Puppets for the theater of shadows large black templates. Master Class

My son and I love shadow play, it's just magic in the dark! Ever since we made it together theatre Our performances take place daily. There are templates for several more fairy tales: Kolobok, Zayushkina hut, Mumiy trolls, Three little pigs, Bremen town musicians, a hedgehog in the fog, a circus. Of course, we have already accumulated a lot of heroes, templates for the shadow theater are all coming :)) templates, which I managed to find on the net, and at the same time fairy tales to some. Shadow theater stencils from Online magazine free advice.Tales for the theater of shadows. Download shadow theater templates.

I also want to note that black cardboard is not necessary for templates of shadow theater heroes, color and even white are suitable, the shadow gives the same!

And, in order not to get confused in a large number of templates, I make each fairy tale from cardboard of a different color, it’s understandable that some are repeated :) And I keep it in different envelopes.

We also make posters for performances and tickets :)

Download shadow theater templates

These home theater templates are from SHADOW THEATER at home, Along the moonlit path

I will post templates based on fairy tales:

Kid and Carlson

under the mushroom


Red Riding Hood


Swan geese

Tales for shadow theater

Swan geese

Red Riding Hood

under the mushroom

Somehow the Ant caught a heavy rain.

Where to hide?

The Ant saw a small fungus in the clearing, ran to it and hid under its hat.

Sitting under a mushroom - waiting for the rain.

And the rain keeps getting stronger and stronger...

A wet butterfly crawls to the mushroom:

Ant, Ant, let me get under the fungus! I got wet - I can not fly!

Where will I take you? - says the ant. - I'm the only one here somehow fit.

Nothing! In crowded but not mad.

The Ant let the Butterfly under the fungus.

And the rain is getting worse...

The mouse runs past:

Let me go under the fungus! Water flows from me.

Where are we going to take you? There is no place here.

Move a little!

They made room - they let the Mouse under the fungus.

And the rain keeps pouring and doesn't stop...

Sparrow jumps past the mushroom and cries:

Wet feathers, tired wings! Let me dry under the fungus, relax, wait out the rain!

There is no place here.

Move over please!

Moved - Sparrow found a place.

And then the Hare jumped out into the clearing, saw a mushroom.

Hide, - shouts, - save! Lisa is chasing me!

It’s a pity for the Hare, says the Ant. -Let's push some more.

They just hid the Hare - the Fox came running.

Have you seen a rabbit? - asks.

Did not see.

Lisa came closer, sniffed:

Isn't that where he hid?

Where can he hide?

Lisa waved her tail and left.

By that time the rain had passed - the sun came out. Everyone got out from under the mushroom - they rejoice.

The ant thought and said:

How so? Previously, it was crowded for me alone under the mushroom, but now there was a place for all five!

Qua-ha-ha! Qua-ha-ha! someone laughed.

Everyone looked: a Frog sits on a mushroom cap and laughs:

Eh, you! Mushroom something...

She didn't say it and ran off.

Everyone looked at the mushroom and then guessed why at first it was crowded under the mushroom for one, and then there was a place for five.

Did you guess?

Little Raccoon

Little Raccoon was small but brave. Once Mama Enotikha said:

The moon will be full and bright tonight. Little Raccoon, can you alone go to the fast-flowing stream and fetch crayfish for supper?

“Well, yes, of course,” said Little Raccoon. “I will catch you such crayfish as you have never eaten before.”

Little Raccoon was small but brave.

At night the moon rose, big and bright.

“It’s time, Little Raccoon,” Mom said. “Go until you get to the pond.” You will see a large tree that is thrown across the pond. Cross it to the other side. This is the best place to catch crabs.

By the light of the moon, Little Raccoon set off.

He was so happy! So proud!

Here he is - Went into the forest

All alone

First time in life!

At first he walked slowly

Soon Little Raccoon entered the dense, thick forest.

Old Porcupine rested there.

He was very surprised to see that Little Raccoon was walking in the forest without his mother.

Where are you going all alone? asked Old Porcupine.

"Aren't you scared, Little Raccoon?" asked the Old Porcupine. “You know you don’t have what I have, such sharp and long needles.

- I'm not afraid! said Little Raccoon: he was small, but brave.

At first he walked slowly.

Soon he came to a green meadow. Big Skunk was sitting there. He, too, wondered why Little Raccoon was walking in the forest without his mother.

Where are you going all alone? Big Skunk asked.

— To the swift stream! said Little Raccoon proudly. "I'm going to catch crayfish for supper."

