Google translator with pronunciation online. English-Russian online translator (online dictionary) with transcription

The current world is such an open information system. Alas, very often the search for the information we need is limited by the fact that we do not know foreign languages. However, if earlier you had to sit for hours at thick foreign dictionaries, now you can get the translation of the necessary text in just a couple of seconds. In addition, you can even listen to how a particular word should be pronounced. All you need is just to use the services of online translators with pronunciation.

Google translator online pronunciation

Undoubtedly, the leader in the top online translators on the Internet. The interface of Google Translate is extremely simple and understandable even to users who have gone there for the first time. On the translator page, you will notice two fields for text. First, choose the translation direction: the language of your initial text and the language into which you need to translate the information.

By default, Google Translate is set to Russian and English. There are more than 60 languages ​​in the database. Among them there are languages ​​​​of the Asian group, this is a definite plus. The directions of translation are varied. There are no restrictions on the size of the input text. You can translate large files, and even websites.

Using google translator is very easy. In the first field, paste the desired text to be translated. In the second field, you will instantly see the translation into the language you need. Google uses for translation, in addition to conventional dictionaries, translations already made on the network
In addition, you can also translate the text you speak, listen to the sound of the original and the translation. In order to record the text, you must press the microphone sign, in the field on the right you will see the text of the translation into the language of your choice.

Yandex Translator is in second place in terms of popularity. To a large extent due to the fact that this search engine occupies a leading position on the Internet. Understanding Yandex Translator is easy, but many users have noted that it is extremely inconvenient.

Yandex translator online with pronunciation of words

Appeared not so long ago, it just passed the beta testing stage. As a result, various failures in the work of the translator are likely, as well as inaccuracies in the translation.

The principle of operation of Yandex translator is similar to many other translators: you should select the purpose of the translation, then insert the original text in one field, and the translation will appear in the other field.

The disadvantages of Yandex Translator are obvious. It frustrates a small number of translation directions, since only the most popular languages ​​​​are used. Asian languages ​​are missing. In addition, the accuracy and quality of the translation are sometimes criticized.

Exist., Number of synonyms: 1 translator (14) ASIS Synonym Dictionary. V.N. Trishin. 2013 ... Synonym dictionary

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In the first field, type the word you want to translate, in the second field, select the direction of translation (the default is English-Russian translation), to translate, press the "enter" key or the magnifying glass icon. Translation with transcription will appear below.

English words with transcription and pronunciation

  • Type Russian characters on your keyboard - turns on the on-screen keyboard for Russian characters;
  • Show keyboard - opens the on-screen keyboard for Russian letters;
  • Hide keyboard (to type in English) - hides the on-screen keyboard for Russian letters.

This is an electronic version of the Oxford Pocket Dictionary of English-Russian and Russian-English. An authoritative professional dictionary that contains about 210,000 words and phrases.

If you dream of learning English abroad, then this link is for you. Description of schools with photos and videos, duration and intensity of courses, as well as how much it all costs.

Applications to the online dictionary. Brief information on English grammar

1 The article in which . Gives an idea of ​​how many letters are in the English alphabet and how it is read.

2 These articles deal with the phonetic transcription of English. In the first part are given. In the second part - .

3 English verbs: regular and irregular. What is the difference, as well as three forms of irregular verbs or.

4 In the article you can learn how to pronounce English numbers correctly, how to translate numbers from Russian into English, how dates are pronounced in English, as well as mathematical formulas and expressions.

5 have differences. It is also useful to know about this, so as not to be surprised why the same words in different texts are spelled differently.

About this English-Russian and Russian-English online dictionary with transcription

I have long wanted to put on my site a goodonline translator with transcriptionand various meanings of words, and this one, in my opinion, is one of the most successful. Most sites use a text translation system using translator programs such as Socrates. But for learning English, this is not the most suitable online dictionary, because when we meet an unfamiliar English word, we need to find out its transcription, stress, and ambiguity of use cases. When translating, it is the explanatory dictionary that is important. With purely machine translation, at best, we will lose the very meaning of the statement and its stylistic component, and at worst, we will get an unrelated set of words. Computer servicesonline translatorsdo not provide an opportunity to look at the different meanings of words or their choice is limited, so machine translation must be corrected using such dictionaries. On the site "site" you are given the opportunity to take advantage of high-qualityonline dictionary completely free, that is, it is an English Russian dictionary with pronunciation. It doesn't matter what you wanted to find in the search engine: be itRussian translator online, or English online translator or free online translator- the dictionary presented here is exactly what you need. The dictionary will help you find answers to many questions that arise when translating. If you have the Internet, then you are sure to find the right word. And since you are reading this text, then you definitely have it. By the way, in addition to the English-Russian and Russian-English directions, there are many other languages ​​\u200b\u200bin the base of this dictionary, so thisfree online translator with- one of the best options that can be found on the Internet among English Russian translators with transcription and pronunciation! So if you don't have a paper dictionary handy, you can always rely on an electronic english dictionaryon that website. Use and achieve success in learning English.

Today, without knowledge of foreign languages, it’s already nowhere ... If earlier languages ​​could only be learned with a teacher (tutor), then with the advent of various kinds, you can master this task on your own. At the same time, of course, we must not forget that learning the meaning of words is one thing, but pronouncing them correctly is quite another.

In this article, we will look at five of the best online translation services, where it is easy not only to find out the meanings of foreign words, phrases and even entire texts, but also to see their transcription, listen to audio pronunciation.

Myefe - online translator from English with pronunciation

What is the most widely used language in the world? Of course, English! The developers of the service decided not to "bother" with other languages, but to make only a translator from English into 21 languages ​​of the world.

