The Golden Ring of Russia: what historians hide. Gold is the greatest miracle of the universe North of modern Russia

Does gold remain a reliable means of keeping funds safe? How to invest in gold? What are the risks? Who determines the value of the dollar? What role does Shanghai play in the gold market? Alexey Vyazovsky, vice-president of the Golden Coin House, answers these questions to the site.

Why is Russia investing in gold?

Gold jumps in price

-What is the gold market in terms of demand. After all, as far as I know, part of the gold goes into the industry, primarily into the electronics industry, part of the gold goes into the jewelry industry, part of the gold goes into coins, part of the gold goes into ingots.

This market is roughly divided in half. Half is investment gold, which is bullion and gold coins, and the other half is jewelry gold. And the largest consumers of jewelry gold are traditionally Asia, India and China. And approximately only 10 percent of the market is industry. That is, as you rightly said, all sorts of fees and so on.

- Gold jumps in price, and jumps quite strongly. Let's see what the world price of gold is, because literally until the last month it was generally accepted that the price of gold is determined in London on the stock exchange.

The stock exchange is too loud a name, it's all a golden fix. The six largest banks, the so-called "gold bugs", meet and twice a day in telephone conversations agree on the spot price of gold. So it was literally six months ago, since then the fixing has been slightly reformed.

- But they collect applications at the same time? Or do they take it for themselves?

But no one knows. The problem with the gold fixing is that no one knows what volumes are behind the dealers of the largest banks and whether they are worth it at all. In fact, it caused a lot of scandals and still does. Just last month, Deutsche Bank, the largest German gold dealer, was accused by American investors of manipulating gold prices in America, and he went with them to the world. That is, he agreed to extradite the cartel members, he already signed it.

This news aroused great interest among investors. We are now watching with great interest how he will testify against members of the gold cartel. Let's see what will happen.

New golden center

“They won’t kill now, will they?”

No, they won't kill. New centers of power will appear, in particular in Shanghai. The Chinese were very unhappy with the current situation, and China is one of the largest consumers of gold in the world, primarily jewelry and investment.

And for a very long time they did not understand how fixing occurs, what volumes, turnovers are behind it, whether it is worth it at all and how this manipulation takes place, because many investors believe that gold prices are artificially low.

And quite recently, its own gold fixing was created on the Shanghai Stock Exchange. Both Western banks and Chinese state-owned banks are participating there, which are very strong, so there is no need for the Central Bank to participate. They expose their quotes, their volumes. And I can say that the market has become more transparent and understandable.

Little gold left

- It's understandable from the demand side, but there is also a supply. What happens to the loot?

Our production is stagnating, about 3-4 percent growth, based on the results for many years. The gold that was easily mined all over the world, loose gold, has already been mined. What remains is ore heavy gold, which requires complex technologies, machines, leaching, and so on. And such gold is mined with the help of large investments.

If prices rise, then investments become profitable; if prices fall, our gold mining companies freeze some projects, in particular, expensive ones. Therefore, gold mining companies benefit when prices rise. And now they are growing. And our Russian gold mining companies are generally in chocolate due to the fact that their main buyer is the Central Bank. 65 percent of all gold mined in Russia is sold to the Central Bank.

- And it goes to the state reserve?

Yes, to the reserve, to the gold and foreign exchange reserve. Now the ingots are stored in huge cellars on Neglinnaya Street, transactions are carried out through authorized banks. Our Central Bank buys such large volumes for several reasons.

First, we are still under sanctions. There is a risk, and it is still being calculated, that some of the Central Bank's holdings, which are invested in US government treasury bonds, in securities of England or Germany, can either be arrested or frozen. Various options are being considered.

Therefore, when you buy, you have it on Neglinnaya Street, and you control the situation. When you buy US government bonds, you are not in control.

- How much gold is there?

Now 1400 tons.

- Is there any Russian gold, either from the Central Bank, or the government, or private investors, which lies in Fort Knox?

No. There is no such gold in Russia, but Germany and the Netherlands have it, and this, by the way, is a painful situation for the Germans. They tried to get back their gold, which is stored in the Federal Bank of New York, and the US government, in fact, refused to even audit them.

Savings in gold

- Clear. And if a person got rich, sold his business, received a lot of money and decided to invest in gold, what should he do: buy coins, bars or gold mining companies?

If this is a person who lives in Russia, then he has three ways to invest in gold. These are depersonalized metal accounts in banks - these are ingots, these are coins. Impersonal metal accounts are bad because they do not fall under the deposit insurance system. If the bank collapses, the state does not return anything to you.

Ingots are a good way to invest, but in Russia they charge 18 percent VAT per transaction. That is, your price per gram or per ounce of gold will be 18 percent higher. The bank will simply keep everything in the transaction. By law, gold investment coins are not subject to VAT, so this is the most profitable way among those that exist.

We have several types of coins. This is the "Victorious" - the most common gold coin, a quarter ounce. In general, the world standard is an ounce, 31 grams. Everything is traded in ounces. We, unfortunately, went our own way, they began to mint a quarter-ounce coin, this coin weighs 7.7 grams of approximately pure gold. Therefore, it is our most common coin. It costs about 20 thousand rubles or a little more. I bought it in the early 2000s for 4,000. That is, the price is growing in rubles and in dollars.

The most popular foreign coin is the "Australian kangaroo", which has a kangaroo painted on it, and is worth about 91,000 now. This is an ounce coin, purity 9999. Since the beginning of the year, it has risen in price by 20 percent. And we also have a unique coin, it has now come only to Russia - it's "grizzly", the Canadians mint, it has five ninths of purity. It is a little more expensive, about 93-94 thousand worth.

- Let's get back to the value of gold. It has been growing for six months. Is this a trend or is it part of an upward sine wave?

It seems to me that this is an upward trend. If we look at the global gold price chart over the past 50 years, there were periods when gold fell in price, and they were quite long. But, in general, the graph is directed upwards. If we recall the abolition of the gold standard, an ounce cost 35 dollars, 30 dollars, then, at the time of the global financial crisis, it reached 1,800, but rolled back down, and now it has begun to climb back up. There are several reasons for this.

The first reason is that the problems of global finance have not been resolved. Moreover, they have become more complicated, and the US public debt has exceeded $13 million. And although we are convinced that they owe more than half of the debt to themselves, and this is true, nevertheless, the second half must be paid back.

And in addition to the huge emissions that the world's central banks carry out, some currencies began to develop. Citizens see that central banks are continuing their stimulus policy by printing unsecured money, and that money has led to negative interest rates in Europe and Japan.

For rich people, this is a big problem - where to invest money. For example, you have sold a business, you have a large amount of money. Where to put them? If you buy bonds, the face value may decrease. It is possible to deposit in Swiss banks, but Swiss banks have already imposed negative interest rates on their clients. Only gold remains.

Gold from the bottom of the sea

- Now the Japanese are threatening to start mining from the sea. Is this a plausible statement?

It is possible to mine, there are complex heavy filters that do all this. But the cost of such gold rolls over. That is, we now have the cheapest gold - it is alluvial. There, the cost of an ounce reaches 400 dollars.

But for a long time now all these deposits, where one could buy cheaply, have been bought, mostly developed, and now our gold mining companies and African ones are also faced with the fact that they need huge investments in order to continue development.

- And some technological breakthrough is possible, that there will be more gold than it is now?

You can make some cheap nuclear fusion of gold. I can note two main trends. First, printers appeared that print with gold, 3D printers. Each of us, sooner or later, can buy such a printer, prices are high now, but they tend to fall, and will be able to mint such coins. But this is not the near future. This is the first trend.

The second trend is that some cryptocurrencies, such as bitcoins, will probably be tied to gold. This will be the gold standard at a new level, because a return to the old gold standard is, of course, impossible.

- That is, gold is worth buying?

Of course. I am a supporter of a simple solution that with every income, you have to buy. Here they paid you a bonus, and if it is small, then you bought a coin for 20 thousand. A larger amount appeared, they bought an ounce coin.

- Are they liquid, can they always be sold?

Yes, absolutely.

Prepared for publication by Maria Snytkova

The Golden Rule of Ethics good to know for everyone. At school, it is studied in the lessons "Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture" in the 4th grade. And as one of the tasks within the subject, the following is given:

  • Pick up proverbs corresponding to the golden rule of ethics.
  • Let's first understand what this rule is. Christ said: “Therefore, in everything you want people to do to you, so do you to them.” In other words:

  • Do to others as you would like to be treated to you. If you want good, do good. If you don't want dirty gossip spread about you, speak only the truth yourself.
  • This rule is also called The golden rule of morality and ethics, not only ethics. The Russian language also has many proverbs reflecting this idea:

    • To a good hello, kind and answer.
    • As we are to people, so are people to us.
    • For good, expect good, for bad, bad.
    • Doing evil, do not hope for good.
    • Whoever follows evil will not find good.
    • Good is good, but bad is bad.
    • To be kind is to be kind and be known.
    • Good to sow - good to reap.
    • Virtue is rewarded.
    • As you lay down, so you sleep.
    • What you call back is what you will respond to.
    • As it comes around, so it will respond.
    • What you sow is what you reap.
    • What goes around comes around.
    • A good seed is a good seed.
    • Do not spit in the well - you will need water to drink.
    • What is beaten, such is crying.
    • What is to Thomas, such is to himself.
    • How you live, so you will be known.
    • What a friend poured a cup, such a drink himself.
    • What an uncle is before people, so is he from people.
    • What you don't want for yourself, don't want for another.
    • A good gardener has a good garden.
    • Life is not red in days, but red in deeds.
    • Live more peacefully, so everyone will be nicer.
    • Cruel temper will not be right.
    • Do not dig a hole for another - you yourself will fall into it.
    • Whoever digs a hole for another will fall into it himself.
    • Do no evil - you will not be in eternal fear.
    • Do no evil, you will not know dashing.
    • A tree is known by its fruit, and a man by his deed.
    • A good start - half the battle pumped out.
    • Every person is known by the work.
    • You are judged by your deeds.
    • A good deed does not go unrewarded.
    • The head pays for bad deeds.
    • He who lives inseparably with the evil ones will not live happily ever after.
    • Whoever faces everyone, good people do not turn their backs on him.
    • He who is a rogue himself does not believe in others.
    • He who does not govern himself will not instruct others.
    • Whoever is thin himself, everything around him is bad.

