The magic of weaving knots. Nauses with your own hands - there is nothing complicated! Red thread of nauzy, the meaning of the amulet

In ancient times, the Slavs believed in the magic of wicker amulets. Tied in a certain way, they brought good luck, strengthened health, and attracted material well-being. Nodular magic has not lost its popularity to this day.

The church in the past centuries severely persecuted everyone who adhered to the pagan faith and made amulets. Therefore, the techniques for manufacturing nodes have not fully reached our days.

Nevertheless, some knowledge is still preserved. Nauses deserve special attention - in Slavic magic, knots into which various objects were tied. Thus, special knots were woven for love, luck, wealth, protection from envious people. For example, in the old days, a young girl who wanted to find a groom, unnoticed by others, weaved Mokosh's nauz. The Slavic amulet is named after Mother Makosha, who, according to legend, spun the threads of fate. If it was time for the girl to get married, she would soon meet her fiancé, but if Makosh was against an early marriage, the girl understood this, since the knot did not help her meet her betrothed.

The action of such a nauz is similar to other amulets of the goddess Mokosh - her eponymous and.

ATSlavic nauzesfigurines of ancient deities, small gifts of nature (pebbles and plants), metal elements were intertwined. Each material and object has its own meaning. Interestingly, the plants could be replaced with vegetable oil, simply by lubricating the amulet from time to time.

According to the rules of the Slavic magic of knots, you should not wear more than 2-3 knots on one thread. It is better to make several different sets and change them periodically. The prepared talisman can be stored for a very long time, the main thing is that outsiders should not see it.

Knot magic in other cultures

For the first time nodular magic appeared in Slavic culture. Over time, it spread to the countries of Europe. But some importance was attached to knots in other nations:

  • Africans believed in the impact of knots on male power and love feelings;
  • the peoples of Asia to this day believe that the knot can destroy family happiness. Therefore, brides carefully monitor the absence of knots on the groom's clothes;
  • in European countries, there have long been special rituals for tying a magic knot that helped a woman in labor to endure childbirth. At the same time, signs have survived to this day - pregnant women should not wear knots before childbirth, this also applies to weaving braids.

Each of us at least once in our lives has seen the Chinese knot of happiness.

In the circles of magicians, there is a sign - during any rituals, you can not braid your hair or have ovaries on your clothes. All knots are untied, otherwise the meaning of the ritual and the attracted energy may be distorted and have a negative impact on the magician himself.

Sign. It is believed that untying a knot on someone else's bag or bag can attract someone else's negative energy.

Rules for the manufacture of nauzes

There are several rules in the Slavic magic of the Nauzes:

  1. Periodically, nauses must be substituted under the natural illumination of celestial bodies. For example, a talisman for money requires sunlight, and a love nauz or for women's health and beauty requires lunar energy.
  2. It is ideal to make nauzes in nature. In an apartment, they should be woven only if there are no other options. If there is an opportunity to go to a beautiful, quiet, peaceful place, it is better to choose a day and go to nature. In extreme cases, a suburban area is suitable.
  3. Nauz knots are woven only on the growing moon. According to Slavic beliefs, with a growing moon, a person acquires what he wants, and with a waning one, he loses.
  4. Before the manufacturing process, you need to try to eliminate all possible sources of noise - nothing should distract the thoughts of the creator from the weaving process.
  5. During the entire time of weaving, you need to continuously pronounce the words of the conspiracy.

Nauz knots need to be woven on the growing moon. According to Slavic beliefs, with a growing moon, a person acquires what he wants, and with a waning one, he loses.

If it is not possible to weave complex knots, you can simply tie the threads. In this case, their number makes sense:

  • one is union with solar energy;
  • two - connecting together feelings and mind, attracting the energy of the moon;
  • three - development of creative potential, assistance in work, attraction of the energy of Mars;
  • four - inner harmony, connection with the magic of Mercury;
  • five - fertility and success in work, the use of the magic of Jupiter;
  • six - attracting love and harmony;
  • seven - the preservation of the family hearth, the strengthening of faith, the attraction of the magic of Saturn;
  • eight - harmony between emotions and reason;
  • nine - religiosity.


They should be only natural - so the power of Mother Nature will increase the effectiveness of the amulet. For you can use not only threads, but also ribbons, bunches of plants. In ancient times, the Slavs even made magic hair knots.

