So a patriot is war and peace. Composition: True and false patriotism in the novel "War and Peace" (L

The colossal prose canvas "War and Peace", which reflected with incredible sincerity and truthfulness the real pictures of the life of the people in the abyss of complex events of the first decades of the 19th century, became one of the most important works in Russian literature. The novel deserved its high value due to the seriousness of the problem. True and false patriotism in the novel "War and Peace" is one of the central ideas, the relevance of which does not disappear after more than 200 years.

War is a test of personality

Despite the extensive system of characters in the work, its main character is the Russian people. As you know, people show their true qualities when they find themselves in difficult life situations. There is nothing more terrible and responsible both for an individual and for the nation as a whole than war. Like a magic mirror, it is able to reflect the true face of everyone, tearing off the masks of pretense and pseudo-patriotism of some, emphasizing heroism, readiness for self-sacrifice for the sake of civic duty of others. War becomes a kind of test for the individual. In the novel, the Russian people are depicted in the process of overcoming this test in the form of the Patriotic War of 1812.

Artistic method of comparison

In the course of depicting the war, the author resorts to the method of comparative comparison of the moods and behavior of both the military and secular society, comparing 1805–1807, when the fighting took place outside the Russian Empire, with 1812, the period of the French invasion of the territory of the state, which forced the people to rise for the defense of the Fatherland.

The main artistic device, which the author masterfully uses in the work, is the antithesis. The author uses the opposition method both in the table of contents of the epic novel, and in the parallel conduct of storylines, and in the creation of characters. The heroes of the work are opposed to each other not only by their moral qualities and actions, but also by their attitude to civic duty, a manifestation of true and false patriotism.

The epitome of true patriotism

The war affected various segments of the population. And many are trying to contribute to the common victory. Peasants and merchants burn or give away their property only so that it does not get to the invaders, Muscovites and residents of Smolensk leave their homes, not wanting to be under the yoke of the enemy.

With special penetration and pride, Lev Nikolaevich creates images of Russian soldiers. They demonstrated heroism and courage in episodes of military operations near Austerlitz, Shengraben, Smolensk and, of course, at the Battle of Borodino. It was there that the incomparable courage of ordinary soldiers, their love for the Motherland and fortitude, their readiness to sacrifice their own lives for the sake of freedom and the Fatherland, manifested itself. They do not try to look like heroes, emphasize their prowess against the background of others, but only try to prove their love and devotion to the Fatherland. Involuntarily, the work reads the idea that true patriotism cannot be ostentatious and poser.

One of the most striking characters personifying true patriotism in the novel "War and Peace" is Mikhail Kutuzov. Appointed commander-in-chief of the Russian army against the tsar's will, he managed to justify the trust placed in him. The logic of his appointment is best explained by the words of Andrei Bolkonsky: "While Russia was healthy, Barclay de Tolly was good ... When Russia is sick, she needs her man."

One of the most difficult decisions that Kutuzov had to make during the war was the order to retreat. Only a far-sighted, experienced and deeply patriotic commander could take responsibility for such a decision. On one side of the scale was Moscow, and on the other - all of Russia. As a true patriot, Kutuzov makes a decision in favor of the entire state. The great commander demonstrated his patriotism and love for the people even after the expulsion of the invaders. He refuses to fight outside the country, believing that the Russian people have fulfilled their duty to the Fatherland, and there is no longer any point in shedding his blood.

A special role in the work is assigned to the partisans, whom the author compares with a club, "rising with all its formidable and majestic strength and, without asking anyone's tastes and rules, nailed the French until the whole invasion died."

The spirit of sincere love for the native land and the state is characteristic not only of the military, but also of the civilian population. Merchants gave away their goods for free so that the invaders would not get anything. The Rostov family, despite the impending ruin, helps the wounded. Pierre Bezukhov invests in the formation of the regiment and even makes an attempt to kill Napoleon, regardless of the consequences. Patriotic feelings are also characteristic of many representatives of the nobility.

False patriotism in the work

However, not all the heroes of the work are familiar with sincere feelings of love for the Motherland and the sharing of people's grief. Tolstoy contrasts real fighters with the invaders with false patriots who continued their luxurious life in salons, attended balls and spoke the language of the invader. The author refers to false patriots not only secular society, but also the majority of the officers of the Russian army. Many of them are happy with the war as a way to receive orders and career growth. The author denounces most of the officers who huddle in headquarters and do not participate in battles, hiding behind ordinary soldiers.

