Business communication forms and types. Essence, types and forms of business communication

In the socio-cultural sphere, communication from a factor that accompanies activity turns into a professionally significant category, which lies in the nature of social activity itself. This is especially true for areas of activity that are directly related to working with clients.

Business communication today penetrates into all spheres of public life of society. Enterprises of all types and forms of ownership, as well as individuals as private entrepreneurs, enter the commercial, business spheres of life.

Competence in the field of business communication is directly related to success or failure in every field: in the field of science, art, production, trade. As for managers, businessmen, production organizers, people employed in the field of management, private entrepreneurs, communicative competence, that is, the ability to adequately respond in any situation in the process of communication, for representatives of these professions is one of the most important components of their professional image.

Business conversation- this is a process in which there is an exchange of business information and work experience, involving the achievement of a certain result in joint work, the solution of a specific problem or the implementation of a specific goal.

The specificity of this process is the moment regulations, that is, obedience to the established restrictions, which are determined by national and cultural traditions adopted in the given territory, professional ethical principles, adopted in this professional circle of people.

Business communication is conditionally divided into direct (direct contact) and indirect (when during communication there is a certain spatio-temporal distance, that is, letters, telephone conversations, business notes, etc.).

Direct communication has a greater effectiveness, the power of emotional impact and suggestion, while indirect communication does not have such a strong result, certain socio-psychological mechanisms directly operate in it. In general, business communication differs from informal communication in that its process sets specific tasks and specific goals that require a certain resolution, which does not allow us to stop the negotiation process with a partner or negotiating partners at any time (at least without certain losses in obtaining information for both parties). In an ordinary friendly one, questions such as specific tasks and goals are most often not raised, so such communication can be stopped (at the request of both parties) at any time without fear of losing the opportunity to restore the communication process again.

Types of business communication:

1. Business conversation is a type of business communication, a specially organized substantive conversation that serves to solve managerial problems. A business conversation, although it always has a specific subject, does not imply the conclusion of an agreement or the development of binding decisions, it is personally oriented and takes place between representatives of one organization.

On such a basis as the types and goals of the conversation, it is customary to single out as independent types: job interview, job interview, problem and disciplinary conversations.

Conducting a conversation involves a number of mandatory steps:

1) preparatory stage. During the period of preparation for the upcoming conversation, it is necessary to think over the issues of its expediency, the conditions and time of its holding, prepare the necessary materials and documents;

2) start a conversation. The tasks that are solved at the beginning of the conversation are primarily related to establishing contact with the interlocutor, creating an atmosphere of mutual understanding, awakening interest in the conversation;

3) discussion of the problem. The main part of the conversation is aimed at collecting and evaluating information on the problem under discussion; identifying the motives and goals of the interlocutor; transmission of scheduled information;

4) decision-making;

5) end of conversation. The tasks of this stage are: achievement of the main or reserve goal; providing a favorable atmosphere at the end of the conversation; stimulating the interlocutor to perform the intended activity; maintaining, if necessary, further contact with the interlocutor

2. Business negotiations- this is a type of joint activity with a partner, usually aimed at solving a problem. They always assume at least two participants, whose interests partially coincide and partially diverge. Negotiations are of an official, specific nature and, as a rule, provide for the signing of documents defining the mutual obligations of the parties (agreements, contracts, etc.).

Main preparation elements to negotiations: determining the subject (problems) of negotiations, searching for partners to solve them, clarifying their interests and partners’ interests, developing a plan and program for negotiations, selecting specialists for the delegation, solving organizational issues and preparing the necessary materials - documents, drawings, tables, diagrams , samples of offered products, etc.

The course of negotiations fits into the following scheme: the beginning of a conversation - the exchange of information - argumentation and counter-argumentation - the development and adoption of decisions - the completion of negotiations.

3. business meetings- this is a form of organized, purposeful interaction of the leader with the team through the exchange of opinions. Since a business meeting is an activity related to decision-making by a group of people, the nature of the speeches of its participants and its results are seriously influenced by such features of group behavior, as the distribution of roles in the group, the relationship between group members, group pressure.

The meetings are divided into instructive, operational(control rooms), problematic. Goals briefings- transmission of the necessary information and orders from top to bottom in the control scheme for their speedy implementation. The decisions taken by the head of the enterprise or organization are brought to the attention of the meeting participants, tasks are distributed with appropriate briefing, unclear issues are clarified, the timing and methods of fulfilling orders are determined.

Goals operational (dispatch) meetings- Obtaining information about the current state of affairs. Unlike briefing meetings, information flows from the bottom up through the control scheme. Participants of such a meeting report on the progress of work in the field. Operational meetings are held regularly, always at the same time, the list of participants is permanent, there is no special agenda, they are devoted to urgent tasks of the current and next 2-3 days.

Goals problem meetings- search for the best solutions to the problem in the shortest possible time, bringing economic problems for discussion, consideration of organizational prospects, discussion of innovative projects.

4. Public performance- This is an oral monologue statement with the aim of influencing the audience. In the field of business communication, such genres as a report, informational, welcome and sales speech are most often used. There are 3 main stages in oratory activity: pre-communicative, communicative and post-communicative. Each of the stages contains a list of specific actions.


1) definition of the topic and purpose of the speech;

2) assessment of the audience and environment;

3) selection of material;

4) creating text.

5) rehearsal.


1) making a speech:

a) introduction;

b) the main part;

c) conclusions;

2) answers to questions;

3) conducting polemics.

post-communicative: speech analysis.

