Past life childhood memories: “I remember how I died. Evidence of reincarnation? Children's stories about past lives (16 photos)

Once my grandmother told such a story, when I was 3-4 years old, I went up to her and said - “But I don’t love you, you offended my dad! My dad is the best, I chose him myself when I was in heaven, and then my mom!”

To say that grandma was dumbfounded is an understatement! After all, she was against the relationship between dad and mom for a very long time, because he was from a poor family. She didn't even come to the wedding! And when I was already born, passions subsided, my grandmother herself went to reconciliation.

After this incident, all my childhood she tormented me with questions: where did I come from? How is it in heaven? And do I remember anything else? But I was silent, like a partisan.

As an adult, I began to engage in spiritual practice, meet and talk with wonderful masters who always admired children and said that they were pure creatures. We need to learn from them. The mind of children has not yet been trained by society and is not driven into the framework of stereotypical thinking.

No wonder there is such a saying: "The mouth of a baby speaks the truth."

When my eldest daughter was born, I very carefully asked her where she came from to me?! But for some reason, the baby always ignored such questions. The middle daughter was more willing to make contact. And this is what she once told me. Previously, she lived on the big red planet, she had a beautiful house, but not like us, but transparent. Our planet Earth was visible through the roof of her house, and she often looked at it and wanted to stay here. And she was allowed to do it, only on one condition, she must help her brother. The daughter happily agreed.

At first I thought that she meant a brother from a previous incarnation, but when my son was born as my third child, I realized what kind of brother she was talking about. It remains only to guess what kind of help he will need. But already now you can see how Lada (middle daughter) treats Bogdan (my son) with trepidation. She plays with him from a very young age, protects him and spoils him in every possible way.

There was another incident related to childhood memories.

We rested with the whole family in Thailand in 2015. Once, on the beach, a pretty girl of five years old approached my daughter and told us in pure English that she remembers my daughter. She said that being there, pointing a finger at the sky, they agreed to meet her here on earth. For us, and even more so for her parents, this information was a complete surprise. Now I myself ask the children of all my friends about who they were before. Try it yourself, it's a very interesting activity.

They tell so many interesting and unusual things that it begins to seem that you yourself are about to remember all the previous incarnations!

Children sometimes give out such things ... After the stories that are given below, it's hard not to believe that these silly kids are really able to remember episodes from their past lives.
Many young parents who share extraordinary stories through social networks claim that their children talked about the tragic deaths that supposedly happened to them, after which a new happy life began.

1. When my son was three years old, he told me that he really liked his new daddy, he was “such a cutie”. Whereas his own father is the first and only. I asked "Why do you think so?"
He replied: “My last dad was very mean. He hit me in the back and I died. And I really like my new daddy because he would never do that to me.”
2. When I was little, one day I suddenly saw some guy in the store and started screaming and crying. In general, it was not like me, since I was a quiet and well-mannered girl. I had never been forcibly taken away before because of my bad behavior, but this time we had to leave the store because of me.
When I finally calmed down and we got into the car, my mother began to ask why I threw this tantrum. I said that this person took me from my first mother and hid me under the floor of his dwelling, made me fall asleep for a long time, after which I woke up with another mother.
I then still refused to ride on the seat and asked to hide me under the dashboard so that he would not take me again. This shocked her greatly, as she was my only biological mother.
3. While bathing my 2.5 year old daughter in the bath, my wife and I educated her on the importance of personal hygiene. To which she casually replied: “But I never got to anyone. Some have already tried one night. They broke down the doors and tried, but I fought back. I died and now I live here.”
She said it like it was a small thing.
4. “Before I was born here, did I still have a sister? She and my other mother are so old now. I hope they were doing well when the car caught fire.”
He was 5 or 6 years old. For me, this statement was completely unexpected.
5. When my little sister was little, she used to walk around the house with a photo of my great-grandmother and repeat: "I miss you, Harvey."
Harvey died before I was even born. In addition to this strange incident, my mother admitted that her younger sister spoke about the same things that my great-grandmother Lucy once spoke about.
6. When my little sister learned to speak, she sometimes gave out really stunning things. So, she said that her past family put things in her that made her cry, but her daddy burned her so much that she was able to find us, her new family.
She talked about these things from 2 to 4 years old. She was too young to hear about something like that even from adults, so my family always mistook her stories for memories of her past life.
7. In the period from two to six years old, my son constantly told me the same story - about how he chose me as his mother.
He claimed that a man in a suit helped him in choosing a mother for his future spiritual mission ... We never even talked on mystical topics and the child grew up outside a religious environment.
The way the choice was made was more like a sale in a supermarket - he was in a lighted room with a man in a suit, and in front of him were human dolls, from which he chose me. The mysterious man asked him if he was sure of his choice, to which he answered in the affirmative, and then he was born.
Also, my son was very fond of aircraft from the Second World War era. He easily identified them, named their parts, and the places where they were used and all sorts of other details. I still can't figure out where he got this knowledge from. I am a researcher and his father is a mathematician.
We always called him "Grandpa" for his peaceful and timid nature. This kid definitely has a lot of soul.
8. When my nephew learned to put words into sentences, he told my sister and her husband that he was so glad he chose them. He claimed that before becoming a child, he saw a lot of people in a brightly lit room, from which he “chosen his Mom, because she had a pretty face.”
9. My older sister was born in the year my father's mother died. As my father says, as soon as my sister was able to utter her first words, she answered - "I am your mother."
10. My mother claims that when I was little, she said that I died in a fire a long time ago. I don't remember it, but one of my biggest fears was that the house would burn down. Fire frightened me, I was always afraid to be near an open flame.
Especially for mixstuff - Dmitry Buinov