The reception of antithesis in the image of feigned and real patriotism is one of the ideological lines of the epic novel "War and Peace". According to the author, the true feelings of love for the native land were demonstrated by representatives of the common people, as well as those nobles who are imbued with its spirit. Those who have no rest in moments of common grief reflect sincere love for the Motherland. This idea is one of the main ones in the work, as well as in the essay on the topic “True and False Patriotism in the novel “War and Peace”. The author portrays this conviction through the thoughts of Pierre Bezukhov, who realizes that real happiness is in unity with his people.

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The Patriotic Theme in L. Tolstoy's Novel "War and Peace"

“War and Peace” is the title of the eternal book, the great epic novel by L. N. Tolstoy. War... This word terrifies any person, because war is a "terrible thing." Participation in this cause can be a monstrous crime, or it can be forced self-defense, a serious and bloody matter, but necessary, and therefore heroic and noble.

During the war of 1812, the description of which many pages of War and Peace are devoted to, an amazing unification of the Russian people took place, regardless of class, gender, age, because Russia was in mortal danger. Everyone was seized by a single feeling, Tolstoy called it "the hidden warmth of patriotism", which manifested itself not in loud words and high-flown slogans, but in truly heroic deeds, each of which brought victory closer in its own way. This moral feeling, of course, has long lived in the soul of every Russian person, lurked somewhere in the depths of his soul, but the moment has come - a difficult time for the motherland - and it burst out, reached its highest manifestation. Thanks to him, the Russian people appeared in the war of 1812 as a real hero-hero.

“When “the forces of the twelve languages ​​of Europe broke into Russia”, - notes the researcher K. Lomu-nov, - our people rose to the holy war of liberation. Tolstoy himself said that "the goal of the people was one: to clear their land from invasion." This goal was clear to everyone: from the commander to the simple soldier, peasant, partisan.

Realizing the whole horror of the situation in which the motherland found itself, people went to their deaths, showed true heroism, and fulfilled their duty to the end. It was in Russia that Napoleon encountered extraordinary spiritual fortitude, courage, steadfastness and love for the fatherland.

Drawing episodes of various battles, Tolstoy shows that it is not numerical superiority, not military skill and strategic plans of wise commanders, but the enthusiasm of the belligerents that influences the course of the battle, ensuring victory. Inspired by himself, Timokhin infects his subordinates with this feeling, a man whom no one considers a hero and who himself absolutely does not think about his own heroism. “Why feel sorry for yourself now!” he exclaims.

Tushin fights courageously and decides the outcome of the battle with his battery, about which everyone has forgotten. He does not speak loud words, he silently does a great deed. Tushin showed himself to be a real brave man. Outwardly, this person is unremarkable, but his strength of mind and inner core are obvious.

The central, apex part of the novel is the Battle of Borodino. It was here that people's patriotism and heroism manifested themselves with the greatest strength and brightness, because it was here that everyone realized and understood the whole meaning and significance of this war as a holy, liberation war. The Russian participants in Borodino had no doubts about the outcome of the battle. For each of them, there could be only one: victory at any cost. The Russian people fought for their land, for their homeland. Everyone understood that the fate of the fatherland depended on this battle. “... I think,” says Andrei Bolkonsky, “that tomorrow will really depend on us ... From the feeling that is in me, in him,” he pointed to Timokhin, “in every soldier.” Warriors put on clean linen before the battle solemnly, as for the most important thing in life, preparing to fulfill their duty - to die, but not to allow the enemy to win.

The inner fire flared up more and more in everyone who fought: in the people of Raevsky's battery, in Pierre Bezukhov, Andrei Bolkonsky, who heroically sacrificed himself, and in others. Thanks to this fire, the Russian army won the greatest victory over its opponents.

In the novel "War and Peace" Tolstoy also speaks of the cudgel of the "people's war", which made a significant contribution to the overall victory. This war was fought without knowledge of the rules of military art. The partisan detachments of Denisov and Dolokhov admire their feat, which Kutuzov himself blesses. The elder Vasilisa, who “beat hundreds of Frenchmen,” and the nameless sexton, who “took several hundred prisoners a month,” are surprising. Partisan detachments, armed only with axes and pitchforks, destroyed the great Napoleonic army in parts. These detachments were a good help in the affairs of the army in the field. Their strength was in their fury, in their surprise, in the unpredictability with which they attacked the enemy, and in their elusiveness. Napoleon "did not stop complaining to Kutuzov and Emperor Alexander that the war was being waged contrary to all rules...".