Material - the exchange of objects and products of activity;

Cognitive - knowledge sharing;

Motivational - exchange of motives, goals, interests, motives, needs;

Activity - the exchange of actions, operations, skills and abilities.

Creating a favorable socio-psychological climate in business communication.

Before starting negotiations, it is very important for their successful outcome. create a favorable psychological climate. There are several effective techniques that allow you to quickly win over your partner at the very beginning of negotiations and, if necessary, painlessly for his pride to persuade him to your point of view.

At the very beginning of negotiations, one should unobtrusively instill in the partner a consciousness of either his own significance or the authority of the company he represents. But this should be done sincerely, without getting lost in cheap compliments.

During business negotiations it is very important to show exceptional attention to the partner. You need to talk about what your partner is more interested in or about what he knows well. Ask questions that your partner will be happy to answer.

During negotiations, it can be very difficult to defend your point of view. However, in no way can this be done with the help of a dispute, since it is known that in nine cases out of ten disputes end with the fact that each of its participants, even more than before, is convinced of his own rightness.

Compliance with the ethics of business communication is the basis of a successful team. Relationships built on the rules of professional ethics and mutual respect create a comfortable working atmosphere and support motivation in the team.

The article presents the basic principles of business communication ethics, tips and rules that will be useful to both employees and managers.

To master oneself so as to respect others as oneself, and to treat them in such a way
how we want to be treated - that's what can be called philanthropy.

What it is?

Business communication, like any other, needs regulation. Business communication etiquette is a set of open and unspoken rules for those who have to work together every weekday.

Without regulated norms, business communication turns into a messy exchange of information. Each person in his own way perceives the world around him, his colleagues, leaders and subordinates.

So that a different worldview does not interfere with work and does not force everyone to speak different languages, it is important to observe the etiquette and culture of business communication. This applies to both relationships within the same team and external contacts (between employees of different departments or branches, between an employee and a client).

Rules and basic principles of business communication ethics

The ethics of business communication is primarily practical purpose. Its observance greatly simplifies the work of the entire team as a whole and each employee in particular, since it is easier and faster to act according to generally accepted patterns. At the same time, employees will know what to expect from each other. Such a step helps to increase overall productivity, saving employees from thinking like “What did he mean?”.

The second task of business ethics- to create a working atmosphere in the team, in which all the time is devoted to the cause, and the allotted hour is given to fun. Moral comfort plays a greater role in life than physical comfort, and due to the observance of business ethics, employees will always feel comfortable in terms of job satisfaction.

Moreover, the moral side of the action of business ethics also affects productivity: an employee who feels comfortable in the workplace will be more committed to the company, will strive to do his job better. A pleasant atmosphere, achieved through adherence to ethical principles of business communication, makes employees strive for excellence in their work.

We offer for viewing a video review of the 5 basic rules of etiquette in business communication according to D. Carnegie:

The main types of business communication

There are three main types of business communication, they are based on the generally accepted hierarchy within the team.

So, business communication can take place:

  1. "Top down";
  2. "Upwards";
  3. "Horizontally".
For these three categories, there are different ethical standards for business communication, although there are general principles. First of all, the general principles respect for the employee, regardless of the role of the latter in the company.

It is important to be correct in relation to employees, colleagues from other companies and clients with whom you work. This, for example, implies that it would be unethical to ask the interlocutor about his personal affairs, especially about problems, just because you are interested.

General rules for all apply to telephone business etiquette. "Hello" or "yes" is not an appropriate greeting for a business person. You should politely introduce yourself, name your position, the name of the company, department.

When talking on the phone, you need to be careful, if you are talking to a person for the first time, be sure to remember his name and patronymic and contact them. Your thoughts should always be expressed clearly, concisely. If, for good reasons, you cannot keep up the conversation, you must apologize to the interlocutor and offer to contact him later.

Communication "boss-subordinate"

The boss is "above" the subordinate

Or top to bottom. Any good leader should try to create a comfortable atmosphere in the team. It is the self-discipline of the leader that is the most powerful motivator and example for subordinates.

Therefore, it is important for people holding leadership positions to observe the ethical rules of business communication in the first place.

Tip: The effective work of the entire company begins with the self-discipline of the leader. Only by learning to manage yourself can you manage other people. Familiarity, being late, postponing decisions "for later" should disappear from habits. All this will help strengthen your authority, win the favor of employees - everyone wants to strive for a brighter future for an ideal leader.

The leader is the one who manages the work process and gives orders.
You can do this in several ways, including:

  • Order;
  • Request;
  • Question or request;
  • Volunteer call.
An order is a strict form of an order. Orders should not be abused, but in a good way - they should generally be avoided. Most often, direct orders are used in relation to unscrupulous employees in critical situations. But if it came to problems and orders - think about what good such a clearly conflicting employee can bring to the company?

Request is the most common form of command., especially if the team already has a fairly trusting working relationship. In response to the request, the employee, if necessary, can provide a comment. The leader can also present the request in such a way that it will be tantamount to an order, while maintaining a friendly tone.

Question usually given to those employees who have shown themselves to be competent and proactive people, the same applies to calling a volunteer.

Advice to the leader: it would be quite useful to study your subordinates in order to find out which of them adequately perceives questions. For example, a qualified subordinate who is enthusiastic about his job and who has earned the trust of the manager can give good advice on how to solve a particular problem. An employee who is not proactive and unscrupulous is more likely to see in the question the weakness of the leader and a reason to shirk from work.