    We have listed proverbs that reflect the meaning of the Golden Rule of morality, ethics and morality. And now I would like to give examples of folk sayings about good manners and moral qualities of a person. Can they also be useful?

    • For a bad habit and a smart fool they call them names.
    • Take care of your clothes again, and honor from a young age.
    • Well done handsome, but the soul is crooked.
    • In a strange house, do not be perceptive, but be friendly.
    • By the way, keep silent, what a big word to say.
    • An affectionate word that spring day.
    • Scold, scold, but leave a word to the world.
    • At home, as I want, but in people, as they say.
    • Eat mushroom pie and keep your mouth shut.
    • Yesterday he lied, and today they call him a liar.
    • Honey on the tongue, and ice on the heart.
    • A kind word and a cat is pleased.
    • Proverbs taken from sources:

    1. I. M. Snegirev. Russian folk proverbs and parables.
    2. N. Uvarov "Encyclopedia of Folk Wisdom".
    3. A. M. Zhigulev. Russian folk proverbs and sayings.
    4. O. D. Ushakova. "Student Dictionary. Proverbs, sayings, popular expressions.

    Portal of educational literature!

    The golden rule has been known to people since time immemorial. It is mentioned in one of the oldest written monuments - the ancient Babylonian legend about Akihara. In Confucius (VI-V centuries BC), it is the basis of behavior. In the ancient Indian "Mahabharata" (5th century BC), it appears as a norm of norms.

    The golden rule is attributed to two of the seven Greek sages - Pittacus and Thales. It can be found in Homer's Odyssey, in Herodotus' History, and in the Bible. In the latter it is mentioned at least three times: in the book of Tobit (4.15), in the Gospel of Luke (6.31) and in the Gospel of Matthew (7.12). The so-called biblical commandments - do not kill, do not steal, do not commit adultery, etc. - are nothing more than partial and truncated expressions of the golden rule. The same can be said about the commandment “Love your neighbor as yourself” (Leviticus 19:18, Matthew 22:39).

    In modern times, T. Hobbes, D. Locke, H. Tommasius, I.G. Herder.

    In Kant, the golden rule appears under the name of the categorical imperative. On the one hand, he elevated it (albeit in a transformed form) to the value of the main principle of human behavior, on the other hand, he humiliated it, calling its generally accepted formulations trivial and limited. The categorical imperative is the golden rule transformed in the spirit of rigorism and deontologism (ethics of duty): "act in such a way that the maxim of your action can become a universal law." Reformulating the rule in the form of a categorical imperative, Kant largely deprived it of what makes it golden, namely, the individual component, thus violating the measure, i.e. tipping the scales in favor of the supra-individual, the general, the universal. (The name itself is truly frightening: an imperative, and even a categorical one! An imperative is a command, a demand, an obligation, an order, a law! Only iron necessity and not a drop of chance. Only an obligation and not a drop of desire.)

    The superficiality of Kant's understanding of the golden rule is manifested, in particular, in the fact that he did not see in it the basis of duty, arguing that it supposedly does not formulate obligations in relation to others. Doesn't the golden rule indicate, for example, a duty to parents? Does it not say that if you want your children to treat you properly, then you yourself must treat your parents in the same appropriate way? Or: if you want your parents to treat you well, then you yourself must treat them well. And so on. Kant's understanding of the golden rule is due to his orientation toward the supra-individual. In his categorical imperative, the basis of duty is a universal law. By this Kant places society above the individual. The golden rule points to a specific person as the basis of debt.

    In Russian philosophy, V.S. Solovyov. Following Schopenhauer, he convincingly showed the importance of emotions, the psyche as the individually intimate basis of the golden rule. If people are guided by this rule unconsciously, it is largely due to feelings of conscience and compassion. Conscience is primarily responsible for the implementation of the negative component of the golden rule. Compassion is positive. Conscience says: do not do to others what you do not wish for yourself, that is, do not do evil. Compassion tells you to help the suffering, to do with them the way you want to be treated with you in a similar situation.

    The intimate psychological “mechanisms” that implement the golden rule indicate that it is by no means some kind of abstract soulless norm, that it is deeply individualized, psychological, has not only an “antenna” in the form of a tradition, a generally accepted rule of behavior, but also “grounded ”, is rooted in the very depths of human nature.

    V.S. Solovyov, however, was too carried away by the passive side of the golden rule. The latter relies not only on feelings of pity, compassion, but also on feelings of love, pleasure, and simply on curiosity, on interest (of one person to another). In addition, he called the golden rule the principle of altruism, and this does not seem to be entirely true. The word “altruism” comes from alter, another, and in the principle it designates, the emphasis is naturally placed on the other, the other. Altruism is self-sacrifice, selflessness. In the golden rule, the emphasis is on the ego, on the person. After all, from him, as from a stove, the golden rule “dances”. The latter “does not turn away” from the self towards the other, but “trying” to harmonize the positions of the self and the other, to find a common denominator, a common measure between them. The golden rule is therefore a measure, a norm, because it establishes a certain balance of interests.

    The golden rule is the main principle of human community

    In positive form, the rule reads:

    treat others as you would like them to treat you.

    do not do to others what you would not want them to do to you.

    The golden rule gives a holistic and concentrated idea of ​​morality, grasps the main thing in it: the attitude towards another as towards oneself. It establishes, fixes, determines the measure of the human in a person, morally equalizes people and likens them to each other.

    Moral equalization is a quantitative procedure, moral assimilation is a qualitative procedure. Together we have a dimensional process: the golden rule invites a person to measure his actions with the actions of others, measure the actions of others with his own yardstick and, conversely, measure his own actions with someone else's yardstick; in a word, it proposes to find a common measure of one's own and other people's actions and act in accordance with this common measure.

    In its negative form, the golden rule establishes the minimum low level of a person's moral attitude towards other people, forbids doing evil, in other words, establishes a minimum of moral requirements for human behavior.

    In its positive form, it sets the highest standard for a person's moral attitude towards other people, encourages goodness, good deeds, in other words, determines the maximum moral requirements for human behavior.

    Thus, the golden rule covers the entire range of moral actions and serves as the basis for distinguishing and defining the moral categories of good and evil.

    It performs the same function in relation to the category of debt. Let's look at this rule from the side of how it measures one's own and other people's actions. At the foundation of this commensuration, i.e., initially lies the following. People, society gave me life, made me a man (fed, clothed, shod, educated, educated, etc.), that is, they treated me more or less well, the way I would like to be treated others did me. Accordingly, I act or should act with them (parents, people, society), in a particular case, I must repay them with the same, i.e. by my behavior I should not worsen-decrease the quality-quantity of life (given to me and others), more as far as possible should take care of improving-increasing the quality-quantity of life (mine and others, society as a whole). This is a common understanding of duty. It is, of course, divided into particular types, depending on who we mean by "others." If “others” are parents, then this is a duty to parents. If “others” are a people, a nation, then this is a duty to the Motherland, if “others” are all of humanity, then this is a duty to humanity.

    The fulfillment of duty by specific individuals is as important for the health of society as the satisfaction of needs is for the health of the individual.

    If morality (morality) regulates people's relations, ensures the health of society within the framework of the optimum norm and the nearest deviations from it (consciousness of duty and its fulfillment), then law regulates people's relations, ensures the health of society in a broader sense - the prevention, prevention or treatment of pathological deviations from the norm-health, called offenses and / or crimes. What illnesses are for the life-health of an individual, so offenses and crimes are for the life-health of society. When there are many offenses and crimes in a society, then this is a sick society in the legal sense. There is even less to be said about the health of society in the moral sense.

    The golden rule establishes a connection-correspondence between the life-health of an individual and the life-health of society. It asserts that the life and health of society are based on the life and health of people, that morality is not valuable in itself, but has its root in the life-health of a particular person, is, so to speak, a natural continuation of this life-health. Moral health, on the one hand, is a part of the health of society or a set of people (a team, a family.), On the other hand, it is an integral part of a person's individual health. Law is not self-explanatory either. It is a natural extension of morality. It is essentially, like morality, based on the golden rule. Hobbes wrote about this (see above, p. 366 - "Liberalism"). Approximately the same is said by the old political and legal rule: "Everyone is obliged to obey only such a law, to which he himself agreed." This rule may be somewhat categorical, but essentially true, since it is based on the golden rule. In the deepest sense, law is, I repeat, mutual admission and mutual restriction of freedom. A variety of human rights follow from the mutual assumption of freedom. No less varied duties of a person follow from the mutual restriction of freedom.

    The golden rule also has the property that it is SELF-SUFFICIENT, looped, has a basis in itself. It, in particular, connects "I want" and "I must", the accidental "I want" and the necessity of "I must". This connection results in what I call freedom. The golden rule is the formula of freedom. Combining in the golden rule, “I want” and “I must” mutually allow and limit each other, establish a measure, moderate each other.

    By connecting “I want” and “I must”, the golden rule also removes the dilemma of the ethics of happiness and the ethics of duty. It requires from a person only what he himself wants in relation to himself. No wonder the rule is called golden.

    Its peculiar negative cast is the “rule”, which is expressed in the well-known words “an eye for an eye; tooth for a tooth”, “avenge me and I will repay”, in proverbs like “how it comes around, it will respond”, etc. The meaning of the “rule” is that if you were done badly, then you have the right or must repay that same coin.

    It may be asked: if the golden rule is so good, then why do people break it, why do they do evil, do not fulfill their duty? The situation here is about the same as in the case of health and disease. The latter does not devalue health at all. On the contrary, a sick person strives to become healthy again. Same with the golden rule. Breaking a rule does not invalidate it. In the general balance of human actions, actions based on it certainly outweigh actions that violate it. Otherwise, we would be dealing with a sick, perishing society.

