Projects of houses and outbuildings in the style of a Russian estate, mezzanine collection. Manor House

manor- in Russian architecture - a complex of residential, utility, park and other buildings that make up a single economic and architectural whole. Distinguish:

  • boyar estates until the 17th century., as a rule, they wore a very utilitarian meaning, it was ordinary, just big;
  • landowners' estates of the 18th-19th centuries., including a manor house with an outbuilding, stables, greenhouses, sheds, a park, and a church serving the buildings;
  • urban estates of the 18th-19th centuries., including a house-mansion, "services", a garden or yard.

The origins of estates and manor houses should be considered the houses of princely tiuns (managers, with the functions of judges of the lowest degree) in ancient Russia. As a rule, in the village, tiuns were distinguished by their size and the presence of outbuildings in the courtyard. Such farmsteads were the prototype of local estates. AT modern understanding estates began to appear as country estates of the boyars. They included the boyar mansions, the human - a separate building for servants, barns, stables, woodsheds and other services. Such estates were concentrated in the nearest suburbs.

Manor houses, as a rule, were built either from wood or from stone / brick

The impetus for the widespread development of estate construction was the generous distribution of land by Peter Alekseevich to his closest associates. Thus, noble estates began to appear. The dawn of the construction of estates falls on the period of the XVIII-first half of XIX century. During these years, there was an active construction of estates throughout the European part of Russia. During this period, the utilitarian purpose of the estate changed to a place of comfortable living. From Western culture comes the concept of landscape gardening culture, which includes decorative ponds, small architectural forms, paved paths, etc.
Russian estate of the XVIII-XIX centuries - family estate, family nest, a place where the owner created a corner of paradise equipped according to his desires.

Manor houses in Russia had a number of characteristic features:

  • Big square main building - estates;
  • The division of the premises of the manor house into zones:
    • the human half, where house servants and nannies lived;
    • Technical buildings;
    • the master's half of the house
    The master's half of the house was also divided into several zones:
    • fireplace room or library;
    • a living room where guests were received;
    • the children's part of the house where the children lived;
    • owners' private quarters, bedrooms, boudoir, Personal Area owner.
  • Often, manor houses had an outbuilding and a promenade, a place where gentlemen could drink tea in the open air in fine weather.

Recently, interest in estates and manor houses has been reviving in Russia. Some of the projects made in the concept of manor houses are presented to your attention.

New projects of estates and country houses

Projects of manor houses

  • The project of the manor house "Ivan"

    Square: 250 m2

  • Square: 300 m2

    Square: 550 m2

    Square: 540 m2

    Square: 310 m2

    Square: 250 m2

  • Fairy house based on V.M. Vasnetsov

    Square: 350 m2

The terms and cost of designing, manufacturing a log house and its installation are explicitly stipulated in the contract

In the cost of a log house of a manor house, we included:

  1. at the AR stage
  2. Scheme of felling the log house at the RF stage
  3. Making a log house at the production site:
    • If the cutting of the corner is made in the "paw" or in the "hook", then
    • If the length of the log is equal to or exceeds 8 meters, then the walls must be pulled together with additional capital log walls.
  4. All necessary building materials (saw mat, hardware, temporary roofing, moss, etc.) that will be required at the stage of log assembly.
  5. Loading, unloading, delivery of the log house and the necessary building materials to the assembly site. Shipping costs included within a radius of 70 km. from MKAD.
  6. Assembling a log house on a finished foundation.
    This item is mandatory, because it is not very reasonable for both the Customer and us to entrust the assembly to a team that did not cut the log house.
    At this stage included:
    • Floor beams made of logs with a diameter of 18 to 24 cm.
    • Primary caulk (moss or tow is included in the price)
    • The cost of using a truck crane (if necessary)
    • Assembly and disassembly of scaffolding, including necessary materials
    • Overlapping of a house under construction or a bath
    • Fabrication and installation of the truss system
    • Equipment of gables and, if possible, preparation of window openings in gables
    • roof lathing
    • Covering the roof with a temporary roof

After installing the log house on the foundation, a technological break necessarily follows, until the end of the initial shrinkage of the bath log house (from 4 to 12 months)

Despite the fact that architectural trends for recent times led to the emergence of a huge number of country cottages in a modern style, classic houses remain the preference of many private developers. Cottage projects that have all the advantages of modern private housing, and at the same time stylized as a noble estate or a rural log house, are chosen by lovers of traditional classical architecture, and there are many of them now.

