The most isolated peoples on the planet. The most beautiful African tribe

It is believed that there are no less than a hundred "isolated tribes" in the world, still living in the farthest corners of the world. The members of these tribes, who have preserved traditions long left behind by the rest of the world, provide anthropologists with an excellent opportunity to study in detail the ways of development different cultures for many centuries.

10. The Surma People

The Ethiopian Surma tribe avoided contact with the Western world for many years. However, they are quite famous around the world for their huge plates that they put on their lips. However, they did not want to hear about any government. While colonization, world wars and the struggle for independence were in full swing around them, the people of Surma lived in groups of several hundred people each, and continued to engage in their modest cattle ranching.

The first people who managed to establish contact with the people of Surma were several Russian doctors. They met the tribe in 1980. Due to the fact that the doctors were white-skinned, the members of the tribe at first thought they were the living dead. One of the few pieces of equipment that members of the Surma people have adapted into their lives is the AK-47, which they use to protect their livestock.

Source 9Peruvian tribe discovered by tourists

Wandering in the jungles of Peru, a group of tourists suddenly encountered members of an unknown tribe. The whole incident was filmed: the tribe tried to communicate with tourists, but because the members of the tribe did not know either Spanish or English, they soon despaired of making contact and left the puzzled tourists where they found them.

After studying the footage recorded by the tourists, the Peruvian authorities soon realized that the group of tourists had encountered one of the few tribes that had not yet been discovered by anthropologists. Scientists knew about their existence and unsuccessfully searched for them long years, and tourists found them without even looking.

8. Single Brazilian

Slate magazine called him "the most isolated person on the planet." Somewhere in the thickets of the Amazon there is a tribe consisting of only one person. Just like Bigfoot, this mysterious person disappears when scientists are about to discover it.

Why is he so popular, and why won't he be left alone? It turns out that according to scientists it is last representative isolated Amazon tribe. He is the only person in the world who has preserved the customs and language of his people. Communication with him will be tantamount to finding a treasure trove of information, part of which is the answer to the question of how he managed to live alone for so many decades.

7. Tribe Ramapo (Ramapough Mountain Indians or The Jackson Whites)

During the 1700s, European settlers completed their colonization of the east coast. North America. By this point, every tribe in between Atlantic Ocean and the Mississippi River was added to the catalog famous peoples. As it turned out, all but one were listed in the catalogue.

In the 1790s, no one before that famous tribe Indians came out of the forest just 56 kilometers from New York. They somehow managed to avoid contact with the settlers, despite some biggest battles, such as the Seven Years' War and the War of Independence, which actually took place in their backyards. They became known as "Jackson Whites" due to the fact that they had light color skin, and also due to the fact that they were believed to be descended from "Jacks" (slang for the British).

6. Vietnamese Ruk tribe (Vietnamese Ruc)

During the Vietnam War, unprecedented bombardments of regions isolated at that time took place. After one particularly heavy American bombing raid, North Vietnamese soldiers were shocked to see a group of tribal members emerge from the jungle.

This was the first contact of the Ruk tribe with people with advanced technology. Due to the fact that their jungle home was badly damaged, they decided to stay in present-day Vietnam and not return to their homes. traditional dwellings. However, the values ​​and traditions of the tribe, passed down from generation to generation for many centuries, did not please the Vietnamese government, which led to mutual hostility.

5. The Last of the Native Americans

In 1911, the last Native American untouched by civilization calmly walked out of the forest in California, in full tribal attire - and was promptly arrested by the shocked police. His name was Ishi and he was a member of the Yahia tribe.

After interrogation by the police, who were able to find a local college interpreter, it was revealed that Ishi was the only survivor of his tribe after his tribe had been massacred by settlers three years earlier. After he tried to survive alone, using only the gifts of nature, he finally decided to turn to other people for help.

Ishi took under his wing a researcher from the University of Berkeley (Berkeley University). There, Ishi told the teaching staff all the secrets of his tribal life, and showed them many survival techniques, using only what nature gave. Many of these techniques were either long forgotten or unknown to scientists at all.

4. Brazilian tribes

The Brazilian government has been trying to figure out how many people live in isolated areas of the Amazonian lowland in order to put them on the population register. Therefore, a government aircraft equipped with photographic equipment regularly flew over the jungle, trying to detect and count the people below it. Tireless flights really gave a result, albeit a very unexpected one.

