Cool corner in the form of a castle. Cool corner templates

    Do not fight without resentment, do not be offended without action.

    Don't approach anyone yourself.

    Call to play - go, do not call - ask, it's not a shame.

    Play fair.

    Do not tease, do not beg for anything; Don't ask anyone twice for anything.

    Always do your homework, don't cry because of the mark, be proud.

    Do not argue with the teacher and do not be offended by the teacher.

    Don't snitch on your comrades.

    Be neat and tidy, people around you don't like dirty people.

    Say more often: let's be friends, let's play together.

    Be kind and polite to those around you.

Class monitor

Manages the affairs of the class, monitors discipline and attendance, is responsible for the order in the class, duty.


Helps teachers with classroom design.


Grade Plant Care


Maintains contact with the physical education teacher. Organizes participation in sporting events.

housekeeping class

Responsible for maintaining and repairing classroom furniture.

class library service

Responsible for the order with textbooks, the availability of educational supplies.

Our motto:

“Let the spark of friendship that we light together give us joy, warm us with warmth.”

Falia Name - date of birth

Falia Name - date of birth

Falia Name - date of birth

Falia Name - date of birth

Falia Name - date of birth

    Help a friend, if you know how to do something better, teach him too.

    Share with your friends if you have interesting books or toys.

    Stop a friend if he does something bad. If a friend is wrong about something, tell him about it.

    Do not quarrel with the guys, try to work and play together with them.

    Don't be conceited if you're good at something. Do not envy your comrades - you should rejoice at their successes.

    If you did something wrong, don't be afraid to admit it and make amends.

    Learn to accept help, advice and comments from other guys.



7.00 – 7.15

Water procedures, morning exercises.

7.15– 7.30

Room cleaning.

7.30 – 8.00


8.00 – 8.30

Walk, preparation for lessons.


Beginning of lessons.

8.30 – 13.00


13.00 –13.30


13.30 – 14.00

Walk before quiet time.

14.00 – 16.00

Quiet hour.

16.10 – 16.30

afternoon tea.

17.00 -18.30


Extracurricular activity.

18.30 – 19.00

Outdoor games.

19.00 – 19.30


19.30 – 20.30

Wellness walk before bedtime, quiet games, TV viewing, hobby activities.

20.30 – 21.00

Preparation for sleep,

evening toilet. Dream.

It is known that even among the ancient Slavs, this beetle personified the goddess of the Sun, who gives light, harvest, life. The tribes that lived in what is now Germany considered these bugs to be the children of the sun, rain and fertility. The Czechs believed that the found bug would bring good luck, and the French were convinced that the amulet with its image protected children from misfortune.

It's about a ladybug. Whether people were aware of the benefits that ladybugs bring to them is difficult to say. But, apparently, they were treated well. It is not for nothing that in Russia this bug has long been affectionately called the "sun". Perhaps this is an echo of ancient Slavic beliefs, perhaps simply because it is red and round.

However, not all ladybugs are red - there are yellow ladybugs and blue ones (these dots on the elytra are red).

points can also be a different number - and two, and five, and thirteen, and fourteen. But most often there are red ladybugs with seven points on the elytra. But no matter what color they are, they can always be recognized by their characteristic "figure" and droplets of liquid that appear in frightened or sensing danger bugs on the bends of their legs. The people call this liquid "milk", which is why they called the bugs cows. And in the old days, kind, harmless people were called "God's". The bug really looks very good-natured, harmless. So it is - it is not dangerous to anyone, except for aphids.

These are perhaps the most familiar birds to us. And those most in need of our help. Many believe that the birds got their names from the color of their feathers (tits means "blue"). In fact, there are no blue tones in the plumage of tits. Birds emit a rather loud melodious whistle - "si-si". So they called them tits. The largest of the tits living with us is the big one. Compared to its sisters, it is really big, compared to other birds it is not so large (it weighs 20 grams). She, perhaps, more often than others can be seen in winter in cities and villages. A bird flies to people not from a good life: it is difficult, hungry in the forest at this time.

