The location of the front door according to Feng Shui. Features of the location of the front door of a country house - recommendations for feng shui

feng shui location

Today, the feng shui hobby has become very popular - the ancient Chinese science of planning living space, the uniform and free distribution of natural qi energy. If you try to stick to these rules, you will be interested to know what should be the front door according to Feng Shui.

The quality of the qi energy entering the house depends on the location, color and material of the input structure. Feng Shui determines whether it will be favorable for the inhabitants of the house, or vice versa - it can harm them. It is through the construction in question that energy enters our homes and flows out of them, and our health and prosperity depend on the direction in which the favorable environment moves.

Orientation and color

According to Feng Shui, the movement of energy in a house is affected by the number of doors, their location, orientation in space, color, and the material from which they are made. It is impossible for the energy to meet any obstacle when entering the house: a second vestibule structure, a closely spaced wall, a column, or simply rubbish piled in the hallway. In this case, the positive flow will go back.

It is very important how the door is located in relation to the cardinal points, since the influence of the incoming energy on you depends on this. Moreover, the strength of this influence is determined by Feng Shui color of the front door.


Number and shape of products

It is desirable that all doors in the house, and the entrance - especially, have strict geometric shapes. Arched doors and other similar shapes with beveled or rounded corners are not the best option, they can adversely affect the health of those living in the house.

In addition, the design must be wide enough, wider and more massive than all other doors, so as not to interfere with the free movement of positive energy. It is also not recommended to install glazed doors at the entrance, they must be solid and preferably wooden.

You can not hang a mirror in front of the front door. The reflection of the main entrance in it will lead to the fact that all positive energy will bounce off the mirror surface and go back.

According to Feng Shui, the windows in the house symbolize children, and the doors - parents. If the number of windows exceeds the last, children will take energy from their parents, and troubles, conflicts, misunderstandings will often arise in the family.

Therefore, if this is the situation in your house, you need to restore the energy of your parents by hanging a bell. He will be able to prevent the free movement of negative energy around the house.

The most undesirable feng shui combination is when they are located one after the other on the same line. This happens in private houses, for example, first there is an entrance to the terrace, and behind it - a double vestibule passage into the house. It is believed that such an arrangement opens the way for negative energy, while positive flows freely from the house.

If you cannot change the layout, then block the path of negative energy by placing barriers between the doors in the form of a light partition, a screen, or at least an ornamental plant in a vase. And don't keep all the doors open at the same time.

Mirror Magic

It has already been said above that you cannot hang a mirror in front of the front door - signs have nothing to do with it. The fact is that the mirror reflects the qi energy, pushing it back out of the house. But this does not mean that there should not be mirrors in the hallway at all.

For example, if there is a toilet door opposite the entrance, this is not very good in terms of feng shui. Very small round mirrors, 5–6 cm in diameter, will help to neutralize the negative, which must be hung on both sides of the door to the bathroom, placing them at the level of the navel of the owner of the house.

Since a mirror is a great corrective tool, a front door with a large mirror will help keep positive energy in the house without letting it out. It is desirable that the mirror be rounded in this case.

If you want to hang a mirror in front of the front door, make sure that the clone structure is not reflected in it. Hang a mirror next to or to the side of it.

How to arrange

If you are building your house and you have the opportunity to think over the layout, then consider the following feng shui rules:

  • Do not make the door opposite the entrance to the bathroom. And if it is impossible to change the layout, always keep it closed so that the positive energy and the energy of finances do not leak along with the water into the sewer.
  • Hang the structure so that it opens into the interior of the house- this will create favorable conditions for the flow of qi.

For reference. According to fire safety standards, the door must also open inwards so as not to create obstacles for the evacuation of neighbors in the event of an emergency.

For those who are not into feng shui

If you are far from overseas teachings and Feng Shui philosophy, and trust Russian folk signs and customs more, then an inverted horseshoe is probably hanging over your door. It has long been considered a talisman of the house, a symbol of the family hearth. But the Orthodox Church does not approve of such signs, considering them an echo of pagan beliefs and traditions.