In 2007, an aircraft on a routine low flight to take photographs was unexpectedly hit by a rain of arrows from a previously unknown tribe firing bows at the aircraft. Then, in 2011, satellite scans picked up a few specks in a corner of the jungle that wasn't even expected to contain humans: as it turned out, the specks were humans after all.

3. Tribes of New Guinea

Somewhere in New Guinea, there are likely to be dozens of languages, cultures and tribal customs that are still unknown to modern man. However, due to the fact that this area is almost unexplored, and also because the nature and intentions of these tribes are uncertain, with often slipping reports of cannibalism, the wild part of New Guinea is very rarely explored. Despite the fact that new tribes are often discovered, many expeditions aimed at tracking down such tribes never reach them, or sometimes simply disappear.

For example, in 1961, Michael Rockefeller set out to find some of the lost tribes. Rockefeller, the American heir to one of the largest fortunes in the world, was separated from his group and apparently captured and eaten by members of the flame.

2. The Pintupi Nine

In 1984, an unknown group of Aboriginal people was discovered near a settlement in Western Australia. After they fled, the Pinupi Nine, as they were later called, were tracked down by those who spoke their language and told them that there was a place where water ran from pipes and there was always an ample supply of food. Most of them decided to stay in the modern city, a few of them became artists working in the style of traditional art. However, one out of nine, named Yari Yari, returned to the Gibson Desert, where he lives to this day.

1 The Sentinelese

The Sentinelese are a tribe of about 250 people who live on North Sentinel Island, between India and Thailand. Almost nothing is known about this tribe, because as soon as the Sentinelese see that someone has sailed to them, they meet the visitor with a hail of arrows.

A few peaceful encounters with this tribe in 1960 have given us practically everything we know about their culture. The coconuts brought to the island as gifts were eaten, not planted. Live pigs were shot with arrows and buried without being eaten. The most popular items among the Sentinelese were red buckets, which were quickly taken apart by members of the tribe - however, exactly the same green buckets remained in place.

Anyone who wanted to land on their island had to write their will first. The National Geographic team was forced to turn around after the team leader was shot in the thigh and two local guides were killed.

The Sentinelese have earned a reputation for their ability to survive natural disasters - unlike many modern people living in similar conditions. For example, this coastal tribe successfully escaped the effects of the tsunami caused by the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake that wreaked havoc and terror in Sri Lanka and Indonesia.

Dreaming of visiting national parks Africa, see wild animals in their natural habitat and enjoy the last untouched corners of our planet? Safari in Tanzania unforgettable journey across the African savannah!

The main part of the peoples of Africa includes groups consisting of several thousand, and sometimes hundreds of people, but at the same time - does not exceed 10% of the total population of this continent. As a rule, such small ethnic groups are the wildest tribes.

It is to this group that, for example, the Mursi tribe belongs.

Ethiopian tribe Mursi - the most aggressive ethnic group

Ethiopia - ancient country in the world. It is Ethiopia that is considered the progenitor of mankind, it is here that the remains of our ancestor, modestly named Lucy, were found.
More than 80 ethnic groups live in the country.

Living in southwestern Ethiopia, on the border with Kenya and Sudan, settled in the Mago Park, the Mursi tribe is distinguished by unusually strict customs. They, by right, can be nominated for the title of the most aggressive ethnic group.

Prone to frequent alcohol consumption and uncontrolled use of weapons. AT Everyday life The main weapon of the men of the tribe is the Kalashnikov assault rifle, which they buy in Sudan.

In fights, they can often beat each other almost to death, trying to prove their dominance in the tribe.

Scientists attribute this tribe to a mutated Negroid race, with distinctive features in the form of short stature, wide bones and crooked legs, low and strongly compressed foreheads, flattened noses and pumped up short necks.

Mursi female bodies often look flabby and sickly, bellies and breasts drooping, and backs stooped. There is practically no hair, which was often hidden under intricate headdresses of a very fantasy look, using as a material everything that can be picked up or caught nearby: rough skins, branches, dried fruits, marsh clams, someone's tails, dead insects, and even an incomprehensible smelly fall.

most famous feature The Mursi tribe has a tradition of inserting plates into the lips of girls.

It is not always possible to see all these characteristic attributes in the more public, coming into contact with civilization, Mursi, but their exotic appearance lower lip- this is business card tribe.

Plates are made different size made of wood or clay, the shape can be round or trapezoidal, sometimes with a hole in the middle. For beauty, the plates are covered with a pattern.