This estate has a number of characteristic features. This is a solid building with a porch located in the center of the main facade and decorated with elegant columns. The entrance portico has a two-row colonnade. The roof is symmetrical, with high steep slopes.

Country estate in modern suburban construction

In an effort to meet the demand for traditional-style cottages, architects are developing projects for estates, recreating noble interiors and exteriors to one degree or another. Houses built according to these developments have an expressive appearance, complemented by columns and risalits, as well as glazed verandas with access to a garden or courtyard. However, instead of courtyard buildings, which were previously built close to the estate itself, modern attached garages are now provided.

Classical estates of the past centuries were built mainly as residential one-story houses. Today, most often these are houses, the attic part of which is equipped in the form of a residential attic, with bedrooms, bathrooms and dressing rooms. At the same time, the first floor is a daily zone in which family life is concentrated. Here (on the ground floor) there is a kitchen with a pantry, a living room with a fireplace, and a veranda with access to the garden.

A special decoration of buildings of this type are balconies trimmed with wooden or metal balustrades with bizarre curved elements. In order to emphasize the traditional character of the house is very important correct application façade and roof colours. The warm, light color scheme of the facade is usually combined with red or bronze ceramic or bituminous tiles.

It is worth noting that now, when designing a manor house, much stricter rules regarding construction technology must be observed. In the projects of estates, characteristic details and proportions are used, but in parallel with this, the conditions regarding energy efficiency and thermal resistance of structural and finishing materials are met. In addition, the technology of arranging the roof has become more complex in order to prevent high heat losses through the roof part of the building structure.

In order for modern estates to meet the existing energy efficiency requirements, they are designed in simpler forms, since all kinds of bends and joints of facades are the so-called “cold bridges” through which significant heat losses occur. Visual resemblance to manor houses is achieved mainly through the use of well thought out decorative elements.

Today, architects offer options for the harmonious combination of classical architecture and such topical solutions as wide glazing of the living room with terraced windows. Bedrooms are also widely glazed. And I plan all living quarters with windows on the south or east side, so that they receive as much natural light as possible. sunlight and warmth. Windows are used with a high degree of tightness, from modern materials.

Another common in modern architecture the solution is the location of technical premises, an attached garage and a kitchen in the northern part of the house, which increases the energy efficiency of the home. Thanks to the use of these and many other architectural tricks, while maintaining the style and image of the estate, comfortable modern cottages are created.

AT last years private houses built in the style of old Russian estates are becoming very popular.

Cottages created in modern "technogenic" styles are beginning to lose their relevance. Increasingly, customers are turning to architects with a request to create a private house project in the Russian style in order to return to ancient traditions. Many people think that only elite houses can be built in the form of a noble estate, but this is absolutely not the case. If the customer wishes, even a small cottage can be made with elements of the Russian historical architectural style. It will turn out a very beautiful, compact mini-estate. Such a house does not have to be huge and three-story at all.

In modern cottage settlements more and more homesteads appear. They are fundamentally different from neighboring buildings built in modern styles. The cottage-estate is a classic, such an architectural style will not go out of fashion in a few decades. If you want to build a real "family nest" not only for yourself, but also for children and grandchildren, choose this particular architectural style. Even after many years, such a cottage will look luxurious.

It is in the manor houses that an indescribable feeling of comfort and tranquility is created. Of course, this is possible provided that the architectural and interior style is maintained correctly. In this case, the house will really have an amazing atmosphere. It will be truly "home" and incredibly comfortable. Why, among the abundance of architectural styles, this one seems so dear to many people? It's probably genetic memory. No matter how interesting and attractive cottages in the Mediterranean, Swiss, Scandinavian, exotic styles may seem, only the traditions of their people can touch the strings of the soul.

How were noble estates built in the old days?

To create a modern cottage in this architectural style, must deal with historical facts, to understand what Russian estates were like, what are their distinctive features. Absolutely all old estates are characterized by a combination of luxury, comfort and quiet village life. This is what creates that unique atmosphere of comfort and tranquility. In those days, there was no frantic rhythm of life, from which we all get so tired in modern times. Therefore, the old estates are imbued with the spirit of calm and regularity. If you want to make your home really cozy, where you can truly relax from the hustle and bustle, choose this particular architectural style.