Also, subordinates always appreciate justice. So the reward must always be adequate to the merit, just as the punishment is adequate to the failure. At the same time, the mistakes of employees should not be left completely unattended - such behavior can show the manager as inattentive or tell the employee that he can work carelessly, shirk and go unpunished.

Among other things, the boss must show his subordinates that he respects and appreciates their opinion and contribution to the common cause, and in this case he will achieve reciprocal loyalty.

Communication "subordinate-boss"

Of course, the rules of business communication must be observed by all subordinates. A good employee, like a leader, is interested in establishing and maintaining a comfortable atmosphere in the team, therefore, within the framework of the ethics of business communication, one of the tasks of a subordinate is to help the leader maintain it.

In no case should a subordinate try to manage his leader, this is a manifestation of disrespect, non-compliance with the hierarchy and, accordingly, a violation of the ethics of business communication. Subordination should always take place: you can express your opinion in the correct form, but you cannot tell the boss. By the way, in this case, the ethics of network communication is no exception. It may seem that some of the rules of ethics can be neglected in Internet correspondence, but this is not so. There is still a boss on the other side of the screen, and you need to behave with him accordingly.

It is not recommended to be categorical with the boss. It is not necessary to always agree with him, otherwise you may seem like a flatterer. But it's not worth arguing with management all the time. Here it is important to find a fine line and show that the subordinate respects the leader, has an inner core, and a strong character. Such employees are valued, they are trusted as loyal and reliable people.

I always ask helpers to share their difficulties; I always try to support them
of course, if they are willing to admit that they have problems.
J. Soros

If there is a senior management in the company, then it is not worth contacting him, bypassing the immediate supervisor. This is a direct demonstration of disrespect for the leader, so you can call into question the competence of the leader, which can negatively affect relationships within the entire team.

It would be reckless not to mention the main weapon of some employees is a lie. If an employee allows himself to lie in the workplace, promise to complete all tasks (with subsequent failure), talk about how he did something that he didn’t actually do, a rare manager will deny himself the pleasure of getting rid of such an assistant. Honesty and trust are the basis of business communication. By adhering to these principles, an employee can go even further than he planned, but if you try to be cunning, then you only have yourself to blame.

Communication "employee-employee"

In this case, first of all, you need to pay attention to what, in fact, determines the relationship between employees: their rights and obligations. They must be clearly distributed among colleagues, otherwise a conflict will inevitably arise. Everyone should mind his own business, even if he intersects with other employees at work.

Often there is a business rivalry or competition between employees, during which they try to achieve, for example, a promotion. Here it is necessary to understand that the transition to the individual is unacceptable. Respect must be valued above all else. The etiquette of business communication during a presentation, in particular, suggests that a colleague should not be interrupted or interrupted. All questions and objections can be expressed in the correct form after the presentation or during a specially designated for questions.

Also, one should not take on more than one can fulfill, one should not make promises that will not be kept. You need to adequately assess yourself, your capabilities, as well as the capabilities of employees.

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The concept of business communication is inextricably linked with interaction in the field of cooperation. Not a single entrepreneur or employer can do without business interaction in their work. Business communication, its types and forms act as a kind of link on which any business interaction between people is built. The head of the enterprise must take on the function of a wise mentor who will direct his employees in the right direction, help them grow and develop professionally. Employees must respect their leader without fail. Only in this case they will be able to really learn something useful from him.

The rules of business communication should be known to every self-respecting person. Otherwise, he risks himself getting into an unpleasant situation and putting others in an awkward position.

Types of business communication

Business communication, to one degree or another, involves purposeful interaction within the framework of teamwork in order to obtain a certain result. Traditionally, it is customary to distinguish several types of business communication.

  • Business correspondence. This type of communication refers to the so-called correspondence interaction, when information is conveyed to the interlocutor by means of a letter. Writing a business letter is not as easy as it might seem at first glance. It is necessary to take into account some points, such as: the design of the electronic message, the time frame within which the answer will remain relevant, the conciseness of the presentation of the necessary information. As a result of business correspondence, people can come to certain conclusions and conclusions. Read more in the article.
  • Business conversation. The ethics of business communication necessarily includes such conversations that would benefit the development of the company or enterprise. In a business conversation, a manager and a subordinate can clarify significant issues for themselves, determine the range of necessary tasks that require immediate solutions, and discuss the results. It is during a business conversation that the significant elements of the activity are clarified and the necessary details are clarified. Any working moments can be considered with the help of this type of business communication.
  • Business meeting. Sometimes it’s not enough just to have a conversation with employees as part of corporate work. To achieve more effective interaction and better understanding, it is necessary to resort to a business meeting. These meetings deal with significant urgent issues that cannot be delayed. Meetings can be held both among managers and be directed to the work of the chief with the staff.
  • Public speaking. Business communication is designed to ensure the establishment of business relationships between employees. Public speaking is used in cases where it is important to convey some kind of information that has an introductory and presentational nature to the audience. The one who speaks to the audience must have all the necessary knowledge on the subject of his report, as well as a number of personal characteristics that allow him to freely and easily reproduce this information. Basic requirements for the speaker: competent speech, self-confidence, clarity and consistency of presentation of the material.
  • Business negotiations. They are an essential element of business communication. With the help of negotiations, you can quickly solve an important problem, determine the immediate goals and objectives of the company's development, hear the opinion and intentions of the opponent. Business negotiations are most often held between the leaders of different organizations in order to identify their positions and come to a common decision.
  • Discussion. It often occurs in the course of business communication as a result of a clash of different points of view. The culture of business communication does not allow you to freely and openly express your positions if they contradict public morality, but with the help of discussion you can sometimes argue within the accepted norms. The discussion reveals different views on the same problem and can often cover the subject of the dispute from opposite sides.

