Cottage village legend. Legends of Russian villages

I have a friend, Elena. Now we rarely communicate because of my move, but before there were friends - do not spill water!
In general, a lot of mystical things are connected with Elena ... once she told me how she went to the cemetery with her mother to clean the grave of her great-grandmother ... Elena was distracted and saw a snow-white dog, she came up to her and licked her hand, Lena stroked the dog, while she felt calm. Turning to her mother, Lena wanted to show her the dog, but the dog was gone… She just disappeared! Most likely it was Lenin's great-grandmother ...
But I digress from the topic...
Once Elena called me to her village to rest. And while we were driving to the village, she told several legends about this village ...
Further from her words:
“We have one place, by the river, they call Bychalo. They say that a long time ago there in time great battle many warriors died, and now, in the evenings in the fog, you can hear the sounds of battle, and sometimes even see the sparkle of swords and the warriors themselves.
There is one more place - Machine Pit. Once upon a time Masha lived in this village and she had a fiancé. But they were like Romeo and Juliet...couldn't be together because of their parents. And they decided to commit suicide because of unrequited love. Masha's fiancé offered to jump into a deep hole from a steep cliff, and Masha agreed. They were standing on the edge of a cliff, they decided to jump on the count of three! One two Three! Masha jumped, and the guy remained standing on the edge of the cliff ... He left her alone ... And now very often locals they hear sobs and cries from the pit, and say: “This is Masha crying for her fiancé.”
Here are the stories.

Location of the village

The cottage village Legenda is located 7 km from the city of Vladimir. Surrounded by fields and meadows. The Nerl River flows 700 meters away. An asphalted road leads to the cottage village.

Prices and terms of purchase

The sale of houses in the residential complex from the developer will be carried out in accordance with Federal Law No. 214.

Cost - from 3,200,000 to 8,500,000 rubles.


  • 7 km from the city of Vladimir
  • low-rise buildings 1-2 floors
  • area from 66 to 250 sq.m.
  • fine finish
  • heating boiler
  • heating radiators
  • land plots from 7 to 15 acres
  • unified architectural style
  • central water supply (artesian wells)
  • street lighting
  • gas supply to the house
  • sewerage - septic tank


  • parking
  • landscaped area
  • next to the village public transport stop

Delivery - phased

Sales department:
+7 903 830-27-67


The cottage village Legenda is accredited by VTB 24 banks, Sberbank of Russia, Rosselkhozbank.

Reservation and sale of houses

General plan of the cottage settlement "Legend"

Construction technology

The projects of the houses of the KP "Legend" are one- and two-story houses. The cottages are lined with finishing bricks, all communications are in place.

Basic equipment of cottages:

  • The foundation is an insulated monolithic reinforced concrete slab (except for "Optima" and "Compromise", where the foundation is prefabricated).
  • Insulation and soundproofing of walls - ecowool.
  • The outer walls are faced with facing ceramic bricks.
  • The roof is metal.
  • Hemming of cornices and gables. Weir system.
  • All engineering networks are connected and functioning (electricity, gas, water supply, autonomous sewerage).
  • PVC windows with double glazing.
  • Heating, water supply, sewerage, electricity are made in a hidden way.
  • Mounted bimetallic radiators.
  • The boiler room is equipped with proprietary equipment.
  • Ceiling height 2.8m.
  • Fence around the perimeter of the site, gate, entrance gate.
  • Inside the house is ready for finishing.
  • Plot of land from 6 to 15 acres.
  • Water supply - centralized from its own water intake unit, with an innovative purification system.
  • Sewerage - individual stations of biological treatment of the third generation.
  • Gas supply is centralized.
  • Power supply - centralized from its transformer substation.

Projects of typical houses

Project "Leader-North"

One-storey cottage with a rational planning solution The house consists of two zones

1.Common area.

  • Tambour (1.68 sq.m.),
  • Entrance hall (6.10 sq.m.),
  • Dressing room (5.5 sq.m.),
  • Living room (16.12 sq.m.),
  • Kitchen (11.85 sq.m.),
  • Guest bathroom (4.52 sq.m.)

2. Private (sleeping) area

  • Corridor (4.14 sq.m.)
  • Bedroom No. 1 (12.41 sq.m.)
  • Bedroom №2 (13.06 sq.m.)
  • Bathroom (6.74 sq.m.)

The house was built using L.S.T.K. Basic equipment: Foundation - insulated monolithic reinforced concrete slab. Insulation and soundproofing of walls - Ecowool. Exterior walls - cladding with ceramic facing bricks. Basement - plaster. Roof - metal tile. Hemming of cornices and gables. Weir system. PVC windows with double glazing. All external engineering networks are connected (electricity, gas, water supply, sewerage - biological treatment plant). The boiler room is equipped with proprietary equipment. Internal engineering networks are divorced throughout the house. Heating, water supply, sewerage and electricity are made in a hidden way. Mounted bimetallic radiators. Inside the house is ready for finishing. The height of the premises is 2.8 m. The blind area is concrete. Fence along the perimeter of the site.