Thread colors

Carefully consider the choice of elements for the manufacture of nauzes, giving preference only to natural materials.

Each nauz is characterized by a specific color:

  • Black. You have to be careful with this color. Its use may be questionable. But with the right mindset during creation and accurate plotting, the black thread will help insecure people become more determined, and emotional and unrestrained people more balanced. If you use a combination of white and black thread, nauz will help you stay in the right direction in achieving your goal.
  • Red. There are many options for its use: both protection from negative energy (worn on the left hand), and for the fulfillment of desires (worn on the right hand). Three red threads speak of love, linking them seven times.
  • Yellow. It is aimed at preserving the energy channel of its owner, attracts solar energy.
  • Green. It has long been used to attract money and protect property from envious people who want to take advantage of a person for their own benefit.
  • Blue. Helps to strengthen self-confidence and develop intuitive skills.
  • Violet. The purple knot protects against accidents.
  • White. It will be useful for students and professionals in professions that require a good memory and constant learning of new information. Promotes easy learning and improves memory.

Today, it is the most commonly seen. It is mainly used as protection against the evil eye and a talisman of health.

In universities it is not forbidden to use threads of different colors. It is even considered useful, as different shades enhance the braided amulet.

Weave nauzes on our own

You can create a Slavic talisman with your own hands. This is a short process, but it requires attention and positive thoughts. Slavic amulets are not used with evil intentions.

Science for wealth

The easiest way to attract money is to say a daily conspiracy when tying items of clothing: for example, a tie or a neckerchief. As speaking words, you can use something like the following: “Multiply money, but increase! Come to me, (name), and stay with me for a long time!

Nauses for attracting material well-being: a simple money knot, the Money Tree Nauz, the Wealth Nauz.

We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the scheme of weaving a simple money nauz in the figure below:

A more complex and permanent amulet will be a bracelet or neck harness with a figurine. A horseshoe can be used as a pendant - so that luck accompanies career development. In ancient times, three nauzes were woven, the combination was similar to the crown of a tree.

To enhance the monetary energy, you can lubricate the Slavic amulet with bergamot oil.

When creating money sciences, you need to adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. When the moon begins to rise, buy a thick green candle and a ball of natural thread of the same color.
  2. Light a candle first. Then unwind a little ball and cut 9 threads of the same length. Roll them into one bundle, saying: “Nine paths, nine paths, will lead to what I want. Coppers, patches, chervonets, paper bills, signed and sealed.
  3. Then tie exactly 9 magic knots on the tourniquet in any convenient way, repeating each time: “I connect everything together in this knot: my will, passion, monetary power.”

If the finished amulet is small, you can put it in your wallet. Then it can be combined with other purse talismans, for example, or. Otherwise, it is necessary to put the money nauz in a place invisible to visitors in the house or workplace.

Nauses for love

Parting for a long time, lovers can exchange lovebirds.

There are many different patterns for love: for passion, fidelity, for newlyweds and attracting the attention of a person you like. You can make two amulets - for yourself and your lover. As a material, you can use a ribbon or a coarse cord that would look good as a bracelet.

Scheme for tying the "Lovebirds" nauz.

Love nauz is made on the growing moon. When tying a nauz, they say: "Knot, seal our union. There are no stronger bonds of love in the world!

To create a Slavic knot of happiness, you can use thin threads, and weave a horseshoe into the knot itself - for good luck in finding love.

Science for good luck

Especially the four-leaf, is considered a symbol of good luck among many peoples. Nauz for good luck outwardly resembles a clover leaf. Any thread color can be used, depending on the need. You can add a horseshoe - the symbol increases the magical properties of the nauz.

Nauz for good luck looks like a clover leaf.

Science for health

Nauses for health and healing should be worn around the neck or arm. If you are concerned about diseases of the legs - tie on sore joints. It is also recommended to wear such amulets to people engaged in work dangerous to life and health.

There are several ways to use such nauzes:

  1. To get rid of existing ailments, weave nauz on black threads. An odd number of nauzes are knitted on them, for each naming one existing disease. Then, far from home, you need to burn the resulting nauzes or simply bury them in an uninhabited place.
  2. Celtic nauz. Such a scheme is used to rid the body of a serious illness that destroys physically or spiritually.
  3. Nauz "Alive" and "Solyar". Used to fill the body with energy in chronic fatigue or exhaustion. Yellow lace is suitable for creating these amulets.