The lower lip is cut in childhood, pieces of wood are inserted there, gradually increasing their diameter.

Mursi girls start wearing plates at the age of 20, six months before marriage. The lower lip is pierced and a small disc is inserted into it, after the lip is stretched, the disc is replaced with a larger one and so on until the desired diameter is reached (up to 30 centimeters !!).

The size of the plate matters: the larger the diameter, the more the girl is valued and the more cattle the groom will pay for her. Girls must wear these plates at all times except during bedtime and meals, and they can also take them out if there are no males of the tribe nearby.

When the plate is pulled out, the lip droops like a long round cord. Almost all Mursi have no front teeth, the tongue is cracked to the point of blood.

The second strange and frightening adornment of Mursi women is the monista, which are recruited from human finger phalanges (nek). One person has only 28 of these bones in their hands. Each necklace usually consists of phalanxes of five or six tassels, some lovers of "jewelry" monist wrap their neck in several rows

It glistens with fat and emits a sweetish rotting smell of melted human fat, every bone is rubbed daily. The source for the beads never runs out: the priestess of the tribe is ready to deprive the hands of a man who has violated the laws for almost every offense.

It is customary for this tribe to do scarification (scarring).

Men can afford to be scarred only after the first murder of one of their enemies or ill-wishers. If they kill a man they adorn right hand, if a woman, then the left.

Their religion, animism, deserves a longer and more shocking story.
Short: women are priestesses of death so they daily give their husbands drugs and poisons.

Antidotes are distributed by the High Priestess, but sometimes salvation does not come to everyone. In such cases, a white cross is drawn on the widow's plate, and she becomes a very respected member of the tribe, who is not eaten after death, but buried in the trunks of special ritual trees. Honor is given to such priestesses because of the fulfillment of the main mission - the will of the God of Death Yamda, which they were able to fulfill by destroying the physical body and freeing the highest spiritual Essence from their man.

The rest of the dead are waiting for the collective eating of the whole tribe. Soft fabrics are boiled in a cauldron, bones are used for jewelry-amulets and thrown on swamps to mark dangerous places.

What seems very wild for a European, for Mursi is commonplace and tradition.

Bushmen tribe

African Bushmen are the most ancient representatives human race. And this is not an assumption at all, but a scientifically proven fact. Who are these ancient people?

The Bushmen are a group of hunting tribes. South Africa. Now these are the remains of a large ancient African population. Bushmen are notable for their short stature, wide cheekbones, narrow slit eyes and much swollen eyelids. It is difficult to determine the true color of their skin, because in the Kalahari they are not allowed to waste water on washing. But you can see that they are much lighter than their neighbors. Their skin tone is slightly yellowish, which is more typical for South Asians.

Young bushwomen are considered the most beautiful among the female population of Africa.

But as soon as they reach puberty and become mothers, these beauties are simply unrecognizable. Bushmen women have overdeveloped hips and buttocks, and their belly is constantly swollen. This is the result of malnutrition.

To distinguish a pregnant Bushwoman from the rest of the women of the tribe, she is smeared with ash or ocher, as appearance this is very difficult to do. Bushmen men already by the age of 35 become like octogenarians, due to the fact that their skin sags and the body is covered with deep wrinkles.

Life in the Kalahari is very harsh, but even here there are laws and regulations. The most important wealth in the desert is water. There are old people in the tribe who know how to find water. In the place that they indicate, the representatives of the tribe either dig wells or bring water out with the help of plant stems.

Each Bushman tribe has a secret well, which is carefully filled with stones or covered with sand. During the dry season, the Bushmen dig a hole at the bottom of a dried-up well, take a stem of a plant, suck water through it, taking it into their mouths, and then spit it out into the shell of an ostrich egg.

South African tribe Bushmen - the only people on Earth, in whose men it is observed permanent erection This phenomenon does not cause any discomfort or inconvenience, except for the fact that while hunting on foot, men have to attach the penis to the belt so as not to cling to branches.

Bushmen don't know what private property is. All animals and plants growing on their territory are considered common. Therefore, they hunt both wild animals and farm cows. For this they were very often punished and destroyed by entire tribes. Nobody wants such neighbors.

Among the Bushmen tribes, shamanism is very popular. They do not have leaders, but there are elders and healers who not only cure diseases, but also communicate with spirits. Bushmen are very afraid of the dead, and firmly believe in afterlife. They pray to the sun, moon, stars. But they do not ask for health or happiness, but for success in hunting.

