The luxurious house of Friske and Shepelev is put up for sale for debts. Dmitry Shepelev showed where he lives with his son Life with Zhanna Friske

Why the famous TV presenter was left homeless

When Zhanna Friske was ill, Dmitry Shepelev acquired a land plot and a house in the village of Luzhki-2 (35 km from Moscow along Novorizhskoye Highway). 38 million rubles were spent on the purchase. (36 cost a land plot, 2 a house).
Recall that the court decided to satisfy the claims of the charitable organization "Rusfond" and recover from all the heirs of Zhanna Friske 21 million 633 thousand rubles. (the amount for which the financial report was not provided). Many people know about this money, which was collected for the treatment of Zhanna Friske by the whole country, since the proceedings continued for a long time. The singer's heirs are her parents and son (his interests are represented by father Dmitry Shepelev). Until the debt is repaid, the most expensive property of the heirs is sealed (the bailiffs sealed the cottage in April).
As you know, Dmitry Shepelev and his son live in a rented apartment, and the TV presenter was personally involved in the construction work in the cottage all this time - the renovation was done chic. Shepelev dreamed of transporting Plato to the house - the village stands in the forest, next to the river. But these plans never materialized. And if the debt to RusFond is not transferred, then the house will be sold at auction.

The mansion on Istra, which Dmitry Shepelev managed to show Zhanna Friske. Photo: Ruslan Voronoy.

1. Representatives of Zhanna Friske's parents reported that Shepelev purchased this property at the expense of the singer. Zhanna Friske signed a power of attorney, according to which she trusted Dmitry Shepelev: “to buy for a price and on conditions at your discretion 1/2 of a share of a land plot with a total area of ​​3730 sq. m and 1/2 share of a residential building with a total area of ​​393 sq. m". But, according to Friske's side, Dmitry paid with the singer's money not half the cost of the house, but the entire purchase.
One half of the house was issued to Dmitry Shepelev, the second - to Zhanna Friske (she was divided between the singer's heirs - son and parents). Later, Vladimir and Olga Friske gave up their part of the house in favor of Plato. Now half of the cottage belongs to Dmitry, and the second to Platon Shepelev.
But until the debt to Rusfond is paid off, they cannot move into the house.

2. Friske's relatives have repeatedly claimed that Jeanne has never been in this very house, but has only seen it in pictures. But it is not.
In the book "Jeanne" Dmitry Shepelev wrote about how they came to the house together. Here is one of the excerpts: “... One of the most important events of that time was our trip with Zhanna to a new house, which we looked after and bought shortly after the birth of Plato. Many asked why it was not possible to postpone the purchase until better times? So as not to put off life for later! We wanted privacy. We wanted our son to have a home. I was impatient to show it to Zhanna as soon as possible, and finally this moment came: the builders politely met us, it seems, even wearing fresh shirts, and I led the tour: “Look, there will be a kitchen, here is Plato’s bedroom, and this is ours.” Zhanna glowed with happiness and already imagined what curtains she would hang, what furniture and light would be. After that, they arranged a modest dinner right in the construction trailer on a snow-covered site. We feasted together with our builders, Jeanne, with her usual spontaneity, ate a rabbit cooked on coals, washed it down with red wine and made everyone laugh with stories from the touring life. A few hours of happiness in a construction shed in the heart of our failed world. The last few hours of happiness. Zhanna saw our house for the first and last time in her life.”

Dmitry Shepelev and Zhanna Friske. Photo: Mila Strizh.

3. Recently, the lawyers of the Friske family released information that Zhanna Friske had a foreign currency account. It turned out that the singer managed to sell her house in America and transfer the proceeds ($475,000) to her account. Lawyers claimed that Dmitry Shepelev allegedly wanted to withdraw this amount (since he represents the interests of the singer's heir), but he was refused.
The same information was heard during court hearings on the claim of Rusfond. Even then it became known that at the time of her death there were about 500 thousand dollars (30 million rubles) on the singer's personal account. Recall that the charitable organization "Rusfond" collects money for treatment in situations where the family does not have their own funds. But in the case of the singer Zhanna Friske, they made an exception. Maybe because there was no information about the status of her accounts. But the fact remains: in the summer of 2014, the singer's dad wrote a statement in which he indicated that 24 million rubles were needed for Zhanna Friske's treatment. The money went to the account of the singer. After the death of the singer, documents were provided to the charitable organization, which confirmed that 4.12 million rubles had been spent.