Jim Tucker from Charlottesville (USA) is the only academic scientist in the world who has been researching children's stories about past lives for 15 years, thus providing evidence for reincarnation.

Tucker has collected anecdotal evidence from the US in a new book and presents his own hypotheses on the scientific implications behind the reincarnation phenomenon. The following is a translation of the article "The Science of Reincarnation", first published in the University of Virginia Journal.

Spontaneous memories and childhood games

When Ryan Hammons was four years old, he began to play director of films, and commands such as "Action" were constantly heard from his children's room. But the games soon became cause for concern for Ryan's parents, especially after he woke up screaming one night, clutching his chest, and told them that he dreamed his heart exploded while he was in Hollywood one day.

His mother, Cindy, went to the doctor, but the doctor explained that he had nightmares, and that the boy would soon outgrow this age. One evening, when Cindy was putting her son to bed, he suddenly took her hand and said: “Mom, I think I was someone else once.” Ryan explained that he could remember the big white house and the pool.

This house was located in Hollywood, many miles from their home in Oklahoma. Ryan said that he had three sons, but he can't remember their names. He began to cry and kept asking his mother why he couldn't remember their names. “I really didn’t know what to do,” recalls Cindy.

“I was very scared. He was so persistent in this matter. After that night, he tried again and again to remember their names, each time frustrated that he couldn't. I started looking for information about reincarnation on the Internet. I even borrowed some library books about Hollywood in the hope that the pictures might help him.

I didn't tell anyone about it for months." One day, when Ryan and Cindy were looking at one of the books about Hollywood, Ryan stopped at the same page as a black-and-white photograph from the 1930s movie Night After Night. The picture showed two men threatening a third. They were surrounded by four other men.

Cindy didn't recognize the faces, but Ryan pointed to one of the men in the middle and said, "Hey mom, it's George. We made a movie together." Then his fingers slid to the man in the jacket on the right side of the picture, who was looking sullenly: "This guy is me, I found myself!".

Although rare, Ryan's statement is not unique and is one of a total of more than 2,500 cases that psychiatrist Jim Tucker has collected in his archive at the Department of Perceptual Research Medical Center at the University of Virginia.

At two years old, children remember their past life.

For nearly 15 years, Tucker has been researching the stories of children who, typically between the ages of two and six, claim to have lived sometime before. Sometimes these children can even describe quite detailed details of these former lives.

Very rarely, these formerly deceased individuals are famous or popular, and often not known at all to the families of these children. Tucker, one of only two world scientists studying this phenomenon, explains that the complexity of these experiences varies.

Some of them can be easily identified - for example, when it is clear that innocuous stories of children occur in those families where a close relative has been lost. In other cases, like Ryan's, the logical explanation is a scientific one, Tucker says, that is both simple and surprising: "Somehow, the child remembers memories from another life."

