. Everyone knows that the moon affects not only the growth of plants, hair, but in general the entire human body.

Scientists have come to the conclusion that a woman is most likely to become pregnant at the moment when the distance between the sun and the moon reaches the indicator that was at the birth of the woman herself.

Good and bad days

What are the favorable and unfavorable lunar days for conception?

  • Children with a strong guardian angel are those who were born in. They can “redraw” their fate for themselves.
  • 24 hours is not the best time to plan a pregnancy.
  • Those whose life began in the lunar calendar grow up as self-sufficient, calm and prudent people.
  • A bright and talented person is the one who was conceived in.
  • Do not plan pregnancy for. The child may be born sick and weak.
  • Not the most favorable period for conception is the day. A person has a tendency to ingenious villainy.

Choose the gender of the child

Conception Day will help you predict and plan the gender of your unborn child. The conception of a boy according to the lunar calendar falls on those periods when the moon is in the "male" signs of the zodiac:, etc. Another way to have a boy is to choose an odd month for conceiving a child. It is important that the age of the expectant mother is also odd.

The conception of a girl according to the lunar calendar is possible if the onset of pregnancy occurred during the transit of the moon in the "female" signs:,. If the woman's age at the time of pregnancy planning is a multiple of two, it is necessary to guess the conception for an even month.

The lunar calendar and the conception of a baby are interconnected. It is believed that the most favorable moment for the start of pregnancy is the period of the growing moon. The chances increase if at this moment a woman ovulates, you are guaranteed a pregnancy.

Health problems are possible in a child conceived under the moon. Pregnancy in this case may end prematurely. The child will be born premature and weak, and in the future he may develop a quarrelsome character.

Conception will give the world a talented, unusual child. The full moon can affect the fate of this person in different ways. Sometimes such people are not accepted in society because of their eccentricity and they are considered ridiculous, ridiculous. But in some cases, children are born real geniuses.

Conception on a new moon often misfires, the likelihood of getting pregnant during this period is minimal. Therefore, pregnancy planning should be postponed to a more favorable period.

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What are the only ways women do not use in an attempt to prepare for pregnancy or even plan the sex of the unborn baby. One of these options is conception according to the lunar calendar. He will tell you which day will be favorable, the possible sex of the child, and even what character and fate the newborn will have.

The moon is considered the patroness of the female body. Scientists have even conducted experiments to establish a connection between the lunar phases and the menstrual cycle. In total, the moon goes through four periods, these are:

  • growth;
  • full moon;
  • decline;
  • new moon.

It is the full moon that kindles sexual appetite and fantasies in a woman. . It is noticed that during this period the most intimate contacts occur. and, consequently, pregnancies. But it is believed that a more favorable period for conception is the time from the new moon to the full moon - thanks to growth, positive energy accumulates in a person, which will give the mother strength for healthy and strong offspring. In such women, pregnancy is easier, toxicosis and other unpleasant moments are less manifested.

Interestingly, in wild mammals, estrus falls just on the full moon. Scientists suggest that in ancient people the biological clock also went according to this scenario, but with the development of progress and the departure of man further and further from nature, they went astray.

Conception by birthday

The best lunar day for conception is the one on which the expectant mother was born. That is, according to the date and hour of birth, women calculate what phase the moon was in. If this happened in the second phase, then it is during these periods that the lady is best to plan her pregnancies throughout her life.

This will favorably affect both the course of the gestation period and labor activity, and will even bring happiness to the child in the future. His life will be easy, he will be accompanied by good luck and prosperity.

By the way, the body itself will even try to give signals during this period. The methods can be different: unexpected ovulation when it cannot be, for example, during menarche. Or it may happen that birth control pills fail and unexpected fertilization occurs.

Baby gender prediction

Using the lunar calendar for the birth of a child, you can try to predict his gender. According to astrologers, such a calculation gives a guarantee of more than 90%. In order to conceive a girl, you need to give preference to the months that are patronized by the female signs of the Zodiac:

  • Fish;
  • Taurus;
  • Virgo;
  • Capricorn;
  • Scorpion.

For the birth of boys, the same principle is used:

  • Scales;
  • Aries;
  • Twins;
  • Aquarius;
  • Sagittarius.

