Problems raised in the war and the world of Tolstoy. What philosophical problems does the novel "War and Peace" raise?

The novel "War and Peace" is a kind of research novel that touches on important topics that concern any person. The problematics of the novel "War and Peace" is still the cause of heated debate between historians and writers. The author tried to reflect in the work all the problems existing at that time in Russia. Among which we can single out the problem of family and marriage, domestic problems, false and true patriotism, the problems associated with the war, the pompous, falsely glossy life of aristocrats.

family problem

Problem family relations deeply disturbed Tolstoy. On the example of several families, the author expressed his point of view about what ideally a home should be, where love, warmth and care for each other reign.

The Kuragin family

Nothing is sacred to these people. Support and care for each other is alien to them. They do not care about the problems of others, everyone thinks only about themselves. Looking at them, you would not think that this is a family. Anger, envy and selfishness are too clearly expressed in them. Mean, low people who can easily strike by substituting loved one. In achieving goals, they will go to any lengths, but they can be misleading strangers, creating the appearance of well-being and harmony in the family.

Rostov and Bolkonsky

The Rostovs and Bolkonskys are the exact opposite of the Kuragins. In the Rostov family, everything is saturated with love. Harmony and respect for each member of the family reigns in the house. They are used to solving problems together, sincerely worrying about each other. The Bolkonsky family evokes Tolstoy's obvious sympathy. The three generations described in the novel revere family traditions. For them, honor, dignity, courage are not empty words. Using the example of these two families, Tolstoy showed that only those families are happy in which there is no malice and falsehood. Others will not see happiness. A significant role is played by the upbringing of children, the moral principles of parents.

The problem of the people and the individual

The problem of the people is leading in importance for Tolstoy. He appreciated in people kindness, sincerity, honesty. Only then does a person's life have value when he is together with the people, and not apart from it.

During the war, people had to unite. Common grief brings together. It is in trouble that they manifest the best qualities person. No matter what class a person belonged to, what gender, a great love for the Motherland could find a place in the soul of everyone. People confirmed love not with empty words and beautiful phrases but by real deeds, risking their own lives.

Tolstoy raised the problem of patriots and false patriots who took advantage of the current situation for their own benefit. While others were shedding blood on the battlefield, the false patriots wiped their pants to holes in the headquarters, thinking only of one thing, how to climb career ladder and attach another order to the lapel of his uniform.

The problem of human action

Tolstoy, as if on purpose, led the heroes of the novel through thorns on the way to happiness. A clear example is Pierre Bezukhov. Trouble after another. Eternal skirmishes with his wife, rejection of the lifestyle they lead, mental breakdown after a duel with Dolokhov. Pierre thought about why he lives, what he strives for, what is good and what is bad. The Masonic figure helped Bezukhov find himself, directing him in the right direction. Doing good is the way out. By helping people, you feel your importance. Having done many good deeds, Pierre began to live in harmony with his conscience, and the feeling of the correctness of his actions gave confidence in life.

The problem of personality. Its influence on the course of history

Tolstoy was firmly convinced that the course of history does not depend on one person. The masses make it. An example of this is Kutuzov and Napoleon. Kutuzov, unlike Napoleon, lived in the interests of the soldiers and the people. Napoleon never lived by the interests of the army. He was vain and selfish. According to Tolstoy, a person can influence the course of history if his interests coincide with the interests of the people.

“It is necessary ... that my life was not for me alone ...”

L.N. Tolstoy.

In the novel "War and Peace" L.N. Tolstoy appears before us not only as a brilliant writer. important place in the plot takes its original historical views and ideas. The writer, who in Russia is always more than a writer, creates his own philosophy of history: an integral system of views on the paths, causes and goals of social development. Hundreds of pages of the book are devoted to their presentation.

Each of Tolstoy's heroes is looking for his own path in life, each strives for some personal one, but all the heroes are very different people, and therefore each of them has his own idea of ​​\u200b\u200bhappiness. For some, this is a profitable marriage, success in secular society, military or court career, as for Boris Drubetskoy or Berg. But for some, the meaning of life is completely different.

From his father, a participant in foreign campaigns of the times Patriotic War, L. Tolstoy inherited self-esteem, independence of judgment, pride. Entering Kazan University, he showed extraordinary ability in studying foreign languages but quickly became disillusioned with student life. At nineteen, he leaves the university and goes to Yasnaya Polyana determined to devote himself to improving the lives of his peasants.

