Composition “Analysis of the last scene of the story“ Taras Bulba. Nikolay Gogol

Lost both of his sons. The death of Ostap in the story "Taras Bulba" became a turning point: after that, Taras disappeared, and after a while reappeared with the Cossack army. He robbed and burned cities to avenge the death of his beloved son. The cause of Ostap's death was the inhuman torture of Polish executioners.

Ostap was a worthy son of his father. He proved himself in battle, among other Cossacks he was in good standing. In one of the battles near the city of Dubno, Ostap brutally took revenge on the Polish soldiers for killing the kuren ataman. The Cossacks, impressed by this act, choose Ostap as their new ataman. Ostap was distinguished by composure, but at the same time, prudence. He ordered the Cossacks to stay away from the walls of the city, which saved many lives.

But Ostap will be captured: several of the strongest warriors attacked him at the same time, the strength left the young Cossack, and he could no longer resist. The captured Cossacks were waiting for death. The execution of Ostap in "Taras Bulba" took place on the square, in public.
All the people went there. And the mob, despite the hunger, and noble nobles were curious to look at the Cossacks. Some spoke indignantly and with regret about the upcoming torments, but still stood until the end of the execution.

The Cossacks "walked without timidity, not sullenly, but with a kind of quiet pride," Ostap was ahead of all. But why do people who have been kept in prison for a long time, who are waiting for a painful death so humbly accept this state of affairs, why do they not try to escape? The Cossacks do not bow to the people. This scene is extremely significant for understanding the main idea of ​​the work and expressing the theme. The Cossacks go to their execution with the knowledge that they were defending their freedom. For the Cossacks, death in battle or death for a just cause was considered an honor.

Taras Bulba watched the execution of Ostap from the crowd. How did the father feel, knowing what was about to happen? This can only be guessed at. Ostap should have been executed first. He stopped, looked at the other Cossacks, and, raising his hand, said loudly: “God grant that all heretics, whatever heretics are standing here, don’t hear, the wicked, how a Christian is tormented! so that none of us utter a single word!”

Taras approved of his son's behavior in a whisper. This is what a real Cossack would have done, a courageous and unbroken defender of freedom. Ostap boldly stepped onto the scaffold. The text of the work does not describe the torture itself. It is only said that they were inhumanly cruel. Ostap holds out to the last: not a sound, not a cry was heard. His face did not flinch when the executioner began to break the bones in his arms and legs. A terrible crunch was heard in the square, the ladies turned away and closed their eyes, but the Cossack did not utter a word.

When the torment was almost over, strength and endurance began to leave Ostap. He looked around the crowd, but did not see a single familiar face. Suddenly he began to regret that he would die like this, in a foreign land, unknown.
He did not want to see his wife crying and lamenting, or his mother, for whom to see the death of her son was tantamount to her own death. No, Ostap only wanted to see next to him the same strong and strong Cossack, so that he would cheer him up.

“And he fell down in strength and exclaimed in spiritual weakness:

- Father! where are you! Do you hear?

- I hear!

This ends the execution episode. An analysis of Ostap's death in Taras Bulba allows us to say that this scene is extremely important for understanding the essence of the whole work. It should not be forgotten that Gogol reflected an idealized idea of ​​the past. Some historical myth. In the story "Taras Bulba", the death of Ostap is understood as the death of the free, pure and brave soul of the entire Cossacks, the entire Ukrainian people.

"Taras Bulba" death of Ostap - analysis of the episode of the story |

Semantic supernucleus: “Taras Bulba” is a lyrical epic work. This determines its content and artistic features.

The movement of the epic plot is the story of the life and death of Taras Bulba and his sons, it is the struggle of the Ukrainian people for their independence.

The movement of the lyrical plot is a reflection of the author's world, his worldview, his attitude to the characters, to the world, to life in general.

The central question to which the whole system of lessons in the story is subordinated is: Why does N.V. Gogol lead his beloved hero and his sons to death?

Lesson 1. "Poem ... of great passions" V. G. Belinsky

At the lesson, the words of Belinsky, a portrait of Gogol. The problematic question of the lesson: what are the words of criticism about?

1 learning situation. World of Dikanka.

Ukrainian folk melodies sound. The guys are looking at comics made last year based on Gogol's story "The Night Before Christmas".

Question. How does Gogol appear to us according to the stories from the cycle “Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka”? (possible answers: a connoisseur of Ukrainian folklore, loves his homeland, a connoisseur of the living local folk language, appreciates the people for diligence, loyalty, resourcefulness, courage ...)

2 learning situation. World of Mirgorod.

Question - Why is the historical story included in this collection?

In 1835, a collection of stories "Mirgorod" was published. 3 students briefly retell the main content of three stories: “Old-world landowners” - about the vegetable existence and the death of two old people. “The Tale of how Ivan Ivanovich quarreled with Ivan Nikiforovich” is about an irreconcilable war between two landowners. "Viy" - about the insignificance of the human spirit before the evil spirit. The fourth student tells the historical basis of the story "Taras Bulba". Who are the Zaporizhzhya Cossacks ( not finding positive images in contemporary reality, Gogol found them in the history of the heroic struggle of the Ukrainian people for national independence) So why did Gogol include this story in the collection? Only to recreate the heroic past? (it is no coincidence that the story is based not so much on historical chronicles, documents, but on folk songs that are sung during the time of Gogol, that is, the dream is not lost, the ideal is preserved)

Together with the author, we bring students to the central question. The central theme is the glorification of the feat of the Cossacks, the poetization of the feat of Taras Bulba. Why did Gogol “kill” Taras Bulba? - in a notebook. You can acquaint students with the opinion of literary critics: “Taras Bulba is dying, since the time of war is over, he is not suitable for peacetime, he cannot live without fighting.”