"Aren't you scared, Little Raccoon?" Big Skunk asked. “You know, you don’t have what I have: I spray a liquid with a nasty smell, and everyone runs away.”

- I'm not afraid! said Little Raccoon and walked on.

Not far from the pond, he saw the Fat Rabbit.

Fat Rabbit was sleeping. He opened one eye and jumped up.

- Oh, you scared me! he said. “Where are you going all alone, Little Raccoon?”

- I'm going to a fast stream! said Little Raccoon proudly. “It's on the other side of the pond.

— Oo-ooo! said the Fat Rabbit. “Are you not afraid of Him?”

- Whom should I be afraid of? Little Raccoon asked.

- The one who sits in the pond, - said the Fat Rabbit. - I'm afraid of Him!

Well, I'm not afraid! said Little Raccoon and walked on.

And finally, Little Raccoon saw a large tree that was thrown across the pond.

“Here I have to cross,” said Little Raccoon to himself. “And there, on the other side, I will catch crayfish.”

Little Raccoon began to cross the tree to the other side of the pond.

He was brave, but why did he meet That Fat Rabbit!

He didn't want to think about the One sitting in the pond, but he couldn't help himself.

He stopped and looked.

Someone was sitting in the pond!

It was he! Sat there and looked at Raccoon by the moonlight. Little Raccoon did not show that he was afraid.

He made a face.

The one in the pond also made a face.

What a face it was!

Little Raccoon turned back and ran as fast as he could. He rushed past the Fat Rabbit so fast that he was frightened again. And so he ran, ran without stopping until he saw the Big Skunk.

- What? What? Big Skunk asked.

- There, in the pond, sits Someone big, big! cried Little Raccoon. "I can't get through!"

“Do you want me to go with you and chase him away?” Big Skunk asked.

— Oh, no, no! said Little Raccoon hurriedly. "You mustn't do that!"

"All right," Big Skunk said. "Then bring a stone with you." Only to show Him that you have a stone.

Little Raccoon wanted to bring home crayfish. So he took the stone and went back to the pond.

Maybe he's already gone! Little Raccoon said to himself. “No, He didn’t leave!”

He was sitting in the pond.

Little Raccoon did not show that he was afraid.

He raised the stone high.

The one who was sitting in the pond also raised the stone high.

Oh, what a big stone it was!

Little Raccoon was brave, but he was small. He ran as fast as he could. He ran, ran without stopping until he saw Old Porcupine.

- What? What? asked Old Porcupine.

Little Raccoon told him about the One who sits in the pond.

He also had a stone! said Little Raccoon. “Big, big stone.

“Well, then take a stick with you,” said Old Porcupine, “go back and show him that you have a big stick.”

Little Raccoon wanted to bring home crayfish. And so he took a stick and went back to the pond.

“Maybe He got away,” Little Raccoon said to himself.

No, He didn't leave!

He was still sitting in the pond.

Little Raccoon didn't wait. He lifted up his big stick and threatened it.

But Togo, in the pond, also had a stick. Big, big stick! And he threatened Little Raccoon with that stick.

Little Raccoon dropped his stick and ran.

He ran, he ran

Past the Fat Rabbit

Past Big Skunk

Past the Old Porcupine

Without stopping, all the way to the house.

Little Raccoon told his mother all about the One who sits in the pond.

“Oh mother,” he said, “I so wanted to go alone for crayfish! I so wanted to bring them home for dinner!

- And you will! - said Mama Raccoon. - I'll tell you what, Little Raccoon. Come back, but this time...

Don't make faces

Don't take a stone with you

Don't bring sticks!

- What should I do? Little Raccoon asked.

- Just smile! - said Mama Raccoon. - Go and smile at the One who is sitting in the pond.

- And nothing more? Little Raccoon asked. "Are you sure?"

“That's all,” Mom said. “I'm sure.

Little Raccoon was brave, and Mom was sure of it.

And he went back to the pond.

Maybe he's gone at last! Little Raccoon said to himself.

No, he didn't leave!

He was still sitting in the pond.

Little Raccoon forced himself to stop.

Then he forced himself to look into the water.

Then he forced himself to smile at the One who was sitting in the pond.

And the One who was sitting in the pond smiled back!

Little Raccoon was so delighted that he began to laugh. And it seemed to him that the One who was sitting in the pond was laughing, just like raccoons do when they are having fun.

He wants to be friends with me! Little Raccoon said to himself. “And now I can cross over to the other side.