Tolstoy begins the time of searching for a goal in life. In a painful search, Tolstoy comes to the main business of his life - literary creativity.

The spiritual beauty of Tolstoy's favorite heroes - Prince Andrei Bolkonsky and Pierre Bezukhov - is manifested in the tireless search for the meaning of life, in dreams of activities useful to the whole people. Their life path is a path of passionate searches, leading to truth and goodness. Prince Andrei, for example, dreams of glory, similar to the glory of Napoleon himself, dreams of accomplishing a feat.

But these dreams are not like the dreams of the staff careerist Zherkov, because glory for Andrei Bolkonsky is “the same love for others. Wanting to do something for them." For the sake of his dream, he goes to the active Russian army, takes a direct part in the battles. But this path turned out to be false, it leads Prince Andrei to deep disappointment and spiritual crisis. Yes, he accomplishes his feat during the Battle of Austerlitz. Picking up the banner, Andrei Bolkonsky drags the retreating soldiers into the attack. But this attack could not save the already lost battle, the hero doomed the soldiers to a senseless death and he himself was seriously injured.

And there, on the field of Austerlitz, Andrey comes to understand the insignificance of his former dream. He understands that one cannot live only one's dream, one must live in the name of people, relatives and strangers. A turning point occurs in the soul of Prince Andrei, and after returning home, he devotes his whole life to raising his son and caring for the peasants, becomes good father and exemplary landowner. Andrey, as it were, is closed in himself, and only a meeting with Pierre, their conversation on the ferry again awakens him to life. He returns to society again, takes part in the activities of the Speransky commission, again a dream of happiness arises in front of him, this time it is a dream of a personal, family happiness with Natasha Rostova.

But these dreams were not destined to come true. Andrei returns to the army, but not in search of glory, but to protect the Fatherland. And there, in the regiment, Andrey finally finds his calling - to serve the Motherland, takes care of his soldiers and officers. The path of Prince Andrei ends with what he dreamed of at the beginning of the novel - glory, the glory of a real hero, defender of the Fatherland. This is a fitting end life path, his search for the meaning of life.

The fate of Pierre Bezukhov develops differently. He does not know. Which way should you go. he rushes about, makes mistakes, but his actions are always guided by one desire - "to be quite good." The search for the meaning of life leads Pierre to join the Masonic lodge. He strives to become different and help other people change for the better. This desire for the good of others leads Pierre to the idea of ​​sacrificing himself and killing Napoleon, as the main source of all troubles and suffering.

Two months spent in captivity allowed Pierre to get to know and understand the Russian people, his outlook on life changed. He realized that any charity is not able to feed all the poor. Pierre takes a direct part in the Decembrist uprising and then goes to long years to Siberia, from where he will return in thirty years already an old man, but who has not changed his views and ideals.

Thus ends the search for the meaning of life by Pierre Bezukhov. And, perhaps, the plot of the novel is built around the search for the meaning of the life of the characters and the author himself. The object that allows you to find out "Why?" becomes a war. It is in war that life and death are intertwined and the line between them almost disappears, only there a person can feel like a real person.

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L.N. Tolstoy's novel "War and Peace" can be compared with a vast Universe, an ocean that has absorbed all shades human destinies, feelings, thoughts. This is an epic novel that covers human life in all its manifestations. Real historical events (Schengraben, Austerlitz, the Tilsit world, Borodino) determine the epic scope of the life depicted by Tolstoy, but its deep meaning is revealed only when referring to the private fates of specific heroes, because people at all times were worried about their happiness, health, love, friendship, hatred , the birth of children, the death of loved ones. Everything goes on as usual and does not depend on the political proximity or enmity of Napoleon and Alexander. It is this life that Tolstoy calls “real.” Tolstoy showed that historical life is only a part of that vast continent called human life. “Real” life for the author is the natural course of human private life, which is wider and richer than historical life (“Life meanwhile, real the life of people with their essential interests of health, illness, work, rest, with their own interests of thought, science, poetry, music, love, friendship, hatred, passions, went on, as always, independently and without political closeness or enmity with Napoleon Bonaparte ... " ). The foundations of this “real life” are precisely those eternal, universal moral values ​​that make this life spiritualized and meaningful: family and love, spiritual search and naturalness, true love for the Fatherland and “simplicity, kindness, truth”.