D / z for 1 chapter. Question: Why are the Cossacks shown at home at the beginning of the story? Tasks: 1) expressive reading by roles; 2) orally draw a room; 3) prepare a story - the image of the mother; 4) talk about Gogol's attitude to the heroes

Answer the question of the lesson

(2 main passions: love for the Motherland and faith in its better future led the author's pen)

Lesson 2

Problematic question: why does the heroic story begin with an episode in the house of Taras Bulba? (a person is characterized by the home environment, his relationship with loved ones. It is very important for the author to show the origins of heroism. What the Cossacks protect. The motive of the road is important - the road from home to the Zaporizhzhya Sich. What the brothers take with them on the road, except for the blessing of the mother).

On the blackboard are excerpts from students' essays (allegedly): “Gogol introduces us at once to all members of the “family”; “We see the courage of Ostap and the cowardice of Andriy”; "Taras hates his wife, his house and everything in the house." We read the main question and excerpts.

1 learning situation. Hero story plan.

According to what plan can we build a conversation about a hero based on chapter 1?

  1. attitude towards home. Description of the lamp.
  2. Relationship with other characters.
  3. Self-disclosure through speech, deeds.
  4. Author's attitude.

2 learning situation. Self-characterization.

Imagine that you are a hero. I am Taras. Tell us about yourself using the material from Chapter 1. Refer to the statements on the board, maybe you disagree with something.

I am Taras' wife, I am Ostap, I am Andriy, I am Taras's friend.

We are discussing. ( The character of Taras and his wife is determined by the conditions of social life)

Is Taras' attitude towards his wife changing? ( at parting, when he asks for the blessings of his sons calls already respectfully - mother)“Taras was somewhat embarrassed” when he left home. How to understand it? Taras is sad and excited at parting with his house, his wife; although, at the behest of the time, "Taras was created entirely for abusive alarm."

3 learning situation. Dramatization - reading by roles.

We are discussing.

(Tell me what was the childhood of the brothers before Bursa, what did they do, what did they dream about up to 12 years old)

4 learning situation. Similarities and differences between brothers.

Find the episode of Andriy's self-disclosure ( conversation at the table - temper, short temper, Andriy's bravado is opposed to Ostap's composure)

It is Gogol who builds the story in this way. Starting with a fun brawl between father and son, Gogol gradually sets the reader up for a serious conversation. The author explains the characters of Taras and his wife, determines them. And over the characters of the brothers calls to think, observe, calls us to co-creation, to reflection.

Home is the first thing a person has. This is sacred.

Ask yourself: do you honor your home, its traditions, parents. In childhood, a person dreams. What he dreams about - he will carry with him into his later life.

There is a motive of the road. What for? There is an opportunity to trace the path of life, the origins of heroism and betrayal. What do they leave and where do they go? The road is divided into two parts. You can draw orally. it homework.

Lesson number 3. Origins of heroism and betrayal.

Each act committed by a person characterizes him, fixes some qualities. In youth, a person can “make himself” by showing willpower. Character development is taking place.

Teacher: The book “Taras Bulba” is a life textbook for youth. And the main moral question that Gogol thinks about is how to grow up as a worthy person, capable of accomplishing a feat in the name of the Motherland at a decisive moment. Gogol gives readers hints. It is no coincidence that he traces the life of the brothers, shows their home, life in the bursa. One will come to a feat, the other to betrayal. And the origins of heroism and betrayal are already laid in childhood, the youth of heroes. Gogol emphasizes this.

So this is our task. Find Gogol's clues, determine the origins of heroism and betrayal.

We write the topic of the lesson in a notebook and on the board. This is the problematic question of the lesson.

1 learning situation. Road.

Checking d / z. Protection of their oral and written works.

About: Taras left the graves of friends, a house, a wife, a village, a vast expanse of the steppe; goes somewhere - to the battle for the faith of Christ - in front of the temple (and behind the temple too), the Dnieper, weapons, horses, comrades, enemies - Tatars, Poles, Turks.

Ostap - behind childhood, games, home, temple, mother, friends, meadows, steppes; ahead - horses, weapons, father, Dnieper, comrades, enemies. Andriy - behind a beautiful Polish woman; in front of everything is the same as that of his brother, but covered in haze.

Conclusion: what is the difference between the brothers shows us Gogol? In relation to mother. Both brothers were embarrassed by the breakup. But Ostap continued to think about his mother. And Andriy remembered a Pole.

This was the first test for the authenticity of feelings, for the authenticity of love for the mother, and therefore for the Fatherland.

2 learning situation. In the bursa.

In groups, analyze the life of the brothers in the bursa. Find contrast characteristics to fill in the table. Note that Gogol emphasizes that each of them has merits.