L. N. Tolstoy, drawing images of partisans and soldiers such as Tikhon Shcherbaty and Platon Karataev, concentrated in them the main qualities of the Russian people. Shcherbaty is a vivid image of the people's avenger. He is active, fearless, cruel. He turned out to be "the most needed person" in Denisov's detachment. It combines the resourcefulness and daring of the Russian peasantry. Tikhon, like many others, rebels against the enemy not because someone is forcing him, but under the influence of a natural patriotic feeling and hatred for uninvited guests.

The heart of Platon Karataev is also overflowing with patriotism, although in the novel he is opposed to Shcherbaty. “... The worm gnaws cabbage,” Plato remarks, “and before that he himself disappears.” “Moscow, she is the mother of all cities,” Karataev also rightly says. He personifies the wisdom, patience and kindness of the Russian people. Having been captured and met Pierre Bezukhov there, Karataev teaches him patience and forgiveness.

National unity was also expressed in relation to one's own property, that which was gained by many years of work, was really expensive, in the ability to donate it. The Smolensk merchant Ferapontov, imbued with a spontaneous patriotic feeling, calls on the soldiers to rob his own shop, although at first the owner spoke in his soul. "Get it all, guys! Don't get the devils!" - all the same, he shouted, and in the end he set fire to his yard. The Rostov family, at the insistence of Natasha, who was possessed by a humane and patriotic feeling, leaves all their property in Moscow and gives carts to the wounded.

The Smolensk scenes of the novel, according to K. Lomunov, are remarkable in that "they clearly show how feelings of insult and indignation were born in the Russian people caused by enemy actions, which soon turned into direct hatred of the invaders."

The writer contrasted the popular patriotism with the false patriotism of individual representatives of the secular nobility, which manifested itself only in grandiloquent phrases about love for the motherland and insignificant deeds. Such characters include Prince Vasily Kuragin and his children Ippolit, Helen, Anatole; guests of Anna Pavlovna Sherer's salon; Boris Drubetskoy, whose main goal is not to stand up for his native land, but to make his own career; Dolokhov, looking for awards and ranks; Julie Kuragina, who imposed a fine for speaking French; Berg, trying to extract as many benefits from the war as possible for himself. Luckily, there were very few of them.

Tolstoy depicts the greatness of the feat of the Russian people and at the same time castigates the war, which brings hardships, disasters, and torments. Many are ruined. Cities and villages perish in the fire of conflagrations. The Russian army is suffering huge losses. But the writer calls all this “a terrible necessity” and speaks with love, pride and delight of those who endured severe trials in the name of the liberation of their native land. He puts fair, wonderful words about the Russian people into the mouth of Kutuzov: “Wonderful, incomparable people!”

Patriotism in the novel "War and Peace".

