We draw an apple tree with apples in kindergarten. Node abstract

Abstract of the drawing lesson: "Apple tree with golden apples."
Teacher of additional education Mishchenko Nadezhda Viktorovna, Municipal Preschool Educational Institution "Kindergarten "Skazka", Karymskoye village, Trans-Baikal Territory
preparatory group
Creation date: October 2016
Purpose: to teach children to draw the image of a fabulous tree - an apple tree.
Educational: Learn to create a fabulous image, draw branching trees, conveying the branching of the crown of fruit trees. To consolidate the ability to draw with non-traditional drawing methods (drawing with foam rubber poke). Learn how to correctly place an image on a sheet
Developing: to develop interest in art, aesthetic perception, the ability to combine the beauty of the world, develop imagination, creativity, visual skills.
Nurturing: To cultivate accuracy, perseverance, the ability to behave.

Material: sheets of paper according to the number of children, gouache, foam sponges, brushes, wet wipes, palette.
1 part. Introductory.
- In a certain kingdom, in a distant state, he lived - there was a Gardener. Every autumn, golden apples ripened in his garden. Yes, the trouble happened: the Dragon flew in and ate all the apples, and burned the apple trees. The Gardener was saddened and went for advice to the Wizard. The wizard thought and thought and said: “I can help you revive the garden, only I need pictures with painted apple trees”
- Guys, let's help the Gardener: draw apple trees with golden apples! Do you agree?
There is an apple tree by the road
(weave hands over head, fingers unclenched)
An apple is hanging on a branch.
(put wrists together)
I strongly shook the branch,
(arms above head, moving back and forth)
Here we have an apple.
(palms in front of the chest, imitate holding an apple)
I'll drink into a sweet apple,
(connect wrists, spread palms)
Ah, what a nice taste.
2 part. Main.
- How do we start drawing? (let's draw a horizon line) With a horizon line, we divide the sheet into heaven and earth. Since we have a magical garden in which golden apples grow, let's draw a sky of an unusual color. Let's apply strokes on the top of the sheet with three colors: blue, red and yellow. With a damp cloth, rub three colors into a single background.
- Next, paint the bottom of the sheet. Let's apply strokes on the bottom of the sheet with three colors: dark green, light green and yellow. With a damp cloth, rub three colors into a single background.
- The apple tree is located in the center of the sheet. We draw an apple tree: first, with a brush, draw the trunk, branches with brown paint. Then we draw the leaves by “adhering”. To draw leaves, we need green gouache. First, by “dipping”, we draw the leaves with dark green paint, and then add light green leaves.
- We will draw apples with a foam sponge. We apply yellow and red gouache to the palette. Dip one end of the sponge in yellow paint, the other end in red paint. We put the sponge "Column" and gently scroll. It turns out a round apple with a red barrel.
Independent work.
3 part. Final.
- Oh, what magic apples on the apple tree! Round, gold, with a pink barrel!
Offer to admire the resulting drawings. I will photograph these drawings and send them to the Wizard. The Wizard promised to revive the apple trees and give them to the Gardener.

Apple is the most famous and widespread fruit in our country. It can be of various colors: green, yellow, with ruddy sides or even deep ruby. The taste and shape are also very diverse. But one thing is invariable: adults and children love it for its excellent taste and benefits. And it’s also very easy to draw, which is why so often it is he who learns to draw one of the first. In this lesson, we will go over many different ways to draw an apple, starting from the simplest ones, and ending with realistic color images.

regular apple

An example with chiaroscuro

step by step in color

For beginners

Apple with simple chiaroscuro

Still life with an apple

regular apple

First, we offer to see how to draw an apple with a pencil in one of the easiest ways. Such a drawing is quite similar to a real fruit, in the future it can be filled with your favorite color.

We draw a circle, since the depicted fruit usually has this shape.

The place where the stalk is attached to the fruit is usually slightly concave. Let's draw it with an arc. From it upwards we draw a stem stick.

We will correct the shape of the apple from above at the stalk and from below, where the flower bloomed. Let's add a leaf.

At the end, we remove the extra lines with an eraser, add veins to the leaflet. The drawing is ready.

An example with chiaroscuro

This way to draw an apple with a pencil in stages is a little more difficult, because with the help of a pencil shadows and small natural bumps on the surface of the fruit are depicted here.

Let's make a sketch. To do this, mark the work area in the form of a square.

Draw a circle inside this square - the future apple.

Below and above, we outline small concavities characteristic of the place of the stalk and flower.

The sketch is ready.

Outline the main shape with a thin felt-tip pen or pen. Auxiliary lines can be removed. Add stem and leaves on top. We will also add lines dividing the fruit into 3 horizontal parts: markings for more accurate shadowing.

