Stories about travelers for children. In the footsteps of child travelers: the best travel and adventure books

(42 pages)
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Ryan the lion cub lived in a large New York zoo with his father Samson, Bridget the giraffe, Nigel the koala bear, Larry the python and many other animals, and Benny the squirrel came to visit them.
Ryan was born in a zoo and had never been in the wild, but he really wanted to become as fearless and strong as his father. Ryan tried to imitate his father's powerful growl, but all he got was a faint squeak.
Well, isn't it embarrassing?
Father often told Ryan incredible stories about the times when he lived in the wild. Ryan had heard them so many times that he knew them all by heart.
If only I could grow up and become as strong a lion as Samson! Had he lived in the wild, he would probably have learned very quickly to growl as menacingly as his father. However, Samson did not want to hear about it.
“We have everything we need here,” he said.
Living in the zoo was not bad at all. When the visitors left and the zoo closed for the night, the animals showed their true nature.
That evening all the animals went to the penguins to play one of their favorite games...
They went out of their dwellings and enjoyed themselves as best they could.
This game was called turtle curling!
Samson and his team were against the penguins.
Samson's team, despite all the tricks of the penguins, led the score.
This time it was decided to use Larry as a giant slingshot in order to better disperse the turtles on the ice. Where could the penguins resist such an onslaught!
Meanwhile, Ryan went to play with his buddies Duke and Gig. Ryan tried to keep them from playing pranks, but these pranksters persuaded him to tease the gazelles. They frightened the gazelles so that they fled in horror.
How could Ryan have foreseen
that the frightened gazelles will jump over the fence directly onto the playing field, ruining the game for the teams. What a misfortune!
Ryan felt small and miserable.
Oh, how bad it turned out with these gazelles! .. Probably, he will never become as strong and brave as his father. “If I could go to the jungle! he thought.
“There I would quickly become a big and formidable lion!”
Suddenly Ryan noticed a pile of boxes in a van on the other side of the fence.
He remembered that the pigeons once said that these boxes would be taken to the ship, and that ship would go to the wild. Ryan looked at the empty boxes, and then it dawned on him: he must hide in one of them - and he can get into the jungle! And then, when he returns home as a big and brave lion, his father will be proud of him.
Ryan jumped over the fence and nimbly climbed
But later, as the van pulled away, Ryan felt uneasy.
— What have I done? - the lion was scared. He did not think what it would be like for him to be completely alone, without a father.
- Dad, help! - desperately
he cried.
Samson heard his son's cries for help and immediately rushed to
for revenue.
"I have to save Ryan!" he exclaimed. -He can't survive alone in the jungle!
Wasting no time, Samson, Nigel, Benny, Larry and Bridget set off after the lion cub.
Friends had to drive through the whole city to get to the port. Without thinking twice, they climbed into a garbage truck that was taking waste out of the zoo.
Benny was quite sure that he would not get lost in the great city.
Soon the garbage truck stopped, and the animals found themselves on the streets of New York. The sight seemed daunting to them. All around were tall skyscrapers!
They have never seen anything higher. And getting through the huge city turned out to be much more difficult than friends expected.
They ran along the streets and lanes, even used underground sewer pipes, and finally ...
They made it to the port just as the ship with Ryan on board left.
- Hurry, follow! cried Samson.
The animals jumped onto the deck of a small boat, terrifying the captain.
Friends did not immediately figure out how to operate the boat.
But then, finally, the rescuers set off after the ship taking Ryan into the jungle.
For the inhabitants of the zoo, this was the first trip in their life.
After a long, eventful voyage, the boat came to a small island. Friends looked at Samson expectantly. What should they do now?
But Samson himself did not know. After all, he had never been in the jungle and invented all his stories in order to produce
impression on others. Especially Ryan.
The zookeepers panicked.
- We want to go home! they shouted and rushed to the boat. And Samson, having gathered his courage, went alone in search of his son.
did not want to leave his best friend, and he persuaded the others to help Samson find Ryan. But where did Samson go?
Troubles rained down on the animals as if from a cornucopia. Before the friends had time to go deep into the forest jungle, they were surrounded by vicious wild wildebeests with sharp horns. Vile creatures drove the travelers to a terrible, dark cave.
To everyone's surprise, the antelopes placed Nigel on the throne as king. What would that mean?
Kazar, the leader of the antelopes, declared Nigel his deity And added that they were tired of serving the food of the lions, and from now on they themselves will feed on the lions! And Larry and Bridget will be eaten as a sample!
“But first we will fry you,” Kazar reassured them.
Meanwhile, on the other side of the island, Samson, having heard Ryan's cries for help, found his son.
Ryan was attacked by vultures.
However, as soon as Samson appeared, they immediately scattered.
- Dad! What a blessing to have you here! Ryan rejoiced.
How good it is to be together!
- Run, son! shouted Samson.
- Why do you have to run, dad? Ryan was confused. “After all, you are the king of beasts!” Drive them away!
- Then I'll explain everything ... if it's possible, - said Samson,
planting his son on a tree, away from the sharp antelope horns.
But then they were overtaken by antelopes led by Kazar.
“I'm sorry I deceived you, Ryan,” Samson said, looking at his son. - I've never been in the jungle. I was born in a circus, and my father was always angry with me for not being able to growl loudly and not being as brave as he was. My father was born in the jungle, and I wanted to be like him. And I dreamed that you were proud of me!
Ryan was disappointed by his father's confession.
Samson and Ryan started to run at full speed, but the antelopes were faster. Soon the evil pursuers overtook them. Samson was dragged off a sheer cliff, and poor Ryan was surrounded and driven towards the cave.
Finally, the antelopes pushed Ryan, Larry, and Bridget into a large cave where Nigel was sitting on a throne.
The antelopes were preparing to feast on the inhabitants of the zoo, and Nigel did not know how to stop the massacre.
Luckily, Samson found the entrance to the cave and slipped in unnoticed, hoping to save Ryan and the others.
- Dad! Ryan shouted in delight at the sight of his father. - Let's show these weaklings who's food for whom here!
Father and son stood shoulder to shoulder against the angry antelope.
At that moment, the formidable Kazar appeared. Putting out his horns, he rushed at Samson and knocked him to the ground. Little Benny, looking at his defeated friend, shouted to his friends:
We must help Samson!
The inhabitants of the zoo looked at each other and instantly figured out what to do. Just like when playing curling, they pulled Larry between two protruding rocks. Then, using this living slingshot, they shot Ryan into Kazar. The lion cub knocked the enemy to the ground.
Samson soon came to his senses. Now it's time to prove that, although he is not from the jungle, he has enough strength and courage.
And Samson let out a roar so powerful that Kazar fell on his back, and stones fell on him from the ceiling of the cave. Luckily, the others managed to escape in time.
- Phew! - puffing, said Ryan. - Now it will be yours. best story, dad!
Finally, everyone was on board the boat to sail home to New York. Ryan was proud of his father. Samson proved that you don't have to be born in the jungle to be brave. Any lion with a truly manly heart is capable of roaring intimidatingly loudly. And of course, Samson, as never before, was pleased and proud of his son.