And he ran up the tree.

There, on the bank of a fast-flowing stream, Little Raccoon began to catch crayfish.

Soon he got as many crayfish as he could carry.

He ran back up the tree across the pond.

This time, Little Raccoon waved to the One sitting in the pond.

He waved his hand back at him.

Little Raccoon ran home as fast as he could, holding his crayfish tightly.

Yes! Never before had neither he nor his mother eaten such tasty crayfish. That's what Mama Raccoon said.

“Now I can go there all by myself whenever you want!” said Little Raccoon. “I am no longer afraid of the One who sits in the pond.

“I know,” said Mama Raccoon.

“He’s not bad at all, The one who sits in the pond!” said Little Raccoon.

“I know,” said Mama Raccoon. Little Raccoon looked at his mother.

“Tell me,” he said. “Who is that sitting in the pond?”

Mom Raccoon laughed.

And then she told him.

Children are great dreamers and storytellers, able to come up with many incredible stories, and see the magic in every little thing. And the child will remember the opportunity to participate in the creation of a theatrical performance based on his own plot for a lifetime. Take your time: make a shadow theater for children with your own hands - you will find stencils for the first productions and useful practical tips in our article.

Where does shadow theater come from?

The art of shadow performances originated in Asia about 1700 years ago. It is difficult to name the exact place, but traditionally it is China, where to this day they honor a beautiful legend about the emergence of the first shadow theater:

Once, one of the ancient Chinese emperors had a grief - a serious illness claimed the life of his beloved wife. The widower was inconsolable. Forgetting about state affairs, he secluded himself in his chambers, refusing to talk to his relatives. Deprived of a powerful hand, a mighty empire was in danger of falling into decline.

The situation was saved by a smart courtier, who once called the emperor to the chambers of his deceased wife to show her silhouette behind the curtain. The shocked ruler silently watched the shadow of his beloved move behind a thin screen. Such performances became a nightly tradition and the emperor gradually let go of longing, because he understood: death is like this thin tissue barrier, it only temporarily separated him from his beloved, and they will meet again in another life.

History is silent about the fate of the courtier, who created the first shadow theater with his own hands. But it is known for certain that such performances quickly became popular in all social circles, and their geography over several centuries covered all of China, India, Turkey, and a little later Europe and Russia.

The shadow theater has come down to our times almost unchanged: the setting of light and the mobility of graceful silhouettes are the same. But if now it is easy to find and print simple stencils for home performances, then in the past, selected masters were engaged in the manufacture of dolls. They made donkey skins with their own hands, from which they cut out figures. Dolls were decorated with fine painting, worked out to the smallest detail.

Puppets for the shadow theater did not differ in large growth, usually their height was about 30 cm. However, the complexity of the productions is amazing: up to 1000 figures were involved in one performance, controlled by puppeteers with long rods. The play of light and shadow, the movement of silhouettes to music and a captivating story: for children and adults around the world, shadow theater remains a favorite art form. It is easy to join the beautiful by printing stencils and making a shadow theater with your own hands.

The benefits of shadow theater for children

The brightness and dynamics of the shadow theater scenery have a positive effect on the child's psyche. But the joy of participating in the performance is far from the only plus of shadow stops, there are several more important points for the overall development:

  • The atmosphere itself, necessary for showing shadow theater, relaxes and sets you up for intimate communication. The twilight and the expectation of a certain sacrament - this is so similar to the gatherings around the fire that many people remember;
  • The heroes of the productions have a conditional appearance, only the silhouette is determined. To understand the full picture of what is happening, you need to use the imagination;
  • Shadow theater gives the child a chance to try himself in a new role, stimulates the craving for self-expression and simplifies social adaptation;
  • The need to memorize the plot and lines trains attention and concentration. For children, participation in shadow theater performances will be a good way to replenish vocabulary, develop speech;
  • Puppet control stimulates fine motor skills, teaches to coordinate hand movements.

Of course, you should not immediately demand a lot from the kids. At first, let them master the role-playing skill itself, without a plot. Let the kids play with the stenciled figurines, learn how to control and voice them. Perhaps soon the children will have favorite characters, which will give a new impetus to fantasy - it is always more interesting to come up with stories for impressing characters.