Bushman tribes speak Khoisan languages ​​which are very difficult for Europeans to pronounce. Feature these languages ​​are click consonants. The representatives of the tribe speak among themselves very quietly. This is a long-standing habit of hunters - so as not to scare the game.

There is confirmed evidence that a hundred years ago they were engaged in drawing. Still found in caves cave drawings depicting people and various animals: buffaloes, gazelles, birds, ostriches, antelopes, crocodiles.

In their drawings there are also unusual fairy tale characters: ape people, eared snakes, people with a crocodile face. There's a whole gallery in the desert open sky, which presents these amazing drawings by unknown artists.

But now the Bushmen do not paint, they are great in dance, music, pantomime and legends.

VIDEO: Shamanic ritual rite of healing of the Bushmen tribe. Part 1

The exact number of African peoples is unknown, and ranges from five hundred to seven thousand. This is due to the fuzziness of the separation criteria, under which the inhabitants of the two neighboring villages can refer themselves to different nationalities, without having any special differences. Scientists tend to figure 1-2 thousand to determine ethnic communities.

The main part of the peoples of Africa includes groups consisting of several thousand, and sometimes hundreds of people, but at the same time - does not exceed 10% of the total population of this continent. As a rule, such small ethnic groups are the wildest tribes. It is to this group that, for example, the Mursi tribe belongs.

Tribal Journeys Ep 05 The Mursi:

Living in southwestern Ethiopia, on the border with Kenya and Sudan, settled in the Mago Park, the Mursi tribe is distinguished by unusually strict customs. They, by right, can be nominated for the title: the most aggressive ethnic group.

They are prone to frequent alcohol consumption and uncontrolled use of weapons (everyone constantly carries Kalashnikov assault rifles, or combat sticks). In fights, they can often beat each other almost to death, trying to prove their dominance in the tribe.

Scientists attribute this tribe to a mutated Negroid race, with distinctive features in the form of short stature, wide bones and crooked legs, low and strongly compressed foreheads, flattened noses and pumped up short necks.

In the more public, in contact with civilization, Mursi, you can not always see all these characteristic attributes, but the exotic look of their lower lip is the calling card of the tribe.

The lower lip is cut in childhood, pieces of wood are inserted there, gradually increasing their diameter, and on the wedding day a “plate” of baked clay is inserted into it - debi, (up to 30 centimeters !!). If a Mursi girl does not make such a hole in her lip, then a very small ransom will be given for her.

When the plate is pulled out, the lip droops like a long round cord. Almost all Mursi have no front teeth, the tongue is cracked to the point of blood.

The second strange and frightening adornment of Mursi women is the monista, which are recruited from human finger phalanges (nek). One person has only 28 of these bones in their hands. Each necklace costs its victims five or six brushes, some lovers of “jewelry” monista wrap their necks in several rows, shining greasy and emitting a sweetish rotting smell of melted human fat, which every bone is rubbed daily. The source for the beads never runs out: the priestess of the tribe is ready to deprive the hands of a man who has violated the laws for almost every offense.

It is customary for this tribe to do scarification (scarring). Men can afford to be scarred only after the first murder of one of their enemies or ill-wishers.

Their religion, animism, deserves a longer and more shocking story.
In short: women are Death Priestesses, so they daily give their husbands drugs and poisons. Antidotes are distributed by the High Priestess, but sometimes salvation does not come to everyone. In such cases, a white cross is drawn on the widow's plate, and she becomes a very respected member of the tribe, who is not eaten after death, but buried in the trunks of special ritual trees. Honor is given to such priestesses because of the fulfillment of the main mission - the will of the God of Death Yamda, which they were able to fulfill by destroying the physical body and freeing the highest spiritual Essence from their man.

The rest of the dead are waiting for the collective eating of the whole tribe. Soft fabrics are boiled in a cauldron, bones are used for jewelry-amulets and thrown on swamps to mark dangerous places.

What seems very wild for a European, for Mursi is commonplace and tradition.

Film: Shocking Africa. 18++ The exact name of the film is Naked Magic / Magia Nuda (Mondo Magic) 1975.

Movie: In Search of Tribes of Hunters E02 Hunting in the Kalahari. San tribe.

The people that will be discussed in this article manage to ignore the civilized world and live as if there has never been anyone else in the whole world...