Interesting and funny story about the adventures of children who dreamed of great journeys. Story for junior schoolchildren and middle school children.

Great travelers.

But Styopka, the master's son, with whose parents we lived in the country, explained to me what the Earth is. He said:

- The earth is a circle. And if you go straight ahead, you can go around the whole Earth and still come to the very place where you came from.

And when I did not believe, Styopka hit me on the back of the head and said:

- I'll go to trip around the world with your sister Lelya than I will take you. I have no interest in traveling with fools.

But I wanted to travel, and I gave Styopka a penknife. Styopka liked my knife, and he agreed to take me on a trip around the world.

In the garden, Styopka arranged general meeting travelers. And there he said to me and Lela:

- Tomorrow, when your parents leave for the city, and my mother goes to the river to wash clothes, we will do what we have planned. We will go straight and straight, crossing mountains and deserts. And we will go straight until we come back here, even if it took us a whole year.

Lelya said:

— And if, Styopochka, we meet the Indians?

“As for the Indians,” Styopa answered, “we will take the Indian tribes as prisoners.

- And who do not want to go into captivity? I asked timidly.

“Those who don’t want to,” Styopa answered, “we won’t take them prisoner.

Lela asked:

“Three rubles will be enough for us for this trip?” I'll take from my piggy bank.

Stepka said:

- Three rubles will certainly be enough for us for this trip, because we will only need money to buy seeds and sweets. As for food, on the way we will kill various small animals and roast their tender meat on a fire.

Styopka ran to the barn and brought back a sack of flour. And in this bag we

put bread and sugar. Then they put different dishes: plates, glasses, forks and knives. Then, after thinking, they put down a magic lantern, colored pencils, a clay washstand and magnifying glass for lighting fires. And besides, they stuffed two blankets and a pillow from the ottoman into the bag.

In addition, I prepared three slingshots, a fishing rod and a net for catching tropical butterflies.

And the next day, when our parents left for the city, and Styopka's mother went to the river to rinse clothes, we left our village of Peski.

We went along the road through the forest. Styopka's dog Tuzik ran ahead. Styopka followed her with a huge bag on his head. Lyolya followed Styopka with a skipping rope. And behind Lelya, with three slingshots, a net and a fishing rod, I followed.

We walked for about an hour.

Finally Styopa said:

— The bag is devilishly heavy. And I won't carry it alone. Let everyone take turns carrying this bag.

Then Lelya took this bag and carried it.

But she did not carry him for long, because she was exhausted.

She threw the bag on the ground and said:

- Now let Minka carry it!

When this bag was put on top of me, I gasped in surprise: before this bag turned out to be heavy.

But I was even more surprised when I walked with this bag along the road. I was bent to the ground, and I, like a pendulum, swayed from side to side. Until finally, after walking ten paces, he fell into a ditch with this bag.

And first the bag fell into the ditch, and then, on the bag, I fell. And although I was light, nevertheless I managed to crush all the glasses, almost all the plates and the clay washstand.

We sadly pulled the shards out of the bag. And Styopka hit me on the back of the head, said that people like me should stay at home, and not embark on a trip around the world.

Then Styopka whistled the dog and wanted to adapt it for carrying weights. But nothing came of it, because Tuzik did not understand what we wanted from him.

Moreover, we ourselves did not really understand how we could adapt Tuzik for this.

Then Styopka ordered us all to carry this bag together.

Grabbing the corners, we carried the bag. But it was uncomfortable and hard to carry. Nevertheless, we walked for another two hours. And finally they came out of the forest to the lawn.

Here Styopka decided to make a halt. He said:

“Whenever we rest or when we go to bed, I will stretch out my legs in the direction in which we need to go. All great travelers have done this, and because of this they have not strayed from their straight path.

And Styopka sat down by the road, stretching his legs forward.

We untied the bag and began to eat.

We ate bread sprinkled with granulated sugar.

