Secrets of luck or a step-by-step algorithm for winning the lottery. Lottery tickets: which ones are better to buy to hit the jackpot

Playing the lottery is perceived by many people as a way to get rich quickly and fairly easily. It is difficult to find a person who has never dreamed of buying a cheap lottery ticket and hitting the jackpot. But is it really possible to win the lottery? The answer is simple: really, if you believe in your victory to the end, tune in to success and know several ways, the use of which will bring you closer to victory.

What is the probability of winning?

The organizers of all kinds of lotteries use the same principles and methods in their activities as the owners of insurance companies. Many of them are based on the theory of probability: people rarely guess the correct digital combination, and the insured event does not occur as often as it seems. But tickets are bought regularly, similar to insurance premiums. If why people insure their lives is more or less clear, then why do they play the lottery?

It's very simple: lottery tickets, most often, cost no more than public transport, but if they win, they can bring thousands of rubles, and sometimes much more.

The situation is similar with insurance: contributions, as a rule, are not large, and payments are not small. Conclusion: there will always be lotteries and players. But how to be among the lucky ones and how to win the lottery?

Many people can dream about the jackpot, but not all dreamers go to the store and spend money on lottery tickets. But without these bright pieces of paper, the probability of winning is reduced to zero. It is not worth considering that buying a single ticket will instantly lead to victory, because only gamblers and casino players can count on quick luck. Those who play the lottery should develop their own strategy and try to act according to a clearly defined plan.

One of the inhabitants of America, Richard Lustrig, managed to win the lottery seven times in a row, while receiving the main prizes. Based on his experience, he created a book in which he described the secrets of the game:

  1. Search lucky numbers and their mandatory use when filling out a lottery ticket. You need to combine permanent combinations with any other "simple" numbers.
  2. Take the game seriously, just like your normal job. Tickets should be purchased regularly, say every Thursday or Tuesday, not occasionally for entertainment.
  3. Ask for help in making a combination of numbers your friends and acquaintances or together with them to make several bets on the same number at once. If the desire to play the lottery begins to fade, friends who have not yet lost hope of winning will help revive it. Simply put, it is worth creating a kind of syndicate of players.

You need to think over your victory and steps towards it in as much detail as possible and, when buying a ticket / tickets, be extremely concentrated, tuned in to success and choosing a lucky number.

Klaus believes that this approach integrates a set of numbers in the head that can eventually lead to success.

Before you start playing the lottery, you should choose the most suitable and interesting option of those that already exist and are the most popular.

To begin with, it is worth saying that there are lotteries:

  • International - operating on the territory of other countries, as an example - Lotto Agent ;
  • Local, these include promotions and contests;
  • State− the organizer is the state or an entity acting on its behalf.

If we consider the issue in more detail, then lotteries are:

Instant - the player receives a ticket in which you need to erase the field with the designation of the alleged prize. There may be several such fields. A person will immediately know whether he won or not. There are also such lotteries in which you need to tear off some part of the ticket along the marked lines and find out whether he will receive something or not.

Small prizes are given out on the spot, and the organizer is responsible for issuing large rewards. The more expensive the ticket, the more impressive the prize is, but instant lotteries never bring such huge jackpots as numerical ones.

To positive aspects instant lotteries can only be attributed to the fact that the result is announced immediately. But there are many more negative sides:

  • The winning ticket is sometimes lost;
  • The amount of cash prizes is usually not large;
  • It is impossible to choose a numerical combination on your own;
  • The organizer may turn out to be a scammer and change his mind about giving out the winnings.

Circulation, conditionally divided into two groups:

  • With numbers printed on the ticket;
  • With empty fields for self-filling.

If the numbers are already printed on the ticket, then the player is allowed to choose the option that will be as close as possible to the combination he needs.

In the second case, he independently enters any numbers, relying on his intuition, and so on. A lottery drum or a random number generator helps determine the winner.

