The meaning of the fairy tale Cinderella Charles Perrault. Cinderella - true meaning

European fairy tales are the oldest pagan stories that have come down to us. In Christian times, they were considered "un-Christian" and therefore told in secret. The maids and servants often read them to their children at bedtime without the knowledge of their parents. The most famous is the fairy tale about Cinderella (“old ash”), in one form or another presented in all cultures of Eurasia.

Cinderella was celebrated from birth: her mother died in childbirth. She was a sweet, hard-working girl who was mistreated by her stepsisters and stepmother. She slept in ashes (in dust?) and therefore received the name Cinderella. Once she asked her departing father to bring her the first branch that would fall on his hat - and he returned with a hazel branch. Cinderella brought it to her mother's grave, laid it there and wept, watering the branch with her tears. She grew into a mighty bush, on which sat a dove, who said that he could fulfill her three wishes.

When a ball was arranged in the king's palace, where everyone was invited, Cinderella was not allowed to go by her stepmother. She begged to be allowed to go, but the stepmother took a scoop of grain and poured it into the ashes, saying that if Cinderella gets all the grains in two hours, she can go to the ball. Cinderella asked the pigeons for help, and an hour later all the grains were stacked in a scoop. However, she was still not allowed to go. She returned to the pigeons and asked them for a beautiful White dress with a veil, and then went to the ball without permission. The prince at the ball did not pay attention to Cinderella's sisters at all, and danced with her all evening. The same thing happened on the second day and on the third. The first two days, the prince wanted to take her home, but could not find her, and on the third day, she lost one of her shoes. The prince took the shoe and with it went to look for Cinderella. When he came to the farm where she lived, the sisters cut off their heels, but still they could not put on the shoe. Then the doves landed on the prince's shoulders and whispered to him that he was looking in the wrong place. Finally, the prince found and kissed Cinderella.

This tale tells about the mystery of the New Year and Yule. The Sacred Branch was able to open the grave. This branch is Bolthorn, the dead Baldur.

Washed by the tears of the goddess, the branch grew and again became a mighty tree. We know that tears are the daughter of Bolthorne named Bestla (“the best moisture”, “the best water”), giving life to the gods. The same tears of the mound are found in the "Divination of the Völva" and the song about Ivar Ellison. Verse 33 of the Divination says:

And Frigga wept in the walled chamber.

In a song about Ivar Ellison, he turned to his mother and told her to live well before leaving the castle gates. She turned away in tears and could not answer. Cinderella is the goddess who waited in the dust of her ancestors and mourned Baldur. Our forefathers in some lands sometimes burned the dead, leaving only ashes, but this does not change anything in ancient religion. The ashes were scattered or mixed with the soil so that the dead would return like plants from seeds.

Cinderella wanted to go to the dance, but her stepmother, who mixed the seeds with ashes (ashes), did not allow her. It may seem strange, but in ancient Scandinavia, at the head of the dead in the grave, there was often a pot with seeds or pebbles symbolizing them. This was done in order to evil spirits(the trolls) did not enter these bodies and turn the dead into undead, roaming the nights and drinking the blood of the living. Fortunately, the trolls were very stupid and could only count up to three. They were attracted life force, and there was a lot of it in the seeds. Therefore, if you put a pot of seeds (or similar pebbles) at the head of a dead person, the trolls will not be able to take possession of the dead body, too busy counting the seeds. After counting to three, they start again - and so on for ages. It gave the dead a chance to rest in peace. Cinderella was not a troll and easily coped with the task when she had to portray the dead, and therefore "become" her.

She dressed like a dead man and went to the grave, where she met the prince (sorcerer) and slept with him.

The tale says that they only danced with the prince, but such pair dance was originally a symbolic sexual act in which partners before marriage could understand whether they were suitable for each other. So whether they danced or copulated didn't matter: she needed to teach the prince the secrets of love so that he would know what to do after marrying a princess/queen. A kiss is an exchange of spirit, an esoteric transfer of knowledge from one person to another. That is why runes are carved into Balder's tongue.

