How to teach a toddler to draw and hold a pencil. Exercises to develop a child's graphic skills Trace along lines for children are the simplest

You are in the coloring category Connect by dots. Coloring page you are looking at is described by our visitors as follows "" Here you will find a lot of coloring pages online. You can download Connect by Dots coloring pages and also print them for free. As you know, creative activities play a huge role in the development of the child. They activate mental activity, form an aesthetic taste and instill a love of art. The process of coloring pictures on the topic Connect by dots develops fine motor skills, perseverance and accuracy, helps to learn more about the world around us, introduces you to all the variety of colors and shades. Every day we add new free coloring pages for boys and girls to our website, which you can color online or download and print. A convenient catalog compiled by categories will make it easier to find the right picture, and a large selection of coloring pages will allow you to find a new interesting topic for coloring every day.

Dear mothers, during the work of our thematic week “Geometric Shapes”, a common, as it turned out, problem that worries many mothers was discovered:

  • the child is unable to trace the shapes along the contour,
  • refuses to do tasks such as tracing and coloring,
  • does not like to draw, does not want to draw with pencils,
  • not able to hold a pen-pencil in his hand.

I have prepared a series of articles in which we will try to help mothers understand the sea of ​​​​issues that torment them:

? Are the problems described so important? Is it necessary to insist and teach the child to stroke along the contour, coloring pictures? Why does a preschooler need to learn to accurately outline shapes, paint over pictures without going beyond the contours, and draw simple shapes on their own?

All these exercises prepare the hand for future writing. Beautiful handwriting in the future and easy mastery of writing depends on how well the baby can master the pencil and pen in a timely manner, learn how to adjust the pressure and smooth work of the hand when writing.

When can I give my child writing assignments?

The optimal age at which a child can already be offered to trace simple geometric shapes and paint over pictures with a minimum amount of detail is 3 years. As always, I remind you that this age is conditional and depends on how ready your baby is and what preparatory work has been done. For example, I suggest to my kids to trace letters at the age of 2-2.5 years, we do this in the game "Traces" (I talk about it in my author's course).

How to teach a child to hold a pencil in his hand?

The smaller the child and the less developed the motor skills of the hand, the larger the drawing for the stroke should be and the thicker the “tool” - a thick pencil (best of all - soft or watercolor) or a felt-tip pen (most children prefer them)! Ordinary colored pencils are not as good for toddlers as they require more pressure to draw. In addition, it is difficult for an undeveloped pen of a crumb to grab a thin pencil barrel (and even more so, to do it right!).

To form the correct grip, there are thick triangular pencils (do not take short ones).

Appeared on sale and special overlays for ordinary pencils and pens.

By the way, about pens: now in stationery stores you can buy exercise pens. Their peculiarity is in a special rubberized thickening with notches for the correct positioning of the fingers while writing. Toddlers will be attracted by a pen with such a funny figure:

For those who are older, simpler handles will do. Please note - there are such handles for left-handers and right-handers.

How to teach a child to stroke along a contour?

Start learning by drawing point by point, first straight lines, and then wavy lines and simple geometric shapes. At the next stage, offer your child dot-drawing of animals and coloring them.

Before you start writing assignments, be sure to do a finger gymnastics game.

The most important thing at this age is the simplicity, accessibility, dosage of such activities. And, of course, a prerequisite for involving the baby is a playful form.

We do not just give an instruction to draw a circle, but we ask you to help the sun shine and warm the frozen bunnies - circle it and draw bright rays with a felt-tip pen. We do not demand to color the square, but we offer to paint a booth for a sad dog so that it becomes beautiful and bright, and the dog is joyful.

At first, you can stroke with the baby, hand in hand.

At the same time, act very gently, do not squeeze the child’s hand, try not to cause him discomfort - this can discourage the child from studying in the future. With some children, you have to first establish tactile contact - play games like patties, massage your fingers. Good trick: let mom's fingers say hello to baby's fingers, touching them in turn.