The novel "War and Peace" reveals Tolstoy's system of moral values, the main moral ideals of the author: naturalness as a synonym for morality, true patriotism, "people's feeling", the ability for spiritual transformation, the desire for spiritual perfection as the basis of human life.

Path of searches of Andrey Bolkonsky: problems of honor, moral choice, true love and patriotism

Historical comment. Toulon is a city in the south of France. In 1793, supporters of the royal power expelled the representatives of the revolutionary government and led the siege in Toulon. Napoleon participated in the siege of Toulon, walked ahead of the assault column, was wounded. Toulon surrendered. This was the first battle won by Napoleon, an ordinary officer first drew attention to himself, he was first known in Paris. Bonaparte received the rank of brigadier general, his rapid ascent to the emperorship began. Napoleon was then 24 years old.

The spiritual life of a person, according to Tolstoy, is a complex, multifaceted process. The soul of Tolstoy's favorite heroes strives for movement, transformation - and this human ability is the moral ideal of the author. Pierre Bezukhov and Andrei Bolkonsky go through a difficult path of spiritual quest on the pages of the novel.

For the first time we meet Prince Andrei in the salon of Anna Pavlovna Sherer. He is cold, laconic, a grimace of contempt is always ready to distort him. Beautiful face; one feels that he is burdened by everything that surrounds him: “This life that I lead here is not for me!” - Prince Andrei will say to Pierre about the depravity of secular life that oppresses him, explaining the reason for his decision to go to war. Prince Andrei does not want to allow the accidents of the flow of life to control his fate: he will not correspond to the life around him, but life should be according to him. He believes in his high destiny, believes in his star, in his Toulon. This belief is connected with the awareness of his "great powers" given to him by nature, and with family "Bolkon" pride. Prince Andrei believes that he has the right to achieve glory, and therefore he goes to war, leaving his wife, anxious and fading, waiting for the appearance of their child. Bolkonsky has his own understanding of glory: “Glory is the same love for people, the desire to do something for them, the desire for their praise”, “glory is the same love of people.” The understanding of glory is closely connected in the mind of Bolkonsky with the understanding of the heroic personality; Napoleon for Prince Andrei is first of all a hero, and a hero, in order to be such, must strive for glory. In the dreams of Prince Andrei, the army finds itself in a hopeless situation - and he alone saves it and wins the battle.

For the first time, the discrepancy between the desired and the present was revealed to Prince Andrei during the Battle of Shengraben, the success of which largely depended on the actions of Captain Tushin's battery. This little captain, seemingly so non-military, even funny, turned out to be a real hero, however, unknown to anyone except Bolkonsky, and even almost punished after the battle. Instead of the desired Toulon - a lesson in heroism, which was received from a nondescript captain, shy in front of his superiors. Life appeared to Prince Andrei in a discrepancy between the visible and the present: “It was all so strange, so unlike what he had hoped for.”

During the battle of Austerlitz, it would seem that the moment of glory has come: Prince Andrei raises the banner and drags the soldiers along with him. However, at the very moment of this undoubted feat, Bolkonsky does not come to high state a spirit that would correspond to this minute; instead, something random, secondary, meaningless catches the eye. The heroic moment turned out to be filled with the very petty fuss that was always offensive to Prince Andrei in life. Napoleon, who appeared to him against the backdrop of a vast, endless sky, seems to him not a hero, but a little man with his "petty vanity." At this moment, this huge sky of Austerlitz becomes really valuable for Prince Andrei. The sky will forever remain with Prince Andrei as a symbol of greatness, ideality, but also detachment, coldness. The sky is the perfection that Prince Andrei was looking for and did not find on earth. For Prince Andrei, the gap between the ideal perfection of "heaven" and the real life of "earth", the earthly reality of people's relations, is forever unbridgeable. The gap between the lofty and the mundane, the earthly is the tragic theme of the image of Prince Andrei.