3 learning situation. History with a Polish woman

Andrew is brave. He was not afraid: he climbed up to the Pole through the pipe. Carefully reread the text and prove that Gogol cites this episode not at all in order to show Andrii's courage. And for what? What do we write in the table? See Attachment

Andriy is dexterous, impudent, but surrenders to impulse, is not able to think about his actions, so he was confused in front of the Polish woman, became a toy in her hands, an object of fun.

Lesson conclusions:

We put up a poster with words. “Heroism is a special form of human behavior when a person takes upon himself the solution of some great task, takes upon himself and about greater than under normal conditions, responsibility when he has to act in especially difficult conditions. Heroism always leads to feats, that is, to actions that require the utmost effort of will and strength from a person” (TV Zvers) A feat is, by 90%, readiness for it.

Let's answer the question: which of the brothers is ready for a feat? And who is capable of betrayal?

Think about what character traits prevail in you: from the right or from the left column.

Homework. Answer the question: why does Gogol describe the steppe in such detail? Learn by heart an excerpt - a description of the steppe.

Lesson #4

Problematic question: what would change if there were no description of the steppe? (on the board under the topic)

1 learning situation. Description of the steppe.

The teacher draws the attention of students to an exhibition of drawings and illustrations (made by them and students of previous years) on the topics “Steppe in the afternoon”, “Steppe in the evening”, “Steppe at night”. The teacher offers to determine the most successful drawing, to explain his opinion. The teacher or prepared students read by heart excerpts.

What artistic techniques did the author use when describing the steppe? - give examples (epithets , comparisons, metaphors, evaluative words, personifications...) All this is not accidental, the author expresses his feelings, what? ( admiration, surprise, delight, pride, emotion, admiration, love) What does the author like in the steppe? ( vastness, plants grow freely, the world of plants and animals is diverse, harmony, tranquility…)

2 learning situation. Steppe people.

The steppe is the image of the motherland. About the steppe from N.V. Gogol's poem “Dead Souls”: “What does this vast expanse prophesy? Is it not here, in you, that an infinite thought is born, when you yourself are without end? Is there not a hero to be here when there is a place where to turn around and walk for him?

What kind of people, according to Gogol, does the steppe give birth to? Heroes. Russia is the birthplace of heroes.

The steppe is the image of Russia, the image of the Motherland. The steppe, like a mother, is glad for her children - the Cossacks, gives them strength. Prove from the text. ( The steppe “took them all into its green embrace”, “Everything that was vague and sleepy in the soul of the Cossacks instantly flew off; their hearts fluttered like birds.")

Gogol emphasizes: “she accepted them all”, and Ostap and Andria - they, born by her, heroes, they must stand up for her - the theme of the feat sounds without weakening - they must serve faithfully to their homeland. Gogol gives Andriy a chance - he, like all Cossacks, was born for a feat in the name of the Fatherland. He is a hero, so the path will be like this - after all, everything vague (and this for Andriy is the desire for personal happiness) has flown from his soul and he, together with his father, brother and author, admires the steppe, is ready to defend it.

Lesson conclusion. If there were no description of the steppe, the understanding of the significance of the battle of the Cossacks against the enemies of the Fatherland would be lost. The Cossacks defend the independence of their homeland, their personal freedom. They can and must repel enemies - they are heroes, born worthy of a beautiful, powerful, freedom-loving Motherland. D/z: to prepare the story “Morals and customs of the Zaporizhzhya Sich”, reread the episodes of the battles of the Cossacks.

Assignment for groups: 1. Musical and literary montage about the Sich; 2. Ostap's letter to his mother from the Sich about the brothers' activities in the Sich and about the laws of the Zaporozhian Sich.

Individual task: expressive reading of a speech about partnership.

Lesson #5, #6. Cossack and

Problematic question: to formulate the topic of the lesson, coordinating it with the idea of ​​Gogol.

1 learning situation. Manners and customs of the Zaporozhian Sich.

1) Literary and musical montage on the topic See Attachment

2) Ostap's letter mother about the brothers' activities in the Sich and the laws of the Zaporizhzhya Sich ( Hello, mom, we send you a message. We are all alive and well: the father, and Andriy, and me. Andriy and I settled down. The Cossack brothers received us...)

3) Teacher. Gogol writes: “A hair would now stand on end from those terrible signs of the ferocity of the semi-savage age, which the Cossacks carried everywhere.” The Cossacks did not spare their enemies, they killed their wives and children. But Gogol justifies the atrocities of the Cossacks, writes: "The Cossacks paid their former debts with large coins." Let us recall the grief of Taras when he learns about the terrible death of his comrades: “The wart was hung in Tolopan, The skin was flayed from Koloper, Pidsyshkov’s head was salted in a barrel.” Such is the ferocious 16th century.

The Cossacks killed the enemies, "got themselves horse harness, expensive sabers and guns."

Question: but why, then, among the precepts of the Zaporizhzhya Sich were so strict as not to kill, not to steal, not to make debts, not to get drunk on a campaign?