Why else weave nauzes

There are nouzes to protect the house. As a rule, it is woven from one thread, forming a flat shield from the nauzes. He will protect the house from misfortunes and ill-wishers, attract happiness and preserve family comfort. When tying such a nauz, you need to pronounce words in which the desired will sound - protection from envious people or strengthening family happiness.

There is also a nauz from the evil eye. A sure sign of the evil eye is a series of failures, illnesses, constant malaise and rapid fatigue. To create a protective amulet, use a red thread. The talisman must be worn on the arm or neck. As a last resort, attach to clothing or accessory.

How and when to tie

Depending on which nauz is planned to be created, you need to choose the appropriate day:

  • Monday is love day;
  • Tuesday - protection from evil spirits and negative energy;
  • Wednesday - good luck and success;
  • Thursday - financial well-being;
  • Friday - love;
  • Saturday - protection from ill-wishers and envious people;
  • Sunday is health day.

When tying knots, you need to think only about your desire, the ultimate goal of your aspirations. Desires can be spoken out loud, while the words should sound confident. If you are a believer, read the prayer “Our Father” or “Our Lady of the Virgin”, charging the amulet with sacred power.

In creating and using the amulet, the main thing is to believe in its power - this is how you will attract the necessary energy from the universe, and the amulet will concentrate it on your needs.

Our ancestors believed that any problem can be dealt with. And - in the literal sense! To do this, they tied magic knots, while saying a cord. And such amulets were called nauzes. The ancient Slavic amulets of nauzy are still made by those who believe in the power of nodular magic with their own hands. In the past, before weaving nauzes, a rope was manually made from hemp or nettle, which was then spoken. Today, ordinary decorative cords are used for these purposes. But the main thing in science is not the material, but faith in its magical power, and thoughts during the tying, which should be embodied in the words of the conspiracy. There are a lot of patterns for weaving nauzes. We will tell you how to tie a knot for good luck, money or a career with your own hands. And you, in turn, while tying a magical amulet, decide for yourself what exactly you should be lucky in. So let's get started.

You can wear a magical nauz on your arm in the form of a bracelet, around your neck or hiding it away from prying eyes (in your pocket or sewn under the lining of your clothes). Your wish will surely come true if you have invested your soul in the creation of the amulet. And when the long-awaited changes take place, the nauz should be burned or taken away from home and buried in the ground.

Nauzy is the ancient name for knots and amulets connected from a thread. For us, a knot is just a tied thread. The knot is used as a means of strengthening or holding something. In ancient times, knots were taken much more seriously. They were the main tool of sorcerers and witches. With the help of uncomplicated bindings, great magic was created.

When a person ties a knot, he is sure to think about something. Watch your thoughts while tying the thread. Everyone thinks about their own business and almost no one thinks about how to tie a knot. People who practice magic always think about knots.

This category of people knows how to knit a huge variety of knots. Each node had its own meaning. Laces could attract love and charm. They were good for inflicting damage. Knots were used to heal and control the weather.

The meaning of the knot in Slavic beliefs

Until our times, the skill of knitting has been preserved by people associated with the sea. Where is the largest number of techniques and types of knots? The answer is obvious - the sailors. Now they are used to secure nets and strengthen the mast. Previously, in addition to fasteners, ships also had magic knots. They were also called windmills. Each bundle had three or more knots. They were tied on a rope in order to calm the raging wind. During the calm they unleashed and the wind increased. Some peoples living on the islands blamed the sorcerers for their troubles, coming with hurricanes from the sea.

During the period of transition from paganism to Christianity, the weaving technique was treated very strictly. Each dressmaker was under the watchful eye of the church. If some bad deed happened by chance at the time of weaving or sewing clothes. The knitter was immediately arrested and tried as a witch. An innocent knot on clothes could play a fatal fate for its owner. People were afraid of knots like fire and tried to avoid them.

Draw a circle around you and protect yourself from evil spirits in such a simple way. There was a belief in the Middle Ages - Belted - protected. Every person, whether old or young, wore a belt. A tied belt is a talisman against black magic. Not a single demon, not a single witch could cast a spell on a man with a belt. Women even slept without taking off their belts.