Functions of business communication

Business communication is a well-coordinated system of interaction of entire groups of people with each other. Traditionally, it is customary to single out several basic functions of business communication. All of them should be considered in close relationship with each other, because the process of business communication itself is a single mechanism.

  • Information and communication function is that all participants in a conversation or negotiation exchange with each other the necessary information. In order for each of those present to constantly follow the progress of the conversation and “not fall out” of the topic, a great concentration of attention and interest is required. If the topic is relatively exciting, of scientific or artistic value, then it will be much easier for listeners to perceive it. In the case of "heavy" topics, moreover, poorly developed by the speaker, the quality of the material does not correspond to the required level.
  • interactive function consists in the need to correctly plan the sequence of actions between the participants in business communication. The exchange of impressions about the solved business problems makes employees of one enterprise, one way or another, evaluate each other's actions. When one employee pays attention to the performance of his colleague, he is already to some extent able to correct and control his own behavior.
  • perceptual function expresses itself through the perception of one interlocutor by another in the course of business communication. When we observe the activities of colleagues, as a result we learn not only to memorize the information we need, but also to analyze it, compare it with individual ideas and knowledge about life. Perception is necessary for every person for the full development of the personality, awareness of one's individuality, building ideas about objects and phenomena.

Stages of business communication

Business communication always takes place in several stages, which follow one after another in turn. None of them can be omitted, since together they contribute to the formation of the process of adequate business communication. , as a rule, implies strict adherence to all the rules. The norms of business communication cannot be fully observed without taking into account the main stages of business communication.

  • Formation of a motive. It should be understood as the threshold of what can be called proper conversation, conversation between people. Business communication arises, as a rule, out of necessity, as a result of purposeful meaningful action. Awareness of the need to meet with a certain person and offer him your services or consult yourself is a kind of preparation for a personal meeting. Without a significant motive, goals, business partners will not interact effectively with each other. The preparatory stage is the time when future partners analyze the need for participation in relation to each other, check the significance of future fruitful cooperation.
  • Establishing contact. Usually occurs at the first meeting of partners. Business communication begins when the need arises. To establish contact, interaction at the level of views is important. After all, if a person does not inspire confidence in us, we are able to recognize it precisely by the eyes. A meeting and a fruitful business conversation, as a rule, is preceded by a mutual handshake. When business partners have exchanged the necessary greetings, the actual interaction begins.
  • Formulation of the problem. Business partners are unlikely to meet to drink tea together or have fun. They have a mutual joint problem that requires a solution. Moreover, the decision is necessary for all participants in the negotiations. At the meeting, a discussion of significant contradictions, existing difficulties and difficulties begins. If a product manufacturer and a potential client meet, then the problems of the latter are discussed and a constructive solution is proposed.
  • Information exchange. The ethics of business communication does not allow getting personal during important negotiations, but in their course, partners exchange important information with each other, which may turn out to be not only useful, but necessary, necessary. Businessmen are often willing to pay huge sums of money for such information. How do business partners convince each other? Of course, not empty phrases and promises. In business and business communication, an important element is argumentation, the ability to prove the veracity of one's words, to confirm their significance.
  • Search for a solution. It usually proceeds from the need to resolve a significant contradiction. Once a trusting conversation has been established, a reasoned and consistent search for a solution can take place. Usually it is immediately fixed by the relevant contract.
  • Drawing up a contract. It is necessary as a written confirmation of a specific transaction. Business communication is always focused on the result, the creation of a specific product of activity. It is for this reason that it is required to sign important papers and strictly comply with all clauses of the contract.
  • Analysis of results. This is the last stage of business communication. After some time after the negotiations, its participants again gather together and analyze the results. This can be expressed in the calculation of profits, as well as in the fact that there is a desire to cooperate on an ongoing basis.

Features of business communication

Business communication differs from personal contacts in that it has a number of characteristics that distinguish it from all other interactions. What are these features? Let's take a look at them together.

  • The Importance of Reputation in business communication is simply huge. In the world of business, reputation is everything, and to lose it means to lose your business. It has been developed over the years, and therefore every competent leader values ​​his name very much. The name in individual entrepreneurship is a guarantee, the basis on which success is built. No self-respecting businessman will do anything that could refute or lower his reputation in the eyes of the public. Otherwise, all the achievements that have been accumulated so far will inevitably be lost. Business is not only the number of successful transactions, but also the opportunity to grow in your business, to act for the benefit of other people. For example, if a company is engaged in the production of sportswear and footwear, it is extremely interested in the product being of high quality. Otherwise, very soon the face of the enterprise will be lost.
  • Specificity and clarity is another important part of business communication. Leaders must always be very precise and reliable in defining their goals. Only then do they have the opportunity to fully move forward, really develop professionally. So far, a clear goal for the development of the company has not been set and there can be no talk of the laws of its formation. The presence of a far-reaching goal contributes to rapid self-organization, building constructive positions within the team, and forming a sense of responsibility.
  • Mutually beneficial cooperation- this is what every successful businessman strives for and what his direct activity is aimed at. Entering into cooperation with other enterprises, a competent specialist always leads to a situation where both parties who have concluded a contract turn out to be winners. An experienced businessman knows that it is completely unacceptable to care only about his own well-being and forget about partners. In business, the ability to build business relationships, business communication itself decides everything. A wise leader will never be truly satisfied until he spreads the well-being that has come to him to the people around him. If achievements are not built on the principles of harmony and environmental friendliness of success, then it will soon turn out that they were false.