As a rule, the word "estate" meant not one house, but a whole complex of buildings that were built in the same style, decorating the facades with stucco and columns in the same way. Such houses were built for a long time, but "for centuries". That is why many have survived to this day, collapsing only for the reasons that they are not restored or completely left abandoned and uninhabited. Such a “family nest” was built taking into account the fact that several generations would live in it. Therefore, the rooms were made very spacious, the facades were decorated with stucco, statues, and all this was done very high quality so that children or grandchildren did not have to do it. overhaul estates.

What does everyone imagine when they hear the words "noble estate"? Of course, a luxurious house with white columns, a terrace, a huge garden for walking and even a private lake. Main Feature of such estates was that they fit perfectly into the surrounding landscape. Around the house, they necessarily created a luxurious garden with many paths for walking, they certainly built cozy gazebos. Only the best craftsmen were trusted to perform facade work during the construction of the estate. Probably everyone knows that there are no two completely identical noble estates. All of them are somewhat similar, because they were built at approximately the same time, but at the same time, they are all radically different. The facade was the real "face" of the estate, it was necessarily decorated with stucco, columns and statues. Sometimes there were even too many decorations, which is why general form the manor turned out to be rather pompous. But in those days it was considered the norm and a sign that the owner is rich and belongs to a high class. The facade of the estate was evaluated financial well-being its owner. That is why the landowners competed among themselves whose house would look richer and more luxurious.

In those days, wood and stone were used to decorate the facade, it was made monumental so that it would serve several generations, while maintaining its presentable appearance. Modern building materials make it possible to make luxurious facades in the historical Russian style, which will also serve for decades. The compositions and materials that are created in our time are much more resistant to weather factors, they are also light and do not weigh down the walls. Previously, an architect could “make a name for himself” during the construction of the estate. Glory about luxury home spread very quickly not only in the region, but also throughout Russia and even beyond its borders. That is why the architects put their soul into their creations, they thought over not only the appearance of the estate, but also helped the owners with interior design. The decoration of rooms in those days was treated responsibly, furniture and decor were made to order from the best craftsmen. The owners of the estate sought to ensure that the facade of the house and the interior of the premises were in harmony with each other.

Even in those days there were standard designs for estates. But they were taken as a basis, the architect each time came up with a unique facade, making it unique due to the abundance of decorative elements. Also, redevelopment of the premises was done at the request of the owners. That is why in Russia there are no two completely identical estates.

It should be noted that there were several types of noble estates:

  • If they were located in a village outside the city and were a place permanent residence, they were adapted for this purpose. Stables were necessarily built nearby, barnyard, greenhouses for growing vegetables and fruits. Pheasants were set up in the garden, where decorative birds were kept.
  • A little later, estates that were built "in the European manner" became fashionable. Their main feature was the presence of huge summer greenhouses and winter gardens.
  • There were also city estates, which differed from country estates. They occupied a smaller area, so the owners invested even more in creating a beautiful facade and luxurious furnishings in the rooms.

The main features of the layout of rooms in a noble estate

The estate was necessarily divided into two halves. In the smaller one there were rooms for servants, as well as all kinds of utility rooms, a kitchen. It was indecent for the landlords to walk along the same corridors with servants. Therefore, in the estates, almost all rooms were made through. That is, they had three doors, through one of them it was possible to get into a long corridor, and through the other two into neighboring rooms. The hosts walked “through wide doors”, that is, they very rarely used the corridors, but simply passed through all the rooms to get to the right one. The servants walked along the corridors so as not to interfere with the owners. On the first floor, a huge room was necessarily allocated, making it a room for balls and banquets.

Also, in the noble estate, a whole room was allocated for a library. Of course, these features of noble estates are not relevant to our time. Now it is absolutely not necessary to divide the house into half "lordly" and half for servants. Also, no one makes huge ballrooms now. Instead, on the ground floor, you can make a spacious living room with a fireplace, it can be combined with a dining room.