The novel "War and Peace" is the greatest work of world literature.
It was created from 1863 to 1869. There are over 600 characters in the novel.
The fate of the heroes can be traced for 15 years in peaceful conditions and in war conditions.
And although Tolstoy considers peaceful life to be the real life of people, the story about the Patriotic War is at the center of the story. Tolstoy hated wars, but this war on the part of Russia was liberation, Russia defended its independence, Russian people defended their fatherland. Naturally, therefore, the author touches upon the problem of patriotism in his novel, but considers it ambiguously. He proves that in the days that were difficult for Russia, the majority of Russian people showed genuine patriotism and courage, defending their homeland. But there were those - their minority - who only played at patriotism and courage. This is a secular society hated by Tolstoy, regulars of the salons of Sherer, Kuragina, Bezukhova. Their so-called patriotism was expressed in the fact that they stopped speaking French, French dishes were not served on their table, and in Helen's salon they did not refuse this either and sympathized with Napoleon. There were people like Boris Trubetskoy who made a career in the days of the suffering of the fatherland. Tolstoy contrasts this bunch of false patriots with the true sons of the fatherland, for whom the motherland was the main thing in the time of trials. The people and the best part of the nobility, in the understanding of Tolstoy, constituted the nation. During the war, the nobles Bolkonsky, Rostov and many others showed their true love for their homeland. The militia was equipped at its own expense, Bolkonsky's son, Andrei, went to the army, not wanting to be an adjutant. Pierre Bezukhov stays in Moscow to kill Napoleon. But he fails to do so. On the Raevsky battery, he helps the batterymen. Residents of Moscow leave and burn the city. When the old man Bolkonsky sees off his son, he says that if Andrei behaves meanly, he will be bitter and ashamed. Natasha gives carts for the wounded. Princess Bolkonskaya cannot remain on an estate that has been captured by enemies.
Tolstoy talks about the mood that dominated the soldiers. On the eve of the battle of Borodino, the soldiers put on clean shirts, because they were going to the sacred mortal battle for Russia. They refused an extra portion of vodka, as they did not want to be drugged. They said: “They want to pile on the whole world, they want to make one end. The writer shows how the soldiers of the Raevsky battery fought. Pierre was struck by the everydayness with which they fulfill their duty in these terrible conditions. Tolstoy believes that the battle of Borodino was a moral victory for the Russian army. The Russians did not give in. The steadfastness and courage shown by the defenders of Moscow in the Battle of Borodino were fueled precisely by the feeling of patriotism.
Pierre is talking with Prince Andrei. Prince Andrei is extremely angry: "The French are your and mine enemies. They came to destroy Russia. War is an abomination, but the Russians are forced to wage this war, and Napoleon came as an invader, the enemy must be destroyed, then the war will be destroyed."
Tolstoy beautifully depicts guerrilla warfare. He admires the fact that dozens of Karpov and Vlasov, armed with pitchforks and axes, went to the invaders. He is ironic about the fact that Napoleon is outraged by the war against the rules. The cudgel of the people's war rose and nailed the French until it drove out the last invader. The partisan movement was the most striking manifestation of the patriotism of the entire people.
Kutuzov in the novel is the spokesman for the idea of ​​patriotism, he was appointed commander against the will of the tsar and the royal court. Andrei explains this to Pierre this way: "While Russia was healthy, Barclay de Tolly was good ... When Russia is sick, she needs her own man."
Kutuzov was a truly popular commander, he understood the soldiers, their needs, their mood, because he loved his people.
The episode in Fili is important. Kutuzov takes on the gravest responsibility and orders to retreat. This order contains the true patriotism of Kutuzov. Retreating from Moscow, Kutuzov saved the army, which so far could not be compared in size with Napoleon's. Defending Moscow would mean losing the army, and this would lead to the loss of both Moscow and Russia.
After Napoleon was forced out of the Russian borders, Kutuzov refuses to fight outside Russia. He believes that the Russian people have fulfilled their mission by driving out the invader, and there is no need to shed more people's blood.

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The main theme of the novel "War and Peace" is the image of the feat of the Russian people in the Patriotic War of 1812. The author speaks in his novel about the faithful sons of the fatherland, and about false patriots who think only about their own self-interest.

Tolstoy uses the antithesis technique to depict both the events and the characters of the novel. Let's follow the events of the novel. In the first volume, he tells about the war with Napoleon in 1805-1807, where Russia (an ally of Austria and Prussia) was defeated. There is a war going on. In Austria, General Mack is defeated near Ulm. The Austrian army surrendered. The threat of defeat hung over the Russian army. And then Kutuzov decided to send Bagration with four thousand soldiers through the rugged Bohemian mountains towards the French. Bagration had to quickly make a difficult transition and delay the 40,000-strong French army until Kutuzov arrived. His detachment needed to accomplish a great feat in order to save the Russian army. Thus, the author brings the reader to the image of the first great battle. In this battle, as always, Dolokhov is bold and fearless. Dolokhov's courage is manifested in battle, where "he killed one Frenchman point-blank, the first took a surrendered officer by the collar." But after that he goes to the regimental commander and reports on his "trophies": "Please remember, Your Excellency!" Then he untied the handkerchief, tugged it and showed the gore: "Wound with a bayonet, I stayed at the front. Remember, Your Excellency." Everywhere, always, he remembers first of all about himself, only about himself, everything he does, he does for himself. We are not surprised by the behavior of Zherekhov. When, at the height of the battle, Bagration sent him with an important order to the general of the left flank, he did not go forward, where the shooting was heard, but began to look for the general away from the battle. Due to an untransmitted order, the French cut off the Russian hussars, many died and were wounded. There are many such officers. They are not cowards, but they do not know how to forget themselves, their careers and personal interests for the sake of a common cause. But the Russian army consisted not only of such officers. In the chapters depicting the Battle of Shengraben, we meet true heroes. Here he sits, the hero of this battle, the hero of this "case", small, thin and dirty, sitting barefoot, taking off his boots. This is artillery officer Tushin. “With big, intelligent and kind eyes, he looks at the commanders who have entered and tries to joke: “The soldiers say that they are more agile when they take off their shoes, and he is embarrassed, feeling that the joke has failed.”

