Essay on the topic: “Analysis of the fairy tale “Fool” by Saltykov-Shchedrin”. Written analysis of the fairy tale (based on the fairy tale M

Composition on the topic "Analysis of the fairy tale" Fool "by Saltykov-Shchedrin" 4.33 /5 (86.67%) 12 votes

Story. This genre was used in his work by Mikhail Evgrafovich Saltykov-Shchedrin. It is the fairy tale that helps the author to show reality as it is. Starting to read the works of this writer, we recognize in them fairy tales familiar to us. The used speech turns (“once upon a time”, “how long”, “in a certain kingdom”) and traditional Russian heroes (Ivanushka the Fool) bring the works of Saltykov-Shchedrin closer to folklore. But in fact, the "fairy tales" of Saltykov-Shchedrin and Russian folk tales differ significantly from each other. Fairy tales, in our understanding, are works for young children. But the fairy tales of Saltykov-Shchedrin "for children of a fair age", that is, in the form of a fairy tale of an accessible presentation, the writer shows all the "pitfalls" of contemporary society. Satire helps him in this. He not only denounces human vices, but also ridicules them. For example, in the fairy tale "The Fool", the author laughs at the stupid society of cynical people who call a "fool" a person who does not want to be an egoist. Satire helps the writer to show everything that worries him so much and does not suit him in modern reality.

One of the favorite satirical devices Saltykov-Shchedrin is a hyperbole. He exaggerates so much that his thoughts go beyond the real. But this technique helps to show the extent of the problem, because Ivanushka is not the only such “fool”, the country is full of people like him. Mikhail Evgrafovich boldly ridicules his heroes, shows us, the readers, how they live and think wrong. In this, the writer is helped by such a trope as sarcasm. The satirist ridicules Ivanushka's parents because, calling their son a "fool", without knowing it, they are more stupid and selfish than him. The writer calls them "mommy" and "daddy" and laughs at their disputes, in whom such a son was born ?!
Mikhail Evgrafovich in his "fairy tales for children of a fair age" reveals the whole essence of society in the 60-80s of the 19th century and shows us the vices of people. Helps him in this "fairy tale" and various literary means expressiveness.


Story. This genre was used in his work by Mikhail Evgrafovich Saltykov-Shchedrin. It is the fairy tale that helps the author to show reality as it is. Starting to read the works of this writer, we recognize in them fairy tales familiar to us. The used speech turns (“once upon a time”, “how long is it short”, “in a certain kingdom”) and traditional Russian heroes (Ivanushka the Fool) bring the works of Saltykov-Shchedrin closer to folklore. But in fact, the "fairy tales" of Saltykov-Shchedrin and Russian folk tales differ significantly from each other. Fairy tales, in our understanding, are works for young children. But the fairy tales of Saltykov-Shchedrin "for children of a fair age", that is, in the form of a fairy tale of an accessible presentation, the writer shows all the "pitfalls" of contemporary society. Satire helps him in this. He not only denounces human vices, but also ridicules them. For example, in the fairy tale "The Fool", the author laughs at the stupid society of cynical people who call a "fool" a person who does not want to be an egoist. Satire helps the writer to show all that ...
what worries him so much and does not suit him in modern reality.
One of Saltykov-Shchedrin's favorite satirical devices is hyperbole. He exaggerates so much that his thoughts go beyond the real. But this technique helps to show the extent of the problem, because Ivanushka is not the only such “fool”, the country is full of people like him. Mikhail Evgrafovich boldly ridicules his heroes, shows us, the readers, how they live and think wrong. In this, the writer is helped by such a trope as sarcasm. The satirist ridicules Ivanushka's parents because, calling their son a "fool", without knowing it, they are more stupid and selfish than him. The writer calls them "mommy" and "daddy" and laughs at their disputes, in whom such a son was born ?!
Mikhail Evgrafovich in his "fairy tales for children of a fair age" reveals the whole essence of society in the 60-80s of the 19th century and shows us the vices of people. The “fairy tale” and various literary means of expression help him in this.

The writing

A special place in the work of Saltykov-Shchedrin is occupied by fairy tales with their allegorical images, in which the author was able to say more about Russian society in the 60-80s of the XIX century than the historians of those years. Saltykov-Shchedrin writes these tales "for children of a fair age," that is, for an adult reader who, according to the mind, is in the state of a child who needs to open his eyes to life. The tale, by the simplicity of its form, is accessible to anyone, even an inexperienced reader, and therefore is especially dangerous for those who ridicule it.

The main problem of Shchedrin's fairy tales is the relationship between the exploiters and the exploited. The writer created a satire on tsarist Russia. The reader is presented with images of rulers (“Bear in the Voivodeship”, “Eagle-Maecenas”), exploiters and exploited (“ wild landlord”, “The Tale of How One Man Feeded Two Generals”), the townsfolk (“ wise gudgeon"," Dried vobla).