    The golden rule is far from being as elementary and obvious as it might seem at first glance. For it to work, at least two conditions must be met:

    BUT). A person himself must be normal, healthy, or, if he is unhealthy and in some way abnormal, then he must take this unhealthy, abnormality into account when determining his attitude towards another person (other people). Relationship to another (others) is a continuation of the relationship to oneself. If a smoker, alcoholic, drug addict ruins himself, ruins his health, then it is contraindicated for him to act in accordance with the golden rule (not in general, of course, but in a certain respect: smoking, drinking alcohol, drugs). Moreover, if for alcoholics and drug addicts such a contraindication is absolutely, of course, then for a smoker there is the possibility of adjusting their behavior in relation to others. A smoker can be aware of the harm of smoking and, in accordance with this consciousness, minimize the harm he causes to others (for example, try not to smoke in the presence of others - although this is almost impossible in a densely populated city).

    B). A person must be able to mentally put himself in the place of others and thus correct his behavior. This is not an easy procedure. Very often, people harm others not out of malicious intent, but because of their thoughtlessness, in particular, because of the inability to mentally put themselves in the place of others in a particular situation. For example, a smoker, knowing that smoking is harmful, still smokes, not sparing not only himself, but also the people around him. Why is this happening? Because for the smoker, the pleasure of smoking outweighs the consciousness of harm from this smoking. Smoking in the presence of non-smokers, he does not think (or drives away the thought) that non-smokers do not at all experience pleasure from his smoking, but, on the contrary, suffer. The smoker has not put himself in the place of others (non-smokers). Otherwise, he would experience only pain instead of pleasure. It can be said that this situation with a smoker speaks rather not about his thoughtlessness, but about his callousness, shamelessness, his unwillingness to put himself in the place of another. Of course, all these thoughtless moments can be present. But after all, for this, the head is on his shoulders, in order to think through to the end the consequences of his callousness and dishonesty. If the smoker had fully thought over, i.e. thought to the end his behavior, then he would have seen that the pleasure he received from smoking cannot be compared with the harm that he no longer causes to his health, but to himself as personality as a person. Suppose he smokes in the presence of a non-smoking lover, betrothed. By this he shows his disdain for her, despite all his love, his desire to marry her. Usually a woman-girl is well aware of such neglect and sooner or later refuses him her favor. The same situation arises if a smoker allows himself to smoke in the presence of a friend, close, necessary person, etc. Much less obvious is the harm that a smoker inflicts on himself when he smokes in a public place, in the presence of strangers. (How often the author of these lines, a non-smoker himself, swore at the fact that a man walking down the street in front smokes a cigarette and does not understand that he makes those who follow him passively smoke with his smoking). In such cases, the smoker, as a rule, does not receive a direct rebuff, that is, a direct boomerang does not work here. Nevertheless, the boomerang is here as well. When a person neglects the interests of strangers, shows disrespect for them, then he has no right to expect a respectful attitude from them. The rudeness of a smoking person is combined, as a rule, with the rudeness of a foul-mouthed, foul-smelling, spitting, etc., etc. One rudeness condones another. There is a vicious circle of rudeness. As a result, the amount of evil increases, the amount of mutual anger of people. In this atmosphere of disrespect for each other, our smoker may well become a victim of voluntary or involuntary rudeness on the part of strangers. This is where the indirect boomerang comes in. Conclusion: if a smoking person thought carefully about the consequences of his behavior, that is, every time he would put himself in the place of other non-smoking people, then he would certainly give up smoking. People who smoke in a modern city break the golden rule in one way or another. And this means that they act immorally, dishonorably. It is no coincidence that throughout the civilized world the campaign for quitting smoking is intensifying. The golden rule cannot be broken for a long time. People feel it and try to solve the problem.

    As you can see, with all the external softness, the golden rule of behavior is very, very harsh in essence. In some important issues of human society, its requirements remain unfulfilled, which indicates that it has significant potential, in particular, indicates the need to improve interpersonal relations, morality, and law.

    The Golden Rule of Morality

    The most famous formulations of the golden rule of RFP:

    New Testament - Matthew 7:12 “Therefore, in everything, as you want people to do to you, do to them for in this is the law and the prophets.”

    Luke 6.31 "And as you want people to do to you, do to them »

    Old Testament - “A non-Jew came to Hillel [and said to him: teach me the Torah while I stand on one leg]. Hillel received him and said to him: what is hateful to you, do not do to your friend - this is the whole Torah, and the rest is comments, go and study ”(Shabbat 31a).

    The earliest mention of the ZP is found in the Old Testament “Book of Tobit”, where Tobit teaches his son Tobiah: “... be prudent in all your behavior. What is hateful to yourself, do not do to anyone” (Tov., 4, 15). Most modern biblical scholars attribute the "Book of Tobit" to the period between the 5th and 3rd centuries BC.

    Around the same time or even earlier, Confucius's work “Lun Yu” dates back: “Zi Gong asked: is there one such word that can be guided throughout life? The teacher replied: Don't do to others what you don't want for yourself."

    Similar formulations are found in ancient Indian texts: One of the sayings of the Buddha reads: “ As he teaches another, so let him do it himself. (Dhammapada, XII, 159) and in Muslim: One of the hadiths of the Prophet Muhammad (the thirteenth in a selection of 40 hadiths of Nanavi) says: “No one can be considered a believer until he wishes for his brother what you want for yourself ».

    And of course, modern formulations from “You to me, I to you” to “reciprocal (mutual) altruism”. Modern ethologists believe that mutual altruism appeared in humans in the process of evolution as a result of natural egoism.

    Without going into details about the time, place and method of the appearance of the RFP, I want to draw attention to the fundamental difference in wording in the New and Old Testaments. Many consider these formulations to be identical, and even believe that in the New Testament, the RFP came from the Old. Having an external similarity, these two rules carry a different, one might even say, opposite meaning ...

    In the New Testament, the wording is positive - do others what is good for you. But, after all, it is not always that we are good and others are good. As they say, death to a German is knee-deep to a Russian. Positive wording is likely to be justified in relation to close people who have the same tastes and needs. After all, not every Jew will like a treat in the form of fat, and a Christian will like circumcision for his child. Nevertheless, it was the Christians who planted their faith on the Gentiles, including with the help of weapons. The communists also tried to force everyone to be happy. Not without reason, the last communist Zyuganov called Jesus Christ the first communist. And the last example - Russia by force of arms carries its understanding of "good" to neighboring Ukraine.

    The wording of the Old Testament is negative - do not do it others what is bad for you. Following this principle, you will not harm another person, even a stranger. This principle is more universal and justified in relation to both close people and strangers. The Jews never engaged in proselytism, involving non-believers in their faith, did not try to instill in others what they thought was good.

    Perhaps it is such a fundamentally different moral imperative among the supporters of the Old and New Testaments that determines their different cultural traditions, and, as a result, a different level of development of society.

    What is the meaning of the golden rule of morality


    Grigoryan Tatevik Vartanovna

    PhD student, Department of Philosophy, Transbaikal State

    University, Chita

    To begin with, it is important to note that many thousands of years ago, the Buddha formulated the so-called principle of reciprocity or the “golden rule of morality”. Its essence lies in the fact that a person, acting in a certain way, involuntarily evokes a response from the people around him, associated with a similar style of behavior. The "golden rule of morality" has its place in the Gospel (Christian religion) and in the saying of Muhammad (Islamic religion). For a clear understanding of the “golden rule of morality” and the idea of ​​humanism, it is necessary to at least briefly characterize the initial philosophical positions reflected in the Chinese, Arab-Muslim, Western European, Russian and Indian philosophical works of thinkers who lived in different historical eras.

    In the history of Eastern philosophy, in particular Chinese, Confucius, Meng Ke, Zhou Dunyi, brothers Cheng Hao and Cheng Yi, Wang Yangming, Feng Yulan and others spoke about the "golden rule of morality" and the ideas of humanism. In Arab-Muslim philosophy, these moral requirements are clearly seen in the works of Rudaki Abu Abdallah, Al-Farabi, Ibn Sina (Avicenna), Ibn Rushd, Ibn Khaldun and others. In the course of socio-historical development, these two moral requirements figured in the works of such prominent representatives of Western philosophical thought as Homer, Herodotus, Thales, B. Augustine, N. Kuzansky, T. Hobbes, P. Gassendi, J. Locke, J. O. La Mettrie, G. W. Leibniz, H. Thomasius, J. G. Herder, I. Kant, L. Feuerbach, F. Nietzsche and others. In Indian philosophy, the idea of ​​humanism and the "golden rule of morality" are reflected in the works of Nagarjuna, Shankara, Ramanuj, R. Tagore, S. Vivekananda, M. K. Gandhi, A. Ghosh, D. Nehru, M. R. Ananda, R. Swami and others. In the history of Russian and modern Russian philosophy, discussions about the moral principle of community life are contained, for example, in the works of P. Ya. Chaadaev, L. N. Tolstoy, P. Kropotkin, O. G. Drobnitsky, N. I. Kareev, V. G Afanasiev, I. T. Frolov and others. Consider the philosophical views of representatives of these cultures.

    As you know, in the historical ancient Chinese monument “Lun Yu” (“Conversations and Sayings”), in which the students of Confucius (Kung Fu Tzu) (551–479 BC) outlined the main views on the world order of their teacher. In this work, a priority place is given to the principle of "jen". The principle "jen" means humanity, philanthropy and humanity. It acts as the basis of the life of the "noble man" and distinguishes a person from the entire kingdom of the animal world.

    Confucius stood on the position that the whole world in its being and development is subordinate to the universal order. In order for humanity to triumph in a person, and not malevolence, he must turn away from all kinds of lies, greed, vanity, pretense, envy, self-interest, stupidity, idleness and idleness. According to the philosopher, the idea of ​​humanism is based on such fundamental moral values ​​as honesty, kindness, devotion, respect, generosity, learning, sharpness, diligence and strict observance of rituals. In addition, it is necessary to outwardly show signs of attention in relation to close relatives, strive to be friends with people equal to oneself, and courageously take on the correction of personal mistakes. The memory of the dead and the veneration of one's ancestors contributes to the strengthening of virtue among the people. Humanity is an important and universal quality that a "noble husband" should possess and try to apply everywhere.