AT at this time, tits become in the full sense of the word omnivorous birds: they eat crumbs and cereals, pieces of meat and lard. And yet, many birds die at this time: out of 10 tits, at best, 1-2 survive until spring. They die not from cold, but from hunger. A hungry bird does not tolerate even mild frosts. But if the titmouse survives the winter, already in early spring it will begin to look for a place for a nest - a hollow or other suitable sheltered place. Tits are parents of many children: 10-14 chicks in the nest are not uncommon. Of course, in order to feed such a family, parents have to fly to the nest 400 times a day with food - insects. This continues for two weeks. Parents still feed the grown chicks when they crawl out of the nest. True, sometimes one dad has to do this - at this time the female is already sitting on the eggs of the second clutch. Then two weeks of colossal work - feeding the chicks in the nest, then feeding ... It is not surprising that a pair of tits, along with broods, of course (and in two broods there are 20 and 30 birds), can reliably protect a garden of 40 fruit trees from pests. trees. And if you feed the birds in winter, be sure:in the summer they will thank you!

Exactly ten school rules

The director gave you

study, memorize

And of course do it!

Don't scream when you leave the classroom - that's it!

And never run - that's two!

Do not take other people's things - these are three!

And four - that's right - let there be no fights at school!

Do not offend kids - this is five!

Do you want to eat candy?

e throw a piece of paper - six!

Seven! Don't run to dinner

And follow the teacher!

In the corridors we ask you

Save the plants - eight!

Nine! Adult on the way

Say the word "hello"!

Ten! The bell rang

Everyone hurry to class!

It is interesting!

Apprentice code of honor






6. THE WORST CHARACTER FEATURES - JEALY, EVIL, HATRED, ENVY, callousness, cruelty, lack of spirituality, hypocrisy.



9. Cultivate a sense of duty, camaraderie, responsibility for your actions.
















Starchenkov Ivan


26.03. Velichko Lyubov Petrovna










Our affairs.

1. Class hour “The future of Russia. What is it?

2. Conversations on the prevention of injuries on the roads.

3. Conversations about fire safety rules.

4. Participation in sports activities of the school and the district.

5. Class hour "Etiquette in public places."

6. Discussion "Honesty and Lies"

7. Dispute "By what criteria is a person's upbringing judged?".

8. Class hour "Me and my actions."

9. Class hour "Love for the motherland begins with love for the mother."

10. New Year's ball.

11.Competition "Come on, guys!"

12. Competition "Come on, girls!"

13. "Prevention of bad habits in schoolchildren."

14. Action "Say no to drugs"

15. Demonstration of the presentation "The most important profession in the countryside"

Commandments of the student.

* The main thing: try to make people around you feel good.

* Before turning to a person, smile at him, because good relationships begin with a smile.

* Learn to rejoice not only in your successes, but also in the successes of your classmates.

* Never envy or snitch on anyone: sneaking embitters people and destroys their relationship.

* Try to come to the aid of a friend, do not wait until you are asked about it.

* If you feel bad, do not rush to blame others. Learn to tolerate adversity.

* Treasure school friendship, value your class and your school.

* And one more thing: treat people the way you want to be treated.

* You are constantly growing, evolving, changing. Help yourself become a good person. Engage in self-education.

* Whether you like it or not, you need to study. Do not humiliate yourself with idleness, do not be lazy. Lazy people in our school are bad. Keep in mind that in Russia people are greeted by their clothes, but they are escorted by their minds.

* If you happen to make a mistake, stumble - do not get out and do not lie. Be honest, first of all, with yourself.

* Protect the weak, come to the aid of your comrades without waiting to be asked. In general, strive to live for the benefit of people and for yourself.

* Treasure the school fellowship: it is for life. Don't forget and don't betray your school friends. Try to keep a good memory of yourself. In word and deed, by the example of your life, multiply the glory home school

* Everything important in the fate of a person begins with school.

* Your school the best because she Yours.

* There are many of us and we are all different - consider this, try to behave in such a way that people around you feel good. Treat them the way you want to be treated.

The design of the classroom is an integral part of the work of the teacher. Each teacher strives to give his corner individuality, to emphasize in it his creative potential and talent as a designer.

Given the meager budget and the monotony of templates, it is possible to realize your idea only creatively - by making cool corners with your own hands.