Some people believe that an icon above the front door can protect the house from evil forces and misfortunes. This is also not entirely correct - the rightful place of the iconostasis is in the red corner. Although church ministers, answering questions related to this, say that it is not forbidden to hang icons in any part of the house. The main thing is that they do not coexist with other images - paintings, photographs of celebrities or family members.

But what icons to hang above the front door - you are free to choose for yourself. It can be an icon of your Guardian Angel or the Mother of God. But most often this place is occupied by the Seven-shooter icon.

Feng Shui, gives clear recommendations about placement front door and pays great attention to this issue. This is connected, not with a whim, but with real practice, showing the importance of the front door in a favorable Feng Shui at home or apartments. Many Feng Shui masters believe that the creation of a harmonious Feng Shui in the house should begin precisely with the front door, with an analysis of its location and the location of all other interior elements in the house relative to the front door.

Let's look at unfavorable examples of the location of the front door and the general layout of a house or apartment.

In the layouts of old Soviet apartments, there is often a bathroom or toilet opposite the front door, and in three or four room apartments, there is also a long corridor between them. Opposite the front door, there should never be a toilet or bathroom. The flow of beneficial energy, entering the house, immediately goes to the toilet, and in the case of a long corridor, without even slowing down Qi, it instantly disappears. If it really happened, and you live in such an apartment, keep the door to the toilet closed, and install a barrier in the corridor - a light screen. If the toilet is opposite, but not in line with front door, then just hang a mirror on the toilet, such a manipulation will save the Feng Shui of the apartment from its influence. In houses with several floors, it is impossible to have toilets and bathrooms on the floors directly above the front door.

Means - The wall on which the front door looks should not have windows, it is advisable to place them on the left or right walls from it. To smooth out this arrangement, the window can be made deaf, flowers can be placed on the windowsill, and Talisman Crystals can be hung on the window. Along with windows, the rear doors of houses also fall under this location rule - their presence in front of the front door is not desirable.

In large houses or estates, there is a fashion for huge staircases inside. Stairs to the second floor should also not look at the front door. Usually, Feng Shui of such a layout can be improved by placing a small fountain in the corridor, or a barrier near the front door, which, when entering the house, will visually hide the beginning of the stairs, that is, when you enter the house, you should not see the first steps of the stairs.

Pay special attention to the mirrors in the house, they should not reflect the front door. Even a small mirror, which accidentally hit the reflection of the front door, will contribute to the outflow of Qi Energy.

Bedrooms should be located as far as possible from the front door, on the left or right side.

The most disastrous is the location in line with the front door of several more doors or openings, and even worse at the end of such a sequence, the presence of a window or back door. In this case, identify a middle door or opening, install a barrier in the form of a screen, or an automatically closing door. It is impossible to allow simultaneous opening of all doors on this line.

In old apartments, the layout is also popular when there is an entrance door and immediately after it there are two doors on the left and right. This arrangement forms a kind of triangle, and brings constant quarrels into the house. Triangles can form not only with the front door, but also with other doors in the house, for example, the door to the living room, and behind it are two opposite doors to the bedrooms. The influence of such triangles can be minimized by placing an air bell and a lamp with a bright but soft light in the center of the room. It is believed that two opposite doors facing each other also cause antagonism between the occupants of the rooms. In this case, you can place one mirror near each door, but on different sides.

Long corridors outside the front door help to increase the speed of the flow of Qi, we need to achieve its smooth flow, flowers on the walls, talismans do this well.

Deadly Sha-Qi emanating from sharp corners on the street can enter the house through the front door. To reflect destructive energy, they hang in front of the front door, or set up a barrier inside the house, you can place Wind Music or just bamboo sticks.

Cheer up if, after reading this article, you find in the layout of your home unfavorable location of the front door. Practical recommendations will help to minimize the negative impact. Good Feng Shui for your home, begins with you and your desire for positive change.

feng shui front door

The life force energy circulating in the Universe brings wealth and prosperity to every person living on earth. Of great importance in the process of circulation of energies is the door to the outside. It is through it that the positive energy of Qi passes into the house. In this regard, there should be a lot of open space in front of it for the accumulation of energy and there should not be any obstacles for its passage. Energy is constantly accumulating near the front door, and people entering and leaving make it circulate.