Suddenly, wasps began to circle above us. And one of them, wanting to taste my sugar, stung me on the cheek.

It made my cheek swell like a pie. And I wanted to go home. But Styopka did not allow me to think about it. He said:

“Anyone who wants to return home, I will tie to a tree and leave to be eaten by ants.

I walked behind everyone, whining and whimpering. My cheek burned and itched.

Lelya was also not happy about the trip. She sighed and dreamed of returning home.

We continued to walk in a bad mood.

And only Tuzik's mood was wow. With his tail up, he was chasing birds and with his barking brought unnecessary noise into our journey.

Finally it got dark. Styopka threw the bag on the ground. And we decided to spend the night here.

We collected firewood for the fire. And Styopka took out a magnifying glass from the bag to kindle a fire.

But, not finding the sun in the sky, Styopka became despondent. We were upset too. And having eaten bread, they lay down in the dark.

Styopka solemnly lay down with his feet forward, saying that in the morning it would be clear to us which way to go.

Styopka immediately began to snore. And Acey sniffed too. But Lelya and I could not sleep for a long time. We were frightened by the dark forest and the noise of the trees.

Lola suddenly mistook a dry branch under her head for a snake and screamed in horror.

A fallen cone from a tree scared me to the point that I jumped on the ground like a ball.

Finally we dozed off.

I woke up because Lyolya was tugging at my shoulders. It was an early morning. And the sun hasn't risen yet.

Lelya whispered to me:

- Minka, while Styopka is sleeping, let's turn his legs into reverse side. Otherwise, he will lead us where Makar did not drive calves.

We looked at Styopka. He slept with a blissful smile.

Lelya and I grabbed his legs and in an instant turned them in the opposite direction, so that Styopka's head described half a circle.

But Styopka did not wake up from this.

He only groaned in his sleep and waved his arms, muttering: "Hey, here, to me..."

He probably dreamed that he was capturing the Indians, but they did not want to and resisted.

We began to wait for Styopka to wake up.

He woke up with the first rays of the sun and, looking at his feet, said:

- We would be good if I lay my feet anywhere. So we wouldn't know which way to go. And now, thanks to my legs, we all know where to go.

And Styopka waved his hand in the direction of the road along which we walked yesterday.

We ate bread, drank some water from the ditch and set off. The road was familiar from yesterday's journey. And Styopka kept opening his mouth in surprise. However, he said:

- A round-the-world trip differs from other trips in that everything repeats itself, since the Earth is a circle.

There was a creak of wheels behind. This is some uncle riding in an empty cart. Stepka said:

- For the speed of travel and in order to quickly go around the Earth, it would not be bad for us to sit in this cart.

We began to ask to be taken. The good-natured uncle stopped the cart and allowed us to get into it.

We rolled fast. And we drove no more than two hours.

Suddenly, our village Peski appeared ahead.

Styopka, opening his mouth in amazement, said:

“Here is a village exactly like our village Peski. This happens when traveling around the world.

But Styopka was even more amazed when we approached the river and drove up to the pier.

We got out of the cart.

Indeed, this was our Pisky pier, and a steamer had just approached it.

Styopka whispered:

Have we circumnavigated the Earth?

Lelya snorted, and I laughed too. But then we saw our parents and our grandmother on the pier - they had just left the ship.

And next to them we saw our nanny, who was crying something to them. We ran to our parents. And the parents laughed with joy that they saw us.

The nanny said:

“Children, I thought you drowned yesterday.

Lelya said:

— If we had drowned yesterday, we could not go on a trip around the world.

Mom exclaimed:

— What do I hear? They must be punished.

Grandmother, tearing off a branch, said:

“I propose to flog the children. Let Minka be whipped by mom. And I take on Lelya. And I will give her, as the eldest, at least twenty rods.

Papa said:

“Spanking is an old method of raising children. And it doesn't do any good. Even without a spanking, the children realized what a stupid thing they had done.

Mom sighed and said:

“Ah, I have stupid children!” Go on a trip around the world, not knowing geography and multiplication tables - well, what is it!

Papa said:

It is not enough to know geography and the multiplication table. To travel around the world, you must have higher education in five courses. You need to know everything that is taught there, including cosmography. And those who embark on a long journey without this knowledge come to sad results.

With these words, we went home. And sat down to eat. And our parents laughed and gasped as they listened to our stories of yesterday's adventure.

Papa said:

- All is well that ends well.

And he did not punish us for our trip around the world and for the fact that we lost the pillow from the ottoman.

As for Styopka, his own mother locked him in the bathhouse, and there our great traveler spent the whole day with his dog Tuzik.

And the next day, his mother let him out. And we began to play with him as if nothing had happened.

Jill Barklem. Blackberry field.


Translation by Svetlana Bordner

It was early morning on a beautiful summer day. The sun was just beginning to warm Bramble Meadow. The air, still damp from dew, is filled with freshness and the smell of greenery.

Primrose Woodmouse woke early this morning. She decided that not a single moment of such have a wonderful day. Quickly jumping out of bed and dressing, she ran downstairs to the kitchen, where her mother, Mrs. Woodmouse, was already packing her raincoat and hat into her travel bag.

Well, everything is ready, - she said to her daughter. - Take this one. Apple pie on the road. Dad and I will come later to say goodbye to you before the road. Now run faster.

Running outside, Primrose breathed in the fresh morning air with pleasure.

Just wonderful! - she said. Just right for our trip!