“I understand that this is a big step to understand and accept that there is something beyond what we can see and touch,” explains Tucker, who has worked for almost a decade as the medical director of the University Children’s Hospital (Psychiatric Clinic Child and Family).

"Nevertheless, it is evidence that such incidents should be considered, and if we look closely at such cases, then the explanation that there is a transfer of memories makes the most sense."

The key to the existence of reincarnation

In his latest book, Return to Live, Tucker recounts some of his most compelling cases in the United States and presents his arguments that the latest discoveries in quantum mechanics, the science of the behavior of the smallest particles in nature, are the key to the existence of reincarnation.

“Quantum physics suggests that our physical world emerges from our consciousness,” says Tucker. “This view is represented not only by me, but also by a large number of other scientists.” While Tucker's work leads to heated debate in the scientific community, his research is based in part on cases investigated by his predecessor, who died in 2007, Ian Stevenson, who collected cases from around the world that are no less misunderstood.

For Michael Levin, director of the Center for Restorative and Regenerative Developmental Biology at Tufts University and the author of an academic review of Tucker's first book, which he describes as "first-class research," the current models of science that can neither disprove nor prove Tucker's discoveries: “When you fish with a net with large holes, you will never catch a fish that is smaller than these holes. What you find is always limited to what you are looking for.

Current methods and concepts simply cannot handle this data.” Tucker, whose research is exclusively funded by the foundation, began research on reincarnation in late 1990 after he read an article in the Charlottesville Daily Progress about an Ian Stevenson near-death research fellowship: “I was interested in the idea of ​​life after death. and the question of whether the scientific method can be used to study this area.”

After initially volunteering with Stevenson's department for several years, he became a permanent member of the team and passed on Stevenson's notes, which date in part from the early 1960s. “This job,” says Tucker, “gave me amazing insight.”

Reincarnation in numbers:

Tucker's research revealed interesting patterns in the incidence of children reporting past life memories. Average age at death of previous person 28 years Most children reporting past life memories are between 2 and 6 years old 60% percent of children reporting past life memories are boys.

Approximately 70% of these children claim to have died a violent or unnatural death 90% of children reporting past life memories say they had the same sex in a past life children report having memories of the period between death and a new birth.

What are the characteristics of such children?

Further research by Tucker and others has shown that children affected by this phenomenon generally have above-average IQs, but do not have higher-than-average mental and behavioral problems. None of the children studied tried to free themselves from painful situations in the family with the help of descriptions of such stories.

About 20 percent of the children examined had scar-like birthmarks or malformations, which were similar to the spots and wounds of those people whose lives they remembered, and which they received shortly or at the time of death. Most of these statements in children decline by the age of six, which corresponds to the time, according to Tucker, when the child's brain is preparing for a new phase of development.

Despite the transcendent nature of their stories, almost none of the children studied and documented showed other signs of "supernatural" abilities or "enlightenment," Tucker wrote. “I got the impression that although some children make philosophical remarks, most of them are completely normal children.

One could compare this to a situation where a child on his first day of school is actually no smarter than on his last day of kindergarten.” Raised as a Southern Baptist in North Carolina, Tucker explores other, more mundane explanations as well, and examines fraudulent financial interests and publicity as well.

“But in most cases, film contracts don’t bring this information,” says Tucker, “and many families, especially in the Western world, are embarrassed to talk about their child’s unusual behavior.” Of course, Tucker doesn't rule out even a simple childhood fantasy as an explanation, but that can't account for the richness of detail with which some children remember the previous person: "It goes against all logic that it could all just be a coincidence."

In many cases, the researcher goes on to say, false memories of witnesses are revealed, but there were also dozens of examples where parents carefully documented their children's stories from the very beginning. “None of the rational explanations put forward so far can yet explain another pattern where children—as in the case of Ryan—associate strong emotions with their memories,” Tucker wrote.

Tucker believes that the relatively small number of cases that he and Stevenson have been able to collect in America over the past 50 years can be explained by the fact that many parents simply ignore or misinterpret their children’s stories: “When children are given to understand that they are not being listened to or don't believe, they just stop talking about it. They understand that they are not supported. Most children want to please their parents."