We know that Cinderella is already a sorceress, ready to initiate a prince (after the third dance - making sure that he is worthy and passed the test) - we are told about this by the fact that she wears only one shoe. The sorcerers and sorceresses really took off one shoe and began to limp. Also, for this, they could intentionally hurt their legs like the sisters of Cinderella - they needed this in order to become the embodiment of the spirit / god who kills the winter spirits at Ragnarok. Vidar is known to have killed Fenrir/Höd by placing his foot in his mouth and then tearing it apart. At the same time, he burns his leg, because the wolf breathes fire. In other words, lameness proved witchcraft abilities and the successful completion of the last stage of initiation - the killing of winter spirits at Ragnarok.

History has preserved only vague hints of this custom: in the era of witch-hunting, lameness was considered a sign of the presence of a devilish horse or goat hoof on one leg. The devil, of course, did not exist - there was only a lame sorcerer. Besides, in Ancient Greece one of the tribes went into battle in only one sandal, which terrified the enemies. Of course, because they thought they were going to fight against an army of sorcerers! Even in those ancient times, people have already forgotten why they do it. Greece by that time had long been a religious country, and old traditions were often forgotten even then.

The prince did not fall for the trick of the stepsisters of the sorceress, who also limped after cutting off their heels, and was not interested in them at the ball. It is difficult to say why this happened, but I believe that Cinderella was the youngest and most beautiful - only she slept in grave dust, only she possessed the key (hazel branch), only she wore a white (“alvian”) dress (i.e. clothes dead man) and a veil. In order to see nature spirits, sorcerers and sorceresses had to wear some kind of mask or veil. Perhaps the sorceress had two assistants in the grave, who played a less prominent role in the sacrament of initiation. Witches in our culture often work in threes, but the prince is associated with only one of them.

There are many similar tales, explicit descriptions of the mysteries of the New Year and Yule. In addition to Cinderella, it is worth remembering Puss in Boots, The Two Wanderers, The Poor Man and the Rich Man and, of course, Sleeping Beauty, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, The Princess Whom No One Could Silence and " Lady Metelitsa." Many fairy tales were rewritten: the European gods Heimdall, Thor, Odin or others were often replaced christian god, but this did not change their essence. Such tales still have a lot to say about European religion.

Many fairy tales repeat the moral that evil always gets what it deserves. Uninvited guests who go to the mound in the hope of becoming initiates will be punished. We do not know what this is dictated by: the desire to give knowledge only to the offspring of the Jarl or the will of Heimdall to complicate tasks. Odin told Heimdall to train the Jarl's descendants to be worthy children. Bad children received only ashes - lye, which had to be washed. In traditional stories they get soap (lye), but in fairy tales they are lucky if they survive at all. This is explained by the fact that fairy tales existed for a long time in the Judeo-Christian world, which wounded and confused the human mind with the ideas of punishment and shame ... Varg Vikernes - "religion and magic of Ancient Scandinavia"

Good afternoon dear fairy tale lovers! I welcome you back to my site. Today, together with Charles Perrault, I will try to penetrate into the deep meaning of his fairy tale Cinderella.

Brief summary of the story.

Once upon a time there was a respectable and noble man. He had a wife and a daughter. But as soon as the daughter was 16 years old, the wife died. The father married someone else. The stepmother had two daughters of her own, whom she loved and protected from work. The stepmother hated her stepdaughter and entrusted her with all the dirty unpleasant work around the house, did not allow a single minute of rest.

The stepmother dressed her daughters in beautiful outfits, and the stepdaughter went around in an old, dirty dress. stepdaughter was beautiful girl, and the stepmother's daughters were not beauties, but were proud, vain and tried in every possible way to humiliate their half-sister, could not forgive her for her beauty and kindness. The stepmother was formidable aggressive, the father was overwhelmed by his wife's dominance and did not dare to protect his daughter.