The negative Sha energy can be carried into the house by drains, any sharp corners, as well as satellite dishes, lampposts directed towards the front door.

front door and feng shui

A beautiful front door will bring happiness and prosperity. It will attract more harmony into your life, and the feng shui symbols used will reflect any negative energy from your home.

Hanging lanterns located above the front door will be good protectors of your home from unfavorable energy and in addition they will be able to perfectly illuminate the entrance in front of the door. Most importantly, do not forget to change the bulbs in time if they burn out.

The front door is designed to protect the home, so it must be solid and solid. It is not recommended to have a glass door.

Windows on the sides of the door - bad feng shui

It is desirable that the front door to the house opens inward - then it will let in favorable energy. It is better to put the hinges on the other side and outweigh it if it opens outward.

In the case when windows are located next to the front door on both sides, then the energy, having entered the house through the door, will immediately exit through the windows, bypassing the whole house. Plants in pots on the windowsill, blinds or curtains on the windows will correct this deficiency. With this simple technique, you will fix positive energy in the house.

The dimensions of the front door are important. A very large one will create financial difficulties, and a small one will lead to conflicts and strife in the family. In this regard, the door should be of medium size. And one more important point: the door should open well and easily. Skewed doors that have to be lifted to close and creaking doors block the flow of beneficial Chi energy, which will have adverse effects on the entire house or apartment.

Unfavorable location of the front door

Glass door - bad feng shui

If you have just started choosing a home, it is important to consider that finding the front door directly opposite the bathroom is extremely unfavorable. The Feng Shui bathroom plays the role of a place through which energy leaves the house. In this case, the energy, once in the house, immediately goes away through the sewer pipes. Constant energy losses can lead to the fact that residents will constantly feel lethargic and exhausted, and financial well-being will also not last long. You can correct the situation by hanging a shiny one between the front door and the bathroom door. It will reflect energy from the bathroom door, and also dissipate it further throughout the house.

It is considered unfavorable if the main entrance door and the door leading to the patio are one opposite the other. In this case, the energy flows quickly through the house, without stopping, and does not have time to have a beneficial effect on the whole house. You can correct the situation by placing a round table, a decorative lattice or large flowers in a pot in the way of the flow of energy.

What influences the direction of the front door of the house?

Qi gate is the name of the front door in Feng Shui. There is a certain relationship between the direction of the front door and the energy entering it.

A north-facing door contributes to a peaceful lifestyle. However, if excessive calmness has turned into apathy and mutual indifference, then you can paint the door brown or hang a small crystal right in the hallway.

The front door, which faces northwest, will favor the leadership of the older man in the family living in the house (grandfather, father of the family) and respect for him by the rest of the family.

In the northeast direction, residents will be exposed to active external forces. This direction is suitable for young people who have a desire to learn, learn and get an education.

White door for north direction

With the east direction of the door, energy will come that promotes a career, success in business. This is the best direction for the front door.

For those who feel the need to improve their current financial situation, Feng Shui masters recommend the southeast direction of the front door as the most conducive to achieving this goal. Prosperity and well-being will slowly but surely enter the house.

The door facing south will promote active social activity, the incoming energy will bring fame to the residents of the house. But its excessive amount can lead to quarrels in the family. To moderate the strength of the fire of this direction, try to add to it the symbols of the element of water.

If you use the "compass method", then in the southwest there is a Feng Shui zone of Marriage and Love. The front door, located in the southwest, will be the main source of energy of love and will promote strong and family relationships.

The western door and its incoming energy is favorable for families with small children. This energy will contribute to a fairly rapid creative development. The Western direction is directly related to tender, romantic feelings. But excessive romantic infatuation can lead to big expenses. Then you need to add some stability in the form of the earth element.

What color should the front door be according to Feng Shui?

Oddly enough, the color of the front door also has a direct impact on the life of the owners of the house. According to Feng Shui, brown can bring harmony to the family, while reddish shades will add stability.

It is also preferable to choose the color of the front door depending on the direction of the world.