The Sentinelese tribe settled on North Sentinel Island, which is nominally part of India. It is customary to call this people the same as the island, because no one has any idea how these people call themselves.

In truth, nothing else is known about them either. After a terrible tsunami hit the island in 2004, several helicopters were sent there to take pictures and make sure that the island was still inhabited.

How did they manage to avoid contact with modern civilization for so long?

This is explained very simply. Take a look at this picture taken from a helicopter:

Other members of the tribe are also aggressive. They don’t make contact, and just a little - they immediately grab the bow and arrows.

In 2006, a boat with two fishermen was carried by the current into shallow water near the island. The Sentinelese killed them and buried them on the shore. Helicopters determined the place of burial of the unfortunate, but could not land, because at the sight of the helicopter, the local population, as you may have noticed, immediately "opened fire". Despite the fact that the natives apparently have no idea what a helicopter is, they tried hard to get the incomprehensible giant iron bird with their arrows. Well, they do not like guests and that's it.

The police, who, in theory, should go and pick up the bodies of the unfortunate fishermen, flatly refuse to do this, stating that as soon as they approach the island, they will immediately be bombarded with poisoned darts and arrows - which, in general, can be considered a good reason.

Even our ancestors, who were more courageous than you and me, believed that it would be more expensive to get involved with these unsociable people: even Marco Polo described them as "the most cruel and bloodthirsty people, always ready to grab and eat anyone who falls into their hands."

In other words, for hundreds of years, when the whole world was busy winning land from each other, these guys earned such a bad reputation that they recaptured different kind conquerors any desire to meddle there. In the end, all "progressive mankind" decided to leave these crazy cannibals alone.

2. Korowai

This tribe lives in southeastern Papua. They first became aware of the existence of other people in the 1970s, when they were discovered by a group of archaeologists and missionaries. At that time they still used stone tools and built their dwellings on trees. However, nothing has changed since then.

Korowai tell all guests from the civilized world that if at least one of them ever changes their traditions, then the whole Earth will inevitably perish from a monstrous earthquake. It is not clear, either this is such devotion to traditions, or just a way to get rid of smart people from the "mainland", who are always trying to teach them how to live.

Be that as it may, they manage to remain in the same state just fine. The missionaries poked their heads a couple of times with their enlightenment, but then decided to leave them alone. What if, who knows, the earthquake is still not quite nonsense?

Korowai live in such an impenetrable area, literally - for high mountains and dark forests, that even their own villages practically do not contact each other, let alone the outside world. When the tribe decided to visit the census office in 2010, they had to travel for two weeks on foot, then by boat from the nearest (and in fact very remote) villages.

Korowai especially do not show that they do not like visits from outside. And in order for the uninvited guests to get out as soon as possible, they come up with all sorts of tricks. In addition to frightening with a terrible, terrible earthquake, which will definitely happen as soon as the first cow puts on his pants, they like to scare, talking about their bloodthirsty traditions.

But the most elegant way was fooled by the Australian newsmakers, who poked their head into the cows in 2006. The tribe sent a boy to the importunate strangers, who told reporters a heartbreaking story about how cannibals are chasing him, and that at the next meal he should become the main dish of the tribe.

After the story was taped and the film crew hurriedly retreated, the next journalists arrived, for whom the exact same performance was staged with the rescue of the "poor boy."

Scientists who have studied the tribe assure that these people are simply all right with a sense of humor, that there is no smell of cannibalism here. Just funny people who live in trees and love practical jokes.

3. The loneliest person in the world

This man has been living in a Brazilian forest in complete isolation for at least fifteen years.

He builds palm huts for himself and digs rectangular holes in the ground one and a half meters deep. Why he needs these holes one can only guess, because with any attempt to establish contact, he abandons his familiar place and finds a new one in order to build exactly the same hut and dig exactly the same hole.

No one in the area is building anything like this, from which the scientists concluded that this is the last surviving representative of some disappeared tribe.

How does he manage to ignore the modern world for so long?

In 1988 new constitution Brazil granted the local Indians the rights to the lands of their original settlements. In theory, the idea seemed just wonderful. But in practice... When by law it became forbidden to "force to resettle" tribes in other places, they began to simply exterminate them.

Apparently, it was this fate that befell our hero's compatriots: the first meeting with the modern world ended for him with the death of everyone he knew. Who wants to make contact with monsters who have come up with perfect weapons to destroy your loved ones?