How to arrange a corner

First you need to remember the uniform requirements for the design of corners in the classroom. Also, one should not forget about the differences in the presentation of information, its distinctive features in elementary school, middle and senior levels.

Here are a few basic requirements for how to decorate a cool corner with your own hands. It:

  • aesthetics;
  • creativity;
  • reflection of the maximum number of areas of interest of students;
  • careful selection and preparation of information, taking into account its relevance and significance;
  • availability of educational information.

From the above, it is clear that not just some drawings and articles, but the necessary and useful information should contain a cool corner. Photos of do-it-yourself stands made are presented in this article below.

The purpose of the design of the corner

The classroom corner is designed to become an assistant for the teacher in organizing the educational process. To do this, the information posted on it should contribute to the achievement of certain goals:

  • the maximum expansion of the horizons of students;
  • efficient and high quality;
  • improving the results of educational and extracurricular activities;
  • development of creative inclinations, realization of the creative potential of students;
  • unity of the class, education of collectivism;
  • the formation of the aesthetic taste of students.

How to make a cool corner with your own hands

The stand manufacturing process includes several successive stages:

  • choice of subject;
  • selection of the necessary sections, determination of their total number;
  • creation of a sample of the future stand on paper;
  • selection of materials for the manufacture of the stand;
  • work on the manufacture of the corner;
  • installation or assembly of the stand;
  • filling the classroom with information.

First you need to start creating a sample of the future stand on paper. You need to draw with colored pencils, felt-tip pens or paints what a cool corner will look like. Do-it-yourself design makes it possible to involve children in this process. Joint creativity will only bring students together, help to reveal their creative inclinations and will contribute to the development of aesthetic taste and imagination.

Subject selection

The choice of topics should be taken with all responsibility. In this case, one should be guided by the age characteristics of children, their interests, wishes, the size of the area on which the classroom will be located. Do-it-yourself decoration allows you to choose all kinds of themes and styles of performance.

The theme of the corner for can be associated with fairy-tale characters, cartoon characters and more. The main condition is the brightness of colors and ease of execution.

So, for example, you can arrange a corner in the form of a sun with rays, a train with trailers, a tree, a flower meadow, a rainbow, and the like. It all depends on the imagination of the teacher and his creative abilities.

The theme for the booth of middle and senior students is more strict. Do-it-yourself cool corners can be designed in the form of a book, mathematical, language, literary, sports or artistic symbols.

Also, the students themselves can suggest a topic for the stand, based on their preferences and interests. Here the main thing for the teacher is to listen to the opinion of everyone and choose the topic that will be acceptable to the majority.

Selection of necessary materials

Having decided on the topic, it is necessary to calculate the total number of windows in which information will be placed, and also to title each section in accordance with the generally accepted requirements for what a classroom corner should be in a school. Do-it-yourself design of such a stand gives room for imagination and creativity.

The choice of raw materials for the manufacture of the stand depends on the state of the financial aspect and the potential of the teacher.

With a meager budget and a great creative potential of the teacher, you can make the perfect stand from simple improvised materials. Perfectly amenable to processing cardboard, plywood, fabric, thick paper.

Below is one of the examples of how you can decorate classroom corners with your own hands for elementary school.

Class corner theme: "Ant Family"

The cool corner consists of three stands and is a forest clearing where ants are hard at work. Grass, flowers and other necessary decorations can be made from fabric. The tree and the anthill with its inhabitants are made of thick paper or cardboard.

There is a large anthill on the central stand of the corner. Above it, you can fix a sheet with the inscription "Our friendly team" or "Our class."

The number of ants should correspond to the total number of students in the class. You can put a photo of each student on the corner stand, and mark the ant girls and boys with pink and blue ribbon, respectively.

Also, students' photographs can be arranged in the form of a tree, the crown of which is formed by photographs with the addition of foliage. Leaves can also be made from paper or fabric. The composition is completed by a powerful trunk cut out of cardboard or made of paper using the appliqué or origami technique. Under the tree, you can put the schedule of lessons and calls.

On the second side stand, you can make a "flower of success" with small tips for students and berries with mushrooms, on which you can put the names of class attendants, children who do not have sick passes, etc.