    Confucius formulated the "golden rule of morality", which says: "What you cannot do to yourself, do not do to others." He considered this moral requirement difficult to fulfill and identified it with humanity. The philosopher believed that the humanity of a “noble man” would only increase if, if necessary, he gave his life for a virtuous goal on one condition: this act should in no way be committed in a state of recklessness, pessimism and hatred. The “noble man”, who has virtue and lives according to the principle of humanity, is opposed by the “little man”, who, due to his cowardice and licentiousness (moral, physical and mental), recklessly leans on the side of any person who turns his attention to him. Confucius believed that the desire to make excuses is a character trait that can only be inherent in a “little man” and all female representatives. To become like the image of a “noble man” or to become a low person is a choice that every person comes to sooner or later in his life.

    In Confucian ethics, the main goal is "ren" as the totality of all virtues, and at the same time it is an integral part of duty ("i") and ritual ("li"). That is, humanity, according to Confucius, is a moral ideal of human behavior in society, including serving as a fundamental criterion for public administration. The prevalence of the idea of ​​humanism in the public mind will contribute to the achievement of universal peace on earth. Each person, from the position of a philosopher, arranges his own present and future, therefore, the formulation of life goals and the choice of fundamental values ​​must be approached reasonably. The meaningfulness of personal existence and a humane way of life inspire a person with a sense of confidence and peace of mind.

    So, one can rightfully join the point of view of many researchers, for example, Zhu Xi, S. Wu Jozhef, L. S. Perelomov and others, according to which Confucius acts as the founder of the idea of ​​humanism in Chinese philosophy. The "Golden Rule of Morality" and the idea of ​​humanism in the philosophy of Confucius are identified.

    Muslim philosophy, which originated in the VIII century on the basis of ancient philosophical thought, is closely intertwined with the Islamic religion. Rudaki Abu Abdallah (860–941) made a significant contribution to the establishment of the social significance of the “golden rule of morality” and the idea of ​​humanism. He believed that good disposition and common sense are not inherited from father to son. Therefore, parents should not be proud of their merits, but make every effort to educate a person who is noble in soul, thoughts and deeds. Abdallah wrote: "Be generous yourself, become kind and open, and people will be generous with you." This statement of the philosopher closely echoes the semantic content of the so-called "golden rule of morality". Therefore, Abdallah argued that the one who speaks negatively about people is himself no better than the characteristics that he sends to the public.

    Abdallah noted that the life of every person is filled, alternately, with positive and negative moments. He believed that one should not in any way rely on fate, since it is always unfair to good people. He wrote: “Let the world be unfair to you, be fair yourself.” This statement of the philosopher is based on the belief that evil cannot be defeated by showing evil in return. From his position, only virtue should be responsible for atrocities. Evil exists not in order to arouse cruelty and aggression in people, but in order for humanity to emerge from their souls. Each person, from the position of a philosopher, must choose a lofty goal and irrevocably strive for it, not being afraid to go along previously unknown difficult “roads”.

    As a representative of Western philosophy, let us turn to the work of Pierre Gassendi (1592-1655). He identified the "golden rule of morality" with the idea of ​​humanism. Gassendi postulated: “Always act as if someone were watching you; for since you respect someone to such an extent, you yourself will soon become worthy of respect. In his opinion, if all people acted in accordance with this moral rule, then their life would always be filled with pleasure and happiness. Gassendi believed that social well-being could not be achieved without the guidance of the idea of ​​humanism and justice. They are designed to ensure a harmonious merging of the needs of the people with the individual aspirations inherent in each individual. Therefore, by humanity, the philosopher understood precisely the concern of each person for the common good, expressed in the reasonable performance of good deeds. At the same time, he did not believe in the possibility of establishing unconditional social consent and harmonious unity of all people.

    Ideas about justice and law, according to Gassendi, are not identical for all peoples. This is due to differences in climatic conditions, the presence of one or another flora and fauna, and other geographical factors in which people are forced to live. At the same time, the philosopher did not deny the possibility of the existence of common rules for all the rules of the hostel. The external manifestation of injustice is based on an unbridled passion in time, which arose as a result of accepting senseless judgments on faith as truth. Thus, Gassendi concluded that the public welfare of the state is achieved through the honest observance by all citizens of just and humane legal laws.

    A notable contribution to the development of the idea of ​​humanism and the "golden rule of morality" was made by the outstanding philosopher of the twentieth century Sarvepalla Radhakrishnan (1888-1975). Ch. Narayan noted his humanistic worldview most clearly: “The cornerstone of Radhakrishnan’s social philosophy was an axiom that goes back to idealistic metaphysics, according to which all people are involved in the same Divine nature and therefore are equally valuable and endowed with equal rights. The human person is the highest, most concrete incarnation of the Spirit on Earth, and everything that harms this person or his dignity is morally bad. Everything that contributes to self-realization is a blessing. Radhakrishnan called capitalism, communism and fascism anti-humanistic in nature. He advocated such a state-political form of social structure as social democracy, which, in his opinion, contributes to the comprehensive humanistic development of society, and during the years of his reign in India ((1962–1967), and 1952–1962 he was Vice President of India) tried to practically realize his views for the benefit of his people.

    This prominent Indian philosopher wrote: “Humanism is a just protest against those forms of religion that separate secular and sacred, time and eternity and break the unity of soul and body. Every religion should cultivate respect for the individual and for the rights of the individual…” . Radhakrishnan noted that religion is closely connected with social life, it is precisely the conductor, following which "... people reveal their aspirations and find solace in the collapse of their hopes." Rejecting dogmatism, fanaticism, and precisely false religion, he proclaimed the idea of ​​creating a humanistic nature, acting as an "eternal religion", in the center of which is man.

    Radhakrishnan wrote: “Humanism assumes that a person is by nature good and that evil is rooted in society, in the environment surrounding a person, and if it is changed, his goodness will appear and progress will be made.” Unfortunately, this idea did not receive further from the philosopher development. He only called on the individual to spiritual perfection, thanks to which, in his opinion, the formation of a humane person of a “new type” takes place.

    The "golden rule of morality" and the idea of ​​humanism in Indian philosophy have an ethical and practical orientation, in which the central place is given to personal being. These two moral principles of coexistence in Indian philosophy are closely intertwined with such mental components of a human being as emotions, reason and will.

    Among modern domestic scientists who are trying to substantiate the reality of the practical application of the "golden rule of morality" and the idea of ​​humanism, one can single out R. G. Apresyan, A. A. Huseynov, B. V. Markov. Among scientists in the field of pedagogy, such attempts are made, for example, by O. K. Pozdnyakov, O. V. Plotnikova, S. V. Pupkov, and V. K. Sukhanova.

    In particular, O.K. Pozdnyakov, analyzing the moral character of the student and teacher, from the position of pedagogical science notes that “... the justice and mercy of the teacher influence the motives of his activities and communication with students in such a way that they keep him from causing suffering to the student and encourage active help, “help in self-help” . Pozdnyakov believes that the “golden rule of morality”, based on such natural aspirations of a person as mercy and altruism, cannot manifest itself outwardly without the preliminary formation of moral consciousness in a person.

    Noting the positive and negative aspects of modern scientific and technological progress, V. K. Sukhanova and O. V. Plotnikova believe that the emerging inhumane manifestations may come from the problems that take place in the field of education. They note that one of the essential problems of technocratic development is that, for objective and subjective reasons, the humanistic attitude towards each person as the highest value of being is being lost in the world. The authors emphasize: “The implementation of a humanistic orientation is a common task for all subjects of the natural science cycle. But full realization can only be achieved with a mandatory partnership between a teacher and a student, a student-centered approach, the main idea of ​​which is as follows: the teacher is a condition for the development and personal growth of the student, and vice versa. Thus, they conclude that the main purpose of the teacher is to prepare the student for harmonious interaction with the spiritual and material world around.

    To complete the analysis, let us briefly consider the humanistic views of the famous Russian philosopher Leo Tolstoy (1828–1910). His interpretation of the idea of ​​humanism is based on the religious and philosophical concept he created. Based on Christian doctrine, he formulated the following humane rule of community life: “The whole teaching of Christ is to love people. To love people means to treat them the way you want others to treat you. And since no one wants to be raped, then, doing to others as you want them to do to you, in no case should you rape them. The central place in this concept is occupied by the theme of the moral foundations of the individual, including the principle of non-resistance to evil by violence.

    The Russian philosopher believed that morality is crucial for the formation of a prosperous society. God for the philosopher is the highest and purest moral principle in the human soul. The philosopher argued that the victory over evil, the path to happiness and the practical embodiment of the Christian ideal of universal brotherhood are practically possible thanks to the great efforts of each person for their moral perfection. Tolstoy considered modesty, suppression of passions and control over one's desires to be the main moral qualities.

    It is worth noting that Tolstoy advocated the elimination of illiteracy from society, and spoke of the need to instill in the people a love of enlightenment. Only an educated person, from the position of a philosopher, can create the best conditions for life, correctly distinguish between the external manifestations of good and evil. Every person has a natural desire for the good for himself. Recognizing the egoistic principle in a person, Tolstoy noted that a person can do good to another person only if this improves his life situation at times, and not do evil due to the fact that causing suffering to other people can harm his personal well-being . Thus, the good of each person depends on the nature of his relationship with other people. Human life should not be meaningless. For this, according to the philosopher, one must not allow fussiness, not allow oneself to sink to a lustful state and a beggarly material and social position in society.