Principles of business communication

Business communication requires maximum concentration from all participants in the process. The ability to effectively interact with customers, colleagues, even competitors is a very valuable and necessary experience. It is necessary not only to have direct knowledge on the subject of a business conversation, but also to be able to take into account important features of interaction. Let's dwell on them in more detail.

Control over the situation

In business, you can't show your true emotions. All successful entrepreneurs know this axiom. If you want to achieve great results in your individual activities, learn to grit your teeth at some point. It is extremely important to keep your finger on the pulse, to control everything that happens: new deals, signing contracts, your own feelings and doubts about this. After all, if the leader constantly thinks about whether he is really doing the right thing, the company is unlikely to succeed.

Control over the current situation allows you to constantly be aware of events, whatever they may be. The opportunity to take active action arises only when there is a clear plan, confidence that all the steps are correct and planned in advance.

If the interlocutor behaves extremely unrestrainedly, never join him. A verbal skirmish, a heated argument are not components of a successful business. The real ingredients of a successful entrepreneur are always patience and hard work.

Ability to listen to your client

At the dawn of the development of any business, it is necessary to clearly realize what is the main thing in business. And the most important element is always the person of the client. The target audience is what all activities are aimed at. The ability to work with clients, take into account their needs and desires is the basis of success. Whatever your business does, it will benefit from such a profitable investment. It is necessary to invest not only in the development of production, but also in the service sector, so that visitors feel easy and comfortable.

Audience requests are the company's tasks that need to be solved. You should always try to satisfy the needs of your client as much as possible so that he leaves satisfied with the quality of your work.

Ability to focus on essentials

Someone will say that business is a very harsh thing and, of course, they will be right. Business communication is different in that it requires complete concentration, immersion, dedication. Sometimes you need to discard everything secondary and look only ahead. Any failures only temper, make you grow professionally and improve.

The life of a modern leader is full of daily stresses. Every day, a powerful flow of information falls upon him, which needs to be systematized, analyzed and applied in practice. Finding the main task and devoting the main amount of time to it is already becoming a winner. A talented leader always understands this.

Ability to separate personal relationships from business

People sometimes tend to mix up work and interacting with employees. If a person for one reason or another seems unpleasant to us, this does not mean at all that he cannot be useful to business. Being in a large company, sometimes you have to work with completely different representatives, take into account the opinions of colleagues and reckon with the most opposing opinions. Do not mix work and personal life. The development of the enterprise should be approached very responsibly, so that later you do not have to regret it very much. Business communication is the best way to help a person concentrate on the desired tasks.

Ability to be honest

There is a famous fair statement - business must be clean. For the sake of making a successful deal, you cannot cheat, deceive, use other people. All these ugly actions can result in undermining the reputation, loss of respect and trust on the part of customers. Truthfulness is good in any activity. After all, if the client realizes that he was deceived, this is unlikely to lead to the development and prosperity of your business. Business communication is the foundation on which trust is built.

Business communication etiquette

Ethics of business communication is a fundamental component of effective interaction in business. Hundreds of people daily try to find the answer to the question: how exactly should you communicate with customers, how to negotiate in order to achieve maximum success? How to behave with different people? These and other questions will be discussed below.

The ability to admit one's mistakes is a fundamental quality that leads to progress. If you accidentally made a mistake and you know that it can affect the client's decision to use or not use your services, there is no need to dramatize the events. Just apologize for the inconvenience and continue the corporate conversation. In this case, the visitor will think that nothing terrible has happened.

The tradition of offering coffee to customers did not originate very long ago, but it is very effective in its application. Teas and other beverages are usually offered to create a feeling of relaxation, contentment and positive vibes in the visitor. It is in this mood, most often, that lucrative contracts are concluded.

The intention to be as useful as possible always produces a significant effect. The client must leave the company, having completely solved his problem or question. Otherwise, he will never want to do business with you again. Today everyone wants to be successful and in demand. Become useful for each visitor, try to give him as much information as he needs. You will gain an excellent reputation, and the client will be satisfied.

Business communication styles

In business communication, it is customary to distinguish several different leadership styles. All of them are fundamentally different from each other.

Authoritarian style

It is based on the absolute power of the chief and the complete subordination of employees. Choosing this style of leadership, directors want to see the clear fulfillment of the tasks set (and sometimes in a fairly short time) and especially do not take into account how employees will feel. The authoritarian style of interaction assumes that the leader submits ideas, and subordinates must implement them. At the same time, their own opinion, individual aspirations, personal achievements are very often not noticed and not taken into account.

Bosses who have chosen an authoritarian style of interaction should be prepared for the fact that there will be no free expressions and truly creative thoughts in the team. Employees get used to thinking in accordance with the requirements of the leader and very soon stop showing any initiative at all. They will only do the work that is necessary and they don't want to do anything overtime. And the reason for this is the inability to show their creative imagination, the flight of thought.

Democratic style

Its basis is the well-coordinated work of the entire team, which takes into account any bold and creative ideas that the manager found interesting and useful. The head of a democratic warehouse of management is more friendly than an authoritarian one: he is fair, moderately reasonable and most of all cares about the well-being of the company. If the janitor's idea turns out to be useful, then his idea will be recognized and, perhaps, the employee will be promoted. The democratic style of interaction is recognized as the most effective of all existing ones, since it emphasizes the importance of each individual, supports its ability for professional growth and development.