And she ran to the other side of the Blackberry Glade along the path that led through tall grass straight to the stream. Dusty, Poppy and Wilfred were already working there, packing for Dusty's sailboat for the upcoming voyage.

Here you are at last,” Dusty said when he saw Primrose. “I thought we were going to leave without you.”

Wilfred helped Primrose carry her travel bag up the steep wooden stairs leading down to the ship's quarters.

Just look at this,” he said enthusiastically to Primrose, pointing to an old yellowed map spread out on the table.

Does it show where we're going? Primrose asked.

Of course it does," Dusty assured her. – This is an old map of the Solarians. Here is our Blackberry Glade, we have to go all this way down this river,” Dusty explained, pointing to the thick blue line on the map, “straight to the sea!”

A small group of escorts gathered on the shore.

Will they be all right? Mrs. Apple was worried. “Dusty has never gone on such a long voyage.

Listen, dear, - Mr. Apple reassured her, - if the salt mice somehow manage to get salt up the river to us, then I'm just sure that Dusty can do the same.

And yet I cannot understand how it is that we have already run out of salt, continued Mrs. Apple. - This has never happened before. I guess I didn't need to salt all those nuts you picked this year.

Stop worrying, said Mr. Apple. “Look, they are already leaving.

All aboard! Dusty shouted at the same time.

He weighed anchor andperiwinkleslowly went with the flow. The journey has begun!

Fresh air picked up and quickly carried them downstream. Primrose and Wilfred, holding on to the railing with one paw, waved after their friends who remained on the shore for a long time, until they turned into small dots. Then they went down to their cabin to put things in their places. Everyone chose a bunk. Primrose took the top and Wilfred the bottom. Then they laid out their toys and clothes and quickly ran upstairs, so that, God forbid, they would not miss something interesting.

Soon Poppy cooked dinner, which they ate on deck, enjoying the views of nature.

The wind is starting to pick up,” Dusty said as he cleared the half-eaten food off the table. “We need to make sure everything is securely fastened.

Just at that moment, the ship veered sharply to the side and the apple, falling from the table, rolled along the stern.

Can I steer? asked Wilfred.

Not now. That's when the wind subsides, then it will be possible, - Dusty answered.

We're going pretty fast," Poppy said.

Yes, you'll see, before you have time to look back, we'll be already there, - Dusty answered cheerfully, holding on to the rope.

All day the ship moved quickly, passing trees, bushes and fields.

Start looking for a place where we can dock for the night,” Dusty said. “I don’t like this sky at all.

Maybe this will fit? Primrose asked, pointing to the meander of the river they were approaching.

Dusty thought it was a good place to the mooring and turned periwinkle towards the shore, and Poppy threw the rope over the side, around the protruding roots of the tree and fastened it well.

By this time, from the strong wind, everyone was a little cold and were glad to finally go downstairs to a warm cabin. Poppy lit the lamp and heated up the soup on the stove.

After dinner, which they ate with great pleasure, they sat at the table for a long time, telling different stories and singing songs until it's time to sleep. Primrose and Wilfred, tired from the day's clean air and mass of impressions, fell sound asleep in their beds. The boat rocked quietly on the waves of the river and the water gently hit its side, further rocking and lulling the travelers.

The next morning Primrose woke strong wind swaying coastal willows. Poppy had long since gotten up and was preparing breakfast, toasting fragrant toast. Dusty and Wilfred leaned over the table and studied the map intently.

Dress warmly today,” Poppy advised.

Soon their journey continued and they again set out along the river. Wilfred had great fun working with Dusty on deck, while Primrose helped Poppy map the landscapes they passed.

The day passed unnoticed. By evening, the children began to play the game they had invented. It was necessary to peer into the distance, trying to guess in advance what they see.

Look! Seals! shouted Wilfred.

And he already jumped on the cockpit, but very unsuccessfully: his foot got stuck in a pile of rope lying on the deck, he lost his balance and grabbed the steering wheel, turning it sharply. In an instant, the stern was carried to the shore and there was a loud bang. They ran aground.

That's it, we'll never swim to the sea now, - whimpered Primrose.

Wilfred also lowered his head heavily and almost cried himself.

I'm sorry, Dusty," he muttered.

Well, - said Dusty, after examining the situation, - today we will not sail anywhere. Better send down to supper.

They ate and went to bed, deciding that the morning was wiser than the evening. Sure enough, the next morning they were awakened by the sound of rain. Looking out through the porthole, Dusty was pleased to see that the water level in the river had risen and they were no longer aground, but were gently standing on the water, and therefore they could continue their journey.

Hooray! he shouted happily and ran up to the deck. “Grab the map,” he called out as he walked. “I think we're pretty close.

Primrose pointed ahead.

Look, this must be Seagull Rock, I can see the boats.

When they got closer, they really saw the pier and on it a shrew fishing on the shore. Dusty, shouting loudly so that he could be heard, asked the mouse:

Excuse me, can you tell me if we're on our way to the Sandy Shore?

Yes, but you'd better moor here and go there along the path, - the shrew answered them.

Dusty thanked him and approached the shore carefully, positioning himself in the open space between the other boats. And so, after a long voyage, four mice went ashore and headed towards Sandy Coast along the indicated path through the pine forest.

The way was not long, and finally, having come to the very end of the cliff, they gasped at the picture that appeared before them: everywhere you looked, and to the very horizon, solid water stretched all around ... The sea ...

What a big one! Primrose gasped.

Continuing to admire the sea, the mice, one by one, cautiously descended from the cliff, holding tightly to the grass.