The nauzes were so widespread that the gods were also endowed with the mastery of knotting skills. If we recall Makosh with his assistants, we will see how they determined the fate of people. Dolya and Nedolya wove the fate of people with their own hands, using a thread. In places where a person had some kind of event, a knot was knitted at the fateful thread.

Braided women's braids also possessed magical powers. In the old days there was a custom that forced the girls to wear a braid. Braided braid - the girl is not married. But this is not the only meaning of the braid. In such a simple way, the girl's braid protected its owner from damage, the evil eye and dark forces.

Scythe - a talisman against the evil eye

When a girl got married, a braid was untwisted and a scarf was put on, which was tied in a knot. During the marriage, they carefully monitored the absence of knots on the clothes of the bride and groom. This was done in order to rid the young couple of obstacles and troubles in life. In other cases, they did the opposite. The bride's dress was decorated with a net. The network has a large number of security nodes. As long as such a network has at least one nauz, neither a sorcerer nor a demon will be able to create their dark deed against a young family. The hands of the bride and groom were tied with a towel as a sign of a strong union between wife and husband.

Belief in the magic of the knot has survived to this day. Recall the method of getting rid of warts or barley. A knot is tied. The plot is read and the knot is cut or buried. In some recipes, they are scorched.

There are sections of magic that are called nodular magic. Nauzas were worn around the neck as amulets. A variety of objects were tied to the thread. Such a modest decoration had great magical power. Nauzas amulets were worn around the neck, not on the arm, on the belt. They were hung in houses, barns and even on fences. As a suspension on a rope, with the advent of Christianity, they began to put on a bag of incense - an amulet.

Since ancient times, evil spirits were afraid of incense, so the incense served as a protective amulet against evil spirits. In addition to bags with various potions, objects also clung. Depending on the suspended object, the nauz amulet took on one or another meaning.

The meaning of the color of the thread and the image of the canopy

Slavic beliefs very often intertwined with the animal and plant world. Plants and animals were endowed with unearthly power and were considered the spirits of the earth. The carved figurine of the beast was revered and equated with a talisman. Such a talisman was often fastened with a charmed knot to a lace and worn around the neck. This type of amulets has always been made by hand. After all, the nauz was a kind of amulet, in which the energy that created the magic of the node was settled.

Such a charm is made very simply and does not take too much time. If you wish, you yourself can make such a charm with your own hands. When weaving a nauz, you need to firmly decide what you want. The amulet will heal, protect or play the role of a love spell. From the purpose of the knot it will depend on which suspension clings to it and what color the thread should be. Color in this case is very important. Among the Slavic peoples, each color was characterized by its own color.

  • Red is the color of vitality, strength and health, the key to longevity.
  • Orange - bestows joy and inspiration. Optimistic mood for all undertakings.
  • Yellow is the color of mental activity. Helps generate new ideas.
  • Green - wealth, creativity and growth energy.
  • Blue is a color that can heal.
  • Blue is responsible for peace and tranquility.
  • Violet color guarantees confidence in the future.

Knowing the color of the thread required for the amulet, we select an item that will act as a talisman.

  • A stork around the neck grants the wearer longevity.
  • Angelok - enlightenment and purity of thoughts.
  • Libra helps a person to do the right thing, protects from injustice and bestows the ability to distinguish between truth and falsehood.
  • A successful person who is determined to win can be identified by a talisman in the form of a wolf. The wolf is a symbol of strength and determination, courage and bravery.
  • The unicorn personified light magic and the source of purity. Such a symbol could be seen among the "white magicians".
  • One of the amulets common among the Slavs is a star. A symbol of constancy and protection from evil spells. Bestows superiority and aspiration.

Creation of a nodular amulet

Now you can safely start creating a nauz amulet with your own hands, adhering to Slavic traditions and beliefs. The most common desires of modern people are career, love, luck and wealth. Therefore, we present to your attention some ways of knitting amulets from a thread.

The first knot is knitted exactly in the middle. When tying a knot, it is necessary to say not very loudly:

“I knit a knot and succeed in love. This knot will bring new true love into my life.

This will be the beginning of your magical action. Then it is necessary to bend one of the ends of the thread in half and thread the resulting loop into the central knot. And through the second loop of the central knot, the tip of the bent thread is threaded. The next step is to tie a third knot over the first two.

