Compare the description of the portrait of the flask with the epic heroes. The image of Ivan Flyagin in the story "The Enchanted Wanderer

Lesson of Russian literature in the 10th grade. Lesson topic:

"Features of the Russian national character Ivan Flyagin"

Decor: portrait of the writer, painting by V.A. Vereshchagin "Ilya Muromets at the feast of Prince Vladimir".

Lesson Objectives:

To reveal the image of Flyagin, to show the features of the Russian national character;

Cultivate a sense of patriotism human dignity, pride in one's people, love for the word;

Develop logical thinking, language flair.

- Today at the lesson we will talk about a person, the Russian people, about the meaning of life, we will try to feel enchanted and feel pain for our unfortunate and pride for our great people... At present, from TV screens, from the pages of newspapers and magazines, the most prominent scientists, politicians, writers are talking about the death of Russian culture, about the degeneration of the Russian people. You are the future of our country. But without the awareness of the Motherland and their nationality by each person, this future cannot be worthy of us. We need to understand what we, Russians, are, what are our strengths and weaknesses, otherwise there will be no development.

- And now let me ask you a question that, at first glance, does not relate to the topic. Is it hard to be human? Have you ever had moments in your life when you wanted to be someone, but not a person?

(Student answers)

And here is the opinion of one poet on this subject:

Man does not want to be a flower

Even if the bright bee

From it with a skillful proboscis

Sweetness for the future took.

The spider magically pulls the thread,

The wolf hears all the rustles in the darkness

The man doesn't want to be

Only man on earth.

Asked for flowers and spiders

He asked the animals what they are:

Which of you living is ready

Get into our human skin.

Everyone shook their heads in succession.

Say, it is better in a field or a hollow.

'Cause it's damn hard, they say

To be called a man on earth.

What is the difficulty of being human?

Is it difficult to be a Russian person?

(Student answers)

I would like each of you to work as a reader, a philosopher, and an expert in today's lesson. And before you answer the question: “What are the main features of the Russian character and Russian mentality?”, I would like to ask you to read two statements about the originality of the Russian character, one of the philosopher silver age N. Berdyaev, and the other - our contemporary - M. Zadornov.

N. Berdyaev: “The bottomless depth and the vast expanse are combined with some kind of baseness, ignobleness, lack of dignity. Endless love for people is combined with misanthropy and cruelty. The thirst for absolute freedom is reconciled with slavish obedience.

M. Zadornov: "We amazing people! We want to live like everyone else, while being different from everyone else. We have unemployment with a shortage of workers. We sympathize with the mind, but we starve with the heart. Timid at home, but always heroes in war. We honor the dead, we underpay the survivors.

We always consider ourselves smarter than others, so we constantly find ourselves in the cold. We are at any moment ready to forgive those who have offended, and those to whom we owe.

Lazy but energetic. We get tired on vacation, we rest at work. It is easier for us to reinvent the wheel than to repair the roads.”

And now the question: "What are the main features of the Russian character and Russian mentality can you name?"

(Student answers)


You can't understand Russia with your mind....

One can only believe in Russia...

F.I. Tyutchev

- Which of the heroes studied literary works can you call it truly Russian?

(Student answers)

In today's lesson, we have to get acquainted with another example of the Russian national character, which was drawn by N.S. Leskov in the story "The Enchanted Wanderer". Let's think about the name "The Enchanted Wanderer", analyze the lexical meaning of the words "enchanted" and "wanderer".

– How do you understand them?

Analysis of dictionary entries by S.I. Ozhegov and V.I. Dal.

a) To charm, charm someone - to enchant, bewitch, look away ...

To seduce or captivate - to fall in love with someone.

Wanderers - wanderers, homeless vagrants looking for temporary shelter, pilgrims.

b) wanderer (obsolete) - a person wandering on foot, usually on a pilgrimage.

Enchantment is a bewitching power, the charm of something.

(Already in the name, a certain meaning is encrypted. It is believed that wandering is an important element of Russian national identity.)

Why is Flyagin called a wanderer?