Naturally, drawing lotteries have their advantages:

  • Possibility of independent choice of numbers and combinations;
  • You can play both alone and in syndicates;
  • Draw lotteries get the attention of players more often than instant lotteries, so the jackpot amounts look very tempting.

  • It takes a long time to wait for the draw: from a week to a month.
  • Guessing all the numbers for which you can get the jackpot is not easy;
  • Be local, that is, be in the nature of quizzes, contests, promotions, etc. It is difficult to call them a full-fledged lottery, but there is some similarity with them. It consists in the principle of choosing the winners.

The prize in this case is usually not money, but goods. If the organizer really offers something worthwhile, those who like to try their luck should not ignore this option. In the event that the item won is not needed, it can always be sold or donated.

Positive sides:

  • The prize fund is not created from the money received for the tickets;
  • Quizzes, contests and promotions are held frequently;
  • The buyer spends money not on a piece of paper, but on a specific product that he can use on his own or sell to another person.

But there is also a negative:

  • Prizes are not always interesting and really meaningful;
  • Not infrequently, to get something of value, you have to buy a lot of unnecessary or perishable goods, and the winner is determined randomly;
  • The grand prize is often kept secret and ends up being rubbish that no one wants;
  • The organizer of the promotion sometimes "forgets" to send the winnings.

win a large sum money in the lottery is possible, but it can take a lot of time, effort and money. You just have to regularly buy tickets, follow the draws and find the very “cherished number” that will ultimately lead to success.

People who manage to hit the jackpot rarely buy just one ticket and immediately turn into a millionaire. Most often, victory is preceded by long years, the constant purchase of a certain number of tickets, crossing out the same numbers dozens, and sometimes hundreds of times.

But the most important thing is faith in yourself, in your success, in the fact that victory will certainly come. The key to it can only be the desire to be the first.

Some people turn to psychics and soothsayers to attract good luck, read conspiracies to win the lottery and do other equally strange manipulations. In fact, the jackpot is hit without using non-traditional methods, but just by playing and believing in victory no matter what.

"Russian Lotto" is considered a specific game based on the mentality of people. This game causes nostalgia for many, therefore, many seek to try their luck in it. If we consider the game from the point of view of theorists, then we can conclude that winning the lotto is quite difficult and, most often, almost impossible, although, on the other hand, there is still a chance to get money.

To win the loto, you need to take part in it, do not miss a single draw, carefully check all the marked numbers so as not to miss the chance to become a winner.

To increase the probability of winning, you will have to increase your chances by buying as many tickets as possible. If the host says that there are only three balls left, and the game is on up to the 87th move, then this means one thing - every third ticket can bring money to its holder.

A lot of people play the lottery, and among them there are many who managed to catch luck by the tail:

  1. Stephen Chica became a millionaire at 58. Happy ticket the man bought at the supermarket, and the number of the truck was the winning one.
  2. A resident of Russia, Victor Balion, bought 5 lottery tickets on the eve of his birthday, one of which brought a million.
  3. Maxim Nesterov buys lottery tickets daily, testing his luck. He was able to get a little less than a million rubles by playing in Rapido.
  4. Yulia Tukhtarova from Zelenodolsk became interested in lotteries back in the 90s, but received her prize in the form of an apartment after buying a ticket " housing lottery”, which I decided to play for the first time.
  5. Only the third ticket of Maxim Nikityuk brought him an apartment.
  6. The Russian hit the jackpot in Lottery Lotto Agent and received $824,000.

Not all stories related to receiving the main prize end happily. It is not uncommon for winners who do not want to share the money received to be sued by parents or children, but there are others, more tragic fates. So that the win does not turn into a tragedy, you need to mentally prepare for it and understand how to properly manage the money received.