Square 82 sq. km

Plot of land 6 hundred.

House cost With land plot in the above configuration - 3.6 million rubles.

Possible mortgage(Sberbank)

Telephone +7 903 830-27-67

Project "Pioneer-1"

One story townhouse.

  • Tambour (2.41 sq.m.),
  • Entrance hall (5.1 sq.m.),
  • Dressing room (5.68 sq.m.),
  • Living room (18.17 sq.m.),
  • Kitchen (10.96 sq.m.) with access to the plot through the loggia
  • Loggia (3.10 sq.m.).
  • Bathroom (5.06 sq.m.),
  • Bedroom (15.12 sq.m.).

The house was built using L.S.T.K. Basic equipment: Foundation - insulated monolithic reinforced concrete slab. Insulation and soundproofing of walls - Ecowool. Exterior walls - cladding with ceramic facing bricks. Basement - plaster. Roof - metal tile. Hemming of cornices and gables. Weir system. PVC windows with double glazing. All external engineering networks are connected (electricity, gas, water supply, sewerage-biological treatment plant). The boiler room is equipped with proprietary equipment. Internal engineering networks are divorced throughout the house. Heating, water supply, sewerage and electricity are made in a hidden way. Mounted bimetallic radiators. Inside the house is ready for finishing. The height of the premises is 2.8 m. The blind area is concrete. Fence along the perimeter of the site.

Square 66 sq. km

Plot of land 5 hundred.

House cost with a land plot in the above configuration - 3.2 million rubles.

Possible mortgage(Sberbank)

Telephone to sign up for a consultation and view KP "Legend": +7 903 830-27-67

Project "Compromise"

Three-storey cottage with a rational layout.

On the first floor there is:

  • vestibule (3.36 sq.m.),
  • hall with stairs (14.43 sq.m.)
  • wardrobe (2.67 sq.m.).
  • studio space of the living room and kitchen (32.74 sq.m.) with access to the plot,
  • comfortable guest room (11.38 sq.m.),
  • large guest bathroom (5.40 sq.m.).

On the second floor there are:

  • three bedrooms (13.70 sq.m.), (16.56 sq.m.), (15.58 sq.m.) each with a wardrobe. One of the bedrooms has a loggia (3.36 sq.m.).
  • bathroom (12.45 sq.m.).

In the basement, situated

  • boiler room (6.00 sq.m.),
  • on an area of ​​62.86 sq.m. it is possible to organize premises of any functional purpose.

All rooms on the ground floor have natural light (windows) and a ceiling height of 2.7m.

The house was built using LSTK technology. Basic equipment: The foundation is prefabricated on a monolithic reinforced concrete slab. Insulation and soundproofing of walls - Ecowool. The outer walls are faced with facing bricks. Basement - plaster. Roof - metal tile. Hemming of cornices and gables. Weir system. PVC windows with double glazing. All external engineering networks are connected. (electricity, gas, water supply, sewerage - biological treatment station). The boiler room is equipped with proprietary equipment. Internal engineering networks are divorced throughout the house. Heating, water supply, sewerage and electricity are made in a hidden way. Mounted bimetallic radiators. Modern staircase. Inside the house is ready for finishing. The height of the premises is 2.8 m. The blind area is concrete. Fence along the perimeter of the site.

Square 212 sq. km

Plot of land 12 hundred.

House cost with a land plot in the above configuration - 7.4 million rubles.

Possible mortgage(Sberbank)

Telephone to sign up for a consultation and view KP "Legend": +7 903 830-27-67

Photos of the cottage settlement Legenda

Popular cottage settlements in Vladimir and the Vladimir region:

Long ago in the northwest valley Caucasus mountains people settled. They began to cultivate the land, grow crops, plant gardens, hunt wild animals, cut down forests and build houses. People disrupted the usual rhythm of life in this area and caused damage.
At the very top high mountain lived the wind of Barei. He was just furious when he realized what people were doing with the mountains on which he lives. Barei got angry and decided to destroy the people, their homes and all the vegetation that existed there. Having properly accelerated, he blew with such incredible force that he wiped everything off the face of the earth and after that began to hate people. Time passed and the same plants that grew before grew again in this place. Everything has become the same.
One day a grandfather and his granddaughter wandered into this valley while looking for a place to live. They were so amazed and delighted with the beauty and grandeur of these places that they immediately decided to stay here to live. Neither grandfather nor granddaughter knew anything about the wind. Barei was furious: "People will again spoil the local nature!" He prepared to kill these people too. Rising high, high into the sky, gathering all his strength, he rushed down to the ground, with even more speed than the last time. Out of anger, Barei did not notice anything on his way, he only thought about how to drive people out of here forever. Therefore, flying up to the mountain, he did not have time to dodge and crashed into the very top, breaking his wing. Grandfather was delighted that he could now cope with the wind, and already wanted to kill Barey with a dagger.
But the granddaughter was a wise girl and stopped him. She realized that everything can be resolved peacefully and began to treat his sick wing, not leaving him day or night. Barey was surprised at the kindness, courage and courage of the girl, because he thought that all people can only bring evil. Soon the wind recovered, flew to her and asked: “What can I do in gratitude for your care for me?” She looked into his eyes and replied: “I don’t need anything, I cured your wing because I felt sorry for you.” Barey looked at her and said: “Thank you for everything you have done for me, I will fly away and will no longer interfere with your life here.” Having made a farewell circle in his native valley, he left these places forever.
It still exists and lives in the central part of the Caucasus, only occasionally returning to make sure that people live well here, flying between their beloved mountains with a gentle and gentle breeze. And that peak, fatal to the wind, still remains bare: nothing grows on it.