Zaporizhzhya Sich is not a specific place, it is a society of free Cossacks, a free association of a free people, it is a brotherhood based on the unity of thoughts and deeds. The main business of the life of the Cossacks is the defense of the Motherland. This is a difficult matter, and it is important for the Cossacks to have a real friend nearby who can be trusted.

2 learning situation. Partnership

“The first duty and the first honor of a Cossack is to observe partnership”

Taras's speech about camaraderie is read expressively by a student.

Group work. Find evidence of loyalty to the partnership, the strength of the partnership, faith in the partnership. Think about the question: how Gogol relates to the idea of ​​partnership

The choice of means in the description of the Cossacks. See Attachment

We listen to the results of the work of groups - we write down the main thing in a notebook. Conclusion: the wording of the topic. "Taras Bulba" - a poem glorifying the Cossacks. The Cossacks are a brotherhood of fellow believers who disinterestedly defend their homeland.

Teacher about the revival of the Cossacks, about the significance of the participation of the Cossacks in the battles during the Great Patriotic War. Phonogram "Our Cossacks are coming, going through Berlin".

Lesson No. 7 “I gave birth to you, I will kill you” Analytical reading lesson.

Problematic question: was the judgment of the father over the son righteous?

1 learning situation. Ostap and Andriy are warriors.

The brothers are shown in an environment of severe military operations, and during this period not only the features of their characters already known to us are revealed, but also new ones.

We know about Ostap's pronounced sense of human dignity, about his steadfastness and devotion to camaraderie. Now we have Ostap - a warrior, a member of the Zaporizhzhya army. In every word of the narrator, one feels pride, an enthusiastic attitude towards the hero. Let us single out the author's assessments: "Ostap seemed to have been written by the people of the battle path and the difficult knowledge to manage military affairs. Never at a loss and embarrassed by any case, with composure, almost unnatural for a twenty-two-year-old, he could instantly measure out all the danger and everything the state of affairs ... Already tested confidence now began to signify his movements, and in them the inclinations of the future leader could not but be noticeable. Strong was heard in his body, and his knightly qualities had already acquired the broad strength of the qualities of a lion. "

All the best that attracted in the character of Ostap - a young man, develops and deepens in Ostap the warrior, makes him a person with whom experienced Cossacks are considered. Speaking of Ostap, Gogol again resorts to the comparison “strong as lions”, which for him is the highest rating and seems to merge the author’s assessment of the young hero with Taras’ assessment: “Oh, yes, it will be a good colonel in time! Hey, there will be a good colonel, and even such that even the dad will shut up in his belt!

Describing Andrii, the author again compares the brothers. Enthusiastic speeches about the remarkable property of Ostap “in an instant ... to measure out all the danger ... to find a means of how to avoid it, so that later it would be more likely to overcome it,” are adjacent to Andriy’s characterization: “he did not know what it means to think over, or calculate, or measure in advance their own and other people's forces. For him, the battle is just a game of chance, a frenzied passion that seizes his soul so strongly that he not only does not think about those with whom he fights, but does not even think about his own safety, rushes like a drunk, in the whistle of bullets, in a saber brilliance and in his own heat, inflicting blows on everyone and not hearing the inflicted, he rushes into fights that are completely unthinkable in terms of courage, “forced by only one passionate passion,” and not by urgent necessity. This alarmed, made Taras think, but, seeing that his son literally performs miracles, the old warrior could not help but be proud of Andriy: “And this kind - the enemy would not have taken him! - warrior! Not Ostap, but a kind, kind warrior too” “But not Ostap” - Gogol emphasizes the different behavior of the brothers in battle.

2 learning situation. Betrayal.

When does Taras' anxiety rise?

When Andriy got bored during the long siege of the city of Dubno. And Taras proclaims: “Not that good warrior who has not lost his spirit in an important matter, but that good warrior who does not get bored even in idleness, who will endure everything”

But brothers behave differently. Ostap found something to do, and Andriy himself, not knowing why, felt some stuffiness in his heart. He is dissatisfied with what is happening, unable to endure boredom. When the pannochka's maid appeared, "many feelings awakened and flared up in the Cossack's young chest." What feelings overwhelm the Cossack? Is there a struggle between a sense of duty and a sense of love? Is it possible to prove that Andriy betrayed his comrades even before he met with the panna and renounced his homeland?

Andriy had no hesitation, no doubts about the correctness of his actions. So strong was his personal feeling that he instantly forgot about who he was, why he was here near Dubno, forgot about his homeland, about his comrades, sneaking around the sleeping camp, Andriy “marveled” at the carelessness that reigned in the Zaporozhye army. “It's good that there is no strong enemy nearby and there is no one to fear,” thought Andriy. But soon he not only learns about the underground passage that the Poles can use, but also that his comrades-in-arms are in direct danger: well-armed regiments are moving to the rescue of the besieged. Having learned about this from a Tatar woman, Andriy does nothing to save his comrades. He is only concerned about the meeting with the panna, and not the fate of loved ones. For the sake of his personal happiness, he, without hesitation, betrays the common cause, which was served by the best sons of the fatherland, his father, brother.

In the first minutes, surrendering to the impulse, Andriy does not realize what he is doing, but when Ostap and Taras noticed him, he apparently understands. It was not for nothing that he shouted at Ostap in fright, and when Taras noticed him, “Andriy’s heart sank ... Andriy stood neither alive nor dead, did not have the spirit to look his father in the face.” It is clear to Andriy that he is doing something shameful, unseemly. Is this betrayal?