A wanderer is not a tourist, not a seeker of incidents in new places. This is the one who seeks the truth, the truth, gets to the bottom of the meaning of life. N. Berdyaev believed that wandering, being important element Russian national self-consciousness, traditionally, and behind it is the search for the meaning of life - not in private, earthly affairs, but in gaining the Kingdom of God, such a state of mind when worldly values ​​​​are nothing in comparison with lofty idea Being in God. So, wandering is not only a physical movement in space, but a spiritual one - in comprehending the higher meaning of life.

- What fascinates Flyagin, an artist and an artist at heart?

a) nature (fragments of the text necessary for argumentation are read);

And Flyagin is given this in the highest measure. Ivan Severyanovich, an artist and an artist at heart, is primarily conquered by nature. When he gets to the monks, he admires the road, along the edges of which "planted birches" have grown, "and from those birches such greenery and spirit, and in the distance the field view is extensive ... In a word, it is so good that it would be like this with all this and screamed..." childhood memory he carried to his late years. And here is how he talks about the Kursk night: "Across the sky, the stars are hung like lamps, and below the darkness is so thick that it is as if someone is groping and touching you in it." Even in captivity, he can admire the steppe: "The feather grass is white, fluffy, like a silver sea, it is worried."

b) livestock (story with pigeons, analysis of the episode, speech characteristic hero);

Flyagin admires all living creatures he meets. Such is his fascination with pigeons. What tender words he finds for them: "The dove was of a clay feather, and the little dove was white, and so red-legged, very pretty!"

c) affection for a little girl (analysis of the episode, speech characteristics


Ivan Severyanovich, by the will of fate, turns out to be the nanny of the child, and there are no limits to his affection for the little girl. This weak creature Flyagin protects as much as he can until the time comes to give him to his mother. The wanderer is able to appreciate other people's customs and customs, without at all sharing the views of "foreigners". "I took all these curious examples into my mind," says Golovan.

d) other people's mores and customs (the battle of the Tatars called "against" seemed to him a rare miracle);

d) music (episode with accordion) and song

And how he knows how to listen to a song, "languid, heavy, heartfelt", which "stings for the soul and takes it to the full."

f) horses, their beauty and perfection (work with text);

And yet, for a long time, horses remained the greatest charm of the Leskovsky wanderer. He admires strong character horse, her "fun fantasy", her attraction to the will of the steppe, her sadness, but most of all - her beauty and perfection. "I understand beauty in a horse," Leskovsky's hero admits.

g) woman and love (episodes related to Grushenka),

When Ivan meets Grushenka, a gypsy, he is fascinated by a woman and love. He says: "Here it is, where the real beauty is, what nature's perfection is called."

h) the silence of communion with God.

All charm united in his, Flyagin's, consciousness into one concept of the Motherland and its people. After all, all these steppes, rivers, forests, herds, handsome horses - all this is the Fatherland. And all these coachmen, postilions, wrestlers, merchants, soldiers, lancers, children, beautiful women - native people. And all this is worthy of charm. That is why Flyagin-Golovan, a hero and a charmed wanderer, "really wants to die" for them.

What features of the Russian national character does Leskov emphasize in the image of his hero?

What are the main character traits of Ivan Flyagin can you name?

Character traits




Naivety, innocence

Blind passion




Determine the spiritual and moral state of the hero in key episodes

Fortress postilion. The escape

in the robbers

In "nanny".



Homecoming. Coneser.


Under a different name.

Monastery. Epiphany.

spiritual growth

Absence of internal moral laws (the spirit sleeps)

Spirit Awakening

Consciousness of sins

Sermon of Nicholas the Wonderworker and Christ

The struggle of flesh and spirit


The hero's name changes several times throughout the story. "Golovan" - a nickname in childhood and adolescence; “Ivan” is what the Tatars call him (this name here is not so much a personal name as a common noun: “they have everything if an adult Russian person is Ivan, and a woman is Natasha, and they call boys Kolka”); under the false name of Peter Serdyukov, he serves in the Caucasus: having gone into the soldiery for another, he, as it were, inherits his fate, and after the expiration of his service life, he can no longer regain his name. And finally, having become a monk, he is called “Father Ishmael”, nevertheless always remaining himself - the Russian man Ivan Severyanych Flyagin.