A look at consciousness from the point of view of quantum physics

How exactly consciousness, or at least memories, can transfer from one person to another is still a mystery. But Tucker believes the answer can be found in the basics of quantum physics: Scientists have long known that matter, like electrons and protons, creates events when they are observed.

A simplified example is the so-called double-slit experiment: if light is allowed to fall through a hole with two small gaps, one of which is a photoreactive plate, and this process is not observed, then the light passes through both slits. If you observe the process, then the light falls - as the plate shows - only through one of the two holes.

The behavior of light, particles of light, is thus changed, although the only difference is that the process has been observed. In fact, there is also a controversial and powerful debate surrounding this experiment and its results. Tucker, however, believes - like the founder of quantum physics Max Planck - that the physical world can be changed by non-physical consciousness, and perhaps even originated from it.

If that were the case, then consciousness would not need a brain to exist. For Tucker, therefore, there is no reason to believe that consciousness also ends with brain death: "It is possible that consciousness manifests itself in a new life." Robert Pollock, director of the Center for the Study of Science and Religion at Columbia University, notes that scientists have long puzzled over what role observation might have for the physical world.

However, the hypotheses put forward are not necessarily scientific: “Such debates among physicists usually focus on the clarity and beauty of such an idea, and not on the circumstances that they simply cannot be proven. In my opinion, this is anything but a scientific debate. I think what Planck and his followers observed and are observing is the behavior of small particles, on the basis of which they drew conclusions about consciousness and thereby expressed hope.

While I hope they are right, there is no way to prove or disprove these ideas." Tucker, in turn, explains that his hypothesis is based on more than just wishful thinking. This is much more than just hope. “If you have direct positive evidence for a theory, it matters even when there is negative evidence against it.”

Ryan meeting his daughter in a past life

Cindy Hamons wasn't interested in these discussions when her preschool-age son recognized himself in a photo from over 80 years ago. She just wanted to know who this man was. There was no information about this in the book itself. But Cindy soon found out that the man in the photo, whom Ryan called "George", is now almost forgotten movie star George Raft.

Who was the person in whom Ryan recognized himself, Cindy was never clear. Cindy wrote to Tucker, whose address she also found on the Internet. Through him, the photo got into the film archive, where, after several weeks of searching, it turned out that the gloomy-looking man was the little-known actor Martin Martyn during his lifetime, who was not mentioned in the credits of the film Night after Night.

Tucker did not report his discovery to the Hamons family when he came to visit them a few weeks later. Instead, he placed four black-and-white photographs of women on the kitchen table, three of which were random. Tucker asked Ryan if he recognized one of the women. Ryan looked at the photos and pointed to a photo of a woman he knew.

It was the wife of Martin Martin. Some time later, the Hamons traveled with Tucker to California to meet Martin's daughter, who was found by the editors of a television documentary about Tucker. Before meeting Ryan, Tucker talked to a woman. The lady was at first reluctant to tell, but during the conversation she was able to reveal more and more details about her father, which confirmed Ryan's stories.

Ryan said that "he" danced in New York. Martin was a dancer on Broadway. Ryan said that he was also an "agent" and that the people he worked for changed their names. In fact, Martyn worked for many years after his career as a dancer for a well-known talent agency in Hollywood that came up with creative pseudonyms. Ryan also clarified that his old address had the word "rock" in the title.

Martyn lived at 825 North Roxbbury Drive in Beverly Hills. Ryan also revealed that he knew a man named Senator Five. Martin's daughter confirmed that she had a photograph of her father, along with Senator Irving Ives of New York, who served from 1947 to 1959 in the US Senate. And yes, Martyn had three sons, whose names the daughter, of course, knew. But her meeting with Ryan didn't go well.

Ryan held out his hand to her, but hid behind his mother for the rest of the conversation. He later explained to his mother that a woman's energy had changed, after which his mother explained to him that people change when they grow up. "I don't want to go back (to Hollywood)," Ryan explained. “I want to leave only this (my) family.”

Over the next weeks, Ryan talked less and less about Hollywood. Tucker explains that this often happens when children meet the families of the people they think they once were. “This seems to confirm their memories, which then lose their intensity. I think they then realize that no one from the past is waiting for them anymore. Some children feel sad because of this.

But eventually they accept it and turn their attention completely to the present. They pay attention to the fact that they must live here and now - and of course, this is exactly what they should do.