The fairy tale "The Wild Landowner" is directed against everything social order based on exploitation, anti-people in its essence. Keeping the spirit and style of the folk tale, the satirist speaks of real events his contemporary life. The work begins as ordinary fairy tale: “In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there lived a landowner ...” But immediately an element appears modern life: "and that landowner was stupid, he read the newspaper" Vest "". "Vest" is a reactionary-feudal newspaper, so that the stupidity of the landowner is determined by his worldview. The landowner considers himself a true representative of the Russian state, its support, he is proud that he is a hereditary Russian nobleman, Prince Urus-Kuchum-Kildibaev. The whole point of his existence is to pamper his body, "soft, white and crumbly." He lives at the expense of his peasants, but he hates them and is afraid, he cannot stand the “servant spirit”. He rejoices when, in some fantastic whirlwind, all the peasants were blown away, and the air became pure, pure in his domain. But the peasants disappeared, and such a famine set in that it was impossible to buy anything at the market. And the landowner himself went completely wild: “All of him, from head to toe, was overgrown with hair ... and his nails became like iron. He stopped blowing his nose a long time ago, but he walked more and more on all fours. I even lost the ability to utter articulate sounds ... ". In order not to die of hunger when the last gingerbread was eaten, the Russian nobleman began to hunt: he would notice a hare - “like an arrow jumping off a tree, clinging to its prey, tearing it apart with its nails, yes, with all the insides, even with the skin, it will eat. The savagery of the landowner testifies that he cannot live without the help of the peasant. After all, it was not without reason that as soon as the “swarm of men” was caught and put in place, “flour, meat, and all kinds of living creatures appeared in the bazaar.”

The stupidity of the landowner is constantly emphasized by the writer. The peasants themselves were the first to call the landowner stupid, the representatives of other classes called the landowner three times stupid (three-fold repetition technique) representatives of other classes: the actor Sadovsky (“However, brother, you are a stupid landowner! ”He treated me to printed gingerbread and candy (“However, brother, you are a stupid landowner!”) And, finally, the police captain (“You are stupid, mister landowner!”). The stupidity of the landowner is visible to everyone, and he indulges in unrealizable dreams that without the help of the peasants he will achieve the prosperity of the economy, reflects on the English machines that will replace the serfs. His dreams are ridiculous, because he cannot do anything on his own. And only once did the landowner think: “Is he really a fool? Is it possible that the inflexibility that he so cherished in his soul, translated into ordinary language, means only stupidity and madness? If we compare the well-known folk tales about the gentleman and the peasant with the fairy tales of Saltykov-Shchedrin, for example, with The Wild Landowner, we will see that the image of the landowner in Shchedrin's fairy tales is very close to folklore, and the peasants, on the contrary, differ from fairy tales. In folk tales, a man is quick-witted, dexterous, resourceful, defeats a stupid master. And in the "Wild Landowner" arises collective image workers, breadwinners of the country and at the same time patient martyrs-sufferers. Yes, changing folk tale, the writer condemns people's long-suffering, and his tales sound like a call to rise to the struggle, to renounce the slave worldview.

Saltykov-Shchedrin wrote his Tales in those years when censorship was rampant in literature. There was a strong possibility that piece of art will be banned from publication if unreliable thoughts are suspected in it. Therefore, the author had to innovate, apply various artistic means to hide from the censors true meaning of his work.

Satire is the most difficult literary genre. Since the writer could not directly express his attitude to the phenomena public life, he had to resort to allegories, ambiguity, understatement, grotesque, and other artistic techniques. And these methods are not always easy to use.

But, oddly enough, the works only benefited from these complexities. It turned out that readers liked this allegorical form very much. After all, those had to guess what the author had in mind, what phenomena and what people? From this, a simple story became a kind of puzzle.

And thinking people(for whom, in fact, fairy tales were written) it was a pleasure to solve these puzzles, independently finding the correct answer. I think this is the reason for the popularity of "Fairy Tales".

With his satire, the author touched on many phenomena of the then Russian society. The actions and way of life of many people then received an “unsatisfactory assessment”. The Russian people, easily recognizable under the masks of kind and just animals, is described by the author with exaggeration. positive side. He is always honest, smart and hardworking. Although, as we know, there were and still are among the representatives of the people both loafers and drunkards.

The obedience of the Russian people, their devotion to their own oppressors are also the object of criticism of the writer. Saltykov-Shchedrin ridicules the slavish obedience of the layman who hopes for the kindness of predators. Criticizes the tactics of people who hope to sit on the sidelines of the struggle. Of course, the writer does not call for social revolution does not issue ready-made recipes for the organization of a just society. But this is not the purpose of satire.

