Ilya Glinnikov and Madina are kissing. Which of the participants in the show "The Bachelor" got married? Project girls who became brides in real life, not on the screen

Glinnikov and Nikulina after the Bachelor show: juicy details. After the first bachelor of the country made his choice in the final of the show, many fans and admirers were interested in the most intriguing question about what happened to the couple after the project and whether Ilya and Katya stayed together.

At the end of the show itself, Ilya had two unforgettable dates with Madina and Katya. Of course, many fans hoped that Ilya would still choose Madina, but the bachelor listened to the call of his heart and called Katya his chosen one. After that, an active hysteria began on the network, on the topic of choice and final.

But one way or another, no matter what, the couple builds relationships after the show. Katya and Ilya are together to this day. The couple lives in the same house and are happy together. Moreover, some say that Katya and Ilya are preparing to get married.

The girl recalls the first meeting with Ilya, then she was not yet familiar with his work, but she was imbued with love for him and saw in him a loved one. Ilya calls his beloved girl from the moon, and sees the meaning of life only in her love.

Ilya Glinnikov and Ekaterina Nikulina gave the first joint interview about the wedding and plans for the future

Yesterday, viewers finally found out who the actor chose in the fifth season of the show "The Bachelor"

It's no secret that the shooting of the fifth season of the show "The Bachelor" was completed long ago. Moreover, Ilya Glinnikov even got into the lenses of the paparazzi along with his chosen one. The couple consecrated Easter cakes in the church on Easter. There they were ambushed by the paparazzi. True, the shots that the journalists managed to make were very blurry. But Ekaterina Nikulina was guessed in Ilya's companion. The actor then came up with a rather strange excuse, they say, he consecrated Easter cakes with Ivan Okhlobystin's daughter Varvara. She was very surprised by this information.

As a result, Ilya Glinnikov nevertheless really chose Ekaterina Nikulina in the fifth season of the show "The Bachelor". Yesterday, everything secret finally became clear, and the couple no longer needs to hide the relationship. Madina Tamova, whom Ilya Glinnikov chose Ekaterina Nikulina in the final, could not hide her resentment towards the actor. By the way, Lesya Ryabtseva, who left the project a step away from the final, does not hold a grudge against a bachelor. Moreover, in an interview with our website, she admitted that she managed to save with Ilya Glinnikov. The actor and journalist continue to communicate after the project.

Meanwhile, Ilya Glinnikov and Ekaterina Nikulina have already managed to give a joint interview to Antenna magazine and talk about a secret life together after the show, a wedding, and plans for the future.

“We want to get away from everyone. Only now are we beginning to truly feel happiness. And it is for us to peel the pomegranate together in the morning, to be late for work because you can’t get rid of your loved one. Finally, to walk hand in hand through your favorite places without seeing or hearing anyone around, ”Glinnikov quotes from an interview with Ilya is completely satisfied with his choice and is already making big plans for the future with his beloved.

Recall that Glinnikov was initially skeptical about the Bachelor project. The actor refused the proposal of the producers three times, but in the end they managed to persuade him.

“When I once again spoke with my director on the phone about participating in the show, I forgot my wallet on the bench, in which there was an icon. With her, I went all the way in Moscow. I run out into the street - there is no wallet. I call my director back and say: “I lost my icon, and she has been here with me all my life since I was 16 years old. I think we're just missing something." That’s how I agreed to participate in the show “The Bachelor” and, it seems, I found the most important thing in life ... ”, - Ilya Glinnikov said on the eve of the start of the fifth season of the project in an interview with our website. Even then, the actor said that he had found love.

“According to statistics, in the 20-year history of the Bachelor show, there have only been two weddings worldwide, and one of these couples broke up. It seems to me that the point is that both girls and bachelors, when they are in a project, are in illusions. The heroes come to life after this show, and finds out that everyone needed something completely different. And that's okay. And I, it seems to me, managed to separate illusions and reality in the project. I have lived it all. It was very painful. I saw reality…” — summed up Ilya Glinnikov.

