Message on the theme of theaters of the world. The most beautiful opera houses in the world

Each opera house is a special, unique work of art. The list of the ten best opera houses in the world plunges you into an atmosphere of grandeur and sublimity.

Top 10 of the best, according to The National Geographic:

10. Lincoln Center, New York, USA

Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts, which harmoniously combines everything: the Metropolitan Opera, the New York Philharmonic, and the New York City Ballet, also has a library and two theaters. The center promotes not only classics, but also innovations, something completely new, not familiar to the viewer. Operas at the Met are regularly filmed and presented to the public in theaters around the world. The role of the Lincoln Center Arts Center is also significant in the field of education: a rich repertoire contributes to the inspiration and creativity of students and professionals.

9. Vienna State Opera (Staatsoper), Vienna, Austria

Built in 1869, the Staatsoper was opened with a performance of Mozart's Don Giovanni. Its reputation as a center musical life Venice has long been established, and the Staatsoper remains one of the finest opera houses in the world. Although most of it was destroyed on March 12, 1945, when the Allies bombed the city towards the end of World War II, the main staircase and some other public areas miraculously survived. To get an idea of ​​how everything looked before the air raid, one has only to go through the main entrance to the foyer. The theater you see now was reopened at the end of the Russian occupation of Austria, and the first play staged after years war, became Ludwig van Beethoven's Fidelio, a hymn to freedom.

8. Royal Opera of Versailles, Versailles, France

The interior of the Royal Opera, located in the famous luxurious palace of Versailles, is distinguished by skillful work. The wooden walls were painted to look like marble (indeed, almost impossible to distinguish from the original). Gold is harmoniously combined with pink and green shades of marble, sky blue curtains and upholstery. Breaking with the traditional Italian style (to which most theaters conform), the Royal Opera is ringed with two balconies and the building itself is crowned with an extensive colonnade, which, thanks to the play of mirrors, seems to stretch into infinity. Enge-Jacques Gabriel built the theater in 1769 in preparation for the marriage of the Dauphin, the future King Louis XVI, to Princess Marie Antoinette of Austria. After French Revolution the theater was used only occasionally for various events. Today, special gala performances are often held here.

7. Paris Opera, Paris, France

The main facade of the Opera makes a strong impression, although it would seem that in Paris, a city where wonderful architectural sculptures are literally on every corner, it is already impossible to surprise. The magnificently decorated building with its crowning dome was built in 1875. big theater inside is suitable for both ballet and opera. Some of the largest ceremonial spaces in the world are here at the Paris Opera, where their majesty lends importance different kind events. Rich and bright interiors reflect the tastes and moods of the Second Empire of France. In 1962, Marc Chagall created new frescoes in the center of the ceiling of the Palais Garnier. The result, no less impressive, is all the more remarkable in that it does not contradict the formal nature of the interior decoration.

6. Sydney Opera House, Sydney, Australia

Perched on a patch of land jutting out into Sydney Harbor, the stunning modern Sydney Opera House has great views of the sailboat-strewn waters. Even if a performance is not on your agenda, you should visit the Sydney Opera House just to see the amazing building. The structure was designed by Jorn Utzon to offer a series of overlapping shells and sails. The grand opening took place in 1973. The first performance in the theater was Prokofiev's War and Peace. Inside, each theater is paneled with different types of wood to improve the acoustics of the room, as well as make it more aesthetic. All major performance areas have their own foyers.

5. Bolshoi Theatre, Moscow, Russia

One of the main theaters in Russia, known for one of the best symphony orchestras in the world - the Bolshoi Theater in Moscow went through "fire, water and copper pipes”, or more precisely, fire, war and revolution. Its stunning neoclassical portico, crowned with a statue of Apollo in his chariot, is a harbinger of the splendor that will appear before the eyes of visitors as soon as they enter inside. In 2005, the theater was closed for renovation and reopened only in the fall of 2011. Four balconies and a top gallery surround the orchestra, where in places are Chippendale chairs upholstered in red damask. enjoys worldwide fame ballet troupe Moscow theatre. Here, the famous choreographer Yuri Grigorovich staged memorable performances “ Swan Lake”, “Golden Age” and “Romanda”.