So, metallic shades are recommended for entrance doors facing west and northwest. It can be white with a golden or silver tint. If the front door of your house is located in these directions, try not to use blue, red and black.

For northern doors, white, blue or black is desirable, but brown and green are not recommended.

Brown shades are suitable for northeast and southwest doors, red or orange can be used as an additional color. Try to avoid green and white for painting doors in these directions.

The best colors for an east or southeast facing door would be green, blue, or black, not white.

Mirror in front of the door

Red door for south direction

A panacea that saves from many problems associated with an obstructed flow of energies, experts call mirrors that can change or, at least, have a beneficial effect on the feng shui of your home.

However, in Feng Shui at home, a mirror in front of the door cannot be placed, as it will reflect favorable energy, not letting it into the house. There is a belief: if the front door is visible in the reflection of the mirror, then there will never be luck in the house, and the owners will constantly get sick.

But still, it is permissible to hang a small mirror if the corridor of the apartment is too small and cramped for free entry of positive Qi energy into the house. The mirror in this case will create a visual sense of space. There is another solution to this problem - the use of round crystals. They will also visually enlarge the space and disperse the Qi energy in the right directions.

What to do when it is no longer possible to change the placement of the door?

Well, if you are just planning to build a house and can heed the advice. But if nothing can be changed, the house has already been built, and you can’t change the layout of the apartment, what to do then? To reduce the already existing problems associated with the location of the front door, ordinary bells, "wind music" with 7, 8 or 9 pipes, a horseshoe hanging in semicircles up, bundles of coins will help. At the door under the ceiling, you can hang a crystal ball, which will transform into auspicious and scatter it.


The direction of the front door determines which qi enters the house - harmonious for the owner of the house or inharmonious. This is the most important factor, since the quality of the entire qi available in the room.
If the house is filled with negative qi entering it from a direction that is unfavorable for a given person, it is difficult to improve anything in such a house. You should always start with the location of the front door, otherwise all other efforts to harmonize the internal space may be in vain. The direction of the door is determined by the direction from which a person enters it, since it is in this way that one enters the house qi. It is best if it coincides with the directions Shen Qi, Yan-Nian, or Tien Yi the owner of the house. A very negative direction for him lu-sha and Jue-Ming. The latter, for example, can lead to robbery, bankruptcy, incurable diseases and other troubles in the family and at work.

How to determine the direction of the front door of your house? This is done using a conventional compass, preferably with a square base. Go to the landing in front of the apartment, stand facing the front door (about a meter away from it) and align the square base of the compass with the threshold of the house. The round disk should be rotated until the zero on it is aligned with the red end of the arrow (for Russian compasses). Then we count the exact number of degrees from zero to perpendicular to you or to the front door.

In Feng Shui, the directions in degrees are as follows:
- angle from 337.5 to 22.5 degrees - north direction;
- angle from 22.5 to 67.5 degrees - northeast direction;
- angle from 67.5 to 112.5 degrees - east direction;
- angle from 112.5 to 157.5 degrees - southeast direction;
- angle from 157.5 to 202.5 degrees - south direction;
- angle from 202.5 to 247.5 degrees - southwest direction;
- angle from 247.5 to 292.5 degrees - west direction;
- angle from 292.5 to 337.5 degrees - northwest direction;

But it is far from always possible to correctly measure the cardinal points, especially in reinforced concrete houses, in which, in addition, there is a lot of iron on the landings (doors, railings, etc.), which affects the compass readings. In order to test yourself, you can go outside and determine the cardinal points there.

It may turn out that the front door is located exactly between the sectors. That is, it corresponds to a direction equal to 22.2; 67.5; 112.5; 157.5; 202.5; 247.5; 292.5 or 337.5 degrees. In this case, we cannot determine in which direction it is looking, since its degree lies at the junction of two sectors. That is, we cannot determine what kind of energy enters our house. In general, this is considered bad feng shui.
If the door looks strictly at one of the main cardinal points (0 or 360, 90, 180 and 270 degrees), its feng shui is also considered unfavorable. It was in these directions that tombstones, as a rule, turned when the time came for the change of Chinese dynasties.