It is done in the following way. The free end of the thread is threaded through the remote loop. The main thing is not to forget, when tying each nauz, read the aforementioned plot. Now you can slightly tighten the resulting weave. Repeat this again on the right and left and the nauz amulet is ready.

It is also worth remembering that when creating a talisman, your energy, which accompanied the work, gets into it. Think only about the good and constantly remember the person to whom you give this amulet as a good memory. This completes the work on creating a talisman with your own hands. It remains only to give it to the future owner.

The mystery lying on the surface can be called the mystery of the Nauzes. Some will call it just a strange fairy tale. Well, beads, well, a keychain, well, a bracelet with beads, threads and knots. Or even just a knot on a bag, or a thread with something imposed ... Meanwhile, the most effective magical rituals, many conspiracies and rituals include nauzes - Slavic amulets. Nauses, incantations and rituals are one of the most powerful methods of Slavic magic, the legacy of the creators of the Vedas, ancient Russian sorcerers and sorcerers. We talk about how to make Slavic in this article.

Nauses with your own hands - there is nothing complicated!

This is how do-it-yourself woven nauzas look like, photo below:

Nauzes are magic that was used by the Slavs, both men and women performed magical rituals, with weaving nauzes.

Do-it-yourself nauzes how to make both old and young know. There were both female and male nodes. The verb “nauzit” in the people meant “to conjure, heal, speak, whisper”, and sorcerers, fortune tellers, healers were called nauzniks and nauzniki. This is how it was done, and you can succeed too!

Here are five purposes for which nauz can be gossiped and charmed:

1. Prediction, establishing a connection at a distance

2. Understanding the situation

3. Love

4. Combat trance, physical strength and will

5. Changing the situation or fixing it in the desired state: victory over the disease, maintaining / significantly improving protection from evil energies, consolidating success, attracting good luck, victory, wealth.

Now let's move on to tying a knot

Nauses, conspiracies and rituals are created under certain conditions. And one of them is an altar.

What should be on the altar? - Everything that exists consists of four elements - fire, earth, water and air.

Therefore, on the altar of each sorcerer addressing the Native Gods, there are necessarily these 4 elements - a bowl of water, a handful of earth, an empty vessel, implying the presence of air in it, and fire - a candle, a burning torch or something else that gives food to fire.

In our real world, each element, and, consequently, God, is responsible for a certain area of ​​human activity. Fire is creativity. Earth gives abundance, water creates feelings, and wind is the energy of thought.

If you have Chura - images of these four Gods, four elements - put them in the corners. It remains only to determine which source of power you need to use, who to turn to in order to get what you want. And then - a matter of technology. You just need to choose a spell that suits the theme and perform the desired ritual correctly.

Example: do-it-yourself Kupala nauz

Of course, do-it-yourself Kupala nauz is knitted for love. This is how we do it in the North.

They weave a nauz (rope) with a simple bag made of natural fabric, into which “radiant” grass is tied - thyme, nettle, St. John's wort, coltsfoot, celandine, Ivan da Marya, chamomile, mint and wormwood. You can put one herb, you can put several.

Better if the weed was plucked in on June 21st. And the nauz was woven into the growing moon. The bag is tied simply - the edges folded together are wrapped with a rope, tied three times and the rope itself is tied in a knot so that it can be worn around the neck, at the level of the heart. You can make a bag in advance, you can not do it.

Represented? On the physical level, it is very easy to do - they prepared a red rope (silk, woolen or cotton), a square piece of fabric about 10 by 10 cm in size, broke and cut grass on it, tied it and hung it around your neck.

And on a magical, witchcraft level, everything is seen in a different light.

Weaving a nauz with your own hands is a full-fledged magical ritual, conspiracies and rituals, a combination of three magics. The knot combines the magic of the knot, the word-conspiracy and the action-weaving. Repeating and reflecting one into another, it is amplified many times over.

Focus on the action you are performing, create an image of your loved one in your head, draw scenes of tender feelings for yourself, do it slowly, inhaling the aroma of herbs, stroking the rope with your hands, feeling how important it is that this situation is captured by three knots that you tie on the bag ...

Such a conspiracy. Repeat the plot “Knot, knot, help, knot, knot, strengthen” with a good heart, investing your spiritual strength ... tying the situation to love ...

First tie three simple, regular knots on the bag, then tie a knot on the string.