Where to now? Primrose asked.

Dusty looked at the map.

To the right, he pointed the way.

Soon, Poppy was the first to notice a small group of mice ahead of them, nestled on a sandy cliff. Coming closer to them, she asked:

Excuse me, can you tell us where Piercy's salt mice live?

Here. This is us, they answered.

Delighted, Dusty ran up to shake the owner's paw.

We are from Blackberry Glade,” he exclaimed. We've run out of salt.

Well, then you must have been helped by a good wind to get to us, - said Mr. Piercy. - Please, meet me - this is my wife. Tefi and our children: Pebble, Shell and Baby Shrimp.

You must be very tired from the journey,” Mrs. Piercy asked. - Come in, please, make yourself at home. I suppose you would like to wash your paws.

She led the guests downstairs to a spacious bathroom.

This is the water for washing, - she explained, pointing to the jug on the floor. “And if you want a drink of water, then follow me into the kitchen.”

The room for Poppy and Dusty was with a sea view. Primrose and Wilfred were assigned to sleep in the nursery.

Poppy left them to unpack her things, while she went to look for the mistress of the house. Tefi was busy in the kitchen putting some brown leaves into the boiling water of a cauldron.

Have you ever tried seaweed, she asked Poppy.

No, Poppy replied, but I would love to try.

Soon they were all seated at a large table, testing their first sea food.

And what is it? asked Wilfred, picking at his plate with his fork.

Seaweed jerky, of course,” said Mr. Piercy.

And should I eat it? asked Wilfred again, looking apprehensively at his plate.

Poppy tried to hush up the embarrassing situation and, coughing softly, diverted the conversation to the side:

And how long has the Piercy family lived in these parts?

Our family has lived in this place for many centuries in a row. A long time ago our ancestor left the Green Glades and settled here. Since then we have never been there and I often wonder what life is like in the field.

And, touching on this topic, everyone began to tell the features of his life.

I also brought you some goodies from the people of Blackberry Glade,” said Poppy, taking out her basket. It was Mrs. Apple who asked you to pass her honey gingerbread and strawberry jam, and here are violet sweets. All these goodies seemed to the sea mice incredibly sweet, they are not used to such food at all.

And now it's time to sleep, - said Taffy. “Tomorrow we’ll go to the beach first.”

Of course, Primrose and Wilfred could not wait for this moment and, as soon as they woke up the next morning, they immediately wanted to go to the sea.

Don't forget to put on your panamas," Mrs. Piercy warned. – It will be hot today. We will take everything for a picnic and spend the whole day on the beach.

While Pebbles and Wilfred were building a sandcastle, Barnacle and Primrose played catch-up along the embankment, getting in the way of everyone in their path.

Adults, with pleasure, lounged on the sand and happily watched the children, talking about life.

Suddenly, Poppy noticed that the water began to come closer to them and cautiously called all the children to her.

It's the tide," Mr. Piercy explained. - It happens twice a day. Soon the entire beach will be flooded. Let's pack up, it's time for us to go home.

On the third day, Wilfred woke up and saw black clouds in the sky through their bedroom window. Here by open door Mr. Piercy ran past the nursery, putting on his raincoat as he went.

I have to cover the salt bowl before the storm, he shouted. - Aida, help me! he called to Wilfred.

They ran through the tunnels outside, where a strong wind was rising. Mr. Piercy stopped at the entrance to raise a red flag, and then they rushed down through the thick grass to the salt bowl. There were two large containers buried in the sand

What's this? shouted Wilfred.

Here we collect sea water, - Mr. Piercy explained, pointing to the first bowl, - Under the scorching sun, the water dries up and only sea salt remains, which then needs to be collected. It must be covered, it must not be allowed to rain into it. And in the second bowl we collect rain water for drinking.

They had just put the lid on the salt bowl when they poured heavy rain. And, by the time they got home, huge waves were already rising and hitting the shore with frantic force. It was a real storm!

It became very dark inside the house. Tafi lit a fireplace in the nursery and a table lamp. The children lay down on the floor next to the fireplace, playing with the boat.

Sometimes the rain does not stop for several days and all this time we must stay inside, - said the Shell.

Then they played dominoes and five stones and created seaweed paintings.

Pebble helped Wilfred build a small boat with real sails and a stern. And Primrose was busy painting a coastal stone, which she later wanted to give to her mother.

During the night the storm subsided and in the morning Mr Piercy's first thing was to check the seaweed hanging by the door and the direction of the wind.

Good weather for swimming, he concluded.

Then I think it's time for us to get going. The sooner we get out the better,” Dusty said.

We need to get the salt from the pantry. Will three barrels be enough for you? Mr Piercy asked.

While the parents were busy with preparations, the children ran ashore to play catch-up and hide-and-seek on the seashore as parting. Salt mice had a lot of tunnels dug underground, in which they stored supplies and also sheltered from a strong storm. Here expanse was for a game of hide and seek!

Children, where are you? Time to get out!

And Wilfred and Primrose quickly rushed to the nursery to hastily collect their things, and with them the beautiful coastal stones with shells that they had collected on the shore. Primrose looked out at the sea again through the open window and said sadly:

So I don't want to leave...

We have a surprise for you, - said Pebbles quickly. - Here. This is a special shell. Every time you bring it to your ear, you will hear the sound of the surf and remember us. And maybe then you will come to visit us again.

Meanwhile, Dusty and Mr. Piercy loaded barrels of salt into the cart and the whole company went to the moored at the pier. periwinkle , and we must add not without difficulty, because the cart turned out to be heavy!