Madina Tamova was offended by Ilya Glinnikov after his choice in the final of the show "The Bachelor", season 5

The finale of the show "The Bachelor", season 5, on TNT was unexpected for the fans of the project. Most viewers were sure that Ilya Glinnikov would choose Madina Tamova, but the actor preferred Ekaterina Nikulina to her. Madina herself was shocked to hear from the Bachelor that, as Tamova had advised, when making a decision, he listened only to his heart. She could not hide her disappointment and resentment. Moreover, before finding out the decision of the Bachelor, Madina was sure that it was she who would receive the ring.

“It may sound arrogant, but Katya is absolutely no competitor to me, absolutely no match. Showy sexuality is something that any woman can do. It's primitive and devalues ​​a lot when put on public display. You need to show your seductiveness alone with your man. Katya and I are completely different, and thank God ... ”Madina Tamova said before putting on a white bridesmaid dress and going on a last date with the Bachelor.

However, once in front of Glinnikov on a platform strewn with rose petals, Madina was in for an unpleasant surprise. “You are a princess from start to finish… You have no idea how many times I imagined what kind of family I would have next to you… You are the diamond of this project. But you told me to choose with my heart, and I managed to hear my heart: another person settled in my heart. I cannot deceive you. Forgive me ... ”Glinnikov admitted to the girl. To this sincere speech, Madina only replied: “Thank you for the experience. The lesson is over." But already sitting in the car and leaving the project, she could not hold back her tears: “Has Ilya lost something is a question. And what he lost, I know. Me. That's it, I won't say anything more."

Recall that the Glinnikov family liked Tamov: the actor’s relatives almost immediately married Ilya and Madina. But Katya Nikulina raised questions: the actor's relatives doubted her sincerity. However, the opinion of the family did not influence the choice of the Bachelor. By the way, before the final, Madina said that with her Ilya would gain a family, attention, care, harmony, and if she chose Katya, then he would be disappointed in the near future. In turn, Nikulina also spoke about her rival: “Madina is a worthy woman in terms of family, life, reports t. But Ilya will be bored with her. Ilya is not the man Madina needs, and she is not the woman he needs ... Ilya is inspired by me.

Recall that three months ago, actor Ilya Glinnikov met 25 girls who passed the casting and got into the show. In the very first issue, the Interns star chose 15 beauties who went with him to Sri Lanka. By the end, as in previous seasons, the Bachelor had to leave only two participants on the project.

By the way, Lesya Ryabtseva, who left the show a step away from the final, talking in an interview with Vokrug TV about her participation in the project, described Glinnikov as a gallant, modest and very talented man: “And sometimes even shy. It's hard not to fall in love with such a man.

Madina Tamova gave the first comment after the finale of the show Bachelor

Unfortunately, in the life of each of us, for sure, it happened that our illusions and charms did not coincide with reality. But I want to ask each of you not to put out the fire in your heart and goodness in your soul by any disappointments and insults. Whoever is happy is right, and if someone is happy without you, then this is simply not your person.

Thank the Universe, draw conclusions, become stronger, wiser, be sure to find the strength in yourself to get up and move on with a smile to each new day Thank you for having me, thank you for walking this path with me, thank you for the criticism, for the kind words- You make me better! I wish each of you to love and be loved, live in harmony and cultivate goodness in yourself! I appreciate you, hug and love you!

TBILISI, June 4 - Sputnik. The hero of the fifth season of the popular romantic show "The Bachelor" on TNT, the star of the series "Interns", 32-year-old actor Ilya Glinnikov, originally from Georgia, found his love.

Glinnikov admitted this in the final of the project, in which two girls participated - 21-year-old Ekaterina Nikulina and 25-year-old Madina Tamova.

Because of her desire for quiet family happiness, Ilya always called Madina a "safe haven" on the project, and Ekaterina - a jump into the unknown, because throughout the show he doubted the sincerity of the girl's feelings and did not trust the durability of the passion that connected them.

