The problem of historical memory of the war. Composition of the reasoning of the exam on the topic of the problem of memory of the Great Patriotic War

S. Aleksievich "Uwar is not a woman's face..."

All the heroines of the book had to not only survive the war, but participate in hostilities. Some were military, others were civilians, partisans.

The narrators feel that having to combine male and female roles is a problem. They solve it as best they can. For example, they dream that their femininity and beauty will be preserved even in death. The warrior-commander of a sapper platoon tries to embroider in the dugout in the evening. They are happy if they manage to use the services of a hairdresser almost on the front line (story 6). The transition to a peaceful life, which was perceived as a return to female role, is also not easy. For example, a participant in the war, even when the war is over, when meeting with the highest rank, one wants to take it under the hood.

The unheroic falls to the woman's lot. Women's testimonies make it possible to see how enormous was the role of "non-heroic" types of activity during the war years, which we all so easily refer to as "women's work." It is not only about what happened in the rear, where the whole burden of maintaining the life of the country fell on a woman.

Women nurse the wounded. They bake bread, cook food, wash soldiers' clothes, fight against insects, delivering letters to the front line (story 5). They feed the wounded heroes and defenders of the Fatherland, themselves suffering severely from hunger. In military hospitals, the expression "blood relationship" has become literal. Falling from fatigue and hunger, women gave their blood to the wounded heroes, not considering themselves heroes (story 4). They are wounded and killed. As a result of the path traveled, women change not only internally, but also externally, they cannot be the same (it’s not for nothing that one of them will not be recognized by own mother). The return to the female role is extremely difficult and proceeds like a disease.

The story of Boris Vasiliev "The Dawns Here Are Quiet..."

They all wanted to live, but they died so that people could say: “The dawns here are quiet…” Quiet dawns cannot be consonant with war, with death. They died, but they won, they did not let a single fascist through. They won because they loved their Motherland selflessly.

Zhenya Komelkova is one of the brightest, strongest and most courageous representatives of the girls - fighters shown in the story. Both the most comical and the most dramatic scenes are connected with Zhenya in the story. Her benevolence, optimism, cheerfulness, self-confidence, implacable hatred of enemies involuntarily draw attention to her and cause admiration. In order to deceive the German saboteurs and force them to take a long road around the river, a small detachment of female fighters made a noise in the forest, pretending to be lumberjacks. Zhenya Komelkova played a stunning scene of carefree swimming in icy water in full view of the Germans, ten meters from enemy machine guns. AT last minutes life, Zhenya called fire on herself, just to ward off the threat from the seriously wounded Rita and Fedot Vaskov. She believed in herself, and, leading the Germans away from Osyanina, she did not doubt for a moment that everything would end well.

And even when the first bullet hit her side, she was simply surprised. After all, it was so stupid, absurd and implausible to die at nineteen...

Courage, composure, humanity, a high sense of duty to the Motherland distinguish the squad leader, junior sergeant Rita Osyanina. The author, considering the images of Rita and Fedot Vaskov as central, already in the first chapters talks about past life Osyanina. School evening, acquaintance with lieutenant - border guard Osyanin, lively correspondence, registry office. Then - the border outpost. Rita learned to bandage the wounded and shoot, ride a horse, throw grenades and defend against gases, the birth of a son, and then ... war. And in the first days of the war, she was not at a loss - she saved other people's children, and soon found out that her husband died at the outpost on the second day of the war in a counterattack.

They wanted to send her to the rear more than once, but each time she reappeared at the headquarters of the fortified area, finally, they took her as a nurse, and six months later she was sent to study at a tank anti-aircraft school.

Zhenya learned to hate enemies quietly and mercilessly. In position, she shot down a German balloon and an ejected spotter.

When Vaskov and the girls counted the fascists who came out of the bushes - sixteen instead of the expected two, the foreman said to everyone at home: "It's bad, girls, it's business."

It was clear to him that they would not last long against heavily armed enemies, but then Rita’s firm remark: “Well, watch how they pass by?” - obviously, greatly strengthened Vaskova in decision. Twice Osyanina rescued Vaskov by taking fire on herself, and now, having received a mortal wound and knowing the position of the wounded Vaskov, she does not want to be a burden to him, she understands how important it is to bring their common cause to the end, to detain fascist saboteurs.

“Rita knew that the wound was mortal, that she would die long and hard”

Sonya Gurvich - "translator", one of the girls of the Vaskov group, "city" pigalitsa; thin as a spring rook.

The author, talking about Sonya's past life, emphasizes her talent, love for poetry, theater. Boris Vasiliev remembers. The percentage of intelligent girls and students was very high at the front. Mostly freshmen. For them, the war was the most terrible ... Somewhere among them, my Sonya Gurvich also fought.