This method is a kind of horoscope for the conception of a child. Of course, people of science consider this technique rather deceptive. This is because, even using laboratory calculations, it is not always possible to accurately guess who will be born to a couple. After all, ovulation may be a little late or, conversely, come earlier. As the saying goes: "No one canceled His Majesty's case."

But at the same time, it has been proven that thoughts are material, and if a girl has faith and a great desire to give birth to a daughter or son, then everything will work out for her, even despite traditional views on the situation.

Which day to choose

As already mentioned, it is better to choose the period of the growing moon, it will bring the baby good health and spiritual growth. But you also need to know the best lunar days for conception, there are not many of them, only eleven, but they can not only give a happy life to offspring, but also facilitate fertilization itself:

The list presented is not categorical, nothing terrible will happen if conception occurs on a different day, but still, listening to the lunar calendar of pregnancy, it is better to rely on these dates.

The nature and fate of the child

If the couple decided to use the method of lunar conception, then it would be useful to find out what good days are prophesying for the baby in the future. And even choosing the desired character in this way is very simple. . So, the list above says that the baby, conceived:

Based on astrological forecasts in conception, you should not blindly believe them and expect that this is exactly what will happen. Every parent wants a happy fate for their child, and no matter where he finds his happiness. The main thing is that parents should be prepared for the surprises that life can bring them.

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Lunar calendar of conception

If you decide to become parents or you already have children, it will be useful to determine what the influence of the moon is on your child. What character traits and what qualities the Moon will reward or reward you or your loved ones.
If you are just planning a child, then according to the influence of the moon on conception, consider the following factors:

*1* On what lunar day the expectant mother was born. It is this day and two days before that that are most likely to conceive. Since at this moment the mother's body is most prepared for this. Also, a man is more prolific on his lunar birthday.

* 2 * If you are planning the gender of the child, then consider what sign the Moon is in at that moment.

For the conception of girls, zodiac signs are suitable - Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn, Pisces.

Signs suitable for conceiving boys are Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, Aquarius.

Here it is necessary to take into account the fact that the egg may not be fertilized at the very moment of intimacy, but later during the next two days.
And here is another pattern discovered by experts: if a woman has an even number of full years, then in even months of the year (February, April, June, August, October, December) she can conceive a female child, and in odd months of the year (January, March, May, July, September, November) she can conceive a male child; if a woman has an odd number of full years, then she can conceive a female child in one of the odd months of the year, and a male child in the even months of the year.
Thus, the sex of the unborn child depends on the age of the woman and on the ordinal number of the month in which the conception occurred.
But the main thing: a child should be desired and loved regardless of his gender, you need to rejoice in him in any case!

*3* It is better to conceive a child before the full moon, that is, in the first half of the lunar month, since the body, like the Moon, begins to gain energy. Nature itself makes sure that just before the full moon, in the second phase of the moon, there are as many conceptions as possible! This is the best time to conceive a strong, hardy, healthy and sustainable child in life. The probability of conception at this moment will increase if your ovulation falls just in the second phase of the lunar month. But if you ovulate in other phases of the moon, then observe yourself and establish in which phases you ovulate and in which menstruation. Since the duration of the menstrual cycle in most women (about 70%) corresponds to the length of the lunar month, both ovulation and menstruation always fall on approximately the same phases of the moon.

There are six options here:

1) ovulation on the new moon, menstruation on the full moon;
2) ovulation in the first quarter, menstruation in the third quarter;
3) ovulation in the second quarter, menstruation in the fourth quarter;
4) ovulation on the full moon, menstruation on the new moon;
5) ovulation in the third quarter, menstruation in the first quarter;
6) ovulation in the fourth quarter, menstruation in the second quarter.

Note that from month to month this pattern is repeated only in those women whose menstrual cycle is approximately equal to the lunar month, that is, it is 28-29 solar days. If the menstrual cycle is much shorter or longer, then the time of ovulation and menstruation will shift over the months and fall on different phases of the moon.
Depending on which phase of the moon ovulation occurs, it is in this phase of the moon that conception is also possible.
Each phase of the moon gives one or another characteristics of the unborn child

*4* The probability of conception is high on the 15th day after the start of menstruation, as well as 3 days before and 3 days after.