In today's lesson, we, through the image of Ivan Flyagin, tried to understand the features of the Russian national character.

What is this feature?

Russian people can handle everything. Through the image of a Russian serf man, Leskov showed the moral and physical strength, generosity, the ability to always come to the aid of the weak, love for one's people, Motherland, nature. These are the main features of the Russian national character.

The story "The Enchanted Wanderer" presents its reader with the image of a person who cannot be compared with any of the characters in Russian literature. This is the image of a hero who easily merges with any troubles. life path. Flyagin Ivan Severyanych, or “enchanted wanderer”, as the author of the story called him, is “fascinated” by his own life, in particular, and the whole world, in general. He accepts life as a gift, a great miracle that has no limits and boundaries. Wherever the hero's fate throws him, he discovers something new and surprising for himself, and, maybe because of that, he is absolutely not afraid of change.

The image of Flyagin absorbed everything Russian. This is a man similar to the hero of ancient epics - he is huge in stature, has an open face, and his hair is curly and shimmers with noble gray hair. He looks about fifty years old, he is kind, simple-hearted and open-hearted to everyone he meets. The fact that Ivan Severyanych does not get along in one place does not mean that he is fickle or frivolous, such a way of life rather indicates that the hero strives to drink the whole world to the bottom. At least as much as he will be in time for the years allotted to him by God.

Life of Ivan Severyanych Flyagin

At birth, Flyagin took the life of his mother (he was born with a very large head, for which he received the nickname "Golovan"), but at the same time, he seems to be invulnerable to death, which he is ready to accept at any moment. The hero keeps the horses at the edge of the cliff, almost commits suicide, wins the most dangerous duel, flees from captivity, avoids bullets during hostilities. All his life he walks on the edge of death, but the earth is in no hurry to accept him.

From childhood, Ivan loved horses and knew how to handle them. But his fate was such that he had to flee and steal horses. Wandering, Flyagin gets to the Tatars and spends 10 years of his life in captivity (he is captured at the age of 23). After a while, Flyagin enters the army and serves in the Caucasus for 15 years. Here he performs a feat for which he is promoted to officer and given an award (St. George Cross). As a result, Flyagin becomes a nobleman. In the end, at the age of about 50, Flyagin goes to a monastery (on one of the islands in Lake Ladoga). In the monastery, Flyagin receives church name- Father Ishmael. Having become a monk, Flyagin also serves as a coachman in the monastery. But even in the monastery, Flyagin does not find peace: he is overcome by demons, he discovers the gift of prophecy. The monks are trying in every possible way to expel from him " evil spirit", but all to no avail. Finally, Flyagin is released from the monastery, and he sets off to wander around the holy places.

Flyagin observes the canons of his own morality, remaining honest to others and himself throughout life. On his account the broken lives of a monk, a Tatar and a young gypsy. But, none of the misdeeds of the wanderer is born out of hatred or lies, is not committed with a thirst for profit or out of fear for own life. The monk died as a result of an accident, the Tatar was slain in battle on an equal footing, while the gypsy herself begged to end her unbearable existence. In the story of this unfortunate Ivan, he took the sin upon himself, thereby freeing the girl from the need to commit suicide.

Ivan Severyanych talks about his life to random fellow travelers during a water trip on a ship. The hero hides nothing, since his soul is an open book. In the struggle for justice, he is cruel, as with the case when he cut off the tail of the master's cat because she got into the habit of strangling his pigeons. But in a different situation, Flyagin went to war for a boy whom loving parents were afraid to lose. The only reason for certain actions of Ivan is the natural force that beats out of him over the edge. All this power and prowess of the Russian hero in management is a rather complicated thing. From that, and not always Ivan Severyanych could calculate it correctly. And therefore, the hero of the story cannot be called impeccable, he is multifaceted - merciless and kind, smart and naive, impudent and romantic.