3 learning situation. Andrew is the enemy.

Drawing a meeting with a Polish woman, Gogol gives a portrait of Andriy. What is the content of this beautiful form? Is there a change in the reader's attitude towards Andriy as events unfold?

Andriy in the first minutes "was indignant at his Cossack nature." The remark testifies that Andriy is ashamed of the fact that he is a Cossack. Ashamed of his very essence. Maybe Andriy lost his head from love? Love turned heads.

Does a person have the right to personal happiness? Express your opinion.

Man lives in the world, in society. Individual and society are connected. Society has the right to demand respect, understanding of the interests of society, so that the individual takes it into account.

Andriy has a consumer, not a public consciousness. Andriy is an egoist.

"Hey, cereal! lure me only him to the forest, lure me only him!” shouted Taras. And that same hour, thirty of the fastest Cossacks volunteered to lure him. And, straightening their high hats, they immediately set off on horseback right in front of the hussars. They hit the front ones from the side, knocked them down, separated them from the rear ones, gave a gift to both of them, and Golokopytenko flattened Andriy on the back, and at the same hour they started to run away from them, as much as the Cossack urine got. How Andriy jumped up! How young blood rebelled in all veins! Hitting his horse with his sharp spurs, he flew at full speed after the Cossacks, not looking back, not seeing that behind him only twenty people had managed to keep up with him. And the Cossacks flew at full speed on their horses and turned straight towards the forest. Andriy sped up on his horse and almost overtook Golohoofen, when suddenly someone's strong hand grabbed the bridle of his horse. Andriy looked around: before him was Taras! He was shaking all over and suddenly became pale...

So a schoolboy, inadvertently raising his friend and receiving a blow from him on the forehead with a ruler, flares up like fire, frantically jumps out of the shop and chases after his frightened friend, ready to tear him to pieces; and suddenly runs into a teacher entering the classroom: in an instant, the mad impulse subsides and impotent rage falls. Like him, in an instant, Andriy's anger disappeared, as if it had never happened at all. And he saw before him only one terrible father.

Well, what are we going to do now? - said Taras, looking directly into his eyes.

But Andrii knew nothing to say, and stood with his eyes fixed on the ground.

What, son, did your Poles help you?

Andriy was unresponsive.

So sell? sell faith? sell yours? Stop, get off your horse!

Dutifully, like a child, he dismounted from his horse and stood dead or alive in front of Taras.

Stop and don't move! I gave birth to you, I will kill you! - said Taras and, stepping back a step, took the gun from his shoulder.

Pale as a sheet was Andriy; one could see how quietly his lips moved and how he pronounced someone's name; but it was not the name of the fatherland, or mother, or brothers - it was the name of a beautiful Polish woman. Taras fired.

Like an ear of bread cut with a sickle, like a young lamb that sensed deadly iron under its heart, he hung his head and fell on the grass without saying a single word.

The son-killer stopped and looked for a long time at the lifeless corpse. Even dead he was beautiful: his courageous face, recently filled with strength and invincible charm for wives, still expressed wonderful beauty; black eyebrows, like mourning velvet, set off his pale features.

What would a Cossack be? - said Taras, - and a tall camp, and black-browed, and a face like that of a nobleman, and his hand was strong in battle! Gone, gone ingloriously, like a vile dog!

Father, what have you done? Did you kill him? said Ostap, who had arrived at that time.

Taras nodded his head.

Ostap looked intently into the eyes of the dead man. He felt sorry for his brother, and he immediately said:

Let us, father, honestly betray him to the ground, so that enemies do not scold him and birds of prey do not tear his bodies apart.

They will bury him without us! - said Taras, - he will have mourners and comforters! .. "

What is the greatness of Taras?

(In the fact that he does not think about himself, all his thoughts are about comrades, about the Motherland, he is not afraid of death. So he himself follows the words that were once said about partnership.)

Describe what Taras looks like at the moment when the Cossacks do not hear his words, at the moment when he sees the Cossacks sailing away.

What can you say in the final words of the story: “And already the fire rose above the fire, captured his legs and spread flames over the tree.:. Is there really such fires, torments and such a force in the world that would overpower the Russian force! ”?

(Taras' death was not in vain.)

What did the Cossacks who sailed along the Dniester say about their chieftain? Why?

(The memory of Taras, like the memory of the heroes of the epic, lives among the people.)

IV. Discussion of homework.

Possible topics:

"Three Deaths", "Zaporozhian Sich", "Ostap and Andriy".


Write an essay on the topics discussed (it is advisable to divide the class into 2 groups and each group reveals its own topic).

Information for the teacher

The program of A. G. Kutuzov provides for a deeper study of the story "Taras Bulba". Below is the material that will allow the teacher (at the expense of additional lessons or reduction of other material) to cover the topic in more detail.

Approximate lesson planning for the study of the story "Taras Bulba" 1.