4. The singer was also the owner of a two-room apartment on the 12th floor of an elite building in the Krasnaya Presnya area of ​​​​100 sq.m. (estimated by realtors about 30 million rubles). The apartment passed to the parents of the star.

5. When the court satisfied the claim of Rusfond, Dmitry Shepelev expressed his position: “... Evidence was presented in court that the collected charitable funds a few weeks before Zhanna's death were withdrawn from her mother Olga Friske's account. It is obvious that in a few days it is impossible to spend this money on the treatment of an already hopelessly ill, dying person. How they were spent I do not know. It is paradoxical that the court did not qualify these actions in any way, I don’t know how to call it otherwise than theft. I do not understand. The main thing, in my opinion, is that Plato should not be responsible for this.

Recall that the court ruled to satisfy the claims of the charitable organization "Rusfond" and recover from all the heirs of Zhanna Friske 21 million 633 thousand rubles. (the amount for which the financial report was not provided). Many people know about this money, which was collected for the treatment of Zhanna Friske by the whole country, since the proceedings continued for a long time. The singer's heirs are her parents and son (his interests are represented by father Dmitry Shepelev). Until the debt is repaid, the most expensive property of the heirs is sealed (the bailiffs sealed the cottage in April).

As you know, Dmitry Shepelev and his son live in a rented apartment, and the TV presenter was personally involved in the construction work in the cottage all this time - the repairs were done chic. Shepelev dreamed of transporting Plato to the house - the village stands in the forest, next to the river. But these plans never materialized. And if the debt to RusFond is not transferred, then the house will be sold at auction.

1. Representatives of Zhanna Friske's parents reported that Shepelev purchased this property at the expense of the singer. Zhanna Friske signed a power of attorney, according to which she trusted Dmitry Shepelev: “to buy for a price and on conditions at your discretion 1/2 of a share of a land plot with a total area of ​​3730 sq. m and 1/2 share of a residential building with a total area of ​​393 sq. m". But, according to Friske's side, Dmitry paid with the singer's money not half the cost of the house, but the entire purchase.

One half of the house was issued to Dmitry Shepelev, the second - to Zhanna Friske (she was divided between the singer's heirs - son and parents). Later, Vladimir and Olga Friske gave up their part of the house in favor of Plato. Now half of the cottage belongs to Dmitry, and the second to Platon Shepelev.

But until the debt to Rusfond is paid off, they cannot move into the house.

2. Friske's relatives have repeatedly claimed that Jeanne has never been in this very house, but has only seen it in pictures. But it is not.

In the book "Jeanne" Dmitry Shepelev wrote about how they came to the house together. Here is one of the excerpts: “... One of the most important events of that time was our trip with Zhanna to a new house, which we looked after and bought shortly after the birth of Plato. Many asked why it was not possible to postpone the purchase until better times? So as not to put off life for later! We wanted privacy. We wanted our son to have a home. I was impatient to show it to Zhanna as soon as possible, and finally this moment came: the builders politely met us, it seems, even wearing fresh shirts, and I led the tour: “Look, there will be a kitchen, here is Plato’s bedroom, and this is ours.” Zhanna glowed with happiness and already imagined what curtains she would hang, what furniture and light would be. After that, they arranged a modest dinner right in the construction trailer on a snow-covered site. We feasted together with our builders, Jeanne, with her usual spontaneity, ate a rabbit cooked on coals, washed it down with red wine and made everyone laugh with stories from the touring life. A few hours of happiness in a construction shed in the heart of our failed world. The last few hours of happiness. Zhanna saw our house for the first and last time in her life.”

Dmitry Shepelev and Zhanna Friske. Photo: Mila Strizh.

3. Recently, the lawyers of the Friske family released information that Zhanna Friske had a foreign currency account. It turned out that the singer managed to sell her house in America and transfer the proceeds ($475,000) to her account. Lawyers claimed that Dmitry Shepelev allegedly wanted to withdraw this amount (since he represents the interests of the singer's heir), but he was refused.