In addition, space should be left on the stand for placement of educational information, birthday greetings, student achievements and recommendations for parents. An excellent incentive for the presence of the block "Our creativity" or "Creative success of students" will be.

In this case, you don’t have to waste your time and do absolutely everything with your own hands, it will be enough just to choose the right contractor, explain to him all the nuances of the order, then submit an application and pick up a completely finished product after a set period of time.

Installation or installation of the stand

If there is enough money, the stand can be ordered from a specialized company that manufactures stands, both template and custom-made.

The installation of a finished classroom corner can be carried out independently, with the involvement of the parents of students, by the staff of the school or other organizations.

The main requirement for the installation of stands is the unconditional observance of safety regulations and the compliance of the corner with all the rules for safe operation. Stands must be firmly attached to the wall, not have sharp corners, and contain materials that may cause injury to children or cause harm to their health.

Cool corner at school, decorated with your own hands

When filling a class corner with information, it is necessary to take into account all the requirements for data of this kind, as well as the age characteristics and interests of children.

It should also be remembered that the messages on the stands are subject to mandatory systematic updating. To implement this requirement, students can be involved by distributing responsibilities and assigning their section of the stand to them.

Responsibility for updating educational information, class schedules, and data for parents rests entirely with the teacher.

The stand can contain not only drawings and texts, but also thematic photographs, which will make a do-it-yourself classroom made at school quite original. Students themselves can also offer photos for the stand, which will significantly increase the coefficient of their participation in the overall work.

Timely and high-quality updating, competent presentation of the text help to maintain the interest of students and parents in the life of the class, and also greatly simplifies the work of the teacher, making it more efficient and fruitful.

Compliance with all the above requirements is a guarantee of successful and high-quality work. Made cool corners with your own hands will bring joy and satisfaction. There is no need to be afraid to create and fantasize, because the success of the work begun depends on the abilities and talent of the teacher.

Rules of behavior in the classroom (at the lesson)

  • The bell rings - rather in class,

We already have a lesson.

3. Do you want to answer,

do not be noisy,

But just raise your hand.

2. You sit at your desk harmoniously,

And behave with dignity.

4. Remember that lesson

not a toy

And you can't stretch it.

Be careful

and listen

Everything is said here for you.

6. Call from the lesson -

stand up quietly

Remember, the class

not a gym.

5. At school, in the classroom

don't litter

Sor saw - pick it up!

  • All school items must be

in order, neatly stowed in a briefcase.

3. When you enter

to school, don't push. Dry your shoes thoroughly before entering.

6. If an ADULT (teacher, director, parent) enters the class together, but QUIETLY and QUIETLY should stand up, welcoming the newcomer. You can sit down only after permission.

7. If the teacher asks a question to the class and you want to answer, do not shout out,

and RAISE YOUR HAND. Raise your hand when you want to ask something

anything from the teacher.

Rules of conduct at school

2. We ALWAYS come to school on time,


4. When you enter

to school, to class, you need to say hello first to the teacher, then to your comrades.

5. If you are late

to class and go

to class after the bell, you must ask permission from the teacher.

8. Turning

with a request to a teacher or comrades, you need to use "POLITE" words: please, thank you.

10. Go out

CHANGE is possible only after the permission of the teacher.

13. If an adult met at the door, you need to give him a seat (skip).

16. Papers, bits, all rubbish must be thrown away

in a special basket.

9. Each student must take care of his DESK, do not break, do not write, do not scratch with a sharp object.

12. You should say hello to all the adults you meet at school.

11. In the corridor it is IMPOSSIBLE


14. If nearby

a girl goes with a boy, he must skip

her forward.

Rules of behavior

in the locker room

3. Put mittens, gloves in your pocket, headdress -

into the sleeve.

2. Hang up your clothes

and put on your shoes

to a certain place .

4. Hang your clothes neatly.

1. Arriving at school, be sure to change your shoes, take off your hat.

6. I saw the fallen clothes, pick them up.

7. Don't take

and don't spoil

other people's things.

5. When you undress

don't talk, undress quickly, don't disturb others.