What lotteries are won in Russia

In Russia, you can win in:

  1. "Rapido"- the lottery is considered the most generous, because in prize fund 67% of the proceeds from ticket sales are transferred. Having done the minimum bid, the size of only 30 rubles and having thought through your actions, you can win quite often.
  2. "Keno-Sportloto", in which even those who could not guess a single number can win.
  3. "12/24"- to get the main prize, you need to guess 12 numbers, and small prizes often go even to those whose ticket did not contain a single correct number. According to statistics, every fifth player or his ticket is the winner.
  4. "Top 3" allows you to choose your own prize. The lucky one can receive about one and a half million rubles.
  5. Victory - Another one Russian lottery, for the entire period, more than 600 million rubles have already been paid to her.
  6. Lotto Agent - Foreign lottery gaining popularity in Russia, it is possible to purchase a ticket through special service, tickets cost about $8.

  • Sportloto;
  • Euro Million;
  • Euro Jackpot;
  • Gosloto;
  • Golden Key;
  • Russian Lotto;
  • Mega Million.

Which lottery to give preference to should be decided only by the one who decided to play, because regardless of the choice, a well-thought-out strategy still remains a component of success and positive attitude. Every even small victory should be remembered and recorded all the moments that led to it, and failure should be perceived as a valuable experience that steadily brings you closer to your dream.

What lotteries can be played online?

As a rule, those who like to win the Nth amount of money buy tickets at the post office or in a store. But this is the past century. Now you can buy a lottery ticket online, although not all services allow you to do this.

We will indicate a couple, this is a foreign lottery service - Agent Lotto and Russian - Victory .

Her Majesty Fortune does not like simpletons. Therefore, you need to carefully prepare for the draw. I already wrote about how to choose the most successful numbers according to the zodiac sign.

But to win the jackpot, numbers alone are not enough.+ Auspicious day to buy a ticket will help you. So, the most successful days to win the lottery: what day of the week to go for a lucky ticket?!

Favorable days to win

Do you want to earn your first million? Or at least win a couple of thousand? Not a problem: the main thing is to choose a favorable time. Or, to be more precise, the most successful day of the week. lucky days to win the lottery:

Yes, Monday is a tough day. But, despite this, it can bring a good win. If you want to win a small amount in the lottery, buy a ticket on the first half of Monday. Monday evening is suitable for playing the online lottery. To believe in lucky days to win the lottery or not is up to you. In any case, Monday counts as a day big money. But only between 08:00 and 22:00.

Many magicians and psychics recommend playing the lottery on Wednesday. It is believed that Wednesday is the day of the most daring and unexpected decisions. If you suddenly decide to take a chance and buy a lottery ticket, you will not find a more suitable day. Fortune will be on your side if you go for tickets in the morning or between 17.00 and 18.30. The environment is also suitable for online draws. That's just for instant lotteries it is best to choose another day.

But on Thursday it is best to play the most profitable lotteries. There is a chance that on Thursday you will be able to win Grand Prize- jackpot. Thursday is suitable for any type of lottery. You can buy several tickets at once or play an instant online lottery. Unlike Monday and Wednesday, Thursday can be played at any time. For a stronger effect, you can add popular conspiracies for tickets or prayers for big money.

Another good day for online lotteries. But there is one caveat: win on Sunday big prize very difficult. Small or even the most minimal winnings are possible. On the last day of the week, various talismans and conspiracies "work" perfectly. But for real money and even more so for winning the jackpot, it is better to choose a medium.

Bad days to win

And these days it's best not to risk it. Of course, if you do not play the lottery "just out of boredom."

Worst day for big wins and for money in general. By the way, many financiers have this sign: Tuesday brings big financial losses. And, in most cases, the money goes nowhere. Therefore, it is not recommended not to buy lottery tickets on Tuesday, not to take part in major draws.

This day of the week is more suitable for entertainment or shopping. But not for buying lottery tickets. Yes, winnings are possible. But the success rate does not exceed 5%. For comparison: a win on Wednesday is possible by 45%. As they say, the difference is obvious.