In essence, the shadow theater is a correctly lit fabric screen and a set of figures. The screen is easy to make with your own hands:

  1. Cut out a wide rectangular frame from thick cardboard;
  2. Take a piece of thin white fabric, cut out a rectangle exactly the same size as the outer edges of the frame;
  3. Carefully stick the fabric on the cardboard, avoiding the appearance of wrinkles. The screen must be well tensioned. You can use regular PVA glue or Moment.

On the front side of the screen, you can attach a curtain made of dense material to open and close it, just like in a real theater. It is important that the curtain fabric slides freely, so use a smooth synthetic cord as a fastener.

Think in advance where exactly in your house it is best to place the shadow theater in order to be able to correctly set the light. The light source should be above and behind the screen, then only the silhouettes of the puppets will be visible on the fabric, and the puppeteer himself will remain hidden from view.

The most crucial moment is working with stencils. To make them you will need:

  • Thin cardboard;
  • Paper or plastic straws (can be replaced with long wooden skewers);
  • Sheets of black paper;
  • Glue gun;
  • Scissors.

With some artistic skills, you can independently draw the silhouettes of the desired characters, but it is much easier and faster to use ready-made stencils. You might like our selection.

So, let's start making figures:

Do not forget to take into account which side of the screen this or that character will appear in the course of the action, so that the figure is turned in the profile in the right direction.

Take care of creating decorations - stencils of trees, houses, fences, etc. will come in handy here. The scenery is tightly attached directly to the frame, for which an elastic band is pulled along its inside - it presses the stencil holders during the performance. If you need to increase the size of the shadow, move the doll away from the screen and the silhouette will become larger, but lose clarity.

Do not keep children away from preparing props - working with stencils will only warm up their interest. At the same time, tell us about the history of this unusual art form. Having made a shadow theater for children with your own hands, do not rush to throw away stencils, they will still be useful to you. Fold the blanks into a paper envelope and invite all the household members to a fascinating performance.

Shadow theater is an ancient, very spectacular and amazing (especially for children) art form. How to make a screen and "actors" for the shadow theater with your own hands; how to come up with and foresee the most spectacular and surprising moments of the performance; how to involve children in the rehearsals and staging of shadow theater performances - the answers to all these questions can be easily found in the publications of this thematic section. Here is collected the live experience of teachers in the field of this type of theatrical art, fraught with great opportunities for the comprehensive development of children.

Shadow play. Mysterious shadows on a magical canvas.

Contained in sections:

Showing publications 1-10 of 115 .
All sections | Do-it-yourself shadow theater

Hello again! Greetings to all guests on my page. I want to present to your attention a screen for shadow theater, which I made for children of the second group of early age and fairy tale shadow theater"Turnip". Target: Stimulate children and their initiative in theatrical...

Theatrical activity in kindergarten is a magical world of a fairy tale. Playing in theatre, the child reveals his creative potential. Exactly theatrical activity to a greater extent allows you to develop the creative abilities of the child. Kindergartens use different types ...

Do-it-yourself shadow theater - Synopsis of GCD. Shadow theater based on the fairy tale "Bull - tar barrel" in the middle group

Publication “Synopsis of GCD. Shadow theater based on the fairy tale "Bull - tar barrel" in ... "
Purpose: the formation of children's ideas about the shadow theater, to acquaint children with the Russian folk tale; to develop and maintain children's interest in theatrical play Tasks: To create conditions for expanding children's interest in theatrical activities. Create a warm, welcoming...

MAAM Pictures Library

Theater begins in childhood. Shadow theater is the most unusual theatre. It originated a long time ago, in ancient China. Here the roles are played not by actors or even puppets, but by the shadows of actors or puppets. A translucent white screen is used on the stage, behind which a powerful spotlight shines, and between ...

Scenario for the shadow theater "Zayushkina hut" for the senior group Scenario for the shadow theater for the fairy tale "Zayushkina's hut". Entrance To the music (children stand in a semicircle) Everything can happen in a fairy tale Our fairy tale is ahead. A fairy tale is knocking to visit us, Let's tell a fairy tale - come in! (Hares play in the clearing (exercises to the music) Storyteller Hares in the forest ...

Master class for parents "How to create a shadow theater at home" Purpose: revealing the value of joint pastime and creativity of children and parents Tasks: 1. Introduce parents to the types of theater used in kindergarten. Ways of making shadow theater and playing out. 2.Involve parents to make puppets for the shadow...

Do-it-yourself shadow theater - Shadow theater "The Magical World of a Fairy Tale"

Theatrical activity in kindergarten is the magical world of a fairy tale. Playing theater, the child reveals his creative potential. It is theatrical activity that to a greater extent allows you to develop the creative abilities of the child. Kindergartens use different types ...