In the center school study Leskov's work is worth the story "The Enchanted Wanderer", the main character of which will be discussed further. “He was a man of enormous stature, with a swarthy, open face and thick, wavy, lead-colored hair: his gray cast so strangely. He was dressed in a novice cassock with a wide monastic belt belt and a high black cloth cap ... This new companion of ours, in appearance, could be given with small years over fifty, but he was in the full sense of the word a hero, and, moreover, a typical, simple-hearted, kind Russian hero, reminiscent of grandfather Ilya Muromets in beautiful picture Vereshchagin and in the poem of Count A.K. Tolstoy”, This is how Ivan Severyanych Flyagin appears before readers. from the very first lines, the author makes it clear that his hero is the true son of his people, the one who has long been considered their protection and support) "Russian hero". He is fifty three years old and has a whole life behind him) full of adventure, worries, wanderings. Born a serf, Ivan Severyanych was a coachman for his master and a fugitive serf) was a horse thief and a nanny of a “little girl”, lived among the Tatars for ten years, obeying their customs, but when he got to his homeland, he was punished for escaping from serfdom and released to freedom; killed the woman he loved, served under a false name in the soldiers; awarded the St. George Cross for bravery and promoted to officer, was forced to serve in the theater as a "demon", and, finally, "left completely without shelter and without food", went to the monastery.

Flyagin's whole life was spent on the road, he is a wanderer, and his wanderings are far from over. And if we renounce all the external vicissitudes of his fate, then his life path is the path to faith, to that worldview and state of mind in which we see the hero on the last pages of the story: “I really want to die for the people.” This path does not begin from birth or even from the moment independent living. turning point in the fate of Flyagin was love for the gypsy Grushenka. it light feeling and became the basis of the moral growth that Ivan Severyanych is undergoing. Before meeting his love, he, having sprouts of goodness in his soul, was often very cruel. Accidentally, having killed a monk out of "postillion mischief," having constipated Savakirei to death because of a lawsuit with a horse, Ivan Severyanych does not particularly think about this, and thoughts about the people he killed do not often visit him. But even when a nun killed by him comes to him in a dream, “crying like a woman,” Flyagin does not perceive this as something terrible and unusual, but calmly talks to him, and waking up, “forgets about all this.” And the point here is not that there is cruelty in the character of Ivan Severyanych, it’s just that a moral feeling has not yet been developed in him, but love helped to grow humanity in his soul.
At the very first meeting, the beauty of Pear strikes Ivan Severyanych to the very heart: “I see various familiar gentlemen repairers and breeders, and so I simply recognize rich merchants and landowners who are horse hunters, and among all this public a gypsy walks like this ... you can’t even describe her as a woman, but as if like a bright snake, moves on her tail and bends all over, and from her black eyes it burns with fire ... “Here she is, I think, where is the real beauty, that nature is called perfection” (136-137). And then Grusha, bought by the "changeable" prince for fifty thousand and almost immediately left by him, finds genuine spiritual, friendly participation in the prince's servant. “You alone And loved me, my dear hearted friend” (163), she will say to Ivan Severyanych before her death. It was not the love of a man for a woman, but the Christian love of a brother for a sister, full of selfless compassion. Love is "angelic", as they call it in the story "Non-death Golovan". Flyagin kills Grusha in order to save him from a grave sin: suicide and the murder of the child that she carried under her heart, the murder of the treacherous prince and his young wife. The heartbreaking scene of Ivan Severyanych's farewell to Grusha can be called the culmination of the moral layer of the story, because this holy love "crossed out" everything that had happened in Flyagin's life, and the hero becomes different, builds his life according to other, moral laws. This Christian love of man for man, “a lofty passion, completely free from selfishness,” showed the hero his further path - “a direct path to love, even wider and more comprehensive, love for the people, for the Motherland. The moral feat of self-sacrifice performed by Ivan Severyanych for the sake of Grushenka is the first in a series of manifestations of steadfastness, heroism and self-denial. This is the salvation of the only son of the old Serdyukovs from the soldiery, and fifteen years of service "for the faith" in the Caucasus under a false name, with the fulfillment of the most dangerous tasks, and the great prophecies in the monastery about the coming war, and the desire to "die for the people." Great sacrificial love for one person laid in the soul of Ivan Severyanych love for all people, for his people, responsibility for his fate: “And I was filled with fear for my Russian people and began to pray for all others.” began to exhort with tears, pray, they say, for the subjugation of the offering of the king of our every enemy and adversary, for there is an all-destruction near us. And tears were given to me, wonderfully abundant!” I was crying for my homeland.”