Tolstoy is doing everything so that Captain Tushin appears before us in the most unheroic, even ridiculous form. But this funny man was the hero of the day. Prince Andrey will rightly say about him: "We owe the success of the day most of all to the action of this battery and the heroic steadfastness of Captain Tushin with the company."

The second hero of the Shengraben battle is Timokhin. He appears at the very moment when the soldiers succumbed to panic and ran. Everything seemed to be lost. But at that moment the French, advancing on ours, suddenly ran back, and Russian arrows appeared in the forest. It was Timokhin's company. And only thanks to Timokhin, the Russians had the opportunity to return and gather battalions. Courage is varied. There are many people who are unrestrainedly brave in battle, but get lost in everyday life. With the images of Tushin and Timokhin, Tolstoy teaches the reader to see truly brave people, their low-key heroism, their great will, which helps to overcome fear and win battles.

Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy denied the war, argued heatedly with those who found the "beauty of horror" in the war. When describing the war of 1805, Tolstoy acts as a pacifist writer, but when describing the war of 1812, the author switches to the position of patriotism. The war of 1812 appears in the image of Tolstoy as a people's war. The author creates many images of peasants, soldiers, whose judgments together make up the people's worldview. The merchant Ferapontov is convinced that the French will not be allowed into Moscow, "shouldn't", but, having learned about the surrender of Moscow, he understands that "Raseya has decided!" And if Russia is dying, then there is nothing to save your good. He shouts to the soldiers to take away his goods, so that the "devils" do not get anything. The men Karp and Vlas refused to sell hay to the French, took up arms and joined the partisans. In a period of severe trials for the Fatherland, the "people's business", the defense of the Motherland becomes universal. All the heroes of the novel are tested from this point of view: whether they are animated by a popular feeling, whether they are ready for a feat, for a high sacrifice and self-sacrifice.

In love for the Motherland, in patriotic feeling, Prince Andrei Bolkonsky and the soldiers of his regiment are equal. But Prince Andrei is not only animated by a universal feeling, but also knows how to talk about it, analyze it, understands the general course of affairs. It is he who is able to assess and determine the mood of the entire army before the battle of Borodino. Numerous participants in the majestic event themselves act according to the same feeling, and not even unconsciously, they are simply very laconic.

"The soldiers in my battalion, believe me, did not drink vodka: it's not such a day, they say," - that's all that Prince Andrei hears about the soldiers from the battalion commander Timokhin. Pierre Bezukhov fully understands the meaning of the "obscure" and also too short words of the soldiers: "They want to pile on all the people, one word - Moscow. They want to make one end." Soldiers express confidence in victory, readiness to die for the Motherland. In the novel "War and Peace" Tolstoy describes the war of 1812 only on the territory of Russia, a just war. D. S. Likhachev wrote: “The historical side of the novel in its morally victorious part ends in Russia, and not a single event at the end of the novel goes beyond the borders of the Russian land. In War and Peace there is neither the Leipzig battle of peoples, nor the capture Paris. This is emphasized by the death at the very borders of Kutuzov. Further, this folk hero is "not needed". Tolstoy sees in the actual side of events the same popular concept of a defensive war ... An invading enemy, an invader cannot be kind and modest. Therefore, the ancient Russian historian does not need have accurate information about Batu, Birger, Torkal Knutson, Magnus, Mamai, Tokhtamysh, Tamerlane, Edigey, Stefan Batory or any other enemy who broke into the Russian land: he, naturally, by virtue of this act alone, will be proud, self-confident, haughty, will utter loud and empty phrases.The image of the invading enemy is determined only by his deed - his invasion.On the contrary, the defender of the fatherland will always be modest, will pray before going on a campaign, for he is waiting for help from above and is sure that he is right. True, ethical truth is on his side, and this defines his image.

The entire Russian people rose up to fight the invaders. Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy believed that the role of an individual in history is insignificant, that millions of ordinary people make history. Tushin and Tikhon Shcherbaty are typical representatives of the Russian people who have risen to fight the enemy.

Tolstoy creates a vivid image of a tireless partisan, the peasant Tikhon Shcherbaty, who has stuck with Denisov's detachment. Tikhon was distinguished by good health, great physical strength and endurance. In the fight against the French, he shows dexterity, courage and fearlessness. Characteristic is the story of Tikhon about how four Frenchmen "with skewers" attacked him, and he went at them with an ax. This echoes the image of a Frenchman - a fencer and a Russian wielding a club. Tikhon is the artistic concretization of the "club of the people's war."