And so, wanting to do something nice, like an older, experienced and caring comrade, a foreman, Sonya rushes after a pouch, forgotten by him on a stump in the forest, and dies from a blow of an enemy knife in the chest.

Galina Chetvertak - an orphan, pupil orphanage, a dreamer endowed by nature with a vivid figurative fantasy. The skinny, little "squishy" Jackdaw did not fit the army standards either in height or age.

When, after the death of her friend Galka, the foreman ordered to put on her boots, “she physically, to the point of faintness, felt a knife penetrating into the tissues, heard the crunch of torn flesh, felt the heavy smell of blood. And this gave rise to a dull, cast-iron horror ... ”And enemies lurked nearby, mortal danger loomed.

“The reality that women faced in the war,” says the writer, “was much more difficult than anything they could think of in the most desperate time of their fantasies. The tragedy of Gali Chetvertak is about this.

The automatic hit briefly. From Ten Steps, he struck a thin back, tense in running, and Galya thrust her face into the ground from flying, without removing her hands, twisted in horror, from her head.

Everything froze in the meadow.

Liza Brichkina died while on a mission. Hurrying to get to the junction, to report on the changed situation, Lisa drowned in the swamp:

The heart of the hardened fighter, hero-patriot F. Vaskov is filled with pain, hatred and brightness, and this strengthens his strength, gives him the opportunity to survive. A single feat - the defense of the Motherland - equalizes foreman Vaskov and five girls who "hold their front, their Russia" on the Sinyukhin ridge.

Thus, another motive of the story arises: each on his own sector of the front must do everything possible and impossible for victory, so that the dawns are quiet.

Historical memory is not only the past, but also the present and the future of mankind. Memory is stored in books. The society referred to in the work has lost books, forgetting about the most important human values. People became easy to manage. The man completely obeyed the state, because the books did not teach him to think, analyze, criticize, rebel. The experience of previous generations for most people disappeared without a trace. Guy Montag, who decided to go against the system and try to read books, became an enemy of the state, the first candidate for destruction. The memory stored in books is a great value, the loss of which endangers the whole society.

A.P. Chekhov "Student"

Seminary student Ivan Velikopolsky tells an episode from the Gospel to unfamiliar women. We are talking about the denial of the apostle Peter from Jesus. Women react to what was told unexpectedly for the student: tears flow from their eyes. People cry about events that happened long before they were born. Ivan Velikopolsky understands: the past and the present are inextricably linked. The memory of the events of past years takes people to other eras, to other people, makes them empathize and sympathize with them.

A.S. Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter"

It is not always worth talking about memory on a historical scale. Pyotr Grinev remembered his father's words about honor. At any life situation he acted with dignity, enduring the trials of fate with courage. The memory of parents, military duty, high moral principles - all this predetermined the actions of the hero.

The composition "Memory of the War" by a 7th grade student high school №7

Arbite Anna.

The war has passed
The suffering has passed
But pain calls out to people.

Come on people never

Let's not forget about this.

A. Tvardovsky

May 9... Victory Day is a holiday that has become nationwide, because there is no such family in our country that the most terrible of wars, the Great Patriotic War, would not have touched with its black wing! On this day to the sounds brass band those to whom we owe our lives, the peaceful sky above our heads, will come to the square in front of the monument. And then poems and songs will be heard in their honor. But, in my opinion, there are no words that can express my gratitude to the old gray-haired warriors for whom the war has become new point reference, according to which they are accustomed to reconcile the meaning and price of their actions.

War is sorrow, tears. She knocked on every house, brought misfortune: mothers lost their sons, wives lost their husbands, children were left without fathers. Thousands of people went through the war, experienced terrible torment, but they survived and won. We won the hardest of all wars. And people are still alive who defended their homeland in the hardest battles. The war in their memory emerges as the most terrible and sad memory. But it also reminds them of perseverance, courage, friendship and loyalty.

We are lucky, we live in a relatively peaceful time, and for this - a deep bow to all those who fought for the liberation of our country from the fascist invaders: in the rear and at the front, people did not spare their strength and life, “everyone simply had a choice: I or Motherland. And people chose their homeland so that their children and grandchildren would have a future, so that the Russian land would not disappear. Thanks to this true patriotism we are.

Many works, newspaper articles, and films have been written about the terrible people's misfortune. But the most vivid and truthful in my memory for the rest of my life will remain the stories of eyewitnesses.

Many of the heroes on whose shoulders the hardest trials fell belonged to the generation of those young people who got to the front as soon as they graduated from school. Boys and girls, who only yesterday made plans for the beginning of life, instead stepped towards danger and death, faced with the inhuman and cruel forces of fascism.