Characters: Fox Crane Narrator Narrator The fox made friends with the crane. (The heroes walk towards each other, hold hands and go to the edge of the stage) So the fox once decided to treat the crane and invited him to visit her. Fox Ah! I have long dreamed of inviting you to dinner And ...

From myself I will add that according to this model I made a theater with my grandchildren. Happiness was a wagon and a small cart!!! All five grandchildren and granddaughters with great diligence carved figurines, painted, glued.......

And then all together and showed and watched.

Below is a master class and ready-made templates for the most famous children's fairy tales.....

FROM THE AUTHOR: "The room is dark and only small rustles of the last preparations are heard, when suddenly the light comes on. It rests on the screen of a white sheet. Dad clears his throat for the last time, and the first silhouette appears on the stage. And the fairy tale comes to life ...

shadow theater“Children fall in love with the shadow theater right away. At first they enthusiastically watch performances, and then they begin to invent the plot themselves. Let, regardless of whether the child has directing abilities or not, at home he is always waiting for a standing ovation.

At the same time, the imagination of the crumbs works at 100, because in the silhouette the child will try to guess the grandmother, dog or mouse. A gentle and native voice from behind the curtains tells a story about distant (or not so) countries, about guys and animals, about good, evil and real magic itself. And all this can be done with your own hands from improvised means in just 15 minutes.

You can organize a stage for a shadow theater from an old box and cut out the silhouettes of the main characters from it, turn on the lamp and the fairy tale will come to life right before your eyes. So let's get started.

1. Making a scene

At the bottom of the old box, we outline a rectangle for the screen.

The outline does not have to be rectangular. The edges can be rounded and decorative patterns added. Thus, the box for the shadow theater will take on an absolutely magical look.

Cut out a hole.

We color this holey box (the item is optional, but it will look neater this way).

On the inside, glue a sheet of paper slightly larger than the hole in size.

2. Hero on a stick

We draw the characters of a fairy tale on a sheet, but rather print it








We cut out the characters, stick them on cardboard of any density. Cut out the silhouettes and fix on a stick. For this, electrical tape, a glue gun or adhesive tape are suitable. I used duct tape and a glue gun just to be sure)

I used kitchen skewers, but popsicle sticks, old sticks or pencils work well too.

We are also preparing scenery (the environment surrounding the characters). To do this, simply cut them out of cardboard of any density. The thicker the scenery, the more difficult it will be to cut it out, and the easier it will be to fix it to the screen.

  • scenery fixing

Strips of cardboard can be fixed around the perimeter, in which it will be convenient to fix the scenery. That's it, the stage for the shadow theater is ready.

There are many options for interesting leisure activities that you can organize for the kids on their own. Of course, the most interesting are in which the little ones can take a direct part. These fun options include shadow theater for children, which you can do yourself at home at no extra cost.

How to surprise a baby with a shadow?

The simplest option for playing with a child is to show shadows from the hands on the wall, with which you can depict various objects, animals or people. How to make such a shadow theater with your own hands at home - various manuals on the art of creating an image will help you sort out this issue. For children, do-it-yourself shadow theater templates are simple figures, examples of which are presented below:

You can make shadow shapes with your hands both on the wall and on a small screen. To do this, you will need to make a rectangle out of the boards and pull a translucent light fabric without a pattern over it. It is recommended to fix it with buttons or a furniture stapler. After that, the performance can begin: the screen is placed on the surface of the table or a specially prepared stand, the bottom is covered with a thick cloth, the lamp is installed behind the actors, and the light is directed to the screen. To make it more interesting for the baby, you can add various decorations and dolls to the images of the figures.

Shadow puppet theater

In order to make a shadow theater with characters at home with your own hands, you will need a simple set of stationery. It includes: thick cardboard, glue, scissors, thin light sticks. To begin with, it is proposed to use puppets that do not move in productions. This will make it easier to learn this subtle skill, and it will take a few hours to create characters. Figures for the shadow theater are made by hand using templates with images. You can draw them yourself, or you can use ready-made ones. Then they are transferred to paper, cut out and assembled with glue or a stapler. Depending on what role the doll has, it can be glued to the stick both from the side and from below.

Making a shadow theater with your own hands out of paper is not troublesome, but very exciting. Kids will be happy to help make dolls, and then put on everyone's favorite fairy tales, and the spectators who came to visit will discuss this spectacle for a long time.

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