Ivan Severyanych fell in love with the “individual person” and only then “mankind in general-‘, and this is exactly the path that anyone who follows the commandments of Christ must follow. Perhaps it is this ability to intuitively guess Right way goodness and follow it, and Leskov had in mind when, in the last lines of the story, he spoke of God, “hiding his destinies from the smart and reasonable, and only sometimes revealing them to babies” (179). Despite his physical and spiritual prowess, Ivan Severyanych Flyagin is a baby, "fascinated" by life and its poetry, the world around him and its endless beauty. Ivan Severyanych in the story is more than once called a “fool”, they check whether “he is not damaged in his mind”, he is a man who is not very educated, far from bookish wisdom, but endowed with deep spirituality, he opened the way to familiarize himself with higher mysteries being”, Ivan Severyanych is wise in heart, and this is his strength. “A pure heart”, a rich spiritual world, combined with a childish outlook on life, not obscured by either science or “theories that are in the air”, give Leskov’s hero “God to see”, see all the beauty of the world and be fascinated by it. Flyagin has an amazing gift for describing everything that is dear to his soul: both his native village on a holiday, and Grushenka, and the beautiful mare Dido: “We bought Dido’s mare from the factory, young, golden-bay, for an officer’s saddle, Marvelous was a beauty : the head is pretty, the eyes are pretty, ... the mane is light, the chest between the shoulders deftly, like a boat, sits, and is flexible in the belt, and the legs in white stockings are light, and she tosses them as she plays, ”His descriptions are full of sincere feeling and true poetry, Childishly naive, direct and practical attitude of Flyagin to Christian religion, In his hope for release from captivity, Ivan Severyanych often resorts to God: "... and you start to pray .. and you pray .. you pray so much that even the snow of the indus melts under your knees, and where tears fell - you will see grass in the morning " , Such faith is limitless, but it is not fanatical, Leskovsky's hero does not allow himself to be carried away by any myths, no matter how authoritative they may be, Any concepts are tested by the practice of life itself, Sometimes Ivan Severyanych has doubts and stops praying, but does not stop believing,
Wise and naive, strong and meek, accustomed to everything life events to answer with the heart, and not with the constructions of the mind, who grew up on popular Russian soil and became
personification of the nation, the "enchanted wanderer" parted with us on the way, on the eve of
new roads. The story ends on a note of quest, "carries a victorious optimistic beginning", faith in the sincere wealth of the Russian people and in its strength to overcome the obstacles that are too often encountered on its historical path.

The protagonist of The Enchanted Wanderer is a real Russian hero in a monastic cassock. His life is surprisingly complex and varied: he was a serf, served as a “nanny”, was an artist, a prisoner of the Asians, a stable manager for a wealthy prince, fought in the Caucasus and received awards and the rank of officer. In Leskov's story, the wanderer is fascinated by life, its incomprehensibility, and beauty. This is a work about the spiritual maturation of a person, about his formation, the search for himself. The author showed many characters, morals, destinies, describing the main milestones in the life of Ivan Golovan.

Characteristics of the characters “The Enchanted Wanderer”

main characters

Ivan Severyanych Flyagin

Son of a coachman, nicknamed Golovan. Strong, strong, like a hero. Born with a large head, mother died in childbirth. He grew up with his father, learned to care for horses, had a special approach to them. Once a monk died because of him, appearing in a dream to Ivan, he said that he would not take death and he would become a monk. Many times Golovan saved the lives of other people, was in captivity, helped those in need. He threw the woman he loved off a cliff because she asked him to. Far from his homeland, he yearned, he drank a lot in his homeland, he searched for the meaning of life. At the end of his journey, he became a novice.


A gypsy beauty, who was bought by the prince, the owner of Golovan, for a lot of money. She became a friend to Ivan, and the prince very quickly lost interest in her. Suffering from love, she suspected the man of treason. He took her out of town and hid her under supervision three women. Having escaped from them, Grusha meets Ivan, he invites her to live like a brother and sister. She refuses, asks Ivan to throw her off a cliff, love for the prince does not allow her to live. Ivan kills Grusha. Since then, she sometimes appears to him, helps, protects from death, tells the future.

