Russian-English dictionary of general topics. Dictionary and program Basic English for language learning

Basic English, the English language of cannibals.
If Ellochkin's favorite slang - a living and constantly changing linguistic phenomenon - serves to emphasize fashion and modernity, then artificial languages ​​​​are created for practical needs. One of them is Basic English, which has 850 words in the dictionary and not a word more! Its inventor is Charles Ogden, who in 1930 made an attempt to teach English to the whole world.

The principle of "Simple English" is based on the idea that no artificially invented language will be as easy to learn as the already existing and widely used English language around the world. Human language- not a technical device and therefore it cannot be invented. The process of uniting humanity with the help of the Simple of English language he called de-Babylonization. The main deviation from "Plain English" is that words with more complex meanings expressed with the help of detailed phrases and sentences consisting only of the simplest words. For example, puppy turned into young dog, disembark turned into get off a ship.

The transfer of shades of meaning by the spread of a phrase makes it possible to use 850 words instead of 20 thousand. And since a language of 850 words can be learned very quickly, Basic English was offered to world powers as a second official language that could simplify international communication. Since Basic English was almost indistinguishable from the English of Britain, the USA, Canada, Australia and numerous British colonies, any native English speaker can act as a Basic English teacher without prior training. Simple English is only two pages - one page contains the entire dictionary, the second - all the grammar rules. Well, isn't it lovely?

There is only one difficulty - for those who are seriously concerned about learning English, Basic English as initial stage learning can make it difficult further education, and natural English seems unnecessarily complex and confusing. The principles of Basic English are not quite suitable for fiction, journalism, analytics. It is needed not for pleasure, but for practical tasks. Therefore, it is often used in scientific literature and diplomacy, where English has long been established as the language of international communication.

If time is precious to you, why not learn Basic English? After all, it has everything you need for communication. There are no levels, no idioms, no irregular shapes, no exceptions. The language study is designed for a month, at the end of which you will be able to speak correct English, if only that was your goal. Let your vocabulary be somewhat limited for now, but you will be able to feel like an English-speaking person, figure out how much English you need in life and how much time you will spend studying it. This is much better than passively attending classes year after year, pre-intermediate, intermediate, upper-intermediate level of language proficiency, when it is impossible to understand whether you are better or worse now in English, because it is so easy to forget without practice! Let's not allow this!

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Russian-English translation BASIC ENGLISH


lingu. (simplified English of 850 words, proposed by C. Ogden, as well as a system for teaching this language) Basic English

Russian-English Dictionary of General Subjects. Russian-English dictionary of general subjects. 2012

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More meanings of the word and translation of BASIC ENGLISH from English into Russian in English-Russian dictionaries.
Translation of BASIC ENGLISH from Russian into English in Russian-English dictionaries.

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Starting to teach foreign language many are asking: How to learn a language quickly?

Indeed, how can one learn such a rich language, such as English, whose vocabulary includes more than 500,000 words? Incredibly huge number! The answer to this question would be: Reduce the vocabulary of the language you are learning to the necessary minimum!

This is possible and even easier than it seems at first glance. I will try to convince you of this.

Learning English with Basic English Just 40 well-defined, high-frequency words cover about 50% of everyday speech in any language! And 400 words will cover about 90%.

This is not just empty talk, these statistics were revealed by the famous Swedish polyglot and author of the book "The Art of Learning Languages" E.V. Gunnemark.
Yet, when we begin to learn a language unknown to us so far, it becomes necessary to choose this basic vocabulary. There are several options for how to do this:

  • look in the frequency dictionary
  • use phrasebooks
  • resort to computer tutorials, etc.

When learning English, you do not need to do independent searches, because there is already a wonderful dictionary "Basic English" by Charles Ogden.

The history of the creation of the Basic English language

At the beginning of the twentieth century, the need for international communication prompted the idea of ​​creating a language that would be understandable and easy to learn for everyone. Thus, the British linguist Charles Ogden created a new artificial language by simplifying existing English, which has been called (Basic English). Basic translated as "basic", but there is another interpretation of the choice of such a name - deciphering each of the letters, which means British American Scientific International Commercial.

Grammatically new language practically no different from the standard British. But his vocabulary is only 850 tokens!

Vocabulary Basic English


Video: Enlarge vocabulary

Basic English - a program for effective learning of English. In fact, it is a dictionary containing not only the spelling of words, their translation and transcription, but also sound files with pronunciation. This allows you to immediately memorize words without errors, even if there is no teacher nearby.

The simple interface of the Basic English program allows even schoolchildren to use the application. It will not only improve your pronunciation English words but also to study them from scratch. AT this moment The dictionary contains more than 850 words, and this figure is constantly growing. The program also has a database of specific sounds, with the help of which you can study in which cases this sound is pronounced the way it is used in which words. Based on this, you can learn how to pronounce unfamiliar words correctly in the future.

Now, to study English, it is not necessary to enroll in expensive courses, and schoolchildren and students have real chance improve your grades in this subject. To do this, you just need to download Basic English for free. It is very convenient to use the program, all information blocks are in their places.

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