    The main philosophical and humanistic ideas of Tolstoy can be reduced to the following main theses. Firstly, wisdom is not measured by volumes of knowledge, but lies in harmonious coexistence and moderate use of material goods. Secondly, a happy peace on earth is possible only when each person is imbued with sympathy for his neighbor and loves all people, thereby sacrificing his egoistic feeling. That is, true happiness lies in self-denial and philanthropy. Thirdly, it is necessary to always adhere to the indestructible Christian ideals that give the meaning of life, which lies in reasonableness. Thus, a person realizes himself as a rational being, cognizes the joy of family life and other higher blessings. At the same time, he must turn away from all unreasonable animal-personal qualities that have a detrimental effect on his way of life, for example, from drunkenness, gluttony, sexual intemperance, and the like. Fifthly, every person has a divine power from birth, which is important not to destroy, since it is a source of true happiness and humanity. And, finally, sixthly, the process of upbringing and education of the younger generation must be free, humane, purposeful and conscious. And in order to become familiar with spiritual culture, it is necessary to master some useful kind of art that contributes to the full formation of a humane personality.

    From all of the above, it follows that the "golden rule of morality" is closely connected with the idea of ​​humanism. The second moral requirement, like the first one, originated many centuries ago and covers the religious sphere, for example, Christian humanism takes place in the history of philosophy. At present, due to the growth of global threats, the world community has increasingly begun to talk about the need to revive the idea of ​​humanism. Acting as a universal and potential foundation in man, the idea of ​​humanism is designed to ensure a prosperous and happy world order. What is common between the “golden rule of morality” and the idea of ​​humanism is that the source of their emergence is precisely humanity in a human being, thus being the products of thinking and rational social activity.

    . Gold bar.|| containing gold. Golden sand. Placers of gold.|| Made of gold, plated with gold. Golden ring. Gold chain. Golden watch.|| Woven, embroidered with gold. [Women] wore golden kokoshniks on their heads. L. Tolstoy, Cossacks. Hat on Opanas with a golden top. Korolenko, "The forest makes noise". With a simple eye one could distinguish the dark masses of the Cossack cavalry and infantry, and in some places among them - the gleam of golden banners. A. N. Tolstoy, Gloomy morning. || Calculated in gold, at the rate of gold. Golden ruble. Golden exchange. Gold currency.

    2. in meaning noun gold, -wow, m. Gold coin; chervonets. Rostov took the money and, mechanically, putting aside and equalizing heaps of old and new gold, began to count them. L. Tolstoy, War and Peace. The captain beat his card. The jar was full of papers and gold. Veresaev, On vacation.

    3. Brilliant yellow, the color of gold. Golden curls.Quietly splashed into the shores of the lake, doused --- with the golden rays of the morning sun. I. Goncharov, Ordinary history. The sun was setting, its last rays scattered in wide crimson stripes; golden clouds spread across the sky smaller and smaller. Turgenev, Lgov. On the golden fields The mist descends in a transparent wave. I. Nikitin, Evening.

    4. trans. Remarkable in its merits, excellent, very good. Gold words.“He is a wonderful and surprisingly kind person. His heart is golden. L. Tolstoy, Anna Karenina. And the character of the most - Not to say that gold. Tvardovsky, About the calf. For Chernoivanenko, this was a golden, irreplaceable person. He had an enormous revolutionary underground experience. Kataev, Catacombs.

    5. trans. Happy, auspicious; brilliant, splendid. Edges of Moscow, native lands, Where at the dawn of blooming years I spent golden hours of carelessness. Pushkin, Memories in Tsarskoye Selo. The golden days of a carefree, cheerful childhood are quickly flashing by! Grigorovich, Fishermen. In the cradle of the Russian state - a continuous line of development up to the golden times of Kyiv. A. N. Tolstoy, Where did the Russian land come from.

    6. trans.(in circulation). Dear beloved. - What did he say, my golden Katerina? Gogol, Terrible revenge. - Uncle Anton, my dear, you are my gold! let me unharness the horse, --- the boy shouted. Grigorovich, Anton Goremyka. [Ustinya Naumovna (entering):] Hello, golden ones! What are you sad - hung up your noses? A. Ostrovsky, Our people - let's settle!

    7. As an integral part of some botanical, zoological and mineralogical names. Golden tree. Golden beetle. Gold fish. Golden trick.

    Golden age- about the heyday of sciences and arts in the history of some people.

    gold mine cm. bottom .

    Golden Rain cm. rain .

    golden sack cm. bag .

    Golden youth- idle, life-burning youth from the bourgeois-noble strata of society.

    gold autumn- dry and sunny autumn, when shades of yellowing foliage are especially bright and varied.

    Golden company (simple. obsolete) - vagrants, tramps, ragamuffins.

    Skillful fingers who- about someone who skillfully, skillfully does everything, copes with any work.

    The Golden Fleece cm. fleece 1 .

    golden wedding- the fiftieth anniversary of marriage.

    Golden mean- about the manner of action, behavior, alien to risk, extremes (translation of the saying of the Roman poet Horace: aurea mediocritas).

    golden ratio- a harmonic proportion in which one part is related to another, as the whole is related to the first part.

    gold standard- existed in a number of capitalist countries of Western Europe and in Russia before the start of the 1st World War of 1914-1918. a form of organization of monetary circulation in which gold coins were in circulation, and banknotes and other banknotes were exchanged for gold at face value.

    Golden Taurus cm. Taurus .

    gold fund- 1) a fund of precious metals (mainly gold) in ingots or coins, owned by the state; 2) about someone, something. especially valuable. Golden Fund of Soviet Literature.

    golden time to waste or miss)- to lose valuable time for smth. business, occupation.

    Promise ( or promise) mountains of gold- promising too much.

    Goldsmith (obsolete) is a jeweler.

    Source (printed version): Dictionary of the Russian language: In 4 volumes / RAS, Institute of Linguistics. research; Ed. A. P. Evgenieva. - 4th ed., erased. - M.: Rus. lang.; Polygraphic resources, 1999; (electronic version):

    It was developed by famous thinkers and teachers in antiquity, but it is still very relevant today. The "Golden Rule of Conduct" fixes a comprehensive moral principle in relation to another person within any practical situation. It extends to everything related to human relations.

    What is the "golden rule of morality"?

    It is present, without exaggeration, in every existing religion in one form or another. The "Golden Rule of Morality" is a fundamental canon that reflects the call of morality. It is most often perceived as its fundamental, most important truth. The rule of morality under consideration is: “Do not do to another what you do not want them to do to you” (Quod tibi fieri non vis alteri ne feceris).

    The concentration of practical wisdom in it is one of the aspects of endless ethical reflections.

    Historical facts regarding the rule in question

    The period of its occurrence is attributed to the middle of 1 thousand BC. e., when the humanist revolution proceeded. It acquired the status of "golden" in the 18th century.

    It is known that earlier in tribal communities there was a custom regarding blood feud - talion (retribution equivalent to a crime committed). He acted as a kind of limiter of the enmity of the clans, since this cruel law demanded an equivalent punishment.

    When tribal relations began to disappear, there was a difficulty in a clear division, so to speak, into strangers and friends. Economic ties outside the community often turned out to be more significant than family ties.

    So, already the community did not seek to answer for the misdeeds of its individual members. In this regard, the talion loses its effectiveness, and there is a need to form a completely new principle that allows you to regulate interpersonal relations that do not depend on tribal affiliation. It was this principle that was the rule: "Treat people the way you would like to be treated."

    Deciphering this ethical rule

    In its various formulations, there is one common link - “another”. It means any person (closest or distant relative, acquaintance or unfamiliar).

    The meaning of the "golden rule of morality" is the equivalence of all people with regard to their freedom and opportunity to improve. This is a kind of equality in terms of the best human qualities and optimal standards of behavior.

    If you ask the question "The "Golden Rule of Morality" - what is it?", the answer should reveal not its literal interpretation, but the inner philosophical meaning that brought it to the status of "golden".

    Thus, this ethical rule presupposes an advance awareness by a single person of the consequences of his actions in the future in relation to another person by projecting himself into his place. It teaches you to treat others as you treat yourself.

    In what cultures is it reflected?

    At the same time (but independently of each other), the "golden rule of conduct" appeared in Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity, Islam, as well as in ethical and philosophical teachings (Confucianism). One of the formulations of it can be seen in the Mahabharata (sayings of the Buddha).

    It is known that Confucius, answering the question of his student about whether there is such a word that one could be guided by all his life, said: “This word is “reciprocity”. Don't do to others what you don't want for yourself."

    In ancient Greek creations, it is found in Homer's classic poem "The Odyssey", in the prose work of Herodotus "History", as well as in the teachings of Socrates, Aristotle, Hesiod, Plato, Thales of Miletus and Seneca.

    In the Bible, this rule is mentioned twice: in the Sermon on the Mount (Matt. 7:12; Luke 3:31, Gospel) and in the conversations of the apostles of Jesus Christ.

    In the Sunnah (sayings of Muhammad), the "golden rule of morality" states: "Do to all people what you would like people to do to you, and do not do to others what you would not want to yourself."

    Statement of the "golden rule of morality"

    In the past, attempts were made to classify its form according to aesthetic or social criteria.

    Thus, the German philosopher Christian Thomasius identified three main forms of the rule under consideration, while delimiting the areas of law, morality and politics, which he called decency and respect.

    They look like this.

    1. The principle of law is philosophically revealed as a kind of requirement, according to which a person should not do in relation to another what he would not like to be done in relation to himself.
    2. The principle of decency is presented in the form of an ethical call for an individual to do to another subject what he himself would like to be done to him.
    3. The principle of respect is revealed in the fact that a person always acts with regard to other people as he would like them to act in relation to himself.

    The German researcher G. Reiner also proposed three formulations of the "golden rule", which echo the above interpretations (H. Tomasius).

    • The first formulation is the rule of feeling, which says: "(Do not) do to another what you (do not) wish for yourself."
    • The second - the rule of autonomy sounds: "(Do not) do yourself what you find (not) laudable in another."
    • The third - the rule of reciprocity has the form: "As you (do not) want people to act towards you, (do not) do the same to you in relation to them."