In a team where a purely democratic spirit reigns, each employee has a real chance for self-realization. If you work under competent guidance, you can get good skills that will be very useful in the future. The democratic style of communication with employees contributes to better labor productivity, the release of internal forces, the emergence of interest in work, and the promotion of new unique ideas.

conniving style

It manifests itself in the clear indifference of the management to the organization of work and the results of activities. Usually this style of interaction is chosen by the boss, who acts more formally than consciously. It can also be young leaders who simply do not have enough experience, and they have not yet learned how to properly organize a team.

A laissez-faire leadership style suggests that the director has little interest in what is going on. Of course, this method cannot be called constructive at all. With such an approach, it is absolutely impossible to grow professionally and work fruitfully. Employees get used to this state of affairs and soon consider it an acceptable norm.

Formal business style

Mainly used for drafting contracts and other business papers. At important meetings and negotiations, business communication is a significant indicator that demonstrates the general level of preparedness of specialists, so it must be shown at its best.

In ordinary life, people do not deliberately talk to each other in formal phrases. However, in business meetings, this is the only way to prove yourself, demonstrating competence and awareness of important issues. This style of conversation immediately sets others in a serious mood, creates a working atmosphere.

scientific style

The scientific style is mainly used by teachers and heads of educational institutions. Be that as it may, for its part, this method is actually very effective. As a result of business interaction, all participants in seminars and other forms of meetings receive reliable information about a particular subject or phenomenon. The scientific style is characterized by extreme rigor, restraint and conciseness.

Thus, the forms of business communication, its types, principles and rules create a single picture of a holistic interaction, in which people's individualities are manifested.

Introduction …………………………………………………………………………… 2

1. The concept of “business communication”……………………………………………………..3

2. Signs of business communication…………………………………………………. 5

3. The structure of business communication……………………………………………………7

4. Classification of types of business communication…………………………………….. 11

B) according to the purpose of communication ……………………………………………………………….12

5. Main forms of business communication……………………………………….. 14




The relationship of people in the process of joint activities, to which each person devotes a significant part of his life, has always aroused special interest and attention from philosophers, psychologists, sociologists, as well as practitioners who sought to generalize their experience of business communication in a particular area, correlate it with the norms of morality developed by humanity and to formulate the basic principles and rules of human behavior in a business (service) environment. Recently, to characterize the whole range of issues related to the behavior of people in a business environment, as well as the title of a theoretical course devoted to their study, the compound term "ethics of business communication" is used.

There are "written" and "unwritten" norms of behavior in a given situation of official contact. The accepted order and form of treatment in the service is called business etiquette. Its main function is the formation of rules that promote mutual understanding of people. The second most important is the function of convenience, i.e., expediency and practicality. Modern domestic service etiquette has international features, because its foundations were actually laid in 1720 by the "General Regulations" of Peter I, in which foreign ideas were borrowed.

Business communication is the most important aspect of the morality of the professional behavior of an entrepreneur. Business etiquette is the result of a long selection of rules for the forms of the most expedient behavior that contributed to success in business relationships. The culture of behavior in business communication is unthinkable without observing the rules of verbal (verbal" speech) etiquette associated with the forms and manners of speech, vocabulary, i.e. with all the style of speech adopted in the communication of this circle of business people.

1. The concept of "business communication"

Business communication is a complex multifaceted process of developing contacts between people in the service sector. Its participants act in official statuses and are focused on achieving the goal, specific tasks. A specific feature of this process is regulation, i.e., obedience to established restrictions, which are determined by national and cultural traditions, professional ethical principles.

Business etiquette includes two groups of rules:

The norms in force in the field of communication between equal in status, members of the same team (horizontal);

Instructions that determine the nature of the contact between the leader and the subordinate (vertical).

A general requirement is a friendly and helpful attitude towards all work colleagues, partners, regardless of personal likes and dislikes.

The regulation of business interaction is also expressed in attention to speech. It is imperative to observe speech etiquette - norms of linguistic behavior developed by society, typical ready-made "formulas" that allow you to organize etiquette situations of greetings, requests, thanks, etc. (for example, "hello", "be kind", "allow me to apologize", " happy to meet you." These sustainable structures are selected taking into account social, age, psychological characteristics.

Communication as interaction assumes that people establish contact with each other, exchange certain information in order to build joint activities, cooperation.

In order for communication as an interaction to occur without problems, it should consist of the following steps:

Setting up a contact (acquaintance). It involves understanding another person, presenting oneself to another person;

Orientation in a communication situation, understanding what is happening, holding a pause;

Discussion of the problem of interest;


Ending a contact (leaving it).

Service contacts should be built on a partnership basis, proceeding from mutual requests and needs, from the interests of the cause. Undoubtedly, such cooperation increases labor and creative activity, is an important factor in the technological process of production and business.

2. Signs of business communication

Business communication today penetrates into all spheres of public life. Enterprises of all forms of ownership, private individuals enter into commercial, business relations. Competence in the field of business communication is directly related to success or failure in any business: science, art, production, trade. As for managers, entrepreneurs, production organizers, people employed in the field of management, communicative competence for representatives of these professions is the most important part of the professional image.

Another specific feature of business communication is its regulation, i.e., subordination to established rules and restrictions.

These rules are determined by the type of business communication, its form, the degree of officiality and those specific goals and objectives that are facing those communicating. These rules are determined by national cultural traditions and social norms of behavior.