There were a lot of weapons in the detachment, which constantly attacked enemy carts. But Tikhon didn’t need it - he acts differently, and his duel with the French, when it was necessary to get the “language”, is quite in the spirit of Tolstoy’s general reasoning about the people’s liberation war: “Let's go, I say, to the colonel. four. They rushed at me with skewers. I attacked them in such a manner with an ax: why are you, they say, Christ is with you, ”Tikhon shouted, waving and frowning menacingly, exposing his chest. "

Tolstoy contrasts popular patriotism with the false patriotism of the secular nobility, whose main goal is to catch "crosses, rubles, ranks." The patriotism of the Moscow aristocrats consisted in the fact that instead of French dishes they ate Russian cabbage soup, and they were fined for French words. The appearance of Alexander I in Tolstoy's image is unsightly. The traits of duplicity and hypocrisy that were inherent in the "high society" are also manifested in the character of the king.

They are especially clearly visible in the scene of the arrival of the sovereign in the army after defeating the enemy. Alexander embraces Kutuzov, muttering: "Old comedian." S.P. Bychkov wrote: "No, it was not Alexander I who was" the savior of the fatherland, "as official patriots tried to portray, and it was not among the tsar's close associates that it was necessary to look for the true organizers of the fight against the enemy. On the contrary, at the court, in the immediate environment of the tsar, there was a group of outright defeatists, headed by the Grand Duke and Chancellor Rumyantsev, who feared Napoleon and stood for making peace with him.

Platon Karataev is the embodiment of “everything Russian, kind and round”, patriarchy, humility, non-resistance, religiosity - all those qualities that Leo Nikolayevich Tolstoy so valued among the Russian peasantry. Lydia Dmitrievna Opulskaya wrote: “The image of Plato is more complex and contradictory, it means extremely much for the entire historical and philosophical concept of the book. No more, however, than Tikhon Shcherbaty. It’s just that this is the other side of the “folk thought”.

Patriotism and closeness to the people are most characteristic of Pierre Bezukhov, Prince Andrei Bolkonsky, Natasha Rostova. The people's war of 1812 contained that tremendous moral force that cleansed and reborn Tolstoy's favorite heroes, burned out many class prejudices and selfish feelings in their souls. In the Patriotic War, the fate of Prince Andrei follows the same path as the fate of the people. Andrei Bolkonsky is moving closer to ordinary soldiers. "In the regiment they called him 'our prince', they were proud of him and loved him," wrote Tolstoy. He begins to see the main purpose of a person in serving people, the people. Even before the war of 1812, Prince Andrei realized that the future of the people did not depend on the will of the rulers, but on the people themselves. Lydia Dmitrievna Opulskaya wrote: “Having already understood the internal springs of the war, Andrei Bolkonsky was still delusional about peace. Speransky, not Emperor Alexander, but these millions themselves - such is one of the main ideas of Tolstoy's philosophy of history.

Ordinary Russian soldiers also played a decisive role in the moral renewal of Pierre Bezukhov. He went through a passion for Freemasonry, charity, and nothing gave him moral satisfaction. Only in close contact with ordinary people did he understand that the goal of life is in life itself: "As long as there is life, there is happiness." Already on the Borodino field, even before meeting with Karataev, Pierre Bezukhov had the idea of ​​simplification: "To be a soldier, just a soldier!" Meetings with ordinary soldiers had a strong effect on his soul, shook his mind, aroused the desire to change, rebuild his whole life. Lydia Dmitrievna Opulskaya wrote: “Pierre gains peace of mind, confidence in the meaning of life, having survived the heroic time of the 12th year and the suffering of captivity next to ordinary people, with Platon Karataev. by the strength of that category of people who were imprinted in his soul under the name they. "To be a soldier, just a soldier," Pierre thinks enthusiastically. It is characteristic that the soldiers, though not immediately, but willingly accepted Pierre into their midst and nicknamed " our master, "like Andrei," our prince. Pierre cannot become "just a soldier", a droplet that merges with the entire surface of the ball. The consciousness of his personal responsibility for the life of the entire ball is indestructible in him. He fervently thinks that people should come to their senses to understand all the crime, all the impossibility of war."

The positive features of Natasha Rostova are revealed with particular brightness at the moment when, before the French enter Moscow, animated by a patriotic feeling, she forces them to throw family property from the cart and take the wounded, and when she, in another, happy and joyful minute, Russian dance and admiration for folk music shows all the power of the national spirit contained in it. From Natasha comes the energy of renewal, liberation from the false, false, familiar, leading "to the free light of God."