The same information was heard during court hearings on the claim of Rusfond. Even then it became known that at the time of her death there were about 500 thousand dollars (30 million rubles) on the singer's personal account. Recall that the charitable organization "Rusfond" collects money for treatment in situations where the family does not have their own funds. But in the case of the singer Zhanna Friske, they made an exception. Maybe because there was no information about the status of her accounts. But the fact remains: in the summer of 2014, the singer's dad wrote a statement in which he indicated that 24 million rubles were needed for Zhanna Friske's treatment. The money went to the account of the singer. After the death of the singer, documents were provided to the charitable organization, which confirmed that 4.12 million rubles had been spent.

4. The singer was also the owner of a two-room apartment on the 12th floor of an elite building in the Krasnaya Presnya area of ​​​​100 sq.m. (estimated by realtors about 30 million rubles). The apartment passed to the parents of the star.

5. When the court satisfied the claim of Rusfond, Dmitry Shepelev expressed his position: “... Evidence was presented in court that the collected charitable funds a few weeks before Zhanna's death were withdrawn from her mother Olga Friske's account. It is obvious that in a few days it is impossible to spend this money on the treatment of an already hopelessly ill, dying person. How they were spent I do not know. It is paradoxical that the court did not qualify these actions in any way, I don’t know how to call it otherwise than theft. I do not understand. The main thing, in my opinion, is that Plato should not be responsible for this.

A huge house in the suburbs, bought by Zhanna Friske and Dmitry Shepelev, will go under the hammer because Rusfond has not yet received a report on the use of 21.6 million rubles, which were collected by the singer's friends and fans for her cancer treatment.

If the cost of the mansion does not cover the amount of the debt, Zhanna Friske's Moscow apartment will also be put up for sale. The proceeds from the sale of the singer's property will be donated to charitable organizations.

According to the court decision, a huge mansion, bought during the life of Zhanna Friske for her heir son Plato, will be put up for auction. The reason for such a tough decision was that the native singers have not yet provided Rusfond with documents confirming the intended use of funds raised by friends and fans of Jeanne's talent for her cancer treatment. We are talking about the amount of 21.6 million rubles.

Although Rusfond did not succeed in recognizing Friske's parents as fraudsters, he won the lawsuit to pay the debt.

The singer's legal heirs are her parents and five-year-old son Platon. It is he who owns a luxurious mansion, since several years ago Dmitry Shepelev achieved the refusal of Jeanne's parents from their part of the ownership of a house near Moscow for the right to freely communicate with their grandson. Now Plato will be deprived of the main part of his mother's inheritance.

The sale process will begin with an up-to-date appraisal of the value of the house. At the time of the purchase, the mansion cost 2 million rubles, the huge plot around it cost 36 million rubles. Despite the fact that the house underwent an expensive renovation with luxurious finishes, today its maximum price can be about 30 million rubles.

According to experts, due to the economic crisis in the country, real estate prices, including elite ones, have fallen sharply. Therefore, if the proceeds from the sale of the mansion are not enough to pay the debt, the Moscow apartment of Zhanna Friske, located on Presnya, will also be put up for auction.

Shepelev built a luxurious mansion for Zhanna

Zhanna Friske's house with an area of ​​394 sq.m is located on a spacious forest plot of 3,730 sq.m on the very edge of the prestigious Luzhki-2 village near Moscow, 30 km from Moscow along Novorizhskoye highway.

Well-known businessmen and high-ranking officials were supposed to become neighbors of the star couple. The village is heavily guarded. The territory can be entered only accompanied by its inhabitants.

At the stage of buying a house, only the walls of the building were erected. Dmitry Shepelev personally did the repair and decoration. He often visited the site with Jeanne and Plato. The last time the neighbors saw the family was when Jeanne was already very ill. However, according to eyewitnesses, she looked cheerful and content, walked with her son, Dmitry was frying a barbecue.

Shepelev often visited the site even after the death of the singer. He controlled the work of the builders and brought Plato. In this house, she and Zhanna dreamed of spending a happy life and raising a son. A beautifully decorated bright children's room was prepared for him.