After loading the salt and things on board the ship, Mr Piercy said:

Remember, you need to constantly ensure that the salt is always dry.

Friends hugged tightly, thanked for the warm hospitality and help, and also invited:

Be sure to come visit us! Our Blackberry Glade is so sunny and there are so many berries, mushrooms and nuts growing there! You will definitely like it!

We will try! Mr. and Mrs. Piercy promised.

Once again embracing with everyone, Dusty commanded:

All aboard!

And no stowaways,” Poppy added cheerfully, pulling out of the basket the little Shrimp they almost took with them!

Then Poppy untied the rope, Dusty raised the anchor and periwinkle began to slowly move away from the shore.

Friends for a long time stood and waved to each other. Some - from the shore, others - from the ship, with some sadness remembering the pleasant time spent together. Although Dusty, Poppy, Wilfred and Primrose were waiting for a meeting with their relatives ahead, they were sad to part with new friends.

Primrose cheered up a little when Dusty offered to take her boat. Then, unbeknownst to herself, she sang:

I love to sail the seas

Fighting the stormy wave

But the sweetest thing in marine life,

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It began to get dark.

Above the taiga, above the gloomy rocks, above the river with the splashing name Vels, a narrow fox moon rose.

The ear ripened by dusk.

Having found spoons in our backpacks, we settled around the bucket, fished out pieces of grayling and put them in a separate pot so that the grayling would cool down while we ate the fish soup.

Well, Kozma and Demyan, sit down with us!

With a long juniper spoon, I rummaged in the depths of the bucket - my arm went into steam up to the elbow. He caught potatoes and fish giblets from the bottom - livers, caviar - then he scooped up a transparent bowl with green foam.

Well, Kozma and Demyan, sit down with us! - Lyosha repeated, launching his spoon into the bucket.

Sit down with us, sit down with us, Kozma and Demyan! we confirmed.

We made a fire on the low bank of the Völs. Our shore is littered with dirty ice floes. They remained from the flood - did not have time to melt. Here is an ice floe that looks like a huge ear, and here is a mushroom.

Who are these - Kozma and Demyan? - asked Pyotr Ivanovich, who for the first time came to the Ural taiga.

Pyotr Ivanovich eats his fish soup carefully and respectfully. His head is shrouded in steam, small fires burn in his glasses.

It was the old fishermen who taught me, - Lyosha answered. - As if there are such Kozma and Demyan. They help to catch the grayling. It is necessary to call Kozma and Demyan in your ear, so as not to be offended.

By the clock it is already midnight, but the sky has not darkened, it has remained clear, twilight, and the moon has added cold and light to it.

This is probably White Night- thoughtfully said Pyotr Ivanovich.

White nights will begin later, - Lyosha answered. - They should be lighter. There is no name for this night.

Maybe silver?

What a silver! Gray night.

Having spread spruce branches on the ground, we laid out sleeping bags and lay down. I buried my head at the foot of the tree. Its lower branches have dried up, lichen has grown on them and hangs down to the fire like tow, like a bast, like a white beard.

Nearby, behind me, something rustled.

A gray night, Pyotr Ivanovich repeated thoughtfully.

She is gray, white or silver, it's time to sleep anyway.

Something rustled behind him again.

The ear was so exhausted that it was too lazy to turn around and see what it was making noise. I see a moon that hangs over the taiga - young, thin, piercing.

Chipmunk! Lyosha suddenly said.

I looked around and immediately saw that two attentive night eyes were looking at us from behind the tree.

The chipmunk stuck out only its head, and its eyes seemed very dark and large, like a gonobobel berry.

After looking at us for a bit, he hid. It can be seen that horror attacked him: who are these people sitting by the fire ?!

But here again the big-eyed head popped out. Whistling lightly, the animal jumped out from behind the Christmas tree, ran along the ground and hid behind a backpack.

This is not a chipmunk, - said Lyosha, - there are no stripes on the back.

The animal jumped onto the backpack, ran its paw into a canvas pocket. There was a rope. With a claw, he pulled her.

Let's go! - I could not stand it.

Jumping up to the tree, he grabbed the trunk and, tearing off pieces of bark with his claws, ran up the trunk, into thick branches.

Who is this? - said Pyotr Ivanovich. - Not a squirrel and not a chipmunk.

I don't know, Lesha said. - It doesn’t look like a sable, it doesn’t look like a marten either. I probably didn't get it.

The gray night is brighter. The fire subsided, and Lyosha got up, threw dry land into it.

In vain you shuged him, - Pyotr Ivanovich told me. - He te-

pen will not return.

We looked at the top of the tree. Not a single branch moved.

Long sparks from the fire flew to the top and died out in the bright gray sky.

Suddenly, some dark lump fell off the top and opened up in the air, becoming angular, quadrangular. Crossing the sky, he flew from tree to tree, hooking the moon with the edge of his tail.

Then we immediately realized who it was. It was a flying squirrel, an animal that you cannot see during the day: it hides in hollows, and at night it flies over the taiga.

His wings are fur - membranes between the front and hind legs.

The flying squirrel was sitting on the very tree that grew above me. Here some kind of husk fell down from above, pieces of bark - the flying squirrel descended. He looked out from behind a tree, then hid, as if he wanted to sneak up unnoticed.

Suddenly he looked out very close to me, at arm's length. His eyes, dark and dilated, stared at me.

"Catch or not?" - I thought, apparently, a flying squirrel.

He sat curled up in a ball and looked at the fire.