*5* The day on which a person was conceived is as important as his birthday. It determines the life path of a person, his spiritual development, character, inclinations. Taking into account the lunar day, it is possible to plan conception, but it is impossible to single out any one day recommended for conception. Each day has its own characteristics. But there are days when it is better to wait with the implementation of such plans: there is a time that is categorically contraindicated for conception. Fortunately, such unfavorable days are much less. So consider influence of lunar days on conception

*6* And one more small addition.
Unfavorable time for conception:
-two weeks before the birthday and after the birthday of the person;
-bad weather conditions (thunderstorm, strong wind, hail, etc.), as well as natural anomalies (lunar and solar eclipses);
-after hard physical labor;
- after a cold shower or after severe hypothermia;
- a bad time for conception, if a person overeat, drank alcohol.

*7* And if your faith is strong, and the child is not yet successful, you can turn to prayer

Live in harmony :)

People who are knowledgeable in astrology know for sure that the probability of conceiving a child largely depends not only on the onset of ovulation, but also on a certain successful phase of the moon. The evidence of scientists suggests that the day of the lunar calendar, when the child was conceived, affects the gender, fate and character of the newborn. If you want to know what day is best to plan conception, then use the advice of the lunar calendar.

Astrology, like physics, is an exact science, therefore, with the correct planning of the sex of the child according to the lunar calendar, the error is minimal. This calculation method has been used for centuries, and the first mention of the lunar calendar was recorded in ancient manuscripts. It has gained popularity and distribution throughout the world since the second half of the 20th century.

The fact that the Moon is able to control not only nature, but also the life cycles of people was noticed by our ancestors, believing that it has no less power of influence than the Sun. In a special way, the Moon affects the emotional state and the menstrual cycle of a woman, and since conception is a complex hormonal process, it is also subject to the influence of the night star.

Of course, a young family planning a replenishment is interested in what their child will be like, his character traits and future fate. At first glance, it is impossible to predict this, but astrologers assure the opposite: knowing on what day according to the lunar calendar the conception occurred, you can theoretically determine the nature of the baby and his abilities.

As follows from statistics, the accuracy of such forecasts is sometimes 90% and the error of this calculation method, according to experts, is only that conception can occur within 3 days after intercourse.

Features of the conception of a child according to the lunar calendar

When choosing suitable days in the lunar calendar for conceiving a baby, one should take into account the fact that the zodiac signs are conditionally divided into male and female. This means that at conception it is necessary to know in which sign of the zodiac the Moon is located.

From the list of suitable days, the period of the full moon or new moon should be excluded. The most ideal option is conception during the young moon. In this case, your baby will certainly be born healthy and strong.

The lunar day when the expectant mother was born is also suitable, as it is considered the most prolific. The same condition applies to men. For example, if a woman was born on a waxing moon, then it is on a waxing moon that it is worth planning the birth of a new life.

The lunar calendar for conceiving a child will help predict the gender of the baby, which corresponds to a certain zodiac sign at the time of conception. For the conception of a girl according to the lunar calendar, Cancer, Taurus, Capricorn, Scorpio, Pisces and Virgo will be the most favorable. To make a boy, the Moon must be in Gemini, Aries, Sagittarius, Aquarius, Libra or Leo. You should not lose sight of the fact that from sexual contact to fertilization itself, it can take from several hours to three days.

When planning the sex of the child, the age of the parents also plays a role. The conception of a boy according to the lunar calendar is most likely to occur if it is carried out in an odd month of the year (July, September, and so on), provided that the woman's age at the time of conception is divided by two. And vice versa.

Astrologers believe that children born during the period when the ecliptic longitude of the moon is equal to the solar one, as a rule, are characterized by weak immunity and vulnerability. More impulsive and emotional are the "children of the full moon."

The "mind of fate" can be conceived on the 28th day of the lunar calendar. Such a child will become a successful and fortified person in the future. What can not be said about children conceived on the 29th lunar day. They can expect a difficult and difficult adult life.

Birth Horoscope

Many will probably learn for the first time, but a woman's childbearing ability largely depends on the location of the Sun and Moon at the time of her birth. Knowing these data, based on them, the expectant mother can make a personal birth horoscope, independently determining the day and time suitable for conception.

It must be compiled once a month, and it is always necessary to calculate the exact date when the Moon will be at the same distance from the Sun as it was at the time of the woman's birth.

Just as when planning the sex of a child, one should not forget that fertilization does not always occur immediately after conception, and from the moment the sperm meets the egg, the Moon can move into another sign, the distance between the Moon and the Sun will also change.