Translation by Alena Ivanova

Reincarnation is an amazing phenomenon that has long remained on the sidelines of scientific research. Fortunately, in recent years this issue has begun to attract more and more attention from scientists. A few decades ago, the American astronomer Carl Sagan made a rather curious statement. According to him, there are only three things in parapsychology that deserve serious study.

Among others, a phenomenon was named when young children sometimes report such details about a past life that it was impossible to know without reincarnation. In fact, all the data are completely accurate. To date, some amazing scientific discoveries have already been made. Numerous studies are able to lift the veil of secrecy over this intriguing and inexplicable phenomenon from the point of view of the material world.

Non-material sciences have the right to exist

Such a phenomenon as the transmigration of the soul of a deceased person into the body of a newborn is sacredly revered by Eastern religions. But if modern specialists begin to deeply study the non-material sciences, they will advance far in matters of cognition of being as a whole. According to experts, in the near future, science can take a step forward in just one decade.

Lead Researcher

Jim Tucker, a psychiatrist at the University of Virginia, is considered to be the most well-known specialist in matters of reincarnation. In 2008, in a scientific publication, he published an overview of the unique cases that he managed to encounter in his professional field. Tucker's typical transmigration case includes accurately described items from the past lives of deceased relatives. It is curious, but children remember everything to the smallest detail and can boast of one hundred percent memory for things from the distant past.

On average, each unique child begins to clearly recall the past life at the age of about three years. At this time, children can already describe events and even past experiences. Often their stories are extensive and surprisingly detailed. Such a young age suggests that these children really know what the past life is like. All of these babies have amazing emotional involvement in talking about previous experiences. Some of them tearfully beg their parents to believe them.

However, by the age of 6-7, stories about a past life usually stop. According to Dr. Tucker, most of his charges do indeed lose touch with their memories. The attention of a grown child completely switches to the present, he begins to go to school, gains more experience and more emotions. Next, we will tell you the stories of six unique children who have known reincarnation.

Sam Taylor

This boy is one of Jim Tucker's wards. The baby was born a year and a half after the death of his own paternal grandfather. Surprisingly, the boy showed the first memory of his past life at the age of just over a year. The kid started talking early, and at the age of one and a half he dropped a phrase addressed to his father.

While the man was changing Sam's diapers, the boy stated: "When I was the same age as you are now, I also changed your diapers." Then the child began to give out more and more information about his grandfather. In the end, he told his parents such details that they had never told him. For example, about the fact that my grandfather's sister was killed at one time, and about my grandmother's signature cocktails that she made shortly before her death.

Ryan, midwestern boy

Memories began to haunt Ryan at the age of four. And they were terrible nightmares. And already at the age of five, the boy made a shocking statement for his mother. The kid frankly admitted that he thinks that he used to be someone else. He often talked about the fact that his real home was located in Hollywood and begged his mother to go there. He spoke at length about meetings with movie stars, including Rita Hayward herself, about dancing in Broadway musicals, about working in an agency, and about the fact that stars often take on sonorous fictitious names. Ryan even remembered the name of the street where he once lived.

The boy's mother believed in all the stories, because they were detailed and believable. A small child could not fit so much information in his head. The family studied many archival materials, during which a photograph of a man was found. Ryan immediately pointed her out, but the identity was unknown. The woman decided to seek help from Dr. Tucker. The scientist began his independent research.

In the end, it turned out that the old picture was footage from the movie "Night after Night", and the man's name was Marty Martin. At the dawn of his career, the man was a dancer on Broadway, and then worked in an agency where he created sonorous pseudonyms for clients. He traveled widely and lived in Paris. Surprisingly, little Ryan could remember how many children Martin had and how many times he was married. He remembered the African-American maid and 55 other amazing facts from the life of his predecessor. Over time, the boy's memories became more and more hazy and ghostly.