According to statistics, it is on Saturday that players buy the most tickets. Perhaps the fact is that Saturday is a day when you want to spend. That's just real winnings Saturday is unlikely to provide you. And you can lose a significant amount. A highly undesirable time to participate in lotteries of any type.

Astrology for lotteries, professional lottery horoscopes for every day.

Astrology and, accordingly, the art of creating horoscopes arose in antiquity. The first documentary evidence dates back to the fifth century BC. In short, the method of constructing a horoscope comes down to calculating the position of the sun and planets relative to each other and the twelve sectors - signs of the zodiac. During the analysis of these data, the recommendations known to us for people born under a certain sign of the zodiac on certain dates, weeks, months, etc. are born. Currently, there are many varieties of horoscopes - love, business, lunar and even political. But we are primarily interested lottery horoscope.

To believe or not to believe in horoscopes is a purely personal matter. Some people think it's complete nonsense. Others, on the contrary, are ready to blindly believe in the information received from horoscopes. Well, it's up to you to decide.

Probably all people can be divided into 3 categories: those who believe that this is complete nonsense, those who treat horoscopes more as a kind of entertainment and accidentally hear a horoscope favorable for themselves, believe in it, and, finally, those who are ready blindly believe in astrology, including lottery horoscopes.

The author of this article followed a couple of times lottery horoscopes that predicted winning numbers, in particular in euromillions, but did not win anything)). In fact, some resellers make their own mailing lists, where they indicate the lucky numbers for each draw for your zodiac sign. Read more about intermediaries and the ability to play European lotteries over the Internet in the article lottery online.

All lottery horoscopes usually contain the following data: the date or day of the week that is most likely big win, and of course the set of numbers most favorable to winning.

lottery horoscope

March 2019.

Aries (March 21 - April 20) Best Numbers: 9,24,45,22,23,6. Lucky days: 4,7,10. Day of the week when winning is likely: Wednesday.

Taurus (April 21 - May 21). Best numbers: 19,37,24,41,33,2. Lucky days: 15,17,18. Day of the week when winning is likely: Friday.

Gemini (May 22 - June 21). Best numbers: 22,7,10,3,4,21. Lucky days: 24,3,29. Day of the week when winning is likely: Monday.

Cancer (June 22 - July 23). Best numbers: 43,42,20,18,9,28. Lucky days: 19,17,16. Day of the week when winning is likely: Wednesday.

Leo (July 24 - August 23). Best numbers: 26,39,9,6,24,15. Lucky days: 28,25,26. Day of the week when winning is likely: Wednesday.

Virgo (August 24 - September 23). Best numbers: 18,26,35,10,6,29. Lucky days: 12,15,16. Day of the week when winning is likely: Tuesday.

Libra (September 24-October 23). Best numbers: 17,5,7,15,36,38. Lucky days: 20,18,13. Day of the week when winning is likely: Monday.

Scorpio (October 24 - November 22). Best numbers: 7,1,2,35,45,37. auspicious days: 27,26,4. Day of the week when winning is likely: Tuesday.

Sagittarius (November 23 - December 22). Best numbers: 17,20,18,42,8,11. Happy days: 2,4,5. Day of the week when winning is likely: Friday.

Capricorn (December 23 - January 20) Best numbers: 27,13,36,32,20,28. Lucky days: 29,22,19. Day of the week when winning is likely: Sunday.

Aquarius (January 21 - February 19). Best numbers: 25,42,8,15,12,3. Lucky days: 18,15,4. Day of the week when winning is likely: Saturday.

Pisces (February 20 - March 20). Best numbers: 28,27,19,31,42,13. Lucky days: 12,19,21. Day of the week when winning is likely: Wednesday.

February 2019.

Aries (March 21 - April 20) Best numbers: 6,33,14,4,42,19. Lucky days: 11,25,14. Day of the week when winning is likely: Monday.

Taurus (April 21 - May 21). Best numbers: 36,21,34,26,19,18. Lucky days: 27,5,4. Day of the week when winning is likely: Wednesday.