The fire stirred and crackled.

The flying squirrel jumped to the ground and then noticed a large dark hollow. It was Pyotr Ivanovich's boot lying on the ground.

Whistling in surprise, the flying squirrel dived into the bootleg.

At the same instant, I rushed to grab my boot, but the flying squirrel jumped out and ran, ran along the outstretched arm, along the shoulder and - jumped onto the stump.

But it wasn't a stump. It was the knee of Pyotr Ivanovich with a large round cup.

Looking with horror into the flaming glasses, the flying squirrel coughed, jumped onto the fir tree and quickly climbed up.

Pyotr Ivanovich was feeling his knee in amazement.

Lightweight," he said hoarsely.

Having flown to another Christmas tree, the flying squirrel went down again. It can be seen that the fading fire of the fire attracted him, beckoning, like a lamp on a summer evening beckons a moth.

Sleep overtook me. Or rather, not a dream - a wolf's nap. I either closed my eyes and fell somewhere under a spruce root, then I opened them and then I saw a lichen beard hanging from the branches, and behind it a completely brightened sky and in it a flying squirrel flying from peak to peak.

With the first rays of the sun, the flying squirrel disappeared.

In the morning, over tea, I kept pestering Pyotr Ivanovich, asking him to give me a boot that had been worn by a flying squirrel. And Lyosha said, finishing his second cup of tea:

Was it not Kozma and Demyan who sent him to us?

Children's travel stories

From the age of six or seven, almost all children are a bit of travelers. They travel with the heroes of the books and discover huge world our planet. Each of them can now become a little geographer, zoologist or historian. Getting to know book trips, they will learn what the thirst for knowledge and honor, nobility and overcoming difficulties are.

We all want to give this Magic world our children. Where to begin? We have put together a small selection for you.

This collection of books is aimed at children of primary and secondary school age.

Vladislav Krapivin. "Brig" Artemis "

The story "Brig" Artemis "" modern classic children's literature by Vladislav Krapivin was published in 2008.

The protagonist of the story, Grisha Bulatov, lives with foster parents in the small Siberian town of Touren. Thanks to a combination of unusual circumstances, he gets the opportunity to sail on a real military brig "Artemis". This time is coming Crimean War, and the Russian ship is forced to go to sea under a false flag. Many adventures await sailors ahead. Captain Gartsunov hopes to grow a real sailor out of the boy, but the enthusiastic and sensitive Grisha sees a lot of unfairness in the sea and refuses to become part of such a world. As always with Krapivin, the world of adults is opposed to the world of children. Reflections on historical events from the era French Revolution before civil war in Russia.

Suitable for reading to children from 10 years old.

Nikolay Chukovsky. "Frigate Drivers"

The collection of stories about great travelers "Frigate Drivers" was published by Nikolai Chukovsky (son of Korney Chukovsky) on the eve of the Great Patriotic War, in 1941.

It includes stories from different years about captains James Cook, La Perouse, Ivan Kruzenshtern and Dumont D'Urville. These names are forever inscribed in the golden fund of the era of the Great geographical discoveries and have long since become monumental statues in the consciousness of civilization. However, Nikolai Chukovsky managed to create living, not marble images of these people. The writer had the rare gift of simply telling about the complex and at the same time retaining the most important factual information without compromising the entertaining reading. He came up with a confidential, warm, adventurous and at the same time historical book, created especially for boys who dream of the open seas, so that the wind whistles in the shrouds and buzzes in the stretched sails.

Thor Heyerdahl. "Journey to Kon-Tiki"

The first edition of this book in 1947 was sold out within 15 days, and then translated into seventy languages ​​​​of the world (it was first published in Russian in 1957, since then it has been reprinted many times).

The name of the Norwegian Thor Heyerdahl (1914–2002) sounds like a legend today. He is the legend. The man who proved the incredible theory about the migration of ancient Polynesians to South America on rafts. Moreover, he proved by personally traveling through Pacific Ocean on the Kon-Tiki, an antediluvian raft made of basalt wood, in the company of desperate heads like him. In the open sea from horizon to horizon there is only water, sun and sky. It would seem that it should turn out to be a boring book about how they sailed, sailed, and finally sailed. But every day, extraordinary adventures happen to travelers on a raft. In addition, a person, left alone with nature, completely rethinks his life. “Great questions, which seemed difficult to us on the shore, here, on a raft, seemed ridiculous and far-fetched.” Thor Heyerdahl is an observant, witty storyteller with a captivating view of the world of a cheerful and happy person.

Fedor Konyukhov. "How I Became a Traveler"

This book was published in 2012 by the Nastya and Nikita publishing house and was addressed to children of primary school age.

There is nothing superfluous in it, nothing invented, but there is an extremely accurate answer to the question posed in the title. Our Fedor Konyukhov is known all over the world. He is one of the most famous modern travelers who has reached all five poles of the Earth (North, South, Pole of Relative Inaccessibility, Pole of Height at Chomolungma and Yachtsmen's Pole at Cape Horn). In a beautifully illustrated book, he tells the little reader how to early childhood terminally ill with a thirst for wandering, how he decided to become a traveler, how he went to his goal, about training, studies, competitions, pirates, whales and much more. Most importantly, Fedor Konyukhov managed to convey the most important idea to the children: "Any, the most incredible dream requires perseverance and work from a person."

Suitable for children over 6 years of age.