Chanai Chumalawong

This boy is from Thailand. At the age of three, he began to reveal that he had once been a teacher named Kai Bua and that he had been shot while cycling to school. He begged his parents to take him to Kai's parents. He clearly remembered the village in which he lived and, in the end, persuaded his own grandmother to go there. According to the stories of the surprised grandmother, as soon as she and Chanay got off the bus, the boy confidently walked along the familiar road. He unmistakably led her to the house where Kai's elderly parents lived. The elders confirmed all the information.

unknown boy

The boy's half-brother, whose name has not been released, died 12 years before his birth from neuroblastoma. A terrible diagnosis was made immediately after the boy began to systematically limp. Then a new misfortune falls upon the baby - a pathological fracture of the lower leg. The specialists performed a biopsy of the nodule above the right ear. After confirming the diagnosis, the baby received chemotherapy. He died at the age of two, at the time of his death the boy was completely blind in his left eye. After 12 years, his half-brother was born.

The newborn had three pronounced moles, located in the places of the defeat of the half-brother. An identical swelling was found over the right ear, and later a thorn in the cornea of ​​the left eye. As soon as our next hero began to walk, he moved with a limp. Subsequently, he spoke about the previous house and described it with amazing accuracy. At the age of 4.5 years, the boy remembered the surgical scalpel.

Kendra Carter

When the girl began taking swimming lessons at the age of four, she immediately formed an emotional connection with her mentor. Very soon, the girl told that in a past life she was a deadborn child of her coach. A woman 9 years ago really experienced a miscarriage. Soon, the emotional bond between Kendra and her "former" mother further intensified. Their lessons became more frequent, and the couple remained alone for a long time.

In the end, between the swimming instructor and the real mother of the girl there was a grandiose conflict. After that, the baby fell into depression and did not speak for 4.5 months. Gradually the old contact was renewed and Kendra began to participate in activities again.

James Leininger

4-year-old boy from Louisiana, James Leininger, suddenly began to talk about being an aviation pilot during World War II. In 1945, he was shot down over the Japanese island of Iwo Jima. The mother immediately believed the boy, because at night he woke up in a cold sweat and screamed about a terrible plane crash. But most of all, the parents were impressed by the amazingly accurate knowledge about the structure of the bombers. A 4-year-old boy simply could not know all this information. For example, he knew where the bombs were on board and where the drop bays were.

Subsequently, the parents were convinced of the reliability of the information by watching a documentary about the American military aviation. James remembered the name of the aircraft carrier, his squadron, and the names of other pilots. In the end, the father, who looked with skepticism at the stories of the offspring, was forced to give up.

Recently I re-read the post of my mother country friend and about her blond angel .. amazing child .. and decided to replenish my knowledge through the Internet. I believe in all stories, I believe that such things exist! Why not?) Do you believe in it? Do you allow reincarnation? Here's what I dug up while surfing the web

The memory of past lives is restored not only as a result of reverse hypnosis. There are people in whom the memory of past lives is preserved without any special procedures. Most often this happens with children. It is believed that they recall their past lives more often than adults. Naturally, their memories fade as they grow older.
Mr. Hemendra Banergi, who has lived in America since 1970, founded the Paranormal Association in India in 1957. He observed children who, for some reason, remembered memories of relatives and friends from past lives, which convinced him of the reliability of reincarnation. Children who remember their past lives always say, "When I was big..." Some say that in this life their gender has changed to the opposite. They miss their relatives or regret the lost friendship. They want to have the same food and clothes or lead the same lifestyle as in the previous life. This even applies to alcoholic beverages, drugs and cigarettes.

Case of the Indian girl Simi
As one of the examples related to children's memories of their previous life, let me introduce you to the story of the reincarnation of the Indian girl Simi. Master Asahara heard him in Dharmsala during his trip to India. In 1979, a three-year-old girl named Simi, living in Nangal, Punjab, suddenly insisted on going to Sundalnagal to take her injured son to the hospital. She also claimed that the house where she lived was located and that her husband, Mohandala Sin, who worked as a driver, lived there.
Due to financial problems, her family did not meet her halfway. There were economic reasons for this. However, a year later, her father's business forced the family to move to a town called Srapath near Sundalnagal. When the father found out about the existence of a man named Mohandala Sin, who works as a bus driver in the same area, he decided to visit him along with his daughter.
In March they went to Sundalnagal. When they were close to the destination of their journey. Simi took her father with her. Approaching one of the houses, she joyfully shouted: “Dad, this is my house!” And she listed all the neighbors. To her regret, Mohandala Sin, who was her husband, was away on business in Mandhi at the time; other members of the family were also absent. However, in the house she found one photograph, saying: “This is my photograph. My name was Krishna. In 1966, I died due to illness."
On March 21, Simi did meet her husband. She remembered exactly what happened in the past. Those who had been her sons in her past life gathered and went with her to Pirasbuc to her seventy-year-old mother. The mother spoke to her and became convinced that this three-year-old girl was indeed Krishna reincarnated. She arranged a check - showed one handkerchief. Simi said: “Mom, you once made me a dress from the same material. I remember it very well; I only regret that due to illness I did not have to wear it. Thus, since Simi's memories were so accurate and her relatives are still alive, it was proven that she is indeed a reincarnation of Krishna.