4. Royal Opera House, London, England

The Royal Opera House was built in Covent Garden at the beginning of the 18th century, and did not change its location, however modern building theater - already the third located on this site. The first operas by Georg Friedrich Handel were performed within the walls of the Royal Theater, and later many operas and oratorios were written German composer for this place in particular. He performed here regularly from 1735 until the very day of his death in 1759.

3. Colon Theatre, Buenos Aires, Argentina

In order to keep up with the wealthy industrialists of the United States, the Argentines, as passionate fans of the opera, completed the construction of the Teatro Colon in 1908. Determining the style of this theater is by no means easy: it has a bit of everything, it took the best from various European theaters. And this is not surprising, because so many architects were involved in the construction. This outstanding recording from a huge opera house containing great performances is only approved by the band famous artists who once adorned his stage. The theater has its own exquisite costumes and picturesque building departments.

2. Teatro San Carlo, Naples, Italy

Built by King Charles of Bourbon in 1737, the magnificent red and gold San Carlo Theater is the oldest in the world, and before La Scala was built, it was also the most prestigious in Italy. Some of the most popular operas by Gioachino Rossini have premiered on the stage of San Carlo.

1. La Scala, Milan, Italy

Milan's La Scala is perhaps the most famous opera house in the world. It is he who is associated with classical opera. The theater, built in 1778, is associated with the names of such world-famous composers as Gioacchino Rossini, Vincenzo Bellini, Giuseppe Verdi and Gaetano Donizetti. One of the highlights of La Scala is the concave channel under the wooden floor of the orchestra, which gives the hall such excellent acoustics.

Most famous theaters of the world: from La Scala to the Bolshoi. Musical, operatic, puppet and other famous theaters peace.

Until the advent of cinema at the end of the nineteenth century, theater was the “most important of the arts” throughout the world. The spectacle, in which one or more actors acted out performances of various genres in front of the audience - from musical comedy to thoughtful drama - was a cult one. Only this species art could give the world such famous playwrights as William Shakespeare, Carlo Gozzi, Jean Moliere, Anton Chekhov, Alexander Ostrovsky and others.

The theater was worshiped and idolized. Accordingly, they treated the buildings in which the action took place. Theater buildings were perceived and are perceived to this day as temples of the most ancient. Today there are thousands of opera, drama, variety, comedy, chamber and other theaters in the world. But it is the buildings of opera houses that are famous for their scope all over the world.

Theaters of the world

Moscow, Bolshoi Theater

One of the most famous, beautiful and majestic theaters in the world is located in Moscow. The Bolshoi Theater in its present form was built in 1825, although it was founded as early as 1776. The huge hall, designed for 2155 seats, at one time received spectators at the operas of Tchaikovsky, Glinka, Mussorgsky and many others. The majestic building of the theater has become truly calling card Russia in the entire world theatrical community. The founder of the Bolshoi Theater was the famous architect Osip Ivanovich Bove. Since its foundation, the theater has experienced several fires and reconstructions. The last renovation was completed in 2011.

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Milan, La Scala

The best theater in Italy is Milan's La Scala. Built in 1778, it is still considered one of the most majestic and beautiful theatrical buildings in the world. A chic hall with a capacity of 2800 people, richly decorated in accordance with the oldest theatrical traditions, makes visitors literally open their mouths in surprise.

Paris, Grand Opera

The most eminent french theater is, of course, the Grand Opera. The building was built by the architect Charles Garnier in 1875, and the theater itself was founded in 1669 with permission Louis XIV composer Robert Kamber and poet Perrin. Grand Opera seats 2130 people.