Unfortunately, Dmitry did not have time to finish the renovation of the house, and Platon never spent the night in his nursery. Now all work on the site is suspended. Apparently, the new owners will finish the renovation.

Lawyers hired by the parents of Zhanna Friske are trying to protest the sale of the house, since it belongs to the minor son of the singer. The court has no right to deprive the child of housing. And to buy only part of the property in the hope of obtaining full rights to it after the boy reaches 18 years old, hardly anyone will want to.

Pictures of the apartment of Dmitry Shepelev, in which he lives with his son, appeared on the network. It turned out that Zhanna Friske's widower had recently moved into a new home and asked for help with repairs from the Perfect Repair program.

As Natalya Barbier, who talked with the famous TV presenter of the show “Actually”, noted, the case with Dmitry is rare - he is used to creating a comfort zone for himself and the child, closing himself from strangers and cameras, and clearly knows what he and Plato need. Therefore, a team of Dmitry's colleagues from Channel One this time did not come up with something unusual, but followed the path outlined by Shepelev in order to please the young father.

Dmitry's new apartment is rented, it has a separate children's room and an adult bedroom, the living room is combined with the kitchen. As the presenter admitted, the kitchen is his favorite place: he cooks a lot, works there and receives guests. Dad and son moved here to be closer to Plato's kindergarten.

Shepelev liked the result. The designers decided to paint the walls in gray, the furniture and doors are seasoned, not flashy. And pillows, carpet and paintings just became the necessary accent, which added colors.

However, the network decided that an apartment is suitable for a bachelor, but not for a small child.

“It turned out terribly, in such gray gloomy colors, it’s not particularly fun there anyway, and a small child will grow up in these black-and-gray walls, tin.”

“For what, for what merit did they repair this hypocrite? Half the country hates him!”

“For a man it is very stylishly beautiful, but for a child there is not enough comfort. As if Dmitry will live there alone.

Zhanna Friske's fans are sad that Shepelev is forced to rent housing, because the singer's father does not let him into the country house built together with Plato's mother. There would have been better conditions for the child. Although it seems that Dmitry does not need sympathy and shows that he is more fun with Plato together and closer to the kindergarten. By the way, Dmitry said that he would like a second child.

Platon recently surprised his grandfather by the fact that the Incident occurred when the Friske family visited Shepelev's house, because by a court decision they can legally spend 1.5 hours a month with their grandson. Andrei Malakhov recently shocked his former colleague on the Shepelev channel by exploiting this topic and promising to achieve more frequent meetings for the family.

Residents of the village said that the cottage was sealed. According to the neighbors, Dmitry Shepelev periodically comes to check the house, which they started building together with Zhanna Friske. However, apparently, the TV presenter will soon lose it.

18.04.2018 11:10

Some time ago, it became known that the son of Zhanna Friske Platon must pay off part of the debt, which is listed for the relatives of the deceased singer. “The Perovsky Court of Moscow ordered to recover from the heirs of Friske the entire missing amount - 21,633,214 rubles,” such a decision was made earlier.

However, while the child is a minor, his father, Dmitry Shepelev, will deal with his debts. According to the latest data, the country house of the TV presenter in the village of Luzhki-2, which they built together with Zhanna Friske, was sealed.

Local residents, with whom journalists managed to talk, claim that bailiffs were recently waiting at the cottage. According to them, Dmitry sometimes comes to the house.

“He checks the heating, but the house is not mothballed. But now they probably don't let him in anymore. Everything was sealed ... Dima said that he and Zhanna wanted all this for their son, and now the house will go to strangers for debts. The boy never spent the night in the house in his wonderful nursery,” the neighbors said.

If the house does not cover the entire debt, the judiciary will also take Zhanna Friske's apartment, which is located on Presnya. Her father Vladimir Borisovich said more than once that she had never been to a country house, but the neighbors say otherwise.

“I saw them at the very beginning, when only the house was purchased. The three of them came here with the baby. It was already clear that she was ill, her face was somehow not like that ... But in appearance they were happy, cheerful. Barbecues were fried, the boy was shown rabbits (workers bred them). After the death of Zhanna, Dima was constantly here. Alone or with a boy. He supervised the construction site and walked here with the child. He is still coming, but he is no longer building anything, ”said a resident of the village.

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