Before his final choice between the two finalists, the artist went on a date with each of them. This time, the girls themselves were the initiators and authors of the dating ideas.

Madina took Ilya to Gudauri, where they first flew on paragliders, then listened to the traditional Georgian polyphony, and in the end of the meeting they spoke heart to heart, and Tamova confessed her feelings to "The Bachelor". Finally, the girl advised Ilya to choose the winner of the show, listening to her heart.

Nikulina, on the other hand, arranged for Glinnikov to ride horses in a snowy forest, where she wanted to play a kidnapping with the participation of Georgian horsemen. But the surprise did not come out, because Ilya Glinnikov did not let horse riders steal his bride from him. After that, they all merrily ate khinkali together, measured their strength in pulling their hands and danced the lezginka.

The organizers of the show "The Bachelor" arranged the final explanation with the girls and the offer of the ring in the beautiful fortress of Rabati. Madina Tamova was the first to come to the meeting. Ilya addressed her with the following words:

"You told me to choose with my heart. And I managed to hear my heart. Another person settled in my heart. I can't deceive you. Forgive me, Madin."

Madina reacted badly to the decision of Ilya. The girl did not want the "Bachelor" to accompany her from the fortress and that he even gave her his hands. The girl also refused to make any comments behind the scenes, saying only one thing: "Have I lost something - a question. And what did he lose - I know. Me."

The second finalist Ekaterina Nikulina "Bachelor" admitted the following:

“I burn with you like a torch, and I want to burn like a candle. It’s scary, just like you were scared to dive into the open ocean. Well, I didn’t believe that I would find my love on this show. It seems to me that if If there were a million of you, or fifty thousand, how the casting was watched here, Katya, I would still choose you. I ask you only one thing: let's try to save what we have found here. No matter what happens, even if there is one left chance, let's fight for it to the end."

After that, Glinnikov pulled out a box with a ring from his jacket and put it on the finger of his chosen one.

Recall that initially 25 girls from all over Russia, as well as from near and far abroad, came to fight for the love of Ilya Glinnikov in the show "The Bachelor". At the beginning of the project, Ilya Glinnikov admitted that he already loved and planned to marry his partner in Interns, Aglaya Tarasova, but there was a betrayal and he was disappointed.

Whether Glinnikov will become the first bachelor who finally gets married, time will tell.

Which will be the famous singer Yegor Creed. Previously, the artist for a long time, but then the couple - to the horror of numerous fans - broke up. At the same time, the singer, according to rumors, has long wanted a family and children, but he cannot find a worthy life partner. Will this reality show help him? Fans of "The Bachelor" for a couple of last season, Ilya Glinnikova and Ekaterina Nikulina.

The lovers met on the project, appeared together in public after it and stated in an interview that they were already planning a wedding. But then suddenly. Thus, not a single couple that has developed on the show "The Bachelor" has lasted even a year. But for many girls who dropped out of the show long before its finale, everything is fine. Many immediately after the reality found their love and are happy.

Olesya Ermakova, winner of the first season of the Russian Bachelor, has been married for a long time. But not for the main character of the show, football player Yevgeny Levchenko, but for an old acquaintance from London. Olesya admitted that her husband was her first love. They met when Olesya came to London in 2008 to work as a producer in a dubbing studio. Ermakova never showed her husband's face to fans.

Irina Volodchenko, the finalist of the first season, became famous all over the country after the show was released. The beautiful girl began to receive all kinds of job offers. Her career really went up: the girl is a member of the coordinating council of the Young Guard, and also leads the apparatus of the Russian Sovereignty parliamentary club in the State Duma. After the project, Irina said in an interview that her old acquaintance contacted her then, to whom she had sympathy. Seeing the girl in "The Bachelor", he wanted to talk to her better. Now Irina regularly publishes photos of expensive things on social networks - bags, jewelry, clothes - perhaps these are gifts from her beloved.