    "The golden rule of morality" in proverbs and sayings

    This moral canon is firmly entrenched in the mass consciousness of people, mainly in the form of folklore.

    So, for example, the meaning of the "golden rule of morality" is reflected in a number of Russian proverbs.

    1. “What you don’t like in another, don’t do it yourself.”
    2. "Don't dig a hole for someone else - you yourself will fall into it."
    3. "As it comes around, it will respond."
    4. “As you shout into the forest, so it will respond from the forest.”
    5. “What you want for people, you get yourself.”
    6. "Don't spit in the well - you yourself will have to drink water."
    7. “Doing evil to people, do not expect good from them”, etc.

    So, the “golden rule of morality” in proverbs and sayings made it possible to apply it quite often in everyday life and pass it on from generation to generation in the form of easily remembered folklore.

    "The Diamond Rule of Morality"

    It is an addition to the previously considered "golden". It was the diamond rule that was called because of the versatility, symbolizing the human individuality, which is unique in its kind.

    So, as mentioned earlier, the "golden rule of morality" says: "Do not do to others what you do not want them to do to you." "Diamond" adds: "Do what no one can but you." Here the emphasis is on the benefits (purely individual for a particular person) to the maximum possible number of people.

    In other words, the "diamond-gold rule of morality" says: "Do so that your greatest abilities serve the greatest needs of others." It is the uniqueness of this individual (the subject of ethical action) that acts as a universal criterion.

    So, if the “golden rule of morality” is the transformation of a subject into an object (a mental projection of oneself into the place of another person and a conscious rejection of those actions that one would not like oneself), the “diamond” canon, on the contrary, highlights precisely the irreducibility of the moral subject under consideration. actions to the target object, as well as its exclusivity and individuality.

    "The golden rule of morality" as an object of close attention of philosophers

    Thomas Hobbes presented it as the basis of natural laws, which play a decisive role in people's lives. It is simple enough for everyone to understand. This rule allows you to limit purely personal egoistic claims and thereby create a basis for the unity of all people within the state.

    The English philosopher John Locke did not perceive the "golden rule of morality" as something given to man from birth, but, on the contrary, pointed out that it is based on the natural equality of all people, and if they realize this through this canon, they will come to public virtue.

    The German philosopher was quite critical of the traditional formulations of the canon in question. In his opinion, the “golden rule of morality” in its explicit form does not make it possible to assess the degree of ethical development of an individual: a person can underestimate moral requirements in relation to himself or take an egoistic position (I will not interfere with your life, do not interfere with me) . It includes a person's desire in his moral behavior. However, it is these desires, passions and dreams that often make a person a hostage to his nature and completely cut off his morality - human freedom.

    But still (the central concept of ethical teaching) is an exclusively philosophical refinement of the existing canon. According to Kant, the "golden rule of morality" says: "Act in such a way that the maxim of your will can always become the basis of universal legislation." In this definition, the German philosopher tries, so to speak, to close the loophole even to the smallest human egoism. He believed that human desires and passions should not replace the true ethical motives of an act. The individual is responsible for all possible consequences of his actions.

    Two trends in the ethical self-determination of a person from the point of view of new European philosophers

    The first presents a person as a social individual who obeys generally accepted morality.

    The second trend is focused on understanding the representative of the human race as a person striving for the corresponding ideal (maturity, integrity, self-development, self-actualization, individualization, realization of the inner essence, etc.), and morality as a way to achieve internal self-improvement.

    If in modern society one says to philosophers: “Formulate the golden rule of morality,” the answer will be not its standard formulation, but a deeper emphasis on the person considered in it, acting as the subject of ethical action.

    The fall of the moral level in modern society

    In the life of society around the world since the beginning of the 20th century, it has become significantly impoverished. This is due to the dominant position today of economic problems and related ideological and political issues (practically all people's actions are aimed at accumulating predominantly material wealth).

    In the constant race for wealth, a person neglected spirituality, stopped thinking about internal self-improvement, and began to ignore the ethical side of his actions. This trend has been observed since the end of the 19th century. Even F. M. Dostoevsky wrote about the unbridled thirst for money, which seized the people of that era (more than a century ago) to the point of stupefaction (“The Idiot”).

    Most people have forgotten, and many did not even know, that the "golden rule of morality" says.

    The result of the processes taking place at the present time may be a stagnation in the development of civilization, or even evolution will come to a standstill.

    A significant role in the fading morality of society with regards to Russia and Germany was played by the corresponding ideologies that arose in all its layers during the coming to power of the Bolsheviks and the Nazis, respectively.

    The low ethical level of mankind, as a rule, is clearly recorded at critical moments in history (revolutions, civil and interstate wars, instability of the state order, etc.). Egregious violations of moral norms in Russia can serve as an example: during the years of the civil war (1918-1921), during the Second World War (1939-1945), during the era of Stalin's industrialization (20-30s) and in our days in the form of an "epidemic" of terrorist acts. All these events led to one deplorable outcome - the death of a large number of innocent people.

    Moral aspects are most often not taken into account in the process of solving state issues: during economic, social, agricultural and industrial reforms (as a rule, the result is negative environmental consequences).

    The unfavorable current situation in our country in almost all areas of people's lives is a direct consequence of government miscalculations regarding the existing ethical level of society at the time of the next government decision.

    Recent years have been marked by a deterioration in the criminal situation in our country: the number of murders, contract and particularly cruel, bullying, theft, rape, bribery, vandalism, etc. has increased. All this most often goes unpunished, as the percentage of crimes solved has decreased.

    A curious example of the disorder and chaos that currently reigns in our country is a sensational story that occurred in 1996: two people were detained for committing an act of stealing a cardboard box from the Government House of Russia, which contained half a million US dollars. Soon an official statement was received that the owner of the money did not show up, in connection with which this criminal case was closed, and the investigation was terminated. The criminals instantly became "benefactors of the state", as it turns out, they found a "treasure", and the seized money was sent to the state treasury.

    Everyone understands that the owner of the money acquired them dishonestly, otherwise he would immediately lay claim to his rights to them. In this case, the prosecutor's office had to conduct an investigation to find out the source of the appearance of this box with a very significant amount of money. Why this did not happen - official authorized persons are tactfully silent. It remains to be assumed that the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the courts and the prosecutor's office cannot cope with the current criminal situation in the country. And the reason for this is, apparently, the corruption of a large number of government officials.

    *“With the help of GOLD... you can extract the souls of purgatory and populate paradise with them...” Christopher Columbus *After the death of Mahatma Gandhi, there is no one to talk to...”
    Russian President Vladimir Putin * Putin in 2008 will leave the presidency, but retain his influence on political life ... . He will never be president of Russia again. He is waiting for the "Golden Path".

    Nepalese Oracle Predictions

    Columbus discovered not only America. The main discovery of Christopher Columbus is in his words: With GOLD you can not only do anything in this world, with its help it is possible to extract souls from purgatory and populate paradise with them...", In a letter to King Ferdinand, the man who discovered America, pointed to the main secret of the Creator, lost with the destruction of the Library of Alexandria.

    And only now, in the era of nanotechnology and rapid progress in the treatment of cancer using GOLD and other metals of the platinum group (with a high spin moment), the most progressive part of humanity is beginning to understand: trading operations!

    The owners of Russian oil capitals in the last year shift their capitals to gold mining so urgently that one might think that they have gained access to the secrets of the Golden Water (Torah, Mei-Zahav), the House of Gold, the Brotherhood of the Golden Rosicrucians, the secret of the “light-forming white gold powder” , guarded by the "Great White Brotherhood", and the golden statue of George Washington, standing in the meeting room of the New York Masonic Center. Or, moreover, they gained access to the secrets of levitation and the Immaculate Conception.

    But no, as long as the “shift” from the oil business to the gold business is just a reflection of the understanding that:

    Firstly, the price of oil "beats back" through the growth in the price of gold and, accordingly, through the decrease in the gold content in the US dollar. And since, according to the calculations of American experts, the US economy is growing positively with rising oil prices and, moreover, America is “psychologically ready” for oil prices, up to $150 per barrel, the price of gold may well continue to grow only for this reason.

    Second, gold becomes a good investment as the gold content of the dollar declines, leading to its inflation.

    Thirdly, discoveries related to the new properties of atomic gold, primarily in the treatment of cancer, in achieving physical longevity, the development of the phenomenal ability of memory to remember huge amounts of information, as well as discoveries in the field of practical application of gold-containing drugs, cosmetics lead to a sharp increase in demand for gold (!) in connection with the expansion of its use in the production of goods and services of the best quality, using the highest technologies. In the coming years, this component of the demand for gold will increase dramatically!

    The golden style in interiors is only a reflection of the growing demand for "Gold-containing goods and services." As well as the fact that, for example, in the Carven restaurant (which is near the White House on Krasnopresnenskaya Embankment) “risotto with porcini mushrooms, decorated with GOLD foil, which can be eaten by mixing with rice, is considered the crowning achievement of chefs. Gold foil was, at one time, the corporate style of the menu of wealthy passengers of Concorde airliners. In Indian cuisine, dessert dishes are covered with the thinnest golden food foil. In 2005, “golden” drinking water appeared on sale (in a glass “container” in the form of the Eiffel Tower), which contains colloidal gold. The American company ABC Dispensing Technologies, the manufacturer of the novelty, said that this is the world's first drinking water that contains gold.

    The point is basically the same: "Food with Gold", or "Food in Gold", or "Food on the Gold Plate", which is generally known from ancient times.

    In ancient Egypt it was believed that it is necessary to feed not only the material body of a person, but also his luminous body (soul) and therefore the Egyptian priests had access to such a delicacy as "White Bread" - a powder made from gold, which elevated the soul and spirit, bringing it closer to grace and a heavenly state. Egyptian kings ate white manna made of gold starting around 2180 BC. This is written by Lawrence Gardner - royal historian of the European Royal Council /1/.