Duality of the world

I think that we are talking about two types of people here: some are down to earth, they think only about the benefits, conveniences, wealth for their loved ones, they do not notice the suffering of the people around them. Even if they have any surplus of clothes, food, money, they will not share it with anyone. They are mundane because they are only interested in everything earthly, they are like children of the mother of matter (in fairy tales - stepmothers), who do not think that there is a heavenly world and there are other values. There is another type of people: they are already from birth, as it were, children of the Heavenly Father (in fairy tales, children of the father, stepdaughters, stepchildren). Respectful, hardworking, talented, always helping and supporting others, but inevitably enduring insults and ridicule from "stepmother's" children.

It would seem - such an injustice. But in every fairy tale, in the end, good wins. In this tale, the stepdaughter marries the prince; in other tales, Ivanushki and other brave heroes get the princess as their wife and half the kingdom in addition, etc.

Formation of the Family Tree

At the beginning of the tale there is a very important message: The girl lived with her parents until she was 16 years old. loving mother I managed to teach my daughter very important life principles:

“Mommy taught me: no, water does not flow under a stone,

And you can’t light a fire in the stove if it’s not filled with firewood.

And if you want to sleep sweetly, do not rely on God's mercy,

Straws need to be spread, and make sure that they do not go astray.

Don't you dare - don't take someone else's! Keep yours. How can you.

And wipe your tears, do not roar, you become weaker from self-pity.

Do not ask God for much, but believe that the edge will come - it will help.

Extinguish unreasonable anger, and do not be angry at fate, worthless.

Do not wait for someone to bring it, go get it, because your legs are holding.

And if trouble - who will save? Do something yourself first.

Let it be scary, let it not get out of hand, others can - you try.

The eyes of fear are large, but everything will work out - try.

And do not hold on to insults, forgive them. If I knew…"

Mother taught, and life confirmed her science (verses by A. Oparina).

It is very important that it is the parents who teach the child the basic concepts of life - this is the spiritual core that will make it possible to survive all the difficulties of life. In the cartoon "Ratibor's childhood" it is very well shown how mother and father taught their son to be strong, strong, smart. The child carries the instructions of his parents throughout his life and passes them on, multiplying his experience, to children, grandchildren, etc. This is how the Family Tree is formed.

Cinderella dreams

The word Cinderella means a diminutive of ash. Ash is the black remains of a burnt tree. In this world, the world of “leather clothes” or “wooden men” (in the fairy tale “The Golden Key”), we were born, not knowing how to control our capabilities, which the Heavenly Father laid in us during Creation. He created us “in His image and likeness”, that is, we have the ability to create and spiritualize what has been created so that it is alive.

A fairy in a fairy tale shows a few miracles: she makes a carriage out of a pumpkin, turns mice into horses, a rat into a coachman, with one wave of her magic wand exchanges Cinderella's old dirty dress for a beautiful ball gown, which was envied by all the ladies at the prince's at the ball.

The world is not easy

So how can we find in ourselves the “likeness of God”? Oddly enough, those who force us to be creative in any work (to earn more, you need to be able to do something better than other people: it’s more beautiful to sew, it’s tastier to cook, it’s better to build, to achieve better results in sports, to design better cars, planes, rockets, etc.) are the testers of our character. Endurance, endurance, ability to accept a wise decision, empathy, co-joy, patience and humility are not acquired all at once - this is the result of a long work of the human soul. Each generation of the clan earns something of its own over the course of its life and passes it on to children by genes, and children to their children, etc. The genus, in which the ancestors worked better, in each subsequent generation achieves better results. At school, from the very first grade, it is clear that all children are different in their abilities and in the depth of perception of information. Initially, each family on earth was given one talent - the very first one, and then the Lord said that people should develop their talents, and not "bury them in the ground", that is, laziness is excluded - a bad fellow traveler in life. Some kind of profession was passed from generation to generation from father to son, from son to grandson, etc. If it turned out to do one thing well, other abilities developed along the way, for example: a rich crop grown had to be sold in order to acquire something else needed on the farm. Studied trade trade, trade psychology, learned languages different peoples to trade with them. That is, a person who lives actively has always developed his talents.