Let's check the leaflet. To do this, make jagged edges and depict veins. The marked speck in the upper third is the future bright speck of light reflected from a smooth surface.

Using hatching, we apply shadows to the surface of the apple.

The drawing is ready. Now it can be painted with transparent paint so that the shadows under it remain visible. For example, it might look like this:

step by step in color

Below we will analyze a very good, but not the easiest way to draw an apple in stages. It is more suitable for artists with some drawing experience. For the drawing, you will need colored pencils of yellow, brown, orange, as well as different shades of red-pink.

Stage 1 - sketch

With a simple pencil, make a sketch with thin lines. We pay attention to the place of the stalk.

Stage 2 - filling out the main form

Fill in the surface of the apple with vertical strokes. First, completely paint over it with a yellow pencil, then with an orange one. More densely fill the sides, less densely - the center. We leave a light spot for the highlight image.

Stage 3 - color transfer

At this stage, we use pencils of red-pink shades. First - light, gradually moving to darker ones, as shown in the figures below. We draw the outline with the darkest at the end.

Stage 4 - Detailing

With a darker color, brown, we begin to work out the details. On our apple there will be three drops of water: we denote them by shading from the outside. We will also add color transitions and lighter stripes. The place at the stem, left white, is now painted over with yellow or orange, and its outer contour is outlined with brown.

Stage 5 - working out the stem

First, paint over the stem with a light brown color, then darken the edges with a denser shading.

Stage 6

The final touch is the shadow of the fruit on the surface where it is located. Fresh ruddy apple is ready!

For beginners

The easiest option to draw an apple for beginners, suitable for children, is suggested below.

The base of the drawing is a circle.

Let's flatten it a little from above and below to give it a characteristic shape.

Let's add a stem and a leaf.

The finished drawing is filled with color.

Apple with simple chiaroscuro

This option will help you understand how to draw an apple with a shadow. It also begins with a sketch in the form of a circle, on which we further draw indentations from above and below at the place where the flower and the apple itself are attached to the branch with the help of the stem.

Draw the outline of the apple with a thin felt-tip pen or pen.

Let's add some bumps on the surface that are typical for a real fruit. You can draw a drop of water.

From below and to the right, we will apply shadows with hatching, after which we mark the surface on which the apple lies, and paint over it directly under the fruit.

Still life

We offer an option on how to draw an apple with a vase. Below is the main sequence. The apple itself can be depicted in any familiar way.

First, we will depict the location of objects with geometric shapes.

Then we will give them more precise shapes.

We detail each object, remove unnecessary lines.

At the end, add shadows using hatching or coloring.

Svetlana Borisova
Drawing "Apples ripened on the apple tree"

Drawing "Apples ripened on the apple tree"

Goals: to teach children to draw a tree, conveying its characteristic features: a trunk, long and short branches diverging from it. Fix drawing techniques with pencils. Learn how to quickly draw foliage.

Materials: colored pencils or colored wax crayons, 1/2 landscape sheet paper for each child.

Lesson progress:

The teacher asks the children questions:

Guys, what time of year is it? (Autumn)

What fruits ripen in autumn? (Apples, pears)

What kind of apples are they?

Children describe apples: round, ruddy, hanging on tree branches.

Guys, what is the name of the tree on which apples grow? (Apple tree)

Today we will draw an apple tree with apples.

What color pencils will we take? (For a tree - brown, for leaves - green, for apples - red, yellow, green, orange.)

Now I will show you how we will draw an apple tree with apples.

The teacher shows the order of work. First, he draws a tree trunk, long and short branches diverge from the trunk. Then in a circular motion depicts the leaves. And then on the branches he draws round apples: yellow, red.

Physical education minute

There was a basket on the shelf idle ( sit down, round your arms -

show cart)

Missed, probably all summer she (head tilt, right-left)

Autumn has come, and the leaves have turned yellow, (get up, depict branches


It's time to harvest. (stretch, pretend to tear

fruit from trees)

Basket satisfied (hands round in front of you, nod your head)

She was surprised spread your arms)

That so many fruits have been born in the garden! (get up on tiptoes, show

large circle with hands)

Now take your papers and start drawing.

Independent activity of children

Children do the work, the teacher controls the activities of the children, helps the lagging children.

If one of the guys quickly finishes the drawing, offer another sheet of paper. By repeating an already created image, children can, on their own initiative, make changes and additions.

Summary of the lesson

Guys show me your work. Oh, how many beautiful apple trees you have drawn! Let's put on an exhibition.

Related publications:

"Apples" lesson for children of the 2nd junior group. Purpose: to give children the concept of fruits, to recall the structure of a tree. Learn to compose a solid applicative.