The "bachelor" of the second season was the businessman and ex-husband of Anna Sedokova Maxim Chernyavsky. On the show, Maxim Chernyavsky chose 18-year-old Maria Drigola. Their relationship lasted a year and a half, but the distance prevented: Chernyavsky lived in Los Angeles, and Drigola lived in St. Petersburg. The girl worked as a lawyer in her father's firm, but nevertheless often flew to her beloved. Apparently, the relationship could not stand the distance - and the lovers broke up. After that, the name of Mary, whose modesty was noted on the project by everyone, ceased to appear in the news. The girl does not PR in social networks, and nothing is known about her personal life.

But Alena Pavlova, not chosen by Chernyavsky, found her love. A year after "The Bachelor", the girl became a participant in the reality show "Dom-2", where she unsuccessfully tried to build relationships with several guys. Returning home to St. Petersburg, Pavlova found her happiness with musician and video blogger Dmitry Zavyalov, with whom she is raising her son David from her previous relationship.

The winner of the third season was Daria Kananukha: it was she who won the heart of the bachelor Timur Batrutdinov. True, the couple broke up a few months after the end of the show. Daria did not grieve, but married lawyer Mikhail Zhelaev. The girl admitted that she dreamed of an ideal celebration, so she thought through everything to the smallest detail. The main feature of the holiday was the water theme: the bride's outfit was selected for it, invitations were issued. The solemn registration of the marriage took place on the river bank near the restaurant where the banquet was held. The hall was decorated with white and blue flower arrangements. Before exchanging rings, Daria picked up a microphone and delivered a fiery speech for her future husband. Mikhail was so touched by her words that he even shed a tear.

Not remained in the girls and another finalist of the season - Galina Rzhaksenskaya. A few months after the end of the show, she met businessman Yevgeny Gromov, who proposed to her. The couple had a daughter last year. Despite the fact that Galina recently gave birth, she looks great and continues to travel actively -

There were no winners in the fourth season: the bachelor Alexei Vorobyov refused to propose to any of the applicants. However, the beauty Natalya Gorozhanova reached the final. True, the girl did not declare about a serious relationship for all the time that had passed since the end of the TV show. So far, Gorozhanova is not married, but she often posts photos on the Internet with luxurious bouquets from fans. After the final, the girl began to receive many job offers. Gorozhanova is a model, and her popularity has increased markedly after The Bachelor.

And another participant in the show, Alla Berger, rejected by Vorobyov, does not want to hear more about the singer. Passionately in love with Alexei, the girl seemed to be ready for anything to win his heart. However, after the project, Alla began dating another man, and she asks her fans not to remind her of The Bachelor.

Unfortunately, nothing is known about the personal life of the finalist of the fifth season, Madina Tamova. The girl was dumbfounded by the refusal of Ilya Glinnikov and seemed to be sure that she would become his bride. During the project, Madina admitted more than once that she was brought up in an oriental way and wants to get married once and for all. It seems that the beauty's heart is still free.

Madina Tamova is a participant in the fifth season of the show "The Bachelor", a finalist of the show. Madina was born on August 8, 1991 in Cherkessk. His father, a Circassian by nationality, runs his own business, his mother is a housewife. According to the media, Madina has seven brothers. Since 2015, the girl lives in two countries - in the Spanish city of Marbella and in Russia. Madina has three diplomas of higher education.

The girl studied at the art history department of the Russian State University for the Humanities, at the British Higher School of Design and at the State University of Management with a degree in forwarding service management. Madina is fond of make-up, follows the figure. With a height of 170 cm, the weight of the girl is 48 kg. Fans attribute Tamova's passion for plastic, but the girl herself does not confirm the rumors. According to her, the effect of swelling of the lips is achieved by the skillful use of makeup.

In cooking, the participant of the show does not have specific preferences, Tamova each time chooses dishes according to her mood, taking into account their calorie content. Madina has a beloved dog, Messi, with whom the girl often takes photos together. Tamova loves to read poems by poets of the Silver Age. Small videos Madina records on camera and places in her account in "Instagram". When Madina got together in the show "The Bachelor", relatives dissuaded her from taking part in the casting. But the girl convinced her family of the correctness of her choice. Before leaving for the shooting of the program, Madina's father shed a tear.