    It was this phenomenon, along with other secrets, that Columbus was talking about when he mentioned the ability of GOLD (golden powder) to pull the soul out of Hell and send it to Paradise. A concomitant effect was the effect of extraordinary lightness, weightlessness. In my opinion, we could also talk about levitation, since the legends about the Hyperboreans (North of Russia in ancient times) also mention that the ability to fly (more precisely, antigravity) arose after taking secret potions.

    The secret of the "light-forming white gold powder" is deliberately destroyed, but the legends remain. However, modern scientists have already discovered a powder (of gold origin) with similar properties, which is a natural superconductor with a zero magnetic field, deflecting both the north and south magnetic poles, having the ability to levitate and store any amount of light and energy. The superconductivity of this "exotic matter" has been hailed by scientists at the University of Illinois as "the most remarkable physical property in the universe."

    Hence the interest in the ancient traditions of the priests, driven by the latest discoveries of new properties of GOLD nanoparticles. And these discoveries are, in fact, rediscoveries advanced science that was understandable, or at least known to the inhabitants of ancient Mesopotamia, Egypt and Israeli clergy.

    But this is still a PREAMBLE.

    The fact is that today in modern elites there is an awareness of the sacred meaning of GOLD, but there is no knowledge of this sacred meaning itself.

    In the actions of the elites, there is a reflection of reverence for the effects of rejuvenation and healing that GOLD really gives, but, at the moment, there is no understanding of the MECHANISM of GOLD's action. The luminaries, first of all, medical science, as well as physicists, observe an incredible therapeutic success with the use of gold nanoparticles, but more often this effect is a side effect, and not the result of an experimental verification of some single harmonious concept. At present, the explanation of the MECHANISM is discrete. Glimpses.

    Therefore, even now (regardless of what is happening in the world of science!) we are trading in GOLD, saving up GOLD, locking us in chests and bank vaults, while God gave us GOLD not at all for this ... GOLD is the elixir of life and immortality, and we traded and traded "Immortality and Divinity".

    GOLD points to the path to Paradise. Just don't read the words of Columbus in such a way that by paying God with a considerable number of ounces of gold, we can bribe him and replace the ticket to Hell with a ticket to Paradise. You can’t buy for gold the way to paradise through the mediation of the ministers of the church… It’s about something else…

    It is just about what is the secret of the Golden Age, the Golden Water, the Golden Way, which was predicted to Vladimir Putin; a secret, perhaps well-known Indian dynasty of the Mahatmas (a spiritual-theocratic dynasty that ruled India for many years), and also, of course, known to the ancient Greek philosophers (Plato and others), who are often called pagans.

    So, since new discoveries confirm ancient legends, let's summarize what is known about gold powder and gold nanoparticles, from the time of Ancient Egypt to the latest discoveries of modern scientists.

    Ancient Egypt. Egyptian hierophants

    In ancient Egypt, “light-forming white gold powder” was known, which cleansed the soul of a person, had a positive effect on his energy and gave a feeling of lightness and even according to legend, in exceptional cases, allowed the soul to leave the body and then return to it back. Purification of the human soul led to physical longevity. Thus, this "White Bread" made it possible to approach some image of the "Ideal Man". All the leading priests and alchemists of that period, up to Dr. Paracelsus, spoke about one thing: The main task is not to get tons of gold by transmuting metals, but to get the "Ideal Man" / 5 /. Accordingly, the task was to obtain medicines (exotic food) in order to lead a person along the so-called Golden Path (along the path of perfection), and make him Ideal, not ill, harmonious, kind, moral, sincere, pure, immortal Soul.

    The essence and meaning of the “golden powder” is well explained by the story of Moses and the Israelites on Mount Horeb in Sinai, where Moses was upset to find that his brother Aaron had collected golden rings from the Israelites and forged a golden calf from them as an idol for worship. Finally, Moses took the golden calf and set him on fire, then grind to powder and fed the Israelis.

    North of modern Russia. shamans

    Shamans were aware of the unique healing properties of chilli. Znobit is a very rare breed containing insoluble complex salts of GOLD, which have not yet been artificially reproduced. The meteorite hypothesis of the origin of chills is the most popular. After disintegrating in the atmosphere, its small (about 0.1 mm) shiny crystals scattered above the eternal ice, forming a spot of an elongated elliptical shape; subsequently, its shape was disturbed by the drift of ice floes. Tribes subarctic regions of the North-East of Russia mined shivering throughout its recorded history. The powder melted out of the ice, dried, and separated from the grains of sand by sticking to the fingers; over the hands of the miner, shamans performed a special cleansing rite using horsetail and bone meal. A stock of shiver was kept at the head of the shaman; it was used in the treatment of a series of diseases, to poison enemies (in large doses). The Altai shamans also knew about chills. And even Dr. Paracelsus traveled on the territory of modern Russia, talked a lot with shamans. Among other things, he was interested in questions of radioactivity (radioactive minerals in the Arctic regions).

    As you can see, the very method of extraction is chilly, indicating that the shamans, according to their experience, already then knew magnetic properties of fine gold salt crystals. And using the "magnetism of the hands" (weak magnetic fields), they "fished out" golden grains of sand from the Eternal Ice. In this case, as in the legends about Egypt, we are talking about the healing and magnetic properties of powder from gold particles. However, this powder, as well as "White Bread", does not seem to be obtained only by simple mechanical crushing of gold.

    I would like to draw your attention to the fact that Moses, before crushing the GOLD, betrayed it to FIRE ... and this is the KEY and CODE to future scientific discoveries, even if someone does not like the "fire worshipers" - the pagans. In this case, this is the first position I defend. At the same time, I am talking about FIRE as a natural "Antigravitant", because only the flame of fire rushes upwards, towards gravity, while everything else tends to the earth. In these reflections on fire, the context of the Kabbalistic book "Esh ha-Metzaref", "The Purifying Fire" also matters.

    What is happening in the modern world

    modern planet

    Japan Japanese scientists in 2003-2004 discovered GOLD "nanomagnets". Their experiments showed that the magnetic properties of gold nanoparticles are significantly different from the properties of ordinary gold - they behave like ferromagnetic particles. Gold in its normal state is diamagnetic. Thus, Japanese scientists have discovered what shamans have long known from the practice of extracting shiver. This is the magnetism that appears in small particles of gold / 2 / America Oncologists from Arkansas proposed an interesting method for the treatment of malignant tumors of the mammary glands (2003). In the method developed by them, the key role is assigned to GOLD, which saturates cancer cells. Scientists have suggested saturating breast tumors with GOLD (for example, by implanting thin gold strips under the skin of the breast), and then irradiating the breast with a low-energy laser. Gold reflects laser beams in such a way that their energy is scattered over cancer cells, destroying the latter / 4 / Russia The group of academician Philip Rutberg of the St. plasma water treatment. Later it turned out that plasma-treated water selectively affects cancer cells leaving whole healthy. The reason for the unusual effect is that, due to the discharge, charged particles “fly off” the electrodes. copper nanoparticles(2-10 nm in size). In June 2006, the plasma water purification project of Technosystema-EKO CJSC (Moscow) received the Grand Prix of the Competition of Russian Innovations, the general partner of which was the Shell concern in Russia. Germany Scientists from the Ludwig-Maximilians University in Munich proposed mixing drugs with magnetic nanoparticles, or nanomagnetosols, in microdroplets of water, to then direct them to the affected areas using a magnetic field (2007).

    Back in 1995, Scientific American discussed the effect that ruthenium caused (high spin) when interacting with human DNA. It has been argued that if individual ruthenium atoms are placed at each end of a short strand of DNA such a chain becomes in fact a superconductor. Today's science has established that monoatomic ruthenium enters into resonance with DNA, dismantles short spirals and reassembles them in the correct form. Cell recovers

    I specifically presented precisely those scientific achievements that are important for understanding how discoveries in the field of nanotechnology make it possible today Reconstruct ancient knowledge, preserved, most often, in the form of legends and codes, and also bring together the positions of science and world religions.

    Among the main ones, the following scientific vectors stand out:

    1. Magnetism of gold nanoparticles
    2. Magnetic nanoparticles as "vehicles" for targeted delivery of anti-cancer drugs.
    3. Saturation of cancer cells with gold
    4. "Cure" DNA gold.
    5. Small volumes of gold that heal "life structures" many times larger in volume and mass.
    6. Organic memory on gold nanoparticles
    7. Interaction of nanoparticles and water to obtain the effect of "Living Water"

    I will dwell on "Living Water", because from my point of view, the “entry” into the study of the problem through the “Living Water” allows us to start the movement of mankind along the evolutionary path, based on the ancient wisdom of Hermes Trismegistus, Pythagoras, Plato, as predicted by E. Blavatsky, as you know, a student of Mahatmas ( Great Brotherhood of the Teachers of Humanity, Initiates)

    In folk wisdom, for many centuries, “Living Water” is understood as natural water. This is dew, melt water, water from mountain rivers and waterfalls, water from the bowels (mineral, etc.). Such "Living Water", of course, as in fairy tales does not enliven, it gives energy and mood. The main problem is that the natural "Living Water" retains its properties for no more than a day, i.e. it is difficult to store it, it "dies".

    In ancient times, Egyptian queens forced their slaves to sleep along the perimeter of the pool to "revitalize" the water in the pools. According to the hypothesis that I am developing in this article, in a similar way they used human magnetic fields to magnetize water. This is also indicated by the fact that the disciples often asked to drink water from the head of the Teacher. Those. The water placed at the head of the Teacher during sleep not only fell under the influence of the Teacher's magnetism, but also "remembered" the information of his energy field. The previously known effects of "remembering" information with charmed water are also confirmed by many scientific studies of recent years and do not cause discussion.

    In recent years, the "Drinking Water" business has often used the "Zhivaya Voda" brand. At the same time, in cases where the case is put on stream, most often, identify "Living Water" and "Magnetic Water". There are many ways of magnetic water treatment. The latest achievements include water purification by nanofilters.../6/. It can be assumed that it is the magnetism of nanoparticles in this case that provides the temporary magnetization of water.

    However, as I said above, there is a problem not only in obtaining "Living Magnetic Water". There is a problem of preserving the "Living Water".