it important point in a person's life, but not the main one. We try to protect ourselves and our loved ones from the difficulties of life. But here is the paradox: if a person himself did not suffer, he does not know how to empathize with the pain of others, he does not find it necessary to help those in need, even if there is such an opportunity.

Finding the real you

“We say that there should be no suffering, but there is, and we must find ourselves in their fire. Sorrow is one of the most important factors in life, and therefore it is useless to say that it should not have been. There is sin and suffering and sorrow, and it is not our business to say that God made a mistake when he allowed them. Sorrow burns a lot of little things in our souls, but it does not always make a person better.

In success, it is impossible to find yourself. Success only makes you dizzy.

It is also impossible to find oneself in monotony. In monotony, we can only grumble.

You can find yourself only in the fire of suffering. Suffering either gives me myself or destroys my Self. Holy Scriptures, and human experience, it is known that this is the case in people's lives. You always know when a person has gone through the fire of suffering and found himself (that is, the likeness of God in himself), and you are sure that you can turn to him in trouble and find that he has time for you. If you find yourself in the fire of suffering, God will make you useful to other people” (O. Chambers).

The stepmother and sisters left for the ball, and Cinderella was ordered to sort out the mixed grains, and she completed this task. This is an image of the fact that we cleanse ourselves of everything unnecessary in the soul: grain from chaff, and all the forces of physical nature (birds) and the subtle world (angels) help us in this. Quantity turns into quality with constant effort; by our will, we develop patience and humility, if necessary, to endure some trials in fate.

Sometimes we rise above the ordinary in our actions or in our dreams - we are at the prince's ball. But soon this state passes: the carriage again turns into a pumpkin, a ball gown into an old ugly dress, and only a crystal slipper betrays our finding of a heavenly self. The difficulties of life that we have overcome refine our psyche, as if making our step on the earth easier. In the fairy tale, this is reflected in the change in shoes: the Fairy replaced Cinderella's rough shoes with elegant ones. glass shoes and they didn't disappear.

Those who are not very comfortable in the earthly world suffer, they are transformed even after life in the earthly world, they go to the Higher Light worlds. We subsequently call them Saints.

Joy of meeting

“The world is not simple, not simple at all. You can’t hide in it from storms and thunderstorms, you can’t hide in it from winters and blizzards, and from partings, from bitter partings. But for all these trials, a reward awaits ahead - the joy of meeting with Love - our Lord. And Cinderella is the heart of every person on our planet who has managed to subordinate the body to the soul, and the soul to the spirit. Here is such a transformation from ash to Cinderella.

I understood the meaning of this, at first glance, uncomplicated fairy tale. But in fact, it reflects the whole meaning of our life: do good and it will return to you, “what you release into the world is what you receive from it; how you want people to treat you, treat them the same way; by which judgment you judge, so shall you be judged” (Gospel).

Hello, dear readers my blog.

Last night, before going to bed, my daughter and I reviewed and re-read our favorite books. One such book was Cinderella. As a child, I really loved the story of Cinderella. After all, a real miracle happens to her!

Her gentle and unsophisticated spirit, sparkling glass shoes make her one of the most cherished princesses for little girls.

Compared to modern fairy tale heroines such as Mulan, Belle, Elsa, our beloved Cinderella seems to me very passive and timid. But therein lies its charm.

In today's article, I would like to look at Cinderella with different eyes. As they say in many Russian fairy tales: “The fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, good fellows lesson".

It is also very important for me what this wonderful fairy tale. And her powerful lessons are truly timeless, many parents can teach their children this wisdom using a simple fairy tale as an example.