Gemini (May 22 - June 21). Best numbers: 33,37,17,34,44,19. Lucky days: 9,16,8. Day of the week when winning is likely: Tuesday.

Cancer (June 22 - July 23). Best numbers: 37,27,42,33,1,29. Lucky days: 5,17,18. Day of the week when winning is likely: Thursday.

Leo (July 24 - August 23). Best numbers: 2,33,17,20,3,30. Lucky days: 25,26,7. Day of the week when winning is likely: Wednesday.

Virgo (August 24 - September 23). Best numbers: 34,9,40,16,24,5. Lucky days: 12,1,9. Day of the week when winning is likely: Tuesday.

Libra (September 24-October 23). Best numbers: 8,2,38,31,18,45. Lucky days: 19,28,27. Day of the week when winning is likely: Saturday.

Scorpio (October 24 - November 22). Best numbers: 22,7,42,18,34,10. Auspicious days: 17,6,12. Day of the week when winning is likely: Thursday.

Sagittarius (November 23 - December 22). Best numbers: 20,42,12,21,43,29. Lucky days: 26,18,9. Day of the week when winning is likely: Thursday.

Capricorn (December 23 - January 20) Best numbers: 10,9,5,28,15,8. Lucky days: 11,22,14. Day of the week when winning is likely: Tuesday.

Aquarius (January 21 - February 19). Best numbers: 31,14,9,26,29,19. Lucky days: 22,14,8. Day of the week when winning is likely: Monday.

Pisces (February 20 - March 20). Best numbers: 32,39,38,10,41,17. Lucky days: 11,13,6. Day of the week when winning is likely: Tuesday.

January 2019.

Aries (March 21 - April 20) Best numbers: 22,29,13,2,30,21. Lucky days: 5,17,23. Day of the week when winning is likely: Friday.

Taurus (April 21 - May 21). Best numbers: 14,19,22,21,20,18. Lucky days: 13,10,30. Day of the week when winning is likely: Monday.

Gemini (May 22 - June 21). Best numbers: 11,3,9,27,5,38. Lucky days: 22,12,5. Day of the week when winning is likely: Sunday.

Cancer (June 22 - July 23). Best numbers: 37,21,16,36,23,29. Lucky days: 8,26,6. Day of the week when winning is likely: Monday.

Leo (July 24 - August 23). Best numbers: 13,7,44,39,12,19. Lucky days: 27,28,16. Day of the week when winning is likely: Saturday.

Virgo (August 24 - September 23). Best numbers: 18,23,24,33,17,12. Lucky days: 20,27,4. Day of the week when winning is likely: Wednesday.

Libra (September 24-October 23). Best numbers: 40,43,27,3,2,10. Lucky days: 15,12,17. Day of the week when winning is likely: Saturday.

Scorpio (October 24 - November 22). Best numbers: 12,34,39,23,38,42. Auspicious days: 23,5,8. Day of the week when winning is likely: Saturday.

Sagittarius (November 23 - December 22). Best numbers: 45,39,4,33,10,8. Lucky days: 18,29,12. Day of the week when winning is likely: Friday.

Capricorn (December 23 - January 20) Best numbers: 35,4,30,16,18,22. Lucky days: 3,18,24. Day of the week when winning is likely: Tuesday.

Aquarius (January 21 - February 19). Best numbers: 28,8,31,22,38,15. Lucky days: 8,19,9. Day of the week when winning is likely: Wednesday.

Pisces (February 20 - March 20). Best numbers: 35,23,20,24,27,22. Lucky days: 13,3,29. Day of the week when winning is likely: Tuesday.

December 2013.

Aries (March 21 - April 20) Best numbers: 5, 19, 21, 33, 36, 48. Lucky days in November: 11, 15 and 21. The day of the week when a win is likely is Wednesday.

Taurus (April 21 - May 21). Best numbers: 4, 47, 33, 44, 27, 12. Lucky days: November 11, 22, 26. The day of the week when a win is likely is Tuesday.