8. Don't forget your things!

Rules of behavior

in library

4. In the book

don't bend the corners

do not write with a pen

use only


  • Keep order in the library

act QUIET.

Don't speak loudly.

2. Upon entering, say hello

with the librarian

and when you get the book, be sure to say


5. If the book is damaged,



6. Library

Books TAKE CARE ESPECIALLY! KNOW that they are intended not only

for you, but for many

other children.

3. Take the book only with clean hands.

Rules of behavior

in the dining room

7. Do not take out of the table buns, sweets, yogurt, fruits.

  • It is necessary to enter the nightingale in an organized manner.

Eat everything at the table.

2. Don't push, don't shout. OBSERVE ORDER.

8. Don't move your dirty plate towards your neighbor.

9. After eating, slide your chair under the table.

10. Clear the table if you are on duty.

3. Always wash your hands before eating.

11. When leaving, say THANK YOU to those who fed you

4. Don't talk while eating.

5. At the table, do not indulge in bread, do not spin, do not interfere with your neighbor.


Rules of behavior

in the Assembly hall

1. Come to the holiday in FESTIVE clothes, smart, combed, in polished shoes.

2. Calmly, without disturbing others, take your place.

  • In the hall, don't shout, don't run, don't push,

do not try to get ahead of your neighbor.

4. Waiting for the start of a holiday or concert


5. As soon as the start of the performance is announced,

stop talking, LOOK CAREFULLY and LISTEN.

6. Do not move from place to place until the end of the event.

7. Do not laugh if something goes wrong on the stage,

there was some kind of awkwardness (for example, if the speaker forgot the text, fell during the dance)

8. Don't forget to APPLAUSE!

9. Do not leave trash behind (there is a bin for this).

10. After the end, do not push, leave the hall QUIETLY!

Rules of behavior

in the school yard

2. On the sports ground, be careful: swings, sports equipment, stairs, horizontal bar

1. See if there are classes in the schoolyard during your walk, if you will interfere with the guys with your presence.

can be dangerous

in case of mishandling.

3. Stay away from dangerous structures

(transformer booths, pits, etc.)

5. Green spaces decorate

4. Play with friends

6. If you ran to play

in safe games.


to another yard

DO NOT CLIMB on rooftops, trees, fences.




Rules of behavior

during the break

During the change

During the change



1. Run around the classroom

and a corridor.

2. push,


call names.

3. Open a window.

4. Sit

on the windowsills.

5. Get out

out of school

without permission

class leader.

6. Play

in room

to street games.

  • Prepare for the next lesson.
  • Chat with friends.

3. Play calm, board games.

Rules of behavior

on the stairs

On the stairs


  • Carefully

watch where you're going.

2. Hold on

for the railing.

3. Go separately

from each other

(can be a couple).

On the stairs


  • hold hands

in pockets.

2. push,

talk or

to wait for someone.

3. Look around or up.

4. Lean over the railing.

5. Use

railing for descent

Charger for eyes No. 1

Perform each exercise 4-5 times

Charger for eyes No. 2

sit right

Correct fit

while reading

Correct fit

when writing

AT Monday I erased dust in Tuesday wiped AT Wednesday I baked kalach Whole Thursday looking for a ball cups on Friday washed, And in Saturday bought a cake All friends

birthday I called to Sunday.

4 2 4 is greater than 2 " width="640"


4 2

4 more than 2


3 = 3

3 equals 3


3 5

3 less than 5


I am a plus

And I'm proud of that.

I'm fit for addition

I am a good sign of connection

And that is my purpose.


I am negative.

Also a good sign.

After all, it’s not from evil that I take away,

I'm only doing my part.

How to prepare homework

1. Actively work in the lesson: listen carefully and answer questions. 2. If something is not clear, do not be shy to seek help from the teacher, adults and classmates. 3. Carefully and in detail write down tasks for each subject. 4. Learn to use reference books and dictionaries in order to be able to figure out the meaning of unfamiliar words and expressions. 5. Learn to find the information you need using a computer. 6. Difficult lesson material should be repeated on the same day in order to immediately fix it and remember it. 7. When doing homework, one must not only think about what needs to be done, but also decide with what means and methods this can be achieved. 8. On the desk should be only what is needed to complete one task. After its completion, already used materials are removed from the table, and those educational supplies that are necessary to complete the task in the next subject are placed. 9. In the process of preparing homework, you need to take breaks. 10. Before doing written work, you need to do some work on the mistakes and learn all the rules that you may need. 11. A large task must be broken down into parts and worked on each of them separately. 12. It is necessary to prepare for essays and reports in advance, evenly distributing the load, and not leaving such responsible work for the last day.