Prince Andrei overestimates a lot after the war of 1805-1807: the insignificance of the “idea of ​​Toulon” crossed out the old system of values, turned Prince Andrei into the quiet course of ordinary earthly life. However, he will not be given peaceful family happiness, which is so highly valued by the author, which is natural and familiar to the Rostovs. Almost before Bolkonsky's eyes, his wife Lisa dies from childbirth; he once neglected her, despising the secular emptiness in her, but he once neglected too many things and was arrogant towards ordinary, unremarkable people. Later, Prince Andrei will tell Pierre that he was guilty before his wife and hoped to justify himself, but life does not give Prince Andrei the opportunity to justify. He lives in his estate Bogucharovo a quiet domestic life: when a child is baptized, he freezes with fear, no matter how drowned; sitting on a small children's chair, with trembling hands dripping medicine from a bottle during his son's illness. There is a new humanity in this "simplified" Prince Andrei, busy with everyday worries, recognizing the prose of the most ordinary feelings, but there is another thing - the joylessness of this simplification. A simple life is not just given to Prince Andrei, its secret depth and significance is not open to him. As if some kind of veil obscured the bright, clear side of life from Bolkonsky, and he plunges into a weary, joyless existence in which there is no spring and youth, it is no coincidence that the word “young” becomes for Prince Andrei a synonym for the word “others”: “Let others, young people again succumb to this deception ... "This is one of the most dramatic periods of Bolkonsky's life, when he is ready to renounce not only youth and happiness, but also the future itself: "Our life is over!", "He must live out his life."

The internal revival of Prince Andrei began from the time of his meeting with Pierre in Bogucharovo. For the first time since returning and rethinking his life, Prince Andrei gets the opportunity to speak out and be understood. The thoughts that he expresses are tragic: it is possible to live only for oneself (relatives are also “I”), mutual understanding between people is impossible, because everyone has their own understanding of good and evil, justice and injustice, everyone has their own personal truth, common truth no and cannot be. And again, in all its terrible simplicity, the question arises: why? Why live, what is the meaning of life? Without resolving these issues, neither Pierre nor Andrey can live. However, a strange thing happens: the more Prince Andrei spoke, the gloomier his words were, the more "his look brightened up." Prince Andrei comes to life precisely because there is a spiritual connection between people that he rejects, and it is possible to live not only for oneself. “A meeting with Pierre was for Prince Andrei an era from which, although in appearance it was the same, but in inner world his new life.

According to Tolstoy, life turns out to be richer, wiser than any of our assumptions about it. How could Prince Andrei imagine, going on guardianship to the Otradnensky estate of the Rostovs, that a miracle awaited him there, capable of turning his whole life upside down? The antithesis helps to better understand the state of the hero: spring nature, radiating warmth and joy, and the state of Prince Andrei, which has long become familiar to him - a state of long, endless longing, a feeling of vital emptiness.

A miracle appeared to Prince Andrei instantly - in the guise of a black-haired thin girl, in whom there was so much joy of life, brightness and happiness (it is no coincidence that Natasha's description is so “multi-colored”: black, yellow, white - and all this against the backdrop of bright May greens). Tolstoy reflects the feelings of Bolkonsky in rather paradoxical details: he felt "for some reason it hurt", "involuntarily asked himself with curiosity." The world of Natasha, in which Prince Andrei saw something that had not been in his life for a long time, above all happiness, is a mystery for the hero of Tolstoy, attractive and annoying at the same time, since it no longer allows Prince Andrei to remain in his hopeless longing. Natasha's world more clearly shows how lonely Prince Andrei is: for him, still "young" is "others", still bright and bright side life is closed by another - dull and bleak. The lexical repetition of the word “annoyed” emphasizes that Bolkonsky does not yet want to become a part of this bright - but still another world (“He was annoyed with this stupid old man ... annoyed with himself for staying”).

But still, the energy of life is so strong that it imperiously draws Bolkonsky into its orbit, as if Prince Andrei opens a window not only into the garden, but into life itself. The magic of the Otradnenskaya night captivates him with its beauty: “Silver-lit trees, silvery leaves and stems, a roof shining with dew, bright white trunks and branches.” The motif of light becomes the main one in the description of the night - light streams from everywhere, revealing the mighty power of beauty that unites heaven and earth into a single whole. Artistic space becomes boundless in this passage, constantly expanding, embracing every stalk of silvery trees, and a brilliant roof, and the moon, and the sky. SKY! This is what, for the first time after Austerlitz, again came to Bolkonsky: the starless spring sky in Otradnoye became for Prince Andrei an awakening from a heavy sleep of unbelief and doom. And for the first time, the word “young” turned out to be applied not only to Natasha, but also to Prince Andrei: “Suddenly, such an unexpected confusion of young thoughts and hopes, contradicting his whole life, rose in his soul, that he, feeling unable to understand his condition, fell asleep at once." Just one touch of Natasha's world became for Prince Andrei new era life: “No, life is not over at thirty-one years old ... it is necessary that my life does not go for me alone, so that it is reflected on everyone.”