You can listen to the pronunciation in English and American, see the transcription, examples of the use of a particular word in various situations. Also, after registration, you can create your own personal online dictionary.

There are two types of translation: short and detailed. Switching between them is carried out using the buttons:

Wordreference - voice translator with pronunciation

By default, two translation options are available on from English to Russian and vice versa.

But if you click the "more" option, the choice of languages ​​will become much wider:
  • Spanish
  • French
  • Italian
  • Deutsch
  • Chinese
  • Japanese, etc.

If, for example, you translate from English into any other language, then you can listen to the audio pronunciation of the source word not only in English and American, but also in various regional accents:

  • Irish
  • Scottish
  • Southern England
  • Australia etc.

By the way, no other service presented in the review has such an opportunity anymore. Are there any analogues at all? If you know - write in the comments. – Promt online

Many people are well aware of the Promt translator. At the dawn of the appearance of the PC among ordinary users, it was super popular and was included in the “must have” category of programs. The service is an online version of Promt. According to a number of professional translators, it copes with its task better than its competitors, especially when translating narrowly thematic (specific) texts.

For a more correct translation, the service offers the opportunity to choose a topic: travel, gadgets, business correspondence, business, cars, etc.

Audio pronunciation here for some reason starts with a slight delay of 2-3 seconds. after clicking on the corresponding icon, but otherwise everything works perfectly.

Yandex and Google Translate

Online translators from the two giants Yandex and Google, of course, cannot be ignored, because. they are very popular with users and work with hundreds of . It is advisable to consider them together, since they have very similar functionality and even appearance:

It is very simple to use: in the left window we insert what needs to be translated and select the source language, and in the right window we select the language to be translated into, and we get the result.

Unlike the first three services, Google and Yandex translators can voice the pronunciation of not only individual words, but also voluminous texts. At the same time, the voice of the robot sounds almost like human speech, with the right pauses, accents, etc.

You can get the meaning of each individual word and its synonyms by double-clicking on it, and also find out its transcription:

Yandex was pleasantly surprised: if for some reason the translation did not suit you, you can look at its alternative in Google and Bing translator. Links for this are available in the right box at the bottom. But Google does not differ in such favor for competitors and alternatives :)

imTranslator - awesome 3in1 online translator

Finally, I will present you the service, which, in my opinion, is the best online translator with all the necessary functions.

I will not dwell on the description of its functionality now, because the review of this service is already (I immediately refer to it). Let me just say that it deserved its name "3in1" due to the fact that it is able to issue a translation of the text with the simultaneous use of three engines:

  1. Microsoft Translator
  2. PROMT Online

You just have to choose the most successful option :) Voice translator (Russian speech sounds like a news broadcast host), transcription and other functions, of course, are also available.

Very often in life a translation is urgently required, but there is neither the time nor the inclination to apply to specialized agencies. It is in such situations that an online translator is simply needed, especially since the use of the resource does not require a lengthy installation or tedious registration.

This service is popular due to its versatility and round-the-clock availability. Our online translator will help you translate texts of different sizes, starting from one word. Thanks to the use of a whole library of dictionaries, the translation will be professional and up-to-date. You can also get the necessary translated text on your mobile device anywhere, wherever you are. The most important thing is to have access to the Internet.

On our website, you can quickly use the translation service in the most popular directions, the number of which is growing. You can be sure that the translation from any language will be of high quality. The only condition is the correct spelling of the source text. Our online translator is designed in the most convenient format for users, but we are constantly developing and improving the work of our resource.

The average Internet user needs such a service several times a day, so we not only help you, but also save you money! Our online translator is designed in the most convenient format for users, but we are constantly developing and improving the work of our resource.

4.46/5 (total: 1763)

The mission of the online translator is to make all languages ​​more understandable, the ways to get online translation are simple and easy. So that everyone can translate text into any language in minutes, from any portable device. We will be very happy to "erase" the difficulties of translating German, French, Spanish, English, Chinese, Arabic and other languages. Let's understand each other better!

Being the best mobile translator for us means:
- know the preferences of our users and work for them
- look for perfection in details and constantly develop the direction of online translation
- use the financial component as a means, but not as an end in itself
- create a "star team" by "betting" on talent

In addition to the mission and vision, there is another important reason why we are in this business of online translation. We call it "the root cause" - this is our desire to help children who became victims of the war, became seriously ill, became orphans and did not receive proper social protection.
Every 2-3 months we allocate about 10% of our profits to help them. We consider it our social responsibility! The whole composition of the employees eat to them, buy food, books, toys, everything you need. We talk, we instruct, we care.

If you have any chance to help, please join! Get +1 Karma ;)

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All 104 languages

Азербайджанский албанский амхарский английский арабский армянский африканский баскский белорусский бенгальский бирманский болгарский боснийский валлийский венгерский вьетнамский гавайский галисийский голландский греческий грузинский гуджарати датский зулу иврит иврит игбо идиш индонезийский ирландский исландский испанский итальянский йоруба казахский канадский каталанский киргизский китайский корейский корсиканский креольский (Гаити) курдский кхмерский кхоса лаосский латинский латышский литовский Люксембургский македонский малагасийский малайский малайялам мальтийский маори маратхи монгольский немецкий непали норвежский панджаби пашто персидский польский португальский румынский русский Самоанский себуанский сербский сесото сингальский синдхи словацкий словенский сомали суахили суданский таджикский тайский тамильский телугу турецкий узбекский украинский урду филиппинский финский французский фризский хауса хинди хмонг хорватский чева чешский Swedish Shona Esperanto Estonian Javanese Japanese nsky

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