Why do some people always win the lottery, others never get lucky. Is it possible to somehow control the situation and guess the correct numbers?

Secret, how to win the lottery, psychics know. They are convinced that victory is not difficult if they follow the advice.

How to install and buy

To understand how to win the lottery, you need to learn the following rules:

  • bet on numbers that match the date of birth (number, serial number month, the sum of all digits of the year);
  • If you want to more numbers, you can use the initials by translating the letters into their serial numbers);
  • to purchase tickets and announce rates independently;
  • buy tickets on a specific day (it must coincide with the date of birth, be Saturday or Sunday (after 12-00), Monday or Tuesday (before 12-00), fall on the full moon);
  • managed to win three times in a row - take a break;
  • Follow a special diet before buying a ticket or playing in a casino.

Magic to attract winnings

How to win at with magic? In order for the purchased ticket to be successful, it is recommended to prepare for its purchase.

  1. When you go to get your ticket, please dress in dark clothes. Bright drawings, stripes, peas scare away good luck.
  2. New things get in the way of winning.
  3. Gold is banned Jewelry and catchy expensive jewelry. In extreme cases, modest silver is permissible.
  4. Clothing must be protected. The simplest is a regular pin placed head down.
  5. Three days before buying it is recommended to exclude milk and dairy products, garlic and beets from the diet. Ideally, it is recommended to eat meat, eggs and fruits.

What else you need to know about the rules of buying or playing in a casino

  • You can only buy lottery tickets and place bets in the casino with your own money. In no case should you borrow money for the game - this will scare away luck.
  • It is impossible to celebrate smiling luck noisily. She may retaliate violently by turning away the next time.
  • Before, how to win the lottery, do not make unrealistic promises before the game - you can be left without a win.

Winning combination in the lottery - is it realistic to calculate

Want to know how to win the lottery - remember the following. Betting on popular numbers, usually between one and seven, is not worth it if you are going to win the maximum. They are chosen by such a number of people that there will be many winners, and the prize will be divided among all.

Ready to be content with a small but stable result - this option is for you. Also popular

Money is a useful thing, and according to some estimates, it is completely vital. Making money is not entirely pleasant, and according to some estimates, it is completely depressing. But if the money itself fell from the sky, it would be nice. There is one wonderful method of "easy" money - the lottery. To many, this case seems unpretentious, since the chance to win is small, and you have to pay for participation.

The lottery is an easy way to get money. Fortune-telling will help calculate the chances of winning

However, there is an easy way to increase these chances - guessing to win the lottery. There are many such fortune-telling, each of which has its own characteristics and requires various materials. However, each method gives a fairly accurate result and will help you make a decision.

Divination by lotto

Each barrel has a number written on it, which for connoisseurs of numerology is by no means entertaining, but carries certain information. You can guess by lotto both alone and in a company - there are no restrictions on the number: at least get together with the whole house.

For divination, do the following:

  1. Shake the keg bag.
  2. Ask out loud: "Will I win money in the lottery?"
  3. Remove one, two or three kegs from the bag.
  4. Sum all the numbers (not numbers) on the kegs.
  5. If the resulting number is two-digit, sum its digits again.
  6. Repeat step five until you get a single digit.

Definition of Numerical Divination

  1. If one of the numbers is 1, 7, 8, 11, 19, 21, 44, 50, 60, 69, 77, 80, 88, 89, or 90, do not add the digits of those numbers to total number: these are special numbers, and therefore are deciphered separately.
  2. Using the list, get predictions.
  3. Consider an example of calculating a number. You have drawn two kegs, numbered 12 and 17 respectively. The resulting number: 1+2+1+7= 11=1+1=2.
  4. One more example. You dragged three barrels with the numbers 5, 11 and 24 on them. Sum the digits of the first and third numbers: 5+2+4=11=1+1=2, and don't touch "11" because it's a special number.