This is where the name of the village of Pshada itself, located on the Black Sea coast, comes from, because when someone wants silence to come, he says: “Psh-sh-sh-sh ...”

Alexander's journey, for which an ordinary bike ride turned into new impressions and knowledge.

Some trips take up to a week, while others take only a few hours. Some people take a thousand photos during their vacation and bring a bunch of souvenirs with them, while others return with one picture and a small magnet. We are all different and relax in different ways, but each of us has trips that we want to talk about.

Recently, we offered Kirov residents to publish diaries of their travels in our section Your Route. The idea was well received by readers. Thanks to them, we already know how a trip alone can be crowned, and how to spend a weekend in a useful way. We are sure that this is only the beginning, and we are waiting for new stories about your trips around the Kirov region, Russia, as well as other equally beautiful countries.

Today, Alexander tells about his little trip to the suburbs of Kirov. He is sure that all trips, even the shortest ones, can be interesting.

– I am not an athlete and not even a bike traveler, I just ride a bike around the region. Three years ago, I realized that there was nowhere to ride in Kirov, and it was not interesting, so I began to travel out of town. Gradually, my trips began to lengthen, and now my average and very comfortable route is one hundred kilometers a day.

At a distance of 50 kilometers from Kirov, there are many interesting objects that deserve attention. Today I would like to tell you about a trip that impressed me. It took place in the middle of summer, then I went to the village of Pervomaisky, which is next to Slobodsky. You can get there different ways: by bike, car or bus - as you like. On a bike, I can recommend a route through Zarechny and Borovitsa. The village is located on the right side along the highway to Slobodsky, there is a turn there, and it will not be difficult to get there. I must say right away that it will be difficult to drive a car - the roads are terrible, especially at the entrance to Pervomaisky itself.

This village is also called the country of Limonia, because there is Lake Limonikha here. Pervomaisky itself is small: there is private sector, panel houses and various enterprises. In general, a simple working village. Why is he unusual? There is a very beautiful Church of the Transfiguration of the Savior here. It is built in the shape of a ship. This is a unique building, which is simply impossible to pass by.

But not only it is interesting, there is a high hill in Pervomaisky. I have never seen such an object in the Kirov region.

Unfortunately, there are no signs in the village, so I did not know where to go. And then the hospitable locals came to my aid. A typical working youth was driving to the beach on a hot day, I waved my hand, they stopped. I asked about the hill, the guys got out of the car in a very civilized manner and told me in detail where it was. They were delighted that someone came to them with tourist purposes. They even offered to do it, but I refused. By the way, I asked a couple more times how to get there, and the residents were very friendly showing the way.

Having traveled only a couple of kilometers through the village, I saw the place that I was looking for. This nameless hill is a landmark of Pervomaisky. Mountain, I'm not afraid of the word, 30-40 meters high with a steep slope. There is fairy tale about how it came about. Like, once twelve heroes came, led by Onoha. They poured a hill and founded a settlement on it. Then they began to fight with the strongest of the neighboring heroes, but quickly reconciled. And Onokha wooed the daughter of this hero. He agreed to give his daughter only on the condition that Onoha's brothers bring semi-precious stones by the appointed time, otherwise he will hang Onoha, and the heroes will turn to stone. The bogatyrs didn't make it in time. At the pit, from which they dragged clay for the hill, they turned to stone, and a lake formed above them.

Vyatka goes around the village, so this place offers a very beautiful view. Upstairs, you experience an unforgettable feeling when you look at such picturesque picture. I stayed there for about an hour and didn't even want to leave.

From Pervomaisky, I decided to drive to the village of Schukovo. There is a small chapel and a holy spring. It is said that the water in it cures drunkenness. I don't drink myself, so I can't say for sure if this is true or not :). In general, if you are interested, it makes sense to go and check.

This is a very easy route. And it’s a pity that the inhabitants of the Kirov region know little about such places, because it’s really very beautiful here.

On a trip to another city, for example, to Kazan or Yoshkar-Ola, you need to spend at least two days. But, if you understand that tomorrow you have to work, you can arrange a small trip around the region - budget, profitable and interesting. I want to note that when you ride a bike, and not by car, you have the opportunity to see and feel everything. No need to be afraid, you just need to sit down and go.

Any journey deserves to be told about it. We are waiting for your stories and your personal routes with tips and photos. Write to us at [email protected]

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