A man of amazing destiny lives in our city. His name is Shulgin Vladimir Mikhailovich. In 1941, he voluntarily went to the front. Its part defended the famous Road of Life, which passed through the ice of Lake Ladoga. Food and weapons were transported by car along it to the besieged Leningrad. The soldiers had a very hard time. Neither day nor night it was impossible to get out of the trench. They slept and ate at the post. Enemy attacks from the air did not give a respite. One night, a barely alive boy found himself in a trench. The soldiers picked him up and fed him. Vladimir Mikhailovich accompanied him home, covering himself during the bombing. As a keepsake, I gave him my belt and the entire soldier's food ration, which was given out only to soldiers. And they were fed no better than the blockade, and they always went hungry.

On one of the days, when the Nazis were especially fierce, the fire was heavy, and the shell hit the trench, in the place where Vladimir Mikhailovich was just. Everyone fell asleep, screams and groans were heard. Vladimir Mikhailovich came to his senses when a young woman dragged him across the field where they were shooting. vertically challenged nurse. She dragged and persuaded to be patient.

Vladimir Mikhailovich was wounded by many fragments. A military surgeon fought for a soldier's life for a long time. Vladimir Mikhailovich survived, but his legs ... they barely move. Every step comes with pain. After the hospital, he was demobilized. Until now, the medals “For Courage”, “For Military Merit”, “For the Defense of Leningrad” shine on the dress jacket of a soldier. After the war, Vladimir Mikhailovich worked at a school as a history teacher in Kazakhstan. After the death of his wife, he, already old and sick, was taken to her Native sister, and now he lives here in the city of Kirzhach. Vladimir Mikhailovich is surprisingly kind and humble person. He does not like to talk a lot about himself, does not like to be in the spotlight. He claims: “I didn’t do anything special, I just fought and defended the Motherland just like everyone else.” And the awards speak of the courage and valor of a soldier.

It was about such defenders of the Motherland that the famous Admiral Ushakov once said: “The native land can do everything: feed with its bread, drink from its springs, surprise with its beauty. It just can't protect itself. Therefore protection native land- the duty of those who eat her bread, drink her water, admire her beauty. People are given honorary and respectful titles. The highest title of all is the defender of the Motherland ... "

People of the military generation ─ special people. From the fronts of the Great Patriotic War they brought in difficult life country's faith in the future, readiness to sacrifice oneself for the sake of others. The height of human achievement is determined by the power of love in life. The stronger this love, the more incomprehensible is the dimension of the feat performed by a person for the love of life. We will never forget those who died in the war, we will always remember those who sacrificed themselves, saving and defending the Motherland.

Coming soon May 9th. And this means that fireworks will sound over Red Square for the 65th time. For 65 years the Russian people have been celebrating great holiday- Victory Day! The only pity is that there are fewer and fewer participants in the battles, veterans of the Great Patriotic War. Unfortunately, real heroes will soon die, who don’t even consider themselves heroes, and, like Vasily Terkin, they talk about their exploits somehow in passing, by the way, they say, “everything happened.” And what lies under this "everything" - it's scary to imagine! The death of comrades, the loss of loved ones as a result of bombing and captivity, the first shot at a person ... And I want to say thank you so much and bow to the ground to the people who gave us a chance - just to live. And I will take the liberty of saying that many of us young people have not lost their love for the Motherland and are grateful to the soldiers of the Great Patriotic War. And I also want each of us to at least occasionally think about whether he uses this chance to the fullest, so that someday, looking back, look at the life he lived and with a clear conscience tell you, the people who defended our Motherland, that everything you did was not wasted and will never be forgotten, because "there is a memory that will never end"!

And let the alarm silence the war,
Flowers bloom in the native land,
But the soldier will live forever
That the death of the brave fell in battle.
He kept you and me
And to all humanity
Peace and happiness of peaceful days.
You stand up and bow to him.
And in this peaceful time of the century
I'm ready to sound that alarm:
"People, it's mean to forget a person,
whose name is a Russian soldier!

In this material, we focused the reader's attention on the main issues raised in the texts for the Unified State Examination in the Russian language. Arguments illustrating these problems are found under the appropriate headings. You can also download a table with all these examples at the end of the article.