Always be kind, no matter what happens.

Someone will say what you say, what kindness, because her stepmother and sisters offended her so much. This is true, but at the same time, Cinderella always managed to remain calm, confident and kind.

She enveloped everyone around with this kindness: insects, bunnies and birds. What conclusion can be drawn: let's help children understand the importance of kindness and generosity.

Courage and risk

I was always surprised how Cinderella was not afraid to say that she wanted to go to the ball, that she deserved it and that she was not a housekeeper, but the same sister and mistress of the house. It doesn't matter that it only annoyed the stepmother, but Cinderella has an inner core.

And she was not afraid to ride in a pumpkin carriage pulled by rats, although she understood that all this might not end very well. What can be taught to children: to be bolder, braver, more self-confident.

Don't let failure stop you

Just imagine this situation, you don’t have a dress to go to the ball, you were humiliated and insulted and loaded with work, but you don’t lose heart and sing songs and as a reward, the good fairy dresses Cinderella in a delightful dress and she dances with the prince.

And then they take away your shoe, the only hope to meet the prince, but even here Cinderella is on top. Isn't that a role model.

Always dream

I think it's so important when people can dream. And it is very important to teach this to children. This is how it develops creative fantasy, and in the future, the ability to set yourself high, steep goals and the ability to achieve them.

Cinderella, like no other, succeeded in this matter, she danced with a broom, like with a prince ... They say the truth, dreams come true!

Believe in yourself

Cinderella continues to dream because she believes in herself and her happy future. She knows for a fact that she is more than an assigned housekeeper.

What is the conclusion: increase your child's self-esteem, let him know that he has an innate ability to do something very cool and important for himself, he is the best, let him be self-confident. But don't overdo it: narcissism is back side medals.

What was missing from this story?

You know, dear readers, rereading many fairy tales now, I am generally surprised how children can read them. I won't go into details now, because I'm talking about good fairy tale Cinderella. But there are a few things I would like to change about her.

You know what always bothered me. Why is Cinderella's father so indecisive, why didn't he hit the table with his fist and say that he was the boss in the house. I would like Cinderella's father to be strong-willed and strong man and did not allow her to offend.

But that would be a completely different story...

These are the conclusions I made, last night, I couldn’t sleep for half the night, and today it resulted on paper in my article.

See you soon.

With you was Ekaterina Chesnakova with Cinderella, a magical fairy and a prince on a white horse.

Do you think it's all just that? All those Little Mermaids, Sleeping Beauties and Cinderellas that you and I have been stuffed with from the pages of books and movie screens since childhood? And here it is not. All this, it turns out, determines our fate with you.

This bright thought visited the best human heads in the middle of the last century. There was, for example, such a psychologist Eric Berne. He described in detail the influence of fairy tales on the life scenario of each person. Of course, we are not Berns, but we also decided to figure out what's what.

Fairy tales are the first little child Mommy and daddy read it. From childhood, we hear stories about beautiful princesses and brave princes, talking frogs and cats in boots. Of course, they simply cannot but leave a trace in our minds. By the way, do not forget that they try to dress up all little girls like princesses. They play princesses, they look like princesses, they look at the endless series of princesses in cartoons and movies. So what do they do when they grow up? Correctly! To put into practice what fairy tales taught them. Think it's harmless? Let's see what our favorite fairy tales are about?


A tale of fairy tales, the ultimate girl story of all time, Cinderella tops the list of must-reads young creature literary works. If you have pigtails - consider yourself hit. About this sweet, modest, kind and unfortunate mess, who snatched off the jackpot in the form of a prince and a kingdom in addition in the final, you probably read it more than once.