Professional astrologers recommend: if you are planning a pregnancy soon, do not be lazy and look at the lunar calendar. There you will learn that the 2nd, 3rd, 7th, 17th and 24th lunar days are favorable for conception.

You should also consider factors such as:

  1. A mother's lunar birthday is most suitable for conceiving her baby.
  2. When planning the gender of a child, you need to keep track of which zodiac sign the Moon is in at the moment and its movement in the next two days.
  3. It is better to conceive before the onset of the full moon at a time when the moon is gaining energy. This is the most successful period, since there is a high probability that the unborn child will be born strong, hardy and stable in life. The chances of getting pregnant will double if a woman ovulates during this period. An interesting fact is that each phase of the moon is able to endow the baby with certain characteristics.
  4. The probability of successful conception is high on the 15th day of a woman's menstrual cycle, as well as 3 days before and 3 days after menstruation.
  5. The day of a person's conception plays a very important role in his destiny, determines his life path, emotional state, character and abilities. Each day of the lunar calendar is special, however, there are days when it is worth waiting for conception. Fortunately, there are fewer of them than favorable ones.
  6. There are also whole time periods when it is better to postpone pregnancy. People who trust the "star" opinion should be aware of the unfavorable days for conceiving a child:
  • 10 days before the mother's birthday and the same after;
  • on a bad day (thunderstorm, hurricane wind, snowfall, hail), during a solar and lunar eclipse;
  • in a state of severe physical fatigue;
  • after taking a cold shower, swimming in a pond, hypothermia;
  • on a full stomach, in a state of intoxication.

Lunar days calendar 2016

In the lunar calendar of conception for 2016, the most favorable dates for the conception of a child of a particular gender are indicated in detail, indicating the start time of the period.

We also bring to your attention a lunar conception calendar for July with a detailed description of good and suitable days for conception.

When planning a date for the conception of a child according to the lunar calendar for 2016, we recommend paying attention to the summary characteristic. Here the main character traits of people conceived on a particular lunar day are outlined. (The numbers below correspond to the days in the lunar calendar).

1 - a person whose life was born on this day of the lunar calendar can confidently walk through life, overcoming any obstacles. His Guardian Angel will always be with him.

2 - conceived on the 2nd day of the lunar calendar, you can safely participate in lotteries, since such people will not have win-win options.

3 - people of a strong-willed character, inner strength, ambition and integrity.

4 - a person conceived on this lunar day is called the "soul" of a company with a suspicious character. He is not prone to manipulation and meanness.

5 - no stability. The life of such people is full of movement, trials and adventures.

6 is the day of future visionaries and dreamers. However, these qualities will not prevent such people from achieving great success in politics and social activities.

7 - those whose day of conception fell on the 7th lunar day can enjoy life, but they should be careful when traveling and traveling.

8 - a symbol of an eventful life. Strong and principled people, conceived on the 8th day of the moon, will achieve everything the hard way. Any depression for them will be hard to bear, and moments of happiness will be the most memorable.

10 - a sign of a strong connection with parents. Such people love their family, travel a lot and always find happiness only in their native land.

11 - extraordinary mental strength accompanies people conceived on the 11th lunar day. They are proud and noble, active and purposeful, besides, they achieve great success in sports.

12 - the predominance of intuitive thinking. This is the main trump card in all aspects of life of a person who was conceived on this day.

13 - a symbol of lucky and lucky people. They are able to skillfully use the acquired knowledge and avoid possible unpleasant consequences.

14 - provided that a person conceived on the 14th lunar day develops certain spiritual abilities in himself, he will make a good magician. But in general, nature endowed him with integrity and a sense of justice.

15 - emotional nature. Such people, as a rule, love wholeheartedly, hate fiercely and have unrestrained fun.

16 - soft and kind personalities. They do not strive for life for show, but prefer a quiet and secluded place to live.

17 - cheerful and joyful people. However, at the time of conception, parents should not drink alcohol so that addiction is not passed on to the unborn child.

18 - a person who was conceived on the 18th day of the lunar calendar is distinguished by his modesty and sincerity. He does not harbor malice and is able to truly love.

19 - people of amazing nature with a reserve of vitality and extraordinary charm.

20 - those conceived on this day according to the lunar calendar will try to live to the maximum, drawing everything from fate. They are smart, spiritually developed and positive in business.