It remains to put the nauz on the neck, take the bag in your hand and activate it - hold it from right to left over the bag with three knots, inhale, exhale for a long time and say again "Knot, knot, help, knot, knot, strengthen." These are the Kupala conspiracies and rituals that attract love! That's the whole secret of nauza with your own hands how to do it. If you did it with good feelings, with faith from the legacy of your ancestors, if you followed the instructions correctly, your wish will surely come true! Science will definitely help you! Simple threads with knots work wonders. The whole experience of northern magic confirms this!

There are many nodules for different occasions, we only talked about one. Where can I learn how to make other nauses with my own hands? The secret will be shared by the book “Nauzy. Slavic magic of knots ”, it contains advice on how to make nauses with your own hands, diagrams of knots, texts of ancient conspiracies.

Everyone has heard the expression "knot for memory." Its meaning is clear. Many believe that it came into our lives from the knot letter, which was common in some tribes. However, the matter is much deeper. Our ancestors, the ancient Slavs, did not consider it necessary to write down their impressions on paper. Knowledge was passed from mouth to mouth. And they knitted knots for a completely different purpose.

Rope and medicinal herbs were used to connect a person with magical powers. It was believed that various knots could prevent misfortunes, cure illnesses, and bring good luck to life. Surely you noticed in the paintings (in films) with Slavic plots that people adorned themselves not with beads or chains, but with wicker necklaces, pendants, bracelets.

Each of these items contained a "power" that people believed in. Even now, traditions associated with nauzes (knots) have been preserved in the villages. For example, in the Kuban it is customary to cover a girl with a net before marriage. Then she is handed over to her new husband. It is believed that the network prepares a woman for childbirth, protects against complications.

What are nauses?

This was the name of the nodes in which they invested medicinal products or notes with spells. From them came amulets and amulets. Nauses are used to treat the physical and energy bodies of a person. From the evil eye and damage, to attract good luck or get rid of a specific disease. True, there are not so many specialists in this field. How to knit knots, what to lay in them, only village healers understand.

Now it is known that nauzes are made only from natural raw materials. That is, for their manufacture, woolen threads, hemp or pure cotton are needed. Most often, however, wool is used. For example, to normalize blood circulation, they are tied to the wrist. She, according to healers, does not allow blood to stagnate. The same remedy is known to help with the evil eye.

Is it possible to knit the knots yourself?

Any amulet a person can make with his own hands. After all, its meaning is in the intention embedded in it. Yes, you need to know which nodes affect what. But the meaning is not in them, but in those thoughts with which a person knits them. Remember: "knot for memory." The deep meaning of the expression is that with the help of a rope you can create a certain “anchor” in your thoughts.

For example, if a person is envied, then this is reflected in the quality of his life. This comes from the fact that he reacts to someone else's anger, gets nervous, makes mistakes. This is a natural, subconscious process. By the way, our Slavic ancestors knew this very well. What needs to be done to not react? Realize that someone else's anger invades your life and build a defense. This is done mentally, and in order not to forget, you should tie a knot.

Here is a simple technique for making nauzes. It is necessary to invest in them the intention, the way to solve the problem that worries you now. You can then forget about it, and the subconscious mind will remember and act constantly. The knot will remind him of the preparatory work done.

Effective conspiracies on knots

The knots themselves with symbols and herbs had different purposes. It was invested in them by the performer, that is, the healer. This was done with the help of thought, which was supported by certain words. For example, if you want happiness to always be in your life, weave an obegeg in a round weave (pictures above) and hang it around your neck. When they prepared the amulet, they said this:

“I’ll tie a knot, I’ll tie the sun to the house. Strengthen my will so that there is plenty of happiness!

In order for life to be sanctified by faithful and mutual love, they slandered the knot like this:

“Knot, strengthen the union. There is no stronger bond of love!

The girls prepared such amulets. Often, not only for themselves, but also for the betrothed. Love nauses were given to the guy they wanted to marry.

Nauzas were also used for treatment. Here from drunkenness, for example, they made a special amulet. They spoke it like this:

“I tie the knot to the Lord’s slave (name) booze and party. Free the knot of thoughts, conquer the vice of it. Amen!".

Nauzy is an original Slavic remedy. If you want to join it, learn how to use it in life, then do not be shy and do not be afraid. In this kind of art, it is not the technique that matters, but the purity and depth of intention.

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