Boyars from the Oryol province

The first owners of Golovan, they raised him, he grew up on their estate. Due to the fact that Ivan “punished” the cat of the boyar servants, he was sent to thresh stones for the stable. From such a humiliating monotonous work, Golovan wanted to hang himself. The case changed his fate, for a silver cross he was discharged free. Already a mature man, he returns to their estate. They give him freedom.


He takes Ivan as a "nanny" to look after his infant daughter. His wife ran away from him. He is very pleased with the worker. Finding Ivan on the beach with his daughter and his runaway wife, the Pole grabs his gun. Ivan is forced to flee.


For more than a year, Ivan has been working for a Pole, looking after a child. The girl is sick, she needs sun and sand. Every day, being with the girl on the beach, he meets her mother and allows her to be with the child. As a result, he has to give his daughter to his mother and run away.

Minor characters

In the work, the author raised questions of a religious nature, made an attempt to show a truly Russian character. The story is built according to the laws of the genre of life, its artistic version. In the book "The Enchanted Wanderer" the hero acquires the gift of prophecy, he is tormented by "demons", he continues his journey, going to war for the Russian people. His life is full of mystical coincidences, secrets, accidents, as if an invisible hand guides the hero throughout his life. A list of characteristics of the characters in the story will help in preparing for a lesson or writing a creative work.

Artwork test

"The Enchanted Wanderer" - Leskov's story, created in the 2nd half of the 19th century. In the center of the work is an image of the life of a simple Russian peasant named Flyagin Ivan Severyanovich. Researchers agree that the image of Ivan Flyagin has absorbed the main features of the Russian folk character.

In Leskov's story, absolutely new type hero, incomparable with any other in Russian literature. He has so organically merged with the elements of life that he is not afraid to get entangled in it.

Flyagin - "enchanted wanderer"

The author called Flyagin Ivan Severyanych "the enchanted wanderer". This hero is "fascinated" by life itself, its fairy tale, magic. That is why there are no limits for him. The hero perceives the world in which he lives as a real miracle. For him, it is endless, as well as his journey in this world. Flyagin Ivan does not have any specific goal in life, it is inexhaustible for him. This hero perceives each new haven as another discovery on his way, and not just as a change of occupation.

Hero's appearance

The author notes that his character has an outward resemblance to Ilya Muromets, legendary hero epics. Ivan Severyanovich is huge. He has an open brown face. The hair of this hero is thick, wavy, leaden in color (his gray cast this unusual color). Flyagin wears a novice's cassock with a monastic belt, as well as a high black cloth cap. In appearance, the hero can be given a little over fifty years. However, as Leskov notes, he was a hero in the full sense of the word. This is a kind, simple-minded Russian hero.

Frequent change of place, motive for flight

Despite his accommodating nature, Ivan Severyanovich does not stay anywhere for a long time. It may seem to the reader that the hero is fickle, frivolous, unfaithful both to himself and to others. Isn't that why Flyagin wanders the world and can't find a home for himself? No, it's not. The hero has repeatedly proved his loyalty and devotion. For example, he saved the family of Count K. from imminent death. In the same way, the hero Ivan Flyagin showed himself in relations with Grusha and the prince. The frequent change of places, the motive for the flight of this hero is by no means explained by the fact that he is dissatisfied with life. On the contrary, he longs to drink it in full. Ivan Severyanovich is so open to life that she seems to carry him herself, and the hero only follows her course with wise humility. However, this should not be understood as a manifestation of passivity and spiritual weakness. This submission is an unconditional acceptance of fate. The image of Ivan Flyagin is characterized by the fact that the hero often does not give an account of his own actions. He relies on intuition, on the wisdom of life, which he trusts in everything.