Giving methodological recommendations for the study of "Taras Bulba", G. A. Gukovsky pointed out that it is necessary to realize the story as a whole, and not the sum of individual images-characteristics. Very often, when studying the story, all the attention of students is focused on three main images - Taras, Ostap and Andriy, the disclosure of whose characters is devoted to the main time of the analysis of the work. Of course, these characters occupy a central place in the figurative system, the plot of the work, the author writes a lot about them, but if we consider these characters outside the main idea of ​​the author, then much in the work (including the characters) will remain not fully understood. It is important to help students understand the story as a single ideological and artistic whole. It is the historical-heroic and romantic aspects that determine the conversation about Gogol's story.

1st lesson. Introduction by the teacher. History of the creation of the story. The historical basis and folk poetic origins of the story. The role of the historical background in the narrative, elements of fiction.

Revealing the initial perception. Starting work on the first chapter of the story.

Since Gogol refers to the past in the story, it is important to understand the relationship between Taras Bulba and historical stories, such as The Captain's Daughter, etc. Does this work show a true picture of the historical life of people of a certain era?

In The Author's Confession, Gogol wrote: “I had no attraction to the past. My subject was modernity and life in its current way of life, perhaps because my mind was always inclined towards materiality and towards usefulness, more tangible. The further, the more the desire to be a modern writer increased in me.

In "Taras Bulba" there is no depiction of true historical facts, real historical figures. The action takes place in the old days, when - with absolute certainty it is impossible to say. The time depicted in the story can only be determined with approximate accuracy: XV-XVII centuries. There is not a single definite historical fact in the story, that is, Gogol did not set himself the goal of reliably telling about specific historical events, he was not going to recreate a picture of the historical past. The historical background is rather arbitrary. This is due to the fact that Gogol set himself not so much historical as epic tasks, which is why Taras Bulba is not a historical story, but a heroic epic. Recreating in the past the ideal of life, living in the minds of the people, and ideal human characters. Gogol also draws an ideal, just social structure - the Zaporozhian Sich. It is in this environment that the characters of the main characters of the story are formed. The description of the Sich is given a significant place on the pages of the work. One of the lessons devoted to the study of the story is necessarily assigned to the study of the life and customs of the Zaporizhzhya Sich (second, third, fourth chapters). Drawing the structure of the Sich, Gogol draws attention to the fact that this is a society of equal and free people living according to strict but fair laws. According to Gogol, only such a way of life, such circumstances can create strong and powerful people, such as Taras, Ostap and other Cossacks were. “So here she is, Sech! This is the nest from which all those proud and strong as lions fly out! This is where the will and the Cossacks spill over to the whole of Ukraine!” The question arises: was the real Sich the way Gogol describes it, or is it more of a utopia? Of course, the Sich in the story is a poetic picture of an idealized society that gives birth to heroic characters. It embodied Gogol's dream of a free, free life based on equality and brotherhood.

2nd lesson. Analysis of the first and second chapters. First encounter with the characters in the story. Meeting of father and sons. Genesis of the Taras family. The role of the interior, artistic detail in the creation of national and historical color and the creation of characters. A comparison of two brothers - Ostap and Andriy: the difference in characters, behavior during the arrival at the parental home, while studying at the bursa. Description of the steppe as an expression of the author's lyrical feeling, emotional and artistic subtext of the story. Gogol's skill in depicting nature. The correlation of pictures of nature with the fate of the characters.

The plot of "Taras Bulba" is formed by the lines of Taras and his two sons - Ostap and Andriy. The path of Ostap is the path of a faithful warrior of the Sich, and the fate of Andriy is the fate of the one who cheated on her for the sake of passion. Both brothers are compared throughout the story: their appearance, characters, behavior in various life situations. Students work on a comparative description of Ostap and Andriy, considering the following questions: what impression does the first acquaintance with the brothers make? What made them different during their studies at the bursa? What is the difference between the behavior of Ostap and Andriy in the Zaporozhian Sich, in battle? How did the brothers die?

Andriy is attractive with his beauty, passion, he is more gentle with his mother, more sensitive to beauty. But the passion for a woman strengthens his individualistic principles, forcing him to betray his comrades, the brotherhood of the Sich, the Fatherland.

In the course of studying the story, the teacher works on the episode, draws attention to the artistic means and techniques used by the author: landscape, interior, hyperbole, artistic detail.

In the first chapter of the story, Gogol introduces a magnificent description of the steppe, which occupies an important place in the narrative. In connection with it, students remember what a landscape is and what role it plays in a work of art. How does Gogol describe the steppe? What does he pay attention to when talking about her? How does it help to see the richness of its colors? What events are associated with the landscape?

The text is full of artistic details. Artistic details include details of everyday life, landscape, portrait, interior, as well as gesture, action, speech: The detail helps to clarify, understand the author's intention. Using the example of the first chapter of the story, one can show the role of an artistic detail: “The svetlitsa was removed in the taste of that warlike time ...” The teacher helps students see how the author recreates the appearance of the era and the character of the hero with the help of interior details.

The author also uses such a technique as hyperbole. The writer resorts to it to enhance the impression, to sharpen the image. This is an important way of conveying the author's thought, building a plot, a figurative system. Find hyperbole in the text. What important function do they perform? “The entire surface of the earth seemed to be a green-golden ocean, over which millions of different colors splashed ...”; “... the Cossack, like a lion, stretched out on the road. The proudly thrown forelock captured him on half an arshin of the earth ”; "harem trousers as wide as the Black Sea."