So, if your front door looks in an unfavorable direction for you, strictly between directions or in one of the cardinal directions of the world, its orientation must be changed, and you will now learn how to do this. Our task is to change the direction of the door so that we enter it from the best side for ourselves. However, its location may remain unchanged.

When the door is looking strictly between two directions or in one of the cardinal directions of light, it will be enough to change its direction by a couple of degrees by slightly turning it inside the jamb. Perhaps it will look like a manufacturing defect, but the quality of life will change significantly. If the door looks in a negative direction for you, you will have to work harder. For example, you can put a second inner door at an angle so that the flow qi from it came from a favorable side for you. Or deploy it outside the apartment, if the landing allows you to do this. Of course, maybe you just made repairs in the apartment and don’t want to deal with redevelopment in the near future. Then, in front of the door in the hallway, you can put a bright rug with multi-colored stripes or wavy lines at the right angle, which will symbolically turn the qi that is negatively oriented for you into the right direction. But in this case, it should be remembered that the simpler the method we use, the less effort we put into any changes, the less effective it is.
It's better to do something than nothing at all!

feng shui front door

We get into a house or apartment through front door, the size of which also matters: too large causes difficulties with finances, too small - conflicts and quarrels. To prevent dissipation of energy, the front door should not be located opposite the stairs leading to another floor, and so that the door does not interfere with qi, it should open inward.

The influence of the front door on the room opposite which it is located is very noticeable:

✓ if it is a kitchen, tenants will not know how to eat;

✓ if this is a bedroom, then fatigue and drowsiness will become constant companions of the household;

✓ if this is a living room with a TV or home theater, then time will be wasted;

✓ if it is a toilet, then it will not be possible to get out of poverty; if it is an office or a library, then everyone will be diligent.

To mitigate or eliminate the problems associated with the front door, bells, “wind music” hanging above it, amulets strung on a coin thread help. They dissipate energy and convert negative sha energy into qi. To slow down the movement of qi, a red band around the door (you can circle all potentially dangerous doors) or a red rug under your feet is suitable.

Situations are considered unfavorable when:

✓ in the passage room, the doors are on the same axis and there is no obstacle between them, since the qi energy turns into sha during a rapid rectilinear movement. In this case, it is necessary either to close the doors, or to separate them with a screen, or to resort to red, circling the doors with it;

✓ opposite doors differ from each other in width (it’s good when they are the same), then a narrower door must be visually expanded by hanging a mirror, a picture and placing a pot with a houseplant;

✓ the number of doors (including cabinets) that exceeds the number of residents goes into the hallway. They will be haunted by conflicts, quarrels, illnesses, losses. To resolve the situation, you need to use the methods described above that Feng Shui offers.

In addition to the entrance, there are other doors in the apartment or house, which can be located and opened in different ways.

1. If two opposite doors swing open towards each other, then they will require repair faster. In addition, they provoke conflict situations in the house. A technique that can correct the situation is applying red spots to the area above the handles or to the ends of the doors.

2. Two opposite doors in the kitchen is also a negative factor leading to the breakup of the family. It will be eliminated by a red stripe on the floor or ceiling, which will act as a partition separating dangerous objects from each other.

3. Two doors in the bedroom, especially if they are constantly open, cause discomfort and increased fatigue. Drapery on one of them will save the family from negative consequences.

4. It is not good when the doors of two bedrooms open into the corridor, especially if they open in different directions, which causes a unidirectional flow of energy. Hollow both doors should open inside the premises.

5. It matters where the toilet door opens. In order to prevent the loss of wealth, it should open only inward. If it opens outward and is visible from the front door with a distance of 3 m between them, then a mirror should be hung on the toilet door; if the distance is less than 3 m, then the mirror should be replaced by a picture depicting a landscape, but not trees with fallen leaves.

6. Pay attention to the material from which the doors are made. Wood and metal are preferred. If the door is glass, then it should not be transparent. Therefore, hang a curtain or purchase opaque glass. In addition, the pattern on the door and sash should be symmetrical to maintain harmony between yin and yang.

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