Vienna Opera, Covent Garden and others

Austrian building Vienna Opera was erected back in 1896. The interior of the building, as well as its architecture, still amaze with its wealth and luxury. The architects of this masterpiece are August Sicard von Sicardsburg and Eduard van der Nüll.

One of the oldest London theaters, Covent Garden, founded in 1732, cannot by any means be ignored. The building from 1856 has survived to this day. Hall capacity - 2250 seats.

Not the last place in the list of the greatest opera houses in the world is occupied by the New York Metropolitan Opera and the Broadway Theater, the Sydney Opera House, the Colon Theater of Buenos Aires and the Verona Arena di Verona.

Lovers of art and ballet often wonder what opera houses known to the world? How do they differ from each other and what is the history of their construction? Every country has a theater, but not everyone is recognized as the best among others.

List of opera houses in the world

Art has been valued by people since ancient times. Opera and ballet are something incredibly beautiful, carrying elegance and chic. Among the most popular world art lovers distinguish such as:

  • Estates Theater in Prague;
  • La Scala in Milan;
  • "San Carlo" in Naples;
  • Odessa theater in Ukraine;
  • "Grand Opera" in Paris;
  • in Vienna;
  • "Covent Garden" in London;
  • "Grand Teatro Liceu" in Barcelona;
  • Metropolitan Opera in New York;
  • Sydney Opera House;
  • Novosibirsk in Russia.

In every country there is a place where you can plunge into the world of art. or operettas - this is a special room that is saturated with the spirit of talented people.

La Scala in Milan

Tetra was discovered in 1778. Art lovers consider it the most beautiful and graceful. Such unusual name it received because it was built on the site of an old church.

During the Second World War, the structure was completely destroyed, but later restored.

The theater is notable for the fact that it can accommodate more than two thousand spectators, and the depth of the stage is 30 meters. Interestingly, the scenery is changed using a complex system with manual mechanisms.

Tickets to La Scala can cost up to $2,000. At the entrance there is a dress code that includes black evening dresses.

San Carlo in Naples

This theater is the largest in Europe. Its discovery took place in 1737. The hall is designed for more than 3 thousand spectators.

Its history is remembered for the fact that it was rebuilt after a fire in 1817, after which it became even more luxurious. The chic decoration and interior make it one of the best opera houses in the world.

Visitors to the San Carlo in Naples say that interior design leaves a lasting impression. The theater hosts the most famous performances.

Covent Garden in London

Being one of the best opera houses in the world, it is, according to visitors, one of the brightest and most unusual. Covent Garden was founded in 1946. It is a royal theater, so only the best actors play in it.

Art connoisseurs come to London to see opera or ballet on a beautiful stage. The cost of tickets in the theater does not exceed 200 pounds, and most productions are in English.

Grand Opera in Paris

The famous opera houses of the world differ from the rest in their elegance, decoration and incredible beauty. This is exactly what the Grand Opera in Paris is like.

Its discovery took place in 1669. The hall can accommodate 1900 spectators. The theater is considered the most beautiful. It is distinguished by unusual facades, complemented by arches, sculptures and frescoes.

There have been performances in the history of the theater According to statistics, this is the most visited stage in the whole world. Theater is the center cultural life France.

Odessa theater in Ukraine

The first time it was built in 1810, and then completely burned down. The restoration took place only 11 years after the fire, when the architects decided to create an unusual building with a domed roof. The history of opera houses in the world is diverse and amazing. The Odessa theater is no exception.

Appearance and decoration gives him the right to be called one of the most beautiful and famous opera houses in the world. The main decoration is the painted ceilings and a large crystal chandelier.

The atmosphere of the room allows each guest to feel like an aristocrat and plunge into Magic world. Having visited this place, I want to come back again to fully immerse myself in the world of art.

Vienna State Opera House

Royal style, richness of the interior and special charm distinguish the opera in the city of Vienna. The theater is saturated with the life and music of Mozart. The unusually beautiful neo-Renaissance facade will impress any visitor.