  1. One - This is not the case when participating in the lottery a good idea. You won't win anything.
  2. Two - The game is worth the candle. Buy a ticket and you will win a large amount. You will definitely get lucky.
  3. Three - Your chances of winning directly depend on karma. Before you buy a ticket, do a good deed: take your grandmother across the road, give alms or help your parents with the housework. And most importantly: the act must come from a pure heart.
  4. Four - Good luck will smile at you. There are chances, but they are too small. Better find another use for your money.
  5. Five - A lottery with a fixed number will not suit you, but if you yourself choose what to bet on, luck will definitely smile at you. Bet on the number that includes the numbers on the barrel, and the rest of the numbers will be prompted by your intuition. Rely on her.
  6. Six - If you choose a combination of numbers that has not won before and that you have already bet on once, you have every chance of winning.
  7. Seven - Postpone the idea with the lottery for at least a week, then luck will probably be more favorable to you;
  8. Eight - Your chances of winning are fifty-fifty. It's pretty good.
  9. Nine - You are not destined to win money this time, but if the prize in the lottery seems to be something else (car, equipment, house), it is worth a try.

In the process of divination, did you get the number 9? You have a chance to win a car!

Don't forget about the "special" numbers:

  1. One, nineteen, eighty-nine - Good luck will be there and disappear only if your soulmate is with you when buying a ticket (apparently, fortune is very jealous).
  2. Seven, twenty one, sixty nine - Luck will smile at you, no matter what. Just believe it.
  3. Eight, eighty, eighty-eight - Winning does not shine for you, so it's better not to waste money and time on this.
  4. Eleven, forty-four, seventy-seven - If you buy a ticket, you will certainly be the winner, but it arrived somewhere, it left somewhere: this is fraught with health problems in your family.
  5. Fifty, sixty, ninety - you will not be lucky in the clothing lottery, but participation in money lottery will end in victory.

Card reading

Unlike the previous option, you will receive an answer to the question: “What are my chances of winning the lottery?” with much less "branching", but the answer will be quite specific.

For divination, you will need a new deck of 36 cards. First, focus on the question and start shuffling the deck. Spend at least two minutes shuffling the cards. slide your finger right hand part of the deck on yourself and put these cards under the bottom. Reveal the top card and decipher the results based on the suit and size of the card.


  1. An ace indicates that you have no chance of winning the lottery, and therefore this idea should be discarded, and for a long time. Perhaps forever.
  2. King, queen, jack puts your chances of winning at one to five percent, which is not very good for a lottery. You probably won't see any cash prizes.
  3. Other cards indicate a five to ten percent chance of winning. You can increase this percentage by some good deed. In general, it all depends on the circumstances.


  1. Ace, king, queen indicate that luck will not accompany you, and therefore you should not buy a ticket.
  2. Other cards say that they are also not very encouraging: the probability of winning is not much higher (ten to fifteen percent).


  1. High cards say that the probability of winning is very high, and you should definitely try your luck in the lottery.
  2. The lower cards indicate an eighty to ninety percent chance of winning for the clothing lottery and sixty to seventy for the cash lottery. Get your priorities right. Before buying a ticket, it is better to concentrate on the desired prize.

Did you get the low cards of the diamond suit? Before buying a ticket, you need to concentrate on the desired prize!


  1. Ace indicates that you will be able to win a huge fortune in the cash lottery, but nothing shines in the clothing lottery.
  2. A king, queen, or jack indicates that you have miraculous circumstances to win and its chances are about ninety-five percent.
  3. Other cards predict victory in fifty percent of cases.

Fortune telling on cards of three

To tell fortunes, you will again need a new deck of thirty-six cards. This divination gives only the answer "yes", "no", "probably" and "hardly".

Proceed like this:

  1. Guess one of the cards.
  2. Ask a question about whether you should play the lottery this time.
  3. Shuffle the cards carefully.
  4. Lay out the cards in threes starting from the front side until you meet the hidden card.
  5. Pay attention to the cards, the top three of which included the hidden card.