The episode of the night in Otradnoye is compositionally framed by two meetings between Prince Andrei and an old oak tree. It is no coincidence that Tolstoy uses the method of personification: as if not a description of nature, not a landscape in the usual sense of the word, but a special philosophy of attitude to life, reflected in the metaphorical image of an oak. The broken bark, the "old sores" of this "angry and contemptuous freak" speak of distrust of spring and happiness, of the renewal of life itself. The reception of antithesis allows us to more clearly, clearly see this dark, old, gloomy giant among the “smiling birches”. Everything: not only spring, but love and happiness - "stupid, senseless deception." Gradation allows us to more clearly feel the energy of contempt and denial emanating from the old oak: "There is no spring, no sun, no happiness." However, on the way back from Otradnoye, Prince Andrei could hardly make out among the “tent of dark, lush greenery” his old acquaintance: “No clumsy fingers, no sores, no old grief and distrust - nothing was visible.” "Spring feeling of joy and renewal" is shown by Tolstoy as a universal law of life, the basis of which is movement, change, overcoming disbelief and despair.

Shocked, Prince Andrei realizes that he has touched one of the greatest elements of the world - the elements of perpetual motion and self-renewal of life: “All the best minutes suddenly at the same time were remembered to him. And Austerlitz with a high sky, and the dead, reproachful face of his wife, and Pierre on the ferry, and the girl, excited by the beauty of the night, and this night, and the moon - all this suddenly came to his mind. All these minutes have one thing in common - these are minutes of discoveries, insights, touches on the eternal secrets of life and death. The episode of the night in Otradnoye is of great importance for understanding the concept of the images of Andrei Bolkonsky and Natasha Rostova, for discovering the author's philosophy of life as perpetual motion and natural renewal.

Having met with Natasha in Otradnoye, Prince Andrei finally decides: “No, life is not over at thirty-one. Not only do I know everything that is in me, it is necessary that everyone knows this: both Pierre and this girl who wanted to fly into the sky, it is necessary that my life goes not for me alone. “So that my life goes not for me alone” is a constant theme of Prince Andrei. This is what prompts him to take part in the legislative commission of Speransky. But one meeting with Natasha at the ball destroys the illusions of Prince Andrei in the real benefit of this commission. Prince Andrey will suddenly remember his Bogucharov peasants, Drona the headman, and understand how far his legislative activity was from theirs. real life. And all this was revealed to Prince Andrei not so much even by Natasha herself, as by her appearance. Everything that seemed "mysterious and attractive in Speransky, suddenly became clear and unattractive."

Love for Natasha is a new and happiest stage in the life of Prince Andrei. “I didn’t live before, now I’m the only one living,” For Natasha there were no painful questions about the meaning of life, over the resolution of which both Pierre and Andrei struggled, but by their very existence, by the fact that lived, and those how lived, Natasha has already answered all these questions. Prince Andrei "did not think about her, he only imagined her to himself, and as a result of this, his whole life seemed to him in a new light." In the quest of Prince Andrei and Pierre, the very image of Natasha is like a special tool, a special way of knowing life. Love for Natasha filled the life of Prince Andrei with meaning, gave it a special poetry. However, in the fact that the happiness of life with Natasha turned out to be destroyed, there is a share of guilt and Prince Andrei. For Natasha, the year of waiting turned out to be fatal, since she lived every moment, every minute, which Prince Andrei did not understand. Natasha distinguished life precisely by the minutes, each of which must be lived fully, to the fullest, because each is irreplaceable.