In the war of 1812, when every soldier fought for his home, for relatives and friends, for his homeland, the consciousness of the danger "multiplyed" his strength. The further Napoleon advanced into the depths of Russia, the more the strength of the Russian army grew, the more the French army weakened, turning into a bunch of thieves and marauders. Only the will of the people, only people's patriotism, "the spirit of the army" makes the army invincible. This conclusion is made by Tolstoy in his immortal epic novel War and Peace.

List of used literature

1. L.N. Tolstoy, "War and Peace", M., "Soviet Russia" 1991

2. A.A. Saburov, "War and Peace" L.N. Tolstoy. Problematics and Poetics", Publishing House of Moscow State University, 1981.

3. L. Libedinskaya, "Living Heroes", M., "Children's Literature" 1982

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    The tradition of depicting war and the person participating in it in Russian literature. Interest in his inner world, L.N. Tolstoy "Sevastopol stories", "War and Peace". Features of the image of a person at war in the stories of O.N. Ermakova and V.S. Makanin.

    abstract, added 02/18/2009

    An attempt to create a panorama of the war in the novel "They fought for the Motherland". The attitude of a person in the war in the novel "They fought for the Motherland". The innovation of the humanistic solution of the problem of human life in the war in the story of M.A. Sholokhov "The Fate of Man".

    thesis, added 09/25/2009

    Lifelong war. Youth of the poetess. First verses. Poems about the Great Patriotic War: from behind a desk to a dugout; the "main business" of her life; Julia Drunina and Zinaida Samsonova. About the war after the war. Y. Drunina - Secretary of the Writers' Union. About love.

    abstract, added 02/09/2008

    The history of the creation of the novel "War and Peace". The system of images in the novel "War and Peace". Characteristics of secular society in the novel. Favorite heroes of Tolstoy: Bolkonsky, Pierre, Natasha Rostova. Characteristics of the "unjust" war of 1805.

Patriotism is responsibility, love for the Motherland. Being a patriot means that in any situation you need to be able to take care of your country. It is difficult to cultivate such a quality in oneself, but without it a person is considered hypocritical, selfish. At one time, Leo Nikolayevich Tolstoy decided to seriously think about a similar problem of true and false patriotism. He outlined all his brilliant thoughts in the great epic novel "War and Peace", where the two acting heroes that are necessary when reasoning over the above problem are not only people with a certain position, but also ordinary people.

It is worth starting by looking at false patriotism. The personification of this is Anatole Kuragin. This is a fake person whose words do not match actions. With his base desires, he achieves nothing, in his life there is little of something really worthwhile. The author also shows people of this type, like Boris Drubetskoy, who only dream of doing nothing and receiving rewards for their own inaction.

Tolstoy clearly denounces heroes who are considered false. This makes it clear that it is difficult to expect specific actions aimed at protecting their homeland from such characters. The sad thing is that people, with their indifference to the country, do not make any decisions, care for it. False patriotism is not treated, unfortunately. A true soldier of the motherland is one who is aware of his responsibility to her. A patriot can become one who does not harbor dark grievances, selfish plans, and grave hardships in his soul. No, people who show love for the Fatherland do not care about material means, ranks, positions. They are not dependent on this, for they understand that in a difficult hour the homeland needs its saviors.

A patriot may not be some kind of exalted person, anyone who is devoted to the country, who worries about its future future can become a patriot. In Tolstoy's novel, images of ordinary people are drawn, who attract attention with their simplicity, because their soul is pure and full of warm feelings for their homeland. These are Tushin, and Mikhail Kutuzov, and Andrei Bolkonsky and others. A true spokesman for patriotism Of course, Kutuzov is, his role is significant, because without thinking about himself, he takes care of others: about his soldiers, whom, like Napoleon, he could abandon and forget right there, but the hero is not so selfish and conceited. This is what distinguishes the characters who are the personification of true patriotism: they realize that "when Russia is sick, it needs a person." To live by the feelings, moods and interests of the soldiers, the people, that is what is lacking for those who are filled with faith in an easy life.

Patriotism manifests itself in war, and that thing is terrible, tough, merciless, because it takes with it many innocent lives. To be caring for the motherland in difficult periods of the Fatherland is an incredible responsibility. Who can realize it, he is invincible, he is strong in spirit, he is strong physically. That's all for nothing!