Despite the fact that its capacity is only 1313 spectators, it remains one of the most famous opera and ballet theaters in the world.

Interestingly, every spring it hosts a Viennese ball. This is a beautiful and magnificent event, where ladies and gentlemen seem to be transferred to the old days.

Gran Teatro Liceu in Barcelona

The building was built in 1847 and can accommodate more than 2,000 visitors. Despite the fact that in 1994 a fire ruined most tetra, it was restored thanks to the original drawings.

Performances in it are held as classical works, as well as more modern ones. Interestingly, opera lovers come from all over the world to visit this beautiful theatre.

Home distinctive feature in the hall are armchairs for spectators, which are made of cast iron and upholstered in bright red velvet. The walls are decorated with dragon-shaped lamps.

Estates Theater in Prague

It was opened in 1783 and can accommodate 1200 visitors. It is the only theater building in Europe that has been preserved since its construction.

At the entrance there is a remarkable sculpture "Commander", created according to the opera of the same name by Mozart. She looks like a black cloak and personifies creativity.

Performances in the theater are held in several languages: Czech, German, Italian. The repertoire is quite diverse and will be able to please every viewer.

Sydney Opera House

Its building is considered one of the most beautiful in the world. Built in the style of expressionism, it differs from the rest in that the roof is made in the shape of a sail.

The opening of the theater was held by Elizabeth II. The building took over 14 years to build and over $7 million was spent on it.

Theater performances are considered masterpieces. It is divided into two halls, each of which is made with special chic and elegance. The ceilings of each have been upgraded to reflect sound and make it more pleasant for the listener.

Metropolitan Opera in New York

This theater in the United States is the most famous and visited. It does not have luxurious decoration and expensive decoration, but it is equipped with modern technologies to make the show even more fun.

It is believed that singing in this theater is very prestigious, despite the modest fees.

The hall can accommodate more than 3.5 thousand people. Remarkably, the theater is not a public building and is supported by donations and private individuals. This makes it even more valuable to viewers.

and ballet

The building is the largest in Russia. Its area is more than 40 thousand square meters. The theater is equipped with modern technologies and designed with a special charm. For its size, it was given a second name - "Siberian Colosseum".

In Russia, this is one of the most large-scale buildings theater and art. Its roof is shaped like a large dome, which also makes it unique and interesting.

From an engineering point of view, a building is a complex structure. Viewers consider it unique and unrepeatable.

The most famous opera houses in the world differ from others in that they carry a special charm. In every country there is a place where productions and performances take place. Opera and ballet are one of the major productions that bring the work to the viewer famous writers and composers. The scale with which the action takes place on the stage allows the viewer to feel the emotions of the actors and singers.

Bolshoi Theater in Moscow /tyts/

Mariinsky Theater (St. Petersburg) - one of the oldest and largest musical theaters Russia.

Teatro alla Scala - the world famous opera house in Milan (Italy)

Rome Opera House

San Carlo Opera House, Naples, Italy

The Sydney Opera House, built in 1973 by the Danish architect Jorn Utzon in the Expressionist style, is considered one of the most famous and easily recognizable buildings in the world. Also, the Sydney Opera House is the main attraction of the whole continent. Two large arches of shells form the ceilings of the two main halls: the Concert Hall and the Opera Theatre. In other halls, the ceilings are formed with the help of smaller vaults. The sail-shaped shells of the roofs give the theater a unique character. On June 28, 2007, the Sydney Opera House acquired the status of an object world heritage UNESCO.

Sydney Opera House

Strasbourg Opera House

Colon - largest theater opera and ballet (as well as the center classical music) throughout South America. Buenos Aires. Argentina

Vienna state opera was built in 1869. Unfortunately, during the difficult years of the occupation of Austria (1938-45), the theater experienced a serious decline in interest. In 1945, during the bombardment of the Austrian capital, the theater building was destroyed. It took about 10 years to fully recover. In addition to opera and ballet performances, in this complex theatrical masquerade balls are held annually.