The break with Natasha renews the suffering of Prince Andrei from the "imperfection" of life, which he always knew. He cannot forgive Natasha for her fall, he wanted to see and saw the ideal in her, but Natasha turned out to be real, earthly - this is difficult for Prince Andrei to bear. The impression of collapse is combined at Bolkonsky with the outbreak of the war, the invasion of the conquerors, the fire of Smolensk, the ruin of the Bolkonsky Bald Mountains family estate. However, Tolstoy's favorite heroes have always been able to forget their personal pains and grievances in the face of the danger that threatens Russia. It is the service of Russia that saves Prince Andrei. "Serve in the ranks" - this is how Bolkonsky decides.

The war of 1812 brought Prince Andrei another new sensation - the happiness of forgiveness, which made love for Natasha warmer and deeper. “A man should not and cannot forget, forgive”, “I said that a fallen woman must be forgiven, but I did not say that I can forgive. I can’t,” Prince Andrei thought before, however, overcoming the arrogance of unforgiveness, he thereby continues his spiritual path. Andrei Bolkonsky is a tragic image, both because his life path ends on the pages of the novel, and because he never managed to overcome the fatal gap between "heaven" and "earth", between the ideal and the imperfect. “He is too good, he cannot, cannot live,” Natasha said to Princess Mary. Prince Andrey is really "too good," really "cannot live." Imperfect, mundane, earthly love to Natasha, in Prince Andrei, he struggles with a transcendent love for everyone, and therefore, for no one in particular. And the sky, which has always been a symbol of Prince Andrei - distant, high, perfect, but chilling - wins.

However, the spiritual trace of Andrei Bolkonsky on earth was not interrupted, did not disappear: it is no coincidence that the novel ends with an episode with Nikolenka, the son of Prince Andrei. The path of honor of the Bolkonskys continues: “And the father? Father! Father! Yes, I'll do whatever he was satisfied…"

what are the problems in the novel "War and Peace"

  1. The problem of honor and dishonor is raised in Leo Tolstoy's novel War and Peace. Honor and dignity are the main qualities of a human character, and those who have lost them are alien to any high aspirations and searches. The problem of moral self-improvement of the individual has always been one of the most important in the work of Leo Tolstoy.

    The problem of finding the meaning of life. The hero of the epic novel, Pierre Bezukhov, at the beginning of his journey, is far from the truth: he admires Napoleon, participates in empty entertainment, easily succumbs to gross flattery, the cause of which is his huge fortune. And as a result, the loss of the meaning of life. Only having passed the test of war and captivity, having learned ordinary people(such as Platon Karataev), Pierre was able to truly understand life and his place in it. He comes to the conclusion that only love moves the world and man lives.

    One of the philosophical problems of the novel is the question of freedom and necessity. Tolstoy solves this question in his own and original way. He says that the freedom of a person, an apparent historical figure, a person is free only not to go against events, not to impose his will on them, but simply to correspond to history, change, grow and in this way influence its course. Tolstoy's thought is profound that a person is the less free the closer he is to power.

  2. real life problem.
    Prince Andrei Bolkonsky. He tried to find a real life in the war, joining the army and becoming disillusioned with the life he led. The prince understood one thing: boring, monotonous Savor not for him. In the war, he longed for glory, recognition, wanted to distinguish himself, making strategic plans and imagining how he would save the army at a critical moment. But after being wounded near Austerlitz, when Prince Andrei returned home and here his wife died before his eyes, leaving him little son, everything that he aspired to in the war faded into the background. Bolkonsky realized that this is not real life, and his search for one continued.

    The problem of happiness in the novel by L. N. Tolstoy "War and Peace"
    Pierre returns to the society he had previously left, returns in search of happiness, but, on the other hand, he is saved by the war that unleashed with the French. He is trying to devote himself to the war, in order to try again to forget the past and find the happiness he needs so much. But, as always, his attempts are futile and no army is not only not happy for him, but even a burden. Pierre realizes that he was not born for military life. And everything is back to normal again.

    Great man problem

    In his novel, Leo Tolstoy vividly expressed the idea that a great person can only be if he is inextricably linked with the people, if he sincerely shares their views, aspirations, and faith. If he lives by the same ideals, thinks and acts in the same way as any conscious person would do. Only among the people main force only in connection with the people can a real, strong personality appear.

    Show special character war of 1812 as a people's war.