They are fixed, drawn up in the form of a protocol (business, diplomatic), exist in the form of generally accepted norms of social behavior, in the form of etiquette requirements, restrictions on the time frame of communication.

An important feature of business communication is the strict observance by its participants of the role role. In life, we constantly perform, play various roles: wife, husband, son, daughter, citizen, boss, seller, buyer, etc. Our roles may change several times during the day. The same thing happens in business communication. In the process of interaction, a business person in different situations has to be both a boss, and a subordinate, and a colleague, and a partner, and a participant in an event, etc. It is necessary to take this into account and behave in accordance with the requirements imposed by the specific situation and the role adopted . Compliance with the role role in business communication streamlines, stabilizes the work process and thereby ensures its effectiveness.

The peculiarities of business communication include the increased responsibility of participants for its result. Indeed, successful business interaction is largely determined by the chosen communication strategy and tactics, i.e., the ability to correctly formulate the goals of the conversation, determine the interests of partners, build a rationale for one’s own position, etc. If business communication is inefficient, this can lead to the failure of the business itself.

Therefore, in business communication, such important qualities of business people as commitment, organization, loyalty to the word, as well as observance of moral and ethical norms and principles acquire special significance.

Business communication also requires a stricter attitude to the use of speech means by its participants. In business communication, swear words and obscene expressions, vernacular are not allowed, the use of words of a limited scope of use (jargonisms, dialectisms, archaisms, etc.) is undesirable.

3. Structure of business communication

The structure of business communication consists of five basic phrases:

1) Start a conversation.

2) Transfer of information.

3) Argumentation.

4) Refutation of the arguments of the interlocutor.

5) Decision making.

The correct beginning of the conversation involves: an accurate description of the goals of the conversation, mutual representation of the interlocutors, the name of the topic, the presentation of the person conducting the conversation, the announcement of the sequence of consideration of issues.

At the end of the conversation, the procedure should be reversed: the leader of the conversation takes the floor and ends it with an appeal to the interlocutor.

What should you pay attention to when establishing personal contact with the interlocutor?

First, to clear, concise and meaningful introductory phrases and explanations.

Secondly, it is obligatory to address interlocutors by name and patronymic.

Thirdly, the appropriate appearance (clothing, smartness, facial expression) is important.

Showing respect for the personality of the interlocutor, attention to his opinions and interests is an integral part of any communication, and even more so in a business conversation ....

The conversation should be built in the form of a dialogue, to build which, as often as possible, appeal to the opinion and answers of the interlocutor.

The interlocutor's comments mean that he is actively listening to you, following your performance, carefully checking your argument and thinking everything over. It is believed that an interlocutor without comments is a person without his own opinion. That is why the comments and arguments of the interlocutor should not be considered as obstacles in the course of the conversation. They facilitate the conversation, as they give us the opportunity to understand what else needs to be convinced of the interlocutor and what he generally thinks about the essence of the matter.

There are the following types of remarks: unspoken remarks, prejudice, ironic remarks, remarks for the purpose of obtaining information, remarks for the purpose of expressing oneself, subjective remarks, objective remarks, remarks for the purpose of resistance.

Let's consider them in more detail. We will be interested in what are the reasons for such comments, how they should be treated and how to respond to them.

Unspoken remarks. These are such remarks that the interlocutor does not have time, does not want or does not dare to express, therefore we ourselves must identify and neutralize them.

Prejudice. They are among the reasons that cause unpleasant remarks, especially in cases where the interlocutor's point of view is completely erroneous. His position has an emotional basis, and all logical arguments are useless here. We see that the interlocutor uses aggressive arguments, puts forward special demands and sees only the negative aspects of the conversation.

The reason for such remarks is, most likely, the wrong approach on your part, antipathy towards you, unpleasant impressions. In such a situation, you need to find out the motives and point of view of the interlocutor, come to an understanding.

Ironic (sarcastic) remarks. Such remarks are the result of the interlocutor's bad mood, and sometimes his desire to test your endurance and patience. You will notice that the remarks are not closely related to the course of the conversation, they are defiant and even offensive.

How to act in such a situation? It should be checked whether the remark was made seriously or is in the nature of a challenge. In any case, you can not go on about the interlocutor. Your reaction can either be witty, or you should not react to such remarks.

Notes for the purpose of obtaining information. Such remarks are proof of the interest of your interlocutor and the existing shortcomings in the transfer of information.

Most likely, the reason is that your argument cannot be called clear. The interlocutor wants to get additional information or he listened to some details. You must give a calm and confident answer.

Notes to express yourself. These remarks can be explained by the desire of the interlocutor to express his own opinion. He wants to show that he did not succumb to your influence and that in this matter he is as impartial as possible.

Remarks of this kind may be caused by too strong an argument on your part and, perhaps, by your self-confident tone. How to act in such a situation? It is necessary that your interlocutor find confirmation of his ideas and opinions.

subjective remarks. Such remarks are typical for a certain category of people. A typical formulation of such interlocutors is: "All this is fine, but it does not suit me."

What is the reason for such remarks? Your information is unconvincing, you pay insufficient attention to the personality of the interlocutor. He does not trust your information and therefore does not appreciate the facts given. How to act in such a situation? You should put yourself in the place of the interlocutor, take into account his problems.

objective remarks. These are remarks that the interlocutor makes in order to dispel his doubts. These remarks are sincere, without any gimmicks. The interlocutor wants to get an answer in order to develop his own opinion.

The reason for such comments is that your interlocutor has a different solution to the problem and does not agree with yours. How to behave in such a situation? You should not contradict the interlocutor openly, but bring to his attention that you take into account his views, and then explain to him what advantage your solution gives to the problem.