4. Old Believers

In 1978, Soviet geologists searching for iron ore in the remote corners of Siberia stumbled upon a log cabin. The family that lived there had no idea about the existence of civilization, dressed in matting and ate from home-made dishes. At the sight of the members of the expedition, they were horrified, and began to shout something like "It's all for our sins!"

Later it turned out that the Lykov family (as they called themselves) were not the only Siberian hermits. Similar group people lived in the taiga in complete isolation, at least until 1990.

All these people turned out to be Old Believers. In the 17th century, during the split of the Russian church, they fled from the massacre and settled away from the outside world. And they lived like that for centuries. Siberia is too vast and inhospitable - it would never occur to anyone to comb it to find a couple of dozen fugitives.

Agafya Lykova, 2009

5. Tribe Mashko-Piro

People from the Mashko-Piro tribe - half-naked and generally similar to immigrants from the prehistoric era, have recently begun to appear in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bone of the Peruvian rivers popular with Western tourists.

Previously, any attempts to approach them were stopped by a hail of burning arrows. No one knows why they suddenly decided to discover their existence themselves. According to experts who have been in contact with them, so far their keenest interest is mainly in metal cooking pots and machete knives.

How did they manage to stay away from civilization for so long?

The Peruvian government itself tried to limit contacts with the tribe and forbade tourists to go ashore near the habitats of savages. The idea was to protect these people from pesky anthropologists and greedy businessmen who are ready to make money on anything.

Unfortunately, there were still and are cunning private travel companies offering "human safari" to customers.

6. Pintubi aborigines

In 1984, a small group of Pintubi people met a white man in the desert. This would not be unusual if we do not take into account the fact that not a single person from this tribe had ever seen one before. white man, and that the first white settlers arrived in Australia in 1788. Later, one of the pingtubis explained that at first he mistook the "pink man" for an evil spirit. The first meeting did not go very smoothly, but then the natives softened, and decided that the "pinks" might even be useful.

They, needless to say, were very lucky to be found so late. They wandered through the deserts all those years when it was easy to fall into slavery or straight to the next world, and met with Western culture exactly when she was already ripe to ride them in a jeep and treat them to Coca-Cola.

How did they manage to avoid civilization for so long?

There are two reasons for this: 1) they are nomads and 2) they roam the deserts of Australia, where it is generally quite difficult to meet a person.

This group may never have been discovered at all. Shortly before the first meeting with a white man, the Pintubi accidentally met with "civilized" natives. Unfortunately, the appearance of nomads with human hair loincloths and two-meter spears was too exotic even for indigenous Australians. One of the "civilized" ones fired into the air and the pingubis fled.

Small groups of people representing non-contact tribes are completely unaware of moon landings, nuclear weapons, the Internet, David Attenborough, Donald Trump, Europa, dinosaurs, Mars, aliens and chocolate, etc. Their knowledge is limited to their immediate environment.

There are probably a few other tribes yet to be discovered, but let's focus on the ones we know about. Who are they, where do they live and why do they remain isolated?

Although this is a slightly vague term, we define a "non-contact tribe" as a group of people who have had no significant direct contact with modern civilization. Many of them are familiar with civilization in brief, since the conquest of the New World was crowned with ironically uncivilized results.

Sentinel Island

Hundreds of kilometers east of India are the Andaman Islands. About 26,000 years ago, during the heyday of the last ice age, the land bridge between India and these islands protruded from the shallow sea and then went under water.

The Andaman peoples were nearly wiped out by disease, violence and invasion. Only about 500 of them remain today, and at least one tribe, the Jungli, has died out.

However, on one of the Northern Islands, the language of the tribe living there remains incomprehensible, and little is known about its representatives. It seems that these diminutive people cannot shoot and do not know how to grow crops. They survive by hunting, fishing, and collecting edible plants.

It is not known exactly how many of them live today, but it can be counted from several hundred to 15 people. The 2004 tsunami, which killed about a quarter of a million people across the region, also hit these islands.

As early as 1880, the British authorities planned to kidnap the members of this tribe, hold them well in captivity, and then release them back to the island in an attempt to demonstrate their benevolence. They captured an elderly couple and four children. The couple died of illnesses, but the young people were gifted and sent to the island. Soon the Sentinelese disappeared into the jungle, and the tribe was no longer seen by the authorities.