    Here is a quote: “And then the tree (silver) spoke: - Listen to me, young man! At the bottom of the spring lies a jug. Take it out and fill it with living water. Then break off one branch from me. On the way back, you will dip a branch in living water, and sprinkle stones on the path... Machey bent over the spring and saw at the bottom golden jug, took it out, scooped it up living water».

    Only today, after a compilation and analysis of all scientific discoveries, it can be said that this quote from the tale of "Living Water" contains the Code of the Creator.

    It turns out that in folk tales many centuries ago there was the knowledge that GOLD is a diamagnet, repels an external magnetic field (which is close in its properties to superconductors), i.e. protects the liquid in the "Golden Vessel" from the influence of external fields, without changing the magnetism of what is inside. To be more precise, preserving the magnetism of the “Living Water” inside the “Golden Vessel”.

    Therefore, the second protected provision of this article can be formulated as follows: “The golden jug with the“ Living Water ”inside and the“ Silver Branch ”is the formula of the“ Ideal Man ”

    This is the formula of a Human who has the so-called "Light-Soul"(associated with superconductivity and high spin in the terminology of modern physics)

    This is the formula of a newborn child: pure, innocent. Child, internal "Living Water", which, from the point of view of modern scientific discoveries, is called a cluster. Under a microscope, it looks like snowflakes. This water is found in all babies: human, tree shoots, foals. All babies are filled with cluster water, but it disappears very quickly and turns into structured water. And then, no less quickly, due to aging and loss of health, it begins to move into an unstructured state. At Georgia State University, where this research is being conducted, it has been found that every diseased cell in our body is surrounded by unstructured water. And healthy cells are surrounded by structured water. Natural water in rivers and lakes is also structured. Cancer cells are hydrophobic (dehydrated).

    Based on the main principle: “Everything is created in the image and likeness of God”, we must conclude that the formula of an ideal living cell of the human body is identical to the formula of the Ideal Man.

    Thus, a living cell must have a “Light-Soul” or otherwise a “Golden Soul”. A cancer cell is a cell without a Soul. The task of the treatment is to breathe the Soul into it.

    It is known that cancer cells accumulate gold and the principle of cancer diagnostics is based on this. Those. cancer cells, trying to survive on their own, draw in gold particles.

    The human body is so perfect that it tries to put GOLD PATCHES on its “gold-containing human suit” that has received “holes” for itself. A person is capable of GOLD regeneration - this is the third position I defend.

    Unfortunately, through these "holes" life energy "leaks" from the human body, and, it must be understood, cosmic radiation will get inside, killing more and more new cells. It can be concluded that this state of “violation of the tightness of the human body by cancer cells” is especially dangerous for women. Since every month their body makes a “preparation” of cells without a soul for a possible child. Probably from here, in the treatment of cancer, in a number of countries that have advanced along this path, the formula "Kill a woman" acquires great importance. And in America, a drug-based rejection of these monthly risks is being promoted.

    What I called “gold-containing human spacesuit” - this is the likeness of the “Golden jug of Man”.

    Ability to golden regeneration has been preserved by Man from the time when he was perfection itself, and in history was called the man of the "Golden Age".

    Physicians have already understood that cancer cells “ask” to quench their thirst in gold (other metals with high spin) and, in principle, all the main cancer treatment regimens are based on this. However, there is the problem of overdose and toxicity. There is also a question about why every sixth patient has to give up gold-containing drugs because of side effects /3/. All these questions will be answered if the study of the problem is approached from the point of view of AL-chemistry (AL-gold), i.e. from the position of the Initiates into the secrets of the House of Gold.

    So, the cancer cell wants to become GOLD and be surrounded by "Living Water". But the “Golden Jug of Man” got “holes” and the water in the Man, once Living (structured) turns into unstructured .. In this case, the body or, at least, diseased cells need a constant source of “Living Water”.

    Just such a source can be “GOLDEN water”, i.e. water containing gold nanomagnets and thereby retaining its magnetism. From the point of view of magnetism, water containing nanoparticles of other metals present in the human body, in particular copper, is also suitable (perhaps to a lesser extent). A side effect of the selective effect of plasma water on cancer cells, described above, confirms this conclusion. However, from my point of view, the high spin moment of the metal is still of fundamental importance.

    Thus, all the latest discoveries in the field of medicine confirm the conclusion that the CURE of a person is the desire of the body to the gold standard.

    It is no coincidence that a kind and enlightened person is called the "Golden Man", a person with a "Golden Soul" among the people. They say about those who put their soul into the business: “Golden hands”. Those who receive the same talent as an insight are called "Nuggets". All this must be understood literally, as well as the words of the song of geologists: “We are able to distinguish expensive ore from empty rock in life ..”

    The priests of Ancient Egypt and AL-chemists saw the universe in the same way. The transformation of less noble metals into more noble ones, in particular, copper into gold, they called CURE. By analogy, the CURE of a person was associated with their transformation into a noble person, into an ideal person, into a person with a conscience, morality and intellect. All this was accompanied by the "healing of metals" also within the person himself. The alchemists also mention the reverse process of "disease of metals" during their "communication with the less noble."

    In the most sacred plots, when HEALING was associated with the use of "White Bread", the secrets of which were kept by the "Great White Brotherhood", the process itself was called THE DEIFICATION OF KINGS.

    The luminiferous white powder, as a conductor on this path, was depicted as a cone with a sphere at the bottom. The image resembles the shape of a torch, the shape of the fire of a burning candle. This divine candle is within a person. Solar fire in Buddhism is identified with the "Lotus of the Heart". And the Lotus with a cross is a sign of the Initiates.

    This is the Golden Path, the path of perfection. Because the illuminating Divine cosmos approaches only those who, on the path of perfection (healing), have kindled an inner light in themselves. “I know God,” the Slavs said about this. And just like the Egyptians attached great importance to the purifying fire.

    Since the secret of "White Bread" has been lost, few have been able to walk the Golden Path of Perfection. At first, legends about the sacred meaning of GOLD were preserved, but no one knew the mechanism of healing with GOLD. The rulers tried to surround themselves with a "golden shell": golden walls, golden thrones, golden crowns, golden ornaments, but the soul was still mortal. Although all this had a positive effect on the health of the body.

    But, by and large, as IRON does not turn into GOLD, it will not become GOLD. In reality, the elites lost their divine meaning over time. But I wanted divinity. Therefore, there were also exotic cases when people "drank gold", "ate gold", covered their bodies with gold, but did not become golden from this, but only died.

    At the same time, there was a decrease in the magical power of GOLD, which was also associated with cosmic processes. But in the 21st century, the power of solar GOLD again begins to return to this metal, so say those who know the stars well, and this marks the "Golden Age" and the expectation of the appearance of the "Golden Man".

    It is no accident, knowing about the onset of the "Golden Age". Nostradamus addressed a warning to our generation not to repeat the mistakes of "gold consumption" without restoring the sacred meaning of the "GOLDEN CURE".

    So, as shown above, scientific discoveries give us clues to the reconstruction of the secrets of the metallurgical union of the Enlightened Masters of Thutmose III. But even a complete reconstruction of this knowledge will not allow us to discover the secret of immortality, unless we abandon the rational, pragmatic approach of chemists and do not recognize that the main component of the “chemical experience” is the Light-Soul of the priest or AL chemist. In a language understandable to science - the state and strength of the energy of their field, built up with the help of high thoughts, good thoughts, rituals, prayer (sound vibrations), purifying fire. The High Soul continues to improve during this "MUTUAL HEALING". because under the influence (influence) of the divine Cosmos, not only the metal, but also the AL-chemist himself falls.

    Egyptian priests and AL-chemists, extracting powder for the deification of the pharaohs, themselves became, to some extent, DEITIES.

    But the "Royal knowledge", which they owned, was called unofficial, divine.

    There are predictions that in the coming years there will be a separation of the entire human community, depending on the state of the "Light-Soul" (the integrity of its "Golden Jug"). And therefore, inventions in the field of nanotechnologies and "light-bearing gold powders" are extremely necessary for those who wish to stay at the top of this separation, if they are not very confident in their kindness, morality and inner light.

    Just as a noble metal attached at the end of a DNA chain heals the entire chain, so does a kind, happy person who follows the path of perfection “heal” his environment. As the saying goes, save yourself and thousands around you will be saved.

    But the Ruler of the country has much more influence than just a kind person. During the time of the Egyptian pharaohs, it was noted that if the ruler is sick, then the whole population is also sick. If the ruler is healthy and cheerful, then his mood is broadcast to the citizens of his country. It is for this reason that Plato, in his dialogues "Politician", "State", "Laws", advocated for enlightened king.

    Plato described government like royal art, the main thing for which is the presence of a true royal knowledge and the ability to manage people. If the rulers have such data, then it will no longer matter whether they rule according to laws or without them, whether they are poor or rich, and it also does not matter what system of government operates in the country: monarchy, aristocracy or democracy.

    However, everything said in this article shows us that the Royal knowledge is the knowledge acquired on the Golden path of perfection.

    And therefore it must be recognized that the highest goal of citizens is the GOLDEN RULER at the head of the country.

    And the doors to the Divine Library of ROYAL KNOWLEDGE that open only for him will show us this EVIL RULER.

    It turns out that the very achievements in the field of nanotechnology have shown us what kind of ruler Russia needs and how to solve the problem of 2008.

    In today's images, we in Russia need a GOLDEN PUTIN and a highly moral partner of Vladimir Putin, the potential choice of which, at the level of the image, was made by the President himself

    And in this GOLDEN PAIR, they will have to solve the problems that are approaching us, which will arise when today's "Financial status quo" explodes with "GOLDEN DISCOVERIES OF THE GOLDEN AGE".

    Natalia Yaroslavova (II-AO No. 106563)

    *This article uses the materials of scientific research, my son Yaroslav in the field of modern methods of purification of drinking water and the "reconstruction" of its qualities, which makes him the actual co-author of this work in its scientific (not political) component. Yaroslav Godunin (III-FR No. 304654)

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