Remarks for the purpose of resistance. These remarks tend to come at the beginning of a conversation, so they are not and cannot be specific.

The reason for them most often lies in the fact that your interlocutor has not got acquainted with your arguments, and the topic of the conversation is not clearly defined. How to act in such a situation? The topic of the conversation should be clearly defined, and if resistance increases, then tactics should be reconsidered, and in extreme cases, the topic of the conversation should also be changed.

4. Classification of types of business communication

Business communication is a complex multifaceted process of developing contacts between people in the service sector. Its participants act in official statuses and are focused on achieving the goal, specific tasks. A specific feature of this process is regulation, i.e., obedience to established restrictions, which are determined by national and cultural traditions, professional ethical principles. Consider some types of business communication.

· Material - exchange of objects and products of activity;

· Cognitive - knowledge sharing;

· Motivational - exchange of motives, goals, interests, motives, needs;

· Activity - exchange of actions, operations, skills, abilities.

By means of communication, it is possible to divide into the following four types:

· Direct - carried out with the help of natural organs given to a living being: hands, head, torso, vocal cords, etc.;

· Indirect - associated with the use of special tools and tools;

Direct - involves personal contacts and direct perception of each other by communicating people in the very act of communication;

Indirect - carried out through intermediaries, which may be other people.

B) for the purpose of communication

Communication as interaction assumes that people establish contact with each other, exchange certain information in order to build joint activities and achieve their goals. In the case of business communication, the desire to communicate is secondary to the need. Coercion is the main feature that distinguishes business communication from interpersonal communication.

The motives of participants in business communication are reduced to three main groups: 1) achieving a specific result; 2) obtaining socio-psychological advantages - money, power, fame; 3) implementation in the process of joint activities of personal relationships - friendship, love, envy, revenge. Roles, combined with the motivation of participants in business communication, make it possible to determine and consolidate the languages ​​and forms in which relations between them are realized.

There are special rituals of business communication. These are business conversations of various types, business correspondence, business etiquette, attributes of business communication, verbal and non-verbal signs and symbols of relationships, barriers, protections and conflicts. With the help of ritual forms: appeals, greetings, compliments, we can strengthen or weaken the effectiveness of the activity. But in general, in business communication, the goal and motivation is joint activity, and therefore it cannot be reduced to external forms. Business communication includes the ritual level, but is not limited to it.

That is, in each case, the effectiveness of joint activities is enhanced or weakened by the personal relationships of partners. For a real understanding of the specifics of a particular situation that arose as a result of business relationships, it is important to determine the nature and degree of influence of the personal factor on the goals and results of communication.

There are several types for the purpose of communication :

· Cognitive communication implies the development of new information and its application in practical activities, the introduction of innovations, self-development;

Persuasive communication is used to attract a partner to their position, reorientation of goals;

· Expressive communication aims to change the mood of the partner, provoking the necessary feelings: compassion, empathy, involvement in specific actions and actions;

· Suggestive communication is necessary when providing an inspiring impact to change motivations, value orientations, behavior and attitudes;

Manipulative communication is a form of interpersonal communication in which the impact on the communication partner in order to achieve their intentions is carried out hidden.

· Ritual communication leads to the formation of a sense of patriotism and national pride, the preservation of traditions and the consolidation of new rituals.

5. Basic forms of business communication

1. Business conversation - a system of well-chosen thoughts and words, through which one or more interlocutors want to exert a certain influence on another interlocutor or on a group of interlocutors in order to change the existing business situation, that is, to create a new business situation or a new business relationship.

2. Presentation (from lat. Praesentatio) - a public presentation of something new, recently appeared, created, for example: a book, a magazine, a movie, a TV program, an organization.

3. Business meeting - an element of managerial activity of the head; the most common form of control.

4. Negotiations are an integral part of our daily life. Negotiation accompanies any joint activity. The purpose of the negotiations is usually to reach an agreement on the participation of the parties in the activities, the results of which will be used for mutual benefit. Business negotiations are conducted within the scope of business of the participants and have a narrower task - to reach an agreement on a mutually beneficial exchange of resources, joint investment of resources, distribution of profits received from joint activities.


The ability to behave appropriately with people is one of the most important, if not the most important, factor in determining the chances of success in business, office or entrepreneurial activity. Dale Carnegie noticed back in the 30s that the success of a person in his financial affairs, even in the technical field or engineering, depends fifteen percent on his professional knowledge and eighty-five percent on his ability to communicate with people. In this context, the attempts of many researchers to formulate and substantiate the basic principles of the ethics of business communication or, as they are more often called in the West, the commandments of personal public relation (very roughly translated as "business etiquette") are easily explained.

The specificity of business communication lies in the fact that the collision, the interaction of economic interests and social regulation are carried out within the legal framework. Most often, people enter into business relationships in order to legally formalize interactions in a particular area. The ideal result of interaction and legal formalization of relations is partnerships built on the foundations of mutual respect and trust.


1. Andreeva G. M. "Social psychology"

M: "Aspect Press", 2006. – 363 p.

2. Volgin B. Business meetings.

M.: "Nauka", 2007. – 129 p.

3. Koneva E. V. Psychology of communication

M: "Phoenix", 2006 – 284 p.

4. Leontiev A. A. "Psychology of communication"

M: "Academy", 2005 – 368 p.

5. Yager D. Business etiquette: how to survive and succeed in the business world.

M: "Thought", 2007. – 255 p.

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