It would seem that everything is wonderful. Once upon a time there was a girl, her mother died, and her evil stepmother mocked her in every possible way. The girl’s father was also, frankly, so-so, so he allowed the evil aunt to offend his beloved and beloved (sic!) Child both in the tail and in the mane. In general, the girl lived for herself and lived, especially did not stick out, sorted out the grains, painted roses in all the colors of the rainbow and quietly cried in the morning into a wooden pillow, cursing her cruel fate. And then - oops! Out of nowhere, the fairy godmother appears (where, by the way, was she worn all previous years?) And sends our unwashed baby straight to royal ball, where the prince himself immediately and unconsciously falls in love with her. The end, as you know, is life-affirming. Well, what do we see here, friend? If you want to meet your prince, then you don't need to stick your head out. Know, sit quietly, heroically endure all the hardships that fall on your head, and wait. Oh, yes - do not forget to learn how to cook, wash, clean, sew, embroider, iron ... What else is there? And by the way, do you have your own fairy godmother? Without it, nothing will come of it, as you already understood. Not? No problem! But instead of a happy and long life with your prince in the family castle, you can quite successfully get a job at the nearest laundry factory. Or take orders for embroidering cats with a cross. In the end, go work as a cook in a nearby kindergarten. And live long happy life. One. Okay, so be it, with the cat.

The second disappointing conclusion that suggests itself: if you do not want to endure all the bullying, endure insults and do heavy work, you ... mmm, how should I say it, are not modest, kind and good enough. So, not worthy of a prince. Will he look at you? Of course not!

Now do you understand what we mean? The main happiness of any girl is a prince! And hard work with obedience to the point of losing consciousness. Do not even think about studying, setting goals for yourself, fighting, achieving them, going against the will of your parents (even if they are real animals), and so on. Then maybe some fairy godmother will turn her attention to you. Or maybe not... Listen, do you believe in fairies? We are not... Therefore, yes, Lily James's dress in the film is very beautiful, but, let's agree, a movie is a movie, a fairy tale is a fairy tale. In life, let everything be different for you and me, just like ours.


Here is another example of bad programming female destiny. It's sad here too. Horror and nightmare. Poor little Belle complicated relationship with sisters. And she is knocked out of her strength to please her father. And although her father loves her, he sells her instead of himself into slavery to the Beast. No, in the end, of course, the monster will turn out to be a handsome prince, and they will get married. But ... Let's go in order.

What do we have here. A charming girl, who, for her beauty and moderate disposition (doesn’t remind you of anything ?!), everyone calls Beauty. Her sisters hate her. With my father, everything is somehow complicated. It seems that Belle is trying to do everything in such a way as to simplify his life, so that it would be easier for him to love her. And he also seems to love his youngest, this beautiful flower. But despite this, for some reason, he hands her over to the Beast for certain death. Strange, you see, parental love ...

Next - the most interesting and the most terrible. What in the serious and intelligent science of psychology is called the relationship of codependency (that is, mutual dependence). The Beast cannot exist without the Beauty. As soon as she lingers for a day, he immediately gives up in his rosary. But as soon as she returns, he immediately comes to life, moreover, turns into a handsome prince.

Beauty is good too. All the way she seems to be talking to herself: “Oh, how unhappy he is. His whole life before me was a complete disaster. That is OK! Now he will love me and everything will be fine.” These words should be read like this: without me, he will be lost. This is how the wives of alcoholics, drug addicts, and dangerous criminals usually justify themselves. Yes, he is like that, he drinks, walks, beats me, but ... my tear will fall on his shaggy head - and he will turn into a handsome prince. My love will make a man out of him. Without me, he will die. And, it would seem, what does fairy tales have to do with it?


This is where the real nightmare is! The most scary tale for little girls. But, wait a minute, it seems that it is more like the truth than others.

The little mermaid is the daughter of the sea king, and this cute little tailed baby lives under water. On the day of her coming of age, she is allowed to rise to the surface for the first time. There she sees (well, you guessed who, right?) a prince, most likely a handsome one. The little mermaid falls in love with him and, in order to become a man, changes her precious and beautiful voice to the legs of an evil sorceress. Only a prince can save her life. If he falls in love and kisses her, then she will finally turn into a person. Needless to say, this nasty prince falls in love and marries a completely different one? .. And on the morning after his wedding, the Little Mermaid goes to another world ...