"Count" the results of fortune-telling:

  1. If in the top three, in addition to your card, there are only red cards, then it’s worth buying a ticket - luck will smile at you, if it’s black, then there’s no point in waiting for luck: you won’t win this time.
  2. If there are one red and one black card in the three, then it is worth orienting to the neighboring threes. If there are more black cards, then you are more likely to lose, if there are more red cards, then the probability of winning is greater.

Fortune telling on aces

Again, in order to estimate the chances of winning the lottery, you need a deck of thirty-six cards.

  1. First, carefully shuffle the cards.
  2. Slide some cards towards you with your right hand.
  3. Place the shifted cards underneath.
  4. Ask a question about the lottery out loud so that it can be answered in percentage.
  5. Lay the top fifteen cards face up on the table.
  6. If there are aces among them, remove them.
  7. Gather the cards back into the deck.
  8. Shuffle carefully.
  9. Repeat steps five, six, seven and eight twice more.
  10. Based on the number of pending aces, evaluate your chances of winning.

If you have collected all four aces, then without delay, run for a ticket. This is your day: you will definitely be lucky.

When fortune telling, all 4 aces fell out? Urgently run for a lottery ticket - you are lucky today!

If you have three aces, the chance of winning is up to seventy-five percent. Two aces indicate that the chances of winning and losing are equal. If you have collected one ace, then your chances of winning are less than twenty-five percent. If not a single ace has fallen, then you should not buy a ticket this time.

Divination with a nut

You can also tell fortunes about winning the lottery with the help of such a simple item as a nut. Such fortune-telling allows you to get an answer from a series of "yes" or "no". Take a red thread ten to twenty centimeters long and tie a nut to it. Divination is carried out with such a tool.

Do the following:

  1. Take the end of the thread with two fingers (thumb and forefinger).
  2. Raise the nut above the palm of your hand to a height of about a centimeter.
  3. Wait until the nut stops moving, or stop it yourself.
  4. Ask the question: "Will I win the lottery?".
  5. Gadget will begin to oscillate, remember the shape of oscillations.

If the nut fluctuated left and right, then it’s worth buying a ticket - fortune will accompany you. If the trajectory of the Gadget is a circle or an oval, then it is better to refuse to buy a ticket, since you will not be able to win.

Divination by coin

The lottery is associated with money and profit, so it is advisable to guess on items that are somehow related to profit.

Fortune telling on coins is quite simple:

  1. Take a coin with a denomination containing five in the palm of your right hand.
  2. Ask the question "Will I win the lottery today?" aloud.
  3. Flip a coin three times, remembering which side of the coin came up each time.

If you get heads more often, you win; if you get tails, you lose.

Divination on sticks

For divination, you only need a pen and a piece of paper. Tune in to fortune-telling, drink tea and concentrate completely on the question: “Will I get money in the lottery?”.

Before divination on sticks, you need to drink tea

While you are saying the question to yourself, draw small sticks on the sheet (if possible, even). When you decide that enough is enough, stop and start drawing a little lower, repeating the same question. At a certain point, stop and go to the line below. Keep drawing until you feel like stopping.

Next to each line write the number of sticks. If there are more paired numbers, then this time fortune will turn its back on you, if there are more unpaired numbers, then you have every chance of getting a good amount of money in the lottery.


Luck does not smile at everyone and not always, and therefore it is very necessary to know if she is favorable to you in this moment. This is especially important for those who want to try their luck in the lottery. There are a lot of guessings that allow you to estimate your chances of winning. First of all, this is a loto. Kegs give the most exact information because this divination is based on numerology.

There are several fortune-telling on the cards, but they can only advise whether to buy a lottery ticket or not. You can also guess on a piece of paper on sticks, with the help of a coin or a nut.

Regardless of which fortune-telling you choose, you will be able to roughly estimate your chances of winning and not waste money. May luck smile upon you!

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