After the second lesson, you can give the task to draw up the storylines of Ostap and Andriy and answer the questions, which of them is the most dynamic, in which of them the events are more important.

3rd lesson. Zaporizhzhya Sich. Her manners and customs. Political and economic structure of the Sich. It embodies Gogol's dream of a just, free society.

What is the first idea of ​​the Sich? How does Gogol draw it?

Let us turn to the social structure of the Sich, its rights and customs. There is no class enmity and dependence of people on each other, there are no property windows. This military organization of the free people is contrasted by Gogol with a world where there are masters and serfs, princes and servants, a world of enmity and slavery. “Instead of the former destinies, small towns filled with houndsmen and stalkers, instead of warring and trading cities of small princes, formidable villages, kurens and outskirts arose, connected by a common danger and hatred against non-Christian predators.” Describing the political structure of the Sich, Gogol emphasizes the democracy of the Cossack society: "... the hetmans, elected from among the Kozaks themselves, transformed the outskirts and kurens into regiments and regular districts." The boss who is objectionable or guilty of something before the people is immediately re-elected (the scene of the election of a new koshevoi: the koshevoi unquestioningly appeared at the meeting and after the removal “bowed very low and disappeared into the crowd”, in the fourth chapter he says “I am a servant of your will ... It is impossible to invent smarter than that, that the voice of the people is the voice of God. The people elect rulers who protect their interests. Such is Taras, who, being a colonel, defends the rights of the people, such is Ostap, chosen by the commander.

When describing the Sich, the theme of the fruitful labor of free people also sounds. This theme has been and will be heard more than once in various works depicting the structure of a utopian society of the future. How is the people of the Sich shown in labor? At what point are all the Cossacks unanimously set to work?

Gogol does not idealize the Sich, showing its spontaneity, self-will, unbridledness. But all this disappears when peaceful life ends and war times begin. At the first call of the Fatherland, the Cossacks drop everything and take up arms: “The plowman broke his plow, the brewers and brewers threw their caddies and smashed barrels, the artisan and merchant sent to hell both the craft and the shop, broke the pots in the house. And all that was, sat on a horse. In a word, the Russian character here received a mighty, wide scope, a hefty appearance.

Military service in the Sich is not coercion, but voluntary service to one's Fatherland. It is no coincidence that Taras, almost without giving his sons a rest after their arrival, sends them to the Sich, and they readily agree. This is the call of the heart, not coercion. The Sich punishes severely for violation of its laws, the laws of a free people: Gogol describes cruel punishments for theft, for non-payment of a debt, for murder. A society where there is no inequality, slavery, where people are free, must be moral, there are no grounds for enmity, public morality is high here, and it is this society that gives birth to heroic characters.

4th lesson. Father and sons. Conflict between Taras and Andriy. His romantic interpretation. The difference in the life positions of Taras, Ostap and Andriy. Romantic elements in the story of the characters. Continuation of the comparative characteristics of the brothers.

5th lesson. Romantic heroism and pathos of the story. Taras and Ostap as heroic and epic characters. The author's ideal, embodied in the people and life of the Zaporizhzhya Sich.

The strong and powerful characters of the story are a consequence of the way of life that formed these characters. Taras is the son of his time, and his savagery and unbridledness are the result of the savagery of this era (“the heavy 15th century”, “the semi-savage age”, “the then rude age”). The features of the wild era are found more than once in the story: the cruelty of the Cossacks during the battle and the capture of cities, the terrible torment to which they subject their enemies, including women and children. The rudeness of Taras towards his wife, who does not have the right to vote in her family, the unbridled behavior in the house attracts attention: "... he began to beat and throw pots and flasks."

But Bulba is at the same time great, great as a man of the Sich, defending the freedom and independence of his people. Great and Ostap, and other Cossacks - Kukubenko, Tovkach, Mosiy Shilo. They also have the vices of time. Even at the end of the second chapter, Gogol writes that the Sich knew how "only to walk and shoot from guns." The Cossacks did not refuse to drink. "Happiness was drunk, noisy, but for all that it was not a black tavern, where a person is forgotten by gloomy distorted features of merriment: it was a close circle of school comrades." Gaiety and riotousness are born of the breadth of the soul, a sense of freedom in partnership. The most important thing that appears in a society of equals is a sense of camaraderie. “The first duty and first honor of a Cossack is to maintain camaraderie. No matter how much I live for a century, I have not heard, gentlemen, brothers, that a Cossack left somewhere or sold his comrade somehow ... ”- this is how old Kasyan Bovdyug says.

The central monologue of the story is Taras' speech about comradeship before the last battle near Dubno (ninth chapter). In this speech, the patriotic feelings of the hero, and his courage, and life experience, and passionate conviction in the rightness of his cause are manifested. Exclamatory intonations convey the depth of the hero's excitement.

The feeling of collectivism makes the heroes of "Taras Bulba" strong. Modern man, living by himself, by his own personal interests, cut off from others, is weak, and Gogol's heroes are strong, because each of them feels the other's shoulder, they are united by a common idea.