In the 1960s and 1970s, Indian authorities, soldiers and anthropologists tried to make contact with the tribe, but they hid inside the jungle. Subsequent expeditions were met with either threats of violence or attacks with bows and arrows, and some ended in the deaths of the intruders.

Non-contact tribes of Brazil

In the vast areas of the Brazilian Amazon, especially in the depths of the western state of Acre, there are up to a hundred non-contact tribes, as well as a few other communities that would willingly establish contact with the outside world. Some members of the tribes were exterminated by drugs or gold diggers.

It is known that respiratory diseases, common in modern society, can quickly wipe out entire tribes. Since 1987, it has been official government policy not to make contact with tribes if their survival is threatened.

Very little is known about these isolated groups, but they are all distinct tribes with different cultures. Their representatives tend to avoid contact with anyone who tries to contact them. Some hide in the forests while others defend themselves with spears and arrows.

Some of the tribes, such as the Awá, are nomadic hunter-gatherers, which makes them more protected from external influences.


This is another example of non-contact tribes, but it is best known for leading nomadic image life.

It seems that in addition to bows and baskets, its representatives can use spinning wheels to make strings, ladders to collect honey from bee nests, and elaborate animal traps.

The land they occupy has received official protection, and anyone who encroaches on it is subject to severe persecution.

Over the years, many of the tribes were engaged in hunting. The states of Rondonia, Mato Grosso and Marañano are known to contain many dwindling non-contact tribes.


One person represents a special sad picture simply because he is the last of his tribe. Living deep in the rainforest in Tanaroo territory in the state of Rondonia, this man always attacks those who are nearby. His language is completely untranslatable, and the culture of the vanished tribe to which he belonged remains a mystery.

Apart from basic crop-growing skills, he also enjoys digging holes or luring animals. Only one thing is clear, when this man dies, his tribe will be nothing but a memory.

Other non-contact tribes of South America

Although Brazil contains a large number of non-contact tribes, such groups of people are known to still exist in Peru, Bolivia, Ecuador, Paraguay, French Guiana, Guyana and Venezuela. In general, little is known about them compared to Brazil. Many tribes are suspected of having similar yet distinct cultures.

Contactless tribes of Peru

The nomadic group of Peruvian peoples endured decades of aggressive deforestation for the rubber industry. Some of them even deliberately made contact with the authorities after fleeing drug cartels.

In general, keeping away from all other tribes, most of them rarely turn to Christian missionaries, who are the occasional spreaders of disease. Most tribes like the Nanti can now only be observed from a helicopter.

Huaroran people of Ecuador

This people is bound common language, which does not appear to be connected to any other in the world. As hunter-gatherers, the tribe has, over the past four decades, settled on a long-term basis in fairly developed area between the Kuraray and Napo rivers in the east of the country.

Many of them have already made contact with the outside world, but several communities have rejected this practice and instead chose to move to areas untouched by modern oil exploration.

The Taromenan and Tagaeri tribes number no more than 300 members, but they are sometimes killed by lumberjacks who are looking for valuable mahogany wood.

A similar situation is observed in neighboring countries, where only certain segments of tribes such as Ayoreo from Bolivia, Carabayo from Colombia, Yanommi from Venezuela remain completely isolated and prefer to avoid contact with the modern world.

Contactless tribes of West Papua

In the western part of the island New Guinea about 312 tribes live, 44 of which are non-contact. The mountainous area is covered in dense, viridian forests, which means we still don't notice these wild people.

Many of these tribes avoid communication. Many human rights violations have been recorded since their arrival in 1963, including murder, rape and torture.

The tribes usually settle along the coast, roam the swamps and survive by hunting. In the central region, which is located at a high elevation, the tribes are engaged in growing sweet potatoes and raising pigs.

Little is known about those who have not yet established official contact. In addition to the difficult terrain, researchers, human rights organizations and journalists are also prohibited from exploring the region.

West Papua (far left of the island of New Guinea) is home to many non-contact tribes.

Do similar tribes live elsewhere?

There may be non-contact tribes still lurking in other forested parts of the world, including Malaysia and parts Central Africa, but this has not been proven. If they do exist, it might be best to leave them alone.

Threat from the outside world

Non-contact tribes are mostly threatened by the outside world. This article serves as a kind of warning.

If you want to know what you can do to prevent their disappearance, then it is recommended to enter into a rather interesting non-profit organization Survival International, whose staff is working around the clock to make sure these tribes live their lives. unique life in our colorful world.

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