21 - fighters for justice and excellent psychologists. These people achieve success in medicine and poetry. They are extremely sociable and communicative.

The 22nd day of conception promises a person a predisposition to the occult sciences. Very often among people conceived on this day, you can meet wonderful astrologers.

23 - there is a high probability of conceiving a very smart person, or vice versa, a stubborn slow-witted person. Such a day in astrology is called the day of extremes.

24 - clumsy people with a good character are born if the day of their conception fell on the 24th lunar day. They are also physically strong and truthful.

25 - the life of such people is full of adventures and incredible events, the way out of which they will find in the most incredible ways. This does not prevent them from being successful and lucky in life.

26 - born millionaires. Conceived on the 26th day of the lunar calendar will always be accompanied by good luck and career growth.

27 - soft and good-natured personalities, prone to infectious diseases. They are happy and devoted in love, they always give kindness to others, but at the same time they have certain limits of patience.

28 - born on this day - minions of fate. Good luck accompanies them in any business and undertakings, but the slightest passivity can cross out everything in an instant.

29 is the most difficult day of the lunar calendar for conception, symbolizing the constant struggle for existence, the struggle against temptations and evil. Very often, people conceived on the 29th lunar day suffer from depression, mental disorders, or vice versa, they fall into faith.

The 30th day in the lunar calendar is the most suitable for planning the conception of a child. The life of such people is easy and happy. They are endowed with a good mind, kindness and wisdom. They are extremely lucky in love relationships.

Conception according to the lunar calendar. Video

- First day of the lunar calendar very good for conceiving a child. It will be nice if you have fasted before. If the child is conceived on that day. That his life will be long and interesting.

- Second day of the lunar calendar. Also good for conception. On such days it is good to conceive girls. After all, life will prepare for them the fulfillment of all desires and great success.

- third day of the lunar calendar. Children conceived on this day have a complex character and it will not be easy for parents to get along with him. Once upon a time, exclusively warriors were conceived on this day, for whom reckless and cruel traits of character were very important.

- fourth day of the lunar calendar. There is an opportunity to return one of the ancestors to your family. Although some children may be born lazy or too domestic.

- Fifth day of the lunar calendar. The child's life will not be stable. He is waiting for both success and fall. They will be unique and very strange.

- sixth day of the lunar calendar. All his life the child will look for his ideal. But still, the day is considered auspicious, because the dreamer and the wanderer are conceived.

- Seventh day of the lunar calendar. When the child grows up, he will love to travel and fight for justice. He can become a good doctor, scientist or speaker.

- Eighth day of the lunar calendar. The life of the child will be very difficult, but at the same time there will be very few vivid impressions.

- Ninth day of the lunar calendar. Life has prepared great trials for people conceived on this day, after which the child will either become completely embittered or become a saint.

- tenth day of the lunar calendar. He will love to travel and will be able to fully rely on the support of his relatives.

But believing the lunar calendar is not always worth it. These are just some of the examples of what a child can expect in the future. It is also worth considering that if in the future a person approaches any trials and problems with wisdom, then no unhappy life threatens him and he will find a worthy way out of all situations. Of course, to believe or not to believe the lunar calendar is your business, but if you follow the logic, then there is no sense in it. If you think sensibly, then how can non-living bodies. Which are millions of light years away to influence the fate of a child who has not even been conceived yet.

But for those who believe in this, it is worth knowing that astrologers also talk about how you can plan the gender of your future baby based on the lunar calendar. They also argue that this way of planning is almost always correct and only 2 cases out of a hundred can be wrong. So, if you have a desire to give birth to a girl, then you should pay attention to the fact that the moon should be exclusively in such signs as: Taurus, Scorpio, Pisces, Capricorn. Such signs of the zodiac are considered to be female.

If you really want a boy, then you should focus on the male zodiac signs: Leo, Sagittarius, Aries or Aquarius.

But still, if you fail to conceive a child of that gender. Whatever you want, don't worry. After all, it is still your continuation and it wants love and affection. And probably for parents it very rarely plays a role what gender the baby is, the main thing is that he be healthy and happy. And then attention should be focused not on what the lunar calendar says, but on the worthy upbringing of your heir or heiress. Try to lay in the child the best features, teach how to behave in this or that situation, set an example for him and then no troubles and misfortunes can destroy the happiness of your child.

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