The Cossacks in the story are opposed to the Polish panship. Prove that not all Poles are condemned by Gogol. Find evidence for this idea in the text. How are Polish soldiers portrayed in battles? They are portrayed as worthy rivals, as valiant knights, showing courage and bravery. What means does the writer use in the scene of the fight between the Polish knight and Kukubenko (comparisons, epic anaphora, inversion, epithets)? Does Gogol condemn the Polish panna, Andria's beloved? Read how the author describes it. She embodies beauty, passion, love, and there is no condemnation in relation to her.

The opposition of the Cossacks to the Polish gentry is already evident in the description of their appearance. Gogol depicts the Poles with flashy, colorful colors: “... copper caps shone like the sun, feathered with white feathers like a swan. Others wore light caps, pink and blue, with the tops turned upside down; kaftans with folding sleeves, embroidered with gold and simply lined with skins; those sabers and weapons in expensive frames, for which the pans paid dearly, had a lot of all sorts of other decorations ... ”How does Andriy change when he finds himself in a Polish environment? How does his appearance change? He has a "copper hat", "an expensive scarf on his arm ...". Class disunity is emphasized in the Polish environment: masters are servants. It is noteworthy that all the hierarchical diversity - artisans, gentry, pans - is ironically crowned with the image of a falcon, which is above all of them.

Compare the description of the Poles and the Cossacks, in which the writer emphasizes simplicity, rigor, unity by a common idea, a sense of the people's welfare. What is the meaning of such a contrast? The unity of the Sich is opposed to the disunity, the internal disorganization of Gogol's contemporary society.

6th lesson. General lesson. Themes and problems of the story.

7th lesson. Traditions of the heroic epic of past centuries in the story "Taras Bulba".

In a well-prepared class, it is possible to offer more complex search tasks related to intertextual comparative analysis, with the question of the traditions of the heroic epic of past centuries in Gogol's story.

The work is structured as follows. The teacher offers the students several excerpts: fragments from the Iliad by Homer (for example, the battle of Hector with Diomedes), fragments of the battle from the Song of Roland, an excerpt from the Russian epic (for example, from the epic about Ilya Muromets and Kalin Tsar). When choosing passages, the teacher relies on the similarity of language formulas, the similarity of some plot situations (a dispute and a duel between heroes, the death of one of them). From the story "Taras Bulba" we can offer an episode of the battle from the seventh chapter. Students are invited to find something in common in these passages: in the plot, the development of the action, the conflict (confrontation of the parties), in the actions and ideals of the characters, in the language formulas, in the artistic techniques used by the author (hyperbole, etc.), in the author's ideals. Further, the students, together with the teacher, try to resolve the question of why this commonality arises, and together they come to the understanding that any literary work is created on the foundation of deep literary, cultural, philosophical, aesthetic traditions and that every writer seeks to recreate the ideal of the era in his work. embodying various spiritual, moral values.

Concluding our reflections on the story, let us return to the idea of ​​G. A. Gukovsky that it is possible and should conduct the study of the story not by tearing out individual characters and their characteristics from the general narrative, not by repeating the plot with naive psychological explanations of the characters’ actions that lead to to the fact that students are presented with a fragmented into parts, and not a whole, single, bright work, but by comprehending the ideological basis of the work through understanding the meaning of a number of elements of the text.

The words "I gave birth to you, I will kill you" became a catchphrase. It expresses the attitude towards a person who has not fulfilled what he was prepared for. The meaning of the words has become wider than the episode where they sounded.

The description of Andriy's death from the story "Taras Bulba" cannot be interpreted unambiguously. The scene is complex and difficult to characterize in one precise way.

The death of a lover

Andriy is a man with a sensual soul. He is spiritually rich, he knows how, unlike most Cossacks, to love a woman. The younger Bulba is devoted to his dream and to the beautiful lady. Love knows no boundaries. In this case, about which the Zaporozhian Sich lives. He is devoted to his comrades to the point of realizing that the feeling is mutual. A young Cossack finds himself in a situation where he has to choose: to remain devoted to a high sense of duty that has not yet been fixed in his soul, or to choose vivid emotional feelings of happiness with his beloved. Andriy renounces the Cossacks. In beautiful, but strange clothes, he appears in the camp of enemies.

Laws of the Sich

The strict rules of life in Zaporizhzhya classify betrayal as an inglorious deed, for which only one type of punishment is possible - the death penalty. Who administers it in relation to Andriy? Father. It's scary to imagine what's going on in the souls of the characters. Taras, seeing how his son is prancing with a saber, steps over his father's feelings. He understands that he himself is obliged to punish the traitor. Andrii, seeing his father, paler, trembles with fear. Maybe it's not fear. This is a feeling of hopelessness, a terrible outcome of one's life.

The beauty of death

Andriy accepts death at the hands of Taras meekly. Here you can see: he is a real Cossack. The handsome man does not ask for mercy, does not scream, does not throw himself on his knees - he whispers the name of his beloved and dies with him on his lips. Andriy remains true to his choice. Taras admires his son. In his appearance there is no malice, frenzy with which he fights with enemies. There is no feeling of anger. It is a pity for the heroes: the father who loses his offspring, which made him so happy, the son, in love and obedient.
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