The program "The Bachelor", the prototype of which is the North American show "The Bachelor", has been broadcast on the Russian TV channel TNT since 2011. The essence of the project lies in the selection by an unmarried man of a contender for a hand and heart among 25 participants. All the girls throughout the project live in a large mansion, from where they go to shoot every morning.

Madina Tamova at the casting in the show "The Bachelor"

The show consists of 15 episodes, at the end of each of which 1-2 participants are eliminated. Each episode is filmed in a new location. It can be a cafe, an ice rink, a nightclub, a sea yacht. When only three applicants remain, acquaintances with the families of the groom and each of the brides take place. In the last issue, only two girls remain, who, in a white dress, are waiting for an offer from a bachelor. But only one finalist receives the ring.

In the first four seasons of the Bachelor show, Ukrainian football player Yevgeny Levchenko, a businessman, a resident of the Comedy Club and a pop artist, participated. On March 11, 2017, the 5th season of the show started with the main participant, the star of the Interns series. The biography of the actor indicates that for his 32 years, Ilya was not married and had no children. From the personal life of Glinnikov, it is known that for some time he met with an actress from the TV series Interns, daughter. By nationality, Ilya is half Georgian.

At the first meeting of the participants in the program, Madina Tamova managed to immediately conquer the bachelor: the girl appeared on the set riding a snow-white horse in a national costume, accompanied by two brothers dressed as dzhigits. Young people immediately warned of the trouble that Ilya would start if he tried to offend their sister. Impressed by what he saw, Glinnikov gave the first rose of sympathy to Madina, explaining the act by the Caucasian genes awakened in him.

On the show, Madina behaved with dignity, which some viewers perceived as arrogance. The first individual meeting of young people took place already on the air of the third issue. Ilya invited the girl for a boat trip, during which whales swam very close to the yacht. The girl experienced strong emotions, which was a real surprise for her.

Madina Tamova in the show "The Bachelor"

After another date, during which Madina read heartfelt poetic lines dedicated to Ilya, the main character was completely confused. According to Glinnikov, at that moment he could be compared with a lion rushing about in a cage. Many viewers were sure that Madina was one of the likely contenders for an engagement ring offer.

At a meeting with the girl's parents, Glinnikov explained in a private conversation to his father that he had not even kissed Madina. On a date with Ilya's family, which took place in Tbilisi, the actor's grandmother warmly received Tamova, calling her "our girl." Ilya's relatives noted Madina's excellent upbringing in the best Caucasian traditions.

Before the final, Madina Tamova was completely confident in her victory and did not perceive Ekaterina Nikulina as a rival. But to the surprise and disappointment of the brunette, on June 3, 2017, she did not get the diamond ring. Madina could not hide her emotions and hurried to the car without giving any comment to the film crew. As Glinnikov himself explained, Catherine took possession of his heart, like a sorceress, before whose spell the actor was powerless.

Personal life

Before participating in the program "The Bachelor", Madina met a young man for a long time, from whom she received a marriage proposal. But the girl was afraid of the prospect of forever remaining just a housewife.

Having received three higher educations, Tamova is not going to stop there. The girl's fiancé did not agree with Madina's conditions, and they parted ways. Now Tamova is not dating anyone.

Madina Tamova now

According to Madina Tamova, she has big plans for the future. The girl dreams of learning French after learning English and Spanish.

One of Tamova's upcoming projects is related to charity. Being a dog lover, the girl is going to open a shelter for homeless animals.

The famous Russian actor Ilya Glinnikov has changed beyond recognition after a fatal change in his personal life. The man grew his hair and beard - fans barely recognized him in the photo on Instagram. The fact that the hero broke up with Ekaterina Nikulina became known this winter, reports Therussiantimes. At the same time, I attribute a new relationship to the actor of the fan.