How to build your house in the style of a noble estate:

  • First of all, it is necessary to develop individual project future cottage or choose one you like from existing ones.
  • It is very important to choose the right land plot for construction. It must be in a picturesque and quiet place. It is very desirable to have a river, lake or at least a small pond nearby. It will be great if a small pond is on the territory, it can be turned into a "highlight" of your future family estate.
  • A house in the style of a noble estate must be decorated with columns. They are made not only on the facade of the building, but also in the living room. Such a house seems to “dissolve in time”. In a few years, guests who see your estate for the first time will be sure that it is old and passed to you by inheritance. But to create such an effect, it is necessary to abandon the use of "technogenic" building materials. For example, there should be no plastic, windows should only be wooden.
  • You need to take care not only about the convenient layout of the rooms, but also about making the facade of your estate unique. It needs to be a true masterpiece. architectural art. If you wish, you can borrow some elements by looking at photographs of the estates you like, but never completely copy the facade decoration. Wood carving will look luxurious. Do not worry that the wood will crack and turn black in a few years, there is great amount special antifungal impregnations, as well as varnishes that will protect the wood from moisture on long years while keeping its beauty exposed. Make stucco decorations thanks to modern materials it's very simple now. For this, ready-made patterns and foam products are used, which are glued in the right place, they require a mandatory finish. Also, to decorate the facade, there are ready-made stucco elements made of gypsum. They are attached with special glue, as they are quite heavy.
  • The main and most spacious room in such a house should be the living room. It is sure to make a stone fireplace in order to create a unique comfort with its help and emphasize the architectural style you have chosen.
  • The house, which was built in the style of a noble estate, should look old, but at the same time, it is possible and necessary to make modern air conditioning, plumbing, lighting and other systems in it.
  • The house-estate must be very cozy and warm, for this you need to use modern heat-insulating materials.

  • Take care not only of the appearance of the cottage, but also of the interior in the rooms. Agree, it will be rather strange if the outside of the house looks like an old manor, but inside it is decorated in the style of minimalism, hi-tech or loft. There should be no signs of "technogenic civilization" in the interior. Take responsibility for the choice of furniture and decor. Ideally, they should be antique, now it is not a problem to purchase real antique furniture in excellent condition. But new modern furniture is also quite suitable, but all of it should be made in antique style. Chandeliers must be luxurious and massive in the "noble" style. Candle lights are ideal. The best elements of decor will be all kinds of antique gizmos.
  • In the living room you can make huge windows from ceiling to floor. They need to be curtained with plain curtains with lambrequins and large tassels made of dense threads.
  • Pay special attention to the arrangement of the territory around your estate. In the courtyard there must be a gazebo, made in the same style as the facade. You can also make a small fountain or waterfall. Be sure to take care of the beautiful night illumination of the yard, install lanterns that will look like old ones. If there is a small pond in the yard, you can throw a bridge with a wrought iron railing over it.
  • Take care of creating a beautiful landscape design. To emphasize the style of an old noble estate, be sure to plant decorative bushes along the paths, which will need to be trimmed regularly, giving them a neat shape.

Surely, everyone who has a suburban area plans to build a comfortable house on it. But here the question immediately arises with the choice of layout and design. If the area of ​​​​such a site allows, then you can build large buildings - estates. The estate project can be anything and has its own distinctive features.

What is a homestead?

If to the definition of a country or country house everyone is already used to it, then for many the concept of “estate” causes a similar definition, but this is not so. The estate is a fairly large park and housing complex. This area is located a large number of commercial and residential buildings.

Homestead features:

  • There is also landscaping. It cannot be said that it is possible to build a manor in any region, since previously they were built only in those areas of the area where there was good landscaping.
  • What distinguishes the estate from the usual country house? Everything is quite simple - the size of the site and the building itself.
  • If you look a little deeper into history, then such structures were built for the nobility or officials close to the rulers, even at that time they amazed with their luxury.
  • Fenced areas, green spaces, parks with numerous sculptures, squares and gazebos, green lawns.

You can continue for a very long time. In principle, there were no restrictions either in the choice of building material or in the preference of the area for the construction of the estate.

Very often such buildings were erected in such places:

  • Forest zones.
  • Steppe meadows.
  • Near the pond.
  • The area of ​​the estate was very large. They amounted to at least 600 sq.m.

If there is a desire to build a family estate in the form of a manor, then it is worth initially acquiring a suburban area, the size of which is at least 50 acres.

Only then it will be possible to correctly and efficiently allocate space.

Distinctive features of the appearance of the estate or country estate

The main difference of such a structure was and remains its size.

In this case, the forms can be various:

  • U-shaped.
  • Square.
  • Rectangular.
  • "Hollow Squares".
  • "Hollow Rectangles".

The latter are buildings that have a closed design and inside have a yard with a variety of green spaces and comfortable walking paths. Very often, winter gardens or terraces were previously placed there for relaxation, lunch or other pastime.