In his Tales, the writer continues the traditions folk art. No wonder the author chose the form of fairy tales for his works. After all, a fairy tale is, as you know, fiction, not true. According to the law of the genre, the plot and presentation in a fairy tale are usually exaggeratedly primitive. A fairy tale usually carries a moral that can be expressed in just one sentence.

The so-called Aesopian language, which satirists have used since antiquity, was the best suited to the situation in which Saltykov-Shchedrin had to create. In the conditions of censorship domination, the persecution of dissent, the authors had to resort to literary tricks so that the meaning of the work, its main idea was clear to the reader, but at the same time, there were no complaints from the censors.

Behind the fantastic situation of each fairy tale, a real social phenomenon is easily guessed, and the attitude of the author to the subject of his work is always traced. Despite the Aesopian language, the meaning of the work is always available for understanding to the thoughtful reader.

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Tales of M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin are filled with satire and hyperbole. The Russian writer ridicules the serious problems of Russian society, using allegory and irony. Fairy tales are small in volume, but very capacious in meaning and content. A special place in the author's mind is occupied by the theme of serfdom, the oppression of the Russian people and cruel exploitation.

In the fairy tale "The Fool" Saltykov-Shchedrin rethinks the traditional folk story about Ivan the Fool. The writer turns to his favorite topic of the socio-political system of the state.

The main character is an "unusual fool". His uniqueness lies in the fact that he is not ready to put up with the existing cruel and disenfranchised order. A type of new character is born in him, which F.M. will then fall in love with. Dostoevsky. In Ivan the Fool embodied positively wonderful person, clean, bright. That is why he deserved the nickname of the fool. He does not fit into the norms that are accepted in the society of that time. He wants to learn, learn something new. Most importantly, he feels in his heart that the existing political system where relations between landlords and peasants are based on absolute lack of rights cannot lead to anything good in the future. Ivan seeks to bring good to the world, which answers him only with misunderstanding. Even his parents think he's weird.

The tale "The Fool" celebrates the idea that human qualities more important social position. So, the main character has absolutely a pure soul, but, most likely, society will never accept him, because Ivan is not like everyone else. He is not ready to put up with stupidity, lack of education, cruelty, injustice. It is noteworthy that main character- not an ideologue, a revolutionary or a rebel, he is an ordinary peasant righteous man.

Thus, the tales of M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin are filled with deep socio-political pathos. In them, the author allegorically speaks of imperfections modern society. The tale "Fool" continues the gallery of bright types of "superfluous" people. With the help of allegory, the writer shows how easily a person can become an outcast in society because of his noble and pure soul.

Option 2

The main character of the work is a man named Ivan, presented by the writer in the form of a special representative of humanity, who is considered a fool among those around him.

The image of Ivanushka the Fool depicts a born righteous peasant who, due to his mental characteristics, does not understand and does not recognize official social norms and rules, acting solely on his own mind, without listening to public opinion and beliefs.

Expressed this feature Ivanushki in the form of his actions, which are considered strange and incomprehensible by others. This is a roll stolen for a friend, since for Ivan there is no concept of property, an attempt to save a drowning child with a complete lack of swimming skills, a rooster being rescued from a pan, according to Ivanushka, who does not want to be cooked, the proceeds of a neighbor's goat from the hands of teasing boys, receiving a kick from a rescued animal horns in the back.

Having gone to study with a parental blessing, hoping to teach the fool to the mind, Ivan at first did significant progress in the comprehension of sciences, thanks to a good memory. However, in the future, the sciences cease to succumb to a fool, since their mastery requires a thought process and logic that Ivanushka lacks. Young man has difficulty finishing educational institution, solely thanks to the connections of the parents.

Returning home, Ivan continues his life, as before, saving the property of the townspeople on fires, helping terminally ill patients, supporting a friend.

Mother and father decide to marry Ivanushka, introducing him to a widowed woman. However, not understanding the meaning of the concept of love for a woman, being indifferent to the fairer sex, Ivan remains a single man.

A random passer-by somehow explains to the fool's parents the features of their son, which include the complete absence of meanness in Ivanushka, but warns relatives about their son's future choice between meanness and tomfoolery, which, perhaps, will lead him to misfortune.

Suddenly, Ivan disappears and returns only many years later in the form of an exhausted, emaciated, silent man.

The writer in the image of Ivan the Fool depicts lonely Protestants who come into irreconcilable conflict with existing public opinion and end their fate tragically. The end of the tale symbolizes precisely the dramatic incident that happened to the hero, which influenced his life.

Idea, theme, meaning

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