    The popular character of the war is shown by Tolstoy different ways. The author's historical and philosophical arguments about the role of the individual and the people in history in general and the war of 1812 in particular are used, vivid pictures of outstanding historical events; the people can be portrayed (albeit extremely rarely) as a whole, general (for example, remarks that the peasants did not bring hay to Moscow, that all the inhabitants left Moscow, etc.) and as an innumerable number of living ordinary characters. The motives and feelings of the entire nation are concentrated in the image of the representative of the people's war, commander Kutuzov, and are felt by the best representatives of the nobility who have become close to the people.

    The problem of true and false patriotism.

    Russian soldiers are real patriots. The novel is full of numerous episodes depicting the various manifestations of patriotism by Russian people. We see the true patriotism and heroism of the people in the depiction of classical scenes near Shengraben, Austerlitz, Smolensk, Borodin.
    False patriotism is also shown by Count Rostopchin, who puts up stupid posters around Moscow, urges the inhabitants of the city not to leave the capital, and then, fleeing the people's wrath, deliberately sends the innocent son of the merchant Vereshchagin to death.

"War and Peace" ?

"War and Peace", in Russia by Alexander R† was canceled serfdom. But the freedom so expected by the peasants did not bring them joy, since they did not receive land. Peasant riots periodically arose in Russia. The writer has always been concerned about the fate of Russia and its people. The views of the great Russian writer were such that they denied the possibility of a revolution. The solution to existing problems, in his opinion, should have occurred through reforms and education. In the novel "War and Peace", Tolstoy depicted many of the problems that were inherent in life. Russian society of that era. The work "War and Peace" can be considered a deep study of the history and life of Russia, its comparison with the life of Europe. Leo Nikolayevich Tolstoy subjected to the deepest research the character of the Russian people in its various manifestations, as well as the very structure of life that was in Russia.

"War and Peace" the writer touched on many issues that relate to moral, historical and social issues. He revealed such concepts as patriotism and false patriotism. He showed the influence of a single individual and the whole people on the course of history. In his work, Leo Tolstoy revealed the features of the life of various segments of the Russian population: the nobility, peasants, military, merchants. After all, it is not in vain that the reader sees more than two hundred characters in the work. The writer expressed his opinion about real-life historical figures, subjected to a tough assessment of their actions. For example, about Napoleon Tolstoy said the following: "There is no greatness where there is no simplicity, goodness and truth." Thus, Tolstoy agrees with great role Napoleon in the history of mankind, but at the same time the writer shows that the person who wants to make history while subordinating its course only to his own will cannot be great. The processes of the formation of the characters' characters are vividly depicted in the novel, how and under the influence of what reasons the heroes of the work change their worldview. Most characteristic characters novel. who are constantly in search of the meaning of life and are capable of understanding the environment are Andrei Bolkonsky and Pierre Bezukhov.

Tolstoy to deal with the problem of the study of the soul, which always worried the writer and was interesting to him. Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy has his own, different from others, view of history and its course, as well as the causes historical development. According to Tolstoy, a single person cannot play a significant role in the development historical process. According to Tolstoy, the "spirit of the army" influences the victory in the war. In his novel, the writer also considers the issue of freedom and necessity. A free person, according to the writer, will not go against events. A person should, as it were, correspond to the course of history, and with his growth and changes, a person influences the course of this very history.

Nikolaevich Tolstoy. After all, such a gifted and internally rich person as Natasha could ms benefit society, and not just be a good wife and do housework.

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Fish is a source of nutrients necessary for the life of the human body. It can be salted, smoked,...

Elements of Eastern symbolism, Mantras, mudras, what do mandalas do? How to work with a mandala? Skillful application of the sound codes of mantras can...

Modern tool Where to start Burning methods Instruction for beginners Decorative wood burning is an art, ...

The formula and algorithm for calculating the specific gravity in percent There is a set (whole), which includes several components (composite ...
Animal husbandry is a branch of agriculture that specializes in breeding domestic animals. The main purpose of the industry is...
Market share of a company How to calculate a company's market share in practice? This question is often asked by beginner marketers. However,...
First mode (wave) The first wave (1785-1835) formed a technological mode based on new technologies in textile...
§one. General data Recall: sentences are divided into two-part, the grammatical basis of which consists of two main members - ...
The Great Soviet Encyclopedia gives the following definition of the concept of a dialect (from the Greek diblektos - conversation, dialect, dialect) - this is ...