Glinnikov's personal life has always aroused great public interest - the bright, charismatic, handsome "Intern" never complained about the lack of female attention. At the same time, the artist himself, it seems, does not enjoy the fame of a womanizer and believes in one love and for life. In short-term novels, Glinnikov was not noticed, but there were several long-term and serious relationships in the fate of the hero at once. True, he has not changed the status of "Bachelor" even once.

Ilya Glinnikov and Aglaya Tarasova

In 2015, the society learned that Glinnikov was seriously dating his colleague from Interns Aglaya Tarasova. The couple often converged and parted, at one time they even prepared for the wedding, but at some point something went wrong.

The fact that the relationship ended completely, the society learned in August 2016 - the separation was officially confirmed by both parties. At the same time, it became known that Glinnikov was going to look for his love for the Bachelor project.

Ilya Glinnikov and Ekaterina Nikulina

Glinnikov showed himself as a sensual bachelor who really wants to find a life partner. Initially, Daria Klyukina was a contender for the hero's heart, but in the middle of the show she suddenly left the project of her own free will.

Glinnikov was very upset and even tried to persuade Dasha to return, but the girl did not make contact - a friend met a man in her house and said that Dasha was trying to improve relations with her former boyfriend.

Glinnikov did not have to be bored - there were still other contenders on his heart. Ekaterina Nikulina and Madina Tamova reached the final of the project. Many were sure that it was Tamova who would win, but in the end Glinnikov chose Nikulina, with whom he began to live together even before the official completion of the filming of the project.

Young people admitted that it was very difficult for them to finish shooting, because Katya was tormented by jealousy, and Glinnikov no longer saw the point in powdering other girls' brains, but the show is a show, and therefore the rules had to be followed.

After the finale, the couple already freely announced their relationship and the imminent wedding.

Ilya and Ekaterina regularly delighted fans with joint photos on social networks (though limiting commenting) and went out together. Unfortunately, the reality heroes never became the first couple to get married after The Bachelor. In the winter of 2017, they officially confirmed their breakup.

In his microblog on Instagram, the actor publicly turned to his former lover and wished her happiness.

“Let's forgive those whom we don't want to forgive, let's endure even when our strength is running out. Good and cleansing to all! P.S. Dear alien @catkate7, I read your interview and remembered how We cleaned grenades together ... How we watched fireworks on May 9th in glasses and bandanas, on my favorite roof) how We went forward under the scrutiny of TV cameras and became stronger. I want to wish you to find yourself and find happiness, ”Glinnikov wrote.

Subsequently, the society started talking about the fact that the relationship could have been feigned for the sake of the popularity of further seasons of the show, but this information has not been confirmed by anything.

Ilya Glinnikov - personal life now

In April 2018, Glinnikov suddenly showed a new girl on Instagram. True, her face is not visible - only a silhouette. Many are sure that the real relationship of the hero is associated with the second finalist of the show "The Bachelor" Madina Tamova.

“You and I are two drops of different one water, tears of a cloud, we will break on the ground with rhinestones, we will scatter around and around ...”, the artist signed the picture.

Madina, almost simultaneously with Ilya, shared pictures on social networks with the same geolocation - the Bagration bridge in Moscow. Also, the clothes on the girl from the photo in Glinnikov's microblog resemble Tamova's outfit in detail.

"Madina?! I'm happy for you, Ilya, in any case! Let your personal life get better! ”,“ This is really Madina) ”,“ It’s clear that they walked with Madina)) ”the followers write.

Recall that throughout the show, the girl was considered one of the favorites. It would seem that Madina's position was strengthened even more after Glinnikov introduced her to his family in one of the last issues. Tamova was met by Ilya's mother, sister, brother and two grandmothers. Glinnikov's relatives accepted her as their own, noting that she was not only beautiful, but also a very well-mannered and wise girl. Moreover, Ilya's grandmother almost from the threshold declared that Madina was "their girl."

Is it true that the stars have a tender relationship so far remains unknown - netizens sincerely wish the bachelor to find his soul mate to stop the ordeal.

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