Vienna State Opera

The official name is "Opera Garnier" or "Palace Garnier" (Palais Garnier), former names "National Academy of Music and Dance", " Paris Opera”, “Grand Opera”. “Grand Opera” is a state opera house, the largest center of French musical and theatrical culture.

Odessa Opera House

One of the most prestigious theaters in the world, the Metropolitan Opera has existed since the 1880s, but it did not receive its current status at the Lincoln Performing Arts Center in Manhattan until September 1966. This legendary complex includes: auditorium, designed for 3900 seats, and three auxiliary platforms. The most important decorative elements in the interior of the theater are the monumental frescoes of the famous émigré artist Marc Chagall.

Metropolitan Opera in New York

The main auditorium is the largest in the world and, despite its size, is known for its excellent acoustics.

Dresden State Opera ( Dresden Staatsoper or Semperoper). One of the oldest opera houses in Germany

La Fenice

National Center for the Performing Arts (Chinese National Grand Theatre), called The Egg, is a modern opera house in Beijing, China. Considered one of modern wonders light, ellipsoid-shaped, made of glass and titanium, and completely surrounded by an artificial lake. Built in 2007 Beijing National Performing Arts Center

Berlin State Opera (German) Staatsoper Berlin), also known as the German State Opera (in German. Deutsche Staatsoper), or the State Opera on Unter den Linden (German. Staatsoper Unter den Linden) is the oldest theater building in Berlin

Romanian Athenaeum(Bucharest)

Zurich Opera House

Hungarian State Opera House

Teatro Massimo in Palermo

The ultra-modern opera house in the center of Oslo was designed by the world-renowned architectural firm Snohetta in 2007. The main task of the architects was to organically fit the building into the urban development, the rocks of the Oslo Fjord and the coastal area. seaport, while linking the historic city center with modern quarters.

The main hall of the theater is designed for 1364 seats and has a classic horseshoe shape, which ensures the highest acoustic performance. Main Feature theater became a sloping roof, smoothly descending to the ground. She was taken in very quickly locals especially cyclists and skateboarders.

Oslo Opera House - Norway's national opera house

Royal Swedish Opera,Stockholm

Liceo Opera House, Barcelona

Palau de Musica Catalana,Barcelona,Spain

Theater Royal Covent Garden, London

Czech National Theater in Prague

Lviv Opera House

Monte Carlo Opera House

City Opera House (Lyric Opera) (Civic Opera House/Lyric Opera)- opera house in chicago

War Memorial Opera House,San Francisco,California

Bastille Opera (Opera Bastille) - the largest opera house in France (Paris)

Curtain,Palais Garnier,Paris,France

The Prague State Opera (Czech Státní opera Praha) is an opera house in Prague, one of the most important in the Czech Republic, whose repertoire also includes ballets. The theater's repertoire is focused on foreign works (the Czech repertoire is traditionally staged at the National Theatre).

Munich Opera House, Germany

The Amazonian Theater or Amazonas (Teatro Amazonas) is an opera house located in the center of the Brazilian city of Manaus (Manaus, Brazil)

Opera House (Markgräfliches Opernhaus), Germany

The Estates Theater is also famous for the fact that Amadeus Mozart conducted his premiere of Don Giovanni in 1787 in it. This event is immortalized with a memorial plaque. On the occasion of the coronation of Leopold II, another premiere of Mozart's La Clemenza di Tito (The Mercy of Titus, 1791) was presented in this theater. Prague

Castle fine arts,Mexico

The luxurious palace of fine arts, erected in the Mexican capital in 1934, is an example of a mixture architectural styles Beaux Arts and Art Deco, as evidenced by the Carrara marble walls and the incredible opulence of the decor. A significant part of this magnificent building is occupied concert halls opera house. This ensemble also includes a museum of architecture and National Museum fine arts.

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