Vitaly Korzhikov. "Merry sailing Solnyshkin"

Vitaly Korzhikov (1931–2007) was well acquainted with marine life. His book began with individual maritime stories which he recorded for the entertainment of his young sons. At first they did not want to print the finished book, because it exposed Soviet sailors in a stupid way. Still would! The captain, nicknamed "We swam, we know" is a liar and a dropout. The sailors carry the boy on the train hidden in a bag. The radio operator and the boatswain now and then get into funny situations. For the first time, an excerpt from "Solnyshkin's Seafaring" was published in the newspaper " Pioneer Truth” in 1965, and he immediately aroused the delight of readers. Only then was the book published.

Lesha Solnyshkin, a boy of fourteen, without a passport and penniless, leaves his native village to become a sailor. He raves about the sea, and when a person is so purposeful, his dreams will surely come true, albeit not quite accurately. In terms of the style of presentation, the story can be compared with Andrey Nekrasov's "The Adventures of Captain Vrungel". It operates ordinary people, but there are also fantastic elements. For example, a smart whale helps a sailor get to the ship, trained bears scrub the deck. This book is one of those that are swallowed in one or two evenings.

Suitable for children from 7 years old.

Jules Verne. "The Children of Captain Grant"

In 1868, the novel The Children of Captain Grant was published. Subsequently, it was translated into 148 languages ​​and entered into all compulsory reading programs for children.

Lord Glenarvan falls into the hands of a bottle with a mysterious message about the wreck of the Britannia and that Captain Grant and two sailors have taken refuge on the 37th parallel and are asking for help. Bribes that completely strangers willingly take part in the fate of the children of the missing captain and go on a dangerous rescue expedition. Exciting sea and land adventures, intrigues and sinister secrets were created by the writer's imagination right in his office, so you should not look for scrupulous accuracy in details in the book. But on these pages lives the spirit of distant wanderings and the lofty, naive dream of the brotherhood of all people. Thanks to this book, more than one generation of boys grew up dreaming of traveling.

Suitable for children over 10 years of age.

Samiel Scoville. "Scouts in the Woods"

This adventure story was created American writer, enthusiastic ornithologist, ardent lover of nature. It was published in 1919 in the Scout magazine Boy's Life.

The plot of the story is a bet between lumberjack James Donegan and a group of Cornish Scouts. Rich man Donegan promises to give the scouts ten acres of forest if two boys from this organization manage to live in the wild for a whole month without clothes and without weapons. The main characters Will and Joe are waiting for cold nights, dangerous encounters with wild animals and a fight with real bandits. In addition to the exciting plot, the story contains a lot of practical information about survival in the wild, since Scoville himself was a traveler and experienced a lot during forest expeditions.

Suitable for children over 10 years of age.

Rudyard Kipling. "Courageous Captains"

Kipling's story The Courageous Captains appeared serially in the illustrated magazine McClure from November 1896. President Roosevelt spoke enthusiastically about her, considering her an example of the correct upbringing of a young man.

Fifteen-year-old Harvey Cheyne is the grief of a rich father. A dandy, a braggart and a loafer, he most spends time with his mother, who is preoccupied not so much with her son's behavior as with her own shattered nerves. Most likely, Harvey would have remained a worthless, empty creature, but by chance he fell from the deck of a luxurious steamer and was saved by a simple fisherman from the schooner "We are at the target." Her captain, Disco Troupe, takes the boy in as a cabin boy until the end of the fishing season, because the fishing boat cannot return to shore in the middle of the season to get rid of an unexpected passenger. In a few months, under the influence of the salty wind and a strong friendly shoulder, the hero will turn into another person.

Suitable for children over 10 years of age.

Jack London. "Jerry the Islander"

One of latest stories Jack London's "Jerry the Islander" was published in 1917. The protagonist in it is a red-gold dog from the breed of Irish terriers.

It is no coincidence that the author described all the events on behalf of the unreasoningly faithful, loving Jerry. If a man had been in the place of a dog, he would not have been able to travel around the Solomon Islands like that. Could not so easily enter into different human communities, including white plantation owners, black workers, crew of a sea vessel, wild tribe from the island of Malaita. For this book, Jack London was accused of racism, because the dog Jerry has a deep prejudice against blacks and endlessly praises "his white gods." But the fact of the matter is that Jerry is just a dog. He does not understand anything in human ethics, he has simple, canine concepts of good and evil. The conclusions about Jerry's journey will have to be made by a human reader. And they will not always be in favor of upright.

Suitable for children over 10 years of age.

Evgeny Voiskunsky, Isai Lukodyanov. "The Crew of the Mekong"

The Crew of the Mekong, before being published as a separate book in 1962, appeared in excerpts in several thick magazines. Then the novel was translated into six foreign languages, and in 1975 the English magazine Foundation called it "one of the most interesting developments in Soviet science fiction."

This is really a very interesting co-authorship of "physics" and "lyrics". Voiskunsky was a candidate psychological sciences, and Lukodyanov a well-known mechanical engineer. The fantastic elements that are found in the adventure-adventure novel "The Crew of the Mekong" were not invented, since one of the authors of the book reflected on the problem of "permeability" all his life. The prehistory of the events in the book begins in the 18th century, when the Petrovsky lieutenant, by the will of fate, receives an Indian knife, the blade of which freely penetrates through any material. In our time, the adventures of this mysterious artifact continue, which Soviet scientists, Jesuits and lovers of easy life are trying to get hold of. Scientific insights, an exciting journey through medieval India, delightful sketches of Soviet Baku, not boring prose, lively philosophy - and all this under the cover of The Mekong Crew.

Suitable for children over 12 to read.

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