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GCD abstract for drawing according to the idea "Apples ripened on the apple tree" for children of the middle group. Lokhmanova Alesya Synopsis of GCD on drawing according to.

Hello dear colleagues and friends! Today I want to tell and show what apples the guys made for moms and dads using the plasticineography technique.

Our readers are very interested in how to draw an apple tree with a pencil. If so, I hasten to help young artists. I think this picture will do: But first of all, you should know that the apple tree is a plant filled to the very roots with forbidden fruits. In ancient times, in order to have fun, he planted a single apple tree in the garden and forbade eating its fruits, having previously warned him to tempt people to do this in every possible way. Well, you know what I'm talking about?!

Having bitten off a piece, Eva was immediately sent to Nara along with her husband, but managed to take with her a stub, from which she successfully bred a tree throughout the sinful earth. The Almighty considered this behavior unforgivable and began to periodically send floods, the Holy Inquisition and the Third Reich to Earth. However, all to no avail. Apples become a symbol of life and prosperity for a person, people ritually eat them on the street, and without even peeling them, because only purified uranium can be cleaner than an apple on the planet.

The history of this fruit knows many interesting points:

  • China occupies a leading position in the production of apples. No, it's not about technology. They, like us, collect them by hand. Just a lot of these Chinese, and there are twice as many hands;
  • The oldest tree will soon be 400 years old, and this old woman still pleases Americans with juicy fruits;
  • 25 percent of the structure of the fetus is air. Remembering the math lesson in the third grade, you can calculate - eating four pieces, you eat one hundred percent of the air;
  • With every apple you eat, your chances of going to heaven are less and less, or do you think the Almighty has already forgotten?

And I really like not only to eat, but also to draw:

How to draw an apple tree with a pencil step by step

Step one. Draw a thin trunk of a young tree and in small circles indicate the places for the fruits. Step two. Select the trunk and draw some ripe apples. Step three. Let's start drawing the branches from the bottom. Step four. Do the same with the top of the tree and draw the trunk. You can of course color it, but it's up to you. We have drawing lessons for other trees.

The most recognizable fruit, the most recognizable and expensive brand - what is it? Yes, you are right, it is an apple. In the first case - fragrant and tasty, in the second - bitten. So let's learn how to draw an apple!

Living in the expanses of the countries of the former USSR, apples are our native fruit. It is found almost everywhere, it is loved and eaten with great pleasure, being saturated with the useful elements contained in it. And when it seems that we know almost everything about this fruit, it will be especially surprising to learn about interesting facts about apples!

  • The elders taught us that the apple must be peeled, because this shell is like “natural cellophane”, and it is harmful. I don’t know where our grandparents got such beliefs from, because it is now known that it is this peel that contains the overwhelming amount of fiber and antioxidants that the apple is famous for;
  • How long do you think an apple tree can live? 50 or 100 years? The official long-lived apple tree, which still delights with its fruits, was planted on the territory of modern Manhattan already in 1647 by a man named Peter Stuvensant;
  • If you want to make a liter of pure apple juice, then you will need approximately 35 medium-sized apples;
  • If you decide to plant a lot of apple trees in your garden, taking seeds from only one tree, then there is a good chance that you will end up with a number of other types of apple trees that are different from this tree;
  • Approximately one-fourth of the mass of these fruits consists of air;
  • The oldest evidence for the popularity of apples as a favorite fruit dates back to 6500 BC. This is evidenced by archaeological excavations in Greece and other parts of the European continent.

Well, these are the main interesting facts about apples that we managed to unearth! But this is just a prelude, a warm-up before the real deal. Prepare a simple pencil for creating a drawing and colored pencils for coloring it. At the last stage, you can “bring” watercolor or gouache.

So how to draw an apple

I have already repeated many times that these step-by-step instructions for drawing fruits and berries are very simple. In the near future we will have about a dozen lessons on fruits, and then we will move on to flowers and other plants. And most of the lessons are perfect for beginner artists.

1 - Draw a circle - this will be our sketch.

2 - Then give this circle the shape of an apple.

3 - Draw its upper contour, leaving gaps for the twig and leaf.

4 - Place a branch in the gap on the left.

5 - And on the right - a sheet. It also needs to be attached to a branch and highlight the drawing.

6 - The drawing is ready, it remains only to erase the extra parts of the sketch and prepare paints or colored pencils for coloring.

7 - It remains only to color our apple red. We did it!

Basically, you can draw behind Steve Jobs and take a bite out of this apple on one side. So you can demonstrate how a businessman came up with the idea to name his company with such a name. This is largely a matter of your imagination. The main thing is that you now know how to draw an apple!

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