Immunity to death

It can be supplemented by the fact that the hero is honest and open to higher power and she rewards and protects him for it. Ivan is invulnerable to death, he is always ready for it. He miraculously manages to save himself from death when he keeps the horses on the edge of the abyss. The gypsy then takes Ivan Flyagin out of the noose. Further, the hero wins a duel with a Tatar, after which he escapes from captivity. During the war, Ivan Severyanovich escapes from bullets. He says about himself that he was dying all his life, but he could not die in any way. The hero explains this with his great sins. He believes that neither water nor earth wants to accept it. On the conscience of Ivan Severyanovich - the death of a monk, a gypsy Grusha and a Tatar. The hero easily abandons his children, born from Tatar wives. Also, Ivan Severyanovich is "tempted by demons."

"Sins" by Ivan Severyanych

None of the "sinful" acts is a product of hatred, lust for personal gain or lies. The monk died in an accident. Ivan pinned Savakirei to death in a fair fight. As for the story with Pear, the hero acted according to the dictates of conscience. He understood that he was committing a crime, murder. Ivan Flyagin realized that the death of this girl was inevitable, so he decided to take the sin upon himself. At the same time, Ivan Severyanovich decides to beg forgiveness from God in the future. The unfortunate Pear tells him that he will still live and pray to God for both her and his soul. She herself asks to be killed so as not to commit suicide.

Naivety and cruelty

Ivan Flyagin has his own morality, his own religion, but in life this hero always remains honest both with himself and with other people. Talking about the events of his life, Ivan Severyanovich does not hide anything. The soul of this hero is open both to random fellow travelers and to God. Ivan Severyanovich is simple and naive like a baby, but during the fight against evil and injustice, he can be very decisive, and sometimes cruel. For example, he cuts off the tail of a master's cat, punishing her like that for torturing a bird. For this, Ivan Flyagin himself was severely punished. The hero wants to "die for the people", and he decides to go to war instead of one young man, with whom his parents cannot part.

Flagin's natural strength

The huge natural strength of the hero is the reason for his actions. This energy prompts Ivan Flyagin to recklessness. The hero accidentally kills a monk who fell asleep on a hay cart. It happens in excitement, while driving fast. In his youth, Ivan Severyanovich is not very burdened by this sin, but over the years the hero begins to feel that he will someday have to atone for it.

Despite this case, we see that Flyagin's speed, agility and heroic strength are not always destructive forces. While still a child, this hero travels to Voronezh with the count and countess. During the trip, the wagon almost breaks into the abyss.

The boy saves his owners by stopping the horses, but he himself barely escapes death after falling off a cliff.

Courage and patriotism of the hero

Ivan Flyagin demonstrates courage during the duel with the Tatar. Again, because of his reckless daring, the hero is captured by the Tatars. Ivan Severyanovich yearns for his homeland, being in captivity. Thus, the characterization of Ivan Flyagin can be supplemented by his patriotism, love for the motherland.

Flyagin's secret of optimism

Flyagin is a man endowed with remarkable physical and spiritual strength. This is how Leskov portrays him. Ivan Flyagin is a man for whom nothing is impossible. The secret of his unchanging optimism, invulnerability and strength lies in the fact that the hero in any, even the most difficult situation does exactly what the situation requires. The life of Ivan Flyagin is also interesting because he is in harmony with those around him and is ready at any time to fight the dashing that gets in his way.

Features of the national character in the image of Flyagin

Leskov reveals to readers the qualities of the national, creating the image of Ivan Flyagin, "the enchanted hero." This character is not perfect. Rather, it is characterized by inconsistency. The hero is both kind and merciless. In some situations he is primitive, in others he is cunning. Flyagin is bold and poetic. Sometimes he does crazy things, but he also does good to people. The image of Ivan Flyagin is the personification of the breadth of Russian nature, its immensity.

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The formula and algorithm for calculating the specific gravity in percent There is a set (whole), which includes several components (composite ...
Animal husbandry is a branch of agriculture that specializes in breeding domestic animals. The main purpose of the industry is...
Market share of a company How to calculate a company's market share in practice? This question is often asked by beginner marketers. However,...
First mode (wave) The first wave (1785-1835) formed a technological mode based on new technologies in textile...
§one. General data Recall: sentences are divided into two-part, the grammatical basis of which consists of two main members - ...
The Great Soviet Encyclopedia gives the following definition of the concept of a dialect (from the Greek diblektos - conversation, dialect, dialect) - this is ...