Thus, Tolstoy, with his thoughts, prompts readers to reflect on such a concept as "patriotism", because knowledge is laid from this. It is important to cultivate this feeling in the soul of everyone, so that there are no betrayals in relation to the homeland, so that in difficult times there are not many losses. The main thing is that happiness is not in money. If you strive all your life for material means, pushing aside conscience, personal qualities, then as a result you can be left with nothing all alone. And nothing could be worse than that. Therefore, it is worth understanding that you need to be attentive to the country, become responsive, “you need to love, you need to live, you need to believe ...”

Option 2

This novel is a historical witness that reflects the courage and valor of the Russian people in the war of 1812. The main character of the author is the people. Tolstoy in the novel very colorfully describes the murders, bloodshed, outlines the human suffering that any war brings. He also shows the reader how, at that time, hunger passed, makes us imagine the feeling of fear in human eyes. Do not forget that the war described by the writer inflicted both material and other victims on Russia, and also destroyed cities.

Of great importance in the course of the war is the mood and fighting spirit of soldiers, partisans and other people who stood up to defend their homeland, while not sparing their strength. The beginning of the war, for two years, was not conducted on the territory of modern Russia. Therefore, for the people it was alien. And when the French army crossed the border of Russia, all the people, from children to the elderly, became a dense and strong wall to protect their homeland.

Tolstoy in his novel divides people into groups in relation to the duty of defending the fatherland and according to the principles of morality. The author in the text also divides the actions of each person into two groups, which are associated with true and false patriotism. True patriotism lies in the actions of the people, which are aimed at raising the level of glory of their homeland and deciding the future fate of their people. According to the writer, the people of Russia are the most patriotic of the whole world. This was confirmed by the lines of the novel. For example, when the French were still able to occupy the city of Smolensk, the peasants began to quickly destroy everything that could fall into the hands of the enemy. Such actions of each peasant showed anger and hatred towards the enemy. Do not forget about paying due praise to the inhabitants of the heart of Russia, since they all left their homes, so as not to guess the kind of power that the French will bring.

Patriotism also manifests itself on the war front, when soldiers show patriotic actions. And in the text there are confirmations of this with scenes of bloody battles. Even the merchant, in order not to get his goods to the French, destroyed his shop.

The author also shows the soldier's attitude towards weapons, drinking vodka, as they are preparing for a difficult battle. I would also like to note that for all the battles of the soldiers, certain conclusions can be drawn about their love for their homeland.

Patriotism in War and Peace

Since the war is not only included in the title of the famous epic novel “War and Peace” by the Russian writer Leo Tolstoy, but is also the main decoration for the unfolding events, the theme of patriotism in the work is, if not the most important, then at least one of the main ones.

In the novel, one can find many examples of real patriotism, and the author shows us these examples not only among the environment of the Russian nobility close to him, but also among representatives of the common people and representatives of the Russian peasantry.

It is with the common people that it is worth starting. The Patriotic War of 1812 affected every inhabitant of Russia of those times in one way or another, which leads to a large number of examples of true, real and selfless patriotism. We can see the first examples of sacrificial love for the Motherland in the retreating Smolensk - the inhabitants of the city, led by the merchant Ferapontov, give all their property to the soldiers, transfer all the bread they have for the needs of the army, and they set fire to everything that they have to leave in the city, so that it did not go to the enemy army.

The inhabitants of Moscow are just as patriotic - they leave the city proudly, not presenting the keys to the city to Napoleon, as he expected, but leaving him an empty ghost town that can do little to help the needs of the French army.

Moreover, everyone is united in the retreat from the city - both ordinary people, merchants and artisans, and rich nobles, for whom the French language at the beginning of the novel was almost like a native language. The main example of selfless patriotism among the nobles can be considered Natasha Rostova, who gives away all family property to help transport wounded soldiers, as well as Pierre Bezukhov, who does not stand aside from the fight against the enemy and is even captured.

Examples of real patriots on the battlefield are also revealed - both among the famous generals and military leaders of those times, mainly Kutuzov, Raevsky, Bagration and Yermolov, and among ordinary soldiers who were drafted into the army and even being poorly trained and little versed in military craft, selflessly went to certain death in order to rid their homeland from the French invaders. The personification of such "simple Russian peasants" who had to pick up rifles and pistols, swords and lances and go to the battlefield with the enemy.

Speaking of military heroism and examples of real patriotism in battles with the French army, one cannot but mention the partisans, since historically, the Patriotic War of 1812 was almost the first example of the effective use of guerrilla warfare. Tikhon Shcherbaty, Denis Davydov and many other Russian partisans did not participate in the great battles, but, sincerely loving their Motherland, they could not stand aside and destroyed the enemy in other ways.

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