What you need to buy for a first grader:

  • Briefcase (empty weight no more than 700 - 800 gr.)
  • Notebooks in an oblique line - ordinary non-gloss, without pictures (20 pcs.)
  • Notebooks in a cage - ordinary non-gloss, without pictures (20 pcs.)
  • Colour pencils.
  • Ballpoint pens (plain) blue, 1 green.
  • Simple pencils 3 pcs.
  • Eraser.
  • Sharpener with container.
  • Pencil case (so you can fold accessories and rulers)
  • Ruler 10, 20 cm.
  • Covers for notebooks.
  • Covers for books.
  • Bookmarks.
  • Diary for a student 1 - 4 cells.
  • Albums for drawing - 2-3 pcs.
  • Watercolor paints - 1 pc.
  • Gouache (with white color) - 1 pc.
  • A set of brushes for drawing.
  • Do not spill a glass (2nd).
  • Glue - pencil, PVA.
  • Colored paper and cardboard (white/color).
  • Scissors (so that they cut well, and do not tear the paper).
  • Sportswear and shoes.
  • Folder for notebooks (A 4).
  • Plasticine + plank and knives for working with plasticine.

Funtova Svetlana Konstantinovna

primary school teacher


"The sun is shining"

1) The day opened at dawn

golden key,

To get on Earth

To each a ray.

For palm trees to grow

And birches with fir trees,

So that in the spring the nightingales

They clicked on the branches.

Chorus (2 times)

Chorus (2 times): The sun shines for everyone,

To ring out cheerful laughter,

The child did not cry.

The sun shines for everyone

To ring out cheerful laughter,

It shines the same.

2) The day opened at dawn

golden key,

To get on Earth

To each a ray.

To ring out cheerful laughter,

The child did not cry

The sun shines for everyone

It shines the same.

Chorus (2 times)

  • Law of Respect
  • Respect people and then people will respect you.
  • Law of Friendship
  • There are events in life that are difficult to survive alone. Then a friend comes to the rescue.
  • Law of Courage
  • Be brave, don't be afraid of obstacles.
  • law of love
  • Love your parents, friends, Motherland and everything that surrounds you.
  • the law of kindness
  • Kindness is strength. Do not be afraid to be strong - give people good.
  • Mercy Law
  • There may be someone next to you who needs help. Help!
  • The Law of Diligence
  • You can't even pull a fish out of a pond without difficulty. Be hardworking!


school life

The main thing: try to live in such a way that people around you feel good.

Before addressing a person, smile at him, because good relationships begin with a smile.

Learn to rejoice not only in your successes, but also in the successes of your classmates.

Never envy or snitch on anyone: sneaking embitters people and destroys their relationship.

Try to come to the aid of a friend, do not wait until you are asked about it.

If you feel bad, do not rush to blame others. Learn to endure trouble. The bad will soon pass.

Treasure school friendship, value your class and your school.

And one more thing: treat people the way you want to be treated.



solar assembly


Creative Group

good offices bureau

Aibolit Group


………… ..


………… ..


………… ..

Group "Fizruki-zdorovyaki"


………… ..

Press center


………… ..

On duty


………… ..

Our Summer Birthdays:

Our autumn birthdays:

Our Winter Birthdays:

Our spring birthdays:




1. Literature

2. Russian language

3. Mathematics

4. Physical education


1. Russian language

2. Mathematics

3. Technology

4. World around


1. Literature

2. Russian language

3. Mathematics

4. Physical education


1. Literature

2. Russian language

3. The world around


1. Literature

2. Russian language

3. Mathematics

4. Drawing

5. Physical education


extracurricular activities


Circle "Hostess"


Circle "Hatching and speech development"




Circle "Lessons of Aibolit"


"Funny notes"

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