The project of the manor house has a large entrance, which is separate from the main building, it was designed in a classical style.


  • Huge columns, painted in light colors.
  • Large massive doors made of different materials.
  • Marble or reinforced concrete steps.

Stained glass windows were also inserted in the entrance area above the door. To date, this design is practically never found, as people have become more practical and less eager for luxury than the rulers of that time.


  • Windows of such a structure can also be of different shapes and sizes. More often in the construction of the estate, not too large rectangular or square windows were used.
  • The number of storeys of the building could be any. The structures had both rectilinear forms and broken ones. That is, the second floor could not be along the entire perimeter of the estate.

At that time, only environmentally friendly materials were used as roofing material. Such was the tile, which is durable and reliable. It retains heat very well indoors and thus the house has a constant temperature regime.

Planning and decoration of the house in the form of a manor

Estates have always been distinguished by their scale. residential buildings had big sizes all rooms. The site originally housed outbuildings, which were designed in the same stylistic direction as the residential building. Further on, there was a garden and park zone, in the center of which a building could be seen.

Inside such a structure, everything was properly planned.

If the house was two-story, then on the ground floor are located:

  • Entrance hall with stairs to the second floor.
  • Large cozy living room.
  • The office is also of considerable size.
  • Fireplace rooms (there may be more than one).
  • Dining areas with large stained glass windows.
  • Kitchen (as a rule, only servants could be in it).
  • The last rooms used to have an entrance to the basement. Now such traditions are not changed, and the entrance to the basement is also being built from the kitchen area. All rooms on the first floor are massive.

The second floor begins with climbing the stairs, it can be:

  • Straight.
  • Screw.
  • Mnogomarshevaya.

The choice of the type of such a structure depended on the project itself. They were decorated with wood, marble, granite or other finishing material.

On the this moment in the construction of stairs in a residential two-story building, the following materials are used:

  • Reinforced concrete.
  • Metal.
  • Wood.

The steps are made of natural stones: the same marble or granite.

When planning such a design of a staircase, it is worth considering that the cost of natural stones is high, and not everyone can afford it.

We can say that this is a dream project:

  • But if desired, it is possible to apply analogues of such materials and use artificial stones, which are similar in their technical properties and characteristics. But their cost is several times lower.
  • All bedrooms are located on the second floor. There can be a very large number of them: the bedrooms of each of the owners, for guests, children's rooms and much more.
  • If the residential building had only one floor, then due to the unusual shape (“hollow squares” or “hollow rectangles”), the bedrooms were located at the very end of the house (back side).

Today, everything is more practical. Homesteads can also have several floors, only the shapes have become more acceptable (square, rectangular).

What estates were built from and modern building materials for their construction

The estates of that time were built from practical and durable materials:

  • natural stones.
  • Clay.
  • Concrete solution.
  • Priming.
  • Wood.

Natural stones were in most cases processed, since it was quite difficult to use their natural form. Clay has long been used in the construction of residential buildings, as it is an environmentally friendly material that is particularly durable. Thanks to its properties, it helps to maintain a constant temperature in the premises.

The concrete mortar of that time was very durable and was used to erect the walls of the building (masonry seams). Quite often it was used to fill the base under the structure. At the moment, such a solution is indispensable. It is used for both foundation and masonry. building material. In principle, technology has not changed.

The soil has also been used for a long time. But such construction was too long and every year the technologies of such construction became obsolete and such material was replaced by more modern ones.

Wood, as used in the past, is still used today. Projects of wooden estates are very diverse. All buildings of this type are distinguished by their environmental friendliness and durability. All of them are durable and a large number of estates of past centuries have survived to this day.

In modern construction, there are several types of log laying and wood processing itself.

Currently used for construction:

  • Profiled bar.
  • Rounded bar.
  • Unfinished timber.

The last version of the material, like the previous ones, goes through the process of processing and drying.

The popularity of buildings in the form of a manor

The project "Russian estate" in recent years has become very popular. They are being built on almost every suburban area that has big size. The main role with this design is landscape design. Preliminary on the site it is necessary to properly plan the space. You can follow the same planning principles as before, only slightly reduce the scale of construction.

It is worth considering that maintaining the estates is quite expensive, as you will definitely need the services of a professional gardener, repairmen, and so on. But this is provided that the house and the plot is very large. Even if the scale of the structure is not too large, then you can cope with maintaining order on your own.

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