  1. AT stories by V.G. Rasputin "Farewell to Matyora" the author touches on the problem of preserving the natural heritage, which is very important for the whole society. The writer notes that without knowledge of the past it is impossible to build a worthy future. Nature is also a memory, our history. So, the death of the island of Matera and the small village of the same name caused the loss of memory of beautiful days life in this area, its former inhabitants ... Unfortunately, only older generation, for example, the main character Daria Pinigina understood that Matera is not just an island, it is a connection with the past, the memory of ancestors. When Matera disappeared under the waters of the raging Angara, and the last inhabitant left this place, the memory died.
  2. History of heroes science fiction story American writer Ray Bradbury "There Came Thunder" is also a confirmation that nature is part of our common history. Nature, time and memory - all these concepts are intertwined, and this is emphasized by the science fiction writer. The death of a small creature, a butterfly, caused the death of the future of the whole world. Intervention in the life of the wildlife of the prehistoric past was very expensive for the inhabitants of planet Earth. Thus, the problem of preserving natural heritage in Ray Bradbury's story "Thunder Came" is raised in order to make people think about the value environment because it is inextricably linked with the history of mankind.

Preservation of cultural heritage

  1. In the book of the Soviet and Russian philologist and culturologist D.S. Likhachev "Letters about the good and the beautiful" the problem of conservation is revealed cultural heritage. The author makes his readers think about what cultural monuments mean for a person. The Doctor of Philology reminds us that, unlike natural objects, architectural structures are not capable of self-healing. He encourages everyone to take an active part in preserving the memory, frozen in clay and plaster. In his opinion, no one should reject the culture of the past, since it is the foundation of our future. This statement should convince every caring person to try to solve the problem of preserving the cultural heritage posed by D.S. Likhachev.
  2. AT novel by I.S. Turgenev "Fathers and Sons" one of the main characters, Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov, is sure that culture is irreplaceable in people's lives. The author tries to convey through this hero the idea of ​​the importance of cultural heritage not only to the nihilist Yevgeny Bazarov, but to all readers. Without the healing influence of art, Eugene, for example, could not understand himself and realize in time that he is a romantic, and also needs warmth and affection. It is the spiritual realm that helps us to know ourselves, so we cannot deny it. Music, art, literature make a person noble, morally beautiful, so it is necessary to take care of the preservation of cultural monuments.

The problem of memory in family relationships

  1. In the story of K.N. Paustovsky "Telegram" Nastya long years forgot about her mother, did not come, did not visit. She was justified by everyday employment, but no business can be compared in importance with her own mother. Story main character given by the author as a warning to the reader: the care and love of parents should not be forgotten by children, because one day it will be too late to repay them the same. So it happened with Nastya. Only after the death of her mother did the girl realize that she had given very little time to the one who protected her sleep by the crib.
  2. The words of parents, their instructions are sometimes remembered by children for many years and even for life. So, main characterstories by A.S. Pushkin " Captain's daughter» , Petr Grinev, very clearly understood for himself the simple truth of his father "take care of honor from an early age." Thanks to his parents and their instructions, the hero never gave up, did not blame anyone for his problems, accepted defeats with honor and dignity, if life required it. The memory of the parents was something sacred for Peter Grinev. He respected their opinion, tried to justify the trust in himself, which later helped him to become happy and free.

The problem of historical memory

  1. In the novel by B. L. Vasiliev “I was not on the lists” the main character had not yet managed to check in at a combat post, as the bloody Second World War. He put all his young strength into defense Brest Fortress during which everyone died. Even left alone, he did not cease to terrify the invaders with his nightly sorties. When Pluzhnikov was caught, the enemies saluted him, as the Soviet soldier impressed them with his courage. But the title of the novel tells us that many such nameless heroes are lost in the hustle and bustle of days when they simply did not have time to be included in the next list. But how much have they, unrecognized and forgotten, done for us? In order for us to at least keep this in our memory, the author dedicated a whole work to the feat of Nikolai Pluzhnikov, which became the very monument of military glory on a mass grave.
  2. In the dystopia of Aldous Huxley "O wonderful new world» describes a society that denies its history. As we can see, their ideal life, not clouded by memories, has become only a cloying and meaningless semblance real life. They do not have feelings and emotions, family and marriage, friendship and other values ​​that define personality. All new people are empty shells, existing according to the laws of reflexes and instincts, primitive creatures. Against their background, the Savage stands out favorably, whose upbringing was built in connection with the achievements and defeats of past eras. That is why his individuality is undeniable. Only historical memory, expressed in the continuity of generations, allows us to develop harmoniously.

Many writers in their works turn to the theme of war. On the pages of stories, novels and essays, they keep the memory of the great feat Soviet soldiers, about the cost of winning the victory. For example, Sholokhov's story "The Fate of a Man" introduces the reader to a simple driver - Andrei Sokolov. During the war, Sokolov lost his family. His wife and children died, the house was destroyed. However, he continued to fight. He was captured, but managed to escape. And after the war, he found the strength to adopt an orphaned boy - Vanyushka. "Destiny of Man" piece of art, but it is based on real events. I am sure that similar stories for those four terrible years there were a lot. And literature allows us to feel the state of people who have passed these tests in order to appreciate their feat even more.

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