It seems that everything is so transparent here that it is not worth explaining. We have already told you more than once, in the pair “you and your boyfriend”, you are the main one. Yes, you are the main one, whatever one may say. Therefore, you should not sacrifice anything for the sake of some illusory hopes of marrying someone there. Not! Do not even think about it. And if you have a great voice, you better sing. At least in the choir. And the rest will take care of itself.


Do you like to lie in bed before dinner? Then you will definitely like this story. Imagine, you wake up after a hundred years of sleep, and here he is, all so beautiful, with a horse. OK. Seriously. What do we have here?

Mommy and daddy wanted a baby for so long that they got a little crazy. Therefore, for some reason, a bunch of evil fairies were invited to the birthday of the long-awaited daughter. One of them, of course, immediately cursed the little one. And the curse, of course, came true. The girl pricked herself on a spindle and fell asleep for a hundred years. Then the prince woke her up, they got married and lived happily ever after. Yes.

We told you a short version without the prince's mother, who was a cannibal and wanted to eat her grandchildren. Why scare you for the coming dream, agree? But even in abbreviation... Well, you understand, you can sleep for a hundred years only in a fairy tale. In life, you need to act and not be afraid to prick yourself on the spindle. We all make mistakes, but without them we do not live, but sleep. That's why when simple people wrong, they pick themselves up and move on. After all, happiness is somewhere very close.

So if you put all these scenarios together, it turns out not a very pleasant thing. A not very pleasant role is prepared for you and me in them. We must cry, wait, suffer, give birth to children and iron his shirts. This is not surprising. After all, this has always been the role of women under the dominance of men. But do not rush to despair. We live in the 21st century, and it's not so bad. Because the situation is changing. And even fairy tales are different now. Do not trust? See for yourself.


That's where the holiday is! It all starts out dull and normal. The princess is imprisoned in the tower, she must be rescued and delivered to the arms of the prince. A green ogre is sent to rescue the princess. You, we are sure, know the plot. But wait, something is definitely wrong with this princess.

Firstly, she is not a muslin young lady at all. Secondly, she is brave, resourceful. Thirdly, he knows the art of combat and, if necessary, can save his fiancé from robbers. Fourthly, get him food and cheer him up. And, fifthly, at night she herself turns into an ogre. Here are those on!

It's strange, but we like such a princess much more than all these sleeping beauties and other snotty queens. And not only to us. You remember the end, don't you? Fiona has found her love and her prince. Let it be Shrek, a green ogre with a kind soul and a retarded sense of humor. But they are just like that, and they are good together. And you don’t have to sacrifice your life, endure humiliation for years and instill a sense of guilt in your Beast. You see the progress.


The basis of "Maleficent" is taken from the plot of "Sleeping Beauty". But for such a deep foundation that an unprepared viewer may not even guess about it at all. If we compare these two versions: the first, terrible, where everyone ate each other, or the last, joyful, where everyone loved each other with all their might, we will see how the attitude towards a woman and her role in culture and society is changing. And what we see, of course, cannot but rejoice. After all, Maleficent is practically a feminist manifesto. The prince is on the sidelines here. The main thing is that the evil fairy fell in love with the “sleeping baby” and everything worked out for them.

In short, you got it. The trend is encouraging. You and I are no longer obliged to live for the princes, to be their faithful shadows, laundresses, gardeners and so on. Now a real princess can stay awake for a hundred years and not wear crinolines. On the contrary, she may well get an education, not want to get married, not want (mommy!) Children, take up arms, read smart books, ride a horse and everything, everything, everything she wants. And fairy tales ... Well, fairy tales ... Come on, take them to the bathhouse!

Thank you site for the information.

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