Circle one or two shapes together, and then release the baby's hand and offer to do the same yourself. Another good technique is stroking with your finger. Before the baby picks up a pencil, invite his fingers to walk around the drawing that needs to be circled - show yourself how you can circle the figure with your finger to feel it.

After the elementary lines and shapes are mastered, invite your child to draw on the dots of animals and color them. We will talk more about shading shapes and the benefits of coloring next time.

Hopefully these tips will help your little one tame pencils and learn how to stroke and draw simple shapes on their own.

Drawing by dots for kids of lines, shapes and animals. Draw by dots to develop writing skills.

A beautiful underline and successful learning to write depends on the correct possession of a pencil, skillful pressure and the ability to draw lines of various shapes. Start by learning dotted lines and shapes, and then have your child dotted animals and color them.

Draw by dots, developing skills gradually

Drawing lines with a pencil or pen is a great practice to help teach your hand to write, develop small muscles, and teach your baby to hold something tightly.

The dotted line serves as a guide and helps the child, because at any time you can slow down the drawing speed, increase or decrease the pressure on the pencil, without spoiling the picture, and therefore without losing interest.

As soon as the child learns to draw lines, straight lines and all kinds of waves, go to the figures, and then to the animals. The curves of the dotted lines will develop enough drawing skill to start learning the spelling of letters and numbers.

Offering the child printed material with a picture on which you want to draw something point by point, first ask the child to trace the lines with the index finger of his right hand (or left, if the child is left-handed). Then ask him to draw with his finger not on the sheet, but as if in the air above the picture. Repeat the exercise several times, and then complete the task with a pencil.

When the child learns to draw with dots with a pencil, offer him a pen or marker.

Pay attention to drawing on the points of animals, without taking your hand off the paper.

How else to develop fine motor skills, besides drawing by dots?

If for some reason your child is not interested in dot-to-dot materials, you can have fun developing fine motor skills in other ways.

  1. String large beads together on strings or sort through beads;
  2. Glue a large sheet of paper or old wallpaper to the wall and have your child draw their own pictures on the sheet. Drawing on a vertical surface requires more effort and pens train faster;
  3. As soon as your child is already strong enough to hold small things in his hands and does not let go of them, if you pull slightly, start teaching him how to tie shoelaces or weave pigtails from any ribbons or ropes;
  4. If you read newspapers or magazines, give your child a marker and have him circle all the headlines with it;
  5. A good thumb-forefinger grip is most easily developed by transferring beans or even peas from one bowl to another using only two fingers, not the whole palm.
  6. Frosty windows or misted bathroom mirrors are a great place to learn how to draw with your index finger.

If you wish, you can use each of the ways to develop your child's fine motor skills in everyday life, this will help him learn to write faster in the future.

Children sooner or later get bored with toys, and they begin to look for other exciting activities for themselves. An excellent solution in this case can be our selection of coloring pages, and not ordinary ones. In order to start coloring, the child will first need to circle the drawing along the contour. Such simple-looking games are not only interesting, but also extremely useful for children, they develop hand motor skills, perseverance, attentiveness and memory well. With their help, the child learns to find a correspondence between the drawn objects and those that he sees in real life.

Strokes are a great way to develop logical thinking. Guessing the images in the picture, the child can supplement them with their own ideas, displaying them in the picture. In addition, they help in the development of creative abilities. From the first time, it will be difficult for the baby to evenly circle the image, but over time, the movements of the pencil will be clearer and more confident. With such skills, it will be easier for a child to master copybooks at school, because they are created on the same principle as our coloring books. Make your kid's leisure time even more interesting and useful, download a wonderful set of coloring-outlines from our website!

Outline the Duckling

Outline the kid

Outline Puppy

Outline the Frog

Outline the Bunny

Outline the Piglet

Outline the Worm

Outline the Donkey

Outline Mole

Outline Lamb

Outline the Horse

Outline Pussy

Outline the mouse

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