Little American Mystery

A tragedy occurred in the family of Henry and Eileen Rogers: while running across the street, he was hit by a truck and 12-year-old son Terence died. The grief-stricken parents for a long time could not get used to the idea that their only child was no more. Three years later, 38-year-old Eileen gave birth to a second boy. At first, the parents did not pay attention to Frank's behavior, all of whose movements were a copy of the gestures of the deceased older brother. It was believed that all newborns behave the same way. However, when Frank was two years old, amazing things began to happen to him.
One day Eileen was knitting in the living room. The child walked up to his mother, put his arms around her legs (this was the habit of the deceased boy) and said in Terence's voice: "Turn on the TV, I want to watch a movie about the sheriff from Dodge City." The woman almost felt sick when she heard that voice and that unusual request: the film about the Sheriff of Dodge City hadn't been on the screen for ten years. As a child, it was one of the older boy's favorite films. Where did Frank learn the name of the movie? It is unlikely that any of the adults could remember the old picture. But that's not all.
That same evening, Frank greeted his father with a joyful exclamation: "Pa has come!" Terence called his father by this diminutive, but since the day he died, no one in the house has ever said a word. After a while, the kid suddenly asked where their old red Pontiac was. Indeed, the Rogers had such a car about seven years ago, in which they, along with Terence, made a long trip to the West Coast. The next time, Frank asked his father to repair the tricycle. He did not understand what kind of bike he was talking about, but then he remembered that a long time ago Terence had a bike with a broken wheel ...
Of course, it would be foolish to talk about the second birth of Terence, but the repetition of the deceased's favorite words, his habits were evident. For example, the kid suddenly baptized the little dog Toots into Butch: that was the name of the spaniel with whom Terence loved to play and who died a few years ago. Once he asked: "Did you bring Robbie with you?" Robbie is the name of a dog that died a long time ago. The child did not even see her in the photo ...
The parents finally decided to turn to a familiar priest, and he, in turn, recommended a psychiatrist to them. The child was shown photographs of Terence's schoolmates, his teachers, distant relatives, and cousins. The doctor was amazed: Frank called everyone by name, listed their habits, remembered some episodes that happened to this or that schoolboy long before the birth of Frank himself.
Three-year-old Frank Rogers became interested in scientists at Harvard University. Now the boy spent more time with doctors in research laboratories than with toys. But the riddle of the little American was never solved.

Strange Elena Markard

This strange incident happened in West Berlin with 12-year-old Elena Markard, who was seriously injured in the crash. When the girl was brought to the hospital, she was unconscious, and the doctor on duty said that her condition was hopeless.

Days passed... One morning, the girl suddenly came to her senses and spoke in perfect Italian, which she did not know before. Everyone was amazed when Elena said her name was Rosetta Castellani; that she lives in the city of Noveta, not far from Padua, in Italy. That she was born on August 9, 1887. Then she exclaimed: "I have two children - Bruno and Frans, they are waiting for me. Tell the doctor that I need to go home." Then she added that she died in 1917.
At first, the doctors decided that it was a brain injury that led to delusional fantasies. But pure Italian? We turned to the well-known West German psychologist Rowedder. He went to Noveta with a girl and a reporter and found an entry in the old parish register: a girl named Rosetta Teobaldi was indeed born on August 9, 1887 and on October 17, 1908 she married Gino Castellani ...
They were told the address where she lived, where she died on October 17, 1917, and where her daughter Frans still lives. The most interesting and curious thing was that when they came to the indicated street, Elena pointed to one of the buildings and confidently said; "Here is my house." It turned out that she was not mistaken, Frans herself opened the door for them. At the same moment, the girl said: "Here is my daughter Frans."

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